rfrd td, qrft@ qs vqhr dqr ffqq sq+ffr qrrd, srfl gtr sr{qfro frflq {fl qr{d qlif,t ilit Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnment of India

No. 2019/W-I/Genl./ Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Dear Shri Reddy Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up, 32 projects (16 new lines and 16 doublings), costing <64,429 crore, covering a length of 5,704 Km, falling fully/partly in the State of Andhra Pradesh. These projects are in different stages of plan ni ng/sanction/execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited 1430.79 crore for acquisition of 1400 hectare land in 10 projects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be handed over by State Government of Andhra Pradesh. This is resulting into delay in execution of projecb, besides blockage of Railway's capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of projects in the State.

Further, Railways have taken up 07 projecB (05 New Line and 02 Doubling) on cost sharing basis with Government of Andhra Pradesh (Annexure-Il). All cost sharing pQects in Andhra Pradesh are iuffering due to non deposition of cost share amount of 12956.47 crore by Government of Andhra Pradesh. State Government has to confirm to share 50o/o cost of Bhadrachalam-Kovur new line project (Andhra Pradesh poftion) as Government of Andhra Pradesh is reluctant to deposit their cost share in cost sharing p0ecB.

Non acquisition of land and non deposition of state cost share is adversely affecting execution of Railway projects in Andhra Pradesh.

Rail Bhawan, New -110001, Tel. :+91-ll-23386645,23381213 Fax : +91-ll-23387333 E-mail : nivush.soval6sov.in. Wehsite : www.oivushsoval.in Continuation Sheet I would therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process of land acquisition & early handing over of land to Railways & for deposition of outstanding share of <2956.47 crore and also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 202L-22 in Cost Sharing Projects.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

ShriY. S. Jaganmohan Reddy Honble Government of Andhra Pradesh Building-I, Velagapudi Hyderabad- 522503. :i statement of Pending land Acquisltion ln Andhra pradesh for whlch Raflway has deposlted comp€nsaton s.N. Rlv ,Lllra ot PAIaC Tyt oa d h AD ofiaBl enout dlgctO e b]d lnt anLd Arqulr.d Eabnca D.Lnca lrrd lo b. lyllrg ill,l Slt (OoW PW to. whhh bnd .cqubfibn Fodl (bt ct d.Flbd

1 Ooubll6g Arl. ru.1 't3.60 2,20.216 11.U 58.36 Rollwey (SCR)

2 scR Odruiro wit}l ddlblirt e4.34 Pvt. 7.Tn 7 0-318 0.318 0.€8

3 scR AA, aG.u 34.1 2.17 0.663 1,01 Gudiydda.l,h.fi [Ftlrm snd thlrn v.r.rF lfr..brotu (221 km) - Doublirio wlh

4 scR 3d lne wih ol€cin1ficafion betwson Pln. 1.lU 0 4.+51 1.19 ,t.03

5 scR (wtur R.f FFV.,E Prrt n.8t 0 n.af 8.57 7a.si llrd.bd (BZA - \6XP rto e

6 scR Nary une Ai. 1?E/,.27 1A3.17 122'5.',| 't6 l 876.51 11

7 scR I(. 0p.lli+{r,!!apur ltcry t E m 368.C0t 162. 206.1ill M.14 112.8

8 Soulhem Tlndlvamm-Nag6n N6rv Plrt, 30.83 e.05 5.31 RCiEy Got t& Fq€t s WblHN RtyadurEa-Tumkur nar [Jno vb Prn h 411.16 370.36 34.6 :r4.8 6.32 Rellwly (SWR) (,t7Km) Yo.r ot ssnctoor 1,007.0E Co6t Bh..irt land: ,O3.07H! Go!^ L!nd: e.Oo Ha Total: 411.10 H! 10 sun i&w Lir€ (23.7 km6) Yer Got t s0.c8 o 9e.68 68 r7.66 olleMon:20t2-t3 0i,.0,4 Ht Prn rb bnd: 32.65 So.bl FolglEy Lsnd: 3.m Ha 26IC.DS ,taro L2,.r3 lim0r6 ato.r9 ,'!

Annexure-ll Outstanding Cost Sharing Amount SN Railway State Name of Cost sharing Project Outstanding Amount in Crore

1 scR Andhra Kadapa-Bangalore New Line 25.7 Pradesh (Kadapa-Madagatta)

2 scR Andhra Kotipalli-Narsapur New Line u3.94 Pradesh

3 scR Andhra Nadikudi-SriKalahaSti New Line 1262.68 Pradesh

4 SWR Andhra Rayadurga - Tumkur via 38.96 Pradesh Kalyandurga New Line (2O7 km) (Govt. of AP - 93.17 km)

5 scR Andhra Vijaywada-Gudivada- Bhimavaram- 1226.42 Pradesh Narasapur, Gudivada- Machlipatnam and Bhimavaram- Nidadavolu (221 km) - Doubling with electrification

6 SCR Andhra Guntur-Tenali - Doubling with 58.15 Pradesh electrification (24.38 km)

7 SCR Andhra Bhadrachalam-Kowur New Line 0.62 Pradesh I 2*t8#' ftw'il{d ia, ilFrq gq v$q flr scqtffi qrrd, srfl olh qrfiilFfo frflur {fl I'IYUSH GOYAL lil-{il TfliFn Minister of Raiiways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Governmcnt of India

No. 2019/W-I/Gent./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202t

Dear Shri Khandu ji,

As you are aware that Indian Rairways have taken up Murkongserek- Pasigh.at new Line project in the stite of Arunachai praa"sn]-r.no acquisition for the project has been taken up.

Railw.ays are facing problems in land acquisition of Murkongselek-pasighat project. lgy ]re Raitways had deposited t36.9s crore foi acfuisiiion or 128.69 Hectare land, but rand acquisition courd not progreis ,tut" government ii is charging exorbitant high rates for the tan'0. tt'on acquisition of land by state Government is resurting into deray in execuiion project, of besides blockage of Railways capitat with dtate Governmen! which otherwise courd have been utirized in execution of the projea, would I tferefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite land acquisition for this impor:tant strategic line project.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goya!

ShriPema Khandu Hontle Chief Minister Government of The CM Secretariat CM Bungalow, NitiVihar Itanagar- 79L tLL.

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,23381213 Fax : +91-ll-23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal.in ftw'il{d ta, ilftq qs u+qder sq+ffr qrrd, srq st{ srd'qfro frnq dfl PIYUSH GOYAL qnd w[r{ clr Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Governmcnt of India No. 201944/-IlGenl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Respected Shri Ji,

As you are aware, Indian Railways have taken up 57 projects (35 new lines, 05 gauge conversions and 17 doublings), costing 174,880 crore, @vering a length of 5267 l(m, falling fully/partly in the State of Bihar. These projecG are in different stages of planning/sanction/execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited t1,104 crore for acquisiton of 739 Ha land for 9 projects (Annexure), but land is yet to be handed over by State Government of Bihar. This is resulting into delay in execution of projects besides blockage of Railways Capital with State Government, which othenrvise could have been utilized for execution of p@ects in ttrc State.

I would, therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process of land acquisition and early handing over of 615.28 Ha land to Railways for the projects mentioned in Part A of the annexure and to refund t14 crore deposited for land acquisition for p@ects mentioned in Part B of Annexure.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goya!

DA: As above.

Shri Nltish Kumar Hontle Chief Minister Government of Bihar 4, Deshratna Marg Patna- 800 001. Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-l10001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,23381213 Fax : +91-l l-23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : wwwpiyushgoyal.in Aanarrra Statement of Pending land Acquisltlon ln Blhar for whlch Railway has deposlted compensation S.l{o. Rlv }{!rna o, Piolacl TyE oa Ar- o, hr|d ln H. Arx (lkr,e) of Anounr d.9albd I hnd b.hltcl Ld to b. lrttg rl0r SE (GoYU lndr .d A.qul.rd &bnc. acqulrtd tor rhlch Govt !o. hnd Prrt, anosnt tl lady acquurbn fI, C/, Fort t) d.po.f.d A land Acquisition to be expedfted for the followlq projects.

1 Ed Cgltr.l Brh B*Uy!.Fr 3.d arE Art 17.4 12.15 4.95 4.9t; &d) RelEy (ECR) 2 ECR J€ylnaf8r8€n t@ !w F\,l& 2.65 2.12 0.53 053 O7J BG Lln Govt- 3 ilojth Ealt AEdy+GdCalib N6, Lln€ Art&Govl 078. r8 451.65 m.51 226.s1 2&A Ftq ir Rih'av 4 ECR Rr.nFrt url}Tal. Art 10.30 0.00 10.30 10.30 143:' Rslndtgi A.r(lliqrl &fo. rn DodiE 5 ECR DlrtfiqrCE BlFss lin€ An. E.r9 0.q, 8.te t.19 175.00 t oddl.ro 6 ECR HElpur€u!8uli vi€ Vrbhs{ Pvt-rcov 7A.N 511.56 21e.70 216.70 487.5A l{rw BG rr 7 ECR AI.,b. Sl+a, tt6u Um hrt&Go\i 705.t4 125./la 5r9.€6 127.$ 78.m

8 ECR ClW.!.lrtEE{larF, tLw hrt/Gov 324.16 174.73 lils.,.:} 20.GO ,lo.m BG lin Tolal a7a,n 1n2.O1 11e2,Zt 016,28 t000.30 B Pror.cb in whlch lroB.y d3poolbd & lylng HL whh Strb Goyrmm.l t to b. rlt.lrn d b.ck to R.lh[yr.

1 ECR SilimlrHr,syarEEr- hrt tzt.6e 0.00 12,.fi 1z'.68 l4.m Nimr[ dasJr8and 6w BG Lil. Total r 23.6t 0.00 123.88 14.68 14.00 Grand Total 2t97.96 ,,j&r.0t 1!t15.95 7:!8.96 110t.:to .ilrd td, srftq qs ufii asr ft{q s$iffit qrrd, srs ft {tffi6 frflq dfl PIYUSH GOYAL qRil q1i[N Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and ConsumcrAffairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnt of India

No. 20 19/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May, 2021

Dear Shri Thakur Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up, 04 new lines projects costing t16,490 crore, covering a length of 258 Km falling fully/partly in the State of . These projects are in different stages of planning/sanction/execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited t150.19 crore for acquisition of 44.54 hectare land for the 03 poects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be handed over by State Govemment of Himachal Pradesh. Non acquisition of land is resulting into delay in execution of pQects beside blockage of Railway's capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of projects in the state.

Further, Railway have taken up two cost sharing projects in the State (Annexure-Il), an amount of tzl63 crore is outstanding towards the share of Govemment of Himachal Pradesh in cost sharing projects in Himachal Pradesh.

I would, therefore, request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process of land acquisition, early handing over the land to Railways for the projects and for deposition of outstanding share of {463 crore & also for deposition of matching cost share for financial year 2027-22 in cost sharing projects.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri Hontle Chief Minister Government of Himachal Pradesh HP Secretariat Shimla- t7L 002.

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,233E1213 Fax: +91-ll-23387333 E-mail : piyush.goyal(@gov.in, Website : www.piyushgoyal'in Statemont of Pendlng land Acqubnron rn Himanchat prEde3h tor whrch Rartway has depoottod comPonaetlon s.rb, Rallw.y l{rD of Ffor..f lY. o, lrd Ar- o, bd h Ha Att lra.r.rt, ol l,.F.f.dt (Got U Ptr, hhrE h.d tc b the et Fo..aS lflrant d EaLrEa Gtrrlttd ftrdl&n GoYt'llll io. brd rio.rra ahaady .cqraaldon ah A, d.9o.t d

Nortrrn tLngEl D.rlFTal$ra t{arx t E Art . Gort 7.t€ a.20 t.r8 R.ll'ny (lrR) Lrt 3:5 2 NR ild tiE A,t, @vt 30.31 0.00 10.3'r ,.3r 934 3 r{R (6il.l En) t{.w Fr'T r20.09 35.o7 ero/, ,l 33.1a Linc Tot l tat,7t al.zt 72,.a1 tl4.u tlo.tt Annexure-ll Outstandi Cost Shari Amount SN Railway Stato Name of Cost aharlng Prolect Outstanding Arnount in Crcrc

1 NR Himachal Chandigarh-Baddi New Line 2@ Pradesh

2 NR Himachal Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Beri New Line 263.00 Pradesh (63.1km)

I Toad 'l8t td, Efiicq gq aqr ftW .f{rd sdq s$tffr qrrd, sre 3lh srd,qfro frflq d* GOYAL PIYUSH qRd s{i[n Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnl of India No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202t

Dear Shri Soren Ji,

As you are aware, Indian Railways have taken up 36 Projects (14 New Lines, 01 Gauge Conversion, 2l Doublings) costing <43,957 crore for 2,906 km length falling fully/partly in . These projects are under different stage of planning/approval/execution.

Railways have rsriewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with state Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited <257.97 crore for acquisition of 399.64 hectare land for 04 p$ects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be acquired and handed over by itate Government of Jharkhand. Non acquisition of land by state government is resulting into delay in execution of projects, besides btoctage of Railways Capital with State Government, which otherw]se could have been utilized in execution of projects in the State.

Fufther, Railways have taken up 9 p@ects on Cost Sharing basis with Government of Jharkhand. An amount of 1460.17 crore is outstanding towards cost share of Government of Jharkhand in 7 Cost sharing projects (Annexure-Il).

Non acquisition of requisite land for the projects and non deposition of state,s share in cost sharing projects are affecting the execution of Railway projects in Jharkhand. I would therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite handing over of land to Railways & for deposition State Government,s share of t460.17 crore and also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 2021-22 in Cost Sharing Projects. Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. :+91-ll-233E6645,23381213 Fax : +91-ll-23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal'in Continuation Sheet

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,

Sincerely, [sr.te,, Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri Hon'ble Chief Minister Government of Jharkhand Jharkhand CM Office Project Building, CMO Ranchi, lharkhand. Stttement ot Pondlng hnd Acqulsluon ln Jh.rkh.nd 60r uhlch R.llway h.r d.poolt d cofltpcnaa0on S,No. Rlv t{.me ol Prolocl TF ol hr{ ArE ol b.d ln H! A,r (HbdnEl ol Amouit daDGh.d a (oovt, Pw b.Lnc. hd to ba lylng s'fth abb OoYt Fo.€0 Ird.iE AcqulEd Eahnca acquhrd to. rirlch for Lrd acqubnbo (&r dtloonl alrxdy cr) dgDooft.d I EEbm Godd+ PiDainti tlov, une A/tA fr.2 0.m M.2 3m.22 18625 Rsllu/ey PEject Govt. 2 EasBn H-sdih.- Godd8 I'lsw Liru hd & Go,t 157.12 191.9i2 5.20 5.20 5.60 Raihr.y Ploied 3 Elsb.n H8n8dihe. li&hanpur tla,v A,t & Go\d 180.09 112.30 37.79 l7-71, 29.75 Rrilw8y UrE P.lird (Part of PnFmi- Je$Uih). 1 ECR Sl*vpur.lGthAiya New BG A,t,Gon t 179 123 1X 55 35 Ull Proiocf FqtEt

Totrl 656.t9 Gf 76t.70 39e,0a 25r.gt Annexure.ll Outstanding Cost Sharing Amount SN Railway State Name of Coct sharing Prolect Outatanding Amount ln Crcrc

1 (SPV - Jharkhand New BG Electrified line from u.102 JCRL) Kathautia to Shipur in Jharkand

2 ECR Jharkhand Giridih-Kodema New Line 59.88

3 ER Jharkhand Rampurhat - Dumka New Line 79

4 ER Jharkhand Hansdiha - Godda New Line 80

5 ER Jharkhand Pirpainti - Jashidih New Line 170

6 ER Jharkhand Chitra - Basukinath New Line 3

7 SER Jharkhand Ranchi-Lohadaga GC with 34.19 extension to Tod I T@ M"1f2 ft{q +ra ta, ilftq qq vqtr der sq+ffr qrrd, srfl sr{qfro frtrrq dfl I'IYUSH GOYAL ft qRd TfliDTT Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Governmcnt of India No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,2O2l

Respected Shri Yediyurappa Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railwap have taken up, 35 p@ects (21 new lines and 15 doublings), costing {49,536 crore, covering a length of 4,529 Km, falling fully/partly ln the State of Kamataka. These proiects are in different stages of planning/sanction/ execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-ir-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Govemment. It is informed that Raitways had deposited t80.63 crore for acquisition of 608.21 Ha land for 03 Railways poects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be handed over by state Govemment of . Non acquisition of land is resulting into delay in execution of proiects beside blockage of Railway's capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of proiects in the state. further, Railways have taken up 16 proiects on cost sharing basis in Kamataka (Annexure-Il), an amount of 1847.02 crore is outstanding towards share of dovemment of Karnataka in these cost share projects. Non dePosition of cost share by Government of Kamataka is affecting execution of cost sharing proiects in Karnataka.

I would, therefore, request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process of land icquisition and early handing over the land to Failways for the projects and for deposition of outstanding share of Rs 847.02 crore & also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 212l-22for cost sharing projects in Kamataka'

Your early action in the matter is solicited'

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri B. S. YediyuraPPa Honble Chief Mininster Govemment of Karnataka Vidhana Soudha Ambedkar Vidi Bengaluru- 560 001. Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-11-23386645,23381213 Fax : +91-l l-23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal'in Statement of PendlE land Acqulsitlon in Xamataka for whlch Rallway has deposhcd compcnsatlon s,No. Rlv tLne ot Prqact rye o, hnd Arl. ot Lnd ln Hr Artt (rre66r"l ot Antosnt daFoalbd I lcoYt, Pvl, b.bE H to ha lrlng dor tttL Gort Fodat) lia,.otad Aaqullld Babnca acquttd lor xl*h to. h l qiflflcl alnoont alrladt' (h o) d.9of.d A Land Acqubluon to be expedltsd for the followlng proroctB.

1 Sorrtr Wblbm H6pet+luUl-Lond&Ihrlghst- P\rt a GoYt 35.6a 3!i.19 0.,(' o,s 2.39 Reltr,6y (SWR) V.lco+oEma (352.26 km) lro.Slkre 2 sl rR Rayadur!6-Tur*u. rErx Une Prir,tb {65.$ :106.aa 150.rla l59.ita 15.15 vi! l(alyln durlE Iand: 3 SlrlR GhlgEra . Raidlur t{* Lhe Prhrab 988.0a slle.7c 4024 a,l8l8 62.0e Land

td.l t4t0.ca I'I IS a02r TOGIT l0.as Annexure-ll Outstanding Cost Sharing Amount SN Railway State Name of Cost sharing Project Outstanding Amount in Crore

1 SCR Karnataka Bidar-Gulbarga New Line 63.71

2 SWR Kamataka Rayadurga - Tumkur via 67.51 Kalyandurga New Line (206.53 km) (Kamataka portion - 113.6 km)

3 SCR Kamataka Munirabad (Ginigera)-Raichur New 107.89 Line(SWR portion) (165.57 km) (Part of Mahaboobnagar- Munirabad NL Project)

4 SWR Karnataka Kadur-Chikmagalur New Line (46 82.03 km) (Part of Kadur-Chikmagalur- Sakleshpur - 93 km)

5 SWR Kamataka Heiiala to Chamarajanagar New 0.38 Line (142 km) (Part of Bangalore- Satyamangalam, 260 km)

6 SWR Karnataka Shimoga - Harihar New Line (79 0.57 km) 7 SWR Kamataka Whitefield - Kolar New Line (53 0.18 km) 8 SWR Karnataka Gadag (Talkal)-Wadi New Line 38.28 (257.26km|

I SWR Karnataka Kottur - Harihar New Line (65 km) 67.64

10 SWR Kamataka Hassan-Bangalore via 225.38 Shravanabelgola New Line (166 km) 11 SWR Kamataka Ramanagaram-Mysore (92 km) 193.45 Doubling I T@ w& ft{q .il{d td, EIFFil go udrr arn swr|ffir qrrd, qrs oih sr{,qfr6 frtrrq {* I'IYUSH GOYAL t'rl: L qr{d w5t't Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and ConsumcrAffairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnment of India

No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Dear Shri Chouhan Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up, 40 projects (08 new lines, 05 gauge conversions and 27 doublings), costing t86,336 crore, covering a length of 67591(m, falling fully/partly in the State of . These projects are in different stages of planning/sanction/o

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government' It is informed that Railways had deposited t318.34 crore for acguisition of 745.32 Hectare land for 9 projects (annexure), but land is yet to be handed over by State Government of Madhya Pradesh. Non handing over of land by State Government is resulting into delay in execution of projects, besides blockage of Railways Capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of p@ects in the State. I would, therefore, request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite handing over of land to Railways.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

Wth warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri Hon'ble Chief Minister Government of Madhya Pradesh Arera Hills, MP Nagar Jahangirabad Bhopal- 462 008.

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,23181213 Fax : +91-l l-23387313 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal.in Gtatement of Pendlng land Acquisftlon ln tadhya pradesh for whlch Rallway has deposlbd compon3atlon S.No. Rtv t&mo ol Prqocl Tye of lrnd AE ol Ar[ (frlcfarr) ot Alrolrt derodfi (Govt, hru ld.rlbd Acqulrrd aahnc. bahnca bnd lo b I lytrE yflh Strt Forr0 acqufld fti rhlch Goin to. brd .mounl alr.€dt, lcqublfbn fm O, d.Folbd CR -Nsopur I lalsi line Art 24.54 6.31 a.@ 22.03 15.32

2 NCR Ma0xra- Jharui 3rd lin€ A/t. .$td s.70 32.57 14.13 10.21 ,0.95 proid life cl€{rnc. &

3 TIrcR Powerlh€&-rujharpur F,t 65.23 62.73 60 2. 1.14 lin€ ,layoYrf ln UP dlrEclim

1 ttcR l(dri P\i 3.tl 3.08 0. oGi zs 5 lr\rcR (r ,t6 DqJUirlg Pr,t 1. r29 He) 11.n 0.61 2.16 1. E Govt (0.610

6 NCR GeuOr Pvt Govt& 6,10.11 453.04 147.O7 17.00 15.m Co.NrlEho For6t 7 trrrcR Ralle.nilt! tdAhrl ,{clx AA t r32.&t 151.9. 681.31 546.9i1 221.9 Lino E t).hod lndo! via SellbrplJt, h^ 1117.71 600.64 't0 El.3,l 38.92 e Oht(200.97 km)

9 scR RathrD{t how-&landE-A(ola htr& ,1.12 0.(x) .12 9.12 7.5:t (472.8r f,t|) cerros .t4c0r6 Tot!l 3000.76 1610.30 f4,.r2 318.3t ftw'ilrd ta, flFrw qs udrr dexr sq'frfrr qrrd, qra {rffi6 fr{rq PIYUSH GOYAL ft {* qffit {fliDn Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnt of lndia

No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Dear Shri Thackeray ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up, 39 p@ects (16 new lines, 05 gauge conversions and 18 doublings), costing t86,596 crore, covering a length of 6,722 Km, falling fully/parUy in the State of . These projects are in different stages of plan ning/sanction/execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited t295.24 crore for land acquisition/forestry clearance of 642.L8 Hectare land for L2 projects (Annexure-I) but land is yet to be handed over to Railways by State Government of Maharashtra. Non handing over of land by State Government is resulting into delay in execution of projects, besides blockage of Railways Capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized in execution of projects in the State.

Further, Railways have taken up 11 pfiects on cost sharing basis with Govt. of Maharashtra. An amount of t1836.56 crore is outstanding towards cost share of Government of Maharashtra in 8 cost sharing projects (Annexure-Il).

Non acquisition of requisite land for the poects and non deposition of State's share in cost sharing projects are affecting the execution of Railway projects in Maharashtra. I would therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process of land acquisition for early handing over land to Railways and to release outstanding state share of 11836.56 crore and also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 202t-22 in Cost Sharinq Projects. Rail Bhawan,New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-11-23386645,213E1211Fax : +91-ll-23387333 E-mail : piyush.goyal@gov'in, Website : www.piyushgoyal'in Continuation Sheet and also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 202L-22 in Cost Sharing Projects.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri UddhavThackeray Honble Chief Minister Government of Maharashtra Mantralaya Maharashtra- 400 020. Amexure-l Statement of Pending land Acqubltlon ln Illaharashtra for whlch Rallway har depooited compenratlon S.No. Rly Namo of Proroc{ Tyo ot Af.o ot l8nd ln Ha Ar!! (f,bchrE ) d Amount d.poclt d Lnd b.bnc. Lnd to b. & lylng wlln Strt! (GovU hdonnd Acqulrtd Brhnce acqulEd lbr whlch Govt for bnd Pyl, amount alrredy ecqublflon (fi Cr, For6t) ibp€ltEd

I Contral Ahmadna0ar- B€e+. Parli h,t E 't7t5. 1561t.52 212.t2 53.14 21.8 Raih6y (CR) tlew Llne Fol!st 2 CR Wedhs tlendGd i,lltY B.G. Pvt, rgt1.30 1721.n 207.08 $.m 37.00 Line Gotrt.& Forast 3 CR Kat sn- KBar8 - 3d lirc AN, 36.63 5.07 31.58 3r.56 5.07 Govt.& ForEt 4 CR Jalgron- Bhut8wal tlth lina h,t 5.58 0.00 5.58 5.58 3.73

5 CR ftersl .tlagpu] 3rd liru hn /E1.31 21.92, 17.29 77.29 7.39

6 CR Wadha - Neopsr 4lh [ne PlN 25.10 1.?9 m31 20.31 2&14

7 CR Wadhs- BallsEhah 3d line FN 135./O 50.63 l't -Tf 23.9 'r5.00

I CR PulBMiraiLonda doubling h^& 81.07 4.69 76.3e 9.03 6.01 Forlat 9 CR Manmad- Jelgson 3d lins hn& 18.17 0.59 17.58 t.31 7-92 Gd,L 10 Soulh Cantrsl Ratlam-lrhofl -Khandla- F,t.Govt. 71.50 33.50 33.50 38.00 13.92 Rslh,ay Akola (472.64 km) GaugE & FoGsl conr,llrion 11 Soulh East wad!8Gadchiroli tEw Line An, 205.45 't 3.13 13.13 Lt7.38 15,41 Contral Govt.E Reilway Foru8t 12 CR Bar.mali- Lonand AA 365.08 1&.U l,O.8,l ?25.25 130.71

Tot l {6gt2i2 356E.m 8r.04 04218 2#.U Annexure-ll Outstanding Cost Sharing Amount SN Railway State Name of Coet sharing Project Outstanding Amount in Crore

1 CR Maharashtra Ahmednagar-Beed-Parli Vaijnath 348.45 New Line (250 km)

2 CR Maharashtra Wardha -Pushad-Nanded New 189.18 B.G.Line

3 SECR Maharashtra Wadsa-Gadchiroli Nar line 10.81 4 CR Maharashtra NBSU (Belapur-Seawood-U ran- 100 Electrified double line)

5 MRVC Maharashtra MUTP-II 350.26 6 MRVC Maharashtra MUTP III [email protected] 7 MRVC Maharashtra MUTP IIIA 68.29 I MRVC Maharashtra CSTM Panvel /Andheri - running of 68.84 12 coaches EMU trains on Harbour conklor I rcE ttrs +{q .ilqil td, srfiw qs s+q ilqr s$f6r qrqe, qrq fr{tq dil PIYUSH GOYAL ft flffi6 qRit s{iEn u*q* Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Governmcnt of India No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Dear Shri Sangma Ji,

As you are aware that expansion of Rail Network in Noftheast region of the country is one of the priority areas of Government of India. All the State capitals of Northeast States are to be connected with Rail network of the country. Rail connectivity would attract investment in the area, usher in development of the area leading to new employment opportunities to the people. For providing rail connectivity to Shillong the capital of Meghalaya state, Railways have taken up two p@ects namely (i) Tetelia- Byrnihat (21.50 Km) and (ii) Byrnihat - Shillong (108.40 Km). These two projects are Important National ProjecG, but the works in Meghalaya portion has come to standstill due to law and order problem in Meghalaya as mentioned below: (i) Tetelia- Byrnihat New line (21.5Km) Out of 21.5 Km Tetelia - Byrnihat New Railway Line Project,19.25 Km falls in and 2.25 Km falls under Meghalaya. Work in Assam portion is progressing well and 10.15 km section between Tetelia and Kamalajari station has been commissioned in Oct-2018, whereas, the work in Meghalaya poftion (2.25 Km) has remained suspended since 27.05.2017 due to protest by Khasi Students Union (KSU). Railways contractor's labour were assaulted and machineries burned by agitators at Byrnihat. They (KSU) are demanding that inner line permit should be issued in Meghalaya before allowing Railway construction activities in Meghalaya. (ia) Byrnihat-shillong New line (108 Km): The work on Byrnihat- Shillong line (108.40 Km) could not be started as the local residents did not allow the survey teams of Railway to carry out the survey between Km 103-108 .40. Work is suspended due to severe protest by Khasi Students Union (KSU). Further the Rail Bhawan, New Delhi- I 10001, Tel. : +91- l l-23386645,23381213 Fax : +91-1 I -23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal.in Continuation Sheet

State Government has not yet acquired the land for Byrnihat-Lailad section (17 Km) despite Railway already having deposited <209.37 crore with Deputy Commissioner/Ri-Bhoi district for acquisition of 182.38 hectare land.

Your personal interuention in the matter is requested for expeditious resolution of the above issues, so that the work on these p@ects of national importance could be fast tracked.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

Shri Conrad K. Sangma Honble Chief Minister Government of Meghalaya Chief Minister's office Meghalaya Secretariat Secretariat Hills Shillong- 793 001. ft{q .ilrd td, srftq w ufrq der s$fffr qrrd, qm 3lk srd'qfto futr{q {fl PIYUSH GOYAL ;'l,l qRd fii[n Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Governmcnl of India No. 20l9Ail-Vcenl./C6t Sharing Dated 03 May,2O2L

Dear Shri Patnaik Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up 39 Projecb (12 New Line, I Gauge Conversion and 25 Doubling) costing t61,9+9 crore tor 4,877 Km length, falling fully/partly in the State of Odisha, these projects are in different stages of planni n g/a pprovaUexecution,

Railwa)rs have reviewed stafus of pending land acquisition vis-ir-vis amount deposited fq land acquisition and lying idle with State Go/emment. It is informed that P€ilwa)rs had deposited t507.,l8 crore for acquisition of 410.65 hectare land for 8 projects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be handed over by State Goremment of Odisha. This is resulting into delay in execution of projects besides blockage of Railways Capital with State Government, which otheruise could have been utilized for e>

further, an amount of t20.55 crore is outstanding to,vards cost share of Govemment of Odisha in Cct straring projects (Annorure.Il).

Non acquisition of requisite land for the projects and non deposition of State's share in cost sharing poects are affecting the execution of Railway projec6 in Odisha,

I would therefore request you to instruct concemed officials to expedite the process of land acquisition and early handing over the land to Railways, for deposition of outstanding share of t20.55 crore and also for deposition of rnatching cost share for financial year 202t-22 for cost sharing projects in Odisha.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


DA: As above.

Shri l{aveen Patnaik Hon'ble Chief Minister Government of Odisha Odisha CM Office Grievance Cell Bhubanesewar- 751 001.

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,23J81213 Fax : +91-ll-23387133 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal.in Anncxurel Statemen t of Pend ng land Acqulsition n Odlsha for whlch Ra lway has deposIted compensatlon 3. o, RV lme o, Projoc{ Tf of lrnd Arlt of l.nd ln H! Att (&crare ) o, Anount (GovU Art, bahnc. Lnd to ba Foasq &palbde lnd.niad Aoqullrd Eabnca lcqldltd ior whbh lylrE ullh Srrb trtount.llEdy Gor,t ror hnd d.!6ltrd .cqubtlor (h ct

I ECoR Srmbslpur- TaldEr Douttng Pvl, Ciovt.t 78.86 30.19 iaA.68 39.89 34.50 Rail Rorcd ForGBI 2 ECoR JarpadE &dhapanl 3ld & ,lth Pvt. Govt.& 119.52 0.00 11e.92 m.45 17.69 Uno Prcreci Fo.Esl 3 ECoR &dhepsnk - Salegaon 3d & Ai, 106.71 9.89 95.8i1 u.s 6a.73 LltE PAiEd ForBst I ECoR B€nSepsnl -Tomka-Jakhipna Pvl. Gotn.& 148.38 0.m 14E.38 m.89 18.07 Rrll PIoFd ForEsl 5 ECoR Bhadrrk-Norugundl 3flt Unc An, Govta 30.21 2.78 n.12 18.17 9.22 (alKM) Fq"Et 6 ECoR .TUaS8fi Doubllm An. covt.& 58.65 39.60 19.26 '19.26 51.17 RVNL ry€d (r82 xn) ForEst 7 ECoR XUR-BLGR now Bc Ral lhl Rn, Go{.& u14.6 1976.36 126,..17 11.11 85.18 Fotrat I ECoR aldl€r€lma fi t{elrv BG Pvt, GoYi= hE u0.23 179.4 360.79 255.3() 28.Ci2 Rall Unt Prdcct Foest Totil 2638.2E '1626.30 2oEt.02 410.65 !0718 .1.

Annexurell Outstandin Cost Shari Amount SN Rallway State Name of Cos[ sharlng Project Outstandlng Amount ln Crore

1 ECoR Odisha Khurda Road -Bolangir New 20 Line(289 Km): Daspalla-Botangir Section (Km 112-ZBS) is on cost sharing basis 2 ECoR Odisha Jeypore - Malkangiri New Line 0.55 ft{q .fffi ta, il0rq qs vd{ ilqr sqftHI qrrd, srs ft flfdfuo frflq {f PIYUSH GOYAL qnd rff6N Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnt of India

No. 2019/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202L

Dear Capt. Singh li,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up 16 projects (06 New lines & 10 doubling) costing <24,427 crore covering a length of 1788 Km falling fully/partly in the S[ate of Punjab. These proiects are in diffierent stages of planning/sanction/execuUon.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-d-vis amount deposiled for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed thit naiMays had deposited t57.39 crore for acquisition of 11.19 Ha land for 02 projects (Anno

Non acquisition of land is resulting into delay in execution of projects beside blockage of Railway's capital with state Government, which otherwise could have been uUlized for execution of pQects in the state'

I would therefore request you to instruct concemed officials to expedite the process of land ac4uisiUon and early handing over the land.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


IN1 Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Capt Hontle Chief Minister Government of Punjab Punjab Civil Secretariat Chandigarh- 160 001.

Rail Bhawan,New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-11-23386645,23381213 Fax :+91-11-23387333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal'in Annerul. statement of Pendlng land Acgulsiflon ln punJab for whlch Rallway has deposlted compensallon S.No. Rlv Name ol Pror.cl Ty! ot l.nd Ares ot land ln Ht Af! (HocfaEl of &po.ltad (GoWhn baLnca Lnd to ba lyhg rfth SEb Folt3t) lndantrd Acgulrrd Ealanca mqu[U ior x'hlch Gonbr bnd amount alrctdy rcqubl0on ffi Cr, .r!p6ltrd Nolth€m Nangal Oam-TehEre Art. &t.43 0.00 83.,(} 3.25 o.00 Reiuay NGw Lino 2 Northcm BhsnupslLBilaspur- P\r'T 't13.1? rE.53 7.9 7.U 57.39 Rah/ey Bsd (83.1 km) N€w Llne

fotal zra,n M.sit 01.37 tl.t9 07.10 ft{q .frd td, Efirq qs Edq ilxr sq+ffr qrrd, qrq c}{ qr{,qfr6 frnur PIYUSH GOYAL {fl qr{fl g{6R Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnt of India

No. 201g/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May,202l

Dear Shri Gehlot ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up 30 projects (11 new lines, 05 gauge conversions and 14 doublings), costing 157,247 crore, coverlng a length of 5,173 Km, falling fully/partly in the State of Rajasffian. These projects are in different stages of planning/sanction/execution.

Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisiUon vis-i-Ms amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle wlth State Govemment. It is informed that Railways had deposited t6.38 crore for acquisition 10.57 Hectare land for 02 projects (annexure), but land is yet to be handed over by State Government of . Non handing over of land by State Government is resultlng lnto delay in execution of projects, besides blockage of Rallways Capital wlth Sbte Govemment, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of projects in the State.

Further, Railways had completed Thiyat - Hamira Sanu Nev', Line project on cost sharing basis, but t56.76 crore is yet to be deposited by M/S Pajasthan State Mines and Minerals Limited (M/S RSMML) towards their share in the proJect'

I would therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite handing over of land to Railways and also to deposit outstanding share of t55.76 crore.

Your early action in the matter is solicited.

Wth warm regards,


PiyushIWq-- Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri Hontle Chief Minister Govemment of Rajasthan Chief Minister ffice Secretariat Jaipur- 302 005.

Rail Bhawan,New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-11-23386645,21381211Fax : +91-ll-233E7333 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.piyushgoyal.in Ann€nre Stabment of Pending land Acqulsiton ln Raiasthan for which Rallway has deposlted compensation

S.No. Rlv ame ot Prolect Tyc o, Aru of hnd in lla Alr (rccar" l ot Amou dopclbd bnd b.bnc. bnd to b! A Ung ufth Snb (Govt h&niEd Acqulttd BaLnca .cquhd io, Got f ior hnd Pvl' whbh amount .cqubldon (h C{, Fori.t) dl{dy d.pa[.d

1 T.IWR Sur8hura +lanumangah- h/|. 3.13 0.00 0.00 3.13 5.70 Srigsnganag8r GC proirct (CoB. of Hanumang8fi By! p.3s) 2 tlCR MATHURA.TMNSI 3d lino Fo]!st 172a 1.4 1.4 7.4 0.68 proisd II Total 2011 1il 1A 10.67 6.t8 .ilrd ia, qFrq qs vdq ilQfl ft{q sqqtffr qrrd, qrq oik qrdrilfuo frflq {fl PIYUSH GOYAL qt-{d wf6R Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Government of India No. 20l9/W-I/Genl./Cost Sharing Dated 03 May, 2021

Dear Shri Rao Ji,

As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken up, 15 projects (09 new lines and 06 doubling), costing t29,581 crore, covering a length of 2,493 Km, falling fully/paftly in the State of Telangana. These projects are in different stages of planning/sanction/execution.

Railway have reviewed status of pending land acquisition vis-i-vis amount deposited for land acquisition and lying idle with State Government. It is informed that Railways had deposited {62.14 crore for acquisition of 48.48 hectare land in 05 projects (Annexure-I), but land is yet to be handed over by State Government of Telangana. This is resulting into delay in execution of projects besides blockage of Railway's capital with State Government, which otherwise could have been utilized for execution of projects in the State.

Further, Railways have taken up 05 projects on cost sharing basis with Government of Telangana. Government of Telangana has to deposit {771 crore towards their share in 04 of these cost sharing projects (Annexure-Il) and also to confirm to share 50Yo balance cost of Bhadrachalam-Kovur new line project in Telangana poftion, after adjusting state share in Bhadrachalam-Satupalli new line.

Non acquisition of land and non deposition of State cost share is adversely affecting execution of Railway projects in Telangana. I would therefore request you to instruct concerned officials to expedite the process oi tand acquisition & early handing over of land to Railways & for deposition of outstanding state share of {771 crore and also for deposition of matching state share for financial year 202L-22 in Cost Sharing Projects,

Rail Bhawan, New Delhi-110001, Tel. : +91-ll-23386645,21381213 Fax: +91-11-23387333 E-mail : piyush.goyal(@gov.in, Website : www.piyushgoyal.in Continuation Sheet Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

DA: As above.

Shri K. Chandrashekar Rao Hon'ble Chief Minister Government of Telangana Telangana CM Office Secretariat, Khairatabad Hyderabad- 500 022. Annerutel Stalement of Pending land Acquislton in Telangana for which Railway has depoelted compensation

S. o. Rly Namo ot ProFct Ty. ot Ar[ ot Lod ln H! Aria (fr€crrrE I ot Amount Lnd lndont8d Acqulrld BaLnc. babnca brd to dcAo.lbd A (CoYt, Dr .cqulltd ior lrne wllh Srrb AN' whlch lmount GoYt ior bnd Fortst) alrt.dy .cqubltlon (i, &Dcltld @) ,| scR Kazipot-Ballarshah Sedion; hd 2.11 0.m 0.00 2.4 0.75 Psddsmpet -Manchidal Tdpllng Lin€ 2 SCR f.8dp€t€ellaEhsh Triring A,l. 19.24 2.75 2.75 16./19 18.a9 (Excludlng Msndsmari b Raghsvepurem)

3 scR fGdpet qEps!.r A,t. 7.81 0.m 0.00 7.81 r8.m

4 scR Bhedrachellam Road-Satup8lli An. 355.00 338.m 17.00 't 7.00 20.00 tl! Llne

5 scR Dovsrskadre- KdEhna ssctloo ol Ad. 358.14 3s3.40 4.74 1.74 5.(x) Munlrebad{lehboobnagar prciecl t{su Linc II Tot l 742.63 694.15 ua9 /t8.tO 62.11 Annexure-ll Outstandi Cost Sharin Amount SN Rallway State Name of Goot aharing Project Outstanding Amount in Crore

1 scR Telangana Bhdrachalam Road -Sattupalli New 162.19 Line

2 scR Telangana Hyderabad-Secunderabad - Multi 416.79 modal transport system (Phase-ll)

3 scR Telangana Akanapet-Medak New Line 53.63

4 scR Telangana Manoharabad-Kothapalli New Line 138.39 I rctrI td, srfuq qs uqtqdefl ftw rt{d Bcrfffi qrrd, srfl oilr qrffi6 ft-ilrq {fl I'IYUSH GOYAL qRd s{$l-t 11t Minister of Railways, Commerce & Industry and Consumcr Affairs, Food & Public Distribution Govcrnmcnt of India Dated 03 MaY, 2021 No. 20lg/W{/Genl./Cost Sharing

Dear Shri Rawat Ji, projects (01 lines.& 01 As you are aware that Indian Railways have taken ley 9p-04 in the costing 118,901 crore covering a length of 243 Km falling fully/partly OoJUfingl-lrf strges of St t" Uiarakhand. These p.i"ts are in different planning/sanction/execution. vis-ir-vis amount deposited Railways have reviewed status of pending land acquisition i;;i*qrtit'ron and tying iOle *itt State Golernment. It is informed that Railways ;; Karnprayag i,ua A"p".iiJ i13 crore foiacquisition of 20 land for Rishikesh - .Hec .targ state Government of N;;-ti* froject, but land ii yet to be handed over by ,

Further,Railwayshavetakenuptwonew.lineprojectsnamelyRoorkee-Deoband with New line and Kitcha fhatiha New line d,roiect on cost sharing basis - the state Cor"mr"nt of Uttarakhand. An amount of t52 crore is outstanding towards is awaited for sn.re in ioorf"e - Deoband new line and consent of State Government sharing cost in Kitcha - Khatima new Line project'


Your early action in the matter is solicited.

With warm regards,


Piyush Goyal

Shri Tirath Singh Rawat Honble Chief Minister Government of Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Secretariat - 248 001'

t1-21387313 RailBhawan,NewDethi-l1000l,Tet.:+91-11-23386645,21381213Fax:+91- E-mail : piyush.goyal(@gov.in, Website : www'piyushgoyal'in