Basic Design Data, of Column for Absorption Of
j833 Index – a acetyl radical 741 breakthrough curves for H2S adsorption on a absorption 108 acid aerosols 567 molecular sieve 132, 133 – activity and activity coefficients, in acid–base catalyzed reactions 11 – calculation of lads,ideal, HTZ, and LUB chloroform 111 acid catalyst 11 based on breakthrough curves 135 – basic design data, of column for absorption acidity 10 – capillary condensation of CO2 in water 116 acid-catalyzed reaction 652 –– and adsorption/desorption hysteresis 126 – Bunsen absorption coefficient 110 acid-soluble polymers 653 – competitive 128 – – fi chemical absorption of CO2 in N- acrolein 30, 476, 476, 479, 481, 483, 701 design of a xed-bed adsorption process 131 methyldiethanolamine 112, 113 acrylamide 28, 29, 487 – design of processes 130–135 – CO2 in water, and subsequent bicarbonate acrylic acid 140, 466, 467, 479, 481–483 – desorption 131 formation 110 acrylonitrile 462, 466, 467, 486–487 – dissociative 128 – design of columns 113–116 activation energy 24, 34, 201, 203, 215, 711 – equilibrium of a binary system on zeolite 128 – equilibria of chemical absorption 108 – apparent activation energy of diffusion – estimation of slope of breakthrough curve 132 – equilibria of physical absorption, processes 229, 230, 232 – height of mass transfer zone HTZ 132 comparison 109 – for chain transfer 807 – hysteresis loop during – fl – –– gas velocity and ooding of absorption correlation between activation energy and adsorption and desorption of N2 in a column 115 reaction enthalpy for a reversible cylindrical pore 127 – height
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