VolumeThe 106 No. 29 Carmelwww.carmelpinecone.com Pine ConeJuly 17-23, 2020 T r u s t e d b y l o c a l s a n d l o v e d b y v i s i t o r s s i n c e 1 9 1 5 Coronavirus surges among inmates at county jail New shutdown By MARY SCHLEY orders ‘devastating’ OF THE 287 Monterey County Jail inmates tested for coronavirus since the first case there was de- to small businesses tected during a routine pre-surgery exam almost two weeks ago, 108 By KELLY NIX have come back positive for coro- navirus, Monterey County Sheriff’s IN A one-two punch to Monterey County’s economy, Capt. John Thornburg told The Pine Gov. Gavin Newsom Monday ordered gyms, churches, Cone Thursday morning. And out of barbershops and hair salons, indoor malls and other busi- 41 staffers tested, one has contracted nesses to close again, as the surge of new coronavirus the virus. cases in Salinas and the Salinas Valley shows no sign of “We have had two inmates who slowing anytime soon. needed to go to the hospital, and In addition, “non-essential” offices, nail salons, tattoo both have been released,” he added. parlors and churches were also ordered to shut — many of “The vast majority of those positive them just a few weeks after they reopened. And for the first cases are either asymptomatic or time, the list of banned activities includes public protests, have mild symptoms.” where distancing is seldom practiced. However, the ban AERIAL PHOTO VIA APPLE MAPS only applies to “indoor protests,” according to Monterey Patient zero County health officer Dr. Ed Moreno. The Monterey County Jail has seen a sharp increase in coronavirus cases among inmates The first inmate to test positive since the first was detected during a routine medical test two weeks ago, but the sheriff’s Rising rates was also asymptomatic, Thornburg office says the complex has space to isolate inmates who are infected. said during a press briefing Mon- The new statewide order followed one last week that day. “The next day, five people in the all Monterey County bars, pubs and winetasting rooms be same housing unit had symptoms, and they tested positive start of the lockdown, when inmates who were in jail for closed, as well as indoor restaurants and movie theaters. for Covid.” comparatively minor offenses and who were at risk were The new closures were ordered because coronavirus cases Last week, the sheriff’s office tested 89 people thought let out. and hospitalizations in Monterey County continue to rise to have been exposed and got 61 positive results, after “Last week, we approached the courts about releasing which officials ramped up testing. Most of the inmates people,” he said. The courts allowed the sheriff’s office See SHUTDOWN page 16A were in the same housing unit and are still being kept to- to release 16 prisoners, and Sheriff Steve Bernal used his gether but isolated from the rest of the jail population. authority under the Government Code to let another 18 “We are going to test all inmates and all staff,” he said, go over the weekend. The jail population as of Thursday Real estate providing a total of around 900 people, though he didn’t know how was 710. At its height before the shutdown, the number long it would take to get the testing done. exceeded 800, and it briefly dropped to as low as the high “We don’t know who patient zero is,” he added. “We’re 500s in the spring. Thornburg said the jail compound has badly needed bright spot trying to figure out how it got in.” enough space for up to 72 inmates to isolate themselves if By MARY SCHLEY The outbreak also has the sheriff’s office again look- necessary. ing at early releases, similar to what occurred toward the See JAIL page 17A DURING THE week of April 12 — when business- es were closed and the coronavirus pandemic had every- each patrols try to keep the crowds moving one sheltering in place — a paltry 13 home sales totaling B $11,929,000 closed escrow in the Monterey Peninsula. Last week, 48 houses across the Peninsula sold for an im- Scenic and 13th was cited for having a chair on the beach, n Tickets written for illegal chairs pressive $78,775,000 — with 31 of them going for well and about 15 minutes later, a 44-year-old man at Scenic over $1 million. and 11th received a citation for the same violation. Shortly By MARY SCHLEY The numbers bear witness to local realtors’ experiences before 5:45 p.m., a 50-year-old man was also ticketed at as of late, especially those who handle properties in Carm- Scenic and 10th for having a chair on the sand. SIGNS POSTED at Carmel Beach clearly state those el, Pebble Beach, Carmel Valley and down the coast. who venture onto the sand need to keep moving. Intend- In more than 45 years in the business, Carmel Realty Misdemeanors ed to slow the spread of coronavirus, the rules include no managing director Bill Mitchell said, he’s never encoun- Those citations for violating the county health officer’s coolers, chairs or tents on the sand, and no fires. The beach tered a more challenging and complex period than during order are misdemeanors and will be prosecuted by the is “open for exercise only,” the signs say. the last three months. Monterey County District Attorney’s Office, assuming the But every day, especially when it’s sunny, police offi- “The pandemic literally shut down our business in DA chooses to pursue the charges. cers have to ask people to keep moving and have even had April and May — those were the worst months in the his- “We were doing constant patrols, had adequate signage, to cite people who refused to follow the rules. tory of our business, by far,” he said. “However, the mar- and many people chose to ignore the signs,” Police Chief “We had officers on the beach for most of the weekend. ket rebounded in June,” when volume was more than two Paul Tomasi said. “These are misdemeanor violations Warnings were given to over 60 people on Sunday alone times higher than it was a year ago. which require a full police report and filing with the DA’s who were in violation of the posted order,” Sgt. Jeff Wat- “In the middle of June, something happened — it’s office. Each one, if filed by the DA, could require a jury kins said. “Most beachgoers complied, but several were almost like someone turned a light switch on,” realtor watching to see if we would enforce the order.” trial.” On July 12, just before 5 p.m, a 31-year-old woman at See PATROLS page 13A See BRIGHT page 15A Navigating hospital’s emotional waves and sometimes rocky shores

By DENNIS TAYLOR pital’s respiratory triage tent, treating patients with symptoms of Covid-19, which has infected more A GREAT day, said Cristina Borek, is punching than 3 million Americans and caused more than out at the end of her 12-hour shift as a frontline nurse 130,000 U.S. deaths. at Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula knowing that she’s helped a patient feel better. Calming people down There’s also the other kind of day, said Borek, Protective masks, frequent hand washing, and so- who works with CHOMP’s Critical Decisions Unit, cial distancing are the first line of defense against the the team that determines which emergency room pa- most formidable pandemic in a century. The emer- tients should be admitted to the hospital, and who gency room is where people come when they’re wor- should be sent home. ried, frightened or even terrified that the virus has “There are some you worry about when they’re invaded their bodies. Borek and her colleagues see discharged, because you’re not really sure how that fear and feel the weight of their responsibilities they’re going to be,” said the native, a 2008 every day. graduate of Carmel High. “As a nurse, you only want “When I’m working in the respiratory triage tent, to see the best outcome for everybody. Sometimes I feel like calming people down is a big part of what you have that gut feeling when they go out the door: we do,” the nurse said. “These aren’t just patients, ‘I don’t really know how this is going to go for them.’ these are our community members, and it’s our re- PHOTO/MONICA SCIUTO, CHOMP That’s when the job is really frustrating, really hard.” Nurse Cristina Bodek enters CHOMP’s Respiratory Triage Tent, which isolates When she’s needed, Borek also works in the hos- See FRONT page 24A Covid-19 patients from others who come to the hospital’s ER. Attention readers: Don’t forget that you can have the complete Carmel Pine Cone delivered every Thursday evening to your tablet, laptop, PC or phone — with no banner ads, popups, click bait or paywalls. We also don’t harvest your data or make you create an account or password. Free subscriptions available at www.carmelpinecone.com. 2A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 following cdc guidelines Sandy Claws By Lisa Crawford Watson end of Life goes on season SHE WASN’T going to adopt a dog, she was just going to get groceries. But there, outside the store, sale in a pen way too big for his little self, sat Joe. It was adoption day for an animal shelter on Maui, and sport coats, they’d set up a little fair outside the market. pants & shirts “There was this adorable little dog,” his person said. “I suddenly realized I had to have him. So, I brought him and the groceries home.” Joey, as his person calls him, is a wire-hair fox terrier-Jack Russell mix, around 8 years old. In his trunktrunk showsshows home state of Hawaii, he refused to sit on the sand or go into the warm water — hated it, actually, said peterpeter millamillarr his person, who began to believe their relationship wasn’t going to work out. sportswearsportswear But, when she and Joey moved to her native home the Monterey Peninsula two years ago, set- trasktrask shoesshoes tling in Del Mesa Carmel, he fell in love with Carmel special pricingpricing Beach. She brings him to the beach every day. “As soon as I park the car at 13th and Scenic, Joey gets so excited,” his person said. “He runs down the stairs, across the sand and into the water. I think the They’re sort of an odd couple, but they have a great sand in Hawaii was too hot for him.” time running together at the dog park near Quail Joey’s cuteness factor has caused the pair to Lodge.” make a lot of human friends at the beach, but he’s a Joey’s person realizes that while she’s feeling a little more discriminating with dogs. Some, he really little sequestered during shelter in place, Joey’s life likes, his person said, while others, he just ignores. hasn’t changed at all. 831•625•8106 His best pal is actually a shih tzu named Ulysses, CARMEL PLAZA • OCEAN AVE who lives upstairs. “At first, Joey didn’t like Uly,” his person said, KHAKISOFCARMEL.COM Law Office of “but Uly really likes Joey, so he must have given in. Sara Senger YYOUOU DDIDID IIT!T! ALFONSO MARINA 30 years of experience Thank you for helping us raise $11,285.72 during the in Medi-Cal Estate Planning 44-day social media fundraiser that replaced our Mad Catter’s Tea Party, postponed due to COVID-19. We ex- ceeded our goal of $10,000! Your gifts will transform the lives of Monterey County’s older cats from homeless Elder Law to happy … cats like Claudette and Sophie, sweet and playful 14-year-old sisters available for adoption. Wills and Trusts SSophieophie CClaudettelaudette Special Needs

I will make home and hospital visits All Golden Oldies cats are spayed/neutered and current on medical.

Call Golden Oldies at 831-200-9700 if you would like to 2511 Garden Rd., Suite A230 Monterey meet the girls or go to www.gocatrescue.org and fill out an adoption application. (831) 646-5424 | [email protected]

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Get your complete Pine Cone every Thursday night by email — free subscriptions at www.carmelpinecone.com July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 3A OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Coastal commission’s OK puts city vacation rental rules in effect

By MARY SCHLEY draw.” While the municipal code has banned AFTER HEARING a glowing ap- rentals of shorter than 30 days in the sin- praisal of the city’s law on short-term rent- gle-family-residential district for more als in the commercial districts and apart- than three decades, it was silent on vaca- ment buildings, the Coastal tion rentals in the commercial areas and Commission last week approved an ordi- multifamily-residential districts. As a re- nance that grandfathers 44 vacation rentals sult, property owners operated short-term and only allows additional ones if they are rentals in those areas without regulation, part of new developments with affordable and without paying transient occupancy apartments. The ordinance took effect as taxes like hotels do, until the city began re- soon as the coastal commission approved quiring business licenses and permits. it July 9. Coastal planner Mike Watson and cen- Rentals ‘a high priority’ tral coast district manager Susan Craig Afraid the number would continue to told commissioners the city’s planning climb if they didn’t somehow cap it, city department and decision makers “found a council members, after several meetings, reasonable balance that seeks to maintain adopted an amendment to the city’s local the city’s vibrant tourism economy at the coastal program in January that would al- same time as ensuring preservation of the city’s unique character that itself is a visitor See RENTALS page 29A ROBERTSON ENTERS COUNCIL RACE

By MARY SCHLEY and Richards, but not from Robertson. She

has one on file from former Mayor Steve COME VISIT US AT OUR AS SOON as the filing period for the Dallas, who filed his form in January 2019 election of two city council members and stating he planned to run for the same of- Monterey Showroom mayor opened Monday, incumbents Mayor fice again, but he has not pulled nominat- Dave Potter and councilman Bobby Rich- ing papers yet. 8am to 4pm Monday through Friday ards received their nominating papers from Robertson, 61, was born in Scotland but and by appointment 831.375.7811 city clerk Britt Avrit so they could collect came to Carmel with his family when he the 20 signatures of registered voters they was a child, graduated from Carmel High HIGHEST QUALITY TEAK OUTDOOR FURNITURE, PERFORMANCE FABRICS need to get on the ballot. Longtime resi- and has a BS from San Diego State. He’s AND LIMITED STOCK OF SALE ITEMS: DINING TABLES • DINING CHAIRS dent Graeme Robertson, who has been worked in the financial field, has long been mentioned as a possible candidate in elec- involved in Carmel Rotary and the local OCCASIONAL TABLES • COFFEE TABLES • LOUNGE CHAIRS • OTTOMANS tions going back years, pulled his papers business community in general, and is SOFAS • BAR CHAIRS • DAY BEDS • CONSOLES • OUTDOOR FABRICS AND Wednesday. an avid tennis player. Robertson lives on MUCH MORE! Councilwoman Jan Reimers, whose Santa Lucia with wife Christine, and they term also ends this year, announced last have two adult sons, Andrew and Austin. 5 HARRIS COURT BUILDING W MONTEREY CA 93940 week she will not seek reelection. According to Monterey County Elections, Avrit said Thursday she has also re- Robertson is a registered Republican who SUMMIT FURNITURE, INC. | 831.375.7811 | SUMMITFURNITURE.COM ceived Candidate Intention Statements, has participated in all recent elections. City MONTEREY LOS ANGELES LONDON MONACO which are required by the state, from Potter offices are nonpartisan.

WWe’ree’re Open!Open! RETAIL & SSERVICES,ERVICES TTAKEAKE OUT,OUT OOUTDOORUTDOOR DDINING AND OUTDOOR WINE TASTING ARE ALL OPEN! Remember to wear face coverings and maintain safe distancing.

APPAREL, SHOES BOOKS, CARDS, Crossroads Cleaners Sweet Reba’s Bakery & Kitchen RPM Rehab (831) 574-8386 & ACCESSORIES GIFTS & HOME ACCENTS (831) 624-5121 (831) 601-7875 Studio J Pilates (831) 236-3905 Debra C Carmel (831) 624-9400 Burst & Bloom (831) 625-8111 Montage Medical Group, Taste Morgan (831) 626-3700 FINE JEWELRY Metronome (831) 250-7933 Consignment by the Sea Carmel (831) 718-9701 HARDWARE, European Jeweler & SHE (831) 626-4686 (831) 574-8153 Pet Food Express (831) 622-9999 PHARMACY & GROCERY Goldsmith (831) 624-3555 Stephan Cori (831) 624-8444 The Hearth Shop (831) 375-1252 Spoke Consulting (831) 515-6403 (831) 624-4697 Carmel Ace Hardware Hesselbein’s Jewelers Tops N Travel (831) 622-7500 River House Books Suds & Scissors (831) 293-8050 (831) 625-2522 (831) 626-2665 The UPS Store (831) 625-2800 The Treadmill (831) 624-4112 Carmel Ace Home & Weber Goldsmith Gallery Spencer’s Stationery (831) 293-8050 (831) 626-7600 BEAUTY (831) 624-2001 FOOD SPECIALTIES Garden & WINE TASTING CVS Pharmacy (831) 624-0195 Zearly (831) 250-7933 RESTAURANTS Cinq Mondes Spa - (831) 625-8820 (831) 625-4410 The Annex (831) 250-7471 Safeway Carmel Poke Co. (831) 574-3322 Carmel EXPERT SERVICES Heidi’s Studio (831) 624-2347 The Big Squeezy (831) 574-3320 HEALTH & FITNESS China Delight (831) 625-3367 Ambiance Interiors Monterey Bay Bodyworks Carmel Valley Coffee The Crossroads BBQ (831) 626-7100 (831) 626-8784 Carmel Medical Supplies (831) 250-7616 (831) 372-4212 Roasting Co. (831) 574-3339 Animal Hospital at The O Salon (831) 620-0288 Lula’s Chocolates Island Taco (831) 624-8454 Crossroads (831) 624-0131 (831) 626-3327 Carmel Pilates & Personal O Style Bar (831) 620-0266 Training (831) 625-3341 R.G. Burgers (831) 626-8054 Blink Optometry (831) 250-6999 McIntyre Vineyards Style by Joanie (831) 238-0686 Functional Integrated Rio Grill (831) 625-5436 Community Hospital (831) 626-6268 Training—FIT (831) 915-2755 Yongsun’s Beauty Hair Laboratory Services Sea Harvest Fish Market & (831) 224-7836 Sea Harvest Fish Market & Restaurant (831) 626-3626 Salon (831) 625-4811 (831) 626-3626 Ghost Tree Training Restaurant (831) 521-8784 FOR YOUR SAFETY We are taking extra precautions to HHoursours subjectsubject toto change,change, pleaseplease contactcontact iindividualndividual bbusinessusiness fforor mmoreore infoinfo keep our center safe and clean! HWY 1 @ RIO RD, CARMEL, CA 93923 831.625.4106 THECROSSROADSCARMEL.COM 4A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 Clark’s Carmel Stone Police, Fire & (831) 385-4000 Sheriff’s Log 100 Airport Drive, King City Delivery Available Luckily the business was closed HERE’S A look at some of the signifi- cide threat on social media. clarkscarmelstone.com [email protected] cant calls logged by the Carmel-by-the-Sea Carmel Valley: A 28-year-old male was Police Department and the Monterey County arrested on El Potrero for public intoxication, Sheriff’s Office last week. This week’s log resisting arrest and disobeying a court order. was compiled by Mary Schley. Carmel area: Deputies responded after report of a disturbance at a Santa Rita Street FRENCH TABLECLOTHS WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 residence. Carmel-by-the-Sea: Male reported los- THURSDAY, JULY 2 ing his checkbook. aiX Carmel-by-the-Sea: Male on Lincoln Carmel-by-the-Sea: A traffic enforce- south of Seventh reported a subject took his ment stop at Flanders and Highway 1 at 0133 SHOWROOM SALE wallet and would not return it. It was deter- hours for a vehicle code violation resulted in mined that subject took the wallet at the re- the driver, a 58-year-old male Carmel resi- quest of his family due to his deteriorating dent, being arrested for DUI. Vehicle stored. OPEN FRIDAY & SATURDAY 11-4 mental health, dementia and fiscal irrespon- Carmel-by-the-Sea: New renter acci- 605a California Ave. SAND CITY 831-392-7787 sibility. dently fired a live round through the floor of Carmel-by-the-Sea: Female reported she his apartment at Fifth and Mission into the left her stroller parked at Scenic and Santa business located below at 0943 hours. The Lucia Avenue, and when she came back a business was closed at the time. It was deter- couple of hours later, the stroller was gone. mined the discharged round was accidental. Carmel-by-the-Sea: Unattended $20 bill Carmel-by-the-Sea: Subject was given a The SPCA for Monterey County found in the gutter on Dolores south of Sixth. trespass advisement from a residence on Per- The currency was placed into a temporary ry Newberry Way north of Fifth. locker pending contact with the owner. Carmel-by-the-Sea: A 41-year-old fe- Carmel-by-the-Sea: Commercial bur- male caregiver was arrested at her Salinas Kitties of the Week glary on Rio Road. residence and booked into Monterey Coun- Evangelineg 7 yearsy old Pacific Grove: Graffiti in George Wash- ty Jail on charges of felony burglary, grand Rollo 5 mos. old ington Park. theft, identity theft and check fraud, and mis- Pebble Beach: Deputies responded to re- demeanor theft. Meet the Rollo is 5 port of suspicious circumstances on Forest Carmel-by-the-Sea: Business on Lin- beautiful monthshs old Way. coln south of Fifth requested that a subject be Evangeline! and oh-so-h-so- Big Sur: A male said that his car was warned about trespassing. She is a 7 year cute! HeHe wants entered and items were stolen while it was oldo class act POLICE LOG to be yyourour neneww parked on Highway 1. See page 13RE (or( class “cat” Big Sur: best friend.riend. Concerned friend reported a sui- in the Real Estate Section ifif you prefer). Are youou reready!addy!y SheSh is Meet himhimm atat availableava for the SPCA!PCAA! adoptionadop at thethe SPCA! The gavel falls

Verdicts, pleas and sentencings announced by “SPCA for Monterey County Veterinary clinic is taking appointments Monterey County District Attorney Jeannine Pacioni for spay/neuter! Call 831-264-5400 for an appointment.”

Call us at (831) 373-2631 for more information about adopting Evangeline & Rollo. June 8 — Judge Pamela L. Butler sen- inside and outside the restaurant, and em- Sponsored by Friends of All Cats tenced Orlando Gonzalez Esparza, 27, a res- ployees failing to wear face coverings while ident of Salinas, to serve two years in prison working. www.SPCAmc.org for possessing narcotics while armed with a The stipulated final judgment also in- loaded firearm. cludes an injunction requiring The Tuck Box On August 13, 2019, at approximately 1 to comply with dine-in service restrictions, p.m., Salinas police officers served a search as well as face covering and social distancing warrant on Esparza’s residence. As the offi- requirements. cers approached the residence from the rear, This settlement resolves the civil unfair they observed someone throw a handgun out competition action against The Tuck Box, ROTARY CLUB OF of a bedroom window. When they entered as well as the criminal action filed against that bedroom, officers found Esparza, along Jef-frey Le Towt for the same violations. with 18 grams of methamphetamine and The stipulated final judgment initially re- CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA three 12-gauge Winchester shotgun shells. quires that The Tuck Box pay $15,000 in civil After being advised of his Miranda rights, penalties. To ensure future compliance with Esparza agreed to speak with officers and ad- the emergency health orders, the remaining mitted that he had thrown the loaded firearm $20,000 will become payable if The Tuck Carmel by-the-Sea Rotary out of the bedroom window. Box or its employees violate the terms of the June 15 — The Tuck Box restaurant, injunction. has awarded Academic, STEM, Vocational, located in Carmel-by-the-Sea, and its own- District Attorney Jeannine Pacioni stat- er Jeffrey Le Towt (collectively, “The Tuck ed, “It remains critical that individuals and Box”) have agreed to a stipulated final judg- businesses continue to follow the state and Music, and Individual Sponsored 2020 ment that includes payment of up to $35,000 local Covid-19 emergency health orders. The in civil penalties to resolve The Tuck Box’s District Attorney’s Office will continue to Scholarships to the following CHS students: violations of state and local Covid-19 emer- respond to complaints regarding businesses gency health orders. violating the emergency health orders, in- Lauren Aiello, Joaquin Carlson, Yvonne DiGirolamo, The violations included: providing dine- cluding the social distancing protocols. We in restaurant service when such activity are all in this fight against Covid-19 togeth- Kianna Dorantes, Jordi Faxon, Ella Foster, Amaya Gomez, was prohibited by emergency health orders, er, and we must continue to look out for each failing to follow social distancing protocols other. Thank you to everyone who is doing Garrett Griffin, Harrison Herendeen-Hill , Gianna Herrera, such as maintaining six feet in between tables their part.” Quy Huynh, Jaclyn Hyles, Kendra Hyles, Vinni Jacobs, Ryan Knight, Jaia Linden-Engel, Sophia Linnevers, Marcus Lo, A trusted name on the Monterey Peninsula for nearly 50 years! Mira Meckel, Pascale Montgomery, Sakina Munsinger, Brenna Ozel, Dilan Patel, Catherine Singler-Walker, Terry McGowan 831.236.7251 Emma Valdez, Wyatt Wadsworth, Kylie Yeatman, Lucia Zacek. TerryMcGowan.com These students will be sharing $93,000 in scholarship support. [email protected] GRI, CRS, ABR, SRS, e-Pro, SRES DRE: 01126129 A SPECIAL THANKS TO PATRICIA HUNT, CHS COLLEGE AND CAREER COUNSELOR, FOR HER OUTSTANDING HELP IN FACILITATING OUR ROTARY SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS IN THIS DIFFICULT COVID-19 YEAR. Helping you reach your real estate goals since 1991! July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 5A 6A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 WOMAN FOUND GUILTY FOR NOT TREATING PET’S SEVERELY BROKEN LEG

taken from Guerrero, is much better now, SPCA spokes- Bear, when he jumped out of her car and was severely in- QAnother dog found dead woman Beth Brookhouser said. jured, the DA’s office said. “Peanut is in a loving foster home,” Brookhouser told The vet called the SPCA, which sent an officer to try By KELLY NIX The Pine Cone. “He has recovered from his surgery and is to convince Guerrero to surrender the dog, telling her they doing well and getting lots of love and attention.” would treat the pup for free, but she refused. The nonprofit A MONTEREY woman who refused to get treatment Prosecutors said Guerrero took the injured animal to a eventually seized Peanut, and one of its vets mended his for her dog’s broken leg — which later had to be amputat- veterinary clinic on Feb. 14 because its leg was broken so broken leg. ed because the injury was so severe — has been sentenced badly that only skin was holding it together. When Guer- to three years’ probation after a judge found her guilty of rero said she couldn’t pay for the surgery, a veterinarian Abandoned German shepherd failing to care for the animal, the Monterey County Dis- gave the animal some medication and called charities to In an unrelated case, the SPCA said Wednesday that trict Attorney’s Office said this week. help fund the procedure. it is offering a $1,000 reward leading to the arrest and Following a four-day court trial, Superior Court Judge But the groups wouldn’t cover the surgery because they conviction of those who abandoned a German shepherd, Robert Burlison ordered Josephine Guerrero, 74, to sub- had recently paid to mend Peanut’s other leg, which had which was found dead inside a large wire crate on July 10 mit to welfare checks from SPCA for Monterey County been broken only four months prior. The groups had also in the Prunedale area. officials. The poodle mix, Peanut, which has since been performed “lifesaving treatment” for Guerrero’s other dog, The animal had been treated for a wound on his outer left thigh and was wearing a blue medical collar used to prevent him from biting the wound when he was found. SPCA vets have performed a necropsy of the animal. “The dog recently received veterinary treatment, so hopefully a local veterinarian will have more information about this case so we can locate the owners and determine why the poor dog was left this way, and if he was still alive when he was abandoned,” Brookhouser said. The dog’s owners, if found, could be charged with ani- mal cruelty, abandonment, and deprivation of food, water and shelter. To contact the SPCA about the German shepherd, call (831) 373-2631. Calls are confidential. CORRECTIONS

OUR STORY last week about Quail Lodge receiving a sizable PPP loan was incorrect. While the Carmel Valley resort is listed as a loan recipient in data released by the SBA, Quail Lodge general manager Kai Lermen said the company had been approved for a PPP loan but decided not to take it and never received any PPP money. “We felt that local small businesses were in greater need of the fed- eral assistance,” Lermen said. Last week we also incorrectly reported that a Mon- terey County Superior Court judge had required Carmel Unified School District to allow the public to comment in real time during school board meetings after a man filed a lawsuit against CUSD for only allowing written comments during the meetings. CUSD chief technology officer Paul Behan said this week that the school district had agreed to allow parents to comment at the meetings via telephone, but a judge did not require the district to do so.

Kindness Makes A World of b@;u;m1;ĸ &mࢼѲ August 3, 2020 Imࢼl;vѲbh;|_;v;Ķhbm7m;vvu;-ѲѲ‹1o†m|vĸ m7_;u;Ļv-‰-‹‹o†1-m_;Ѳr|_;ones who need it the most.


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Get your complete Pine Cone every Thursday night by email — Free subscriptions at www. carmelpinecone.com July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 7A In Th e Heart of Carmel State sending ‘strike teams’ Private and Close to Everything to enforce coronavirus rules

By MARY SCHLEY Carmel-by-the-Sea, for example, which is home to dozens of restaurants, has fewer WITH THE number of coronavirus than five cases, according to health depart- infections continuing to climb in Monterey ment data. County, and the governor’s shutdown of Nevertheless, “businesses regulated by more businesses in an effort to slow them, the ABC should assume they may come inspectors from several state agencies are to your business. They won’t necessari- converging in “strike teams” to ensure ly announce themselves,” Anderson said. restaurants, stores and other public places People who refuse to follow the rules for are following the rules officials say are masks, social distancing, cleaning and oth- necessary to try to keep people safe. er required measures could lose their per- “State teams have selected Monterey mits. Inspectors will also follow up on any County because it was recently placed complaints they receive. on the state ‘watch list’ due to exceeding They’ll also help restaurants that need health indicators,” county spokeswom- new or modified permits so they can serve an Maia Carroll warned. Inspectors from alcohol outdoors, according to Anderson. Alcohol Beverage Control, CalOSHA, California Highway Patrol, and agencies ‘Improve indicators’ governing barbering and cosmetology, Carroll urged people to make sure they business oversight, consumer affairs, food know what the specific rules are for their and agriculture will be showing up unan- types of businesses, either by contacting nounced to see whether employers and the county or checking out the state’s dedi- workers are complying. Representatives cated Covid-19 website. Hidden from the street in Prime Location. Only Blocks to of the labor commissioner’s office and the “The more we can reduce risk and im- Downtown Carmel and the Beach. Newly Constructed Governor’s Office of Business and Eco- prove our county health indicators, the nomic Development will be checking, too. sooner we can stop additional health re- in 2015 with fantastic quality. Great outdoor space. strictions and allow more businesses to re- Hot spots? open,” she said. $2,895,000 ■ 1,600 Sq. Ft. ■ 3 Beds, 2.5 Baths Carroll said they’ll be focused on busi- The shutdown of indoor dining, bars, www.CarmelTideWinds.com nesses and sectors “that may be putting breweries, movie theaters, card rooms, employees as well as customers at risk of museums and other businesses last week, exposure to Covid-19,” and while they are as well as the new order Monday shutting independent of the county, they’ll confer down hair salons and other personal care with local officials about “areas of con- services, gyms, churches, indoor malls and cern.” offices for “non-essential sectors” — and Judie Profeta It was unclear if that meant they’d most- protests — will continue for at least three 831.601.3207 ly be interested in Salinas and the Salinas weeks but could go on much longer, de- Valley, where more than 90 percent of the pending on when the state health officer Managing Director | Broker Associate county’s cases have occurred. decides to take Monterey County off the Judie@Th eProfetaTeam.com DRE#00703550 Yuri Anderson, chief of staff for 5th monitoring list. District Monterey County Supervisor Of the state’s 58 counties, 30 were on Mary Adams, issued a warning to busi- the list as of Monday, when the governor nesses Monday that ABC inspectors were also closed bars, dine-in restaurants, fam- out and about. Adams’ district has very few ily entertainment centers, movie theaters, coronavirus cases. zoos, museums and card rooms statewide. 8A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 Here for Good Peninsula water board member will face challenger Nov. 3

By KELLY NIX amount to years of court litigation and mil- lions of dollars in legal fees — to acquire GARY HOFFMANN, the Monterey the company. Peninsula Water Management District Hoffmann was appointed to the board board member who represents the Carmel in 2018 after director Bob Brower, who area, announced this week he will run for was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, had reelection in November, while a woman to step down to focus on his health. Hoff- who supports the government takeover mann’s term ends in November. of California American Water officially kicked off her campaign to unseat him. ‘Cost effective’ Hoffmann told The Pine Cone Mon- Anderson, who said 87 percent of day that he intends to file paperwork to the country’s water systems are publicly continue to serve on the District 5 seat, owned and operated, and should also be on which also includes Carmel Valley, but the Monterey Peninsula, volunteered for Amy Anderson, a proponent of govern- the Measure J campaign. ment-owned water systems, wants his spot. “Public ownership has proved itself over “I am not surprised that the Measure J decades as the most cost-effective way to advocates are interested in the Division 5 run a water system,” Anderson, the artistic seat on the board,” Hoffmann told The Pine and education director for Chamber Music Cone this week after learning of Ander- Monterey, told The Pine Cone. “I believe son’s candidacy. that a community is much better able to -YVTPUZWPYPUNWOPSHU[OYVW` In November 2018, Peninsula voters determine its own future water needs than approved a measure that directed the water a private — for-profit — corporation from HUKZ[YLUN[OLUPUNJVTT\UP[PLZ[V district to take over Cal Am if it was to be outside the community.” YLZWVUKPUN[VJOHSSLUNLZSPRL*6=0+ [OL “financially feasible.” Consultants hired by Anderson said that for the past three the water district are working to determine years, she’s attended and spoken at water *VTT\UP[`-V\UKH[PVUMVY4VU[LYL`*V\U[`OHZ that. board meetings “to deepen my understand- ILLU¸/LYLMVY.VVK¹MVY`LHYZ Though Hoffmann has been opposed to ing of MPWMD’s position in our commu- public ownership of Cal Am’s system on nity.” the Peninsula, he said he would wait until “I decided earlier this year that it was Helping people meet community needs. he could thoroughly review the final feasi- time to play a more active role,” said An- bility report before he makes a “fact-based derson, who has a PhD in marine biology. +VUVY(K]PZLK-\UKZ࠮-HTPS`7OPSHU[OYVW`࠮*OHYP[HISL,Z[H[L7SHUUPUN determination” on whether public owner- She notes that a preliminary analysis by ship is “is appropriate and in the best inter- the water district, which estimated it could *.(Z*9;Z࠮09(*OHYP[HISL+PZ[YPI\[PVUZ࠮:JOVSHYZOPWZ 4VYL est of the communities.” cost $513 million to acquire Cal Am, “ap- “I believe it is my responsibility and pears to be professional and thorough.” obligation to use my 30-plus years of pro- Cal Am disputes the cost analysis and fessional engineering experience as a state said the company is worth more than $1 water regulator and as a water utility gener- billion. al manager to objectively evaluate wheth- “Whatever the final cost, this has to be er public ownership and operation by the affordable to ratepayers and in the public MPWMD is the right thing to do for our interest to make it feasible,” she said. 831.375.9712 | cfmco.org | communities,” Hoffmann said. If elected, Anderson would join a ma- Cal Am has repeatedly said it is not for sale and would fight efforts — which could See WATER page 24A WATER MATTERS (&/&30643&#"5&4 "7"*-"#-&0/ 8"5&34"7*/( %&7*$&4"/% '*9563&4





For more info on water conservation visit montereywaterinfo.org July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 9A Commission again delays vote on removal of hated eucalyptus

By MARY SCHLEY were unable to work,” due to Covid-19, she said, “and I unhappy about what has happened,” and he strongly dis- didn’t have the final signature on the dotted line from the agreed the property could only support 15 trees. SO THAT she can’t take her case to the city council city council.” She has since planted 11 of the 15 trees, as “I would like to give the owner a chance to bring us a — at least, not yet — the forest and beach commission last well as two cherry trees and an additional madrone. plan we can really get behind,” commissioner JC Myers week asked San Antonio Avenue resident Laura Overett to She also mentioned paying to plant, irrigate and main- said. submit a landscape plan to replace the 17 huge eucalyptus tain native plants along San Antonio after the new walking Caddell again called the property an “eyesore” and re- she wants to cut down on the west side of her large proper- path was installed before the U.S. Open in 2010, and pay- counted the city council’s decision to overturn the com- ty and the 27 she removed on the east side last year. ing her landscaping crew to remove Acacia, which is also mission’s ruling on Overett’s request to cut down the first Last month, the forest and beach commission con- bad for native habitat. 27 eucalyptus. sidered Overett’s request to take out the 170-year-old, “To think I would intentionally leave you with an eye- Speculating Overett would again win on appeal, he 150-foot-tall, non-native trees because they could fall and sore is a bit disheartening,” she said. “Replanting takes said, “I wonder if it might be wiser for us to weigh in now they negatively affect the nearby North Dunes habitat. The time. Soil improvements take time.” and require a plan for replanting that is more robust than trees are also highly flammable, and their dead leaves make Finally, she pointed out, the city recently spent thou- what we got the last time.” the ground below uninhabitable for native plants and trees. sands of dollars to remove eucalyptus from Mission Trail “It’s inexplicable to me we could have 44 eucalyptus But the forest and beach commission didn’t vote on her park “for no other reason than that they were non-native,” that live there for 170 years and get 150 feet tall and then application, instead asking to see the landscape plan first. and years ago took out all the eucalyptus lining Fourth Av- have the forester say there’s only room for 15 trees, a third Commissioners were also largely critical of the removal enue. of which are madrones,” Caddell said. “That does not of the first 27, which they tried to stop but the city council “Now the city has the opportunity to be rid of 17 euca- compute for me.” OK’d, and they disagreed with city forester Sara Davis’ lyptus encroaching on their native dunes at no cost to the Commissioner Sarah Berling said it would be unfair to recommendation that the remaining 17 be cut down. city,” she said. “hold her hostage until she comes up with something that “I want to table this again. Ms. Overett will not get to pleases us,” and that the commission should just vote on go to city council, because I would prefer not to make a ‘A travesty’ her application, but Myers said the commission has the decision until we see a real plan,” commission chair Mike Karen Ferlito said the landscape plan should include “right to request a full landscaping plan,” and commission- Caddell said at the July 9 meeting. more than 15 trees and that they should be larger, not little ers voted 3-1 to again put off the decision, in hopes of oaks in 5-gallon pots that will take decades to grow to any getting a landscape plan from Overett that they like. ‘An eyesore’ meaningful size. Davis described the existing landscape plan calling Biologist Joey Canepa, who has been working on the for 15 trees on the 1.47-acre property: three madrones (a North Dunes project, said she’s been conferring with native tree) in 15-gallon pots, four Monterey cypress in Overett on the best native plants to have on her property TWO GIRLS 15-gallon pots and eight coast live oaks in 5-gallon pots. In after the eucalyptus are removed, and she encouraged the BBESTEST HHouseouse addition, she noted, a dozen oaks have sprouted naturally commission to vote in favor of the removal and the exist- g CCleaningleanin FROM CARMEL , ‘18 in the area where the eucalyptus were cut down last year. ing landscape plan, which could be refined after the 17 ‘‘16,16, ‘‘17,17 ‘18 The city forester also listed several problems with the trees are cut down. remaining eucalyptus, including fungal infections, wounds A couple sent an email opposing removing the grove • Experienced and oozing, that are threatening their health and increasing because they think eucalyptus trees are pretty, are habitat • Professional their likelihood of failure, though she said her measure- for birds and other creatures, and remove carbon from the ments indicate the tallest is only 92 feet and would not hit air. Offering a personal Overett’s house if it fell. Commissioner Al Saroyan launched in, saying he was and friendly touch Davis recommended approving the landscape plan, “totally appalled” that after the first grove was removed, for 30 years. saying that although so many trees are being removed, the “no one has done anything to mitigate the damage done to property can only support 15 or so new ones, which will the wildlife and birds that have lived there for 150 years.” BONDED need more space to thrive. “That area that’s been deforested looks more like the HOUSECLEANING Overett is paying a fee to the city’s reforestation fund, Sahara desert than a Carmel property,” he said. “It’s just SPECIALISTS as well, and said she would support restoration efforts in a travesty that it’s been allowed to wholesale mow down the North Dunes area. all those trees, and now we want to mow down another 17 So Many Dust Bunnies, 626-4426 At last week’s meeting, she made an impassioned argu- more.” So Little Time TwoGirlsFromCarmel.com ment for cutting down the trees on the property her family He said “a lot of people in our community” are “very has owned for nearly five decades. “Last month, you expressed the opinion that by re- moving the upper grove, I left you with an eyesore on my property and the unsightly telephone poles, and you are concerned this will happen with the lower grove,” she said. “I feel compelled to respond, because it brings my stew- ardship of this property into question.” Nearby residents are paying to remove the poles and underground the utilities, she said, and she is working to replant. “The weeds took over the property as landscapers

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By CHRIS COUNTS prove “with absolute certainty” their work “will not im- about the last week’s hearing. pact these resources.” He also said land use policies favor “There are eight different groups in this area that repre- DESPITE TESTIMONY by a Native American playing it safe. “Land alteration must be minimized, and sent indigenous ancestors to this site, and we want to make tribal monitor and an archaeologist that three proposed such resources be avoided,” he said. sure all the voices are heard,” he said. “We must be listened basements on Carmel Point would not harm any human Watson also discounted ground-penetrating radar anal- to — please take into account everybody’s opinion.” remains or cultural artifacts, the California Coastal Com- ysis of the sites that was paid for by the builders. Archaeologist Susan Morley, meanwhile, defended mission voted 10 to 1 Thursday to overturn the county’s “Based on staff’s discussions with the manufacturer of the work she and others did that concluded the basements approval of those basements. the radar equipment used … it is not possible to say with wouldn’t disrupt any burials. “Carmel Point is not a ceme- Representing the property owners — who include Chris certainty whether or not tribal resources may or may not tery,” Morley insisted. and Courtney Adamski and Pietro Family Investments of be found beneath the surface of these sites, particularly at Archaeologist Brenna Wheelis testified that San Francisco — attorney Tony Lombardo insisted there such depths,” Watson added. ground-penetrating radar analysis can detect a burial, and is no evidence of Native American burials on any of the Besides bringing into the open the strong anti-devel- archeologist Evan Tudor Elliott suggested that “there’s no three sites. opment sentiments on Carmel Point, the hearing also laid sign within these parcels” that suggests “a significant ar- “We believe that the evidence is irrefutable, and there bare the confusion that exists in Monterey County over chaeological site” exists. are no resources here that would be disturbed,” Lombardo who represents the Native Americans who live here. Along with public comments, the coastal commission told commissioners. “We do not believe there is any basis Louise Miranda Ramirez, the tribal chairwoman of the received a number of letters, including correspondence to deny these applicants basements.” Ohlone Costanoan Esselen Nation, spoke out against base- opposed to the basements from Supervisor Mary Adams, ments. who represents Carmel Point, and former state senator Bill Will burials be harmed? “We need your help to protect our ancestors,” Ramirez Monning. “I believe there is a moral imperative for the But attorney Molly Erickson, who is representing a told commissioners. “Allowing new basements is not con- policies of the coastal commission to acknowledge the group of residents called Save Carmel Point Cultural Re- sistent with protecting archeological and tribal cultural documented subjugation of the Native American tribes sources, said the burden is on builders to prove they won’t resources.” in California, and the historic and cultural importance of damage any resources — something she said they haven’t Ramirez also declared the neighborhood “a sacred site.” respecting the remains of Native Americans known to be done. “Basements are not consistent with Local Coastal But Tom Little Bear Nason, the chairman of the Es- located in the Carmel Point area,” Monning wrote. Program policies that require avoidance, protection and selen Tribe of Monterey County, pushed back against the redesign,” she countered. claim. “There is no evidence of any burial in the area,” Lots of talk, little discussion Defending Erickson’s position was coastal commission Nason responded. After public comments were made and Lombardo had planner Mike Watson, who declared that builders can’t Nason also asked why his group was never contacted a chance to respond to them, coastal commission planner Dan Carl made his case against basements, and said there’s no policy “entitling” a homeowner to one. He also derided the size of the basements, and compared them to “small homes,” noting that they range in size from 1,300 square feet to 2,400 square feet. “This area has been demonstrated to be rich in cultur- al resources,” Carl said. “We can’t say with 100 percent certainty that these excavations won’t lead to adverse im- pacts.” See BASEMENTS page 19A

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only 1 7 units left! LUXURY The Carmel Pine Cone GARAGE 13 Email is the most efficient way to place the CONDOS following listings and ads. Service Directory: email your ad copy and artwork to [email protected] DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS MONDAY AT 1:00 FOR FRIDAY’S EDITION Legals: Irma Garcia (831) 274-8645 [email protected] JOSH JONES BRE# 01352818 831-233-2196 Obituaries: RYAN CLARK Anne Papineau (831) 274-8654 BRE# 02012077 605-228-6402 [email protected] DENNIS CHAMBERS DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS TUESDAY AT 1:00 FOR BRE# 00475577 FRIDAY’S EDITION 408-605-6760 Calendar: [email protected] DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 FOR FRIDAY’S EDITION July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 11A ‘Con artist’ family must pay $1 million in legal fees, AG says SOLD

By KELLY NIX lion from them. “Our office recently received the A FRESNO family accused two years amended judgment from the court that in- ago by the California Attorney General cludes our attorneys’ fees, raising the to- of illegally soliciting charitable donations tal to $9.9 million,” the spokesperson said. under the pretext of helping wounded mil- “We are taking proactive steps to record the itary veterans will be required to pay $1 judgment in various counties in the state in million in state legal fees on top of the $8.8 our efforts to collect payment.” million it’s already been ordered to pay, the The Gregory family has not paid any- state AG’s office told The Pine Cone. thing toward the $8.8 million judgment, Following a civil trial in Alameda but the spokesperson said there is nothing Best Value! County Superior Court in August 2018, a that precludes it from doing so. Resort like living in this stunning remodeled Post Adobe with spacious views over- jury determined that the attorney general’s Once the judgment for the attorneys’ looking the Village of Carmel Valley. Over 2600 sq ft home with an extraordi- claims against Matthew G. Gregory, and fees is filed, “failure to make voluntary nary master suite, office and additional 2 bedrooms and bath. Located on a level his son, Matthew J. Gregory, were true, payments will result in the establishment acre with another beautifully built 1000 sq ft studio with soaring ceilings for the and that they had used misleading and de- of a collection procedure,” the attorney artist or car collector. A very special property for Carmel Valley living at its best! ceptive fundraising practices in running general’s office said. $1,875,000. Available to view by appointment. unlawful charity raffles in California. Jurors also found that the elder Greg- Many things owed ory’s wife, Danella, and daughter, Gina, Gina Gregory — who is also a lawyer had unjustly enriched themselves in the — did not respond to several questions scheme. from The Pine Cone. In 2018, she repre- The family used a Carmel post office sented her father in a $20 million lawsuit box to raise money through its charities against The Pine Cone claiming the news- to establish a therapeutic horse riding pro- paper had defamed him when it reported gram for veterans in Carmel Valley. But the attorney general’s allegations. Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who Under California’s defamation laws, called the family “con artists” in a 2018 the claim was absurd, and a Fresno County news release, said the charities were fake, Superior Court judge tossed the complaint and the jury found they failed to use the and ordered the family to pay most of The money to help veterans. Pine Cone’s $19,000 in legal fees. The Instead, prosecutors said, family mem- family has not paid anything. bers spent the donations on dining, travel- Later that same year, in considering the ing, paying off credit card debt, and shop- attorney general’s accusations, a jury found ping, including at Victoria’s Secret. that family members acted illegally a total NEAR THE BEACH! On top of the nearly $9 million the Ala- of 3,430 times. In the Heart of the Golden Rectangle, this sophisticated cottage was extensively meda County jury said the family members Gina Gregory was also found to have remodeled in 2017. Featuring 3 bedrooms and 3 ½ baths with additional sepa- should pay, a spokesperson from the attor- aided and abetted a breach of duty and of rate entrance bedroom/bath suite. Private patios and a peek of the ocean toward “deceptive and misleading solicitation” re- ney general’s office told The Pine Cone Pebble Beach. $3,699,000. Available to view by appointment. that it is now seeking an additional $1 mil- lated to the fundraising operation.

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THE PENINSULA GROUP REAL ESTATE Pebble Beach reads The Pine Cone 7158 CARMEL VALLEY ROAD,VALLEY HILLS CENTER | CARMEL 12A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 Carmel Unified grapples with planning while private schools are ready to go

By MARY SCHLEY funds so they could take courses and learn upper school. home on others. She plans to take a pro- more about high-tech teaching over the Modifications at Stevenson include the posal to the board for a vote at its July 22 AS CARMEL Unified School District summer, and many had already undergone requisite social distancing, masks and sani- meeting. administrators are determining how best to extensive training before the shutdown tizing, of course, and everything is outlined Dellis said she does not anticipate ev- offer classes when they resume next month made it the only way to teach. in a 30-page handbook that was distributed eryone returning to class anytime soon, — a plan is set to be considered by the Sara Brown, assistant head of All Saints’ to faculty, staff and parents late last week. especially since Carmel Unified is a large district’s board of education at its July 22 Day School, said her campus is also plan- While some schools, including CUSD, district with numerous campuses and high meeting — several private schools on the ning to return five days a week, starting in have not changed their calendars, Steven- enrollment. Monterey Peninsula are prepared to wel- August. “Due to our large campus, ancil- son pushed its start date to Sept. 8 and will “A full return is everyone’s preferred come kids back to class. lary buildings, large classrooms, outdoor now end the school year late next June. To outcome. This is what we do every year, Meg Bradley, head of school for Santa learning spaces, etc., we’re very fortunate minimize travel for boarding students, the and we’re really good at it,” she said. “I ob- Catalina’s lower/middle and high schools, in that we can make school happen within high school “will pivot to remote learning” viously don’t see that happening with our acknowledged that the coronavirus pan- the state and county guidelines,” she said. from late November to mid-January, and current situation in Monterey County.” demic continues to bring unprecedented “It will require a lot of creativity, but we’re fall athletics are still TBD. changes on almost a daily basis but said up to the task.” In addition, teachers are “develop- Awake at night her schools are planning to reopen to stu- ing curricula that will allow our students While private schools already had ac- dents five days a week in the fall. How many can fit? to toggle effortlessly, as needed, among cess and experience with a lot of educa- “We have new policies for operations, She and the faculty spent considerable on-campus, remote, and hybrid learning,” tional technology in the classroom, making new protocols for students, and every piece time working on their academic schedules while IT staff is equipping classrooms and their experiences switching to distance about how we’re going to open is about and staging classrooms to determine how new instructional spaces with everything learning somewhat easier, CUSD teachers safety,” she said, from student check-ins, many students could fit in each while safe- students need in order to learn, whether had to learn on the fly and figure out how to to plexiglass partitions, to holding classes ly distancing from each other. All Saints’ they’re there or at home on the other side manage, sometimes with little, as did their outside and keeping all of them small. Cur- has around 175 students. of the globe. students. The overwhelming feeling was rent enrollment is around 450. Administrators at Stevenson’s lower/ “It is important to acknowledge that the that distance learning during the spring It’s also about flexibility, she noted. middle and high schools also conclud- state and/or county may issue orders in the was largely flawed for many students, but “Early on, we elected to allow families to ed they will be able to welcome students next few days or weeks that effectively pre- administrators said remote learning in the have a choice,” she said, regarding whether back for full-time instruction, while also clude all schools’ return to campus instruc- fall would be entirely different. they want to continue distance learning or acknowledging that changing conditions tion in any form during the fall semester,” With a lot of training, new technology, come to class. “We ramped up our technol- might demand an alternative course, ac- Stevenson President Kevin Hicks said in an more experience and more time to plan, ogy schoolwide.” Every teacher was given cording to Dr. Dan Griffiths, head of the email July 9. “If this is the case, or if we River School principal Jay Marden said, “I conclude — absent such orders — that we think it’s going to look much different than cannot reasonably protect our students’ and what we had in the spring, and it will be employees’ safely, we will work together to high quality.” ensure that our students’ Stevenson remote Toward the end of the town hall, during experience is as nourishing, rigorous and which parents asked questions on multiple joyful as it can be.” topics, including masks, athletics and other Griffiths said he felt distance learning issues, Dellis issued a sobering reminder. was a success during the spring at Steven- “Why we’re not sleeping is we’re all ly- son, and he was impressed with teachers’ ing here at night thinking, ‘What happens and students’ efforts and accomplishments. if one of our staff members or one of their At a virtual town hall meeting Wednes- children or a parent catches this and is sick day night, acting CUSD superintendent or in the hospital or, heaven forbid, dies?’” Trisha Dellis said administrators are con- she said. “That’s how high the stakes are sidering the best ways to accommodate right now. It’s unbelievable we are in this students next month, whether through situation.” distance learning or a hybrid model that “If we bring people back on the cam- includes some on-campus instruction on puses,” she continued, “there’s no guaran- certain days of the week and learning from tee that we’re not going to expose people.”


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)DFHFRYHULQJVUHTXLUHGb July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 13A Big Sur group wants crackdown on illegal camping Olive farmers file suit

By CHRIS COUNTS idents group. By KELLY NIX After visiting sites and talking to campers, the group HOW PREVALENT are camping and campfires in reported its findings: OWNERS OF a South Monterey County olive or- parts of Big Sur where they’re not allowed? According a Over the three days, they tallied 57 illegal campfires chard allege in a lawsuit filed last week that light poles Big Sur residents group, on holiday weekends, the prob- on the South Coast Ridge, Plaskett Ridge and Los Burros on a neighbor’s property that were struck by power lines lem is much worse than previously reported. roads, along with 198 illegal roadside campers. during strong winds caused a large wildfire that destroyed A survey counted 57 illegal campfires along public dirt While the survey was underway, volunteers from Big 500 of their olive trees. roads on Big Sur’s South Coast over the July 4 weekend — Sur Fire also helped put out illegal fires along the South In a July 6 lawsuit, Dean, Dan and Dror Kahan say that at a time when fire restrictions were in effect and campfires Coast Ridge Road. on July 8, 2017, high winds and temperatures caused a were banned outside of developed campgrounds. “Our patrols successfully engaged with campers at the power line to blow into a light pole on land owned by Jen- Eight locals — all members of the Community Associ- dispersed camping areas on the South Coast, extinguish- nifer Hodges and fall to the ground. ation of Big Sur — recently dedicated three days to under- ing seven campfires and preventing six more from being “The energized conductor ignited dried vegetation standing the size of the problem and documenting it. started,” Chief Matt Harris reported. and annual grasses when it landed, leading to a brush fire “Over the July 4 weekend, we conducted a detailed sur- which spread into a large wildfire known as the Parkfield vey of illegal roadside camping from Mal Paso Canyon to ‘Slap a ticket’ Fire,” their complaint alleges. the Monterey County line, and illegal campfire activity,” Residents have long called for a crackdown on illegal The blaze burned a large portion of the olive farmers’ reported Butch Kronlund, the executive director of the res- camping in Big Sur — in large part because the of the land, including 500 olive trees, irrigation lines and equip- enormous risk illegal campfires pose in such a fire-prone ment, fences and other tree species, including oaks, the region. Kahans allege. Their 40-acre property abuts Hodges’ land, Increasing fines would help deter illegal activities and they say. The cost of the damage exceeded $1 million. PATROLS raise money for agencies, Kronlund suggested. And he “The 2017 olive crop was tainted by the smoke and ren- From page 1A said it should be easier than it is for someone in law en- dered worthless,” the suit says. forcement to write tickets for illegal camping. The lawsuit names as defendants, PG&E, which in- “Right now, the sheriff has to wake people up, and there stalled the power lines, Hodges, and a construction com- Tomasi and his officers have been “doing our best to has to be an interview,” he explained. “The sheriff should pany that helped install the electrical lines, and claims they educate first and gain compliance before resorting to ci- be able to simply verify if someone is sleeping and slap a were negligent because the light poles were placed too tations,” he said. “Many more citations could have been ticket on the windshield.” close to the PG&E service lines. While the suit acknowl- written this past weekend for violations on the beach.” Kronlund also suggested that law enforcement launch edges that a previous owner of the property installed the This week, those efforts continued, and they’ll likely be coordinated “blitzes” on illegal activity. lights, the lawsuit claims Hodges is responsible for them. necessary as long as coronavirus continues to spread and Andrew Madsen of the forest service conceded that the The defendants are also accused of trespassing because the shelter order is in place. federal agency’s limited budget makes it difficult to pa- of an “invasion of fire and smoke” onto the Kahan land.” trol all the land it manages in Big Sur and monitor illegal The Parkfield Fire, according to Cal Fire, began July 8, camping activity. He said fixing the problem will not only 2017 and was extinguished after it had burned 1,816 acres Support Pine Cone advertisers — shop locally require considerable cooperation between agencies and in Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties. The agency residents, but “out-of-the-box” solutions. lists the cause of the blaze on its website as “unknown.”


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By MARY SCHLEY them done, city officials said this week. The recent efforts started a couple of A MAN who lives in town hates the months ago with Lee Cox. “I walk my dog invasive weeds that can injure pets with every day along the Scenic pathway, and their sharp seeds that work their way into for weeks I’d been noticing all the foxtails ears, noses and toes, so when he saw patch- and other weeds that have run rampant on es of them growing along the Scenic road both sides of the trail,” he said. “The city, pathway, he paid his gardeners to pull them as you know, is short on cash and people, out. Another noticed the dilapidated en- and did not have the time to clean that up.” closure around equipment outside Sunset It was a matter of some urgency for Center and worked to build a new one that Cox. looks like a tiny Comstock cottage. “I had a dog many years ago that got The benches at the Forest Theater need- one in her paw, and it required surgery and ed refinishing. The North Dunes have inva- it was very difficult,” he said. sive weeds to pull. Tons of ivy has to come So he talked to the company that han- out of Mission Trail park… the jobs are dles gardening at his home, Town & Coun-         endless, but the money to do them is not, try, and city forester Sara Davis, and got    and residents are stepping up to help get the OK to have a crew tackle the task. It   took three people working several hours a day for six days to remove         the weeds, which Cox asked them ) ("#* " to pull, instead of cutting, which he believed would just make them grow ) $  "##  "  *###$  back more quickly. )   $  * " ) $* %#! * "!"$ Hoping for help ) " #! "$$  !! *"&# The hourly rate for each of the ) $ * "# three gardeners was $30, and when )  %"* "* * !  #! some of Cox’s friends heard he was footing the bill for the work, they of- ) "$"* "*  $ fered to help, too. ) % $'*# %"#*###$  “I hope that people who live here ) $* "*###$ * *%* "* and love it like I do will help out in

   this time of need,” he said. “I love Carmel, I love Scenic, I love walking with my dog — and I hate foxtails.”  City administrator Chip Rerig thanked Cox for his help and gen- erosity. “In these times of budget      constraints, it takes the entire com-   munity to come together and support PHOTO/MARY SCHLEY the landscapes we all love so much,”      The little bird painted on the door of this new equipment he said.         shelter at Sunset Center is a sign of the love and care the    volunteers put into building it. See VOLUNTEERS page 25A


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Carmel Unified School District, which is BRIGHT so good.” LandWatch, CVA oppose CEQA changes From page 1A The realtors also reported handling a lot of cash sales and said their escrows By CHRIS COUNTS ment from harmful projects, and the bill have been relatively short. Mitchell’s Car- will gut it. They said it will make it harder Ben Heinrich, whose Heinrich Team is mel Realty and Monterey Coast Realty DEVELOPERS HAVE long argued for the poor and those who represent them part of Coldwell Banker Del Monte Realty, — which focuses on real estate in areas that the California Environmental Quality to mount legal challenges. “CEQA is under commented. “I’m not sure what it is, but we like Pacific Grove, Seaside and Marina, Act results in needless expenses and delays attack!” warned an article posted recently started seeing, interestingly enough, many and has seen its sales volume double — that can torpedo a project — often regard- in the Carmel Valley Association’s weekly families with kids coming to the area.” have about 80 to 85 agents total, and they less of its merits. email newsletter. He said business in the last six weeks have 60 properties in escrow. In response, assemblywoman Laura LandWatch Monterey County executive for his team is 300 percent higher than “Almost all of those are closing in July,” Friedman, who represents Glendale, Bur- director Mike Delapa said if AB 3279 is what it was a year ago. he said. bank and parts of Los Angeles, has intro- approved by voters, it would be much more “I think after a couple of months of Sales are also across a range of prices, duced a bill — AB 3279 — that would difficult for his group to challenge projects hunkering down,” independent realtor Mitchell said, and while not many homes allow, according to proponents, “more in court. Cheryl Heyermann said, people are want- in the $20 million range have sold lately, housing and other land use projects to be “If it were to pass, it would severely ing to make significant positive changes. he’s seeing more interest. “We haven’t seen built with less unnecessary delays.” Some constrain what public interest organiza- “They are reinventing their lives because many people pull the trigger on that,” he say such legislation is necessary due to tions can do to advocate for smart growth,” they have an opportunity to do that, and said. “But we will.” California’s acute housing shortage and the Delapa told The Pine Cone. “It would make this area is a unique gem — and there’s not Heyermann pointed out that inventories onerous requirements of CEQA . it easier for bad projects to get through, and much of it.” are fairly low, with 39 homes for sale in But the bill has drawn fire from environ- it would result in a loss of the public’s abili- Carmel and Carmel Point, and nearly 40 in mental groups, whose leaders claim CEQA More full-timers escrow in those areas, and 38 houses listed is a necessary tool to protect the environ- See CEQA page 25A All three said they have been working in Carmel Valley, with nearly as many in with a lot of people from Silicon Valley escrow. and the greater San Francisco Bay area, “We’re going to see another month- many of whom have realized while shel- over-month increase,” she predicted. tering in place that they can telecommute VISIONARY ASSISTED LIVING from anywhere — and would really like to Tech tools telecommute from a home outside the city. Unlike other industries that had to sud- Carmel-By-The-Sea “They are putting offices in their homes. denly adapt to relying on a virtual world to The whole pandemic has really inspired conduct business, the real estate sector has Need a lot of care? that aspect of the business,” Mitchell said, taken advantage of technology for years. as buyers are seeking a quality of life that People can now view homes in person, Taking a lot of medications? gets them out of traffic and into the out- following strict safety protocols, but some Want your room cleaned daily? doors. deals have closed without the buyers set- And with that increase in full-time res- ting foot in the homes at all, thanks to great Need a meal served in your room? idents, he said, will be more business for photos, videos and marketing. local merchants. “The real estate industry has really used NO PROBLEM! NO EXTRA CHARGE! “I think these new owners are going to tech for many, many years, but now we are be a strong demographic,” he said. “We al- absolutely relying on it,” Heinrich said. “In Assisted Living you can afford ways encourage people to buy locally.” one case, we had a multi-multi-multimil- Heinrich and Heyermann reported lion-dollar property, and all they did was seeing increased interest from successful look at the videos and pictures, and they young couples with children. sent some friends to look at the home.” “Many of them are in the tech business, The buyers, who live in Europe, bought and I think many of them are thinking their Big Sur house without seeing it in about where they want to raise their kids,” person. Meg Parker Conners, RN (831) 644-9246 Julie Conners, GCM Chief Executive Officer Chief Operating Officer Heinrich said. Those families have gravi- “So there’s your example of the need State Lic. No. 270708716 tated toward larger Carmel Valley proper- for great videos and photos,” he said. “And ties, “and certainly they’re all aware of the they see the ads in The Pine Cone.”

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In summarizing Monterey County’s coronavirus data, due to nursing facilities doing more testing of patients and SHUTDOWN epidemiologist Kristy Michie told supervisors Tuesday staff even if they don’t have any symptoms. From page 1A there had been 270 cases per 100,000 people. As of Thurs- But Carmel Chamber of Commerce CEO Jenny Mac- day, there were 2,983 cases of infection with coronavirus Murdo sounded a warning about the latest shutdown, had been confirmed in the county. saying it’s had a “somber effect on morale” in the city’s — although the increase has slowed down in the last few “To put our current situation into a little perspective, business community and warning that the “uncertainty in days. about 40 percent of the new cases have occurred in the last the future weighs heavily on their financial resilience and, Fifth District Monterey County Supervisor Mary Ad- two weeks,” Michie explained. “So we are really at a point even more importantly, their employee’s livelihoods.” ams told her colleagues Tuesday morning that the news where things are accelerating in Monterey County.” Moe Ammar, head of the chamber of commerce in Pa- that businesses would have to close again “was very dif- And the positivity rate of those tested in the county cific Grove, was even more gloomy, saying the shutdown ficult for all of us, particularly difficult for the business has also increased. “We have seen quite a bit of household has “been devastating for all the business segments, espe- owners and the workers.” transmissions, so some our increase in positivity rate is cially health, beauty, gyms and workout studios.” He also “Everyone is really keeping an eye on things and I think due to those contact investigations and screening among said the second closure will “without a doubt permanently putting on the best face they possibly can.” households,” Michie said. shut down few businesses.” Another warning sign was that about half of the coun- Cause for concern ty’s skilled nursing facilities have reported at least one Where will they go? According to county health officials, there is some rea- virus case among staff or residents in the past 14 days, As the surge of cases and hospitalizations in the county son to be worried about the county’s figures. though Michie said some of those positive cases could be rises, officials have not identified an alternative care site to house patients if hospitals are overrun with virus patients. The county had planned to use an airplane hangar at the Marina airport as a makeshift hospital in the event other facilities were overrun, but the idea was canceled when the number of cases was still relatively low in the county. County office of emergency services manager Gerry Malais told The Pine Cone last week that while the county has not found a treatment site, “planning is still in prog- ress.” To slow the spread of the virus, which is mostly hap- pening in Salinas and the Salinas Valley, Moreno told the supervisors Tuesday that the health department and the county would continue with education and outreach ef- forts, including new billboards, radio and TV spots and social media efforts. Moreno also said officials would conduct field visits to businesses to educate owners and managers on how to comply with the orders and promote safety measures.

‘Work with us’ District Three Supervisor Chris Lopez complained that the state did not give Monterey County enough time to prepare for the new closures and accused officials of not “sharing communication.” He asked that Gov. Gavin New- som and others give the county more of a heads-up before Sponsored by Dinner from 5pm Daily announcing sweeping changes to the county. /LJKWKRXVH$YH3DFLÀF*URYH “I do want to make sure that we continue to implore our ZZZSDVVLRQÀVKQHW state representatives and our governor to work with us to help get this information out into the community in a time- ly manner, because businesses cannot pivot on a dime,” Lopez said. An example of the apparent disconnect between state and local officials played out during a July 6 conference Margo Raymond Phillips call with the media when Moreno and other county offi- 1939Y 2020 cials learned from a local reporter — not from state of- ficials beforehand — that Monterey County was being argo Raymond Phillips died on June 30th, 2020, at Angelica’s Villa in Seaside, California after a forced to reclose bars and pubs and other business sectors. Mlong struggle with Lewy Body Dementia. Born Margo Ann Raymond on September 22, 1939, in Medina, New York, she was the youngest of three children of Charles and Esther Raymond. Margo attended Medina High School, where she played clarinet in the marching band and was a synchronized swimmer. She went on to earn her Bachelor of Science Consignment by the Sea degree in Elementary Education at SUNY in Brockport, New York. While visiting her sister and brother-in-law in Hof, Germany, she met and married Edward Dalton who was We have missed you! in the US Air Force training as a surgeon. They had three children together, Gregory, Julie, and Brian, and settled in Open for carry out sales Carmel, California in 1969. Big bargains & new treasures Wear your mask – we provide gloves As a divorced single mother in 1974, Margo became a  multicultural specialist for the North Monterey County Come see us School District. She was ahead of her time in educating about 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\ 1am - pm ethnic diversity and tolerance. She spent the remainder of At 230 Crossroads Blvd her career teaching kindergarten, bringing guidance and joy to hundreds of children. Margo was remarkable in her love www.consignmentbythesea.com for children. She believed in the magic of childhood and [email protected] was playful and affectionate. When her own children were young, Margo would take them on adventures – making sand candles and cooking dinner on the beach and taking them on fishing and camping trips. She once leased their Carmel house out to Bach Festival musicians, rented a Winnebago, and set off on a month-long camping trip winding up the Western Coast with her three children. The “cool mom” who always welcomed her children’s friends, she opened her heart and home to everyone and her extended family included people from all walks of life. In 1976 she sponsored a Vietnamese refugee couple, Hung and Anh Phan, who lived in her home for over a year, had their first child while there, and remained close family friends. Hers was a home where people felt welcome. In 1978 she met jazz pianist Bob Phillips and they were married on Carmel Beach in 1989. They had a very loving marriage filled with kindness, patience and lots of music. Margo loved having her home filled with music and being part of the local jazz community. The great love of her life, Bob was SINCE 1986 unwaveringly devoted and attentive until her very last breath. Margo’s loved ones remember her as kind, patient, thoughtful, and creative. She was a talented watercolorist and studied with gifted artists including Nancy Johnson and Sam Colburn. She sought CURRENTLY BY to grow as a person, practiced Siddha Yoga, and attended Pacific Coast Church where she, of course, was the volunteer teacher of the children’s program for many years. She had a great sense of humor APPOINTMENT and a freeness of spirit that allowed others to be themselves. Margo is predeceased by her parents Charles and Esther Raymond, her sister Marilyn (Paul) and her ONLY brother Robert. She is survived by her husband Bob, her children Greg (Lucia), Julie, and Brian (Alicia), and her two grandchildren, Kai and Claire Dalton. She profoundly touched many lives and will be greatly missed. 831.899.5464 The family asks that any donations be made to Lewy Body Dementia Association. gingerich-built.com July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 17A

able to recover well with the lack of safe, JAIL available fluids.” From page 1A She said inmates have to share a drink- ing fountain and taps in the bathroom, and have to pay for coffee, tea and other liq- He also detailed numerous sanitation uids. measures being taken, including frequent “These may be criminals or men who cleaning, a commercial service doing rou- have made mistakes in their lives, many tine sanitizing of the whole jail, requiring addicted to drugs or alcohol, but they are masks, checking temperatures, and mini- still human beings and have the basic right mizing trips to the courthouse. to safe drinking water,” she said. “And with The mother of one of the infected in- Covid infecting the jail, additional liquids mates said she works in healthcare and like tea, etc., should be provided at no is concerned the measures taken in the charge.” jail aren’t going far enough. Deirdre Her- Herron said she reached out to the jail ron’s 31-year-old son, Ryley Chaffeur, has ombudsman and learned that Gatorade been in jail since August 2019 for felony is now available to the inmates — which first-degree burglary and several misde- Thornburg also mentioned — but she meanor drug charges, and has been expe- asked officials to place a water cooler in riencing “congestion, headache, cough, the dorm, too, and to make other beverages night-sweats and loss of taste” as of earlier available. “It would make a huge difference this week, according to Herron. in their suffering and recovery,” she said. “I work in the medical field at Kaiser Thornburg noted that the jail has full- Permanente Washington, and I feel there time medical staff overseen by an infec- are conditions in the jail that are unsani- tious disease specialist, and that the hous- 1962 tary and reckless for spreading infection ing units are cleaned three times a day. “We GREG AESCHLIMAN and disease such as Covid-19,” she said. “I leave cleaning supplies for the inmates to ƒ ‹Ƥ  ”‘˜‡ am also concerned about the inmates being clean more if they choose,” he added. 8 February 1939 — 9 July 2020 He rose from humble beginnings . . . an awkward reality that underscored his entire life. Aware from an early age that responsibility for himself was his own, he worked. At shining shoes Selling newspapers Socks. As a safety crossing guard, he earned his crayons and pencils, paper, schoolbooks. In the school cafeteria line—on the ‘other side’—he earned lunch. Bussed tables. He worked. When 19, he received secret clearance to work on the Polaris missile—he     ran the Ozalid copy machine, was a junior draftsman, and learned to play ࠏ࠾ࡀ࠷࠺ࠀ߿ߺ߿ࠇࠀ߿߻ࠛ࠯ࡇࠀࠇߺࠀ߾ࠀ߾ chess . . . On Friday May 29, 2020, Barbara Ogilvie Butler passed away peacefully at age 99. Her Along the way . . . daughter Theresa and her two granddaughters Laura and Lisa were at her side. Barbara He played hard at childhood games . . . was a native Californian and lived a full and active life in Central and Northern California. ‘”–•ƒ††‹”– Ž‘†Ƥ‰Š–•ǡ’”‡–‡†™ƒ”ǡ„—‹Ž–‹–‡•ǤǤǤ Barbara Ogilvie was born in Lindsay, CA. For almost fifty years, Barbara lived with her † •™‹‹‰ Ƥ•Š‹‰ ™”‡•–Ž‹‰ ˆ‘‘–„ƒŽŽ ƒ† ˆ”‡‡Ǧ†‹˜‹‰ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ family in Modesto. She retired and moved to the City of Carmel-by-the Sea, where she –Š‡ǡ™Š‡Š‡ ‘—Ž†ƒơ‘”†‹–ǡǤ lived for twenty-two years. Barbara graduated from Piedmont High School. She attended the College of the Holy Ž‘ ƒŽ’‹‘‡‡”‹ˆ”‡‡†‹˜‹‰ǡŠ‹•Ƥ”•–Ǯ™‡–•—‹–ǯ™ƒ•ƒ•‡Ž‹‡ǡ‘Ž† Ž‘–Š‡•ǡ Names in Oakland, where she studied voice and music. She received her BA in Education ”‘ •‹Š‹•’‘ ‡–•ǡƒ†Ƥ•‘ˆ–‡‹••Š‘‡•ƒ‹Ž‡†–‘’Ž›™‘‘†Ǥ ‡™ƒ• and Teaching Credential from San Francisco State College. Barbara sang in church choirs 12. 1951. and for friends weddings. She took advanced voice lessons at the University of the ‡ƒ•–‡”‡†ƒ–Š”‡‡Ǧ‹—–‡†‹˜‡ǡ•’‡ƒ”‡†ŠƒŽ‹„—–ƒ•Ž‘‰ƒ•Š‡Ǥƒ–‡”ǡ Pacific. Barbara taught elementary school in the Modesto area. Barbara was very active in local clubs and organizations. She was a member of the following: Modesto Garden Club, ƒ ƒ‡”ƒ ™ƒ• Š‹• –‘‘Ž Ȅ Š‡ ™ƒ• ‘‡ ƒ‘‰ –Š‡ Ƥ•ŠǤ ‡ •‡”˜‡† ‹ Modesto Camellia Society, The National Camellia Society, Central California Art League,  ƒ‡›ǯ•ƒ˜›Ȅ ǯ•Ƥ”•–ƒ”‹‡‡• —‡ƒ–”‘ŽǤ†ǡ™‹–ŠŠ‹•†‹˜‹‰ ࠯࠼࠲ࠥ࠽࠻࠳࠼˽ࡁࠞࡀ࠽࠵ࡀ࠳ࡁࡁ࠷ࡄ࠳ࠑ࠺ࡃ࠰߼ࠡ࠶࠳ࡅ࠯ࡁ࠯࠾࠯ࡁࡂ࠻࠳࠻࠰࠳ࡀ࠽࠴ࡂ࠶࠳ࠓࡁࡂࡀ࠳࠺࠺࠷ࡂ࠯ࠑ࠶࠯࠾ࡂ࠳ࡀࠜ࠽ࠃࠂ߿ „—††› ƒ† –Š‡‹” ˆƒ‹Ž‹‡•ǡ †‡•‹‰‡†ǡ „—‹Ž–ǡ ƒ† ’”‘’‡ŽŽ‡† ƒ •™‡‡–Ž›Ǧ of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a member of the Carmel Residents Association ˆ‡ƒ”•‘‡ •‘‡Ǧ„”‡ƒ–Š‹‰ †”ƒ‰‘ –Š”— •‹š ›‡ƒ”• ‘ˆ ‡ƒ•– ‘ˆ ƒ–‡” and the Carmel Foundation. ‡Ž‡„”ƒ–‹‘•Ǥ ‹—‰Ǥ –Š‡™ƒ–‡”Ǥ–‘˜‡”•‘‹–Ǥ Barbara was an artist, a sculptor, a teacher, and a musician. She especially enjoyed He rode a whale. her garden and raising camellias. She was a master gardener, and loved having friends Yup. and family visit her to see all the plants that she was cultivating. Barbara started writing ‰”ƒ›–Šƒ–•™‡’– Ž‘•‡–‘‘–‡”‡›‡ƒ Š–‘• ”ƒ’‡‘ơ–Š‡ poetry in her later years. She would create hand-printed books of poems to give out at barnacles. holiday time. Barbara particularly loved the Friday night movie group at Norton Court in Carmel. It was one of her weekly social treats. Whether it was singing, sculpting, creating The adventures were many. And, he worked—even tried dairy farming. and paintings, or writing poetry, Barbara enjoyed life to its fullest. He was gadget man, tool man, packrat, and too often tarp man—once Barbara was preceded in death by her parents, Mary and Harry J. Ogilvie, and a daughter, Mayling M. Butler. She is survived by her daughter Theresa Butler Williams should have been enough. (husband Charles), two granddaughters, Laura Williams Cosentino (husband Anthony), and He started a business on a wing and a prayer with partners who became Lisa Williams. She is also survived by four great-grandchildren, Isidoro, Graziella, Theresa, –Š‡ ŠƒŽˆǦ•‹„Ž‹‰• Š‡ ™‘—Ž† ‡˜‡” ‘™Ǥ ‹• „‹‘Ž‘‰‹ ƒŽ •‹„Ž‹‰• ”‡Œ‡ –‡† and Charles Cosentino. him just as the father they shared did. And the business grew and grew The family wishes to thank the VNA-Hospice and Meals on Wheels for all their kind ƒ†‰”‡™ƒ†‰”‡™ȄƒŠ‡ƒ”–›’ƒ–Ǧ‘Ǧ–Š‡Ǧ„ƒ ˆ‘”–Š‡Ž‹––Ž‡‹†™Š‘Šƒ† help. A private celebration of life will be held next year. Donations can be made to Meals once shined servicemen’s shoes on lower Alvarado. on Wheels of the Monterey Peninsula or the Carmel Foundation. And when he’d succeeded and from the pinnacle of looking back, he paid it forward with a helping hand to many, particularly those who needed a job: he left them with a marketable skill done the right way. His last years challenging, ill health his burden, the zest intact, the body not. The youngest of his grandchildren, eleven—two of them greats, two ‘ˆ–Š‡„‘—•Ȅ™‹ŽŽ”‡‡„‡”Š‹ƒ••‡†‡–ƒ”›ƒ†•‘‡–‹‡••Š‘”–Ǧ tempered—as an old man who loved popcorn, movies, reminiscing. The older ones will share the stories of the happy events he created at –Š‡ˆƒ‹Ž›„ƒ”‹‘””ƒŽ†‡‹‡””ƒƒ†ƒ–ƒ‡‹ŽŽ•„—”›Ȅ•‹–‡‘ˆ•‘‡ of his many daring feats. His children, three, carry his before nature: OObituarybituary NNoticesotices Šƒ”†™‘”‹‰ǡƒơƒ„Ž‡ǡŠ‘‡•–Ǥ‘˜‹‰Ǥ ‡‹˜‡–‡†Š‹•‡Žˆƒ•ƒˆƒ–Š‡”Ȅ ‘†‡Ž‹‰Š‹•‡Žˆƒˆ–‡”–Š‡ƒ›Š‡‡–‘–Š‡Œ‘—”‡›–‘‰”‘™Ǧ—’Ǥ ‹• Let us help you pay tribute to your loved one †ƒ††›Ǧ‡••‹ Ž—†‡†ƒ’ƒ••‡Ž‘ˆ Š‹Ž†Š‘‘†ˆ”‹‡†•‘ˆŠ‹•†ƒ—‰Š–‡”•ƒ† with an affordable obituary in The Carmel Pine Cone. son. To them, he was Mr. A. You’ll be surprised at how low our rates are. His wife was his best friend, his lover, and often his ‘mother.’ He married her 60 years ago for the warm welcoming arms of her family. Stability. For more information please contact: He lived in a good way. If inclined to honor his memory, please gift your Anne Papineau (831) 274-8654 favorite charity in his memory. [email protected] He was larger than life. 18A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS declares as true information, which he or Said sale will be made without covenant expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts Clerk of Monterey County on June 23, and shows good cause why the court NAME STATEMENT she knows to be false, is guilty of a misde- or warranty, express or implied, regarding created by said Deed of Trust. The total 2020. should not grant the authority. File No. 20200932 meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay amount of the unpaid balance of the obli- NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision A hearing on the petition will be The following person(s) is(are) doing one thousand dollars ($1,000) (B&P Code the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) gations secured by the property to be sold (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name 17913). I am also aware that all Infor- secured by said Deed of Trust, with inter- and reasonable estimated costs, expenses Statement generally expires at the end of held in this court as follows: business as: mation on this statement becomes Public est thereon, as provided in said Note(s), and advances at the time of the initial pub- five years from the date on which it was Date: October 21, 2020 Mind Tamer Enterprises, 19239 Record upon filing pursuant to the Cal- advances if any, under the terms of the lication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is filed in the office of the County Clerk, Time: 9:00 a.m. Cachagua Rd., Carmel Valley, CA ifornia Public Records Act (Government Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and estimated to be $843,385.58 (Estimated). except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of 93924, County of Monterey Dept.: 13 Code Sections 6250-6277). expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts However, prepayment premiums, accrued Section 17920, where it expires 40 days Address: Superior Court of Califor- Registered Owner(s): This statement was filed with the County created by said Deed of Trust. The total interest and advances will increase this after any change in the facts set forth in the Theodore J. Colon, 19239 Cachagua Clerk of Monterey County on June 17, amount of the unpaid balance of the obli- figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at statement pursuant to Section 17913 other nia, County of Monterey, 1200 Aguaji- Rd., Carmel Valley, CA 93924 2020. gations secured by the property to be sold said sale may include all or part of said than a change in the residence address of to Road, Monterey, CA 93940. This business is conducted by an Indi- NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision and reasonable estimated costs, expenses amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee a registered owner. A new Fictitious Busi- If you object to the granting of vidual (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name and advances at the time of the initial pub- will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a ness Name Statement must be filed before the petition, you should appear at the Registrant commenced to transact busi- Statement generally expires at the end of lication of this Notice of Trustee’s Sale is state or national bank, a check drawn by the expiration. The filing of this statement hearing and state your objections or file ness under the fictitious business name five years from the date on which it was estimated to be $886,057.97 (Estimated). a state or federal credit union or a check does not of itself authorize the use in this filed in the office of the County Clerk, However, prepayment premiums, accrued drawn by a state or federal savings and state of a Fictitious Business Name in viola- written objections with the court before listed above on N/A except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of interest and advances will increase this loan association, savings association or tion of the rights of another under Federal, the hearing. Your appearance may be S/ Theodore J. Colon Section 17920, where it expires 40 days figure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bid at savings bank specified in Section 5102 of State, or common law (See Section 14411 in person or by your attorney. This statement was filed with the County after any change in the facts set forth in the said sale may include all or part of said the California Financial Code and autho- et seq., Business and Professions Code). If you are a creditor or a con- Clerk of Monterey County on June 4, statement pursuant to Section 17913 other amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee rized to do business in California, or other Publication dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24, tingent creditor of the decedent, you 2020 than a change in the residence address of will accept a cashier’s check drawn on a such funds as may be acceptable to the 2020. (PC705) must file your claim with the court and 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/20 a registered owner. A new Fictitious Busi- state or national bank, a check drawn by Trustee. In the event tender other than cash CNS-3369339# ness Name Statement must be filed before a state or federal credit union or a check is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the mail a copy to the personal represen- CARMEL PINE CONE the expiration. The filing of this statement drawn by a state or federal savings and issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale FICTITIOUS BUSINESS tative appointed by the court within the Publication dates: June 26, July 3, 10, does not of itself authorize the use in this loan association, savings association or until funds become available to the payee NAME STATEMENT later of either (1) four months from 17, 2020. (PC628) state of a Fictitious Business Name in viola- savings bank specified in Section 5102 of or endorsee as a matter of right. The prop- File No. 20200993 the date of first issuance of letters to a tion of the rights of another under Federal, the California Financial Code and autho- erty offered for sale excludes all funds held Filing type: NEW FILING - with general personal representative, as de- State, or common law (See Section 14411 rized to do business in California, or other on account by the property receiver, if ap- CHANGE(S) from the previous filing. fined in section 58(b) of the California FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME et seq., Business and Professions Code). such funds as may be acceptable to the plicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey The following person(s) is(are) Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from STATEMENT Publication dates: June 26, July 3, 10, 17 Trustee. In the event tender other than cash title for any reason, the successful bidder’s doing business as: CARMEL AREA 2020. (PC635) is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the sole and exclusive remedy shall be the RESERVATION SERVICE, 316 Mid the date of mailing or personal deliv- File No. 20200983 issuance of the Trustee’s Deed Upon Sale return of monies paid to the Trustee and Valley Ctr. #171, Carmel, CA 93923. ery to you of a notice under section The following person(s) is (are) doing until funds become available to the payee the successful bidder shall have no further County of Principal Place of Business: 9052 of the California Probate Code. business as: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS or endorsee as a matter of right. The prop- recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you MONTEREY. Other California statutes and legal Orzel Productions, 7700 Irvine Cen- NAME STATEMENT erty offered for sale excludes all funds held are considering bidding on this property Registered Owner(s): ter Dr., Ste. 800, Irvine, CA 92618 File No. 20201005 on account by the property receiver, if ap- lien, you should understand that there are SUZANNE E. GRAVELLE, 316 Mid Valley authority may affect your rights as County of ORANGE Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. plicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auc- Ctr. #171, Carmel, CA 93923. a creditor. You may want to consult Registrant(s): The following person(s) is(are) doing title for any reason, the successful bidder’s tion. You will be bidding on a lien, not on This business is conducted by an with an attorney knowledgeable in Orzel Films, LLC, 7700 Irvine Center business as: A TOUCH OF GLASS, 710 sole and exclusive remedy shall be the the property itself. Placing the highest bid individual. California law. Old Stage Rd., Caretaker, Salinas, CA return of monies paid to the Trustee and at a Trustee auction does not automatically The registrant commenced to transact You may examine the file kept Dr., Ste. 800, Irvine, CA 92618 93906. the successful bidder shall have no further entitle you to free and clear ownership of business under the fictitious business name This business is conducted by a Corpo- County of Principal Place of Business: recourse. Notice to Potential Bidders If you the property. You should also be aware or names listed above on Oct. 1 2003. by the court. If you are a person in- ration MONTEREY. are considering bidding on this property that the lien being auctioned off may be a S/Suzanne E. Gravelle terested in the estate, you may file with Registrant commenced to transact busi- Registered Owner(s): lien, you should understand that there are junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at May 27, 2020 the court a Request for Special Notice ness under the fictitious business name LILLY A. CAMPOS, 710 Old Stage Rd., risks involved in bidding at a Trustee auc- the auction, you are or may be responsible BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL (form DE-154) of the filing of an inven- or names listed above on N/A. Caretaker, Salinas, CA 93906. tion. You will be bidding on a lien, not on for paying off all liens senior to the lien be- INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT tory and appraisal of estate assets or of Orzel Films, LLC This business is conducted by an the property itself. Placing the highest bid ing auctioned off, before you can receive IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant any petition or account as provided in S/ Tomasz Baginski, President, individual. at a Trustee auction does not automatically clear title to the property. You are encour- who declares as true any materiel matter Probate Code section 1250. A Request This statement was filed with the The registrant commenced to transact entitle you to free and clear ownership of aged to investigate the existence, priority, pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business for Special Notice County Clerk of Monterey County on business under the fictitious business name the property. You should also be aware and size of outstanding liens that may exist and Professions Code the registrant knows form is available 06/15/2020. or names listed above on June 17, 2020. that the lien being auctioned off may be a on this property by contacting the county to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor from the court clerk. 6/26, 7/3, 7/10, 7/17/20 S/Lilly Campos junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at recorder’s office or a title insurance com- punishable by a fine not to exceed one Attorney for Petitioner: June 17, 2020 the auction, you are or may be responsible pany, either of which may charge you a thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also ROBERT E. WILLIAMS CNS-3368218# BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL for paying off all liens senior to the lien be- fee for this information. If you consult either aware that all Information on this CARMEL PINE CONE INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT ing auctioned off, before you can receive of these resources, you should be aware statement becomes public record upon 215 W. Franklin Street, Ste. 219 Publication dates: June 26, July 3, 10, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant clear title to the property. You are encour- that the same Lender may hold more than filing pursuant to the California Public Monterey, CA 93940 17, 2020. (PC630) who declares as true any materiel matter aged to investigate the existence, priority, one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the Records Act (Government Code Sections (831) 372-8053 pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business and size of outstanding liens that may exist property. Notice to Property Owner The 6250-6277). This statement was filed by Superi- and Professions Code the registrant knows on this property by contacting the county sale date shown on this Notice of Sale This statement was filed with the County FICTITIOUS BUSINESS or Court of California, County of Mon- to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor recorder’s office or a title insurance com- may be postponed one or more times by Clerk of Monterey County on June 17, terey on June 18, 2020. NAME STATEMENT punishable by a fine not to exceed one pany, either of which may charge you a the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a 2020. File No. 20200965 thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also fee for this information. If you consult either court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision Publication dates: July 10, 17, 24, Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. aware that all Information on this of these resources, you should be aware California Civil Code. The law requires that (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name 2020. (PC709) The following person(s) is(are) doing statement becomes public record upon that the same Lender may hold more than information about Trustee Sale postpone- Statement generally expires at the end of business as: THE TREASURE GROVE, filing pursuant to the California Public one mortgage or Deed of Trust on the ments be made available to you and to the five years from the date on which it was 472 Lighthouse Ave., Pacific Grove, Records Act (Government Code Sections property. Notice to Property Owner The public, as a courtesy to those not present filed in the office of the County Clerk, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS CA 93950. 6250-6277). sale date shown on this Notice of Sale at the sale. If you wish to learn whether except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of NAME STATEMENT County of Principal Place of Business: This statement was filed with the County may be postponed one or more times by your sale date has been postponed, and, if Section 17920, where it expires 40 days File No. 20201016 MONTEREY. Clerk of Monterey County on June 18, the Mortgagee, Beneficiary, Trustee, or a applicable, the rescheduled time and date after any change in the facts set forth in Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. Registered Owner(s): 2020. court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the for the sale of this property, you may call the statement pursuant to Section 17913 The following person(s) is(are) doing PATRICIA LOUISE NELSON, 322 NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision California Civil Code. The law requires that In Source Logic at 702-659-7766 for infor- other than a change in the residence business as: TRUE LIFE HABITAT, 190 Junipero Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name information about Trustee Sale postpone- mation regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit address of a registered owner. A new A Pine Ave., Pacific Grove, CA 93950. This business is conducted by an Statement generally expires at the end of ments be made available to you and to the the Internet Web site address listed below Fictitious Business Name Statement must County of Principal Place of Business: individual. five years from the date on which it was public, as a courtesy to those not present for information regarding the sale of this be filed before the expiration. The filing of MONTEREY. The registrant commenced to transact filed in the office of the County Clerk, at the sale. If you wish to learn whether property, using the file number assigned to this statement does not of itself authorize Registered Owner(s): business under the fictitious business name except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of your sale date has been postponed, and, if this case, CA08001043-19-1. Information the use in this state of a Fictitious Business GABRIEL GANDZJUK, 190 A Pine Ave., or names listed above on N/A. Section 17920, where it expires 40 days applicable, the rescheduled time and date about postponements that are very short in Name in violation of the rights of another Pacific Grove, CA 93950. S/Patricia Louise Nelson after any change in the facts set forth in for the sale of this property, you may call duration or that occur close in time to the under Federal, State, or common law This business is conducted by an June 11, 2020 the statement pursuant to Section 17913 In Source Logic at 702-659-7766 for infor- scheduled sale may not immediately be re- (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and individual. BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL other than a change in the residence mation regarding the Trustee’s Sale or visit flected in the telephone information or on Professions Code). The registrant commenced to transact INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT address of a registered owner. A new the Internet Web site address listed below the Internet Web site. The best way to ver- Publication dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24, business under the fictitious business name IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant Fictitious Business Name Statement must for information regarding the sale of this ify postponement information is to attend 2020. (PC706) or names listed above on N/A. who declares as true any materiel matter be filed before the expiration. The filing of property, using the file number assigned to the scheduled sale. Date: 6/24/2020 S/Gabriel Gandzjuk pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business this statement does not of itself authorize this case, CA08000864-19-1. Information MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS June 17, 2020 and Professions Code the registrant knows the use in this state of a Fictitious Business about postponements that are very short No. CA08001043-19-1 17100 Gillette FICTITIOUS BUSINESS BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor Name in violation of the rights of another in duration or that occur close in time to Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-252- NAME STATEMENT INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT punishable by a fine not to exceed one under Federal, State, or common law the scheduled sale may not immediately 8300 TDD: 866-660-4288 Myron Rav- File No. 20201059 IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and be reflected in the telephone information elo, Authorized Signatory SALE INFOR- Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. who declares as true any materiel matter aware that all Information on this Professions Code). or on the Internet Web site. The best way MATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE The following person(s) is(are) doing busi- pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business statement becomes public record upon Publication dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24, to verify postponement information is to at- AT www.insourcelogic.com FOR AUTO- ness as: MINDFUL TRADER, 1100 Presi- and Professions Code the registrant knows filing pursuant to the California Public 2020. (PC636) tend the scheduled sale. Date: 06/24/20 MATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE dio Rd., Pebble Beach, CA 93953. to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor Records Act (Government Code Sections MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TS CALL: In Source Logic AT 702-659-7766 Mailing address: 798 Lighthouse Ave. punishable by a fine not to exceed one 6250-6277). No. CA08000864-19-1 17100 Gillette Trustee Corps may be acting as a debt #303, Monterey, CA 93940. thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also This statement was filed with the County FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Ave Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-252- collector attempting to collect a debt. County of Principal Place of Business: aware that all Information on this Clerk of Monterey County on June 11, NAME STATEMENT 8300 TDD: 866-660-4288 Myron Rav- Any information obtained may be used Monterey County. statement becomes public record upon 2020. File No. 20201012 elo, Authorized Signatory SALE INFOR- for that purpose.Order Number 72106, Name of Corporation of as shown in the filing pursuant to the California Public NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. MATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE Pub Dates: 07/10/2020, 07/17/2020, Articles of Inc./Org./Reg.: INTEGRATED Records Act (Government Code Sections (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name The following person(s) is(are) doing AT www.insourcelogic.com FOR AUTO- 07/24/2020, CARMEL PINE CONE STRATEGIC RESOURCES, INC., 433 6250-6277). Statement generally expires at the end of business as: LF TRANSPORT, 1534 MATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE Publication dates: July 10, 17, 24, 2020. South 15th St., San Jose, CA 95112. This statement was filed with the County five years from the date on which it was Cherokee Dr., Salinas, CA 93906. CALL: In Source Logic AT 702-659-7766 (PC703) State of Inc./Org./Reg.: ____ Clerk of Monterey County on June 22, filed in the office of the County Clerk, County of Principal Place of Business: Trustee Corps may be acting as a debt This business is conducted by a corpora- 2020. except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of MONTEREY. collector attempting to collect a debt. tion. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision Section 17920, where it expires 40 days Registered Owner(s): Any information obtained may be used FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The registrant commenced to transact busi- (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name after any change in the facts set forth in NOEL S. PEREZ, 1534 Cherokee Dr.-1, for that purpose.Order Number 72094, NAME STATEMENT ness under the fictitious business name or Statement generally expires at the end of the statement pursuant to Section 17913 Salinas, CA 93906. Pub Dates: 07/10/2020, 07/17/2020, File No. 20200994 names listed above on N/A. five years from the date on which it was other than a change in the residence This business is conducted by an 07/24/2020, CARMEL PINE CONE S/ Eric Ferguson, President filed in the office of the County Clerk, address of a registered owner. A new individual. Publication dates: July 10, 17, 24, 2020. The following person(s) is(are) doing June 24, 2020 except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of Fictitious Business Name Statement must The registrant commenced to transact (PC702) business as: BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL IN- Section 17920, where it expires 40 days be filed before the expiration. The filing of business under the fictitious business name Spaceeshipp, 1214 San Pablo Ave., FORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS after any change in the facts set forth in this statement does not of itself authorize or names listed above on June 17, 2020. Apt. 1, Seaside, CA 93955, County TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who the statement pursuant to Section 17913 the use in this state of a Fictitious Business S/Noel S. Perez APN: 197-151-010-000 TS N of Monterey declares as true information, which he or other than a change in the residence Name in violation of the rights of another June 17, 2020 o: CA08001043-19-1 Registered Owner(s): she knows to be false, is guilty of a misde- address of a registered owner. A new under Federal, State, or common law BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL TO No: 191301899-CA-VOI William Rising, 1214 San Pablo Ave., meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed Fictitious Business Name Statement must (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The Apt. 1, Seaside, CA 93955 one thousand dollars ($1,000) (B&P Code be filed before the expiration. The filing of Professions Code). IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant above statement is made pursuant to CA This business is conducted by an indi- 17913). I am also aware that all Infor- this statement does not of itself authorize Publication dates: June 26, July 3, 10, 17, who declares as true any materiel matter Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(1). The vidual mation on this statement becomes Public the use in this state of a Fictitious Business 2020. (PC632) pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) Registrant commenced to transact busi- Record upon filing pursuant to the Cal- Name in violation of the rights of another and Professions Code the registrant knows and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant ifornia Public Records Act (Government under Federal, State, or common law to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) ness under the fictitious business name Code Sections 6250-6277). (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and FICTITIOUS BUSINESS punishable by a fine not to exceed one YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED listed above on N/A This statement was filed with the County Professions Code). NAME STATEMENT thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also OF TRUST DATED May 11, 2007. UNLESS S/ William Rising, CEO Clerk of Monterey County on June 25, Publication dates: July 10, 17, 24, 31, File No. 20200973 aware that all Information on this YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR This statement was filed with the County 2020. 2020. (PC710) Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. statement becomes public record upon PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC Clerk of Monterey County on June 17, NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision The following person(s) is(are) doing filing pursuant to the California Public SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION 2020 (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name business as: DIVING EVOLVED, 2014 Records Act (Government Code Sections OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 7/3, 7/10, 7/17, 7/24/20 Statement generally expires at the end of 6250-6277). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Canvas Way, Marina, CA 93933. AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON- CNS-3372039# five years from the date on which it was NAME STATEMENT County of Principal Place of Business: This statement was filed with the County TACT A LAWYER. On August 27, 2020 CARMEL PINE CONE filed in the office of the County Clerk, MONTEREY. Clerk of Monterey County on June 19, at 10:00 AM, outside the main entrance Publication dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of File No. 20201062 Registered Owner(s): 2020. of the Monterey County Administration 2020. (PC704) Section 17920, where it expires 40 days The following person(s) is(are) doing NICHOLAS MATTHEW NECHAY, 2014 NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision building located at 168 W. Alisal Street, after any change in the facts set forth in the Canvas Way, Marina, CA 93933. (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Salinas, CA 93901, MTC Financial Inc. statement pursuant to Section 17913 other business as: This business is conducted by an Statement generally expires at the end of dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Appointed FICTITIOUS BUSINESS than a change in the residence address of Extreme Health Snacks, 683 Las Ca- individual. five years from the date on which it was Trustee, under and pursuant to the power NAME STATEMENT a registered owner. A new Fictitious Busi- sitas Dr., Salinas, CA 93905, County The registrant commenced to transact filed in the office of the County Clerk, of sale contained in that certain Deed File No. 20201042 ness Name Statement must be filed before of Monterey business under the fictitious business name except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of of Trust recorded on May 23, 2007 as Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. the expiration. The filing of this statement or names listed above on Jan. 1, 2020. Section 17920, where it expires 40 days Instrument No. 2007041386, of official The following person(s) is(are) doing busi- does not of itself authorize the use in this Registered Owner(s): S/Nicholas Nechay after any change in the facts set forth in records in the Office of the Recorder of ness as: MARINA INTERNATIONAL state of a Fictitious Business Name in viola- ORGANICA SPECIALTIES USA, INC., June 9, 2020 the statement pursuant to Section 17913 Monterey County, California, executed FESTIVAL OF THE WINDS, 3152 Ocean tion of the rights of another under Federal, BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL 39 Via Cimarron Monterey, CA 93940 other than a change in the residence by AQUILINO ZARAZUA AND AMPE- Ter., Marina, CA 93933. State, or common law (See Section 14411 This business is conducted by Corpo- INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT address of a registered owner. A new LIA ZARAZUA, HUSBAND AND WIFE Mailing address: P.O. Box 324, Mari- et seq., Business and Professions Code). IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant Fictitious Business Name Statement must AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY, as Trus- na, California 93933. Publication dates: July 10, 17 24, 31, ration who declares as true any materiel matter be filed before the expiration. The filing of tor(s), in favor of FINANCIAL FREEDOM County of Principal Place of Business: 2020. (PC708) Registrant commenced to transact busi- pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business this statement does not of itself authorize SENIOR FUNDING CORPORATION, A Monterey. ness under the fictitious business name and Professions Code the registrant knows the use in this state of a Fictitious Business SUBSIDIARY OF INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. Name of Corporation as shown in the to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor Name in violation of the rights of another as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- Articles of Inc./Org./Reg.: THE MARINA NOTICE OF PETITION listed above on N/A punishable by a fine not to exceed one under Federal, State, or common law TION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful FOUNDATION, 3152 Ocean Ter., Mari- TO ADMINISTER ESTATE S/ Stephen Cardoza, President thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and money of the United States, all payable aware that all Information on this na, CA 93933. This statement was filed with the County Professions Code). at the time of sale, that certain property State of Inc./Org./Reg.: __ of KATHLEEN A. LEWIS statement becomes public record upon Publication dates: July 3, 10, 17, 24, situated in said County, California describ- Clerk of Monterey County on June 26, filing pursuant to the California Public This business is conducted by a corpora- (CORRECTED) 2020. (PC637) ing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY tion. 2020 Records Act (Government Code Sections DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST Case Number 20PR000235 6250-6277). The registrant commenced to transact busi- 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7/20 The property heretofore described is being ness under the fictitious business name or To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, This statement was filed with the County contingent creditors, and persons who CNS-3374998# APN: 006-724-006-000 sold “as is”. The street address and other names listed above on Jan 1, 2010. CARMEL PINE CONE Clerk of Monterey County on June 12, TS No: CA08000864-19-1 common designation, if any, of the real S/ Dorothy Emerson, VP may otherwise be interested in the will 2020. TO No: 191170665-CA-VOI property described above is purported to June 19, 2020 or estate, or both, of KATHLEEN A. July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, 2020. (PC713) NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE (The be: 285 ESQUILINE ROAD, CARMEL VAL- BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL IN- (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name LEWIS. above statement is made pursuant to CA LEY, CA 93924 The undersigned Trustee FORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS A PETITION FOR PROBATE has Statement generally expires at the end of Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(1). The disclaims any liability for any incorrectness TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who FICTITIOUS BUSINESS five years from the date on which it was Summary will be provided to Trustor(s) of the street address and other common declares as true information, which he or been filed by DEBORAH A. PETER- filed in the office of the County Clerk, and/or vested owner(s) only, pursuant designation, if any, shown herein. Said she knows to be false, is guilty of a misde- SON in the Superior Court of Califor- NAME STATEMENT except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of to CA Civil Code Section 2923.3(d)(2).) sale will be made without covenant or meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed nia, County of MONTEREY. File No. 20201061 Section 17920, where it expires 40 days YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED warranty, express or implied, regarding one thousand dollars ($1,000) (B&P Code The Petition for Probate requests The following person(s) is(are) doing after any change in the facts set forth in OF TRUST DATED December 5, 2007. title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay 17913). I am also aware that all Infor- the statement pursuant to Section 17913 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO- the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) mation on this statement becomes Public that DEBORAH A. PETERSON be ap- business as: other than a change in the residence TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD secured by said Deed of Trust, with inter- Record upon filing pursuant to the Cal- pointed as personal representative to Carmel Dog Shop, Lincoln St. SE address of a registered owner. A new AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN est thereon, as provided in said Note(s), ifornia Public Records Act (Government administer the estate of the decedent. Fictitious Business Name Statement must of Ocean Ave. Carmel, CA 93921, EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE advances if any, under the terms of the Code Sections 6250-6277). The petition requests the dece- County of Monterey be filed before the expiration. The filing of PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and This statement was filed with the County dent’s will and codicils, if any, be admit- this statement does not of itself authorize SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On Au- Registered Owner(s): the use in this state of a Fictitious Business ted to probate. The will and any codicils gust 25, 2020 at 10:00 AM, outside the are available for examination in the file Cynthia Lynn Montgomery, Lincoln St. Name in violation of the rights of another main entrance of the Monterey County SE of Ocean Ave. Carmel, CA 93921 under Federal, State, or common law Administration building located at 168 W. LIEN SALE AUCTION ADVERTISEMENT kept by the court. (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and Alisal Street, Salinas, CA 93901, MTC Fi- The petition requests authority to This business is conducted by an Indi- Professions Code). nancial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as the duly Notice is hereby given that Pursuant to the California Self- administer the estate under the Indepen- vidual Publication dates: June 26, July 3, 10, 17, Appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to dent Administration of Estates Act. (This Registrant commenced to transact busi- 2020. (PC633) the power of sale contained in that certain Service Storage Facility Act, (B&P Code 21700 et. seq.), the Deed of Trust recorded on December 18, authority will allow the personal repre- ness under the fictitious business name 2007 as Instrument No. 2007093732, undersigned will sell at public auction; personal property sentative to take many actions without listed above on N/A FICTITIOUS BUSINESS of official records in the Office of the Re- obtaining court approval. Before taking NAME STATEMENT including but not limited to furniture, clothing, tools, and/or S/ Cynthia Lynn Montgomery corder of Monterey County, California, certain very important actions, howev- This statement was filed with the County File No. 20200989 executed by LOIS W. WEETH, TRUSTEE other misc. items er, the personal representative will be Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. OF THE LOIS W. WEETH LIVING TRUST Clerk of Monterey County on June 26, The following person(s) is(are) doing DATED 5 MARCH 1998, as Trustor(s), in Auction to be held at 1pm on July 31st, 2020 at required to give notice to interested 2020 business as: COMEHOME, 201 Spear favor of FINANCIAL FREEDOM SENIOR www.selfstorageauction.com. persons unless they have waived notice 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7/20 Street, Suite 1400, San Francisco, Cal- FUNDING CORPORATION, A SUB- or consented to the proposed action.) ifornia 94105. The property is stored at: The independent administration author- CNS-3374907# SIDIARY OF INDYMAC BANK, F.S.B. as CARMEL PINE CONE County of Principal Place of Business: San Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC- Leonards Lockers 816 Elvee Dr., Salinas. CA 93901. ity will be granted unless an interested Francisco. TION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful person files an objection to the petition July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, 2020. (PC714) Name of Corporation of as shown in the money of the United States, all payable Articles of Inc./Org./Reg.: HOUSECA- at the time of sale, that certain property NARY.INC, 201 Spear Street, Suite 1400, situated in said County, California describ- NAME OF TENANT San Francisco, CA 94105. ing the land therein as: AS MORE FULLY State of Inc./Org./Reg.: Delaware DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED OF TRUST Jesus Ayala Marylou Alcala Ramirez This business is conducted by a corpora- The property heretofore described is being BE PREPARED FOR EMERGENCIES tion. sold “as is”. The street address and other Leslie Macaraeg Robert A Payne Jr The registrant commenced to transact busi- common designation, if any, of the real ness under the fictitious business name or property described above is purported Kyle Osuna Erik Gamotan Register your phone number at names listed above on Nov. 13, 2018. to be: 334 BISHOP AVENUE, PACIFIC William Norbert Rykowski S/ Jeremy Sicklick, CEO and President GROVE, CA 93950 The undersigned BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL IN- Trustee disclaims any liability for any in- ALERTMONTEREYCOUNTY.ORG FORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS correctness of the street address and other Publication date: July 10, 17, 2020 (PC711) TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who common designation, if any, shown herein. July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 19A BASEMENTS Singer-songwriters From page 10A at Trailside Cafe Without any discussion, commissioner Erik Howell PINE CONE STAFF REPORT next made a motion to approve Carl’s motion. Commis- sioner Sara Aminzadeh quickly seconded the motion be- fore seemingly criticizing Lombardo for arguing his case WHILE MOST music venues are closed because of in an “inappropriate” and “distracting” way. “This is the government shutdown orders, Trailside Cafe in Carmel Where California was Born. day I’m taking umbrage with litigators and litigation tac- Valley continues to host performances in its outdoor Beer tics,” she said. Garden. Before the vote, only one commissioner, Dayna Boch- On Friday, singer-songwriters Tom Faia and Kate Mill- co, spoke out in favor of allowing the basements. She also er take the stage in the Beer Garden, which has heat lamps backed the use of ground-penetrating radar analysis, and and plenty of seating. The pair play a mix of rock and she called the case made for it “very persuasive.” Americana. The next night, Saturday, singer-songwriter “It’s hard to get passionate about basements,” added Robert Elmond Stone plays “cool country.” Bochco, who cast the lone vote in support of the builders. Both shows start at 6 p.m. For details, call (831) 298- “But I haven’t seen any evidence that there are cultural 7453, or visit www.trailsidecafecv.com. resources on these properties. We need to go on the facts.” Pietro Family Investments of San Francisco wants to build a 4,900-square-foot home at 26338 Valley View ANIMAL HOSPITAL Ave., a 5,880-square-foot split-level single family home at AT MID VALLEY CENTER, CARMEL 26346 Valley View Ave., and a 3,834-square-foot split-lev- 831.624.8509 el single family home at 26307 Isabella Ave. In April 2019, the Monterey County Board of Supervi- Providing the highest quality medical and sors voted 3-2 to OK the projects, with 5th District Super- visor Mary Adams voting against approval. surgical services for dogs and cats According to a county report, Carmel Point is an area with “well documented archaeological resources,” and it’s possible Native Americans lived there as far back as 9,000 OPEN and SERVING years ago. our CLIENTS

Flicka is adorable and Please note that we are still serving our patients during this difficult time of contending with the COVID-19 virus. FLICKA gentle. She does lots of tail THE LEADING SBA LENDER $5,000,000 wagging around people, IN MONTEREY COUNTY! SBA Loan Limit dogs, and cats. She is a In order to keep you and our staff healthy, we are ad- 0RQWHUH\\%UDQFKK mellow, cuddle companion. hering to CDC guidelines and reducing contact with our Flicka is 10 pounds and staff. Our VETERINARY VALET SERVICE virtually elim- 0HPEHU)',&„(TXDO+RXVLQJ/HQGHU 6-years-old. She needs a inates any contact with people, and in doing so we’ll new home because her keep your pets AND you healthy! Our staff guardian’s Alzheimers has Karl Anderson, DVM progressed and she is no U.C. Davis School of dons masks, gloves, longer able to care for her. Veterinary Medicine and TLC for your If you’d like to meet Flicka, please fill out Jennifer Wernsing, DVM pets, all to keep us all an online adoption questionnaire. U.C. Georgia College healthy in this chal- Veterinary Medicine lenging time. Please 831-718-9122 feel free to call for an Ad Sponsored by Lori Anderson, RVT Carolyn Jacques Hospital Manager appointment. in memory of Margo (If you’d like to sponsor our next ad, give us a call.) 312 Mid Valley Center • 831-624-8509 TLJODBSF Near Jeffrey’s Grill & Catering " 0OUIFDPSOFSPG WWW.PEACEOFMINDDOGRESCUE.ORG 1FBSM"MWBSBEP Serving Carmel, Carmel Valley, Big Sur, Pebble Beach, DVSBUJPO CFBVUZ P.O. Box 51554, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Pacific Grove, Monterey and other surrounding areas. PQFOEBJMZ PG IPNF $BMJGPSOJB LJET HJGUT PUBLIC NOTICES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS after any change in the facts set forth in the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS S/ Juan Carlos Rosas, Jr. NAME STATEMENT statement pursuant to Section 17913 other NAME STATEMENT This statement was filed with the County than a change in the residence address of File No. 20201188 File No. 20201086 a registered owner. A new Fictitious Busi- Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. Clerk of Monterey County on July 7, The following person(s) is(are) doing ness Name Statement must be filed before The following person(s) is(are) doing 2020 business as: the expiration. The filing of this statement business as: TAQUERIA SUPER POLLO, 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7/20 does not of itself authorize the use in this 1237 South Main St., Salinas, CA CNS-3380307# Melendez Medical Billing Services, state of a Fictitious Business Name in viola- 93901. 6790 Tustin Road. Salinas, CA tion of the rights of another under Federal, County of Principal Place of Business: CARMEL PINE CONE 93907, County of Monterey State, or common law (See Section 14411 MONTEREY. ublication dates: July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, Registered Owner(s): et seq., Business and Professions Code). Registered Owner(s): 2020. (PC719) Publication dates: July 17 24, 31, Aug. 7, ARMANDO LEPIZ, 382 Williams Rd., Tina Marie Melendez, 6790 Tustin 2020. (PC716) SPC 4, Salinas, CA 93905. Road, Salinas, CA 93907 This business is conducted by a general FICTITIOUS BUSINESS This business is conducted by an Indi- partnership. NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS The registrant commenced to transact vidual NAME STATEMENT business under the fictitious business name File No. 20201178 Registrant commenced to transact busi- Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. File No. 20201125 or names listed above on N/A. The following person(s) is(are) doing www.HauteBeautyGuide.com ness under the fictitious business name Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. S/Armando Lepiz business as: VALLEY CHIROPRACTIC, listed above on N/A The following person(s) is(are) doing busi- July 14, 2020 ness as: HUNTER PUBLIC RELATIONS & BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL 28 Quail Run Cir. Ste. A, Salinas, S/ Tina Marie Melendez SPECIAL EVENTS, 100 Clocktower Pl. INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT California 93907. This statement was filed with the County County of Principal Place of Business: #120, Office J, Carmel, CA 93923. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant MONTEREY. Clerk of Monterey County on June 30, Mailing address: P.O. Box 1049, Peb- who declares as true any materiel matter Registered Owner(s): 2020 ble Beach, CA 93953. pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business County of Principal Place of Business: and Professions Code the registrant knows KEITH THOMAS MIGOTTI, 28 Quail Run 7/17, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7/20 Monterey County. to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor Cir. Ste. A, Salinas, CA 93907. CNS-3375143# Name of Corporation of as shown in the punishable by a fine not to exceed one This business is conducted by an I am also individual. DOWNTOWN Articles of Inc./Org./Reg.: HPR, INC., thousand dollars ($1,000). CARMEL PINE CONE aware that all Information on this The registrant commenced to transact July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, 2020. (PC715) 3328 Sycamore Pl, Carmel, CA 93923. State of Inc./Org./Reg.: CA statement becomes public record upon business under the fictitious business name This business is conducted by a corpora- filing pursuant to the California Public or names listed above on April 19, 2013. tion. Records Act (Government Code Sections S/Keith Thomas Migotti FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 6250-6277). July 13, 2020 DINING NAME STATEMENT The registrant commenced to transact busi- ness under the fictitious business name or This statement was filed with the County BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL File No. 20201097 names listed above on April 1, 2000. Clerk of Monterey County on July 14, INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT Filing type: ORIGINAL FILING. S/ Kristen E. Hunter, Treasurer 2020. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant The following person(s) is(are) doing busi- June 8, 2020 NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision who declares as true any materiel matter ness as: (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name pursuant to Section 17913 of the Business DONE RIGHT BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL IN- 1. MARK’S MOBILE LOCKSMITH FORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS Statement generally expires at the end of and Professions Code the registrant knows 2. MARK’S LOCK & SAFE, TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who five years from the date on which it was to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor Relaxed casual 10151 Reese Cir. Ste. A, Salinas, CA declares as true information, which he or filed in the office of the County Clerk, punishable by a fine not to exceed one 93907. thousand dollars ($1,000). I am also she knows to be false, is guilty of a misde- except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of aware that all Information on this atmosphere. Mailing address: 17539 Vierra Cyn. meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed Section 17920, where it expires 40 days Rd. Ste. A248, Salinas, CA 93907. statement becomes public record upon one thousand dollars ($1,000) (B&P Code after any change in the facts set forth in filing pursuant to the California Public County of Principal Place of Business: 17913). I am also aware that all Infor- the statement pursuant to Section 17913 Gourmet California Monterey County. Records Act (Government Code Sections mation on this statement becomes Public other than a change in the residence 6250-6277). Name of Corporation of as shown in the Record upon filing pursuant to the Cal- address of a registered owner. A new comfort food. Articles of Inc./Org./Reg.: MARK’S MO- ifornia Public Records Act (Government Fictitious Business Name Statement must This statement was filed with the County BILE LOCKSMITH, INC., 10151 Reese Cir. Code Sections 6250-6277). be filed before the expiration. The filing of Clerk of Monterey County on July 13, Ste. A, Salinas, CA 93907. This statement was filed with the County this statement does not of itself authorize 2020. Outdoor Heated State of Inc./Org./Reg.: CA Clerk of Monterey County on July 7, 2020. the use in this state of a Fictitious Business NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision This business is conducted by a corpora- NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision Name in violation of the rights of another (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name Patio tion. (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name under Federal, State, or common law Statement generally expires at the end of The registrant commenced to transact busi- Statement generally expires at the end of (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and five years from the date on which it was ness under the fictitious business name or five years from the date on which it was Professions Code). filed in the office of the County Clerk, names listed above on N/A. filed in the office of the County Clerk, Publication dates: July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of S/ Mark Bryan Henson, CEO except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of 2020. (PC718) Section 17920, where it expires 40 days ______Section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in BY SIGNING, I DECLARE THAT ALL IN- the statement pursuant to Section 17913 after any change in the facts set forth in the other than a change in the residence FORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS statement pursuant to Section 17913 other FICTITIOUS BUSINESS TRUE AND CORRECT. A registrant who than a change in the residence address of address of a registered owner. A new declares as true information, which he or a registered owner. A new Fictitious Busi- NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name Statement must she knows to be false, is guilty of a misde- ness Name Statement must be filed before File No. 20201135 be filed before the expiration. The filing of meanor punishable by a fine not to exceed the expiration. The filing of this statement this statement does not of itself authorize one thousand dollars ($1,000) (B&P Code The following person(s) is(are) doing the use in this state of a Fictitious Business I am also aware that all Infor- does not of itself authorize the use in this 17913). state of a Fictitious Business Name in viola- business as: Name in violation of the rights of another mation on this statement becomes Public T & A Supplies 365 Rock Rose St., under Federal, State, or common law Record upon filing pursuant to the Cal- tion of the rights of another under Federal, (See Section 14411 et seq., Business and ifornia Public Records Act (Government State, or common law (See Section 14411 Soledad, CA 93960, County of Mon- Professions Code). Code Sections 6250-6277). et seq., Business and Professions Code). Publication dates: July 17 24, 31, Aug. 7, terey Publication dates: July 17, 24, 31, Aug. 7, This statement was filed with the Coun- 2020. (PC717) Registered Owner(s): 2020. (PC720) TAKEOUT AVAILABLE. ty Clerk of Monterey County on July 2, Juan Carlos Rosas Jr. 365 Rock Rose 2020. NOTICE-In accordance with Subdivision Street, Soledad, CA 93960 LEGALS DEADLINE: (a) of Section 17920, a Fictitious Name This business is conducted by an Indi- Statement generally expires at the end of — Be prepared for emergencies — vidual Tuesday 4:30 pm five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the County Clerk, Register your phone number at Registrant commenced to transact busi- Call Irma (831) 274-8645 or except, as provided in Subdivision (b) of www.alertmontereycounty.org ness under the fictitious business name Section 17920, where it expires 40 days listed above on April 20, 2020 email [email protected] 20A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020 THIS WEEK Museum adds another Ligare to its collection — on his 75th birthday WHILE THE coronavirus shutdown “In 2014, we were in Italy staying with and Lila and James Thorsen. In addition to buying new art, the muse- has dampened the sales of many artists, friends who have a country house in south- For his contributions to the local art um is busy finding a new executive director one of Monterey County’s finest, painter ern Tuscany,” he explained. “We were all at scene, the Arts Council for Monterey to replace Stuart Chase, who stepped down David Ligare, celebrated his 75th birthday the beach one day and I was drawing in my County gave Ligare a Lifetime Achieve- last month. Chase took over as leader of the recently by selling one of his most cher- notebook when this image popped into my ment Award in 2011. museum in 2017. ished pieces to the Monterey Museum of head. When I got back to Florence, where I was working at the time, I made a bigger drawing and David Ligare’s “Mag- Art Roundup then an etching. I made the na Fide” was recently final painting back in my purchased by the studio in Corral de Tierra.” Monterey Museum of By CHRIS COUNTS Ligare said the painting Art, which now owns is an homage to Renais- 17 of the artists’s Art. The price was not disclosed. sance artist, architect and writer Leon Bat- paintings. Ligare The painting, titled “Magna Fide” or tista Alberti. began the piece “Great Belief,” joins 16 other pieces by on one continent, Ligare in the museum’s permanent collec- Donors make purchase possible and completed it on tion. “What a birthday surprise!” the paint- Museum spokeswoman Allyson Hitte another. er exclaimed. “This is a favorite painting said the painting was purchased with funds of mine.” designated for acquiring new art, along According to Ligare, the piece was with donations by Judy and Tom Ar- started on one continent and completed chibald, Elizabeth Barlow and Stephen on another. The rocks in the painting were McClellan, Linda and David Keaton, modeled after ones in Monterey. Sally Lucas, Judith and Frank Marshall, Few rooms, many acres — Big Sur’s Post Ranch, Ventana inns reopen By CHRIS COUNTS reopened this week. tion with an expert will familiarize guests with the pas- More than any other inns and motels down the coast, time. WHILE MUCH of California hunkers down in re- the two resorts offer abundant land for people to keep their And, of course, everybody will be wearing masks, and sponse to an increase in coronavirus cases, Big Sur’s two distance from one another — Post Ranch has 39 rooms on hand sanitizer won’t ever be far away. luxury resorts, Post Ranch Inn and Ventana Inn and Spa, 100 acres, while Ventana has 59 rooms on 160 acres. “In the wake of Covid-19, the management team has Post Ranch, which opened July 15, remains been working around the clock to reevaluate every aspect closed to day visitors, which means overnight of its operating protocols and embracing a holistic ap- guests no longer have to share the grounds with proach to cleanliness, safety and wellness, while honoring those who are not staying at the resort, creating its commitment to the environment and community,” gen- even more space. As a result, the inn’s restau- eral manager Gary Obligacion told The Pine Cone. rant, Sierra Mar, is able to space its tables even farther apart. For those who prefer to dine out- Making it easy to distance side, seating there has been expanded. Ventana opened most of its rooms to visitors July 15. Post Ranch’s gift shop, the Mercantile, and “We are thrilled to welcome you back,” the resort posted its Post Gallery will also be open only to in- Wednesday on social media. house guests. The resort’s dining room is open but is only serving The pool at Post Ranch is also open, with outside and delivering to rooms. The bar is closed, but lounge chairs spaced 6-feet apart and disinfect- drinks can be served with dinner or delivered to the pool ed after each use. or guestrooms. Massages and spa treatments are available, but must be Massage, yoga are back done outside. The pool is open, but only by reservations Massage and spa services are still offered due to spacing requirements. in treatment rooms at Post Ranch, but the time To keep staff and guests safe, face masks are re- between appointments has been increased to quired, hand sanitizer is readily available, and surfaces in allow for more extensive cleaning. Also, new high-traffic areas are disinfected hourly. “All of our team PHOTO/VENTANA RESORT non-touch treatments such sound meditation members have completed rigorous health and safety train- Along with nearby Post Ranch Inn, Ventana Inn and Spa in Big Sur (above) and sleep therapy are available. ing, and we’ve reimagined the entire Ventana guest jour- reopened this week. The inn has implemented a vast array of precautions to Introduced earlier this year, falconry is re- ney with subtle yet substantive ‘touches’ that allow you to keep guests and staff safe from Covod-19. turning to the resort. An interactive introduc- avoid unnecessary contact, the resort said. CALENDAR

July 22 — Aspire Health Plan Presents: Eating on Budget, a Virtual Community Connections Class, 10 to 11 a.m. We’ll help you create a grocery plan that saves you money. Learn meal planning tips including buying whole, nutritious foods, without breaking the bank! Free and open to all. We ask you to register so we can know how many people to expect. Call or register to receive the participation details for these free online events. RSVP to (877) 663-7651, or www.aspirehealthplan.org/ connections2020 July 25 — PacRep’s Virtual Midsummer Soireé Fundraiser. 6 to 7:15 p.m. A virtual “evening together” on Zoom, with dinner from Aubergine, and Albatross Ridge wine, delivered to your home. Enjoy online performances and bid on auction items. $195 per person. Visit pacrep. org or call (831) 622-0100. July 30 — Aspire Health Plan Presents: Short Story Discussion, a Virtual Community Connections Class, 10 to 11 a.m. Join us for a lively discussion of John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums, set in our own Salinas Valley. Register to receive online access to the short story. Free and open to all. We ask you to register so we can Delicious know how many people to expect. RSVP to (877) 663- POURED DAILY 7651, or www.aspirehealthplan.org/connections2020

To advertise, email [email protected] AND AT HOME $0.50 per word ($25 min. charge) • Add a photo for your event for only $25 We have limited number of outdoor tables for wine tasting. - Reservations Suggested - Curbside bottle purchase and home delivery is also available. Get your complete Pine Cone every Thursday night by email — San Carlos & 7th, Carmel | 831.626.WINE(9463) | scheidvineyards.com Free subscriptions at www. carmelpinecone.com July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 21A FOOD & WINE Restaurants back outside, new market open, but Sur la Table closing MORE OUTDOOR dining spaces ket vendors now spread out not just along the Mission Bistro a couple of blocks away, moved to a newly remodeled space at the are appearing downtown as many of the the block of Sixth next to Devendorf Park, is opening a liquor store in the former Lo- back of the shopping center and began of- city’s 50 or so restaurants seek to serve but around the corner on Mission between pez Liquors location with Pantipa Al-Nim- fering classes in a brand new demonstra- customers al fresco in order to survive the Sixth and Ocean, too. It’s still fairly small ri. Lopez, which took over the space from tion kitchen attached to the store. pandemic-induced shutdowns that have but features a nice selection of produce Ron’s Liquors several years ago, left at the The chain, which started at Pike Place crippled their businesses. Tables and chairs growers, flower sellers and other vendors. start of the coronavirus shutdown, and the Market in 1972, is closing more than 50 are popping up all over the place — on storefront has presumably been undergoing of its retail locations and selling every- sidewalks, in parking spaces, outside front QNew tasting cottage some cleanup work in preparation for the thing else, including its cooking classes doors, under huge tents — and operators new tenant. and website, to Fortress Investment Group, are doing their best to woo diners, even Albatross Ridge has opened a second The city approved Al-Nimri’s business which is working with STORY3 Capital when the town’s typical summer weather tasting room, this one with ample outdoor license July 9, allowing him to operate a Partners to take over the company and ide- kicks in, with its grey skies and chilly tem- space, which is even more critical since the 700-square-foot shop selling beer, wine ally make it profitable again. peratures. state shut down indoor activities at win- and spirits, as well as packaged snacks. “Sur La Table believes that it is excep- When restaurants were allowed to re- eries and tasting rooms last week, in the He said this week he’s not yet sure when tionally well positioned to thrive in the open for indoor dining at the end of May, former Cima Collina location at 19 E. Car- he’ll open. post-Covid-19 world, as food, cooking and their capacities were greatly reduced, mak- mel Valley Road. The historic White Oaks in-home entertainment continue to capture building, which winery QSur La Table closing increasing mindshare of consumers, and as owners father-and-son team such, this strategy is in the best long-term Soup to Nuts Brad and Garrett Bowlus With the Seattle-based kitchenware interests of its employees, customers and call their “tasting cottage” is store filing bankruptcy, dozens of Sur La vendors,” company spokesman Phil Den- now open Sunday to Thurs- Table’s 120-plus stores across the nation ning said in a statement. By MARY SCHLEY day from noon to 7 p.m., will be closing this summer, among them and Friday and Saturday the shop at Carmel Plaza, which last year See FOOD next page ing reservations a necessity. Now that the from noon to 8 p.m. While reservations are state has rolled back that privilege with the not required, they’re encouraged. ongoing increases in coronavirus infec- Albatross Ridge has vineyards high up tions in Monterey County, seats are in even in the Carmel Valley hills above mid-val- shorter supply, making reserving a spot ley, farming chardonnay and pinot noir. that much more necessary. Large groups Just 7 or so miles from the coast, they are are generally difficult to accommodate. closer to the ocean than any other vineyard While umbrellas and heaters are in the area, and the cool climate yields re- allowed, city rules dictate they be taken fined wines with a good level of acidity. in at night, and some restaurants may not For more information, visit albatrossri- Over 49 years of legendary food have heating at all, so it’s important to dge.com. dress accordingly. Through ongoing refine- OUTDOOR PATIO ment of the rules, city officials have tried QWinetasting outside OPEN FOR to ensure business owners are doing their part to keep the city’s streets looking tidy Last week, the city council decided BREAKFAST and inviting, but as more parklets pop up, downtown Carmel tasting rooms could LUNCH & DINNER parking downtown is getting increasingly pour for customers outdoors while the state difficult. Uber drivers are still scarce, too, has locked down their indoor operations. 9am-3pm & 4pm-9pm so plan on cruising around in search of a Of the 17 tasting rooms in town, Monterey parking space, taking advantage of Carmel County Vintners & Growers Association Plaza’s paid garage at Mission and Eighth, executive director Kim Stemler said last San Carlos St, Carmel • 831-625-1044 • Hogsbreathinn.net or parking somewhere on the outskirts of week, a dozen have been able to work with the commercial district and walking a few their landlords to use private space, and the blocks to the restaurant of your choice. council gave permission to the other five to conduct business on public property — but QMarket has reopened only until the state allows them to serve people inside again. Operated by Good Roots, which was This week, several were taking advan- started by a Carmel High School grad, the tage of that concession. downtown Carmel farmers market held on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. reopened QCarmel Liquors coming July 2 after being closed for several months. “The best vegetarian restaurant on the Monterey Peninsula!” In order to accommodate social distancing Fadi Al-Nimri, owner of the Tree House and make shopping safe for people, mar- restaurant on San Carlos and a partner in BRUNCH IS BACK + MARKET & DELI OUTDOOR DINING We’ve returned to our full menu, including daily brunch! Online ordering for takeout available


Shop the local favorite for all your needs Try our Famous Tri Tip Sandwich • Hickory Smoked Baby Back Ribs Hot Rotisserie Chicken • Gourmet Deli Local Fruit & Vegetables • Cold Craft Beer & Fine Wines Popular Carving Station THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Prime Rib Prime Rib Prime Rib NEW HOURS! Pork Loin Roast Baked Salmon Leg of Lamb All dinners include sauteed veggies, scalloped potatoes, garlic bread and sauce choice. Sun - Thurs 8am - 9pm | Fri & Sat 8am - 10pm Ample Free Parking 6th & Junipero Street, Carmel 1180 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove CA 93950 next to Surf n Sand Liquor We’re at the top of Forest Hill between Safeway and Trader Joe’s in the far back right of Forest Hill Shopping Center Since 1953 831-624-3821 Open 365 Days - Local Home Delivery 831-656-9533 22A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020

Concours d’ Elegance private picnics, and tailgate gath- FOOD erings at the Laguna Seca international auto and motor- From previous page cycling racing venue,” according to the business broker. “Potential is so great!” Closeout sales at the Plaza store have begun, with gift QChef Justin’s summer salad cards and returns on purchases before July 7 accepted until Aug. 7, according to an email sent out by the company Montrio Bistro’s executive chef, Justin Robarge, shared Thursday. his recipe for a farmers market summer salad with grilled stone fruit and homemade ricotta. Q J&P farmers retiring The recipe calls for a peach, a nectarine, a pluot (or aprium or plumcot, since they’re all hybrids of plums and Also hanging it up is J&P Organics, a family farm apricots), a sliced shallot, 2 T. olive oil, 1 T. sherry vinegar launched by CSUMB grad Juan Perez that involved his and three or four leaves of basil cut in thin strips. parents, Pablo and Florencia, and his brother and wife. Slice each fruit in half and remove the pit. Place all Since 2006, they have been working on their Salinas farm, halves in a bowl and toss with shallots, oil, vinegar, salt coordinating deliveries of fresh produce to more than 200 and pepper, and then place them cut-side down on a pre- homes in Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, and visiting Want to make a salad that looks as pretty as this one? Montrio heated grill for two or three minutes. After they cool, cut farmers markets. His parents farmed raspberries for years executive chef Justin Robarge tells you how. them into cubes, put them back in the bowl and toss them before that. with the basil. Increased demand during the shelter-in-place order To make the ricotta, gradually warm a half-gallon of Perez and his family said. “We want to thank from the bot- tapped out their farm, and after several weeks of letting whole milk and 1 t. kosher salt to 185-195 degrees, add tom of our hearts all our members and friends for your their customers know they didn’t have enough produce to 1/3 cup distilled white vinegar and 1/3 cup fresh lemon support throughout these years. We will truly miss the hap- sell them, this week, they sent an email announcing their juice, turn off the heat and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then py hellos, the kids’ excitement when they saw our drivers, decision to retire. line a strainer with cheesecloth and place it over a bowl, and even the yappy dogs. Thank you for understanding; “After 30 years of farming and 14 years of deliveries and carefully place the curds and liquid into it. Let it sit for our hearts are with everyone.” in the Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, J&P Organics another 10 to 15 minutes. family farm decided to retire. It was a big decision coming To assemble the salad, toss a handful of arugula with from Poppa and Momma, who are getting older and tired,” QValley Hills deli for sale balsamic vinegar and oil, arrange it on a plate, top with the fruit and ricotta, and garnish with some toasted almonds. Carmel Business Sales this week listed a “deli and country mart” for sale in the “heart of golf resorts” for $175,000. Owner Ryan Sanchez, who also owns Surf N Sand, Corral de Tierra market and El Jefe tequila, told The WATER Pine Cone it’s time to let Valley Hills deli go, and Carmel From page 8A Business Sales pitched it as the ideal purchase for a chef or food lover. “If you are a chef or just a foodie who loves meeting jority of the members on the board who support a public people, this is a rare opportunity to make money doing takeover of Cal Am’s system and reject the company’s pro- what you love. Having a deli is far less risky than a restau- posed desal plant near Marina. rant, and yet this business has every chance to serve the In June, directors Alvin Edwards, Molly Evans, George regional demand for fine food,” the sales pitch states. Riley and 5th District Monterey County Supervisor Mary Valley Hills deli is located on Carmel Valley Road very Adams OK’d a letter to the California Coastal Commis- close to Quail Lodge and across the road from one of the sion urging the panel to reject giving Cal Am a permit for :HKDYHRXWGRRUGLQLQJWG GL Tehama gates. the desal plant. Hoffmann was one of three directors on the &DOOXVIRUWDNHRXWIRUGHOLYHU\XVH “Revenue has increased consistently, with even greater board, along with Carmel Mayor Dave Potter and director 2QOLQH2UGHULQJRQRXUZHEVLWH potential for a new owner making more use of a full kitch- Jeanne Byrne, who voted against the idea. URVLQHVPRQWHUH\FRP en — adding takeout prepared packaged dinners, delivery Cal Am has said its desal plant would offer a drought- service, BBQ nights, tastings of local wines, breakfasts for ‡$OYDUDGR6W0RQWHUH\ free water supply for the Peninsula and would comply with specialty car clubs, and increased catering, as this area is a state cutback order. Anderson and others support a recla- 0RQ)ULDPSP6DW 6XQDPSP popular for weddings, anniversary parties, golfing events, mation project sponsored by the water and sewer districts.

GRASING’SWelcome! AL FRESCO DINING ROOFTOP GARDEN | MISSION STREET PARKLET NORTH COURTYARD PATIO | WEST COURTYARD PATIO STANDARDS OF SAFETY • Coordinated arrival and seating of guests to minimize contact • Reduced seating in the outdoor dining space to meet social distancing guidelines • Temperature screening of team members, vendors and guests • Requiring face masks for team members and guests as they move around the common areas • Disposable menus or QR code for guests to scan • Rigorous sanitization and disinfecting standards within the restaurant, including UV wands for table sanitization process

We are taking the extra steps to make sure our guests and team are safe while enjoying an authentic Carmel dining experience!

Delicious Cuisine Artful Presentation Exceeding Expectations

NW Corner of 6th & Mission, Carmel-by-the-Sea | (831) 624-6562 | www.grasings.com July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 23A SERVICE DIRECTORY DeDDeadline:addline: MMonday, 1 p.m. • NOTICE: SERVICE DIRECTORY ADS ARE ACCEPTED ONLY BY EMAIL • Email your ad to: [email protected]


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Remodels, Custom Homes Studio Artz S&J HOMECARE LED Lighting, Yard Lighting & Solar All Phases of construction from design to build. GRAPHIC DESIGN PRIVATE DUTY CA Certified Electricians • Lic. # 464846 Kitchens, Baths, Outdoor Spaces, (831) 659-2105 IN HOME CAREGIVING SERVICES Additions, Decks, etc. Lic. #893721 Credit Cards Accepted advertisements (831) 277-8780 Call Rod (831) 917-6618 brand identity Open for business, Z FENCES AND DECKS brochures working remotely! Sabrina Harris Professional & Experienced Shop locally! book design P.O. 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Insured • Residential • Commercial       (831) 899-5613 Z HANDYMAN www.drygreen.biz Networking, Surveillance, HONEY DO LIST? 831-210-9471 Home Automation, Lighting Control, GARDEN•LANDSCAPE•IRRIGATION Carpentry, Painting, Interior/Exterior, Repairs, Home Theater, House Music Z Doors & Windows, Fences, Gates, Posts, Sid-  ing, Shelving, Cabinets, Carpentry, Roof De- Z CONSTRUCTION/REMODEL MATIAS GARDENING bris, Plumbing/Electrical Repairs, Drywall/Paint     Full Tree Service • Poison Oak Removal Repairs, Gutter/Roof Cleaning. JOHN QUINN Garden Maintenance & Planting • Tree Pruning BUILDER BY THE SEA Lic# 826414       (831) 402-1638 Lic. #821763 / Bonded Custom Homes – Estates Fence Construction/Repair • Hauling Remodels – Additions 20 Yrs Experience • Excellent references Z HOUSE CLEANING Building Custom Estates to Kitchen & Bath (831) 800-6520 Remodels, Carpentry, Concrete, Stone, Tile, Doors Windows, Decks, Plastering, Hardwood Floors, etc.! Lewellen Built ADAN’S GENERAL CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CABINETS Lily’s House Cleaning We also provide construction management. LANDSCAPE - MAINTENANCE No Job Too NoSmall Job - CONTRACTOR to Small ONON SITESITE Paul Lewellen 831.917.4698 Excellent References Available. Carmel, CA Residential/Commercial 20 Years Experience. [email protected] • CA Lic#1010385 Call 831-238-8289 CA Lic# B803407 Automatic Sprinklers & Irrigation Systems Reliable and Thorough Cleaning New Sod or Seed (831) 917-3937 New Fences & Repair * Retaining Walls * Hauling Retaining Walls • Foundations • Fireplaces Ornamental Trimming & Tree Pruning Stone Veneer • Driveways • Patios • Pavers Pavers & Stamped Concrete TWO GIRLS General Yard Clean-up, and etc. FROM CARMEL ~ FREE ESTIMATES ~ Mahoney Experienced • Professional Over 20 years exp. - References Proudly Given Friendly Touch for 30 years Masonry Inc. Lic. # 949011 Tel: (831) 601-9225 DESIGN/BUILD BONDED HOUSECLEANING GENERAL CONTRACTOR 831.659.0363 SPECIALISTS License 493213 MASONRY • LANDSCAPING • CARPENTRY 831-626-4426 CSLB # 1031199 Brick, Stone Firewood Fences, Decks So Many Dust#VOOJFT Concrete Gardening Pavers, Repair, Tile So Little Time TwoGirlsFromCarmel.com Rock-Block Plant Painting Plumbing Pruning Plastering 831.293.8282 [email protected] Sheet rock Lawn Maintenance Stucco Insulation Sprinklers gallagherandbarr.com www.MahoneyMasonryInc.com Roofing Clean-up & Hauling No Lic. www.facebook.com/MahoneyMasonryInc Ramiro Hernandez cell (831) 601-7676 Service Directory continues on page 24A

NOTICE TO READERS: California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. You can check the status of your licensed contractor at www2.cslb.ca.gov or 1-800-321-CSLB. Unlicensed contractors taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. The PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION requires household movers to include their PUC license number in their ads. Contact the PUC at [email protected] 24A The Carmel Pine Cone July 17, 2020

tal health. journals, communicating with doctors at other hospitals, FRONT She also feels better after switching from a four-day doing anything they think might be helpful,” she said. From page 1A work week (eight-hour shifts) to a three-day week (12 “We’re all still learning about the virus, the community hours per day), which gives her four consecutive days off. is sharing information, sharing experiences, and I know “The emotional exhaustion of a four- or five-day work we’ve implemented some of the things they were doing sponsibility to improve their health outcomes, not only week just beats you up,” she said. “All I do on my first day in New York City, like the big, plastic box they put over a physically but emotionally.” off is monotonous chores around the house — vacuum- patient’s bed to help protect the staff.” Some have little to worry about. Others face a night- ing, laundry … things that don’t require me to think about mare. The frontline medical workers in the emergency de- anything.” ‘Great day’ partment and the intensive care unit see traumatic sights, She said her boyfriend, who lives with her, worries Staff morale at CHOMP is good, said Borek. Cowork- and some level of post-traumatic stress disorder is a com- about her safety. ers boost each other up when needed. Somebody regularly mon result for the caregivers. “He tries not to say much, because he knows I have to brings baked goods for break time. And they understand “We all have different ways, our own way, of handling got to work regardless, but, in all honesty, I understand. that the work they’re doing couldn’t be more important at the stress of the job, and some people obviously have a He’s never had to work in a hospital,” she said. “I try to re- a time like this. better time than others,” Borek said. “If you can let it all assure him that we have the masks, we have the equipment “We all have a common goal of making it through this,” go when you leave the hospital, you’ll fare a lot better than we need at Community Hospital. she said. “There’s a lot of uncertainty out there, so we all if you keep dwelling on it. You punch in, you do your 12- “But he also gets calls from family members who say, try to have the best time we can. The first thing I try to say hour shift, and you punch out and go home. You don’t have ‘We’re so worried about you and Cristina…’” Borek add- every morning is, ‘It’s going to be a great day!’ Then we all to take anything home with you, and if you’re good at that, ed. “And one of the job sites where he was supposed to just try really hard to make it happen.” the stress is easier to manage. Some people have a harder work actually asked him not to come in, just because they Dennis Taylor is a freelance writer in Monterey County. time with it than others.” knew what I did at the hospital. People are uncomfortable Contact him at [email protected]. and nervous about that.” Reassuring families — and others Borek said she has a high level of faith in her work en- Borek was an all-league softball player at Carmel High, vironment, not only because they haven’t yet run short of Be prepared for emergencies — then played Division I softball at North Dakota State Uni- protective gear or equipment, but also because the doctors register your phone number versity. Her enduring love for athletics provides helpful and supervisors at CHOMP are relentlessly keeping up at www.alertmontereycounty.org ways to unwind. She walks, rides her bike, and works out with the latest news from colleagues worldwide. in her home gym. Yoga and meditation help with her men- “Our physicians are constantly reading the medical SERVICE DIRECTORY

Continues from page 23A w PAINTING w TREE SERVICE w INTERIOR POWER WASHING HOUSE CLEANING EXTERIOR License # 710688 TREE HEALTH CARE QUALITY & LOW COST FAUX FINISHES INSECTS, DISEASES, ANALYSIS GRACIELA’S CLEANING SERVICES See 90 second TREE SERVICE oak moth Excellent References JOSEPH YOSCO Trimming, Topping, video at 25 Years Experience Painting Removal, Oak and Pine P.O. Box 4691 Since 1988 C-(831) 238-1095 treehealth.org Residental-Commercial Move In/Move Out Carmel, CA 93921 (831) 622-7339 firewood & more. Email: [email protected] We beat any bid. Free estimates. 831-241-4692 Back on the Monterey Peninsula! First time 10% OFF Bonded & ensured. Lic. #1031715 831.402.2746 Marcos’ House Cleaning Service 40+ Years of Service Residential/Commercial/Move-outs Windows • Pressure Washing SICK TREE? JOHN CALL IVERSON’S TREE SERVICE Construction Cleaning • Vacation Homes 831.325.2525 Certified Arborist WC 824 [email protected] Call the Specialists & STUMP REMOVAL Offices • Floor Cleaning • Strip & Wax SINCE 1983 831.753.2847 Complete Tree Service (831) 264-3697 P.O. Box 603 Fully Insured Free Estimates • Guaranteed Jobs • Lic. 342947 Seaside, CA 93955 Lic. # 677370 Call (831) 625-5743 GALAN HOUSECLEANING pd painting on Facebook License 476690 Apartments - Offices Etc. w PIANO Deadline: 1 p.m. Monday Low Prices - Our Work Guaranteed Email your ad to: [email protected] Move In/Out - Free Estimates Service Directory ads GILROY PIANO OUTLET are accepted ONLY by email. 6 Years of Experience - Good References COMPLETE PIANO STORE (831) 402-5685 Nolverta Galan SALES & CONSIGNMENTS KAWAI - STEINWAY - YAMAHA DIGITAL HYBRIDS w INTERIOR DESIGN SMART PLAYER SYSTEMS Please Call or Check Website for STORE HOURS or for Appointments 408-767-2990 • 8401 Church Street/Welburn See Our Website for Bargains & Inventory WWW.GILROYPIANO.COM w ROOFING

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He couldn’t have predicted that the Harlem Globetrot- er sisters, Jessica, 38, and Vanessa, 35, also are Cal Poly “I met Erik and we hit it off great, but he said he had no ters would hire him as assistant general manager at age 23, alumnae. budget to hire me,” he remembered. “I said, Erik, I’m there “I guess I was the black sheep, going to UCLA, but I anyway — that part’s a done deal — so I’ll intern for you loved going to school there,” Nick said. “Big school, big for a year without pay.’” city, so much opportunity … I met so many amazing peo- Peninsula Sports ple. One of my college buddies is now VP of player opera- Harlem Globetrotters tions for the 49ers. Another is one of the top agents in the Widmark took the offer. Cardinale moved to Scottsdale, By DENNIS TAYLOR Ultimate Fighting Championship.” worked 40 hours a week as Widmark’s director of sports It helps to know people, but Nick Cardinale’s luckiest operations, and learned how to stage big events, tending then promote him to the general manager post on his 26th connection probably was his dad, who was friends with the bar three nights a week to pay his bills. Then Cardinale birthday. He couldn’t have imagined that he would move guy who built the home of Monterey Peninsula resident seized the day when he learned that the Globetrotters were on at age 34 to become executive vice president and gen- Jerry Colangelo, former owner of the Phoenix Suns and shopping for an assistant general manager. eral manager of Barrett-Jackson, producer of “The World’s Arizona Diamondbacks. Glowing letters from Widmark and Colangelo intro- Greatest Collector Car Auctions,” according to its website. After meeting with Nick, Colangelo arranged an inter- duced him to Globetrotters owner Manny Jackson (Col- “As kids, we used to ride our bikes through Fort Ord view with the Suns, who offered him a job as a video as- angelo’s basketball teammate at the University of Illinois), to go to the car events at Laguna Seca, and I loved seeing sistant in their scouting department. who told the team’s top management to interview the all the amazing cars that came through the Peninsula ev- “The job was mine, signed, sealed and delivered, but 23-year-old. ery year,” said Cardinale, now a 41-year-old resident of just as I was preparing to move from L.A. to Phoenix, their “I crushed both interviews — two of the best interviews Scottsdale, Ariz. “Never in a million years did I dream that video person abruptly left. They replaced him with the ever — but my third interview, with their GM, didn’t go I’d be coming back as an executive in the industry, with a Toronto Raptors’ video guy, who brought his own assistant company that sponsors events there.” with him, so my NBA job literally disappeared overnight.” See SPORTS page 29A Father knew best He was a three-sport jock at CHS — all-league in basketball, the sport he would play for two years at Monterey Peninsula College, where his father, Sal Cardinale, was a retired head coach and watched him from the bleachers. “As a dad, he was amazing. As a coach, he was tough on me — I’ll admit that. I’d score 30, and he’d tell me everything I did wrong,” Nick mused. Sal Cardinale was also in the middle of a 40-year career as MPC’s academic counselor, which made him Nick’s academic counselor. “I noticed all of my buddies had all this free time during our freshman year, and I didn’t have any,” he said. “Turned out they were all taking 12 units, and I was taking 21. Somebody finally said, ‘Hey, you’re not allowed to take more than 20 units unless a coun- selor signs off on it.’ Well, my dad was my counsel- or. He picked all of my classes and handed me my schedule, and I didn’t know any different.” (Above) Padres jocks Golden Anderson (now CHS athletic director), The good news was that father knew best. The Colter Bissell, and Nick Cardinale, circa 1997. Cardinale, shown with kid’s transcripts at MPC got him into UCLA, which basketball legend Curly Neal (right), has had an amazing career, includ- rejected more applicants than any other school in ing a stint as General Manager of the Harlem Globetrotters. He credits his father (former MPC coach Sal Cardinale) with much of his success. America.

to eliminate some flooding, and removing VOLUNTEERS stumps and invasive weeds.” From page 14A The Friends of Carmel Forest have helped, too, and the Carmel-by-the-Sea Garden Club is taking on rehabilitation Around the same time, resident Dale efforts in a 2,000-square-foot area of the Byrne and others designed new equip- North Dunes. Professional plant biologists ment housing that “had to allow for quick are volunteering their time, as well. access for maintenance, testing, repair- “We sure appreciate all the help we can ing or even replacing the entire assembly get!” Harary said. someday,” Rerig said. They created and CLOSING SALE built a Tudor/Comstock-style house with JULY 1 a removable roof and shutters, and even painted a tiny bird on one of the shutters. CEQA “With the city facing significant funding From page 15A 30% challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic, OFF ALL ITEMS partnering with the community is truly val- ued and appreciated,” Rerig said. ty to enforce CEQA.” Store Hours Byrne has also been working on main- According to attorney John Farrow, Monday - Saturday, 11 :00 - 4:00 tenance and upkeep at the Forest Theater, who has worked for LandWatch, the bill CARMEL RANCHO SQUARE, CARMEL including staining all the benches and would shift considerable legal costs of a (831) 277-8938 tackling landscaping issues there, and is case to the losing party, making litigation a rebuilding newspaper kiosks on Ocean Av- risky choice for a nonprofit. “It would cre- enue. ate a tremendous gamble for the petitioner “We gave Dale Byrne a long list of tasks because it allows an agency to prepare the that he seems to be delighted in doing,” record and impose the cost of the record if public works director Bob Harary said. the petitioner loses,” Farrow explained. “In addition, the Friends of Mission Opponents have also criticized the bill Trail Nature Preserve have really kicked because they say it prioritizes environmen- Dear Larry it up by clearing and re-grading the Doo- tal cases over others, including social jus- BY LARRY MESLER little Trail, grading a tributary to the creek tice cases. DEAR LARRY: : I read in your article that antique furniture values were at an all time low. Do you think the values will ever increase? - Robert in Carmel /ŶĐƌĞĚŝďůĞĂƌŵĞůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐKƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƟĞƐ Dear Robert: There are exceptions, and antiques are still selling, but not at the prices of the past. It is in the hands of the younger generation. On the bright side, ƒ”‡Ž‡Ž‹Ƭƒ”–™‹–Š—–†‘‘”ƒ–‹‘Ǧ̈́ͳ͹ͷǡͲͲͲ there are some incredible buys to be had.   Ǧ”‘•’‡”‹‰†—”‹‰‘˜‹†Ǩ Š‡ˆǯ•”‡ƒǦ‡Ž‹ƒ„Ž‡Ƭ‡ƒ•›–‘‘’‡”ƒ–‡Ǥ DEAR LARRY: : When I see real estate auction, I’m thinking you will get less money ”‡ƒ–‘™–‘™‡–ƒ‹ŽǦ̈́ͶͻǡͲͲͲ–‘̈́ͳ͸ͻǡͲͲͲ for your real estate. Is that the case? - Bert in Monterey  —’‡”Ž‘ ƒ–‹‘•’‡”ˆ‡ –Ž›’‘•‹–‹‘‡†Ǧ‘‘”‡ƒ” ‡ƒ˜‡Ǥ Dear Bert: On the contrary. We have always achieved fair market value and many ƒ„—Ž‘—•‡•–ƒ—”ƒ–Ƭƒ”Ǧ̈́͹ͻͷǡͲͲͲ times have set record prices for real estate. When you read or hear of art, autos Ž‡–‹ˆ—Ž‘—–†‘‘”•‡ƒ–‹‰ǡ‰”‡ƒ––ƒ‡Ǧ‘—–ǡ‹‘˜ƒ–‹˜‡‡™•‡”˜‹ ‡•Ǩ ‘’Ž‡–‡†ƒŒ‘”̈́ʹͲͲǡͲͲͲ‘˜‹†‹˜‡•–‡–ǡ”‡ƒ†›–‘‰‘Ǥ or jewelry bringing record prices, as an example, you will historically find that it was achieved at an auction. Real estate is no different. DŽƌĞ/ŶĨŽĂƚǁǁǁ͘ĂƌŵĞůƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ^ĂůĞƐ͘ĐŽŵ Submit your questions to [email protected] Graystone Realty & Auction, Inc. Estate, Downsizing & Inventory Specialist

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GIVE GAVIN Newsom credit. At least he’s trying to keep the economy open. His announcement Monday that gyms and hair salons had to close again came as a grave shock to the people who own and work in such establish- ments. Likewise, the gut punch that hit restaurant owners and workers last week. Measured broadly, a functioning economy is one of the most vital com- ponents of what we call “civilization.” Newsom obviously comprehends this; otherwise, he never would have done what most left-wing politicians and their media allies are condemning as “reopening too soon.” And when you get down to the retail level of the noodle shop on the corner, or the martial arts place at the mall, closing down means lost wages, rent not paid, investments lost, and dreams snuffed out. We think Newsom gets that, too. The governor also has a public to deal with that, even after all these months, still has its collective head stuffed with all sorts of misconceptions about what sheltering in place and social distancing were supposed to ac- complish. Many thousands of people right here in the Monterey Peninsula are sitting at home thinking the “science and data” we keep hearing about mean we should be staying on lockdown until the virus has gone away. Never mind that the virus that’s called SARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes, Covid-19, will be with us for years, if not decades. Even the most optimistic scenario of a widely administered, highly effective vaccine would “And this one will get you crying over selling your house too soon.” only lead to the coronavirus being controlled. And such a vaccine may not be developed for a long time. Still, some people are calling for us to keep and it was completely sealed off. How can our economy shut down indefinitely. When he decided to reopen it in the stores be open, outdoor dining, protests al- Letters lowed, but I cannot visit my church? I am first place, Newsom showed that he knew this was impossible. mad as hell. What can we do? Sam Piffero, Carmel So what is he up to now? Why reopen restaurants, gyms and barber- to the Editor shops, only to shut them down again right away? The Pine Cone encourages submission of let- ‘Superstitious hysteria’ ters which address issues of public importance. Dear Editor, During his Monday news conference, Newsom tried to explain it by say- Letters cannot exceed 350 words, and must in- In the 14th century, ignorance and su- clude the author’s name and home town. We perstition led people to falsely believe that ing he was “turning down the dial” on the economy to try to get the current reserve the right to determine which letters are suitable for publication and to edit for length and it was the “night air” that caused the Black surge of coronavirus cases under control — not because it was happening clarity. Plague. at all, but because it was happening too quickly. It’s inevitable that the virus The Pine Cone only accepts letters to the We really have not intellectually pro- editor by email. Please submit your letters to gressed much in the ensuing 700 years as will spread, and that eventually a certain percentage of the population will [email protected] we fall prey to propaganda and hysteria in light of the current virus. catch it. But Newsom doesn’t want to let that happen too quickly because The role of a newspaper, through truth- our healthcare system can only accommodate so many patients at a time. Skin in the game ful facts and honestly disseminated edito- Dear Editor, rials, is to inform the populace. The Pine Unfortunately, when you slow the outbreak, you’re also making it inev- Isn’t it astounding that thousands of Cone served the community well in last folks are out of jobs, hundreds of business- itable that it will last longer. Which means another danger for Newsom’s week’s editorial and the companion article es are closed, and our entire society head- “County Announces ‘Aggressive’ Cam- plan is the possibility that he’ll succeed in slowing the spread of the virus ing for a shrink due to decisions made by paign in Coronavirus Hotspots.” This was people who have no skin in the game. If done by presenting hard numerical statis- now, only to face another surge when he lets all the businesses reopen again there were any justice, all of these politi- tics and exposing highly politically moti- — a cycle that could happen three or four times before the coronavirus has cians and bureaucrats would not be paid as vated edicts and pronouncements by the long as the country is in quarantine and county government. However, no amount run its course. isolation. of informing journalism will amount to Watch how fast the epidemic would We encourage everyone to help sustain the local economy — and sup- anything if the reading public does not uti- end! lize that information to think, reason and port their neighbors’ jobs — by spending money in shops and restaurants Michael Addison, Carmel deduce the verity and value of what has been presented to them. whenever possible. When you do it, we urge you to strictly adhere to social No church? The aforementioned news offerings distancing guidelines. And we also remind you not to expect too much. The Dear Editor, quite openly illustrated how deeply the This week I had some news that was American public and, more specifically for suffering — physical, emotional and economic — from this virus isn’t go- very uplifting after weeks of being on our purpose, the local populace have been ing to end anytime soon. The best we can hope for is to keep it from getting a downer. I wanted to visit the Monas- duped by ignorant fear and superstitious tery near the Carmel Highlands to pray hysteria. Various county entities, the health too bad. and thank God about the news, but it was department (as expected), the sheriff’s de- closed on orders from the State of Cali- fornia. I then drove to the Carmel Mission See LETTERS page 28A

Q Publisher ...... Paul Miller ([email protected]) QProduction/Sales Manager ... Jackie Miller ([email protected]) Due to social distancing, our office is QOffice Manager ...... Irma Garcia (274-8645) no longer open to the public. Please conduct QReporters ...... Mary Schley (274-8660), Chris Counts (274-8665) all business via email or telephone...... Kelly Nix (274-8664) No visitors allowed without an appointment. QFeatures Editor ...... Elaine Hesser (274-8661) The Carmel Pine Cone Contact a staff member for assistance. QAdvertising Sales ...... Real Estate, Big Sur - Jung Yi (274-8646) Carmel-by-the-Sea, Carmel Valley, Carmel & Pebble Beach www.carmelpinecone.com Email: [email protected] ...... Meena Lewellen (274-8655) or fi[email protected] U.S. Mail: P.O. Box G-1, Carmel CA 93921 Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside, Sand City ...... Jessica Caird (274-8590) PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY QReal estate classifieds ...... Vanessa Jimenez (274-8652) Telephone: (831) 274-8593 or see directory at left QLegal Notices ...... Irma Garcia (274-8645) Vol. 106 No. 29 • July 17, 2020 QAd Design ...... Sharron Smith (274-2767), Vanessa Jimenez (274-8652) The Carmel Pine Cone QAd Design & Obituaries ...... Anne Papineau (274-8654) was established in 1915 and is a legal newspaper for Carmel-by-the-Sea, Monterey County and QOffice Assistant ...... Megan Richards (274-8593) ©Copyright 2020 by Carmel Communications, Inc. the State of California, established by QCirculation Manager ...... Scott MacDonald (261-6110) A California Corporation Superior Court Decree No. 35759, July 3, 1952 QFor complete contact info: www.carmelpinecone.com/info.htm July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 27A Was ‘Call of the Wild’ written Money may follow doing what you because of a inspiring view? love, but it takes its sweet time IF YOU think you know a lot about poet and magazines. Sterling enjoyed spending MURRAY WAGNON’S father, Jack, monumental sculptures out of random stuff George Sterling, one of the pioneering res- time with other writers and artists. He and was an educator and an aficionado of phi- and whatever old driftwood floated by. So idents of Carmel-by-the-Sea, be prepared Carrie arranged Sunday picnic’s with “The losophy whose eclectic circle of friends he’d send my brother and me over to the to be surprised, as I was by a new book of Crowd,” as the group was known. included Zen masters Jiddu Krishnamurti mudflats, and give us a couple of bucks for Sterling’s fiction, “Babes in the Wood.” Emery reveals that when Sterling and and , the famous British writer. whatever we brought back,” he said. Writer-researcher Vince Emery com- London met in 1901 (no one is sure how In the early 1960s, Watts shared a wrecked Wagnon was barely into his teens then piled the book from a serialized version they met), the contrasts between them ferry boat with artist Jean Varda in the bo- — a junior high school student — but he published in 1914 through a half dozen would have made it seem unlikely that hemian enclave of Sausalito, where he’d traces his own artistic genesis to those they’d become friends. Ster- memorable weekends, wan- ling was a well-educated, dering through the many History Beat successful capitalist, while Carmel’s Artists galleries and studios, watch- London was a college drop- ing the artists, including out and socialist, struggling Varda. By NEAL HOTELLING to sell short stories to pulp By DENNIS TAYLOR “He seemed a bit cantan- magazines. London, with kerous, but also fairly toler- issues of Popular Magazine. Included his wife Bess and infant daughter, lived host Jack Wagnon for lengthy conversa- ant,” he said of Varda, who was also teach- with the fiction is a new perspective on with friends because they couldn’t afford tions. ing at UC Berkeley. “I remember watching Sterling’s biography, including Emery’s rent. “Watts lived on the bow of the boat, and him turn these found objects into pieces of wonderful deep dive into the relationship Varda was on the stern. Dad would drive art, and thinking, ‘Man, this is pretty cool between Sterling and Jack London. This A view that inspired over there on Saturdays, take my brother — I really want to do that!’ I was struck by relationship provides the background for London became part of The Crowd and and me with him, give us $20, and tell us the feeling that this was the most natural the creation of this rare piece of Sterling Sterling found him a below-market rental to roam around Sausalito and stay out of way for a man to live. It was definitely a fiction. You will not find it on Amazon, but near the Sterling home in Piedmont. Em- their hair,” recalled Wagnon, who today is moment of enlightenment for me.” a few local bookstores have copies avail- ery’s well documented narrative cites a 69, and serving his third term as president Wagnon’s parents, Jack and Margaret, able. September 1901 letter that London wrote of the Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters As- settled the family for a time in King City, Emery’s narrative bypasses Sterling’s to a friend: “Have a great view now, with sociation. where he taught agriculture at the high classical education in the East, picking up San Francisco, Goat, Angel and Alcatraz “Varda, at that time, was making these school, and she tutored English as a second his story at age 20, when Sterling joined islands, the Golden Gate and the Pacific. language. They were art enthusiasts his uncle, Frank Havens, in San Francisco Writing has not been up to much lately, but who escaped on weekends to Carmel in 1890. Emery provides clarification on I should surely do good work here.” In Feb- Valley, Carmel, Big Sur and Monterey the uncle’s extensive real estate and bank- ruary 1902, Sterling found London an even to explore the galleries and enjoy the ing conglomerate known as the Realty nicer home. beaches with their children. Syndicate. It had interests in both Oakland Once London’s living conditions im- and San Francisco, and Sterling became proved, so did his writing. In early 1903, Not enough art financially successful serving in a variety his “Call of the Wild” was published and After graduating from high school of roles in the syndicate. In 1896, Sterling became a bestseller. One of the big surpris- in San Jose, Wagnon went to Cal Poly married Carrie Rand, the beautiful younger es Emery provides was that London asked in San Luis Obispo, where he tried sister of his uncle’s second wife. Sterling to review the draft of that book be- architecture and anthropology before fore he sent it. London accepted “most of settling on fine art and art history as a ‘The Crowd’ George’s improvements [other than] argu- path of study. While Sterling was good at business, ments over one or two words” — an insight He got married after college and his education made him more contem- Emery cites from a May 1903 letter from started his own advertising design plative. As he began writing, mentored Sterling to Ambrose Bierce. business while he showed his artwork by Ambrose Bierce of the San Francisco Emery shows that London continued in galleries in San Jose and Los Gatos. Examiner, he became recognized as a bril- “But when the kids started coming, liant poet and was published in newspapers See HISTORY page 30A I went into construction and spent the next 35 years as an electrician,” said Wagnon, who fathered three boys, Ben, 36, Daniel, 33, and Phillip, 31. “I always kept a home studio and I painted the entire time, but I couldn’t produce enough art while I was work- ing full-time to feed those galleries. So every year I donated everything I painted to the public broadcasting sta- tion in KTEH/Channel 54 in San Jose, Murray Wagnon’s art career started with fetching for their online art auction fundraiser.” driftwood for a sculptor. Now, he’s a successful plein air painter. See ARTISTS page 29A

Researcher Vincent Emery has Carmel compiled unknown stories by Jack London, along with Beach Cleanup fascinating biographical details, th into a new book (above). While Saturday, July 18 from 9:30- 12pm writing his own stories, George Sterling appeared as a cave- Meet at the bottom of Ocean man (right) at the Forest Theater Sponsored by Lovers of Carmel Beach-Carmel Residents Assoc. in a 1913 production of Mary Questions? carmelresidents.org/beachcleanup Austin’s “Fire.” Thank you for supporting our time at the beach.


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collectively capable of despising each other. Everywhere I Real bells, see the one on Rio Road opposite the Mission, LETTERS go, I see people desperate to avoid other humans. We have but also the historic actions taken both for a visit by Pope From page 26A even stopped making eye contact, and handshakes have John Paul II in 1987 and most importantly the fact that Fa- gone the way of disco. ther Serra’s birthplace of Palma de Majorca on the Span- Quite frankly, it’s depressing as hell. The “Maskers and ish island of Majorca is recognized as Carmel-by-the-Sea’s partment (quite disappointingly) and several other govern- Lockers” tell us this is a temporary inconvenience, but the Sister City. As a former Carmel Mayor. I can assure you ment entities have all pushed the totally unprovable and most cursory examination of the issue indicates otherwise. that official regalia from Majorca reside in city hall and unsupportive falsehood that there is no danger of spread- We are likely going to be forced to wear a Halloween cos- are brought out particularly when we have grammar school ing the virus by BLM “protesters” who gather in the thou- tume in public for the next two or three years. (And isn’t students visit City Hall to learn about the city. Today, the sands. Yet we are under threat of fines or imprisonment if it odd that we have ordered hundreds of millions of masks Carmel Mission is a National Historic Landmark adminis- we walk alone on the beach or sing in church. from the same country where this virus originated?) tered by the National Park Service. At the start of the Civil War there was a period of sev- The “M and L” also repeatedly mention the 1918 influ- Former Carmel Mayor Eben Whittlesey visited Ma- eral months in which, other than a few skirmishes, there enza pandemic, but there is no statistical comparison to jorca in 1963 where he was given a lavish welcome. The was little actual warfare. Many called this the “phony war.” Covid-19. The worldwide mortality rate for the Spanish mayor, who was blind, wowed his hosts as he had learned We are in a period like that now in regards to the economy. Flu was over 2.5% (with approximately 50 million deaths), Spanish so as to address his hosts in their language. Car- Hopefully we have not totally devastated our economy at while CV-19 is currently at 0.4% (approximately 560,000 mel reciprocated for a visit of his Majorcan hosts who this point, but how we confront this pandemic now will deaths). And the latter number is most certainly skewed unfortunately arrived on the day of President Kennedy’s determine whether future generations will live free and since hospitals are not required to distinguish between dy- assassination. Since then there has been one more casual meaningful lives or be suppressed by the ignorance and ing with or from CV-19. The fact is that we do not know visit by a City representative. superstition of today. how many people have died directly from the coronavirus. Thus, there are several parties that have a vested inter- The virus threat is very real, but so is the fact that we All we do know is enormous economic and social destruc- est in addressing this issue which has many parts. are currently driven by unreasoned fear with even more tion. Sue McCloud, Carmel dire consequences due to surface than from the virus. The So, until we have irrefutable statistical evidence and destructive aftermath of the Civil War could well be sur- move beyond the mass hysteria, I’m going to continue my ‘Violence, death and depravity’ passed by a longer lasting and more devastating future if outlaw ways. The medical odds say I only have 35 years Dear Editor, we do not immediately awaken to the propaganda and re- left on Earth — I reckon that don’t leave much time for I am sixth-generation Carmel, the former Carmel High sultant insanity we are subjected to today. worry. But I always got time for Mama. School student body president/school board representa- Richard S. Hellam, Seaside Jordan Garrick, Salinas tive, and I served for two years as the CHS mascot. You would be hard-pressed to find someone who was louder ‘Not living in fear’ Carmel High and the Padres and prouder to be a Carmel High School student. Dear Editor, Dear Editor, I knew as a high school student that it was strange to God bless Mama. I recently returned home to visit with As both a Carmel High (1952) and Sunset School have a religious figure as a public high school mascot. my mother in New Mexico and asked if I should wear a grad, I have always been proud of our Padre sportsman- Now in my 30s, with significantly more historical aware- mask in her house. Without hesitation, she responded ship (learned at the feet of Coach George Mosolf) and the ness and a master’s degree in community development “No — I’m not living my remaining life in fear.” Mom school district’s high academic standards. from UC Davis, I understand the full implication of having just turned 80. I’ve always respected the mental toughness Thus, I was appalled by the front page article “Peti- a “padre” (Franciscan friar) as a public symbol. of my Pennsy-Dutch mother, but rarely was I so proud of tion Calls for Elimination of CHS Padres Mascot,” Car- Mascots, flags and statues around the United States are her. I only wish I could say the same for the rest of my mel Pine Cone, July 2, both for its wrapping the petition being scrutinized under a renewed lens. No one can deny fellow American citizens. When did our nation become so in the name of Mosolf (which would be so unlike him) the history of violence, death and depravity that the Span- weak-minded and timid? When did we allow fear to be- and high school sports, and the failure of the authors to do ish priests brought upon the local native American peo- come the primary basis of our daily lives? And why would their homework and consider the broader ramifications of ples. The erasure of this brutal history of indigenous peo- any rational adult volunteer compliance with an absolutely their efforts. This is simply not just the question of naming ples is reified in institutional structures. The cartoon CHS insane set of living conditions? sports teams or a yearbook but rather 250 years of history padre makes light of the bloody European colonization of Folks, we’ve lost our minds. Here in Monterey County of Carmel. (Please note, I am not a Catholic.) California. Educational institutions need to lead the way in we have traded our idyllic, tranquil life for one centered on Having established that the issue raised is not just about creating consciousness. panic and suspicion. The only “truth” that I have discov- the Padre athletic teams or the fact that there is a string of ered during the novel coronavirus pandemic is that we are missions throughout California marked by the El Camino See OPINIONS page 31A Church of the Wayfarer THINKING OF (A United Methodist Church) Worship With Us This SELLING? Worship Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, July 19, 2020 High Demand for Estate Jewelry, Chinese Antiques & Real Estate 10 a.m. Online at: CONSIGNMENT DAY - THURSDAYS AT 3PM 26362 CARMEL RANCHO LANE , CARMEL CARMEL ~ CARMEL VALLEY ~ MONTEREY ChurchoftheWayfarer/Worship..... PACIFIC GROVE ~ PEBBLE BEACH Pastor Luke Ham Worship Service Message: Summertime with the Saints --RXUQH\WRWKHKHDUWRI&DUPHORXUQH\WRWKHKHDUWRI&DUPHO Frances Xavier Cabrini Lincoln & 7th, Carmel by the Sea LLING? ZZKHUHLWDOOEHJDQKHUHLWDOOEHJDQ 831.624.3550 | www.churchofthewayfarer.com ROBERT SLAWINSKI Realtor & Auctioneer &&ƚƫƦƞƥ0ƢƬƬƢƨƧ%ƚƬƢƥƢƜƚƚƫƦƞƥ0ƢƬƬƢƨƧ%ƚƬƢƥƢƜƚ DRE# 01354172 SOLD $32,000 Consider the Birds M. 831.334.4393 M. 408.505.0708 Summer Sermon Series www.slawinski.com

           Church in the Forest            a multi-denominational church        The Rev. Joanne Swenson, Th.D. Senior Minister SOLD IN ESCROW IN ESCROW  at Stevenson School, Pebble Beach         Indoor Worship Suspended ZZZZFDUPHOPLVVLRQRUJZZFDUPHOPLVVLRQRUJ “Thou wilt show me the path of life.” Find Video-Recorded — Psalm 16, The Bible  Sermons and Music at “TO THOSE LEANING ON THE SUSTAINING www.churchintheforest.org INFINITE, TODAY IS BIG WITH BLESSINGS.” All Saints’ Episcopal Church — Science and Health             First Church of Christ, Sunday Service ~ 10:30 a.m. Scientist, Carmel Morning Prayer ~ Weekdays 9 a.m. Centering Prayer ~ Thursdays 5:30 p.m. Please join is by phone during the SIP            Sundays @ 10am for music, prayers, and readings from the Bible and the Christian Saint John the Baptist Science textbook Science and Health with Greek Orthodox Church Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, Services: Saturday Vespers from 5 p.m. and on Wednesdays @ 7pm Sunday Matins from 8:30 a.m. followed by which include testimonies. 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy. Lincoln and 9th Street, Carmel by the Sea (entrance from Lincoln). Phone 1-346-248-7799. (408) 605-0621 or [email protected] when prompted, add meeting ID Full schedule: www.stjohn-monterey.org 502 841 2746# to advertise in the Carmel Pine Cone worship section email [email protected] or call (831) 274-8654 ChristianScienceCarmel.org July 17, 2020 The Carmel Pine Cone 29A

families and are often more affordable than tion rentals are used as incentive for devel- testified at last week’s hearing. RENTALS hotels and are therefore “a high priority un- oping affordable long-term rentals, “some- In fact, the matter garnered so little at- From page 3A der the Coastal Act, and expressly a higher thing that is lacking in the city.” tention that it was moved from the coastal priority than residential uses.” commission’s July 9 agenda to the consent Nonetheless, they also acknowledged ‘Robust support, vocal opposition’ calendar and recommended for adoption low existing rental permits to continue in the city’s arguments that short-term rentals “As is often the case with proposed without discussion, which is exactly what perpetuity, except under a few exceptions, can bring noise, garbage and other negative STR regulations, and is no different here, happened. and would permit new ones if built in con- impacts to residential areas. the proposed amendment has both robust “The new ordinance preserves transient junction with at least three other new rent- While the new ordinance limits the support and vocal opposition, with some rentals that were legally established in the als, including one for low-income tenants number of vacation rentals, it also guards saying it unduly restricts STRs in the city, commercial districts prior to July 9 but also and one for those with moderate incomes. the character of the 1-square-mile city, and others advocating for an outright STR provides opportunities for future transient The use runs with the land, not with the which contains roughly 1,000 hotel rooms ban,” Watson and Craig wrote in their re- rentals when combined with affordable person who owns it. to accommodate visitors — a top priority port for the commission. “These are com- housing units,” acting planning director In general, Watson and Craig noted, for the coastal commission. plicated and controversial issues, and rea- Marnie Waffle told The Pine Cone this vacation rentals can better accommodate And, coastal planners noted, new vaca- sonable people may disagree on how best week. “We hope this strikes an equitable to regulate STRs under the Coastal Act.” balance between visitor accommodations He also loves the social benefits of plein Regardless, no one sent comments or and local workforce housing needs.” ARTISTS air painting. From page 27A “We typically schedule three group money in a player who was likely to leave paint-outs every month, and sometimes SPORTS to play in the NBA’s developmental league you’ll find 12-15 of us painting together From page 25A or overseas,” Cardinale said. Fifteen years ago, while visiting his at , or Custom House Plaza, or “We also wanted amazing talent and brother in Lake Tahoe, Wagnon began Garland Ranch,” he said. good people — no bad apples — and guys conversing with a gaggle of plein air art- When we don’t have anything sched- very well. I came away feeling like he with amazing skills,” Cardinale explained. ists and became intrigued by the lifestyle. uled as a group, somebody usually calls thought I was too young to work for him,” “We’d put the tallest man in pro basketball, One of them invited Wagnon to a workshop and says, ‘Hey, I’m headed over to Garra- Cardinale said. 7-foot-7, on the same court with a light- on Santa Catalina Island, where he met a pata tomorrow. Wanna come?’ It’s nice to Three months later, he got the call. Car- ning-fast guard who was 5-foot-1, and it member of the newly formed Monterey get a call like that because it motivates you dinale was hired. was magical.” Bay Plein Air Painters Association. to load up your stuff and get out there.” “When I showed up for work, the office In December of 2013, Scottsdale-based She encouraged him to join, and that MBPAPA’s annual Signature Member of the GM — the guy who didn’t like me Barrett-Jackson hired Cardinale away from invitation changed the trajectory of his art show is in progress through Aug. 27 at the — was empty. He had been fired,” Cardina- the Globetrotters to become its executive career. Pacific Grove Art Center, and will be fol- le said. “I worked more than two years as VP and GM, overseeing its collector-car “I was living at the time in San Jose, lowed in September by a two-month gen- the assistant GM. With the GM job open, auctions, including a nine-day festival. where beautiful scenery can be a lot hard- eral membership show at the same venue. finally our CFO told Manny, ‘You’ve got to That event typically attracts up to er to find, so I began driving down to the “We’ve also done two virtual shows on give Nick the GM job.’” 350,000 people, including celebrities like Monterey Peninsula to paint,” he said. our website during the pandemic, and we’ll The Globetrotters promoted Cardinale rock star Steven Tyler (of Aerosmith), pop “The Monterey area is such a target-rich probably do a third fairly soon,” Wagnon in March of 2005 to the general manager star Justin Bieber, boxing legend Floyd environment for a plein air painter that I said. “Our artists send their newest work to position, a job that put him on the road for Mayweather Jr., and pro golfer Bubba Wat- sold my house and moved down here. It our webmaster, who posts those paintings six months of each of the next nine years. son. was almost like coming home.” online. We vote on them, then give first-, He flew to a different U.S. city every For Cardinale, who today owns six col- second-, and third-place awards to the art- Thursday night to meet with sponsors and lector cars of his own (his favorite: a ’70 Social benefits ists who get the most votes.” check in on one of the Globetrotters’ three Chevelle, fully customized, black and red), Wagnon has resided for the past five Wagnon’s post-expressionist, represen- touring teams, then flew home on Sunday Barrett-Jackson has been a dream job for years in Seaside, where the glass-covered tational landscapes and still-life paintings night or Monday morning. almost seven years. back wall of his studio features a sweeping are showcased at the Haute Enchilada Art He also helped recruit players who had He and his wife, Fawn, reside in Scott- view of Monterey Bay. “It’s so nice that it Gallery (behind the Moss Landing restau- been recommended by the team scout, ar- sdale, where they look forward to their actually can be pretty distracting when I’m rant), and can be seen on his website at ranged the tryouts, and participated in the third wedding anniversary in October. In painting,” he said with a laugh. murraywagnon.com. personnel decisions. 2014, Cardinale earned a master’s degree No matter. He’s enthralled with work- Additional information about the Mon- “Honestly, we were looking at guys who in business administration (emphasis in ing outdoors, breathing fresh ocean air and terey Bay Plein Air Painters Association had given up on playing in the NBA,” he international business) from Arizona State enjoying the brilliant colors around him. can be found at mbpapa.org. said. “We didn’t want to invest time and University.

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THE CARMEL PINE CONE the Wood,” an interesting piece of fiction HISTORY set in “300,000 B.C.” The first chapter, From page 27A “The Sabre-Tooth” was published in the Feb. 1, 1914, issue of Popular Magazine. HHEALTHYEALTHY The rest of the book was serialized in sub- to rely on Sterling to edit his manuscripts sequent issues but was never published in LLifestylesifestyles for the rest of his career. He even trusted book form until now. Sterling to work with his future second Sterling had edited London’s book, wife, Charmain, to make the final edits of “Before Adam” (1907), about a man who “The Sea Wolf” and send it to his publish- has dreams about his past life in prehistor- Now more than ever— er while London was in Asia covering the ic times. Sterling edited that manuscript Russo-Japanese War in 1904 for the Hearst in Carmel and sent it back to London in personal health papers. July 1906 with the comment, “I think it is London was paid well for the first two the poorest thing you’ve done.” Still, Ster- is on everyone’s mind books Sterling edited. Contrarily, Ster- ling acknowledged, it possessed “interest,” ling’s first book of poetry, “Testimony of adding that “when it comes to that you’re The coronavirus epidemic has the Suns and Other Poems,” self-published always there with the goods.” everyone thinking about their in 1903, drew great reviews, but just 200 of In 1910, Sterling wrote a short play the 650 copies printed were sold. The rest about cave people titled “The First Poet.” RYHUDOOKHDOWKDQGƓWQHVVEHFDXVH were sent to reviewers and given to friends. Of it, London wrote to his friend, “It’s one someone who’s in tip-top condition Still, Sterling’s poetry and business success of the best things you’ve done in the way led to his membership in San Francisco’s of good popular satire.” Sterling sold it to FDQƓJKWRIILOOQHVVPXFKPRUH Bohemian Club, a group with which he re- London so he could have it published un- readily that someone who isn’t. And mained very active for the rest of his life. der London’s name, which would garner a LI\RXFDQKHOSWKHQRXUUHDGHUV bigger payment. London sold it to Centu- Cave people ry magazine, and later published it in his DUHZDLWLQJWRKHDUIURP\RX Another Emery revelation was the cat- collection of short stories “The Turtles of alyst that prompted Sterling’s decision in Tasman” (1916). Contact your rep today to reserve space 1905 to move to Carmel and dedicate his Sterling continued to be captivated by time to writing. In late 1904, the San Fran- London’s cave people and suggested a col- our next edition of Healthy Lifestyles cisco Examiner launched a smear cam- laborative sequel to “Before Adam.” Lon- July 31 paign against a real estate development don was not interested, so Sterling began group called the Realty Syndicate, which writing the stories of prehistoric times on Meena Lewellen | (831) 274-8655 had Sterling as one of its directors. The his own. In the summer of 1913, he fin- [email protected] newspaper’s campaign led to a state Senate ished his fifth story, “The Wrath of Lions,” investigation in early 1905. and at the same time played a caveman in Jessica Caird | (831) 274-8590 The charges were eventually dropped the Forest Theater’s 1913 production of when four of the senators were found to Mary Austin’s “Fire.” [email protected] have taken bribes from the Examiner to Whether you enjoy local history or lo- open the investigation, but Sterling began cally written fiction, “Babes in the Wood” disengaging himself from his various lead- is a book worth adding to your library. ership roles with the syndicate and moved Neal Hotelling has been researching to Carmel. and writing about Monterey County histo- The core of the Emery book is Sterling’s ry for more than three decades. His email The Carmel Pine Cone previously uncompiled novel, “Babes in is [email protected]. visit us at www.carmelpinecone.com

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based on current mores. I am not Catho- crease is coming at an extremely difficult received by our citizens. It was this reason OPINIONS lic, but I don’t feel excluded, offended or time, especially for the business commu- we voted. Many of us have asked Green- From page 28A slighted because the Padre is the mascot. nity. While residents will be pinched for Waste Recovery to reconsider exercising It would be wise for the board to listen but another $10 or $20 per month, restaurants, their right to increase rates during this dif- not act at this time and let emotions sim- hotels and retailers could feel hundreds, ficult time. Repeatedly they have denied It is time for the Carmel Unified School mer down a bit. If we were to change things and possibly thousands, of dollars in raised these pleas. District board to show leadership and ac- that people disapprove of at any point in fees. The rates were to be raised regardless We have asked the city attorney if we knowledge that the Padre is not an appro- time simply because they cry the loudest, of our vote. could find another service provider, but priate choice for the school and use this as we would constantly be changing most This increase was based on a contract were advised that this would take quite a teaching moment for the local communi- things in our community, and that would that was put into place five years ago. some time and be a very expensive endeav- ty as they cho0se a new mascot. be a shame. This council simply voted to maintain the or. We will continue to explore other ways Today, a movement of nearly 2,000 peo- Just who are these people who are de- same supplemental services our residents to either change the contract with Green- ple have signed a petition to replace the manding the Padre be removed? Have they and business have received over the past 5 Waste or cost-effectively change the con- Padre. I urge the CHS principal and school lived here long? Do they understand the years. These services are: tractor. board to heed the call. In doing so, they history of our area, other than the fact that, Q Backyard and sideyard service In the meantime, please understand will have me and thousands of CHS gradu- in their eyes, Father Junipero Serra was a Q A village superintendent to ensure that we did not approve this contract with ates to support them in doing what is right. racist and slave master? Personally, I find cleanliness of our downtown and Del Mar GreenWaste. It was approved by a previous Jessy Parr it very unsettling that these people should area council and for the moment we’re stuck be allowed to have such an impact on our Q Twice-daily collection of our public with it. At least we will continue to have Bulldoze the mission? community. trash and recycling receptacles the same services. Dear Editor, And I would imagine the millions of Q Shortened collection period to about If you have concerns with your waste Given the history of the area, it is wrong people who have flocked to the Carmel three hours in the downtown area to min- collection service, contact the GreenWaste to call for the removal of the Carmel Padre, Mission over the decades feel the same imize traffic on the streets and unsightly customer service manager at (831) 920- which has been the Carmel mascot for the way. Why stop with the removal of the containers on the sidewalks 5475. last 80 years. It is easy to have a knee-jerk mascot? Do they want to bulldoze the Car- Q Delayed start time to 7 a.m. to min- This letter in no way represents any oth- response and get caught up in the current mel Mission next? After all, it was where imize early morning noise impacts to our er council person. It is my opinion and I am virtue-signaling frenzy sweeping the coun- the slave master lived and spread his dis- residents and visitors. writing this to express my position only. try. These people who are demanding that turbing message. We feel any changes to these supple- Bobby Richards, it be removed want to make an impact on Bill Colohan, Carmel Valley mental services would not have been well Carmel city council member our community that most probably don’t accept. Why garbage rates Unfortunately, most people are unwill- are increasing ing to speak up due to the strong emotions Dear Editor, expressed about the history of the United I would like to make it clear to the com- AVAILABLE 30 States. munity that the city council did not vote BRAND NEW We should not judge people of the past to increase GreenWaste rates. This rate in- INTERIOR UNITS SELF-STORAGE 123 units - Ranging in size from 13 sq ft to 172 sq ft 7am - 7pm • Clean and Secure Mid Valley Shopping Center on Carmel Valley Road [email protected] • www.stanprop.com 408-591-6342 Open at Both Locations! Walk-Ins Welcome – Reservations Encouraged

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