Central America Crisis Forum Topic
Two--.CCRunners Qualify in "Who's-who" For The Nfationals ;TwentY-Eight Students named this year from Flagler College are: Troy Holland and Jenny Lamoreux ran away with Twenty-eight students from Flagler College have individual honors in the District 25 Cross T ourna joined an elite group of students nationwide for listing Michael George Altenlbach, Melissa Anne Balbes, ment here Saturday, qualifying for the NAIA finals in the 1984 edition of "Who's Who Among Students In ·Robert M. Beaudoin, Laureen Mary -Burke, Fenella to be held Nov. 19 in Kenosha; Wisc. American Universities and Colleges." Jayne Burns, Cheri _ Lynn Cramer, Colin Patrick Hollapd won the men's five-mile cross-country They were chosen for inclusion in the Hsting of Crothers, Charles Lee Culbreth, Mary Anne Cullen, run with a time of 25.10 to take first place individual outstanding student leaders by campus nominating James M. Dipofi, Tracy Leigh Evans, Cynthia Marie honors. Lamoreux out-paced runners from the three committees and editors of the. annual directory based Fialkovic, Ricky Stephen Hankey, James Thomas other colleges entered to win the women's three- on their academic achievement, ·service to the com Howard, Delphine E. Jordan, Audrey Karayanis, Laura mile event in 16.57. · munity, leadership in extracurricular activities and Ann Lott, James Micha.el Lucas, Patricia Caroline Both times are excellent. potential for continued success. Masters, Kevin James McKillop, Howard Edward Berry College swept the team competition in both Students chosen for the honor were selected from Nystrom, Guy Patrick Olney, Karen Anne Riedel, men's and women's divisiorns.
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