Hampshire in 1994
dnoiC teulsnpul ,(lr$a^run uoldueqlnos ^ooloaeqcrv[OoloaeqcLy ;eulsnpul Jol uortepossv pemol fueyr; p {uol palsrsse ^q Aa[g leg Aq paltp3 ldli ! f UIHSdYUVH JO ACOIOfVHSUV IVIU]SNCNI eql ol eplnc uoqs v This booklet is published for the ASSOCIATION for INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY Annual Conference held al Sparsholt, Hampshire in 1994. The AIA was established in 1973 to promote the study of lndustrial Archaeology and encourage improved standards of recording, research, conservation and publication. lt aims to support individuals and groups involved in the study and recording of past industrial activity and the preservation of industrial monuments, to represent the interests of lndustrial Archaeology at national level, to hold conferences and seminars, and to publish the results of research. lt publishes the lndustrial Archaeolow Reviewwhich is sent twice yearly to all members who also receive the rndustrr'a l Archaeology NEWS. Further details may be obtained from the Membership Secretary, the AlA, The Wharfage, lronbridge, Tetford, Shropshire, TF8.7AW. SOUTHAMPTON UNIVERSITY INDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY GROUP SUIAG was formed in '1968 to hold meetings and record sites of lndustrial Archaeological interest and remains in Hampshire and the lsle of Wight. Meetings are held monthly at the University, residential visits are organised in the summer and a newsletter is sent to members twice a year. Associated groups arc lhe Tram 57 Prcjecl,lhe Twyfotd Watetworks lrust, the Hampshirc Mills Group and the Sorent Sream Pacf,e, Ltd (SS Shiedhall Poect) all of which are very active in their own fields. The group is actively engaged in the recording and conservation of lA sites in the county.
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