CERTIFICATION I have read the following and certify that this curriculum vitae is a current and accurate statement of my professional record. Date: October 2016 Signature: Curriculum Vitae of ALLISON DRUIN University of Maryland, College Park 2117F Hornbake, South Wing College Park, MD 20742
[email protected] http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~allisond Curriculum Vitae Updated: October 2016 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1.A NAME: Allison Druin 1.B DEPARTMENTS: College of Information Studies (Tenure home) Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, College of CMPS (Research Appointment-0%) Computer Science, College of CMPS (Affiliate Appointment-0%) Human Development, College of Education (Affiliate Appointment-0%) Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education (Affiliate Appointment-0%) 1.C CURRENT RANK: Professor 1.D APPOINTMENT: 2011 1.E EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Ph.D., 1997, Educational Specialties in K-12 Technology, University of New Mexico, College of Education Dissertation: The MEDIA Program: A Multidisciplinary Education in Designing Interactive Applications Advisor: Associate Professor Pricilla Norton M.S., 1987, Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT Media Lab Masters Thesis: Building NOOBIE: An Animal Design Playstation for Children Advisor: Professor Marvin Minsky B.F.A., 1985, Graphic Design, Rhode Island School of Design Senior Thesis: Understanding Letterforms using Interactive Videotext Advisor: Adjunct Professor Douglas Scott, WGBH 1.F EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND 8/15-Present Special Advisor for National Digital Strategy U.S. National Park Service Lead service-wide strategic planning for digital development, use, and preservation of NPS resources. Lead redesign/strategy of the NPS National Design Center (100+ employees). Lead redesign of Digital Visitor Experiences for such NPS monuments as Lincoln Memorial and White House.