RITO SILVA Jr., Ph.D. 1244 Carlos Trail Alice, Texas 78332 Home Phone: (361) 668-8400 Cell Phone: (361) 389-8402 E-mail:
[email protected] EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Ph.D. Philosophy with a major in Education Human Resource Development, Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas, August 2007 Masters of Science with a major in Guidance & Counseling, Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Texas May 1994 Bachelors of Business Administration with a major in Finance, Texas A&I University, Graduated May 1990 Alice High School Honor Graduate WORK HISTORY: Director of Alice Campus/SACS Liaison Coastal Bend College, August 2006 – Present Primary Responsibilities: • Report to College President and sit on President’s Cabinet; • direct, coordinate, supervise, and evaluate academic and student services programs and operations of the Alice Campus; • direct and coordinate administrative office activities that provides services and information to the students, faculty and the public; • promote college mission to the community and economic development activities; • participate in governance council; • coordinate and facilitate campus and community conversations as part of public agenda initiative; • liaison with business office, registrars, admissions, financial aid, counseling, maintenance, bookstore and others; • facilitate cooperative agreement or activities with business and industry; independent school districts, local and regional government agencies; and • prepare, present, defend and manage campus budget. • Prepare and coordinate all Southern Associate of Colleges (SACS) accreditation procedures including, but not limited to, Fifth Year Reports, Substantive Changes and Site Visits. Lecturer Texas A&M University – Kingsville Spring 2008 - Present Taught Graduate Research Course and Graduate Theory Course State Online Student Services Consortium Contract Employee for Grant August 2006 – August 2007 Primary Responsibilities: work in conjunction with project leader to provide workshops and webinars on Best Practices in Online Student Services.