Calcutta City, Part III, Vol-VI, West Bengal
PCC.I03 -f66- CENSUS OF INDIA 1951 VOLUME VI-PART III CALCUTTA CITY A. MITRA of the Indian Civil Service, Superintendent of Census Operations and Joint Development Commissioner, West Bengal PuBLl:SBEB BY Tl'IE MANAGER OF PuBLICATIONS, DELHl:. PlUNTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS. CALCUTTA. INDIA ~954. price; Rs. 17-1~ or ~7sh. 6<l. THE CENSUS PUBLICATIONS THE CENSUS PUBLICATIONS for West Bengal, Sikkim and Chandernagore will ~onsist of the foltowing volumes. An volumes will be of uniform size, demy quarto 8f" x Iii Part IA-General'Report by A. Mitra, containing the first five chapters of tlie .Report ilL addition· to'(l, Preface, an Introduction, and a Bibliography. 587 pages. Part IB-Vital Statistics, West Bengal, 1941-50 by A. Mitra and P. G_ \.,.,nOUUQury, comamlUg a J:''f-elace. 60 tables, and several appendices. 75 pages. • Part IC-General Report by A. Mitra containing the Subsidiary tables of 1951 a1id~ the ·sixth 'chapt~r of the Report and a note on a Fertility Inquiry conducted in 1950. Some reprints and 'Special notes. A report on the natural resources, trades and industries of the State with two bibliographies by Chanchal Kumar Chatterjee and Kamal Majumdar. 517 pages. Part II-Union and State Census Tables of West Bengal, Sikkim and Chandernagore by A. Mitra. 535 pages. PaTt III-Report on Calcutta City by A. Mitra. (The present volume.) Part IV-Tables of the Calcutta Industrial Region by A. Mitra. 438 pages. Part V-Administrative Report of the Census Operations of West Bengal, Sikkim, Chandernagore and Calcutta City: Enumeration: by A.
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