July 2018 Newsletter
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July 2018 KC AUSA Volume 1, Issue 3 Newsletter July 2018 The Army Celebrates 243rd Birthday! Inside this issue: KC AUSA celebrated the Retired Lt. Gen. Perry Wig- 243rd Anniversary of the gins, executive director of United States Army in a the Kansas Governor’s Membership Update 2 gala on Saturday, June 9th military council and our at the Marriott- Muehle- guest speaker, said this Community Partner 2 bach Hotel. was the best Army birth- Spotlight day celebration he had The Army Birthday Cele- ever attended. “The induc- bration is the chapter’s Individual Member 2 tion into the Army of four premiere event and has Spotlight new soldiers with the oath LTG (R ) Perry Wiggins, keynote speaker been hosted in Kansas City at the Army Birthday Celebration on administered by retired for the past 15 years. This Programs Update 3 colonel Roger Donlon, first year had 330 attendees Medal of Honor recipient from active, guard and From the Young 3 of the Vietnam War, was reserve forces of the Ar- Professionals VP particularly noteworthy,” my, Navy, Marine Corps said General Wiggins. and Air Force and also Future Events / 3 included members from Next year’s birthday celebra- Community Activi- industry, local, and state tion will coincide with KC government. The success AUSA’s 20th anniversary of the Contact KC AUSA 4 of the event can be at- chapter’s founding. tributed to the support and Thank You to ABC 4 Contact Bob Ulin contributions of over thirty Sponsors and Do- [email protected] if you corporate and table spon- would like to be a sponsor or sors and an all-volunteer Membership Bene- 4 volunteer! planning committee. fits From the Chapter President. Special points of interest: The Purple Connection Hello! I hope you are each having from AUSA National VP of NCO Wednesday, August 8 a great summer! KC AUSA had a and Soldier Programs, Sergeant 6:00 PM—9:00 PM very busy Spring, a great time at Major of the Army (SMA) Ken- Sponsor: Sumner One Celebration at the Station during neth Preston, US Army Retired. 8058 Flint Ave Memorial Day Weekend, and a Come out and join us at an event Lenexa, KS hugely successful Army Birthday soon! Info and RSVP here! Celebration in June! Sincerely, The leadership team took a short SAVE THE DATE respite after the ABC but we are Emma Breakfast & NCO Professional Development with now gearing back up for a strate- gic planning session and the next SMA (R ) Ken Preston Emma Toops couple of chapter-hosted events: Friday, September 14 Major, US Army, Retired The Purple Connection and a visit 7:30 AM—10:30 AM Page 2 July 2018 Membership Update Often, individuals, when asked to Networking – a strong mem- As an organization, we proudly Special Thanks to our Military Sup- belong to an organization – ask bership that connects and support Kansas City AUSA Chap- port Organizations (MSO) – reaching the question of the benefits supports each other. That ter’s Vision – To be the premiere out to new audiences. gained. Fortunately, AUSA mem- includes transitioning from a voice for the Army in the Greater bers don’t have to go far to know US Army Warrant Officers Association, military to a civilian career. Kansas City area. Civil Affairs Association, ROCKS, Inc., the benefits of membership with AUSA and our Greater Kansas City Enlisted Association of the National AUSA Chapter. If you happen to Professional Development Guard of the United States (EANGUS), have attended our Army Birthday & Education – promoting & Patriot Project Celebration – you know exactly educational opportunities for what I mean. the membership and the For more details visit Kansas City metro through But just in case, you need infor- www.ausa.org/benefits events and publications. or contact mation as to reasons for joining or staying in our organization, here are a few reasons why YOU ARE Voice on Capitol Hill – Don’t Member Support at email: IMPORTANT TO AUSA AND WHY let anyone fool you - AUSA is [email protected] WE NEED YOU: the VOICE FOR THE ARMY. phone : 855-246-6269 703-841-4300 A Special Thank You to our New and Renewed Members: Grantham University Parade Rest Displays CW3 Paul J. King CSM Phyllis K. Popplewell MSG George Colon MG (Ret) Michael W. Symanski Mr. Edward Bergstedt LT Jacob James Brown Dr. Jeffrey Cropsey MAJ John N. Smith Jr. Mr. David Schieffer Mr. Michael L. Selck LTC David W. White Mr. Nick Vasos Ms. Tabitha Davis Ms. Cynthia F. Lockett Community Partner Spotlight: Honeywell FM&T Honeywell manages the Kan- tiny home for homeless vet- tional donated tables. sas City National Security Cam- erans with disabilities in their pus for the U.S. Department of Veterans Village of tiny Honeywell has as many as Energy’s National Nuclear Se- homes. 400 employees who are vet- curity Administration (NNSA) erans and has an active Vet- Honeywell also sponsors the and Department of Defense. erans Employee Group. Veterans Place portion of the In the community, Honeywell is annual Memorial Day Cele- THANK YOU, Honeywell at the forefront of the fast bration at the Station. FM&T for your support to our growing “tiny house” trend. military community! This year, Honeywell was the Honeywell’s 4-Star table at the Army Specifically, thanks to Honey- Birthday Celebration. well, the Veterans Community most significant sponsor and donor for the Army Birthday Project added its first American with Disabilities Act-compliant Celebration with a 4-star sponsor table and two addi- Individual Member Spotlight: Staff Sergeant Ezekiel Crozier, US Army, Retired Staff Sergeant Ezekiel Crozier He serves the community tion, drew the ticket for the is a wounded warrior after a with speaking engagements winner, and presented the helicopter crash led to a trau- and by creating custom- artwork to Mr. Steve Henry of matic brain injury (TBI) and post designed, painted, and Leavenworth, Kansas. -traumatic stress disorder handcrafted bottle-cap art- Zeke is now also a student (PTSD). work through his company, veteran, recently enrolled at Handy-Cappin LLC. Zeke served nine years in the Johnson County Community Reserves; however, after medi- One of his art pieces, por- College. He is taking General cally-retiring in 2014, his new traying the Army Strong Studies towards an Associ- purpose is giving back to the logo, was the door prize at ate’s Degree. military community, especially this year’s Army Birthday THANK YOU, Zeke for your SSG (R) Zeke Crozier and Mr. Steve those also struggling with TBI Celebration. Henry at the Army Birthday outstanding service! Celebration. and PTSD. Zeke attended the celebra- Volume 1, Issue 3 Page 3 Programs Update: Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Support Programs—Officer Saber Award Each year, KC AUSA com- achievements in academ- 243rd Army Birthday Celebra- munity partner Orbital ATK ics, physical fitness, leader- tion Dinner. He joined our Small Caliber Systems spon- ship and personal charac- guest speaker Lieutenant sors the awarding of an ter. These presentations General (Retired) Perry Wig- engraved Army Officer Sa- are made during each sen- gins and Private Michael ber to the top graduating ior ROTC program’s Joslyn, the youngest Soldier cadet in each of the four Awards Ceremony, some of present, in the honor of cut- senior Army ROTC pro- which are in conjunction ting the Army Birthday cake. grams supported by KC with a formal Military Dining AUSA. The sabers are laser Out that celebrates the The four senior ROTC pro- engraved with “For Meritori- Commissioning of its gradu- grams that KC AUSA supports ous Achievement, awarded ating Seniors. Whenever are: the Pony Express Battal- ion (hosted / headquartered LTG (R ) Perry Wiggins, 2LT Dallas Thomas, and by Kansas City Association possible, a KC AUSA chap- PV2 Michael Joslyn preparing to cut the Army of the United States Army,” ter leader is also present at at Missouri Western State Birthday Celebration Cake ordered through Marlow each program’s Commis- University), Central Missouri White in Leavenworth, Kan- sioning Ceremony. University’s Fighting Mules sas. Battalion, Pittsburg State Uni- This year, saber recipient versity’s Gorilla Battalion, and A KC AUSA chapter leader Second Lieutenant Dallas Truman State University’s personally presents each Thomas, Armor, graduated Bulldog Detachment. saber to the senior cadet and commissioned in May chosen by each Army ROTC from Missouri Western program for his or her com- State University and was a prehensive and outstanding special guest at KC AUSA’s From the Young Professionals Vice President The Army Birthday Celebra- maintaining your profession- We have an exciting calen- tion was great this year! We al network; however, use dar in the next few months saw old friends, had great these activities as network- with another Purple Connec- tion event in August and a fun, and had a YP- ing opportunities. visit from SMA (R) Ken Pres- Sponsored table. We should These fun, outdoor, and fam- ton in September—make do this every year! ily oriented events are a sure you put these on your schedule! Summer is in full swing and, perfect way to meet new like many of you, my house- people. These casual initial I look forward to seeing you hold is action packed with meetings may create a rele- out there! kids’ baseball, pool parties, vant professional connection summer camps, and vaca- since everyone has a career Matt Lawson Sergeant First Class tions. It’s easy to get caught or job, right? US Army Reserve up in it and spend less time 3QTR / 4QTR 2018 Events / Community Activities There are many ways to get Oct 17 Executive Committee Community/Partner Activities Oct 25 ACA Biz Club Social involved in KC AUSA, whether Jul 26 ACA Biz Club Social Oct 27 MOAA-HOA on the leadership team, as a Nov 14 Executive Committee Aug 10 ESGR Awards Dinner Luncheon chapter member, or as a com- munity partner.