
March 8

Good morning,

I hope you and your family are doing well. It looks like we have some sunshine later this week to go along with turning our clocks back this coming Saturday evening. This week’s newsletter has some significant updates on the District's move to a hybrid model, our calendar, and our new high school community and connection structure. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions. Thanks and have a great week!

This week’s schedule:

• Monday & Tuesday - Normal class schedule • Wednesday - Community Connection and high school clubs • Thursday & Friday - Normal class schedule

(NEW) No move from VOP to Hybrid - This past Friday, 5th Governor Kate Brown released new guidance regarding the reopening of Oregon’s schools. In this guidance, she is directing school districts to provide in-person instruction (hybrid) to K-5 grade students by and 6-12 grade students by 19.

Rest assured, our VOP students stay in the program for the entire 2020-2021 school year. There is no need to worry about your student(s) having to return to their neighborhood school.

(NEW) Hybrid model changing District’s calendar, but not VOP’s calendar - North Clackamas was already heading down the path of a hybrid learning option for all students. These changes will result in revised CDL/Hybrid calendars as teacher grade days and preparation days will need to be adjusted to meet this new timeline.

Rest assured, our VOP calendar is not changing and will remain the same as before. I have included links to the VOP calendar below:

• Elementary calendar • Middle and high school calendar

(NEW) High school community and connection meetings - Thank you all for joining the community and connections meeting for the whole high school. We have decided as a staff that we are going to do all of the remaining community and connection meetings as a whole high school. Please encourage your high school student to join us Wednesdays at 9:30am.

(NEW) 5th grade forecasting updates - The four neighborhood middle schools (Alder Creek, Rowe, Rock Creek, and Happy Valley) are getting ready to forecast our current 5th grade students. Each middle school has their own timeline and way of completing the process. We will share information with you as quickly as we hear from the middle schools.

Student birthdays this week - Happy birthday!!

• Parker, 1st Monday • Alvin, 3rd Monday • Sophia, 9th Wednesday • Yezahira, 7th Thursday • Kira, 12th Thursday • Isabella, 4th Saturday

(UPDATED) From Ms. Barton, our College & Career Advisor - Check out her newsletter for this week for all the latest on virtual college visits and more! Please take a few minutes to schedule a time to meet with Ms. Barton for your individual virtual planning session. Parents are welcome to join if they choose to do so.

• To schedule an appointment with Ms. Barton, please use this link: https://calendly.com/bartonre/vop

(UPDATED) From Ms. Wojtak, our School Counselor - Ms. Wojtak is working with home schools on forecasting, working on college and career lessons for K-8, and connecting with small groups of students. As always, she continues to work with students and families. Her office hours are:

To schedule an appointment with Ms. Wojtak, please use this link: https://calendly.com/wojtakt

• Link to her K-5 virtual office • Link to her 6-12 virtual office

(REPEAT) Edgenuity and a student’s daily grade - Edgenuity displays a grade for each class. This “daily grade” can fluctuate a lot from day to day. Here's what happens - at the end of each day Edgenuity recalculates a student's grade based on if they have completed the day's work. For example, a student could go to bed on Thursday with an "A" and wake up on Friday with a "C" because, according to Edgenuity, she hasn't completed the assignments for Friday yet. Clearly, she hasn't completed them yet because she just woke up! But, as the day progresses and she completes the work her grade goes up again. The takeaway for our students is focus on staying on target and not to worry about the grade.

(REPEAT) Nutrition Services newsletter - Attached is a new Nutrition Services newsletter we are planning to provide you each month. We hope the newsletter can be a fun addition to our existing communications. (REPEAT) From Western Psychological & Counseling Services - We are super excited about the upcoming events and activities in the next few months. Individuals can use the links directly and do not need to be screened or prior authorization. Additionally, some of our staff have put together a few videos that can be added to your weekly news broadcasts, presented in health classes, or used in community health connections classes! https://youtu.be/IwRbWt0sAeU

Provider Walk-in Times - These providers are available for meet-and-greets for students, staff, or advisors looking for support or wanting additional resources.

• Mondays 1:00-2:00pm o Jesus (Spanish Bilingual): https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/8284297340 o Mikki: https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/4135731008 • Wednesdays 1:00-2:00pm o Lindsay: https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/5860651544 • Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm o Iris: https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/2626231876 o Gennady (Russian Bilingual): https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/3693857928 • Fridays 1:00-2:00pm o Lynn: https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/8940712155 o Joshua: https://westernpsych.zoom.us/j/9460123344

(REPEAT) Clackamas County Resources - I have linked to their website which includes a list of resources available through Clackamas County. I have also attached the information in a PDF document.

VOP Virtual Office - Our virtual office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM-3:30 PM. The telephone number is 503-353-1902. If you get a voicemail, don’t worry we will call you back.

I hope you enjoy a wonderful week. Thank you!

Joe Bridgeman