RAJYA SABHA ______SUPPLEMENT TO SYNOPSIS OF DEBATE ______(Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) ______Thursday, March 10, 2016/Phalguna 20, 1937 (Saka) ______GOVERNMENT BILL The Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Bill, 2015 - Contd. THE MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT, THE MINISTER OF HOUSING AND URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND THE MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU), replying to the debate, said: If the House functions regularly, the Bills will be allowed to be discussed and passed. The government is ready to refer bills to standing committees. Government has raised the money to be deposited by builders to 70 per cent. Constitution clearly gives power to Parliament to enact laws in such cases. Government has brought down the limit from 1000 sqft. to 500 sqft and number of apartments from 12 to 8. This power has been given to states. Article 15 of the Constitution provides for protection against any discrimination, religion, region, sex, whastever it is. Discrimination is totally not allowed. If some such things are happening, I am reiterating that we are clearly against any discrimination. Then, there is the issue regarding single window or early clearances. This also, the Government has taken very seriously. We held consultations with

______This Synopsis is not an authoritative record of the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha. 160 the States also. in the "Housing for All" programme, we have made it very clear that there has to be single window clearance. But at the same time, you cannot prescribe it yourself because permissions / approvals are, again, in the federal system, with the local bodies. I have also held a meeting with six of my colleagues. The Ministers, after having exhaustive discussions, have almost come to some conclusions with regard to single window approval by various Ministries, automation of such systems, setting up of nodal agencies and Empowered Committees. Model Building Byelaws being finalized by the Ministry in consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Forest, has become a big issue. After consultation for six times together, the Ministry of Environment and Forests also has come to certain conclusions. They are shared with my Ministry. I am going to review Model Building Byelaws in consultation with the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The issue with regard to the multiplicity of permissions, under regulations, has also been raised. The development authorities are for land use permission of projects. Whereas, the regulatory body is to see whether the agreement reached between the seller and the buyer is being implemented or not; whether the conditions, which have been prescribed, are being followed or not; whether the offer made to the people is being respected or not. I do not think there is any conflict between these bodies. The Government's policy is to encourage private people also in a very big way. But they have to follow certain regulations. If they want to enhance their credibility, they will have to fulfill the conditions that they themselves announce. All permissions have to be taken beforehand. After construction, someone may say that this is not there, that is not there. That is why, before commencing the project, they are supposed to obtain all these permission. The Bill provides that the promoter must first take all approvals from the Development Authority. Then only can he register with this Authority and only after the promoter registers the project with the authority, the promoter can sell it to the public. The Real Estate Regulation Authority shall come into picture after getting permissions only. It shall register the promoters and regulate the sale, purchase of real estate and check whether the local authority has given them the permission or not. 161

Structure defect liability was earlier two years. Now, the liability has been increased to five years. The promoter is duty bound to take care of the structural liability, if any. I am very happy that almost all Members have supported it. There is still scope for improvement. But improvements can be done in the future, as and when we come to some definite conclusions, and evolve a broad consensus. To the extent possible, we are trying to take care and see to it that illegal money, unaccounted money, is also prohibited. About encroached land, unless you get a certificate that the land is free from any encumbrance, you cannot go in for a project. The power to remove encroachments or power to stop unauthorized construction lies with the urban local body. I have made it mandatory that there has to be transparency and also accountability of the officer in whose area this unauthorized construction takes place. The motion for consideration of the Bill was adopted. Clauses etc., as amended, were adopted. The Bill, as amended, was passed. ______THE BUDGET (RAILWAYS) 2016-17 General Discussion SHRI AHMED PATEL, initiating the discussion, said: Rail Budget is an important document and I think it is also the mirror of economy and governance. In my view this budget does not contain any substance. It is beyond reality. Today Railway is sick and you can never achieve a strong economy with a sick Railway. First of all I would like to draw you attention towards declining revenue. Your GDP or your rate of growth is nowhere reflected in the budget. If according to you the economy of the country is doing well then why did your income decline? What are the reasons for it? Railway Minister has made a deduction of Rs.12,000 crore in the railway budget and it has been reduced to Rs 28,000 crore from Rs 40,000 crore. This deduction of Rs 12,000 crore has been made because you could not utilize this amount. I think it is a sick railway. You can't 162 ever make strong economy with it. Situation is very serious. I don't know whether this railway ministry is being run by you or by Prime Minister Office. My third point is about rail operation estimate. There is a big difference between actual budget and rail budget. This exercise of manipulating the figures is not a right thing. This railway is sick railway. No ordinary operation can save it. You have to perform a big surgery upon it. Your two years have passed and I can't understand how you will do this surgery in remaining three years. An other issue is about the price of railway ticket. Every time when budget is introduced why don't you increase the fare at that time. What you do after budget you do it in many ways. More burden comes on people when the price of ticket increases. You increase the quota of 'Premium Tatkal Ticket' and 'Tatkal Ticket'. People have to spend more money. If you want to increase the fare in this manner then you increase the budget. Why do you do it through back door. My third issue is about rail safety and the interest of the railway workers. In comparison to 2014, crimes have increased. About 20,000 people have died in accidents. We have to think about the rising crimes, why crimes are increasing. You need to strengthen the police force, You need to strengthen the RPF. You need to think about the welfare of the workers especially. Railway is our biggest employer. The network of our railway is very large. It is the third largest network in the world after Russia and China. Railway is important for our economy. It is the backbone of the economy of our country. It's condition is very serious. You are talking about PPP. But you should try to improve the condition of the employees. Employees who come under PPP, are exploited. They are compelled to leave their job. Connectivity and facilities to the passengers is very important. The expansion of railway network and to take care of the people who travel especially in third class is very important. It is very necessary to increase the railway facility in tribal areas. We have to think about hawkers. UPA government had taken an initiative to make a policy for them through Street Vendors Bill. It is a question of the livelihood of millions of people. A poor person whether he is sweeper, whether he is a hawker, whether he is your employee, you have to think about his welfare. You should constitute a committee or make a survey about them. My

163 next point is about bullet train. You have not mentioned about it in the budget. It is the pet project of Prime Minister. But, I don't know why you are silent about it. You should talk about it also. We want Indian Railway to be a healthy, safe and growing railway. Rail Budget should be a document, representing the vision of the government which can tell us that the finance and performance of the railway will be able to take on the path of progress in speedy manner. You are a competent minister. As power minister you had done a good job but your this budget is not a good budget. SHRI R. K. SINHA: This Budget has been brought for discipline in the expenditure, efficiency in management and accountability to the consumers. All the instruments and means of Information Technology of modern age will be utilized. We are very much conscious about improving passenger facilities through social media. This is a revolutionary change. Indian Railways is going to deal with the challenges, wherein he has committed for reconstitution, reconstruction and renovation. The Ministry of Railways has done such a work which would improve the railways. We are planning to double the investment in the coming 15-16 years. This year, we are constructing 2,500 kilometers lines and doing electrification of 1,600 kilometers lines. Contract system has been made online. I want to draw your attention that even today, Indian Railways is the cheapest railways. We are providing good and cheap facilities. We are committed towards four dedicated corridors. Too much attention has been paid towards passenger facilities in this Railway Budget. We are going to give a shape to the Bullet Train with the help of the Government of Japan. If there is branding everything, branding of our country and our railways should also be done. I am happy to note that there would be a bullet train in Bihar also. Railways is full of challenges, but we are going to change the challenges into oppourtunities. We are going to run goods train as per the time tables. We are trying that all the toilets are converted into bio-disposable toilets by 2020. We are committed towards doing away all the unmanned crossings. Action is being taken on all 39 declarations made last year by the Ministry of Railways. I request the Minister to consider upon making a metro station inside the Parliament House. 164

SHRI NARESH AGRAWAL: Divisional railway managers hardly go on a round. Railway tracks are hardly inspected by engineers. Station Master hardly inspects sanitation work at the station. Today common man wants facilities. Safety of passengers should be the priority. The problem regarding safety of passengers has arisen due to lack of proper co-ordination among RPF, GRP and civil police. State Governments should be taken into confidence to check crime and thefts in railways. Modern signalling system and new technology should be implemented. Government should take a lead in reformation of railways. SHRI RAM NATH THAKUR: There is no mention of increasing staff in railways in this rail budget. Recruitment of porters in Indian railways should be done. Youth of the country should be provided employment opportunities. No dead line has been fixed for manufacturing of railway engines and bogies at Madhepura and Garkha. There is no mention regarding expansion in railways, laying of new rail lines and electrification of routes in this budget. I would request for concession to journalists in all trains. SHRI MD. NADIMUL HAQUE: Railway lacks in proper infrastructure in view of growth in passenger traffic and rail routes. Indian Railways has added only 10,000 route km compared to China's 50,000 route km after Independence. 40 percent of railway tracks are being utilised beyond capacity because of doubling of only 30 percent tracks. 80 percent of rail traffic runs on 40 percent rail routes which leads to congestion of tracks. PPP mode has not proved successful till date. Both passenger and goods traffic have performed below expectations. The adequate funds have not been granted to West Bengal, which will stall many ongoing and future projects of the Railways in the State. The aspect of effective co-ordination between the Railways and the State authorities should be taken care of, with immediate effect. The issue of increasing crime graph in Railways should have also been addressed in the Budget. SHRI S. MUTHUKARUPPAN: To help mothers, baby foods, hot milk etc. will be made available on stations, which is a welcome measure. I believe that the hon. Railway Minister will do 165 enough justification for the people of Tamil Nadu by fulfilling our long-pending genuine Railway demands. To bring major stations under the CCTV surveillance and to launch of Rail Mitra Seva are also a welcome step. I also welcome the announcement of the first ever Rail Auto Hub to be set up at and the North-South dedicated freight-corridor from to Chennai. Three projects are included in the 'Vision 2023' document which has been introduced by the Government of Tamil Nadu and it would be implemented through the 'Special Purpose Vehicle'. No specific plans have been announced by the Indian Railways for the upgradation of Chennai. However, no increase in the rail fares is a welcome measure. I would like to put some proposals of my local area also. Tirunelveli should elevated as the Divisional Headquarters. Palayamkottai Railway Station should be upgraded with all basic amenities. Chendhur Express should have a stop at Palayamkottai Station. I urge upon the Government to provide new modernised coaches in all the South bound trains. In the 'Vision 2023' document of Hon'ble. Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, 10 important railway projects have been included and these are crucial for the development of rail transport and for the development of infrastructure projects in the State of Tamil Nadu. SHRI VEER SINGH: Railway lines should be extended to its utmost level. There is no any provision in the Budget for passenger security. Special recruitment drive in Railways must be launched. Railway lines area are usually thickly populated and no boundary is there, consequently accident occurred, hence, it should be covered by boundaries. There must be good arrangement of toilets to keep railway stations clean. The privatization of Railways should be stopped because it reduces rights of reserved category people. There are a number of seats of SCs, STs and OBCs lying vacant, it must be filled up. A superfast train should run from Moradabad to via Agra. There is no railway line between Gajraula and Sambhal. It needs attention. There is need to start a Shatabdi train from Delhi to via Moradabad and Bareilly. The Anand Vihar train which runs from Mau junction must run on daily basis. At present no trains are going to Ghaziabad after morning time because of jat movement. The daily passengers are facing many problems .It is my request that a 166 passenger or some other train should be started for this place. I support this Rail Budget. .DR. T.N. SEEMA: We all appreciate the commitment of the Hon. Minister. But in this Railway Budget there is a big gap between the claims and the reality. All the points highlighted in the budget like infrastructure development, safety and quality of service are important matters. But the budget does not offer sufficient concrete projects to address all these issues. Number of projects are lying pending for a long time. Safety of all passengers and women passengers is of great importance. I would request the Minister to tell us how the number of women personnel in the RPF will be increased. In the last year many rail accidents have taken place. But when such things happen the Railways put the entire onus upon the loco pilots. But many other factors like the rest time of the loco Pilots, their duty time and other things also matters. In Railways the number of women employees is abysmally low. Designated 'coolie' as ' sahayak' is not sufficient to improve their social status. Social security measures for them should be enhanced. Kerala has been facing continuous neglect from the part of the Railways. Total outlaw for Kerala has been cut short .There has been a consistent demand for forming a Peninsular Railway Zone for Kerala. Even the new trains announced fail to get started. I wish to bring to the notice of the Minister development of Nemom and Kottayam terminals. The work of automatic signalling system should also be completed. This year's budget gives much emphasis on pilgrimage and tourism But Sabarimala Temple is not accorded the due importance. There is need for running more trains to Kerala. SHRI A.U. SINGH DEO: We are one of the cheapest railways in the world. Government has not increased the fares which is a welcome step. But, the Minister must realise that the Indian Railways need to make a profit because they are running in loss. ______. Synopsis of speech delivered by Hon'ble Member in Malayalam.


Railways needs to be supported by the Finance Department. Because due to crunch of funds many projects are lying pending. In Odisha the projects have been started with SPV which is a welcome step. The Minister has given a good Budget for Odisha. However our railway density is much lower in comparison to other states. Kindly give attention on it. We need more infrastructure. In order to have zero accident regime there is need to put automatic doors in trains. There is need of new coaches also. You strengthen your security arrangements at the platforms. Automatic ticketing system be adopted. The work of manufacturing rail lines be given to Indian companies only. The freight rates have been increased exorbitantly, that is why people are preferring to send their goods by road. The rail services are also not sufficient. I would like to thank Railway minister for taking care of Odisha in this budget. SHRI SANJAY RAUT: The railway minister has presented a visionary budget. This is not an election budget. The foremost important thing is that despite suffering losses fares have not been increased. The freight rates have also not been increased because inflation rises on account of this. The common man has also been remain focussed in the budget and at the same time, speed, service, safety, skill, etc. all things have been taken care of in it. The railway minister has mentioned that all the trains will run on time, I would request that local trains in Mumbai be run on time. Our local trains of Mumbai, which we called as 'lifeline' are being called as 'death line' now, because local trains are over crowded which causes accidents. Today, on one hand we are talking about increasing the speed of trains up to 160 to 200 K.M. per hour and on the other hand we are not able to erect security wall along the railway lines. The headquarter of Western Railway not to be shifted from Mumbai. Mumbai sub- urban division be established separately, which will be very beneficial. It is good that an elevated rail has been assured in the budget, but if Mumbai get an coastal ring railway, it would be an alternative to solve the problem of overcrowd. I would also suggest that Shatabadi like trains be made double decker. The general coaches of the trains running between Mumbai-Nasik and Mumbai-Pune needs

168 to be made double decker. The Government should increase the revenue of Railway by methods like, advertising, leasing the land, etc. SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH MAHRA: I am very disappointed by this budget. On the one hand fares have been increased, and on the other hand there is lack of proper basic facilities on the platforms even today. The railway minister has not taken care of Uttrakhand. No announcement has been made for the new railway line for the Kumaun region in Uttrakhand. It seems that ministry of railways is trying to show profit by selling the railway land on unreasonable rates, whereas railway is suffering loss in the other heads. Many railway projects of Uttrakhand either have been stopped or they have not found proper place in the budget. I would urge the railway minister to reconsider the Devband-, -Ghat- , Ramnagar-Marchula- to and Kichchha to rail lines all these rail lines are very necessary for the overall development of Uttrakhand. I would urge you that keeping in view the security scenario, allocate the funds for the Tanakpur-Bageshwar rail line. The sanctioned rail line of - Karnpryag has been provided meagre amount, it will take many years to complete. Funds be allocated for doubling and electrification work on Muradabad-Ramnagar and Ramnagar-Kathgodam rail lines. A demand to extend the passenger train running between Ramnagar to Muradabad be met. Hon'ble Prime Minister had talked about connecting Char Dham Yatra by rail, but nothing has been mentioned about it in the budget. Government is urged to establish rail coach factory in so that migration of youth from there could be checked. Uttarakhand requires extension of rail network because many Indian and foreign tourists visit there. There is long standing demand for direct train between Kathgodam-Mumbai, Delhi- Tanakpur and Delhi-Ramnagar. Rail network in the state should be expanded. SHRI MANSUKH L. MANDAVIYA: I welcome this rail budget. Facilities for common man have increased in this budget. Earlier only promises were made in rail budgets. This budget is based on reality. Antyodaya Express with all general category compartments

169 is welcome. Hamsafar Express with all AC coaches is for the middle class. Uday Express will run on busy routes. Tejas Express will be for the rich people who want to save time. Air conditioned storage facility at railway stations for the produce of farmers will be created on PPP model. Coolies have been given a respectable name, "Passenger Assistant". To prevent accidents, bridges on 18,000 crossings have been promised. To improve the safety record of railways, Railway Technical Research Institute will be established. Whatever had been promised by the Minister, he has tried to fulfill them all within a year. While felicitating the hon'ble Minister, I wish to add that whatever promises were made by the Minister on behalf of Government, he has fulfilled. I hope that the Budget presented by him will bring a change in the life of common man. SHRI A. K. SELVARAJ: The people of Tamil Nadu expected a lot from the hon. Railway Minister but their hope has been derailed after seeing the Budget introduced by him. It is surprising that no specific projects were announced. The consolation part of the Budget is nil increase in the fares. In Coimbatore there is an urgent need to expand platforms as well as to create more basic infrastructure facilities, including passenger amenities at the station. There is an urgent need to renovate and expand Singanallur and Peelamedu railway stations as well as providing basic infrastructure. It is urged that a team be sent to these stations to assess the requirement of renovation and expansion of these stations. There is also a need to create more platforms at Irugur railway station.There is a long- pending demand for the stoppage of the passenger train running between Mettupalayam and Coimbatore at Veerapandi, Pudupalayam and Tudiyalur stations. For the stoppage of trains at above places, platforms have to be created. There is a need of additional run of passenger train between Mettupalayam and Coimbatore. The people of these areas demand that this train should also operate on Sunday as well. Introduction of a new passenger train between Mettupalayam and Coimbatore and between Mettupalayam and is also required. It is urged that steps be taken to expand Podanur Railway Station at the earliest. I request the hon. Railway Minister to pay

170 special attention to the above said demands of the people of this part of Tamil Nadu. SHRI RONALD SAPA TLAU: I sincerely commend the Railway Minister for the speedy implementation of the project of broad-gauging the line between Lumding and Bairabi. However, the plan for railway to reach Sairang from Bairabi near , which is the Capital, is very slow. Can the Minister assure this House that the project to link the railway with Sairang/Aizawl city be speeded, and completed in time, by 2017? Nearly seven decades after Partition, the trains are scheduled to be set from to through Bangladesh. India is going to build a project at the expense of about Rs. 1,000 crores. This line is expected to be completed by 2017, but the way it is progressing, it seems that it cannot be completed on time. When can we have this project of a railway line for the North-East through Bangladesh completed? One of the deep-rooted causes of the feeling of discrimination and alienation among the North-Eastern tribals is a deep sense of being deprived of many amenities, which the rest of the country is presently enjoying. Therefore, may I request the Railway Minister to take the lead in seriously monitoring the construction work progress for both Railway Projects to speed up the economic progress of the North-East and to help them get a sense of belonging. Discussion not concluded.

SHUMSHER K. SHERIFF, Secretary-General. [email protected]



Page Line No. Correction No.

151 6 & 7 Read "Various" for "Funds ...... Means". 158 15 Read "to be approached" for "to approach".