Essam HEGGY, PhD. University of Southern California , and Planetary Remote Sensing 3737 Watt Way, Understanding Volatiles Evolution in Planetary Environments Powell Hall of Engineering, Office 502, University of Southern California (USC), Research Scientist Los Angeles, California, 90089, USA Cell: +1 818 812 8819/ Office: +1 213 740 9367, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Research Affiliate Email: [email protected] /[email protected] Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, Tenured Associated Professor

Biography. Dr. Essam Heggy is a research scientist at the Microwave Systems, Sensors and Imaging Lab (MiXIL), at the Viterbi School of Engineering at the University of Southern California, and affiliate scientist of the Rosetta mission project office at the NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Heggy obtained both MSc. and Ph.D. respectively in 1999 and 2002 with distinguished honors from the Paris VI University in France (UPMC-Sorbonne). His research focuses on understanding water and ice evolution in planetary environments as well as on Earth’s arid area using radar surface and subsurface characterization methods. His research focuses in particular on understanding the response of fossil aquifers in hyper-arid environments to climatic and anthropogenic stresses as well as on understanding volatile evolution on several planetary surfaces. His work involves probing structural, hydrological and volcanic elements in terrestrial and other planetary environments using different types of radar imaging and sounding techniques as well as measuring the electromagnetic properties of rocks, meteorites and ices in the radar frequency range. Heggy’s research expertise spans from laboratory electromagnetic characterization of terrestrial samples and planetary analog materials, radar sounding of aquifers in hyper-arid environments, SAR and InSAR image analysis, GPR surveys in desertic, volcanic and ice-rich environments, FDTD numerical simulations of wave propagation, and data analysis from different terrestrial and planetary radar missions. He is currently a member of the science team of the MARSIS instrument aboard the Mars Express orbiter (2003-present), the Mini-SAR experiment aboard Chandrayaan-1, the Mini-RF experiment on board the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (2008-present) and the CONSERT radar experiment aboard the Rosetta mission (2004-present). Heggy is the Principal Investigator of the NASA Earth Venture Mission Concept OASIS, currently under formulation, that aims to determine the thickness of the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica and the occurrence and spatial distribution of shallow aquifers in the most arid desertic regions on Earth and how both systems respond to climatic and anthropogenic stresses. Heggy is also a contributing scientist to several proposed planetary and terrestrial radar imaging and soundings experiments and participated in several NASA & ESA missions concepts designs. For instance, he led the concept development for the Mars-2020 Ground Penetrating Radar (SubEx) as the US Science Lead and the Experiment Deputy Principal Investigator. He also serves as the Principal Investigator for the airborne experiment Desert Radar Subsurface Exploration of Aquifers (DESERT-SEA) currently in Phase-A funded by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. Heggy served as a panel member for several NASA programs including the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development program, Planetary Geology and Geophysics program, Mars Data Analysis program, Planetary Data System – Small Bodies Node, Lunar Data Analysis program, Astrobiology program and the Educational and Public Outreach program in addition to being a panel member on groundwater studies for the National Academy of Engineering (Division 11) and expert reviewer for the IPCC special report on climate change and land. He also edited a special JGR-Planets (AGU) volume on terrestrial and planetary radars. He is on the founding editorial board of the Journal of Arctic Geoscience ARKTOS (Springer), Geosciences (MDPI), Springer Nature Applied Sciences (Springer-Nature), National Geographic (Arabic version) and co-chaired several sessions in international meetings on terrestrial and planetary radar surface & subsurface imaging. He was also the co-chair of the American Geophysical Union’s terrestrial and planetary radar session from 2004 to 2014 and Exploring Planetary Subsurfaces session from 2014 to present. Heggy has taught academic classes on subsurface EM geophysics and mentored postdocs and graduate students in UCLA, Caltech, Cambridge University, Paris VI & Paris VII universities, Institut de Physique du Globe, Ecole Normale Superieure, University of Houston, Trento University, University of Torino, and Columbia University. Heggy authored and co-authored more than 63 peer review scientific papers in the top tier journals in Earth and Planetary Sciences including Science and Nature and more than 190 proceedings and abstracts in international conferences with peer review committees. 6/24/19 1 EDUCATION Ph.D. Paris VI University (UPMC-Sorbonne), France, 2002 (Planetary & Terrestrial Radar Remote Sensing) M.Sc. Paris VI University (UPMC-Sorbonne), France, 1999 (Planetary & Terrestrial Radar Remote Sensing)

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2015-Present Research Scientist, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 2015-Present Affiliate Rosetta Project Office, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, USA 2014-2015 Full Professor of Geosciences, W. Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA 2011-2015 Visiting Associate in Geology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA 2008-2015 Research Scientist, Radar Science Group, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA, USA 2006-2010* Tenure Associate Professor of Geophysics, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France 2003-2006 Postdoctoral Fellow in Planetary Radar, NASA’s Lunar and Planetary Institute, TX, USA 1999-2003 Research Assistant (French National Research Center-CNRS), Bordeaux Observatory, France * Permanent position, on leave since 2010 (leave ends on September 30th, 2020)

SELECTED HONORS AND AWARDS - 2019: Nominated for NASA Exceptional Science Achievement Medal - 2018: Associate Editor Springer Nature Applied Sciences - 2017: Springer-Nature Best Reviewer Award. - 2017: Nature Editor’s Highlights: Dawn BSR Observation paper - 2017: Rosetta European Space Agency Recognition Award - 2013: NASA/JPL Mariner Award & NASA/JPL Recognition Award - 2011-Present: Editorial Board of Geosciences - 2010-Present: Editor Board of the National Geographic Magazine (UAE) - 2010-2013: United Nation Development Program, UN Observer for MENA Water Studies - 2009: Outstanding Researcher Award, Department of Education and Research, France (PEDR/PES) - 2003: Postdoctoral Fellowship at the NASA’s Lunar and Planetary Institute - 1999: Doctoral Engineering Graduate Fellowship of the French National Research Center (BDI-CNRS)

EXTERNALLY FUNDED PROJECTS (Total $ 3. 20 Million, excluding NASA directly allocated projects) NASA Science Mission Directorate Funded Awards (amounts allocated only to Heggy’s effort): - NASA Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program (2 funded projects, PI, 2006-2018, $610k) - NASA Mars Analog Program (2 Funded Projects, Co-I, 2003-2006, $60k) - NASA and Mars Analog Mission Activities (3 funded projects, Co-PI, 2009 and 2016, $150k) - NASA Rosetta Science Mission US Co-Investigator participation, (PI, 2010-2018, $840k) - NASA/JPL-Fugro GeoSAR mapping campaign for Sea-Ice in the Canadian Arctic, (PI, 2015-2018, $120k) - NASA-JPL President Research Fund, (PI-2012-2013, $100k) Other Funded Grants (amounts allocated only to Heggy’s effort): - Keck Institute for Space Studies (Co-PI, 2011-2012, $100k) - United State Agency for International Development, (PI, 2013-2015, $732k) - Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science, 2017-2020 (PI, Heggy, $432k) - Qatar Foundation, 2019-2022, (Co-PI, Heggy, $ 740k)

SELECTED INVITED TALKS 2004 Lunar and Planetary Institute, TX, USA 2014 Bibiotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt 2005 Southwest Research Institute, TX, USA 2014 Bursa Museum of Natural history, Turkey 2005 European Geophysical Union, Austria 2015 United Nation Knowledge Summit, Dubai 2006 Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France 2015 Western Michigan University, MI, USA 2008 Ecole Normale Superieure, France 2016 Rutgers University, NJ, USA 2010 University of Alberta, Canada 2016 Australian Academy of Science, Canberra 2011 University of Bern, Switzerland 2017 University of Copenhagen, Denmark 2011 USAID Water FABRI Initiative, Oman 2017 Iowa State University, IO, USA 2012 United Nation 18th Climate Change Conf., Qatar 2017 United Nations, World Science Forum, Jordan 2013 California Institute of Technology, CA, USA 2017 Microwave Mediterranean Symposium, France 6/24/19 2 2013 Texas A&M University, Qatar 2018 Qatar National Library, Doha, Qatar 2013 Dubai University, UAE 2018 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 2014 University, CA, USA 2019 HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, USA 2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MI, USA


Teaching and Mentoring: Advanced graduate-level classes on: (1) Electromagnetic methods in geophysics, (2) Radar remote sensing of terrestrial and planetary surfaces, (3) Geophysical field surveys in volcanic and arid environments, (4) Geological processes in planetary surfaces, (5) Sensors and detectors in Earth and Planetary remote sensing, (6) Graduate research formulation & (7) Geoscience Introductory class. Served as advisor for eight Master and nine PhD theses in US universities (e.g. UCLA, Caltech, Columbia, W. Michigan and University of Houston) and European universities (Paris , UPMC, Ecole Normale Superieure, IPGP, University of Grenoble, ENSCPB, University of Torino, Trento University and Gottingen University).

Laboratory Characterization: Parametric dielectric measurements to characterize the radar properties of rocks, soils, meteorites and ices in both GPR and Synthetic Aperture Radar frequency ranges using capacitive and reflection methods.

Geophysical Field Surveys: 20 ’ experience in field surveys using Ground Penetrating Radar (GSSI, MALA & Pulsekko), Transient Electromagnetic Method and TDEM (Geonics & Protem), Electromagnetic profiler (GSSI), Vertical Electric Resistivity (AGI) and Lidar profile meter (OPTEC to assess surface roughness). Survey performed on sea ice, permafrost, volcanic & desertic terrains.

Terrestrial and Planetary Data Analysis: Experience in P-L-C-X band Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar image processing and analysis from different orbital and airborne systems. Radiometric, interferometric and polarimetric analysis, modeling, inversion and interpretation for hydrogeological, geomorphological and natural hazard applications. Processing using different SAR software tools: SARSCAPE, ENVI, ROIPAC and others. Processing, modeling, inversion and analysis of low frequency orbital and airborne sounding radar data for both terrestrial and planetary applications.

Radar System Engineering: Lead and participated in the system engineering and concept design of several robotic, orbital and airborne radar systems: SubEx (onboard the NASA 2020 Mars Rover), MARSIS (onboard ESA/NASA Mars Express mission), SHARAD (onboard the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission), Mini-SAR (onboard the Chandrayaan-1 Mission), CONSERT (onboard the Rosetta mission) & RIME (onboard the JUICE mission).

Earth and Planetary Missions Design: Led and participated in terrestrial and planetary radar missions design and concept studies for radar sounding at the Radar Science Group at JPL (334H). For instance, served as the Principal Investigator of the Orbiting Arid Subsurface and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS), a NASA Earth Venture mission concept. The mission is to be implemented on low-earth sun-synchronous satellites on the Surrey SSTL- 150 Bus. Served as a Deputy Principal Investigator for the SubEx proposed polarimetric GPR for the Rover (selected category 2 proposal). Also participated in the radar performance study and data analysis of several selected planetary radar experiments such as Mini-RF (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter), MARSIS (Mars Express), SHARAD (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) and RIME (Jupiter Icy Explorer, JUICE), CONSERT (Rosetta Mission) & WISDOM (ExoMars Rover). Expertise in managing feasibility studies and risk assessment teams with experience in mission costing and programmatic negotiations with international agencies (ESA, ASI and Qatar Foundation).

International Partnership: worked in several collaborative projects and studies with NASA, ESA, ASI, CNES and JAXA Earth and Planetary radar missions’ teams as well as other research and academic institutes in the field of Earth science remote sensing in Europe: ONERA, ESRIN, IPAG, INSU and IPGP. Hosted scientists and engineers from the above institutions in extended academic visits to perform joint research.

Editorial Roles: Serving on the editorial board of the SN Applied Sciences (Springer), Journal of Arctic Geosciences: Arktos (Springer), Geosciences (MDPI) and National Geographic. Edited a special volume in Journal of Geophysical Research (AGU) on Terrestrial and planetary radars (JGR-Planets). Chaired the

6/24/19 3 International conference on Terrestrial and Planetary radar in 2006 in Houston, Texas, and co-chaired several sessions in international meetings on terrestrial and planetary radar. He is also the co-chair of the American Geophysical Union’s terrestrial and planetary radar session from 2004 to 2014 and subsurface investigation sessions from 2014 to present.

Public Services: Heggy served as a panel member in several NASA programs notably, the Planetary Instrument Definition and Development program, Planetary Geology and Geophysics program, Mars Data Analysis program, Lunar Data Analysis program, Astrobiology program, Planetary Data System review and the Educational and Public Outreach program in addition to being a panel member on groundwater studies for the US National Academy of Engineering (Division 11)

SELECTED COMMUNITY SERVICES, HUMANITARIAN AND SOCIAL AND PUBLIC OUTREACH ACTIVITIES - Scientific Advisor for the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Egypt, 2013-2014. - Chair of the United Nation Board on the Arab Knowledge Index, UN General Assembly, New York, USA, 2015. - United Nation Observer in the UN Conference for Climate Change, 2012, Doha, November 2012. - Scientific advisor for UNDP Middle East and North African Initiative for Climate Change, 2010-2011, New York, USA. - Guest speaker at the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington DC, 2016. - Blog writer on educational and societal reforms in the Middle East and North Africa (320,000 Followers). - Contributed to several scientific expositions in National Science Museums (New York, Houston, Berlin, Kuwait, Qatar, Tunisia and Egypt). - Panel member on the NASA Educational and public Outreach Program, Washington DC, 2006-2008 - Member of the science advisory board of National Geographic (Arabic Edition). - Science Advisor of the Qatar National Library and chair of the Science Book Forum.

MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Geophysical Union (AGU): 2004 to Present American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS): 2010 to Present Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): 2010 to Present Geological Society of America (GSA): 2015 to Present

Most Recent Press Coverages:

6/24/19 4 PUBLICATION LIST Dr. Essam Heggy, University of Southern California & NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

(H index=21, I index=36, 2277 citations, 265 documents, source Google scholar)

Assessing and characterizing subsurface water and ice on both planetary and Earth’s arid environments using radar methods is a one of the most interdisciplinary topics in geosciences. The below list of research manuscripts reflects this diversity with publications in Earth and planetary sciences journals as well as those in astronomy and engineering revues.

The list includes 57 published original papers, 5 under manuscripts under preparation, 4 accepted, 1 volume preface, 2 books contributions, 2 theses, 12 extended peer-reviewed proceedings and 191 abstracts in international conferences. Among the published papers list there are, 30 papers in first author and contact author following a supervised student or postdoc as first author (Heggy is second and third author in two cases where there are two advisors) and 28 papers as contributing author. The list of manuscripts includes six major papers: 4 in Science and 2 in Nature Journals. The Full Publication list can be found in this link.

Online publication profiles:

Google scholar profiles: ORCID Profile: Scopus Profile: Researchgate profile (RG Score 35.3):

Original Papers Under Preparation

1. Palmer, E., Heggy, E., Sabouroux, P. (2019), Dielectric properties of Ceres derived from VIRTIS & EM Laboratory Measurements, to be submitted for Icarus.

2. El-Shafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2019), Assessing the Surface Mechanical Properties of From Radar Observations, to be submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics.

3. Heggy, E., Holt, B., Hensley, S. (2019), Radar Properties of Arctic Sea-Ice in Support of its Thickness Analysis from P & X Bands Airborne SAR Mapping, to be submitted for IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

4. Heggy, E. & Moghaddam, M. (2019), In-Situ Dielectric Properties of Alaskan Tundra in Support of AIRMOSS Moisture inversion. to be submitted for IEEE-Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

5. Heggy, E., Normand, J., Scabbia, G., Mazzoni, A., Avouac, J.P. (2019), Potential of VHF Sounding radar for Mapping Fossil Shallow Aquifers, to be submitted for Earth & Planetary Science letters.

1 Accepted Original Papers

1. Heggy, E., Palmer EM, Thompson B, Thompson T, Paterson W, 2018, Exploring the Dielectric Properties of Lunar Crater Fills Using Radar Observations by Chandrayaan-1/Mini-SAR and LRO/Mini-RF, Under review, Manuscript: EPSL-D-18-01377, Earth & Planetary Science letters.

2. Amrouni O., Hzami A., Heggy, E., 2019, Abnormal Shoreline Retreat Associated with Coastal Urban Growth in North Africa, Manuscript: PHOTO-D-19-00369, Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

3. Palmer EM & E., Heggy (2018), Measurement Requirements for Orbital Forward-Scatter Bistatic Radar Observations of Planetary Surfaces, accepted with moderate revision, Manuscript: GRSL-00810-2018, IEEE- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.

4. Heggy, E., Palmer EM, Herique A, W Kofman, MR Al-Maarry (2018), Post-Rendezvous Radar Properties of 67P/CG from the Rosetta Mission: Understanding Future Earth-Based Radar Observations and the Dynamical Evolution of Comets, Manuscript: MN-18-0029-MJ, accepted with moderate revision for the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Peer Reviewed Published Original Papers (in Journals with Impact factors > 3)

5. Abotalib Z. and E. Heggy (2019), A deep groundwater origin for recurring slope lineae on Mars, Nature Geoscience, 12, 235–241, 10.1038/s41561-019-0327-5

6. Abotalib, Z.A., Heggy, E., Scabbia, G., Mazzoni, A. (2019), Groundwater Dynamics in Fossil Fractured Carbonate Aquifers in Eastern Arabian Peninsula: A preliminary Investigation, Manuscript, Journal of Hydrology, 571, 460-470, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.02.013

7. Mazzoni A., Heggy, E., Scabbia, G. (2018), Forecasting Water Budget Deficits and Transboundary Groundwater Depletion in the main aquifer systems in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, Global Environmental Changes, 53, pp. 157-173, 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.09.009

8. Herique, A., Agnus, B., Asphaug, E., Barucci, A., Beck, P., Bellerose, J., Biele, J., Bonal, L., Bousquet, P., Bruzzone, L., Buck, C., Carnelli, I., Cheng, A., Ciarletti, V., Delbo, M., Du, J., Du, X., Eyraud, C., Fa, W., Gil Fernandez, J., Gassot, O., Granados-Alfaro, R., Green, S. F., Grieger, B., Grundmann, J.T., Grygorczuk, J., Hahnel, R., Heggy, E., Ho, T.-M., Karatekin, O., Kasaba, Y., Kobayashi, T., Kofman, W., Krause, C., Kumamoto, A., Küppers, M., Laabs, M., Lange, C., Lasue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Mallet, A., Michel, P., Mottola, S., Murdoch, N., Mütze, M., Oberst, J., Orosei, R., Plettemeier, D., Rochat, S., Rodriguez Suquet, R., Rogez, Y., Schaffer, P., Snodgrass, C., Souyris, J.-C., Tokarz, M., Ulamec, S., Wahlund, J.-E. & Zine, S. (2018), Direct observations of asteroid interior and regolith structure: Science measurement requirements, Advances in Space Research, 62, 2141, 10.1016/j.asr.2017.10.020

9. Michel, S., Avouac, J.-P., Ayoub, F., Ewing, R. C., Vriend, N. & Heggy, E. (2018), Comparing dune migration measured from remote sensing with sand flux prediction based on weather data and model, a test case in Qatar, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 497, 12, 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.05.037 .

10. Sharma, P., Heggy, E. & Farr, T. G. (2018), Exploring morphology, layering and formation history of linear terrestrial dunes from radar observations: Implications for Titan, Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 296, 10.1016/j.rse.2017.10.023 .

2 11. Freeman, A., Pi, X. & Heggy, E. (2017), Radar Sounding Through the Earth's Ionosphere at 45 MHz, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 55, 5833, 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2715838 .

12. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E. & Kofman, W. (2017), Orbital bistatic radar observations of asteroid Vesta by the Dawn mission, Nature Communications, 8, 409, 10.1038/s41467-017-00434-6 .

13. Ciarletti, V., Clifford, S., Plettemeier, D., Le Gall, A., Hervé, Y., Dorizon, S., Quantin-Nataf, C., Benedix, W.-S., Schwenzer, S., Pettinelli, E., Heggy, E., Herique, A., Berthelier, J.-J., Kofman, W., Vago, J. L., Hamran, S.-E. & WISDOM Team (2017), The WISDOM Radar: Unveiling the Subsurface Beneath the ExoMars Rover and Identifying the Best Locations for Drilling, Astrobiology, 17, 565, 10.1089/ast.2016.1532 .

14. Heggy, E., Scabbia, G., Bruzzone, L. & Pappalardo, R. T. (2017), Radar probing of Jovian icy moons: Understanding subsurface water and structure detectability in the JUICE and Europa missions, Icarus, 285, 237, 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.11.039 .

15. Herique, A., Kofman, W., Beck, P., Bonal, L., Buttarazzi, I., Heggy, E., Lasue, J., Levasseur Regourd, A. C., Quirico, E. & Zine, S. (2016), Cosmochemical implications of CONSERT permittivity characterization of 67P/CG, Monthly Notice of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 462, S516, 10.1093/mnras/stx040 .

16. Normand, J. C. L. & Heggy, E. (2015), InSAR Assessment of Surface Deformations in Urban Coastal Terrains Associated With Groundwater Dynamics, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53, 6356, 10.1109/TGRS.2015.2437368 .

17. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Capria, M. T. & Tosi, F. (2015), Dielectric properties of Asteroid Vesta's surface as constrained by Dawn VIR observations, Icarus, 262, 93, 10.1016/j.icarus.2015.08.031 .

18. Brouet, Y., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Sabouroux, P., Encrenaz, P., Thomas, N., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. (2015), Permittivity measurements of porous matter in support of investigations of the surface and interior of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 583, A39, 10.1051/0004- 6361/201526099.

19. Berquin, Y., Herique, A., Kofman, W. & Heggy, E. (2015), Computing low-frequency radar surface echoes for planetary radar using Huygens-Fresnel's principle, Radio Science, 50, 1097, 10.1002/2015RS005714 .

20. Bonneville, A., Heggy, E., Strickland, C., Normand, J., Dermond, J., Fang, Y. & Sullivan, C. (2015), Geophysical Monitoring of Ground Surface Deformation Associated with a Confined Aquifer Storage and Recovery Operation, Water Research Management, 1083, 1, 10.1007/s11269-015-1083-y .

21. Kofman, W., Herique, A., Barbin, Y., Barriot, J.-P., Ciarletti, V., Clifford, S., Edenhofer, P., Elachi, C., Eyraud, C., Goutail, J.-P., Heggy, E., Jorda, L., Lasue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Nielsen, E., Pasquero, P., Preusker, F., Puget, P., Plettemeier, D., Rogez, Y., Sierks, H., Statz, C., Svedhem, H., Williams, I., Zine, S. & Van Zyl, J. (2015), Properties of the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko interior revealed by CONSERT radar, Science, 349, 2.639, 10.1126/science.aab0639 .

22. Orosei, R., Jordan, R. L., Morgan, D. D., Cartacci, M., Cicchetti, A., Duru, F., Gurnett, D. A., Heggy, E., Kirchner, D. L., Noschese, R., Kofman, W., Masdea, A., Plaut, J. J., Seu, R., Watters, T. R. & Picardi, G. (2015), Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) after nine years of operation: A summary, Planetary and Space Science, 112, 98, 10.1016/j.pss.2014.07.010 .

23. Romero-Wolf, A., Vance, S., Maiwald, F., Heggy, E., Ries, P. & Liewer, K. (2015), A passive probe for subsurface oceans and liquid water in Jupiter's icy moons, Icarus, 248, 463, 10.1016/j.icarus.2014.10.043 .

24. El-Maarry, M. R., Heggy, E. & Dohm, J. M. (2014), Radar investigations of Apollinaris Mons on Mars: Exploring the origin of the fan deposits, Planetary and Space Science, 103, 262, 10.1016/j.pss.2014.09.007 .

3 25. Arab-Sedze, M., Heggy, E., Bretard, F., Berveiller, D. & Jacquemoud, S. (2014), Quantification of L-band InSAR coherence over volcanic areas using LiDAR and in situ measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 152, 202, 10.1016/j.rse.2014.06.011 .

26. ElShafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2013), Dielectric and hardness measurements of planetary analog rocks in support of in-situ subsurface sampling, Planetary and Space Science, 86, 150, 10.1016/j.pss.2013.02.003 .

27. Bretar, F., Arab-Sedze, M., Champion, J., Pierrot-Deseilligny, M., Heggy, E. & Jacquemoud, S. (2013), An advanced photogrammetric method to measure surface roughness: Application to volcanic terrains in the Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, Remote Sensing of Environment, 135, 1, 10.1016/j.rse.2013.03.026 .

28. Heggy, E., Palmer, E. M., Kofman, W., Clifford, S. M., Righter, K. & Hérique, A. (2012), Radar properties of comets: Parametric dielectric modeling of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Icarus, 221, 925, 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.09.023 .

29. Thomson, B. J., Bussey, D. B. J., Neish, C. D., Cahill, J. T. S., Heggy, E., Kirk, R. L., Patterson, G. W., Raney, R. K., Spudis, P. D., Thompson, T. W. & Ustinov, E. A. (2012), An upper limit for ice in Shackleton crater as revealed by LRO Mini-RF orbital radar, Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L14201, 10.1029/2012GL052119 .

30. El Maarry, M. R., Dohm, J. M., Marzo, G. A., Fergason, R., Goetz, W., Heggy, E., Pack, A. & Markiewicz, W. J. (2012), Searching for evidence of hydrothermal activity at Apollinaris Mons, Mars, Icarus, 217, 297, 10.1016/j.icarus.2011.10.022 .

31. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Yoshikawa, K., Anglade, A. & Lognonné, P. (2011), Radar sounding of temperate permafrost in Alaska: Analogy to the Martian midlatitude to high-latitude ice rich terrains, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 116, E11003, 10.1029/2010JE003768 .

32. Fa, W., Wieczorek, M. A. & Heggy, E. (2011), Modeling polarimetric radar scattering from the lunar surface: Study on the effect of physical properties of the regolith layer, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 116, E03005, 10.1029/2010JE003649 .

33. Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E. A. & Heggy, E. (2011), Modeling radar scattering from icy lunar regoliths at 13 cm and 4 cm wavelengths, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 116, E01006, 10.1029/2009JE003368 .

34. Clifford, S. M., Lasue, J., Heggy, E., Boisson, J., McGovern, P. & Max, M. D. (2010), Depth of the Martian cryosphere: Revised estimates and implications for the existence and detection of subpermafrost groundwater, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 115, E07001, 10.1029/2009JE003462 .

35. Mukherjee, D., Heggy, E. & Khan, S. D. (2010), Geoelectrical constraints on radar probing of shallow water- saturated zones within karstified carbonates in semi-arid environments, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 70, 181, 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2009.11.005 .

36. Spudis, P. D., Bussey, D. B. J., Baloga, S. M., Butler, B. J., Carl, D., Carter, L. M., Chakraborty, M., Elphic, R. C., Gillis-Davis, J. J., Goswami, J. N., Heggy, E., Hillyard, M., Jensen, R., Kirk, R. L., LaVallee, D., McKerracher, P., Neish, C. D., Nozette, S., Nylund, S., Palsetia, M., Patterson, W., Robinson, M. S., Raney, R. K., Schulze, R. C., Sequeira, H., Skura, J., Thompson, T. W., Thomson, B. J., Ustinov, E. A. & Winters, H. L. (2010), Initial results for the north pole of the Moon from Mini SAR, Chandrayaan-1 mission, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L06204, 10.1029/2009GL042259.

37. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Plaut, J. J., Farrell, W. M., Putzig, N. E., Picardi, G., Orosei, R., Lognonné, P. & Gurnett, D. A. (2009), Sounding the subsurface of Athabasca Valles using MARSIS radar data: Exploring the volcanic and fluvial hypotheses for the origin of the rafted plate terrain, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 114, E08003, 10.1029/2008JE003299 .

4 38. White, O. L., Safaeinili, A., Plaut, J. J., Stofan, E. R., Clifford, S. M., Farrell, W. M., Heggy, E., Picardi, G. & Marsis Science Team (2009), MARSIS radar sounder observations in the vicinity of Ma'adim Vallis, Mars, Icarus, 201, 460, 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.01.015 .

39. Carley, R. A. & Heggy, E. (2008), Finite difference time domain simulation of radar wave propagation through comet nuclei dielectric models, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 43, 1085, 10.1111/j.1945- 5100.2008.tb00695.x .

40. Phillips, R. J., Zuber, M. T., Smrekar, S. E., Mellon, M. T., Head, J. W., Tanaka, K. L., Putzig, N. E., Milkovich, S. M., , B. A., Plaut, J. J., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., Biccari, D., Carter, L. M., Picardi, G., Orosei, R., Mohit, P. S., Heggy, E., Zurek, R. W., Egan, A. F., Giacomoni, E., Russo, F., Cutigni, M., Pettinelli, E., Holt, J. W., Leuschen, C. J. & Marinangeli, L. (2008), Mars North Polar Deposits: Stratigraphy, Age, and Geodynamical Response, Science, 320, 1182, 10.1126/science.1157546 .

41. Farrell, W. M., Clifford, S. M., Milkovich, S. M., Plaut, J. J., Leuschen, C. J., Picardi, G., Gurnett, D. A., Watters, T. R., Safaeinili, A., Ivanov, A. B., Phillips, R. J., Stofan, E. R., Heggy, E., Cummer, S. A. & Espley, J. R. (2008), MARSIS subsurface radar investigations of the South Polar reentrant Chasma Australe, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 113, E04002, 10.1029/2007JE002974 .

42. Plaut, J. J., Picardi, G., Safaeinili, A., Ivanov, A. B., Milkovich, S. M., Cicchetti, A., Kofman, W., Mouginot, J., Farrell, W. M., Phillips, R. J., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Orosei, R., Federico, C., Williams, I. P., Gurnett, D. A., Nielsen, E., Hagfors, T., Heggy, E., Stofan, E. R., Plettemeier, D., Watters, T. R., Leuschen, C. J. & Edenhofer, P. (2007), Subsurface Radar Sounding of the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars, Science, 316, 92, 10.1126/science.1139672 .

43. Khan, S. D., Heggy, E. & Fernandez, J. (2007), Mapping exposed and buried lava flows using synthetic aperture and ground-penetrating radar in Craters of the Moon lava field, Geophysics, 72, B161, 10.1190/1.2793298 .

44. Paillou, P., Reynard, B., Malézieux, J.-M., Dejax, J., Heggy, E., Rochette, P., Reimold, W. U., Michel, P., Baratoux, D., Razin, P. & Colin, J.-P. (2006), An extended field of crater-shaped structures in the Gilf Kebir region, Egypt: Observations and hypotheses about their origin, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 46, 281, 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2006.05.006 .

45. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Grimm, R. E., Dinwiddie, C. L., Wyrick, D. Y. & Hill, B. E. (2006), Ground- penetrating radar sounding in mafic lava flows: Assessing attenuation and scattering losses in Mars-analog volcanic terrains, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111, E06S04, 10.1029/2005JE002589 .

46. Grimm, R. E., Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Dinwiddie, C., McGinnis, R. & Farrell, D. (2006), Absorption and scattering in ground-penetrating radar: Analysis of the Bishop Tuff, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111, E06S02, 10.1029/2005JE002619 .

47. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Farr, T. G., Dinwiddie, C. L. & Grimm, R. E. (2006), Radar investigations of planetary and terrestrial environments, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111, E06S01, 10.1029/2006JE002759 .

48. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Grimm, R. E., Dinwiddie, C. L., Stamatakos, J. A. & Gonzalez, S. H. (2006), Low-frequency radar sounding investigations of the North Amargosa Desert, Nevada: A potential analog of conductive subsurface environments on Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111, E06S03, 10.1029/2005JE002523 .

49. Paillou, P., Lasne, Y., Heggy, E., Malézieux, J.-M. & Ruffié, G. (2006), A study of P-band synthetic aperture radar applicability and performance for Mars exploration: Imaging subsurface geology and detecting shallow moisture, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 111, E06S11, 10.1029/2005JE002528 .

5 50. Heggy, E. & Paillou, P. (2006), Probing structural elements of small buried craters using ground-penetrating radar in the southwestern Egyptian desert: Implications for Mars shallow sounding, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L05202, 10.1029/2005GL024263 .

51. Grandjean, G., Paillou, P., Baghdadi, N., Heggy, E., August, T. & Lasne, Y. (2006), Surface and subsurface structural mapping using low frequency radar: A synthesis of the Mauritanian and Egyptian experiments, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 44, 220, 10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2005.10.015

52. Picardi, G., Plaut, J. J., Biccari, D., Bombaci, O., Calabrese, D., Cartacci, M., Cicchetti, A., Clifford, S. M., Edenhofer, P., Farrell, W. M., Federico, C., Frigeri, A., Gurnett, D. A., Hagfors, T., Heggy, E., Herique, A., Huff, R. L., Ivanov, A. B., Johnson, W. T. K., Jordan, R. L., Kirchner, D. L., Kofman, W., Leuschen, C. J., Nielsen, E., Orosei, R., Pettinelli, E., Phillips, R. J., Plettemeier, D., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., Stofan, E. R., Vannaroni, G., Watters, T. R. & Zampolini, E. (2005), Radar Soundings of the Subsurface of Mars, Science, 310, 1925, 10.1126/science.1122165 .

53. Paillou, P., El Barkooky, A., Barakat, A., Malezieux, J.-M., Reynard, B., Dejax, J. & Heggy, E. (2004), Discovery of the largest field on Earth in the Gilf Kebir region, Egypt, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 336, 1491, 10.1016/j.crte.2004.09.010 .

54. Paillou, P., Rosenqvist, A., Malezieux, J.-M., Reynard, B., Farr, T. & Heggy, E. (2003), Découverte d'un double cratère d'impact en Libye: l'astroblème d'Arkenu, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 335, 1059, 10.1016/j.crte.2003.09.008 .

55. Paillou, P., Grandjean, G., Baghdadi, N., Heggy, E., August-Bernex, T. & Achache, J. (2003), Subsurface imaging in south-central Egypt using low-frequency radar: Bir Safsaf revisited, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 41, 1672, 10.1109/TGRS.2003.813275 .

56. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Costard, F., Mangold, N., Ruffie, G., Demontoux, F., Grandjean, G. & Malézieux, J. M. (2003), Local geoelectrical models of the Martian subsurface for shallow groundwater detection using sounding radars, Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets), 108, 8030, 10.1029/2002JE001871 .

57. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Ruffie, G., Malezieux, J. M., Costard, F. & Grandjean, G. (2001), On Water Detection in the Martian Subsurface Using Sounding Radar, Icarus, 154, 244, 10.1006/icar.2001.6717 .

58. Paillou, P., Grandjean, G., Malézieux, J.-M., Ruffié, G., Heggy, E., Piponnier, D., Dubois, P. & Achache, J. (2001), Performances of ground penetrating radars in arid volcanic regions: Consequences for Mars subsurface exploration, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 911, 10.1029/1999GL008449 .


1. Heggy, E. (2002), Potentials of low Frequency Sounding Radar for Water Exploration in the Martian Subsurface, Ph.D. Thesis, Sorbonne University (UPMC-Paris VI), Paris, France.

2. Heggy, E. (1999), Radar Subsurface Imaging on Mars and Earth’s Arid Areas, MSc. Thesis, Sorbonne University (UPMC-Paris VI), Paris, France.

Proceedings (4 to 6 pages, In international conferences with peer-review editorial committees and publisher’s proceeding IEEE, IWA, SPIE & Springer)

1. Scabbia, G. & Heggy, E. (2018), Quantifying Subsurface Propagation Losses for VHF Radar Sounding Waves in Hyper-Arid Terrains, IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, 2018, pp. 6800-6803. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8517891

6 2. Abotalib, A., & Heggy, E. (2018), Groundwater mounding in fractured fossil aquifers in the Saharan-Arabian Desert, Proceeding of the Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Sousse, Tunisia, Springer, MS 698, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7

3. Scabbia, G., Heggy, E., Abotalib, A. (2018), Radar probing of subsurface moisture in barchan dunes, Proceeding of the Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Sousse, Tunisia, Springer, MS 892, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7

4. Heggy, E., P. A. Rosen, R. Beatty, T. Freeman and Y. Gim (2013), Orbiting Arid Subsurface and Ice Sheet Sounder (OASIS): Exploring desert aquifers and polar ice sheets and their role in current and paleo-climate evolution, 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS, Melbourne, VIC, 2013, pp. 3483-3486. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723579

5. M. Sedze, Heggy, E., F. Bretar, D. Berveiller and S. Jacquemoud (2012), L-band InSAR decorrelation analysis in volcanic terrains using airborne LiDAR data and in situ measurements: The case of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, France, 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Munich, 2012, pp. 3907-3910. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2012.6350558

6. T. W. Thompson, E. A. Ustinov & Heggy, E. (2011), Modeling radar scattering from icy lunar regoliths," 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 1-2. doi: 10.1109/URSIGASS.2011.6051262

7. Heggy, E., Sedze, M., Bretar, F., Jacquemoud, S., Rosen, P.A., Wada, K., Staudacher, T. (2010), Coupling polarimetric L-Band insar and airborne lidar to characterize the geomorphological deformations in the piton de la fournaise volcano, 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Honolulu, HI, 2010, pp. 1911-1913. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2010.5649245

8. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Frigeri, A., Farrel, W.M., Picardi, G., Clifford, S.M., Plaut, J.J., Putzig, N., Orosei, R (2009), Exploring the Martian subsurface of Athabasca using MARSIS radar data: Testing the volcanic and fluvial hypotheses for the origin of the morphology, 2009 IEEE Radar Conference, Pasadena, CA, 2009, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2009.4976987

9. Ciarletti, V., Berthelier, J.J., Ney, R., Bonaime, S., Dolon, F., Reinex, A., Bauche, G., Nevejans, D., Heggy, E. (2003), Experimental validation of a GPR dedicated to the Martian subsurface exploration (Pyla sand dune), IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37477), Toulouse, 2003, pp. 2906-2908 vol.4., doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2003.1294627

10. Grandjean, G., Paillou, P., Baghdadi, N., Heggy, E., August-Bernex, T. (2002), Subsurface imaging with low frequency SAR: field validation in Egypt using a ground-penetrating radar, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium for Retrieval of Bio- and Geo-Physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications, 475, 351, ESA Publications Division, University of Sheffield, UK

11. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Demontoux, F., Ruffie, G. & Grandjean, G. (2002), Water detection in the Martian subsurface, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, 4758, 466, doi: 10.1117/12.462293 .

12. Grandjean, G., Paillou, P., Baghdadi, N., Heggy, E., August, T. & Achache, J. (2002), Subsurface imaging with low-frequency SAR field validation in France and Egypt using ground-penetrating radar, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, Ninth International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar, 4758, 217, doi: 10.1117/12.462247 .

Books / Prefaces

7 1. Zhang, Z., Khélifi, N., Mezghani, A., Heggy, E. eds (2019), Patterns and Mechanisms of Climate, Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironmental Changes from Low-Latitude Regions, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Series, 213 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-01598-5, Springer International Publishing

2. El-Askary, H., Lee, S., Heggy, E., Pradhan, B. eds (2019), Advances in Remote Sensing and Geo Informatics Applications, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Series, 382 pages, ISBN 978-3-030-01439-1, Springer International Publishing, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-01440-7

3. Heggy, E. (2018), Probing groundwater in arid environments: challenges and opportunities south of the Mediterranean basin, Preface for the Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, V3, PP1, doi: 10.1007/s41207-018-0084-7

Abstracts (1 to 2 pages, In International conferences with reading committees: AGU, GSA, EGU, EPSC, LPSC, IAU, COSPAR & DPS)

1. Heggy, E., Scabbia, G., Abotalib, A., Palmer, E.M. (2018), Groundwater detectability on Earth and planetary subsurfaces from VHF sounding radars, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6, Indianapolis, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

2. Abotalib, A. & Heggy, E. (2018), Potential of VHF Sounding Radar for Large-Scale Characterization of Groundwater Mounding Under Hyper-Arid Conditions, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

3. Mazzoni, A., Heggy, E. & Scabbia, G. (2017), Implications of Water Budget Deficits on Socio-Economic Stability and Food Security in the Arabian Peninsula and in North Africa, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017, GC31D-1022, San Francisco, CA, USA.

4. Farag, A. Z. A., Heggy, E. & Mohamed, R. (2017), Exploring Groundwater origin for theater-headed valleys on the walls of Ius Chasma based on geomorphological analogy to the Saharan Plateaus, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017, EP33E-03, San Francisco, CA, USA.

5. Heggy, E., Palmer, E. M., Kofman, W. W., Herique, A. & El Maarry, M. R. (2017), Constraining the Dynamical Formation and the Size of the Primordial Building Blocks for Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Using the CONSERT Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017, P54D-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

6. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E. & Kofman, W. W. (2017), Evidence for ground-ice occurrence on asteroid Vesta using Dawn bistatic radar observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017, P43A-2873, San Francisco, CA, USA.

7. Farag, A. Z. A., Heggy, E., Helal, M., Thirunavukkarasu, D., Scabbia, G. & Palmer, E. M. (2017), Groundwater Dynamics in Fossil Fractured Carbonate Aquifers in Eastern Arabian Peninsula, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2017, H53L-04, San Francisco, CA, USA.

8. Heggy, E., Palmer, E. M., Kofman, W. W., Capria, M. T., Tosi, F. & Scabbia, G. (2016), Post Rendez-vous Dielectric 3D Modelling of Comet 67P/CG Using the Rosetta's CONSERT and VIRTIS Instruments Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P44A-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

9. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E. & Kofman, W. W. (2016), Understanding Volatile Occurrence on Vesta Using Bistatic Radar and GRaND Observations by the Dawn Mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P44A-07, San Francisco, CA, USA.

10. Kofman, W. W., Herique, A., Beck, P., Bonal, L., Buttarazzi, I., Heggy, E., Lasue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Quirico, E. & Zine, S. (2016), Cosmochemical implications of CONSERT permittivity characterization of 67P/CG, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P43A-2084, San Francisco, CA, USA.

8 11. Levasseur-Regourd, A., Hérique, A., Kofman, W., Beck, P., Bonal, L., Buttarazzi, I., Heggy, E., Lasue, J., Quirico, E. & Zine, S. (2016), Cosmochemical implications of CONSERT permittivity characterization of 67P/C- G, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #48, 211.02, Pasadena, CA, USA.

12. Herique, A., Kofman, W., Beck, P., Bonal, L., Buttarazzi, I., Heggy, E., Lasue, J., Chantal Levasseur- Regourd, A., Quirico, E. & Zine, S. (2016), Mineralogical implications of Consert permittivity characterization of 67P., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 18, EPSC2016-15577, Pasadena, CA, USA.

13. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. W. & Moghaddam, M. (2016), Characterizing Vesta's Surface Roughness Using High-Incidence Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Communications Antenna, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 3036, Houston, TX, USA.

14. Thomson, B. J., Spudis, P. D., Hayne, P. O., Cahill, J. T. S., Patterson, G. W., Neish, C. D., Thompson, T. W., Heggy, E. & Stickle, A. M. (2016), Evidence for Possible Low-Density Regolith at the Lunar Poles, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2426, Houston, TX, USA.

15. Heggy, E., Scabbia, G., Normand, J., Al-Maktoumi, A., Rouchdi, M., Avouac, J.P. (2015), Potential for VHF Sounding radar to Probe Shallow Fossil Aquifers in Hyper-Arid Environments, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Paper No. 326-6, Vol. 47, No. 7, p.825, Baltimore, MD, USA.

16. Sebari, I., Rouchdi, M., Heggy, E., AL-Maktoumi, A., Normand, J. (2015) Trend analysis of soil moisture and its implication in understanding groundwater dynamic in Fossil aquifers: Al-Sharqya case study, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 7, p.167, Baltimore, MD, USA.

17. Abotalib, A., Sultan, M., ElKadiri, R., Heggy, E. (2015), Origin of theater-headed valleys in the Sahara: Implication for outflow channels on Mars, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 7, p.667, Baltimore, MD, USA.

18. Normand, J., Heggy, E., Rouchdi, M., Scabbia, G., Al-Maktoumi, A. & Avouac, J.P. (2015), Evidence of buried paleodrainage in the Wahiba Sands, Oman: New perspective in understanding paleorecharge in the Southern Arabian Peninsula, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015, PP31A-2216, San Francisco, CA, USA.

19. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. W. & Moghaddam, M. (2015), Comparing Vesta's Surface Roughness to the Moon Using Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015, P53E- 2194, San Francisco, CA, USA.

20. Crotts, A., Heggy, E., Ciarletti, V., Colaprete, A., Moghaddam, M. & Siegler, M. A. (2015), Detecting Volatiles Deep in the Lunar Regolith, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015, P51D-06, San Francisco, CA, USA.

21. Heggy, E., Shafie, A., Herique, A., Lasue, J., Kofman, W. W. & Levasseur-Regourd, A. C. (2015), Constraining the bulk Dust to Ice Ratio and Compressive Strength for Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko Using CONSERT Radar Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015, P33E-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

22. Levasseur-Regourd, A., Kofman, W., Herique, A., Ciarletti, V., Heggy, E. & Lasue, J. (2015), The interior of 67P/C-G nucleus revealed by CONSERT measurements and simulations, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #47, 413.10, National Harbor, MD, USA.

23. Ozorovich, Y., Fournier-Sicre, A., Linkin, V., Kosov, A., Skulachev, D., Gorbatov, S., Ivanov, A. & Heggy, E. (2015), Cryolitozone of Mars- as the climatic indicator of the Martian relict ocean, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2015-128, Nantes, France.

24. Heggy, E., Ahmed, E., Wlodek, K., Nicolas, T., Sierks, H., Jorda, L. & Hviid, S. (2015), Assessing the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko from Radar Observations and Philae Landing Dynamic, IAU General Assembly, 29, 2258682, Honolulu, HI, USA.

9 25. Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Brouet, Y., Hadamcik, E., Heggy, E., Hines, D., Lasue, J. & Renard, J.-B. (2015), Laboratory polarization and permittivity measurements to interpret dust polarimetric observations and in-situ radar studies. Significance for Rosetta mission at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, IAU General Assembly, 29, 2257600, Honolulu, HI, USA.

26. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E. & Kofman, W. (2015), Exploring the Surface Roughness of Asteroid Vesta using Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, IAU General Assembly, 29, 2257599, Honolulu, HI, USA.

27. Brouet, Y., Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Encrenaz, P., Sabouroux, P., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. & Thomas, N. (2015), Broadband permittivity measurements on porous planetary regoliths simulants, in relation with the Rosetta mission to 67P/C-G, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 17, 11488, Vienna, Austria.

28. ElShafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2015), How Hard is the Surface of Comet Nucleus? A Case Study for Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2444, Houston, TX, USA.

29. Brouet, Y., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Encrenaz, P., Sabouroux, P., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. & Thomas, N. (2015), Broadband Permittivity Measurements on Porous Planetary Soil Simulants, in Relation with the Rosetta Mission, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1809, Houston, TX, USA.

30. Mazzoni, A. & Heggy, E. (2014), Forecasting the Depletion of Transboundary Groundwater Resources in Hyper-Arid Environments, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, GC11G-06, San Francisco, CA, USA.

31. Heggy, E. & Scabbia, G. (2014), The Effects of Surface and Subsurface Structural Anomalies on the Detectability of Shallow Aquifers on Europa by Sounding Radar, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, P51C- 3966, San Francisco, CA, USA.

32. Scabbia, G., Heggy, E., Lasue, J., Kofman, W. W. & Palmer, E. M. (2014), Modeling Radar Wave Propagation Through Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, P51C-3965, San Francisco, CA, USA.

33. ElShafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2014), Compressive Strength of Cometary Surfaces Derived from Radar Observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, P51C-3964, San Francisco, CA, USA.

34. Gim, Y., Heggy, E., Arumugam, D., Wu, X. & Asphaug, E. I. (2014), 3D Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of the Interior of the Cometary Nucleus, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, P51C-3962, San Francisco, CA, USA.

35. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Capria, M. T., Tosi, F., Kofman, W. W. & Russell, C. T. (2014), Exploring Vesta's Surface Roughness and Dielectric Properties Using VIR Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, P51C-3954, San Francisco, CA, USA.

36. Normand, J. & Heggy, E. (2014), InSAR Assessment of Ground Deformations in Shoreline Urban Areas Associated to Hydraulic Head Variations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014, H51B-0596, San Francisco, CA, USA.

37. Asphaug, E., Belton, M., Bockelee-Morvan, D., Chesley, S., Delbo, M., Farnham, T., Gim, Y., Grimm, R., Herique, A., Kofman, W., Oberst, J., Orosei, R., Piqueux, S., Plaut, J., Robinson, M., Sava, P., Heggy, E., Kurth, W., Scheeres, D., Denevi, B., Turtle, E. & Weissman, P. (2014), The Comet Radar Explorer Mission, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #46, 209.07, Tuscon, AZ, USA.

38. Heggy, E., Herique, A., Cicchetti, A. & Gim, Y. (2014), Understanding Phobos Shallow Subsurface Geophysical Properties from MARSIS Radar Observations, Eighth International Conference on Mars, 1791, 1453, Pasadena, CA, USA.

39. Sharma, P., Heggy, E. & Farr, T. G. (2013), Exploring inner structure of Titan's dunes from Radar observations, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013, P53D-1894, San Francisco, CA, USA.


40. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. W., Russell, C. T., Capria, M. T. & Tosi, F. (2013), Radar Characteristics of Vesta's Polar Regions using Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer and Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013, P43D-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

41. Heggy, E., Scabbia, G., Pappalardo, R. T. & Bruzzone, L. (2013), Radar Subsurface Exploration of Icy Moons: Understanding Radar Wave Propagation Through Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013, P41E-1966, San Francisco, CA, USA.

42. Statz, C., Heggy, E., Plettemeier, D., Herique, A. & Kofman, W. W. (2013), Time-Domain Simulation of the Wave Propagation through the 67P Cometary Nucleus: Understanding Dust Fraction and Porosity Variation From CONSERT Radar Tomography, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013, P31B-1800, San Francisco, CA, USA.

43. Normand, J., Heggy, E. & Bonneville, A. (2013), InSAR Observation of Ground Surface Deformations Associated to Aquifer Storage and Recovery: A Case study for Future CO2 sequestration, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2013, H23B-1245, San Francisco, CA, USA.

44. Radebaugh, J., Lorenz, R. D., Barnes, J. W., Hayes, A. G., Farr, T. G., Heggy, E., Wall, S. D. & Aharonson, O. (2013), Earth Desert Analogues for Titan's Large Linear Dunes, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2013-1061, Vienna, Austria.

45. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Capria, M. T., Tosi, F. & Russell, C. T. (2013), Dielectric and thermal modeling of Vesta's surface, European Planetary Science Congress, EPSC2013-367, Vienna, Austria.

46. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Capria, M. T., Tosi, F. & Russell, C. T. (2013), Dielectric Properties of the Surface of Asteroid Vesta from Dawn VIR Thermal Observations, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2476, Houston, TX, USA.

47. ElShafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2013), Radar Detection of the Brittle-Ductile Transition on Icy Satellites Based on Ice's Mechanical and Electrical Properties, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2300, Houston, TX, USA.

48. Sharma, P., Heggy, E., Farr, T. G. & Radebaugh, J. (2013), Exploring the Inner Structure of Titan's Dunes: Implications for Understanding Paleo-Wind Regimes, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1821, Houston, TX, USA.

49. Sedze, M., Bretar, F., Heggy, E., Berveiller, D. & Jacquemoud, S. (2012), Decorrelation analysis of L-band interferometry over the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (France) using airborne LiDAR data and in situ measurements, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012, NH31C-1631, San Francisco, CA, USA.

50. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Capria, M., Asmar, S., Raymond, C. A. & Russell, C. T. (2012), Resolving the Ambiguity of Volatile Content in the Vestan Regolith through Dielectric Inversion, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012, P41B-1893, San Francisco, CA, USA.

51. Asphaug, E. I., Gim, Y., Belton, M., Brophy, J., Weissman, P. R. & Heggy, E. (2012), High Resolution 3D Radar Imaging of Comet Interiors, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012, P34A-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

52. Heggy, E., Palmer, E. M., Kofman, W. W., Clifford, S. M., Righter, K. & Herique, A. (2012), Parametric Dielectric Model of Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012, P33C-1957, San Francisco, CA, USA.

53. Berquin, Y. P., Kofman, W. W., Heggy, E. & Hérique, A. (2012), Radar sounder performances for ESA JUICE mission, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012, P31E-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

54. Gim, Y., Heggy, E., Belton, M., Weissman, P. & Asphaug, E. (2012), Radar Exploration of Cometary Nuclei, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #44, 314.08, Reno, NV, USA.

11 55. El Maarry, M. R., Markiewicz, W. J., Kodikara, J., Heggy, E. & Thomas, N. (2012), Towards a better understanding of desiccation processes on Mars and its implication to Martian hydrology: numerical modelling, global mapping, and field studies, European Planetary Science Congress 2012, EPSC2012-168, Vienna, Austria.

56. Clifford, S. M., Delamere, W. A., Gogineni, S., Kofman, W., Herique, A., Spudis, P., Sharpton, B., Orosei, R., Stofan, E., Ciarletti, V., Heggy, E., Plettemeier, D., Smith, D. & Zuber, M. (2012), The Mars Advanced Radar and LIDAR Orbiter (MARLO) for High-Resolution Investigations of Global Topography, Surface Roughness, Subsurface Volatiles, Stratigraphy and Structure Within the Shallow-and Deep-Subsurface, Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration, 1679, 4312, Houston, TX, USA.

57. Gim, Y., Wu, X., Jordan, R., Heggy, E. & Plaut, J.-J. (2012), Orbiting Sounding Radar for Global 3D Tomography Mapping of the Martian Subsurface, Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration, 1679, 4253, Houston, TX, USA.

58. Gim, Y., Jordan, R., Quddus, M., Heggy, E. & Plaut, J.-J. (2012), UltraWide Band (UWB) Radar for the High-resolution Imaging of Martian Regolith for Human Exploration, Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration, 1679, 4251, Houston, TX, USA.

59. Ciarletti, V., Clifford, S. M., Plettemeier, D., Mangold, N., Petinelli, E., Herique, A., Kofman, W. & Heggy, E. (2012), Analyzing the Shallow Martian Subsurface with the WISDOM GPR, Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration, 1679, 4201, Houston, TX, USA.

60. Alford, J. A., Hodges, A. R., Heggy, E. & Crotts, A. P. S. (2012), Exploring Volatile Deposition in Lunar Regolith, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2938, Houston, TX, USA.

61. Elshafie, A. & Heggy, E. (2012), Dielectric Properties of Volcanic Material and Their Role for Assessing Rock Hardness in the Martian Subsurface, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2790, Houston, TX, USA.

62. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Russell, C. T., Asmar, S. W. & Raymond, C. A. (2012), Exploring Surface and Shallow Subsurface Volatile Presence on Vesta Using a Bistatic Radar Experiment, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2685, Houston, TX, USA.

63. Elshafie, A., Heggy, E., Dixon, J. C., Chevrier, V. F. & Dennis, N. (2012), Investigating the Effect of Mechanical and Electrical Regolith Properties on Geomorphological Shape Formations, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2573, Houston, TX, USA.

64. Sedze, M., Heggy, E., Jacquemoud, S. & Bretar, F. (2011), Quantification of L-band InSAR decorrelation in volcanic terrains using airborne LiDAR data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, EP41A-0583, San Francisco, CA, USA.

65. Heggy, E., Fadlelmawla, A., Farr, T. G. & Al-Rashed, M. (2011), Probing Shallow Aquifers in Northern Kuwait Using Airborne Sounding Radars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, P13G-06, San Francisco, CA, USA.

66. Farr, T. G., Heggy, E. & Radebaugh, J. (2011), Exploring the topography and structure of Saharan linear dunes: Implications for characterizing dunes on Titan, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, P13G-02, San Francisco, CA, USA.

67. El Maarry, M., Heggy, E., Dohm, J. M. & Thomas, N. (2011), Radar Investigations at Apollinaris Mons, Mars: a non-Volcanic composition for the Fan Deposits and the Potential for a Caldera Paleolake, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, P11E-1623, San Francisco, CA, USA.

68. Palmer, E. M., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. W., Russell, C. T., Asmar, S. W. & Raymond, C. A. (2011), Dielectric Modeling of Comet Nuclei and : Implications for Rosetta and Dawn Radar Studies, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, P11E-1620, San Francisco, CA, USA.

12 69. ElShafie, A., Heggy, E., Ciarletti, V. & Clifford, S. M. (2011), Dielectric and Hardness Measurements of Martian Analog Rocks in Support of the WISDOM Radar on ExoMars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011, P11E- 1619, San Francisco, CA, USA.

70. Cicchetti, A., Cartacci, M., Gim, Y., Giuppi, S., Heggy, E., Hegler, S., Ivanov, A. B., Nenna, C., Noschese, R., Orosei, R., Plaut, J. J., Plettemeier, D. & Seu, R. (2011), MARSIS: Latest Phobos Flyby. Data Processing Results and Advanced Radar Configuration Design, EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting, 2011, 497, Nantes, France.

71. Heggy, E., Helper, M. A., Fong, T., Lee, P., Deans, M., Bualat, M., Hurtado, J. M. & Hodges, K. V. (2011), Potential In Situ Exploration of Subsurface Ice on the Moon Using EVA and Robotic Follow-Up: The Haughton Crater Lunar Analog Study, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2829, Houston, TX, USA.

72. Lee, P., Braham, S., Deans, M., Fong, T., Heggy, E., Helper, M., Hodgson, E., Hoffman, S. J. & Schutt, J. W. (2011), Pressurized Rover-Based IVA Field Science: Lessons Learned from Moon and Mars Analog Studies at the Haughton-Mars Project, Devon Island, High Arctic, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2656, Houston, TX, USA.

73. Deans, M. C., Bualat, M. G., Fong, T., Heggy, E., Helper, M., Hodges, K. V. & Lee, P. (2011), Field Testing Robotic Follow-Up for Exploration Field Work, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2601, Houston, TX, USA.

74. Clifford, S. M., Lasue, J., Le Gall, A. & Heggy, E. (2011), The Response of Martian Ground Ice to Burial by a Volatile-Poor Mantle: Potential Implications for the Volatile Evolution of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2142, Houston, TX, USA.

75. El Maarry, M. R., Heggy, E. & Dohm, J. M. (2011), Assessment of a Possible Volcanic Paleolake at Apollinaris Patera, Mars: Constraints on the Composition of the Inner Caldera and Fan Deposits Using the Shallow Sounding Radar (SHARAD), Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2027, Houston, TX, USA.

76. El Maarry, M. R., Dohm, J. M., Marzo, G. A., Fergason, R., Heggy, E., Goetz, W., Pack, A. & Markiewicz, W. J. (2011), Evidence of Hydrothermal Activity at Apollinaris Patera, Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1966, Houston, TX, USA.

77. Bonneville, A., Sullivan, E. C., Heggy, E., Dermond, J. & Sweeney, M. (2010), Using large Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Sites as Analogs to Study the Mechanical Behavior of Large CO2 Storage Sites, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, GC24A-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

78. Sedze, M., Heggy, E., Jacquemoud, S. & Bretar, F. (2010), Assessing Surface Textural Variations on the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Using L-Band Insar and LIDAR Fusion Study, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, EP51D-0580, San Francisco, CA, USA.

79. Carter, L. M., Neish, C., Bussey, B., Spudis, P., Robinson, M., Patterson, W., Cahill, J., Heggy, E., Raney, R. K. & Mini-Rf Team (2010), Mini-RF Observations of Lunar Impact Melt Flows, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P51C-1442, San Francisco, CA, USA.

80. Orosei, R., Alberti, G., Bruzzone, L., Flamini, E., Frigeri, A., Heggy, E., Kofman, W. W., Komatsu, G., Plaut, J. J. & Seu, R. (2010), Science Results from the MARSIS and SHARAD Subsurface Sounding Radars on Mars and their Relevance to Radar Sounding of icy Moons in the Jovian System, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P34A-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

81. Herique, A., Kofman, W. W., Barucci, A., Beck, P., Biele, J., Clifford, S. M., Goutail, J., Heggy, E., Ho, T., Kumamoto, A., Lasue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A., Michel, P., Nielsen, E., Ono, T., Pujet, P., Plettemeier, D., Ulamec, S. & Zine, S. (2010), ASSERT for Mascot / Hayabusa 2 mission: A radar tomography of 1999JU3, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P33E-04, San Francisco, CA, USA.

13 82. Heggy, E., Boisson, J., Clifford, S. M., Plaut, J. J., Ferro, A. & Gim, Y. (2010), Constraining the Equatorial Basins Sedimentation Chronology from MARSIS Tomographic Data Analysis, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P23A-1625, San Francisco, CA, USA.

83. Ferro, A., Bruzzone, L., Heggy, E. & Plaut, J. J. (2010), Automatic Detection and Characterization of Subsurface Features from Mars Radar Sounder Data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P23A-1624, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Yoshikawa, K., Anglade, A. & Lognonne, P. (2010), Exploring Dielectric Signature of Martian Mid-Latitude Ice Using Earth Analog Study, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P23A- 1622, San Francisco, CA, USA.

84. Clifford, S. M., Lasue, J., Le Gall, A. A. & Heggy, E. (2010), The Response of Martian Ground Ice to Burial by a Volatile-Poor Mantle: Potential Implications for the Volatile Evolution of the Medusae Fossae Formation, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P23A-1614, San Francisco, CA, USA.

85. Thompson, T. W., Heggy, E. & Ustinov, E. A. (2010), Modeling Lunar Radar Scatter from Icy Regoliths, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2010, P23A-1606, San Francisco, CA, USA.

86. Fong, T., Bualat, M., Deans, M., Heggy, E., Helper, M., Hodges, K. & Lee, P. (2010), Improving Lunar Exploration with Robotic Follow-Up, Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 1595, 24, Washington D.C., USA

87. Clifford, S., Lasue, J., Le Gall, A. & Heggy, E. (2010), The Response of Martian Ground Ice to Burial by a Volatile-Poor Mantle: Potential Implications for the Volatile Evolution of the Medusae Fossae Formation, European Planetary Science Congress 2010, 737, Rome, Italy.

88. Orosei, R., Alberti, G., Bruzzone, L., Frigeri, A., Heggy, E., Kofman, W., Komatsu, G., Plaut, J. J. & Seu, R. (2010), Science results from the MARSIS and SHARAD subsurface sounding radars on Mars and their relevance to radar sounding of icy moons in the Jovian system, European Planetary Science Congress 2010, 726, Rome, Italy.

89. Cicchetti, A., Gim, Y., Heggy, E., Ivanov, A. B., Nenna, C., Noschese, R., Orosei, R., Picardi, G., Plaut, J. J. & Plettemeier, D. (2010), MARSIS at Phobos: Real Data Processing Compared with Simulations Results, European Planetary Science Congress 2010, 367, Vienna, Austria.

90. Heggy, E., Bruzzone, L., Beck, P., Doute, S., Gim, Y., Herique, A., Kofman, W., Orosei, R., Plaut, J., Rosen, P. & Seu, R. (2010), Understanding Subsurface Geoelectrical and Structural Constrains for Low Frequency Radar Sounding of Jovian Satellites, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 12, 7392, Vienna, Austria.

91. Asphaug, E., Barucci, A., Belton, M., Bhaskaran, S., Brownlee, D., Carter, L., Castillo, J., Chesley, S., Chodas, P., Farnham, T., Gaskell, R., Gim, Y., Heggy, E., Klaasen, K., Kofman, W., Kreslavsky, M., Lisse, C., McFadden, L., Pettinelli, E., Plaut, J., Scheeres, D., Turtle, E., Weissman, P. & Wu, R. (2010), Deep Interior Radar Imaging of Comets, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2670, Houston, TX, USA.

92. Bussey, D. B. J., Spudis, P. D., Butler, B., Carter, L. M., Gillis-Davis, J. J., Heggy, E., Kirk, R., Neish, C., Nozette, S., Patterson, G. W., Robinson, M. S., Raney, R. K., Thompson, T., Thomson, B. J. & Ustinov, E. (2010), Initial Results from Mini-RF: A Synthetic Aperture Radar on Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2319, Houston, TX, USA.

93. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Anglade, A. & Yoshikawa, K. (2010), Radar Sounding of Temperate Permafrost in Alaska: Analogy to the Martian Mid-Lattitude Ice-Rich Terrains, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2060, Houston, TX, USA.

14 94. Heggy, E., Fa, W., Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E., Bussey, B. & Spudis, P. (2010), Exploring Dielectric Properties of the Lunar Cratonic Fills from the Mini-RF Observations Onboard Chandrayaan and LRO, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2031, Houston, TX, USA.

95. Heggy, E., Boisson, J., Grima, C., Clifford, S. M., Gim, Y., Frigeri, A. & Plaut, J. J. (2010), Exploring Bulk Compositions of Large Equatorial Basins Fills on Mars Using MARSIS and SHARAD Data, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1289, Houston, TX, USA.

96. Spudis, P. D., Bussey, D. B. J., Butler, B., Carter, L., Chakraborty, M., Gillis-Davis, J., Goswami, J., Heggy, E., Kirk, R., Neish, C., Nozette, S., Patterson, W., Robinson, M., Raney, R. K., Thompson, T., Thomson, B. J. & Ustinov, E. (2010), Results of the Mini-SAR Imaging Radar, Chandrayaan-1 Mission to the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1224, Houston, TX, USA.

97. Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E. A. & Heggy, E. (2010), Modeling Radar Scattering from Icy Lunar Regoliths, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1169, Houston, TX, USA.

98. Fa, W., Heggy, E. & Wieczorek, M. A. (2010), Modeling Radar Scattering from the Lunar Surface and Analysis of the Effect of Roughness and Ice Inclusions on CPR Values, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1137, Houston, TX, USA.

99. Heggy, E., Lee, P., Bualat, M. G., Fong, T., Helper, M. A., Hodges, K., Taylor, G. J. & Deans, M. (2010), Assessing the Potentials and Complementarities of Human and Robotic Subsurface Exploration on the Moon: Understanding Buried Structural Elements and Potential Ice Enrichment in Support of EVA Activities Using Radar Methods, Ground-Based Geophysics on the Moon, 1530, 3035, Tempe, AZ, USA.

100. Herique, A., Barucci, A., Beck, P., Biele, J., Clifford, S., Goutail, J. P., Heggy, E., Ho, T.-M., Kofman, W., Kumamoto, A., Lassue, J., Levasseur-Regourd, A.-C., Michel, P., Nielsen, E., Plettemeier, D., Puget, P., Richter, L., Ulamec, S. & Zine, S. (2010), Consert for Asteroid -radar tomography of Near Earth Asteroid, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 38, 2, Bremen, Germany.

101. Farnham, T., Asphaug, E., Barucci, A., Belton, M., Bockelee-Morvan, D., Brownlee, D., Capria, M. T., Carter, L., Chesley, S., Farnham, T., Gaskell, R., Gim, Y., Heggy, E., Herique, A., Klaasen, K., Kofman, W., Kreslavsky, M., Lisse, C., Orosei, R., Plaut, J. & Scheeres, D. (2010), Comet radar explorer, 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 38, 3, Bremen, Germany.

102. Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E. A. & Heggy, E. (2009), Lunar Radar Scattering from Near-Surface Buried Crater Ejecta, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, P23C, San Francisco, CA, USA.

103. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Anglade, A. & Yoshikawa, K. (2009), Radar Sounding of Temperate Permafrost (Fairbanks, AK): Study of Dielectric and Scattering Losses in Mars-Analog Environment, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009, P13B-1282, San Francisco, CA, USA.

104. Heggy, E., Boisson, J., Clifford, S. M., Gim, Y., Frigeri, A. & Plaut, J. J. (2009), Radar Probing of Isidis and Amazonis Planetias: Exploring the Origin and the Bulk Composition of the Large Equatorial basin’s fills Using MARSIS and SHARAD data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009, P11D-04, San Francisco, CA, USA.

105. Nozette, S., Bussey, D. B. J., Butler, B. J., Carl, D., Carter, L. M., Chakraborty, M., Gillis-Davis, J. J., Goswami, J. N., Heggy, E., Hillyard, M., Jensen, R., Kirk, R. L., Lavallee, D., McKerracher, P., Neish, C. D., Nylund, S., Palsetia, M., Patterson, W., Robinson, M. S., Raney, R. K., Schultze, R., Sequeira, H., Skura, J., Spudis, P. D., Thompson, T. W., Thomson, B. J., Ustinov, E. A. & Winters, H. L. (2009), The LRO Mini RF Technology Demonstration, Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, 1515, 50, Columbia, MD, USA.

106. Fa, W., Heggy, E. & Wieczorek, M. (2009), Modeling Radar Scattering From the Lunar Regolith: Parametric Study on the Effect of Roughness and Ice Inclusions on CRP Measurement, European Planetary Science Congress 2009, 286, Potsdam, Germany.


107. Nozette, S., Bussey, D. B. J., Butler, B., Carter, L., Gillis-Davis, J., Goswami, J., Heggy, E., Kirk, R., Misra, T., Patterson, G. W., Robinson, M., Raney, R. K., Spudis, P. D., Thompson, T., Thompson, B. & Ustinov, E. (2009), Joint LROC - Mini-RF Observations: Opportunities and Benefits, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Science Targeting Meeting, 1483, 84, Tempe, AZ, USA.

108. Clifford, S. M., Heggy, E., Boisson, J., McGovern, P., Max, M. D. & Marsis Team (2009), The Depth of the Cryosphere and the Presence of Groundwater on Present- Mars: Revised Estimates and Implications., EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11, 10152, Vienna, Austria.

109. Clifford, S. M., Heggy, E., Boisson, J., McGovern, P. J. & Max, M. D. (2009), The Occurrence and Depth of Subpermafrost Groundwater on Present-Day Mars: Implications of Revised Estimates of Crustal Heat Flow, Thermal Conductivity, and Freezing-Point Depression, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2557, Houston, TX, USA.

110. Heggy, E., Fong, T., Kring, D. A., Deans, M., Anglade, A., Mahiouz, K., Bualat, M., Lee, P., Horz, F. & Bluethmann, W. (2009), Potential of Probing the Lunar Regolith Using Rover-mounted Ground Penetrating Radar: Moses Lake Dune Field Analog Study, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2183, Houston, TX, USA.

111. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Plaut, J. J., Farrell, W. M., Putzig, N. E., Picardi, G., Orosei, R., Lognonné, P. & Gurnett, D. A. (2009), The Geoelectrical Properties of Athabasca Broken-Rafted Plate Terrain as Derived from the MARSIS Radar Sounding Data, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2001, Houston, TX, USA.

112. Heggy, E., Kataria, T., Clifford, S. M., Lasue, J. & Kofman, W. (2009), Dielectric Model of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in Support of the CONSERT Radar Tomography Experiment on Board Rosetta, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1944, Houston, TX, USA.

113. Spudis, P. D., Bussey, D. B. J., Butler, B., Carter, L., Gillis-Davis, J., Goswami, J., Heggy, E., Kirk, R., Misra, T., Nozette, S., Robinson, M. S., Raney, R. K., Thomson, B. & Ustinov, E. (2009), The Mini-SAR Imaging Radar on the Chandrayaan-1 Mission to the Moon, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1098, Houston, TX, USA.

114. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Plaut, J. J., Farrell, W. M., Putzig, N., Picardi, G. & Gurnett, D. A. (2008), Exploring the Martian Subsurface of Athabasca Valles Using MARSIS Radar Data: Testing the Volcanic and Fluvial Hypotheses for the Origin of the Rafted-Plate Terrain, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2008, P41A-1346, San Francisco, CA, USA

115. Fong, T., Deans, M., Lee, P., Heldmann, J., Kring, D., Heggy, E. & Landis, R. (2008), Improving Lunar Surface Science with Robotic Recon, Joint Annual Meeting of LEAG-ICEUM-SRR, 1446, 56, Houston, TX, USA.

116. Kataria, T., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Lasue, J. & Kofman, W. (2008), Parametric Dielectric Model Of Comet 67p/churyumov-gerasimenko: Implications On Sounding Cometary Nucleus Using Radar Tomography, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #40, 16.17, Ithaca, NY, USA.

117. Fong, T., Deans, M., Smith, T., Lee, P., Heldmann, J., Pacis, E., Schreckenghost, D., Landis, R., Osborn, J., Kring, D., Heggy, E., Mishkin, A., Snook, K. & Stoker, C. (2008), A Preliminary Examination of Science Backroom Roles and Activities for Robotic Lunar Surface Science, NLSI Lunar Science Conference, 1415, 2141, NASA Ames, Moffett field, CA, USA

118. Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E. A. & Heggy, E. (2008), Modeling Radar Scattering from Icy Lunar Regoliths, NLSI Lunar Science Conference, 1415, 2027, Houston, TX, USA.

16 119. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Cosmidis, J., Humeaux, A., Boisson, J. & Morris, R. V. (2008), Geoelectrical Model of the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2471, Houston, TX, USA.

120. Boisson, J., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Frigeri, A., Plaut, J. J. & Picardi, G. (2008), Exploring Athabasca Subsurface Geoelectrical Properties Using MARSIS Radar Data: Hypothesis on Volcanic or Fluvial Origin of the Local Morphology, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1819, Houston, TX, USA.

121. Thompson, T. W., Ustinov, E. A. & Heggy, E. (2008), Modeling Radar Scattering from Icy Lunar Regoliths, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1023, Houston, TX, USA.

122. Schibler, P., Heggy, E., Lognonné, P., Anglade, A., Gabsi, T. & Pot, O. (2008), Mars environmental and soil simulating facility for geophysical and exobiological studies, 37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, 37, 2768, Montreal, Canada.

123. Cosmidis, J., Heggy, E. & Clifford, S. M. (2007), Parametric Dielectric Map of the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits in Support of the MARSIS and SHARAD data analysis, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007, P11B-0542, San Francisco, CA, USA.

124. Carley, R. A. & Heggy, E. (2007), Probing cometary ice: Finite Difference Time Domain Simulation of Radar Wave Propagation Through Comet Nuclei Dielectric Models, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2007, P11B- 0541, San Francisco, CA, USA.

125. Khan, S. D., Heggy, E. & Fernandez, J. (2007), Mapping Exposed and Buried Lava Flows Using Synthetic Aperture and Ground-Penetrating Radar in Craters of the Moon Lava Field, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 39, 123, Boulder, CO, USA.

126. Mukherjee, D., Heggy, E., Khan, S. D. & Sullivan, C. E. (2007), Ground-Penetrating Radar and Dielectric Characterization of Shallow Reservoir Analogs in Central Texas Carbonates, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 39, 47, Boulder, CO, USA.

127. Heggy, E., Kofman, W., Clifford, S. M., Herique, A., Righter, K., Levasseur-Regourd, A. C., Carley, R. A. & Williams, I. P. (2007), Understanding the Radar Properties of Cometary Analog Materials: Experimental Approach in Support of the CONSERT experiment onboard the ROSETTA mission, European Planetary Science Congress 2007, 938, Potsdam, Germany.

128. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Herique, A., Kofman, W. & Hughes, S. S. (2007), Mapping Structural Elements in Volcanic Terrain Using Multiple Frequencies and Polarimetric Ground Penetrating Radar: Analogy to the Martian Case, European Planetary Science Congress 2007, 932, Potsdam, Germany.

129. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Miane, J. L., Carley, R., Younsi, A. & Morris, R. V. (2007), Experimental and Parametric Investigation of the Dielectric Properties of Martian Surface Sediments and Polar Ice-rich Analog Materials, European Planetary Science Congress 2007, 929, Potsdam, Germany.

130. Herique, A., Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Roux, A., Kofman, W., Dechambre, M. & Ciarletti, V. (2007), GPR study of Martian analogue terrains: goal, results and perspectives., European Planetary Science Congress 2007, 923, Potsdam, Germany.

131. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M. & Hughes, S. S. (2007), Mapping Structural Elements in Volcanic Terrain Using Multiple Frequencies and Polarimetric Ground Penetrating Radar: Analogy to the Martian Case, European Planetary Science Congress 2007, 431, Potsdam, Germany.

132. Schibler, P., Heggy, E., Lognonne, P., Anglade, A., Gabsi, T., Godet, P.-E. & Striebig, N. (2007), Mars Environmental and Soil Simulating Facility for Geophysical and Exobiological Studies, Seventh International Conference on Mars, 1353, 3100, Potsdam, Germany.

17 133. Banerjee, D., Heggy, E., Khan, S. D. & Sullivan, C. E. (2007), Dielectric and GPR Characterization of Shallow Carbonate Reservoir Analogs in Central Texas, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2007, NS31A-08, San Francisco, CA, USA.

134. Hughes, S. S., Heggy, E. & Clifford, S. M. (2007), Mapping Shallow Subsurface Structural Elements in Mafic Pyroclastics Using Polarimetric and Multiple Frequencies Ground Penetrating Radar: Implications for Mars Subsurface Mapping, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2437, Houston, TX, USA.

135. Le Gall, A., Clifford, S. M., Heggy, E., Ciarletti, V. & Mukherjee, D. (2007), Electromagnetic Investigations of a Deep Water Table in the West Egyptian Desert: Lithologic and Geothermal Vapor Effects on Crustal Resistivity and GPR Performance, with Potential Implications for Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2101, Houston, TX, USA.

136. Ciarletti, V., Le Gall, A., Berthelier, J. J., Corbel, C., Dolon, F., Ney, R., Reineix, A., Guiffaud, C., Clifford, S. & Heggy, E. (2007), Bi-Static Deep Electromagnetic Soundings for Martian Subsurface Characterization: Experimental Validation in the Egyptian Western Desert, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1838, Houston, TX, USA.

137. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Younsi, A., Miane, J. L., Carley, R. & Morris, R. V. (2007), On the Dielectric Properties of Dust and Ice-Dust Mixtures: Experimental Characterization of the Martian Polar-layered Deposits Analog Materials, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1756, Houston, TX, USA

138. Schibler, P., Heggy, E. & Lognonné, P. (2007), Mars Environmental and Soil Simulating Facility for Geophysical and Exobiological Studies, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1684, Houston, TX, USA.

139. Heggy, E., Asphaug, E., Carley, R., Safaeinili, A. & Righter, K. (2007), Dielectric Properties of Chondrites and Their Implication in Radar Sounding of Asteroid Interiors, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1596, Houston, TX, USA.

140. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M. & Hughes, S. S. (2006), Polarimetric and three-dimensional mapping of shallow subsurface structural elements in mafic pyroclastics using mid- and high-frequency Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)., AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P51G-07, San Francisco, CA, USA.

141. Grimm, R. E., Stillman, D. E., Heggy, E., Dinwiddie, C. L. & McGinnis, R. N. (2006), Moderately to Poorly Welded Tuff, Bishop, California: Broadband Performance of Ground- Penetrating Radar, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P51G-06, San Francisco, CA, USA.

142. Dinwiddie, C. L., Grimm, R. E., McGinnis, R. N., Stillman, D. E. & Heggy, E. (2006), Moderately to Poorly Welded Tuff, Bishop, California: Geophysical and Geological Characterization to Determine the Source of Radar Scattering, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P51G-05, San Francisco, CA, USA.

143. Clifford, S. M., Heggy, E. & Ciarletti, V. (2006), Geophysical Investigations of Mars Analog Environments for Comparative Planetology and Spacecraft Instrument Prototype Testing, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P51G-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

144. McGinnis, R. N., Dinwiddie, C. L., Stillman, D. E., Heggy, E. & Grimm, R. E. (2006), Pyroclastic and Volcaniclastic Deposits Near Bishop, California: Geologic Controls on Near-Surface Electrical Resistivity and Radar Data, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P31B-0132, San Francisco, CA, USA.

145. Plaut, J. J., Picardi, G., Clifford, S., Farrell, W., Frigeri, A., Kofman, W., Milkovich, S., Heggy, E., Ivanov, A., Mouginot, J., Orosei, R., Phillips, R., Plettemeier, D. & Safaeinili, A. (2006), MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2006, P13D-06, San Francisco, CA, USA.

146. Heggy, E., Carley, R., Kofman, W., Clifford, S. M., Herique, A., Williams, I. P. & Levasseur-Regourd, A. C. (2006), Dielectric Properties of Dirty-Ice and FDTD Simulation of Radar Propagation Through Comet Nuclei

18 Geoelectrical Models to Support Radar-probing Investigation of the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Workshop on Spacecraft Reconnaissance of Asteroid and Comet Interiors, 1325, 47, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

147. Heggy, E., Asphaug, E., Carley, R., Safaeinili, A. & Righter, K. (2006), Dielectric Properties of Chondrites and Their Implication in Radar Sounding of Asteroid Interiors, Workshop on Spacecraft Reconnaissance of Asteroid and Comet Interiors, 1325, 45, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

148. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M. & Card, D. (2006), Understanding Ambiguities in Backscattered Orbital Radar Sounding Data from the Martian Polar Layered Deposits Using Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations, Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 1323, 8107, Davos, Switzerland.

149. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Younsi, A., Miane, J. L., Carley, R. & Morris, R. V. (2006), On the Dielectric Properties of Dust and Ice-Dust Mixtures: Experimental Characterization of the Martian Polar Layered Deposits Analog Materials, Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 1323, 8105, Davos, Switzerland.

150. Plaut, J. J., Picardi, G., Cicchetti, A., Clifford, S., Edenhofer, P., Farrell, W., Federico, C., Frigeri, A., Heggy, E., Herique, A., Ivanov, A., Jordan, R., Kofman, W., Leuschen, C., Milkovich, S., Mouginot, J., Nielsen, E., Orosei, R. & Pettinelli, E. (2006), MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the South Polar Region of Mars, Fourth International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration, 1323, 8100, Davos, Switzerland.

151. Heggy, E. & Paillou, P. (2006), Counting and Exploring Small-buried Craters in the Sahara Using Radar Sounding and Imaging Radar: Lessons to be Learned for the Martian Case, Workshop on Surface Ages and Histories: Issues in Planetary Chronology, 1320, 24, Houston, TX, USA.

152. Clifford, S. M., Heggy, E., Ali, M., Ciarletti, V., Corbel, C., Dinwiddie, C. L., Dolon, F., Le Gall, A., Grimm, R. E., McGinnis, R. N., Ney, R. & Sandberg, S. K. (2006), Mars Analog Investigations of the West Egyptian Desert Utilizing Multifrequency GPR and Other Electromagnetic Sounding Techniques, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2442, Houston, TX, USA.

153. Heggy, E., Carley, R. A., Pommerol, A., Clifford, S. M. & Morris, R. V. (2006), Density, Temperature and Frequency Dependent Model of the Dielectric Map of Martian Surface, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2140, Houston, TX, USA.

154. Paillou, P., Reynard, B., Malezieux, J.-M., Dejax, J., Heggy, E., Rochette, P., Reimold, W. U., Michel, P. & Baratoux, D. (2006), An Extended Field of Crater Structures in Egypt: Observations and Hypotheses, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1286, Houston, TX, USA.

155. Heggy, E. & Paillou, P. (2006), Sounding Cratonic Fill in Small Buried Craters Using Ground Penetrating Radar: Analog Study to the Martian Case, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1264, Houston, TX, USA.

156. Carley, R. A. & Heggy, E. (2006), Characterization of the Density Dependent Dielectric Properties of Mars- like Soils: Implications for Mars Radar Studies, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1261, Houston, TX, USA.

157. Plaut, J. J., Picardi, G., Cicchetti, A., Clifford, S. M., Edenhofer, P., Farrell, W., Federico, C., Frigeri, A., Heggy, E., Herique, A., Ivanov, A., Jordan, R., Kofman, W., Leuschen, C., Marinangeli, L., Nielsen, E., Ori, G., Orosei, R., Pettinelli, E., Phillips, R., Plettemeier, D., Safaeinili, A., Seu, R., Stofan, E., Vannaroni, G., Watters, T. & Williams, I. (2006), MARSIS Subsurface Sounding Observations of the South Polar Layered Deposits of Mars, 37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1212, Houston, TX, USA.

158. Heggy, E. & Clifford, S. M. (2005), Dielectric Properties of Mafic Dust-Ice Mixtures: Case Study of the Martian Polar Layered Deposits, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2005, P31C-0214, San Francisco, CA, USA.

19 159. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Mills, D. & Clifford, S. M. (2005), Mapping Buried Impacts Craters Using Ground- penetrating Radar: Mapping Some Structural Elements of the Largest Impact Field in the Western Egyptian Desert, 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2375, Houston, TX, USA.

160. Heggy, E. (2005), Loss Tangent Map of the Martian Surface: A Frequency Dependent Model for the Near Equatorial Regions, 36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2109, Houston, TX, USA.

161. Paillou, P., Lasne, Y., Maleziéux, J.-M. & Heggy, E. (2005), Simulation of P-Band SAR Performances for Mars Exploration, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 63, Houston, TX, USA.

162. Necsoiu, M., Dinwiddie, C. L., Heggy, E. & Farr, T. G. (2005), A Web-based Collaborative Tool for Mars Analog Data Exploration, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 58, Houston, TX, USA.

163. Jernsletten, J. A. & Heggy, E. (2005), Comparing Transient Electromagnetics and Low Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar for Sounding of Subsurface Water in Mars Analog Environments, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 47, Houston, TX, USA.

164. Heggy, E. & Pommerol, A. (2005), Dielectric Map of the Martian Surface, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 43, Houston, TX, USA.

165. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Grimm, R., Gonzalez, S., Bannon, D. & Wyrick, D. (2005), Mapping Subsurface Stratigraphy and Anamolies in Iron-rich Volcanoclastics Using Ground-penetrating Radar: Potential for Shallow Sounding on Mars, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 41, Houston, TX, USA.

166. Grimm, R., Heggy, E., Clifford, S. & Dinwiddie, C. (2005), Scattering Limits to Depth of Radar Investigation: Lessons from the Bishop Tuff, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 37, Houston, TX, USA.

167. Dinwiddie, C. L., Clifford, S. M., Grimm, R. E. & Heggy, E. (2005), Strategy for Selection of Mars Geophysical Analogue Sites, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 29, Houston, TX, USA.

168. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Farr, T., Dinwiddie, C. & Grimm, B. (2005), Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments, 1, Houston, TX, USA.

169. Gonzalez, S. H., Dinwiddie, C. L., Grimm, R. E., Heggy, E., Wyrick, D. Y., Ferrill, D. A. & Clifford, S. M. (2004), Electrical Conductivity of the Bishop Tuff, Bishop, CA: Implications for Ground-Penetrating Radar Performance, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004, GP11A-0826.

170. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Khan, S., Fernandez, J., Wiggs, E., Gonzalez, S. L., Wyrick, D., Grimm, R., Dinwiddie, C. & Pommerol, A. (2004), Mapping Stratigraphy and Anomalies in Iron-Rich Volcanoclastics Using Ground-Penetrating Radar: Potential for Subsurface Exploration on Mars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P43A-0905, San Francisco, CA, USA.

171. Fernandez, J., Heggy, E. & Khan, S. (2004), Numerical Methods in Understanding the Performances of Radar Sounding Techniques: Multiple low Frequency Approach for Unambiguous Identification of Subsurface Water Saturated Interfaces on Mars, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P13A-0985, San Francisco, CA, USA.

172. Jernsletten, J. A. & Heggy, E. (2004), Sounding of Groundwater Through Conductive Media in Mars Analog Environments Using Transient Electromagnetics and Low Frequency GPR., AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P53A-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

20 173. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Morris, R. V. & Ruffie, G. (2004), Electromagnetic Characterization of Terrestrial Analogues to the Martian Volcanic Sediments in the Frequency Band 1 kHz to 500 MHz: Toward a Dielectric Map of Mars, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P52A-04, San Francisco, CA, USA.

174. Paillou, P., Grandjean, G., Heggy, E. & Farr, T. (2004), Exploring Subsurface Geology Using Radar Techniques: Experiments in Sahara and Consequences for Mars Exploration, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P52A-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

175. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Grimm, R. & Dinwiddie, C. L. (2004), The Potential of Low-Frequency (16-80 MHz) Ground Penetrating Radar to Investigate the Shallow Subsurface in the Arid, Volcanic, and Conductive Soils Near Yucca Mountain: Implications for MARSIS and SHARAD, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P51A-05, San Francisco, CA, USA.

176. Stephen, C., Heggy, E. & Arcone, S. (2004), Subsurface Radar Investigations of Terrestrial Martian Analogues: Introduction to the Session, AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts, 2004, P51A-01, San Francisco, CA, USA.

177. Jernsletten, J. A. & Heggy, E. (2004), Sounding of Subsurface Water Through Conductive Media in Mars Analog Environments Using Transient Electromagnetics and Low Frequency Ground-penetrating Radar, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2089, Houston, TX, USA.

178. Heggy, E., Clifford, S. M., Morris, R. V., Paillou, P. & Ruffie, G. (2004), On the Dielectric Properties of the Martian-like Surface Sediments, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1871, Houston, TX, USA.

179. Heggy, E., Horz, F., Reid, A. M., Hall, S. A. & Chan, C. (2004), Potential of Radar Imaging and Sounding Methods in Mapping Heavily Eroded Impact Craters: Mapping Some Structural Elements of the Hico Crater, TX, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1462, Houston, TX, USA.

180. Paillou, P., Farr, T. G., Heggy, E. & Rosenqvist, A. (2004), Eastern Sahara Geology from Orbital Radar: Potential Analog to Mars, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1210, Houston, TX, USA.

181. Heggy, E., Clifford, S., Berthelier, J., Dinwiddie, C. & Paillou, P. (2003), A Comprehensive Approach in Understanding the Martian Geoelectrical and Geomagnetic Context for the Interpretation of Futur Radar Sounding Data., AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003, P31B-1060, San Francisco, CA, USA.

182. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Costard, F., Mangold, N., Clifford, S. & Berthelier, J. J. (2003), On the Determination of Local Sites for Shallow Ground Water Prospection Using Low Frequency Sounding Radars on Mars, Sixth International Conference on Mars, 3012, Houston, TX, USA.

183. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Costard, F., Mangold, N., Ruffie, G. & Demantoux, F. (2002), Geoelectrical Models and Radar Echo Simulation for Sounding the Martian Subsurface, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1740, Houston, TX, USA.

184. Costard, F., Berthelier, J. J., Grandjean, G., Heggy, E., Mangold, N., Ney, R. & Paillou, P. (2001), Proposed Model of the Martian Subsurface for the GPR Experiment on NETLANDER, Conference on the Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars, 7030, Houston, TX, USA.

185. Heggy, E., Paillou, P., Ruffié, G., Malézieux, J.-M., Costard, F. & Grandjean, G. (2001), On Sounding Radar Performances for Martian Subsurface Water Detection, Conference on the Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars, 7011, Houston, TX, USA.

186. Paillou, P., Grandjean, G., Heggy, E., Malézieux, J.-M. & Achache, J. (1999), On Performances of Ground Penetrating Radars for Mars Subsurface Exploration, The Fifth International Conference on Mars, 6061, Houston, TX, USA.