Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide Ve r s i o n 2 .0

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide Ve r s i o n 2 .0 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide Copyright Notice:

Copyright © 1999, 2000 by Tivoli Systems Inc., an IBM Company, including this documentation and all software. All rights reserved. May only be used pursuant to a Tivoli Systems Software License Agreement or Addendum for Tivoli Products to IBM Customer or License Agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Tivoli Systems. Tivoli Systems grants you limited permission to make hardcopy or other reproductions of any machine-readable documentation for your own use, provided that each such reproduction shall carry the Tivoli Systems copyright notice. No other rights under copyright are granted without prior written permission of Tivoli Systems. The document is not intended for production and is furnished “as is” without warranty of any kind. All warranties on this document are hereby disclaimed including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

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Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide iii iv Version 2.0 Contents Preface ...... xiii Who Should Read This Guide ...... xiii Prerequisite and Related Documents ...... xiii What This Guide Contains ...... xiv Conventions Used in This Guide ...... xv Terminology ...... xv Documentation ...... xvi What is New in This Release ...... xvi Accessing Publications Online ...... xvii Ordering Publications ...... xvii Providing Feedback about Publications ...... xviii Contacting Customer Support ...... xviii Chapter 1. Introducing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager .... 1 Event Management ...... 1 Operations Management ...... 2 Software Distribution ...... 3 Inventory Scanning ...... 3 Integration with the Tivoli Management Framework...... 4 Chapter 2. Planning and Installing...... 5 Planning ...... 5 Connections Between 4690 Controllers and Endpoints ...... 6 Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers ...... 6 Authorized User on Windows NT ...... 7 Requirements ...... 7

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide v Tivoli Software ...... 7 Operating Systems ...... 9 Installing...... 9 Installing Tivoli Device Manager ...... 10 Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base ...... 12 Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components ...... 14 Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on 4690 Controllers...... 17 Removing Tivoli Device Manager and Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager ...... 20 Removing Tivoli Device Manager ...... 20 Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Servers and Gateways 21 Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Endpoints ...... 22 Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from 4690 Controllers ...... 22 Chapter 3. Getting Started ...... 25 Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller ...... 25 Defining 4690 Controllers ...... 26 Defining 4690 Controllers from the Desktop ...... 27 Defining 4690 Controllers from the Line...... 29 Grouping 4690 Controllers ...... 30 Grouping 4690 Controllers Using the Desktop ...... 31 Grouping 4690 Controllers from the Command Line ...... 32 Listing 4690 Controllers ...... 33 Listing 4690 Controllers from the Desktop...... 33 Listing 4690 Controllers from the Command Line ...... 33 Modifying 4690 Controllers...... 34 Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Desktop ...... 34 Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Command Line ...... 35 Deleting 4690 Controllers ...... 36 Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Desktop ...... 36

vi Version 2.0 Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Command Line ...... 36 Chapter 4. Managing Events...... 37 Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event ...... 38 Using the Heartbeat Event ...... 40 Setting Up Event Log Access on a Controller ...... 40 Configuring the Event Monitor ...... 41 Configuring the Event Monitor from the Desktop...... 41 Configuring the Event Monitor from the Command Line ...... 43 Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile ...... 43 Running the Event Monitor Service ...... 45 Filtering Retail Events...... 45 Chapter 5. Distributing Software ...... 47 Understanding Source Host and 4690 Controller Destination Directory Paths 48 Creating a 4690 Package ...... 49 Creating a 4690 Package Profile ...... 49 Defining Properties of a 4690 Package...... 49 Determining the Size of a 4690 Package ...... 50 Setting 4690 Package Options ...... 51 Editing 4690 Package Optional Information ...... 54 Setting Profile Subscribers...... 55 Distributing 4690 Packages ...... 56 Distributing a 4690 Package from the Desktop...... 57 Distributing a 4690 Package from the Command Line ...... 58 Scheduling a 4690 Package Software Distribution ...... 59 Exporting and Importing 4690 Packages ...... 59 Exporting a 4690 Package ...... 61 Importing a 4690 Package ...... 62

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide vii Chapter 6. Scanning Inventory ...... 63 Installing the Inventory Configuration Schema ...... 64 Before You Install the Configuration Schema ...... 64 Installing the DB2 Configuration Schema ...... 65 Installing the Informix Configuration Schema ...... 66 Installing the MS SQL Configuration Schema ...... 66 Installing the Oracle Configuration Schema ...... 67 Installing the Sybase Configuration Schema...... 67 Installing Inventory Queries...... 68 Creating 4690 Inventory Profiles ...... 70 Customizing 4690 Inventory Profiles ...... 70 Setting Subscribers and Distributing 4690 Inventory Profiles ...... 71 Querying the 4690 Inventory Information ...... 73 Chapter 7. Using Commands ...... 75 Setting Up the Command Environment ...... 75 Running a Command or Program on the Controller ...... 76 Starting the Event Monitor Service on the Controller ...... 76 Stopping the Event Monitor Service on the Controller ...... 77 Transferring a File from a Controller ...... 77 Transferring a File to a Controller ...... 77 Getting or Setting 4690 Event Monitor Configuration Profile Attributes .... 77 Appendix A. CLI Commands...... 79 Command Line Syntax ...... 81 wtrevmoncfg ...... 82 wtrget...... 85 wtrput ...... 87

viii Version 2.0 wtrrun...... 89 wtrstart ...... 91 wtrstop ...... 92 wdevgrp ...... 93 wdevice...... 95 Appendix B. Event Classes and Rules ...... 99 Event Classes ...... 99 Retail Events...... 99 4690 Events ...... 100 Rules...... 101 Appendix . Inventory Tables, Views, and Queries 103 DB2 and Informix Tables, Views, and Columns ...... 103 Inventory Tables ...... 104 AMR_SYS_INFO ...... 104 AMR_MEM ...... 104 AMR_TCP_INFO ...... 105 AMR_STORAGE ...... 105 AMR_INST_TERM...... 106 AMR_TERM_INFO ...... 106 AMR_SW_FILES ...... 107 AMR_4690_PROD ...... 107 Inventory Views ...... 108 AMR_SYS_INFO_VIEW ...... 108 AMR_MEM_VIEW...... 108 AMR_TCP_INFO_VIEW ...... 109 AMR_STORAGE_VIEW ...... 109 AMR_INST_TERM_VIEW ...... 110

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide ix AMR_TERM_INFO_VIEW...... 110 AMR_SW_FILES_VIEW ...... 110 AMR_4690_PROD_VIEW...... 111 Inventory Queries ...... 111 AMR_SYS_INFO ...... 111 AMR_MEM ...... 112 AMR_TCP_INFO ...... 112 AMR_STORAGE ...... 112 AMR_INST_TERM...... 113 AMR_TERM_INFO ...... 114 AMR_SW_FILES ...... 114 AMR_4690_PROD ...... 114 Appendix D. Finding and Correcting Problems ...... 117 Common Troubleshooting Techniques ...... 117 Checking 4690 Controllers...... 118 Checking Endpoints...... 119 Checking Gateways ...... 120 Checking the TMR Server ...... 121 Checking Connectivity...... 121 Troubleshooting TEC Problems ...... 122 Checking TEC Problems at 4690 Controllers ...... 122 Checking the Event Server...... 122 Checking TEC Problems at the TMR Server ...... 123 Troubleshooting Software Distribution Problems ...... 125 Troubleshooting Inventory Scan Problems ...... 126 Enabling Tracing ...... 127 Enabling Tracing at the TMR Server ...... 127 Enabling Tracing at Endpoints ...... 129

x Version 2.0 Enabling Tracing at 4690 Controllers ...... 130 Enabling RIM Tracing ...... 131 Appendix E. Messages...... 133 AMR Messages ...... 134 AMR:APPMGR Messages ...... 149 AMR:EVMONCFG Messages ...... 154 AMR:INV Messages ...... 160 AMR:SWD Messages ...... 161 ALE:DGUI Messages ...... 168 ALE:DM Messages ...... 169 ALE:DMDB Messages ...... 189 ALE:DMUI Messages ...... 192 Index ...... 197

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide xi xii Version 2.0 Preface

This document, the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide, provides information about planning, installing, and using Tivoli® Point-of-Sale Manager.

Who Should Read This Guide This guide is intended for use by system administrators and anyone who uses Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager to manage the 4690 .

You should have some knowledge of the following products: ¶ ¶ Tivoli Management Framework ¶ Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) ¶ Tivoli Inventory ¶ Tivoli Software Distribution ¶ AIX®, Solaris, or Windows NT® operating systems ¶ Database and Structured Query Language (SQL) concepts

Prerequisite and Related Documents For the latest information, refer to the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Release Notes.

Related documents include: ¶ TME 10 Enterprise Console Adapters Guide ¶ TME 10 Enterprise Console Reference Manual ¶ TME 10 Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide ¶ TME 10 Enterprise Console User’s Guide ¶ TME 10 Framework Planning and Installation Guide ¶ TME 10 Framework Reference Manual ¶ TME 10 Inventory User’s Guide ¶ TME 10 Software Distribution User’s Guide ¶ 4690 Store System: Communications Programming Reference ¶ 4690 Store System: Messages Guide ¶ 4690 Store System: Planning, Installation, and Configuration Guide

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide xiii ¶ 4690 Store System: User’s Guide

Documents that can be used for troubleshooting include: ¶ TME 10 Internals and Problem Determinations (SG24-2034) ¶ Using Databases with Tivoli Applications and RIM (SG24-5112)

For definitions of technical terms, see the Tivoli Software Glossary at http://www.tivoli.com/products/documents/glossary/.

What This Guide Contains This guide contains the following chapters: ¶ “Introducing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager” on page 1 describes the features and functions of Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ “Planning and Installing” on page 5 describes planning considerations and installation procedures for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ “Getting Started” on page 25 describes tasks that you must complete before you can use Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ “Managing Events” on page 37 describes how to configure TEC and Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager for event management. ¶ “Distributing Software” on page 47 describes how to distribute software to retail systems using Tivoli Software Distribution. ¶ “Scanning Inventory” on page 63 describes how to scan retail systems using Tivoli Inventory. ¶ “Using Commands” on page 75 describes the tasks that can be accomplished using the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager commands. ¶ “CLI Commands” on page 79 describes the command line interface (CLI) commands for the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ “Event Classes and Rules” on page 99 describes the TEC event classes and rules for the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ “Inventory Tables, Views, and Queries” on page 103 lists the tables, views, and queries available with the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component.

xiv Version 2.0 ¶ “Finding and Correcting Problems” on page 117 provides help on debugging problems. ¶ “Messages” on page 133 lists the messages that are generated by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

Conventions Used in This Guide The guide uses several typeface conventions for special terms and actions. These conventions have the following meaning: Bold Commands, keywords, flags, and other information that you must use literally appear in bold. Italics Variables and new terms appear in italics. Words and phrases that are emphasized also appear in italics. Monospace Code examples, output, and system messages appear in a monospace font. Notes: 1. This guide uses the UNIX® convention for specifying environment variables and for directory notation. When using the Windows NT command line, replace $variable with %variable% for environment variables and replace each forward slash (/) with a backslash (\) in directory paths. 2. In UNIX, the environment variable is $LCF_DATDIR. In Windows NT, the environment variable is %LCF_DATDIR%.

Terminology Tivoli is in the process of changing product names. Products referred to in this document might still be available under their old names, for example, TME® 10 Enterprise Console instead of Tivoli Enterprise Console.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide xv Documentation Documentation files are provided on the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager product in the /doc directory. Files containing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide (posmgrug.pdf and posmgrug.htm) and the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Release Notes (posmgrrn.pdf and posmgrrn.htm) are provided. Use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print the PDF files. Use a browser to view or print the HTML files.

What is New in This Release Version 2.0 of the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides the following changes, new functions, and features: ¶ The name of this product has been changed from Tivoli Manager for Retail to Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. ¶ Tivoli Management Framework integration is provided. ¶ Devices (4690 controllers) are now defined using the Tivoli Device Manager, which replaces the Administrator GUI (Version 1.0). ¶ Installation uses the standard Tivoli installation process. ¶ Support for Tivoli Software Distribution is provided using the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component. ¶ Support for Tivoli Inventory is provided using the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component. ¶ Support for the Tivoli Enterprise Console is now provided by the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component, which is integrated with the Tivoli Management Framework. ¶ Support is provided for two UNIX platforms, AIX and Solaris. ¶ Internationalization (single-byte character sets) is supported. ¶ The event log adapter is no longer required for event management.

xvi Version 2.0 ¶ The grouping of controllers is flexible. In Version 1.0, controllers could only be grouped by store. You can now organize controllers any way that you want. Store names are no longer used.

Accessing Publications Online The Tivoli Customer Support Web site (http://www.tivoli.com/support/) offers a guide to support services (the Customer Support Handbook); frequently asked questions (FAQs); and technical information, including release notes, user’s guides, redbooks, and white papers. You can access Tivoli publications online at http://www.tivoli.com/support/documents/. The documentation for some products is available in PDF and HTML formats. Translated documents are also available for some products.

To access most of the documentation, you need an ID and a password. To obtain an ID for use on the support Web site, go to http://www.tivoli.com/support/getting/.

Resellers should refer to http://www.tivoli.com/support/smb/index.html for more information about obtaining Tivoli technical documentation and support.

Business Partners should refer to ″Ordering Publications″ for more information about obtaining Tivoli technical documentation.

To access 4690 Operating System publications, go to http://www2.clearlake.ibm.com/store/support/html/pubs.

Ordering Publications Order Tivoli publications online at http://www.tivoli.com/support/Prodman/html/pub_order.html or by calling one of the following telephone numbers: ¶ U.S. customers: (800) 879-2755 ¶ Canadian customers: (800) 426-4968

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide xvii Providing Feedback about Publications We are very interested in hearing about your experience with Tivoli products and documentation, and we welcome your suggestions for improvements. If you have comments or suggestions about our products and documentation, contact us in one of the following ways: ¶ Send e-mail to [email protected]. ¶ Fill out our customer feedback survey at http://www.tivoli.com/support/survey/.

Contacting Customer Support If you need support for this or any Tivoli product, contact Tivoli Customer Support in one of the following ways: ¶ Submit a problem management record (PMR) electronically from our Web site at http://www.tivoli.com/support/reporting/. For information about obtaining support through the Tivoli Customer Support Web site, go to http://www.tivoli.com/support/getting/. ¶ Submit a PMR electronically through the IBMLink system. For information about IBMLink registration and access, refer to the IBM® Web page at http://www.ibmlink.ibm.com. ¶ Send e-mail to [email protected]. ¶ Customers in the U.S. can call 1-800-TIVOLI8 (1-800-848-6548). ¶ Customers outside the U.S. should refer to the Tivoli Customer Support Web site at http://www.tivoli.com/support/locations.html for customer support telephone numbers.

When you contact Tivoli Customer Support, be prepared to provide the customer number for your company so that support personnel can assist you more readily.

xviii Version 2.0 on-fSl Manager Point-of-Sale .ItouigTivoli Introducing 1. 1 Introducing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides a centralized system management tool for integrating your 4690 Store System resources with the Tivoli environment.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides the following functionality: ¶ Management of events (see “Event Management”) ¶ Operations management of 4690 controllers (see “Operations Management” on page 2) ¶ Distribution of software (see “Software Distribution” on page 3) ¶ Hardware and software inventory management (see “Inventory Scanning” on page 3) ¶ Integration with the Tivoli Management Framework (see “Integration with the Tivoli Management Framework” on page 4)

Event Management Using Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, you can monitor and retrieve events that can be logged on the 4690 controller message screens. The messages can come from the 4690 Operating System or from applications running on 4690 controllers or terminals. These events are converted to the Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) event and forwarded to a centralized TEC event server for display and processing.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 1 Using Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, you can select events and, optionally, filter events. Event selection and filtering prevents TEC from being populated with harmless events and enables you to focus on events of interest.

Event selection occurs at the 4690 controller. You can use the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component to select which events you want to forward from a 4690 controller to the TEC event server. TEC provides several ways of filtering events.

TEC enables you to develop rules that correlate and provide automated responses to events. Commands from TEC scripts based on 4690 events can be sent back to a specific 4690 controller to be run by the 4690 Operating System.

For more information about event management, see “Managing Events” on page 37. For more information about event classes and rules, see “Event Classes and Rules” on page 99.

Note: Tivoli Enterprise Console is required by the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component. For more information about Tivoli Enterprise Console, refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console User’s Guide.

Operations Management Using Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager you can perform enterprise-wide operations from the Tivoli Management Region using a command line. These operations, which run on a Tivoli endpoint, include the following: ¶ Running commands and programs remotely on 4690 controllers ¶ Transferring files to and from 4690 controllers ¶ Starting and stopping Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager services on 4690 controllers

For more information, see “Using Commands” on page 75.

2 Version 2.0 on-fSl Manager Point-of-Sale .ItouigTivoli Introducing 1. Software Distribution Tivoli Software Distribution can be used to distribute desktop and client/server applications and to manage the software life cycle. It can be used to deploy software across multi-platform networks. The optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component can be used to perform remote distribution and installation of software on 4690 controllers from a centralized location.

For more information, see “Distributing Software” on page 47.

Note: Tivoli Software Distribution is required by the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component. For more information about Tivoli Software Distribution, refer to the TME 10 Software Distribution User’s Guide.

Inventory Scanning The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component integrates with Tivoli Inventory to enable you to gather and maintain up-to-date inventory information for your 4690 controllers and attached devices. The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component can be used to perform inventory gathering and reporting operations on the hardware and software on your 4690 controllers. You can store the information in your centralized inventory database. By regularly collecting and storing inventory information and by running queries and reports to display the information in the database, you can monitor the capabilities and status of your 4690 controllers and attached devices from a central point.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component provides a specialized scanner to collect inventory information for your 4690 controllers. It extends the Inventory database to provide specialized tables and views for the 4690 controller resources.

For more information about inventory scanning, see “Scanning Inventory” on page 63. For information about the inventory tables and views provided with Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component, see “Inventory Tables, Views, and Queries” on page 103.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 3 Note: Tivoli Inventory must be installed for you to take advantage of Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component functions. For more information about Tivoli Inventory, refer to the TME 10 Inventory User’s Guide.

Integration with the Tivoli Management Framework The Tivoli Management Framework is a powerful and flexible framework for developing a comprehensive management system. It is the foundation for the Tivoli environment, which enables administrators to manage the enterprise from one interface and to automate and delegate routine tasks. The Tivoli Management Framework provides task libraries, profiles, a graphical interface (the Tivoli desktop), and command line interface (CLI) commands to manage the resources in an enterprise. The Tivoli Management Framework also provides administrative security in the form of authorization roles.

When installed, the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager becomes an integral part of the Tivoli Management Framework providing a centralized, global view of your retail enterprise from the Tivoli desktop. Using the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component, Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager integrates your 4690 Store System with the Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) to provide a consolidated display for your events.

Using the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component, you can manage software updates from a centralized location.

Using the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component, you can monitor hardware and software inventories from a centralized location.

For more information about the Tivoli Management Framework, refer to the TME 10 Framework Planning and Installation Guide.

4 Version 2.0 2

Planning and Installing Installing and Planning 2.

This chapter describes planning for and installing the Tivoli Device Manager, the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base, and the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components in your Tivoli environment. It includes: ¶ Planning information (see “Planning”) ¶ Tivoli software and operating system requirements including information about where Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager components are installed (see “Requirements” on page 7) ¶ Installation information (see “Installing” on page 9) ¶ Information about removing the product (see “Removing Tivoli Device Manager and Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager” on page 20)

Note: Before you install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, review the information in this chapter and in the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Release Notes and ensure that you have met all prerequisites. You can access the Release Notes on the product CD. For more information, see “Documentation” on page xvi in the Preface.

Planning Before you install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, you must plan for the following:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 5 ¶ Setup of connections between the 4690 controllers and endpoints (see “Connections Between 4690 Controllers and Endpoints”) ¶ Event log access on 4690 controllers (see “Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers”) ¶ An authorized user on Windows NT (see “Authorized User on Windows NT” on page 7) Connections Between 4690 Controllers and Endpoints TCP/IP is required on the 4690 controllers and endpoints where Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is installed. A full-time connection is required for communication between each 4690 controller and the endpoint.

Your Tivoli environment will be more efficient if your controllers are connected to endpoints that are located in the stores. Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers Depending on the level of the 4690 Operating System, Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager uses either the Tivoli pipe or event log access (ADXCSOUP) pipe to manage 4690 events. ¶ If you have Version 1 maintenance level 9920 or Version 2 Release 2, a Tivoli pipe is available for use by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. This level is recommended. ¶ For Version 1, maintenance levels 9900 and 9910, the pipe for event log access can be used exclusively by a program or can be shared by several programs. For Version 1, prior to maintenance level 9900, the pipe can only be opened shared.

It is recommended that no other application use the ADXCSOUP pipe when it is being used by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. Depending on the level of the 4690 Operating System, another program can either share the ADXCSOUP pipe or prevent Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from using it. When another program uses or shares the pipe, the event data read by that program will not be available for use by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

6 Version 2.0 For more information on configuring the pipe for event log access, see “Setting Up Event Log Access on a Controller” on page 40. Authorized User on Windows NT To install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on a managed node, you must be logged on with a user account that has administrator privileges.

Requirements This topic describes the software and operating system requirements. Installing and Planning 2. For more information and for information about hardware requirements, refer to the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Release Notes. For information about prerequisite software and hardware, refer to the documentation for each application.

This section provides requirements for: ¶ Prerequisite software (see “Tivoli Software”) ¶ Supported operating systems (see “Operating Systems” on page 9) Tivoli Software This table shows the prerequisite Tivoli software for the components on each node. Tivoli Device Manager is a prerequisite for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager and is installed separately.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 7 Tivoli Node Component Prerequisite Software Comments Tivoli Management Tivoli Device Manager Tivoli Management Region (TMR) Framework 3.6.1 or later server Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Device Manager Manager Base (Server) Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.6.1 or later (see note 1) Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Inventory 3.6.1 or Required for Manager Inventory later inventory Component (Server) Tivoli Point-of-Sale function Manager Base (Server) Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Software Required for Manager Software Distribution 3.6.1 or later software Distribution Tivoli Point-of-Sale distribution Component (Server) Manager Base (Server) Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Point-of-Sale Required for Manager Event Manager Base (Server) event Monitor Component management (Server) Gateway Tivoli Device Manager Tivoli Management Gateway Framework 3.6.1 or later Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Device Manager Manager Base Gateway (Gateway) Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Inventory Gateway Required for Manager Inventory 3.6.1 or later inventory Component (Gateway) Tivoli Point-of-Sale function Manager Base (Gateway) Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Point-of-Sale Required for Manager Event Manager Base (Gateway) event Monitor Component management (Gateway) Endpoint Tivoli Point-of-Sale Tivoli Management Manager (Retail Framework 3.6.1 or later Server) (see note 2)

8 Version 2.0 Tivoli Node Component Prerequisite Software Comments Note: 1. If you intend to use Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager for event management, Tivoli Enterprise Console Server 3.6.1 or later should be installed and the managed node on which the TEC server is installed should be running when you install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base (Server). 2. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager (Retail Server) is not installed by the customer directly. It is installed automatically the first time an endpoint is specified as a device manager for a 4690 controller. .Pann n Installing and Planning 2.

Operating Systems Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager supports the following operating systems on TMR servers and on endpoints.

Operating Systems Supported Versions Windows NT Versions 3.51 SP5, 4.0 and 4.0 SP3 AIX Versions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 Solaris Sun SPARC series running Solaris, Versions 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1 and 2.6

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager supports the following operating systems on 4690 controllers.

Operating Systems Supported Versions 4690 Operating System Version 1 CD 9800 (or higher) with TCP/IP or Version 2

Installing This section provides instructions for installing: ¶ Tivoli Device Manager (see “Installing Tivoli Device Manager” on page 10) ¶ Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base on the TMR server and gateways (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base” on page 12)

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 9 ¶ Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components on the TMR server and gateways (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14) ¶ Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on a controller (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on 4690 Controllers” on page 17) Installing Tivoli Device Manager You can install the Tivoli Device Manager on the TMR server and the gateway: ¶ From the desktop (see “Installing Tivoli Device Manager from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Installing Tivoli Device Manager from the Command Line” on page 11) Notes: 1. As a precautionary measure, back up your system before installing this software. 2. You must install the Tivoli Management Framework, Version 3.6.1 or later, in your Tivoli Management Region (TMR) before installing the Tivoli Device Manager.

Installing Tivoli Device Manager from the Desktop To install Tivoli Device Manager from the desktop: 1. Start the Tivoli Management Framework. 2. Click Desktop → Install → Install Product, and, if you are installing from the product CD, insert the CD. 3. In the File Browser dialog that is displayed, the path name of the installation files, or select the path from the Directories list, and click Set Media & Close. 4. In the Install Product dialog that is displayed, select the component to install: Tivoli Device Manager 1.0.1 Installs the Tivoli Device Manager on which the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager base function works. This component is a prerequisite of the central function of

10 Version 2.0 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. Install the Tivoli Device Manager component on a TMR Server. Tivoli Device Manager Gateway 1.0.1 Installs the gateway component of Tivoli Device Manager. 5. Specify where you want to install the components by moving clients from the Available Client list to the Clients to Install On list.

6. Click Install & Close. Installing and Planning 2. 7. Click Continue Install. 8. After the installation is complete, click Close.

Installing Tivoli Device Manager from the Command Line To install Tivoli Device Manager from the command line, enter this command:

winstall -c imagepath -i index_filename -s server [nodename]

where: -c imagepath Specifies the complete path to the CD-ROM or installation image. -i index_filename Specifies the complete path to the product installation index file for Tivoli Device Manager: TDM The Tivoli Device Manager Server component TDM_GW The Tivoli Device Manager Gateway component -s server Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli management region to use as the installation server. nodename Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli management region on which to install the component.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 11 Note: In this manner, the specified component will only be installed on nodename.Ifnodename is not specified, then the components are installed on all managed nodes of the TMR. Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base Installation of the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base on the TMR server and associated gateways is a prerequisite for use of any of the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components. You can install the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager product: ¶ From the desktop (“Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (“Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base from the Command Line” on page 13) Notes: 1. As a precautionary measure, back up your system before installing this software. 2. If you want TEC to work properly and you are planning to use the optional Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component, TEC must be installed before the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager base software.

Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base from the Desktop To install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base on the TMR server or a gateway from the desktop, do the following: 1. Start the Tivoli Management Framework. The Tivoli desktop is displayed. 2. Click Desktop → Install → Install Product, and, if you are installing from the product CD, insert the CD. 3. In the File Browser dialog that is displayed, type the path name of the installation files, or select the path from the Directories list, and click Set Media & Close. 4. In the Install Product dialog that is displayed, select the component to install:

12 Version 2.0 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Server) Version 2.0 Installs the base function for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager for the TMR server only. This is installed on a TMR server. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Gateway) Version 2.0 Installs the base function for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. This is installed on a Tivoli gateway. 5. Specify where you want to install the components by moving

clients from the Available Client list to the Clients to Install On Installing and Planning 2. list. 6. Click Install & Close. 7. Click Continue Install. 8. After the installation is complete, click Close.

Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base from the Command Line To install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base on the TMR server or a gateway from the command line, enter this command:

winstall -c imagepath -i index_filename -s server [nodename]

where: -c imagepath Specifies the complete path to the CD-ROM or installation image. -i index_filename Specifies the file name of the product installation index file: TM4RAM Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Server) Version 2.0 TM4RAM_L Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Gateway) Version 2.0 -s server Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli Management Region to use as the installation server.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 13 nodename Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli management region on which to install the component.

Note: If nodename is not specified, then the components are installed on all the managed nodes in the policy region. Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components You can install the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components on the TMR server and the gateways: ¶ From the desktop (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components from the Command Line” on page 16) Notes: 1. As a precautionary measure, back up your system before installing this software. 2. You must install Tivoli Inventory, Version 3.6.1 or later, on your TMR server before installing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component. 3. You must install Tivoli Software Distribution, Version 3.6.1 or later, on your TMR Server before installing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component. 4. You must install Tivoli Enterprise Console, Version 3.6.1 or later on your TMR Server before installing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Event Monitor Component.

Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components from the Desktop To install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components from the desktop: 1. Start the Tivoli Management Framework.

14 Version 2.0 2. Select Desktop → Install → Install Product, and, if you are installing from the product CD, insert the CD. 3. In the File Browser dialog that is displayed, enter the path name of the installation files, or select the path from the Directories list and click Set Media & Close. 4. The Install Product dialog is displayed. Select one of the following components from the Select Product to Install list: Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Server) Version 2.0 Installing and Planning 2. Installs the optional component that enables you to monitor events from your remote 4690 controllers at a central location. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Gateway) Version 2.0 Installs the optional component that enables you to monitor events on your 4690 controllers. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Server) Version 2.0 Installs the optional component that enables you to use the Inventory functions for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Gateway) Version 2.0 Installs the optional component that enables you to perform inventory operations on your 4690 controllers. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Software Distribution (Server) Version 2.0 Installs the optional component that enables you to perform software distribution operations on your 4690 controllers. 5. Specify where you want to install the components by moving clients from the Available Client list to the Clients to Install On list. 6. If you are installing additional optional components, click Install, then return to step 4. If you have finished installing optional components, click Install & Close.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 15 Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components from the Command Line To install the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional components from the command line, enter this command:

winstall -c imagepath -i index_filename -s server [nodename]

where: -c imagepath Specifies the complete path to the CD-ROM or installation image. -i index_filename Specifies the file name of the product installation index file for the optional components, as follows: TM4REM Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Server) Version 2.0 TM4REM_L Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Gateway) Version 2.0 TM4RFP Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Software Distribution (Server) Version 2.0 TM4RIP_A Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Server) Version 2.0 TM4RIP_L Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Gateway) Version 2.0 -s server Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli Management Region on which to install the software. nodename Specifies the managed node in the Tivoli management region on which to install the component.

16 Version 2.0 Note: If nodename is not specified, then the components are installed on all the managed nodes in the policy region. Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on 4690 Controllers This section describes: ¶ Steps you must take before installing (see “Before You Install”) ¶ Installing on local controllers (see “Installing Tivoli

Point-of-Sale Manager on Local 4690 Controllers” on page 18) Installing and Planning 2. ¶ Installing on remote controllers (see “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on Remote 4690 Controllers” on page 19) ¶ Results of installing (see “Results of Installing” on page 19)

Note: As a precautionary measure, back up your system before installing this software.

Before You Install Before installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on 4690 controllers, note the following: ¶ These procedures prepare a master controller or a host site master controller for the installation of Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager and assumes the use of Apply Software Maintenance (ASM) to install it on the local or remote controllers. These procedures also assume the use of the Remote Control Processor (RCP). For information about using ASM or RCP, refer to the 4690 Store System: User’s Guide. ¶ Create a 4690 installation diskette by copying the files that were installed in the /tposmgr/ibm4690/C directory onto a diskette. Notes: 1. Files on the installation CD-ROM are read-only. After you files to a diskette, ensure that the files’ read-only attributes are reset. For example, on a Windows NT system, enter attrib -R. a:*.* at a command prompt to reset the read-only attributes of all files on the diskette.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 17 2. As a result of copying the installation files to diskette, you might get a diskette error on the 4690 controller. This problem can usually be fixed by running this command at the controller: a: -f ¶ Configure each controller as described in “Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller” on page 25. This configuration can be done after the installation, but you must restart the 4690 Operating System on each controller. ¶ When you install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, ensure that all controllers configured for a master controller are running. ¶ If you are installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager remotely, all controllers must have the same configuration as the host site master controller, the same application prefix, and the same Multiple Controller Feature (MCF) configuration. ¶ If you have an RCP selection file (the ADXCSHCF.DAT file), ensure that you are not using it while Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is being installed on a 4690 controller, because the installation program will overwrite it.

Note: The installation program will prompt you for permission to write to the RCP selection file. If you do not allow the program to write to this file, then the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager program will not be installed on the 4690 controller.

Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on Local 4690 Controllers Install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on local controllers as follows: 1. Insert the 4690 installation diskette into the diskette drive of the master controller. 2. Run a:\install and follow the instructions and prompts. 3. If you allowed the installation program to write the RCP selection file (ADXCSHCF.DAT), go to the next step. If you did not allow the ADXCSHCF.DAT file to be written, the installation program has exited.

18 Version 2.0 4. Using ASM, transfer and then activate maintenance for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on Remote 4690 Controllers To install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on remote controllers, complete the following steps: 1. Insert the 4690 installation diskette into the diskette drive of the host site master controller. 2. Run a:\install and follow the instructions and prompts. Installing and Planning 2. 3. Run ASM on the host site master controller to transfer maintenance for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. 4. Send the files to your 4690 controllers as follows: a. If you installed in the \ADX_IMNT directory, place the host site master controller \ADX_IMNT files in the \ADX_IMNT directory. If you installed in the \ADX_UMNT directory, place the host site master controller \ADX_UMNT files in the \ADX_UMNT directory. b. Place your RCP selection file and RCP command file in the \ADX_IDT1 directory. 5. Schedule an RCP job to install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager.

Results of Installing Results of installing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager on a controller follow: ¶ The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent is installed. ¶ The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service is installed. ¶ The inventory scanner is installed. ¶ A default address book file is created.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 19 Removing Tivoli Device Manager and Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager This section describes removing the following components: ¶ “Removing Tivoli Device Manager” ¶ “Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Servers and Gateways” on page 21 ¶ “Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Endpoints” on page 22 ¶ “Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from 4690 Controllers” on page 22 Removing Tivoli Device Manager To uninstall the Tivoli Device Manager or Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from the TMR server or gateway, use the wuninst command provided by the Tivoli Management Framework. Refer to the Tivoli Management Framework Reference Manual for more information about this command.

From the command line, enter the uninstall command as follows:

wuninst tag node_name [-rmfiles]

where: tag Specifies the registered product tag for the Tivoli Device Manager component. TMF_TDM The Tivoli Device Manager Server component TMF_TDM_GW The Tivoli Device Manager Gateway component node_name Specifies the node to remove the product from. -rmfiles Removes all Tivoli Device Manager files from the TMR server or gateway.

20 Version 2.0 Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Servers and Gateways To uninstall the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from the TMR server and from gateways, use the wuninst command provided by the Tivoli Management Framework. Refer to the Tivoli Management Framework Reference Manual Version 3.6 for more information about this command.

From the command line, enter the command as follows: .Pann n Installing and Planning 2. wuninst tag node_name [-rmfiles]

where: tag Specifies the registered product tag that identifies the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager component on the node_name server or endpoint. TM4RAM_ALI Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Server) Version 2.0 TM4RAM_LCF Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Gateway) Version 2.0 TM4RIP_ALI Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Server) Version 2.0 TM4RIP_LCF Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Inventory (Gateway) Version 2.0 TM4RSD_ALI Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Software Distribution (Server) Version 2.0 TM4REM_ALI Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Server) Version 2.0

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 21 TM4REM_LCF Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor Configuration (Gateway) Version 2.0 node_name Specifies the name of the server or endpoint to remove the product from. -rmfiles Removes all Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager files from the specified server or endpoint. Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from Endpoints Uninstalling Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from the TMR Server automatically uninstalls the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager product from all endpoints being used, unless you have already removed the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager gateway component; then, you will have to manually remove the files on each endpoint as follows: 1. Stop the AMRServer process. 2. Remove the TM4R subdirectory from the LCF_DATDIR directory. The LCF_DATDIR environment variable points to this directory. For more information, see “Setting Up the Command Environment” on page 75. Removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from 4690 Controllers To remove Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager from your 4690 controllers, do the following: 1. Remove the product as follows: ¶ If, when you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, you activated the maintenance in TEST mode, do the following: v Cancel the maintenance. v Remove the TMRETAIL:ADXCATPD.DAT file from the master controller.

22 Version 2.0 v Remove the address book file (TMRETAIL:ADDRBOOK.XML) and the configuration file (TMRETAIL:SERVICES.XML) from each controller. v Remove TMRETAIL:TMRETAIL.XML. v If an inventory profile file (TMRETAIL:AMRINVPF.XML) exists, erase it. v If any TMRETAIL:AMR*.* files exist, remove them. If, when you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, you ¶ Installing and Planning 2. activated maintenance without test mode (by selecting ACCEPT), remove these files from the master controller : v TMRETAIL:AMRSETUP.BAT v TMRETAIL:AMRAGENT.286 v TMRETAIL:AMREVMON.286 v TMRETAIL:AMRMAILM.286 v TMRETAIL:AMRRUNSV.286 v TMRETAIL:AMRFILSV.286 v TMRETAIL:WTRADDR.286 v TMRETAIL:ADXCATPI.DAT v TMRETAIL:ADXCATPD.DAT v TMRETAIL:AMRSETSF.MSG v TMRETAIL:AMRASM.286 v TMRETAIL:AMR_SCAN.286 v TMRETAIL:WTRVER.286 v TMRETAIL:ADXEABPF.DAT v TMRETAIL:ADXCATPD.DAT v TMRETAIL:ADDRBOOK.XML v TMRETAIL:SERVICES.XML v TMRETAIL:TMRETAIL.XML

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 23 v TMRETAIL:AMRINVPF.XML v TMRETAIL:AMR*.* v C:\ADX_SDT1\ADXTIVOF.DAT v Also, remove the following four files from each controller: – TMRETAIL:ADDRBOOK.XML – TMRETAIL:SERVICES.XML – TMRETAIL:TMRETAIL.XML – TMRETAIL:AMRINVPF.XML 2. Reset the configuration at the controllers as follows: ¶ Remove the definition for TMRETAIL:AMRAGENT.286 as a background application. ¶ Remove the TMRETAIL: user logical file name definition. ¶ If necessary, restore your previous setting for the ADXCSOUP pipe.

24 Version 2.0 3 Getting Started

This chapter helps you get Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager ready to use after you install it. It describes: ¶ Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a controller (see “Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller”) ¶ Defining Controllers (see “Defining 4690 Controllers” on page 26) ¶ Grouping controllers (see “Grouping 4690 Controllers” on page 30 ¶ Listing 4690 controllers (see “Listing 4690 Controllers” on

page 33 Started Getting 3. ¶ Modifying 4690 controllers (see “Modifying 4690 Controllers” on page 34 ¶ Deleting 4690 controllers (see “Deleting 4690 Controllers” on page 36

Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller You need to configure Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at each 4690 controller.

Note: You can configure the controller before or after you install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager; however, if you do the configuration after the installation, you will need to restart the 4690 Operating System on the controller.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 25 Configure the following: ¶ Define TMRETAIL:AMRAGENT.286 (the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent) as a background application that starts when the 4690 Operating System starts. ¶ If necessary, set up the pipe for event log access; for more information, see “Setting Up Event Log Access on a Controller” on page 40. ¶ Define a user logical file name as follows: 1. Type the logical file name being processed as follows: TMRETAIL:

Note: Be sure to include the colon (:) as part of the user logical file name. 2. Press ENTER. 3. Type the expanded name to define the logical name TMRETAIL: as one of the following, depending on which directory you chose during the installation process: C:\ADX_IPGM\ C:\ADX_UPGM\ 4. Press ENTER.

Defining 4690 Controllers

Task Context Required Role Defining 4690 Tivoli desktop or admin controllers command line

You need to define the 4690 controllers that you want to manage. You can define them: ¶ From the desktop (see “Defining 4690 Controllers from the Desktop” on page 27) ¶ From the command line (see “Defining 4690 Controllers from the Command Line” on page 29)

26 Version 2.0 Notes: 1. It is recommended that you back up the files that contain your definitions, using the following command on your TMR Server: wdevice backup pathname This command backs up your Tivoli Device Manager database. The address book files on your endpoints should be kept synchronized with this database, and should be backed up as well. See “wdevice” on page 95 for more information. 2. Addressing information is in the address book file (addrbook.xml). This file contains the names and addresses of the 4690 controllers that the endpoint manages. The information is a subset of the data in the Tivoli Device Manager database. Files are stored in directory $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R. 3. If you change the port for a controller and subsequently delete the controller and then want to add the controller again, you will need to run this command at the controller to reset the address book file on the controller: tmretail:amrsetup /f Defining 4690 Controllers from the Desktop Define your controllers using the Tivoli desktop as follows:

1. Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent is running on Started Getting 3. the 4690 controller. 2. On the Tivoli desktop, double-click the Device Manager. The Device Type Table dialog is displayed.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 27 3. Select IBM4690 and click Create. The Create a Device dialog is displayed.

4. Type the information in the fields as follows: ¶ In the Device Label field, type a name for the 4690 controller you are defining. ¶ In the TMA Manager Name field, type the name of the endpoint that will manage the 4690 controller.

Note: You may also click Managers. The Tivoli Management Agents window is displayed. Select the endpoint you want to manage the 4690 controller, then click Select & Close. The endpoint name is copied to the TMA Manager Name field. ¶ In the Local Address field, type the IP address of the 4690 controller.

Note: If you want to use other than the default port number (2020) at the 4690 controller for communication with the endpoint, specify the desired port number after the IP address as follows, where xxxx is the desired port number: ¶ The Logical create check box is unused.

28 Version 2.0 5. Click Create & Close to finish defining the 4690 controller and to send an address book to the 4690 controller. Defining 4690 Controllers from the Command Line You can create 4690 controllers from the command line either singly or several 4690 controllers at a time. Enter the following to create a single 4690 controller:

wdevice add IBM4690 device_label endpoint local_address

where: IBM4690 Specifies a 4690 controller. device_label Indicates the name of the 4690 controller. endpoint Indicates the label of the endpoint to which the 4690 controller is connected. local_address Indicates the IP address of the 4690 controller. .GtigStarted Getting 3. Note: If you want to use other than the default port number (2020) at the 4690 controller for communication with the endpoint, specify the desired port number after the IP address as follows, where xxxx is the desired port number:

To create multiple 4690 controllers by using the IBM4690 keyword with its parameters once for each 4690 controller you want to define, specify the command as follows:

wdevice add IBM4690 device_label1 endpoint1 local_address1 IBM4690 device_label2 endpoint2 local_address2 IBM4690 device_label3 endpoint3 local_address3

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 29 Alternatively, you can define multiple 4690 controllers using a file listing the devices as follows:

wdevice add -F filename

where: -F Indicates that the 4690 controllers to be created are listed in a file. filename Indicates the name of the file that lists the 4690 controllers in the format: IBM4690 device_label endpoint local_address.

Grouping 4690 Controllers The device group extends the Tivoli Management Framework to enable management of devices outside the Tivoli environment. 4690 controllers, even one, must be part of a device group before you can work with them. First, you create a device group. Then, you add 4690 controllers to it.

Note: Before you start, ensure that you set managed resources in the policy region to include DeviceGroup.

Task Context Required Role Creating device groups Tivoli desktop or senior command line Adding 4690 Tivoli desktop or admin controllers to the group command line

You can group 4690 controllers ¶ From the desktop (see “Grouping 4690 Controllers Using the Desktop” on page 31) ¶ From the command line (see “Grouping 4690 Controllers from the Command Line” on page 32)

30 Version 2.0 Grouping 4690 Controllers Using the Desktop To create a device group: 1. In the Policy Region window, click Create → DeviceGroup. The Create Device Group dialog appears.

2. Select the Device Group Type from the list of device types displayed. For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, this will be IBM4690.

3. Enter the name for the device group in the Name/Icon Label Started Getting 3. field, then click Create & Close to create the device group and return to the Policy Region window.

To add members to a device group, do the following: 1. In the Policy Region window, right-click on the device group icon and click View Device Group Members. You can also double-click the device group icon. The Device Group Members

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 31 dialog is displayed.

2. Move the members you want to be part of the device group from the Available to become Members list to the Current Members list by highlighting the members and clicking the left-arrow button. 3. Click Apply & Close to save the list and return to the Policy Region window. Grouping 4690 Controllers from the Command Line To create a device group, enter the following command:

wdevgrp new IBM4690 group_name policy_region

where: new IBM4690 group_name policy_region Creates a group of 4690 devices with the name and in the policy region that you specify.

To add 4690 controllers to the group, enter the following command:

wdevgrp subscribe group_name device_label

32 Version 2.0 where: subscribe group_name device_label Adds the 4690 controllers to the group.

For the complete syntax of the wdevgrp command, see “wdevgrp” on page 93.

Listing 4690 Controllers

Task Context Required Role Listing 4690 controllers Tivoli desktop or admin command line

You can list 4690 controllers that you have defined: ¶ From the desktop (see “Listing 4690 Controllers from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Listing 4690 Controllers from the Command Line”) Listing 4690 Controllers from the Desktop .GtigStarted Getting 3. Do the following to list 4690 controllers: 1. From the Tivoli desktop, double-click the Device Manager icon. The Device Type Table window is displayed. 2. Select the type IBM4690 and click View. The Device List Table window lists the IBM4690 controllers defined in the TMR. Listing 4690 Controllers from the Command Line To list ibm4690 controllers, enter the following:

wdevice ls IBM4690

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 33 Modifying 4690 Controllers

Task Context Required Role Modifying 4690 Tivoli desktop or CLI admin controllers

You can modify one or more 4690 controllers: ¶ From the desktop (see “Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Command Line” on page 35) Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Desktop To modify a 4690 controller: 1. List the 4690 controllers defined on the endpoint (see “Listing 4690 Controllers” on page 33). 2. On the Device List Table window, double-click the device that you want to modify, or select the device and click Change.To modify more than one device, select the 4690 controllers and click Change. The Change a Device dialog is displayed. 3. Enter the following information in the appropriate fields: Device ID Is the number assigned to the device by Tivoli Device Manager when it was created. This information is read-only. Device Label Is an alphanumeric nickname to identify the device in the TMR. TMA Manager Name Is the name of the endpoint that manages the 4690 controller. Click Managers for a list of available managers. Local Address Is the IP address of the 4690 controller.

34 Version 2.0 Note: If you want to use other than the default port number (2020) at the 4690 controller for communication with the endpoint, specify the desired port number after the IP address as follows, where xxxx is the desired port number:

After you have made your changes, click Change & Close.If you selected multiple 4690 controllers, the dialog for the next device is displayed. Repeat this step until you have finished modifying all the selected 4690 controllers. The changes are displayed in the Device List Table window. Modifying 4690 Controllers from the Command Line To modify a 4690 controller, enter the following command with the arguments of the information that you want to modify:

wdevice edit IBM4690 device_label –l new_label –m \ new_device_manager –a new_local_address

where: device_label Indicates the name of the device. Started Getting 3. –l new_label Indicates the new name of the device. –m new_device_manager Indicates the new endpoint to which the device is connected. –a new_local_address Indicates the new IP address of the 4690 controller.

Note: If you want to use other than the default port number (2020) at the 4690 controller for communication with the endpoint, specify the desired port number after the IP address as follows, where xxxx is the desired port number:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 35 Deleting 4690 Controllers

Task Context Required Role Deleting 4690 Tivoli desktop or CLI admin controllers

You can delete 4690 controllers: ¶ From the desktop (see “Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Command Line”) Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Desktop To delete a 4690 controller, do the following: 1. List the 4690 controllers defined on the endpoint (see “Listing 4690 Controllers” on page 33). 2. On the Device List Table window, select the 4690 controller to be deleted and click Delete. The Delete a Device dialog is displayed. 3. Enter the following information: Device ID Is the number assigned to the device by TDM when it was created. Device Label Is the name you defined for the device. 4. Click Delete & Close. The device is deleted from the Device List Table. Deleting 4690 Controllers from the Command Line To delete 4690 controllers, enter the following:

wdevice remove IBM4690 device_label ...

36 Version 2.0 .Mngn Events Managing 4. 4 Managing Events

4690 controllers issue notifications about events that affect retail resources. The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server on the endpoint forwards these events to the TEC server.

To manage events at your TEC, do the following: ¶ Configure the TEC event server (see “Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Server” on page 38) ¶ Using the heartbeat event (see “Using the Heartbeat Event” on page 40) ¶ Set up the 4690 event log (see “Setting Up Event Log Access on a Controller” on page 40) ¶ Select the events to manage and set event thresholds (see “Configuring the Event Monitor” on page 41 ) ¶ Run the event monitor service (see “Running the Event Monitor Service” on page 45)

Optionally, you can filter retail events using TEC (see “Filtering Retail Events” on page 45).

In addition to observing and managing events, Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager enables you to develop rules that can be used to provide automated responses to some of these events. Commands from TEC scripts, based on 4690 events, can be sent back to a specific store to be run by the 4690 Operating System. For more information about event classes and rules, see “Event Classes and Rules” on page 99.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 37 Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Server Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides a sample shell script to set up the TEC event server. It can be found on the TMR server at $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RAPPMGR/cr_tec_rb.sh. This shell script requires that the tmretail.baroc file be located at $BINDIR/TME/TEC/tmretail/TEC_CLASSES/tmretail.baroc. If this directory does not exist, you can create it using the following commands:



Ensure that you have copied the tmretail.baroc file to this location before running the script.

When run, the clones the default TEC rule base, adds the 4690 event class definitions to it, and then loads and activates the new rule base. It also adds the Retail Events and 4690 Events event sources for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. Then it stops and restarts the event server. Notes: 1. If you have customized the default TEC rule base, you can use the sample shell script as an example to add the 4690 event classes to your customized rule base. To do that, modify the shell script to copy the customized rule base rather than the default TEC rule base. 2. Although the sample shell script is placed on the TMR server, you must run it on the TEC event server.

Alternatively, if you did not run the cr_tec_rb.sh shell script, you can configure the TEC event server as follows:

Note: Most of these steps can be performed either from the Tivoli desktop or using the Tivoli commands shown in parentheses.

38 Version 2.0 .Mngn Events Managing 4. For more information about using the commands, refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console Reference Manual. 1. Include the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event classes in a new rule base with the following steps: a. Copy the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event class file, named tmretail.baroc, located in the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RAPPMGR/TEC/CONFIG directory on the TMR server, to a temporary directory on the event server. b. Create a new rule base. (wcrtrb) c. Optionally, copy your existing rule base to the new rule base. (wcprb)) d. Add (import) the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event class definitions in the tmretail.baroc file to the new rule base. To prevent compilation problems, insert the tmretail.baroc file after the other imported class files. (wimprbclass) e. Compile the new rule base. (wcomprules) f. Load the new rule base. (wloadrb)

Note: For information about creating or copying a rule base, adding event class definitions to a rule base, or compiling or loading a rule base, refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide. 2. Add two new event sources. Specify a source name of Retail and a label of Retail Events for one; specify a source name of 4690 and a label of 4690 Events for the other. (wcrtsrc) 3. Optionally, create a new event group that includes both the Retail_Event and 4690_Event event classes and assign the new group to the event console. (wcrteg and wassigneg) 4. Stop and restart the event server to include all these changes. (wstopesvr and wstartesvr)

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 39 Note: For information about adding event sources, creating or assigning an event group, or stopping or starting the event server, refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console User’s Guide.

Using the Heartbeat Event Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides a heartbeat event for checking whether a 4690 controller is present. When a 4690 controller is not found, heartbeat events are sent to TEC. The frequency with which heartbeat events are sent to TEC is set in the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R/tmretail.xml file on the endpoint that manages the 4690 controller, in this parameter:


where min is the interval for sending heartbeat events, in number of minutes.

You can change the heartbeat interval as needed. To stop the sending of heartbeat events, change the interval to 0.

Note: The heartbeat event is actually sent when the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent is not running.

Setting Up Event Log Access on a Controller For access to event log information, Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager uses a pipe provided by the 4690 Operating System. If the Tivoli pipe is available, it is used; if not, the ADXCSOUP pipe is used. The level of your 4690 operating system determines whether the Tivoli pipe is available or whether the ADXCSOUP pipe must be used. For more information, see “Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers” on page 6.

To set up the ADXCSOUP pipe, define a user logical file name of ADXCSOUS with a value for the pipe size in your controller configuration. The recommended size of the pipe for use with Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is 64000 bytes. Based on the ADXCSOUS definition, the operating system creates the ADXCSOUP pipe when

40 Version 2.0 .Mngn Events Managing 4. the operating system is restarted. For recommendations on using the ADXCSOUP pipe, see “Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers” on page 6.

Configuring the Event Monitor Event selection is specified in an event monitor configuration profile that must be distributed to a controller. In the event monitor configuration profile, you can specify events by message number, events by severity, or both.

You can configure the event monitor: ¶ From the desktop (see “Configuring the Event Monitor from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Configuring the Event Monitor from the Command Line” on page 43)

After you create an event monitor configuration profile, you must distribute it to the 4690 controllers. See “Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile” on page 43. Configuring the Event Monitor from the Desktop To configure the event monitor from the desktop:

Note: Before you can create an event monitor configuration profile, ensure that you have set managed resources in the policy region to include IBM4690EventMonitorConfigApplication.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 41 1. In the profile manager window, click Create → Profile. The Create Profile dialog is displayed.

2. Enter the name for the 4690 event monitor configuration profile in the Name/Icon Label field, select IBM4690EventMonitorConfigApplication from the Type list, and click Create & Close. The Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog is displayed.

42 Version 2.0 .Mngn Events Managing 4. 3. Type or select the information in the fields as follows: ¶ In the 4690 Message Severities group box, select the severities of the 4690 messages to be monitored. You can select none, one, or more than one. ¶ In the 4690 Messages Being Monitored group box, in the Message field, type the message number of a message to be monitored and click Add. If you want to set a threshold for the message, select the message, type the number in the Threshold field and press Enter, and then type an interval, in number of seconds, in the Interval field and press Enter. ¶ For Event Monitor Startup, select whether you want the event monitor service to be started automatically when the operating system on the 4690 controller is started or if you want to start it manually. 4. Click Save & Close to save the profile. Configuring the Event Monitor from the Command Line If you need to create an event monitor configuration profile from the command line, use the wcrtprf command.

To configure the event monitor configuration profile from the command line, use the set option of the wtrevmoncfg command. For more detailed information on using the wtrevmoncfg command, see “wtrevmoncfg” on page 82. Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile You can distribute the event monitor configuration profile: ¶ From the desktop (see “Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile from the Desktop” on page 44). ¶ From the command line (see “Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile from the Command Line” on page 44).

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 43 Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile from the Desktop To distribute an event monitor configuration profile to one or more 4690 controllers: 1. In the Profile Manager window, select the event monitor configuration profile you want to distribute. 2. If necessary, define subscribers for the profile manager.

Note: Only device groups containing 4690 controllers, or profile managers whose ultimate subscribers are device groups consisting of 4690 controllers, should be made current subscribers, or the distribution will fail. 3. Click Profile Manager → Distribute to distribute the profile to the subscribers. This sends a configuration file to the 4690 controller. The name of this file at the 4690 controller is SERVICES.XML.

An alternative method of distributing an event monitor configuration profile to a single device group containing 4690 controllers is to drag and drop the event monitor configuration profile on the device group.

Distributing the Event Monitor Configuration Profile from the Command Line To distribute an event monitor configuration profile from the command line, use the wdistrib command as follows:

wdistrib @IBM4690EventMonitorConfigApplication:profile_name @DeviceGroup:device_group

For more information see the TME 10 Framework Reference Manual.

44 Version 2.0 .Mngn Events Managing 4. Running the Event Monitor Service For controller events to be sent to the TEC, the retail server must be running on the endpoint and the event monitor service must be running on the controller. You may need to start the event monitor service manually. For more information, see “Starting the Event Monitor Service on the Controller” on page 76.

Filtering Retail Events To optionally filter out events that you regard as harmless or unlikely to require action, you can use the TEC in several different ways.

Note: It is more efficient to select events to send to TEC as described in “Configuring the Event Monitor” on page 41. However, you might want to use filtering techniques temporarily until you can change the configuration files for your controllers. ¶ Create new rules to exclude an event. In this case, the event is forwarded to the TEC event server but is eliminated by the rules engine. The TME 10 Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide describes the steps for building and modifying rules. ¶ Exclude classes of events using the TEC’s . For more information, refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console User’s Guide.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 45 46 Version 2.0 5 Distributing Software .Dsrbtn Software Distributing 5.

Tivoli Software Distribution can be used to distribute and deploy software in the Tivoli environment. The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component extends this capability to the IBM 4690 Operating System.

The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager software distribution component enables you to distribute software to 4690 controllers. It provides a centralized software management system through which the administrator can install and configure new retail applications, update existing software with newer versions, and synchronize software on distributed systems. It also enables you to distribute maintenance files for ASM.

This chapter explains how to: ¶ Planning the directories for a 4690 package distribution (see “Understanding Source Host and 4690 Controller Destination Directory Paths” on page 48) ¶ Create a 4690 package in a profile manager (see “Creating a 4690 Package” on page 49) ¶ Distribute a 4690 package (see “Distributing 4690 Packages” on page 56) ¶ Import and export a 4690 package (see “Exporting and Importing 4690 Packages” on page 59.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 47 Understanding Source Host and 4690 Controller Destination Directory Paths The files for a 4690 Package to be distributed to 4690 controllers must be placed on a system that will serve as the source host for the distribution. For supported source hosts, refer to the TME 10 Software Distribution User’s Guide.

The destination directory on a 4690 controller is determined by the location of the directories and files on the source host, the 4690_source_host_prefix variable, and the destination directory path. The 4690_source_host_prefix variable, described in “Exporting and Importing 4690 Packages” on page 59, defines a portion of the source host path that is to be deleted from the path for the package files when the 4690 Package is distributed. The destination directory path defines a path that is prepended to the path of the package files when the 4690 Package is distributed.

Note: Specifying a 4690 source host prefix is useful when you want to keep the files for several 4690 packages on the same source host.

The following table shows examples for a Windows NT source host that demonstrate how different settings for these parameters affect the destination directory on a 4690 controller.

4690_source_ Destination Source Host Directories host_prefix Directory Destination Directory on a & Files Variable Path 4690 Controller C:/adx_sdt1/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1/file.dat C:/file.dat C:/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1 C:/file.dat C:/Sept1/adx_ipgm/file.dat C:/Sept1 C:/adx_ipgm/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1/file.dat D:/adx_ipgm D:/adx_ipgm/adx_sdt1/file.dat C:/file.dat D:/adx_ipgm D:/adx_ipgm/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1/file.dat C:/adx_sdt1 C:/adx_ipgm C:/adx_ipgm/file.dat

48 Version 2.0 Creating a 4690 Package The software distribution package, a 4690 Package profile, is used to bundle the application or data that is to be distributed.

Note: Before you create a 4690 package, ensure that you have set managed resources in the policy region to include 4690Package.

To create a 4690 package, do the following:

¶ Create a 4690 Package Profile (see “Creating a 4690 Package Software Distributing 5. Profile”) ¶ Define properties (see “Defining Properties of a 4690 Package”) ¶ Determine the size (see “Determining the Size of a 4690 Package” on page 50) ¶ Set options (see “Setting 4690 Package Options” on page 51) ¶ Edit optional information (see “Editing 4690 Package Optional Information” on page 54) Creating a 4690 Package Profile To create a 4690 Package Profile, do the following: 1. In a profile manager window, click Create → Profile. The Create Profile dialog is displayed. 2. Enter the name for the 4690 Package in the Name/Icon Label field, select 4690Package from the Type list, and click Create & Close to create the 4690Package and return to the profile manager window. Defining Properties of a 4690 Package To define the properties of a 4690 package, do the following:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 49 1. From the profile manager window, right-click the 4690Package icon. Click on Properties. The Properties dialog is displayed.

2. Enter the name of the source host in the Source Host field. 3. Enter the full path and file name of each file in the 4690 package in the Source Directories & Files field. 4. If desired, set general or log options. 5. Click Save & Close to close the dialog and create the 4690 package. Determining the Size of a 4690 Package To determine the size of the 4690 Package, do the following:

50 Version 2.0 1. Click 4690Package → Size. The Calculate 4690 Package Size window is displayed. .Dsrbtn Software Distributing 5.

2. Click Calculate Size to see the size of the package (in bytes). 3. Click Close to return to the Properties dialog. Setting 4690 Package Options To set the 4690 package options, do the following: 1. Right-click the 4690Package icon. Click on Properties. You can also double-click the 4690Package icon. The Properties dialog is displayed. 2. Click Edit → 4690 Options. The 4690 Options dialog is displayed. There are two versions of this dialog: ¶ The before distribution version enables you to specify the name of a BAT/286 file to run on the 4690 controller before the 4690 Package is distributed. This is the default version of

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 51 the dialog.

¶ The after distribution version enables you to specify the name of a BAT/286 file to run on the 4690 controller after the 4690 Package is distributed. Click After Distribution on the 4690 options dialog to display the after distribution

52 Version 2.0 fields. .Dsrbtn Software Distributing 5.

Notes: 1. Any executable in a before or after script should not IPL or power off the 4690 controller. The device group will wait for the before or after script to complete before it is accessible again. 2. In the Get BAT/286 File From section of the 4690 Options dialog, select Source Host if the before or after script is to be distributed from the source host down to the 4690 controllers. Select Subscribers if the before or after script is already present on the 4690 controllers.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 53 3. Any .bat file used as a before or after script must begin with the command off on the first line in order to suppress echo output. Any output written to stdout or stderr after the echo off statement will be interpreted as an error. For any .286 file used as a before or after script, the first line of output written to stdout or stderr will be discarded. Any output written to stdout or stderr after the first line will be interpreted as an error. 4. For distributions of 4690 ASM packages, the 4690 after script should invoke the AMRASM application in the ADX_IPGM directory. This application runs ASM on the target 4690 controller. The arguments for AMRASM are the same as those listed in the 4690 Store System: Communications Programming Reference for the ADXCST0L command. The following is an example of a 4690 after script that runs ASM: Echo off C:\ADX_IPGM\amrasm N 1AP NI

This example includes the NI parameter to the AMRASM command so that the controller will not be IPLed. If you want to IPL your controller with AMRASM, do not use the AMRASM command in a before or after script. Invoke AMRASM using the wtrrun command on the endpoint. Editing 4690 Package Optional Information To edit the 4690 Package optional information, do the following: 1. Right-click the 4690Package icon. Click on Properties. You can also double-click the 4690Package icon. The Properties dialog is displayed.

54 Version 2.0 2. Click Edit → Optional Information. The Edit Optional Information dialog is displayed. .Dsrbtn Software Distributing 5.

3. Fill in any information you want to be associated with the 4690 Package, and then click Save & Close to save the information and return to the Properties dialog.

Setting Profile Subscribers Creating a 4690 Package profile only creates the object in which the data to be distributed is defined. You must also set the subscribers that will receive the distribution. To set the subscribers for a 4690 Package profile, do the following:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 55 1. Click Profile Manager → Subscribers to display the Subscribers dialog.

2. A list of all profile managers and endpoints that can subscribe to the current profile manager is displayed in the Available to become Subscribers scrolling list. Move the subscribers you want to be subscribed to the Profile Manager from the Available to become Subscribers list to the Current Subscribers list by highlighting the subscribers and clicking the left-arrow button.

Note: Only device groups containing 4690 controllers, or profile managers whose ultimate subscribers are device groups consisting of 4690 controllers, should be made current subscribers, or the distribution will fail. 3. Click Set Subscriptions & Close to save the list and return to the Profile Manager window.

Distributing 4690 Packages

Note: Before distributing a 4690 package, ensure that you have a device group with members in it. If you don’t, see “Grouping 4690 Controllers” on page 30.

Software packages can be distributed:

56 Version 2.0 ¶ From the Tivoli desktop (see “Distributing a 4690 Package from the Desktop”) ¶ From the command line (see “Distributing a 4690 Package from the Command Line” on page 58) You can also schedule the distribution. See “Scheduling a 4690 Package Software Distribution” on page 59. Distributing a 4690 Package from the Desktop In the Profile Manager window, distribute the 4690 package by dragging the 4690 Package icon onto the subscriber icon in the Software Distributing 5. Subscribers group box. With this method, you can distribute to subscribers only one group at a time.

To use an alternate method, do the following:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 57 1. Right-click on the appropriate 4690Package icon, and click Distribute. The Distribute 4690Package Dialog is displayed.

2. Move the subscribers from the Available Subscribers list to the Distribute 4690Package to list. 3. Click Distribute & Close. This method enables you to distribute to groups of subscribers at a time. Distributing a 4690 Package from the Command Line The 4690 Package can be distributed from the command line using the wdistrib command as follows:

wdistrib @4690Package:profile_name @DeviceGroup:device_group

58 Version 2.0 For more information see the TME 10 Framework Reference Manual. Scheduling a 4690 Package Software Distribution In the Profile Manager window, you can schedule a distribution as follows: 1. In the Profiles group box, right-click the 4690 package icon and select Distribute. The Distribute 4690Package dialog is displayed.

2. Move the subscribers from the Available Subscribers list to the Software Distributing 5. Distribute 4690Package To list. 3. Click Schedule. The Add Scheduled Job dialog is displayed. For a full description of it, refer to the Tivoli Software Distribution User’s Guide. 4. After you have completed the dialog, click Schedule Job & Close or Schedule Job and then Close. From the command line, you can use the wschedjob command provided by the Tivoli Management Framework. See the TME 10 Framework Reference Manual for more information.

Exporting and Importing 4690 Packages You can convert (export) a 4690 package into a text file in order to modify it for other 4690 distributions. Then, you can convert (import) the edited file back into a 4690 package and distribute it.

You can use this process to export a 4690 package to diskette, and then import it on other systems. Also, some variables are not available from the user interface. The only way to modify these variables is through the export/import process.

The following table lists Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component export variables and their usage. These variables correspond to the values on the 4690 Options dialog.

Note: Path names in the Windows NT environment assume the use of the BASH shell.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 59 Variable Usage 4690_platform_prefix Specifies the value in the Destination Directory Path field. 4690_source_host_prefix Specifies the portion of the source file path that you want to delete from each file path when the 4690 package is distributed. Notes: 1. This variable is not available from the user interface. 2. If a before or after script is being distributed from the source host, this prefix is also being deleted from those file paths. 4690_before_prog_from_src Specifies the value in the Get BAT/286 File From selection. The value n indicates from subscribers; the value y indicates from the source host (Before version). 4690_before_prog_path Specifies the name of the script in the Enter BAT/286 File Name field (Before version). 4690_before_input_path Specifies the name of the file in the Enter Input File Name field (Before version). 4690_before_skip_non_zero Specifies the value in the Stop distribution to a 4690 controller if an error occurs field (Before version). The value n indicates not to stop on an error; the value y indicates to stop on an error. 4690_after_prog_path Specifies the name of the script in the Enter BAT/286 File Name field (After version). 4690_after_prog_from_src Specifies the value in the Get BAT/286 File From selection (After version). The value n indicates from subscribers; the value y indicates from Source Host. 4690_after_input_path Specifies the name of the file in the Enter Input File Name field (After version).

The following table lists some of the standard Tivoli Software Distribution variables that are also used by the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component. These variables correspond to the values on the 4690 Package Properties dialog. They are included here because they will appear in any exported 4690 Package file. These variables can be changed as necessary for your installation.

60 Version 2.0 Variable Usage stop_on_error Corresponds to the General Options, Stop distribution on errors field. The default is y. do_compress Corresponds to the General Options, Perform compression on distribution field. The default is n. post_notice Corresponds to the Log Information Options, Send to software distribution notice group field. The default is y. mail_id Corresponds to the Log Information Options, Send e-mail to field. log_host Corresponds to the Log Information Options, Send to log file on, Host field. Software Distributing 5. log_file Corresponds to the Log Information Options, Send to log file on, Path field. nt_platform_prefix Specifies the directory on the endpoint in which the 4690 Package is stored temporarily. You can change this default if there is not enough space on the target drive. This variable specifies a path that is prepended to all of the file names in the 4690 package. The default is C:/tmp. unix_platform_prefix Specifies the directory on the endpoint in which the 4690 Package is stored temporarily. You can change this default if there is not enough space on the target drive. This variable specifies a path that is prepended to all of the file names in the 4690 package. The default is /tmp.

Note: There are many other variables with standard values in the export file which should not usually be changed. Exporting a 4690 Package To export the 4690 package from the desktop, do the following: 1. Right-click the 4690 package icon and select Export. The Export 4690 Package Definition dialog is displayed. 2. Select the host, path, and file in which the exported package should be saved or specify a directory path and file name in the Path Name field and click Set Path. 3. Click Export & Close or Export and then Close.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 61 You can edit the newly created or updated export file using a text editor. After you have made your changes, save and close the file. Importing a 4690 Package To import a 4690 package from the desktop, do the following: 1. Right-click the 4690 package icon and select Import. The Import 4690 Package Definition dialog is displayed. 2. Select the host, path, and file name of an exported text file, or specify a directory path and file name in the Path Name field and click Set Path. 3. Click Import & Close or Import and then Close.

The profile is converted into a 4690 package that is ready for distribution.

62 Version 2.0 6 Scanning Inventory

The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager inventory component enables you to inventory the hardware and software configurations of your 4690 controllers and their attached terminals. It uses profiles to scan the environment for hardware and software information, and then stores it in a database.

This chapter explains how to: ¶ Configure the Inventory configuration repository for each of the supported databases (see “Installing the Inventory Configuration Schema” on page 64) Inventory Scanning 6. ¶ Install queries (see “Installing Inventory Queries” on page 68) ¶ Create 4690 Inventory profiles (see “Creating 4690 Inventory Profiles” on page 70) ¶ Customize 4690 Inventory profiles (see “Customizing 4690 Inventory Profiles” on page 70) ¶ Distribute 4690 Inventory profiles (see “Setting Subscribers and Distributing 4690 Inventory Profiles” on page 71) ¶ Query the 4690 inventory database (see “Querying the 4690 Inventory Information” on page 73)

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 63 Installing the Inventory Configuration Schema To work with 4690 inventory information, the tables that contain data specific to 4690 controllers need to be created in the Tivoli Inventory database. You create the tables by running an SQL script from a database client. The following table lists the name of the script file for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager for each database.

Database Script DB2 ibm4690_db2_schema.sql Informix ibm4690_infx_schema.sql MS SQL ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.sql Oracle ibm4690_ora_schema.sql Sybase ibm4690_syb_schema.sql

“Inventory Tables, Views, and Queries” on page 103 lists the tables and views for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component.

After you have met certain requirements (see “Before You Install the Configuration Schema”), you can define the tables and views for: ¶ DB2 (see “Installing the DB2 Configuration Schema” on page 65) ¶ Informix (see “Installing the Informix Configuration Schema” on page 66) ¶ MS SQL (see “Installing the MS SQL Configuration Schema” on page 66) ¶ Oracle (see “Installing the Oracle Configuration Schema” on page 67) ¶ Sybase (see “Installing the Sybase Configuration Schema” on page 67) Before You Install the Configuration Schema Before you can install the configuration schema for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager in the Tivoli Inventory configuration repository: ¶ Tivoli Inventory must be installed on the TMR server.

64 Version 2.0 ¶ A relational database management system (RDBMS) must be installed and configured. ¶ An RDBMS Interface Module (RIM) host, for communicating with the RDBMS, must be set up. ¶ The Tivoli Inventory configuration repository must be created and the schema must be installed. Installing the DB2 Configuration Schema To install the DB2 configuration schema: 1. Copy the ibm4690_db2_schema.sql script from the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RIP/SCRIPTS/RDBMS directory on the TMR server to a temporary directory in which you can run DB2 on the DB2 server or the RIM host. 2. Create a connection to the DB2 server database with this command: db2 connect to database_name user user_name using password where: database_name Specifies the name or alias name of the Tivoli Inventory .Sann Inventory Scanning 6. database. user_name Specifies the name of the user who owns the Tivoli Inventory database. password Specifies the password of the user specified by user_name. 3. From the temporary directory into which you copied the ibm4690_db2_schema.sql script, run the script with this command: db2 -f ibm4690_db2_schema.sql -o -t -z ibm4690_db2_schema.log This script adds Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager tables to the Tivoli Inventory database, directs the output to the screen, and logs the output in a file named ibm4690_db2_schema.log.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 65 Installing the Informix Configuration Schema To configure the Informix configuration schema: 1. Verify that you have set at least 20,000 locks in the onconfig file before you run the script to install the schema. This is also the minimum number of locks necessary for Inventory. 2. Copy the ibm4690_infx_schema.sql script from the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RIP/SCRIPTS/RDBMS directory to a temporary directory in which you can run Informix on the Informix server. 3. From the directory that now contains the script, run the ibm4690_infx_schema.sql script. Enter the following command: dbaccess db_name @$INFORMIXSERVER ibm4690_infx_schema.sql where db_name is the name of the Inventory configuration repository. This script adds Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager tables to the Tivoli Inventory database. Installing the MS SQL Configuration Schema To install the MS SQL configuration schema:

Note: You must run the script as the RDBMS user tivoli. 1. Copy the ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.sql script from the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RIP/SCRIPTS/RDBMS directory on the TMR server to a temporary directory on the RIM host or the RDBMS server. 2. From the temporary directory into which you copied the ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.sql script, run the script with this command: isql -U tivoli [-P password] -i ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.sql -o ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.log where password is the RDBMS password for the MS SQL server user tivoli.

66 Version 2.0 This script adds Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager tables to the Tivoli Inventory database, directs the output to the screen, and logs the output in a file named ibm4690_ms_sql_schema.log. Installing the Oracle Configuration Schema To install the Oracle configuration schema: 1. Copy the ibm4690_ora_schema.sql script from the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RIP/SCRIPTS/RDBMS directory on the TMR server to a temporary directory on the RIM host or the RDBMS server. 2. From the temporary directory into which you copied the ibm4690_ora_schema.sql script, start an SQL *Plus session and log in to the RDBMS server as the RDBMS user tivoli using this command: sqlplus tivoli/password where password is the RDBMS password for the Oracle user tivoli. 3. To specify a file in which to capture the log information, use this command:

spool ibm4690_ora_schema.log Inventory Scanning 6. 4. In the SQL *Plus session, run the ibm4690_ora_schema.sql script using this command: @ibm4690_ora_schema.sql The script installs the configuration repository tables and views for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager and logs the results in a log file named ibm4690_ora_schema.log. Installing the Sybase Configuration Schema To install the Sybase configuration schema: 1. Copy the ibm4690_syb_schema.sql script from the $BINDIR/TDM/TM4R/TM4RIP/SCRIPTS/RDBMS directory to a temporary directory in which you can run Informix on the Informix server.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 67 2. From the temporary directory into which you copied the ibm4690_syb_schema.sql script, run the script with this command: isql -U tivoli [-P password] -i ibm4690_syb_schema.sql -o ibm4690_syb_schema.log where password is the RDBMS password for the Sybase server user tivoli. This script adds Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager tables to the Tivoli Inventory database, directs the output to the screen, and logs the output in a file named ibm4690_syb_schema.log.

Installing Inventory Queries To access the information gathered by an Inventory hardware or software scan, use the TME 10 Framework query facility. Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component provides a set of pre-defined queries-the IBM4690_QUERIES. You install these queries when you run the ibm4690_invquery.sh script, which is provided with Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component. The script creates a query library that contains a set of queries designed to access the 4690 information that Inventory stores in the configuration repository.

Run the script on the TMR server for the TMR on which you want to use the queries. Because queries and query libraries must have unique names in a TMR, you can have only one set of the Inventory queries in a TMR or in a set of interconnected TMRs.

See “Inventory Queries” on page 111 for a description of the queries that the ibm4690_invquery.sh script creates.

The following table provides the authorization roles required to create the Inventory queries:

Operation Context Role Create Inventory Policy region admin, senior, or super queries

68 Version 2.0 Complete the following steps to run the ibm4690_invquery.sh script: 1. Select the policy region in which you want to create the query libraries. 2. Ensure that you have set managed resources in the policy region to include QueryLibrary. 3. Verify that your Tivoli environment is set. If not, run the following shell scripts: For UNIX: /etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh For Windows NT: /winnt/system32/drivers/etc/Tivoli/setup_env.sh 4. Run the script by entering the following: ibm4690_invquery.sh region_name [query_library_name] where: region_name Specifies the name of the policy region in which the query library is created.

query_library_name Inventory Scanning 6. Specifies a different name for the query library than the default included with the script.

Once you have run the script, you have a new query library icon in your policy region window as shown in the following example:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 69 Creating 4690 Inventory Profiles Inventory profiles determine what inventory information is collected.

Note: Before you can create a 4690 profile, you must set managed resources in the policy region to include IBM4690InventoryProfile.

To create a new inventory profile that scans 4690 controllers: 1. In the profile manager where you want to create the profile, click Create → Profile to display the Create Profile dialog. 2. Type a unique name for the profile and select IBM4690InventoryProfile in the Type list. 3. Click Create & Close.

Customizing 4690 Inventory Profiles The default inventory profile selects options that run the inventory scanner to collect all types of inventory information for 4690 controllers.

Customize the profile for 4690 controllers by using the Customize IBM 4690 Inventory Profile dialog. Do the following: 1. In the Profile Manager window, right-click the IBM 4690 Inventory Profile icon and select Customize. 2. The Customize IBM 4690 Inventory Profile dialog is displayed.

70 Version 2.0 3. Check any or all of the Hardware Scan, Software Scan,or PCF Scan check boxes in the Customize IBM 4690 Inventory Profile dialog. Hardware Scan Returns hardware information about 4690 controllers and the attached terminals. Software Scan Returns a list of all files that are in the 4690 controller.

Note: This scan can take a long time to complete and can generate a large amount of data. If your applications were installed with ASM, you should use the PCF scan. PCF Scan Returns 4690 PCF file data. This data is a record of all ASM-installed software products on the 4690. 4. Click Save & Close to distribute the profiles and run the scans.

Setting Subscribers and Distributing 4690 Inventory Profiles Inventory Scanning 6. To collect 4690 inventory information, you must distribute a 4690 inventory profile.

You need to ensure that the targets of the distribution are subscribed to the profile manager that contains the 4690 profile. Notes: 1. Before you use the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component to scan 4690 controllers, you must scan the endpoints to which the 4690 controllers are connected. 2. You can distribute the profile to a hierarchy of profile managers as long as the ultimate subscribers are device groups containing 4690 controllers. Otherwise, the distribution will fail. In the Profile Manager window, distribute the 4690 Inventory profile in one of the following ways:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 71 ¶ Drag the 4690 Inventory profile icon onto the icon on the Subscribers group box. With this method, you can distribute to only one group of subscribers at a time. ¶ To distribute to groups of subscribers at a time, discover the subscribers as follows: 1. Right-click the IBM 4690 Inventory Profile icon and select Distribute. 2. The Distribute IBM 4690 Inventory Profile dialog is displayed. Move the subscribers from the Available Subscribers list to the Distribute Inventory Profile To list.

3. Click Distribute & Close, or to schedule the distribution to run at a later time, click Schedule (for more information, see the TME 10 Inventory User’s Guide.) The devices on each endpoint included in the subscribers list will be scanned according to the policy that you specified when you enabled the devices for Inventory.

72 Version 2.0 Querying the 4690 Inventory Information You can use the queries provided by Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component to look at the inventory information collected for your 4690 controllers by doing the following: 1. Double-click the IBM4690_QUERIES icon in the policy region to open the IBM4690_QUERIES window.

2. Right-click on a query, and then select Run Query. The query is run with the default values. To see which columns are included in the query, see the appropriate query in “Inventory Queries” on Inventory Scanning 6. page 111. 3. You can change the default values for the supplied queries by right-clicking on the query and selecting Edit Query. The Edit Query dialog is displayed. For more information on editing or creating your own queries, see the TME 10 Inventory User’s Guide.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 73 74 Version 2.0 .UigCommands Using 7. 7 Using Commands

Commands provided with Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager enable you to manage your 4690 controllers from a central location as follows: ¶ Set up your environment (see “Setting Up the Command Environment”) ¶ Run a command or program on a controller (see “Running a Command or Program on the Controller” on page 76) ¶ Start the event monitor service on a controller (see “Starting the Event Monitor Service on the Controller” on page 76) ¶ Stop the event monitor service on a controller (see “Stopping the Event Monitor Service on the Controller” on page 77) ¶ Transfer a file from a controller (see “Transferring a File from a Controller” on page 77) ¶ Transfer a file to a controller (see “Transferring a File to a Controller” on page 77) ¶ Manage the attributes of a 4690 event monitor configuration profile (see “Getting or Setting 4690 Event Monitor Configuration Profile Attributes” on page 77)

Setting Up the Command Environment To enable commands to run on an endpoint, run the appropriate shell script to set up your environment.

Operating Location of Setup File File Name System UNIX /etc/Tivoli/lcf lcf_env.sh or lcf_env.csh

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 75 Operating Location of Setup File File Name System Windows NT %SystemRoot%\Tivoli\lcf. lcf_env.cmd or %SystemRoot% is set by the lcf_env.sh Windows NT operating system and is the directory where the Windows NT installation resides, which is usually at c:\winnt.

For UNIX or Windows NT BASH, use lcf_env.sh

Note: When you run these commands in the UNIX or Windows NT BASH shell environment, prefix the command with a period and a space; for example, . lcf_env.sh.

Running a Command or Program on the Controller To run a command or program on a 4690 controller, use the wtrrun command. For a description of the command, see “wtrrun” on page 89. For more information about running commands or programs on the 4690 controller, refer to the 4690 Operating System User’s Guide.

Starting the Event Monitor Service on the Controller To start the event monitor service on a 4690 controller, use the wtrstart command. For a description of the command, see “wtrstart” on page 91. Notes: 1. You can also configure the event monitor service to start automatically when the operating system on the controller is started. For more information, see “Defining 4690 Controllers” on page 26. 2. The event monitor service is started as a background application.

76 Version 2.0 .UigCommands Using 7. Stopping the Event Monitor Service on the Controller To stop the event monitor service on a 4690 controller, use the wtrstop command. For a description of the command, see “wtrstop” on page 92.

Transferring a File from a Controller To retrieve a file from a 4690 controller, use the wtrget command. For a description of the command, see “wtrget” on page 85.

Transferring a File to a Controller To copy a file to a 4690 controller, use the wtrput command. For a description of the command and its parameters, see “wtrput” on page 87.

Getting or Setting 4690 Event Monitor Configuration Profile Attributes To get or set the attributes of a 4690 event monitor configuration profile, use the wtrevmoncfg command. For a description of the command and its parameters, see “wtrevmoncfg” on page 82.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 77 78 Version 2.0 A CLI Commands

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides several command line interface (CLI) commands that enable you to run a command or program on a controller, transfer files to or from a controller, and to control or configure the event monitor service on a controller.

Tivoli Device Manager provides two commands, wdevgrp and wdevice, which are used with Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager. wdevgrp defines device groups and defines or modifies which 4690 controllers are part of a group. wdevice lists device types, devices, and device details, or manages the device database. They are included here for reference.

This appendix describes the command line syntax (see “Command Line Syntax” on page 81) and the commands.

The following table lists the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager and Tivoli Device Manager commands: .CICommands CLI A.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 79 Program Command Purpose Tivoli “wtrevmoncfg” on Runs on a TMR server. Gets or sets the Point-of-Sale page 82 attributes of a 4690 event monitor Manager configuration profile “wtrget” on page 85 Runs on a Tivoli endpoint. Retrieves a file from a 4690 controller “wtrput” on page 87 Runs on a Tivoli endpoint. Copies a file to a 4690 controller “wtrrun” on page 89 Runs on a Tivoli endpoint. Runs a command or program on a 4690 controller “wtrstart” on page 91 Runs on a Tivoli endpoint. Starts the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service on a 4690 controller “wtrstop” on page 92 Runs on a Tivoli endpoint. Stops the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service on a 4690 controller Tivoli Device “wdevgrp” on page 93 Runs on a TMR server. Defines device groups Manager and defines or modifies which 4690 controllers are part of a group. “wdevice” on page 95 Runs on a TMR server. Lists device types, devices, and device details, or manages the device database. For the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, the device type is always IBM4690.

Notes: 1. The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager commands must be run from the endpoint where Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is running, and the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent must be running on the controller to which the commands are to be sent. 2. Ensure that you have set up the command environment; see “Setting Up the Command Environment” on page 75. 3. All of the commands listed in the table are run from the Tivoli command line. 4. Command parameters are case-sensitive.

80 Version 2.0 Command Line Syntax These special characters are used to define the command syntax: [] Brackets identify optional arguments. Arguments not enclosed in brackets are required. ... Indicates that you can specify multiple values for the previous argument. | Indicates mutually exclusive information. You can use the argument to the left or to the right of the separator. You cannot use both arguments in a single use of the command. {} Limits a set of mutually exclusive arguments when one of the arguments is required. If the arguments are optional, they are enclosed in [ ] (brackets). .CICommands CLI A.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 81 wtrevmoncfg SYNOPSIS wtrevmoncfg -o get -p profile

wtrevmoncfg -o set -p profile [-n ...][-s MANUAL | AUTOMATIC][[-e event[:threshold:interval]]...]

For online command help: wtrevmoncfg ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a TMR server. It gets or sets the attributes of a 4690 event monitor configuration profile. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. Parameters get Displays the contents of the specified profile. set Sets the parameters for the specified profile. -p profile Specifies the path to an event monitor configuration profile in one of the following ways: @IBM4690EventMonitorConfigApplication:profile_name or the full path from /Regions/region_name/profile_manager_name/profile -n Specifies that all 4690 events of a particular severity are to be monitored, where n is the 4690 event severity: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. More than one severity can be specified. -s MANUAL | AUTOMATIC Specifies whether the event monitor is to be started automatically when the 4690 controller is restarted, where: MANUAL Indicates that the event monitor is not to be started automatically.

82 Version 2.0 AUTOMATIC Indicates that the event monitor is to be started automatically. This is the default. -e event[:threshold:interval] ... Specifies that a specific 4690 event is to be monitored, where: event Specifies the 4690 event, such as W619. threshold Specifies an optional threshold for the event. interval If the threshold is set, specifies an optional interval in number of seconds. Notes: 1. If either threshold or interval is specified, then the other value must be specified as well. 2. If neither threshold or interval is specified, then every event will be forwarded to the TEC event server. 3. In order to add multiple events with thresholds and intervals, the -e option has to be repeated for each one (see the examples). Examples This example sets the following parameters for the profile named Events: ¶ Event W619 is to be monitored. Because threshold and interval are not specified, the default values of 0 apply (and every occurrence will be sent to TEC). ¶ Event W620 is to be monitored. The threshold value is set to 3, and the interval is set to 15.

¶ All 4690 events of severity 1 or 2 are to be monitored. Commands CLI A. ¶ The event monitor is not to be started automatically. wtrevmoncfg -o set -p \ /Admin/Root_xyzPR/xyzPR/Event/Events \ -e W619 -e W620:3:15 -1 -2 -s Manual

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 83 This example shows the contents of the Events profile:

wtrevmoncfg -o get -p \


The following output is displayed: version = 1 profile = Events start = Manual Event: W619:0:0 Event: W620:3:15 Severity 1 = True Severity 2 = True Severity 3 = False Severity 4 = False Severity 5 = False

84 Version 2.0 wtrget SYNOPSIS wtrget -d destination -r remote_file_path -l local_file_path [-f]

For online command help: wtrget ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a Tivoli endpoint. It retrieves a file from a 4690 controller. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure.

Note: Ctrl+C stops the command at the managed node but does not stop the file transfer operation that was started by the command. Parameters -d destination Specifies the destination from which the file is to be retrieved. This field is entered as a controller name such as M-FS. -r remote_file_path Specifies the full file path on the controller from which the file is being retrieved. -l local_file_path Specifies the full file path where the file is to be stored locally on the endpoint. -f If the local file already exists, forces the local file to be overwritten. Examples This example retrieves the c:\tmp\data.txt file from the controller named M-FS and stores it on the local system as c:\temp\data.txt: wtrget -d M-FS -r c:\tmp\data.txt -l c:\temp\data.txt .CICommands CLI A.

When the file is retrieved, you see the following message: The file c:\tmp\data.txt was received.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 85 SEE ALSO “wtrput” on page 87

86 Version 2.0 wtrput SYNOPSIS wtrput -d destination -l local_file_path -r remote_file_path [-f]

For online command help: wtrput ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a Tivoli endpoint. It copies a file to a 4690 controller. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. Notes: 1. This command is not intended to be used for software distribution. 2. Ctrl+C stops the command at the managed node but does not stop the file transfer operation that was started by the command. Parameters -d destination Specifies the destination to which the file is to be copied. This field is entered as a controller name such as M-FS. -l local_file_path Specifies the full file path where the file is stored locally on the endpoint. -r remote_file_path Specifies the full file path on the controller to which the file is to be copied. -f If the remote file already exists, forces the remote file to be overwritten. When this option is used, the wtrrun command does not preserve nondefault file attributes.

Examples Commands CLI A. This example copies the c:\temp\data.txt file from the local system and stores it as c:\tmp\data.txt on the controller named M-FS: wtrput -d M-FS -l c:\temp\data.txt -r c:\tmp\data.txt

When the file is retrieved, you see the following message:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 87 The file c:\temp\data.txt was sent. SEE ALSO “wtrget” on page 85

88 Version 2.0 wtrrun SYNOPSIS wtrrun -d destination “command_line”

For online command help: wtrrun ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a Tivoli endpoint. It runs a command or program on a 4690 controller and displays the output from the command or program. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. Notes: 1. This command should not be used to run a background or interactive program. 2. Ctrl+C stops the command at the managed node but does not stop the program that was started by the command. 3. The wtrrun command will time out after 30 minutes. To enable a command or program to run longer than 30 minutes, change the wtrrun timeout value in the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R/tmretail.xml file on the endpoint. In that file, change the number 30 in the following parameter to the appropriate value, specified in minutes: 30 Parameters -d destination Specifies the destination on which the 4690 command or program is to be run. This field is entered as a controller name such as M-FS. command_line

Specifies the 4690 command that is to be run. The command Commands CLI A. line must be one that is accepted by the 4690 command shell. If the command line includes options, then it must be typed within quotes.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 89 Examples This example lists the version of the 4690 Operating System running on the controller named M-FS: wtrrun -d M-FS

and returns output similar to the following: 4690 OS FlexOS-386 Release 2.3

This example lists the contents of the \tmp directory of the same controller: wtrrun -d M-FS “ \tmp”

and returns output similar to the following: Volume in drive h0: is IBM4690C Directory of h0:TMP/


7-22-2000 4:34p .. 7-22-2000 4:34p MYPROGRM 286 138000 7-22-2000 4:28p TEMPDATA TXT 45328 7-22-2000 5:24p PROGRAM2 286 186128 7-22-2000 5:28p

6 Files 14184448 bytes free

90 Version 2.0 wtrstart SYNOPSIS wtrstart -d destination EVENTMON

For online command help: wtrstart ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a Tivoli endpoint. It starts the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service as a background application on a 4690 controller. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. Parameters -d destination Specifies the destination on which the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service is to be started. This field is entered as a controller name such as M-FS. EVENTMON Specifies that the event monitor service is to be started. Examples This example starts the event monitor service on the controller named M-FS: wtrstart -d M-FS EVENTMON

When the service is started, you see the following message: The service EVENTMON was started. SEE ALSO “wtrstop” on page 92 .CICommands CLI A.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 91 wtrstop SYNOPSIS wtrstop -d destination EVENTMON

For online command help: wtrstop ? DESCRIPTION This command runs on a Tivoli endpoint. It stops the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service on a 4690 controller. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. Parameters -d destination Specifies the destination on which the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager service is to be stopped. This field is entered as a controller name such as M-FS. EVENTMON Specifies that the event monitor service is to be stopped. Examples This example stops the event monitor service on the controller named M-FS: wtrstop -d M-FS EVENTMON

When the service is stopped, you see the following message: The service EVENTMON was stopped. SEE ALSO “wtrstart” on page 91

92 Version 2.0 wdevgrp Defines device groups and defines or modifies which 4690 controllers are part of a group. SYNOPSIS wdevgrp new device_type group_name policy_region

wdevgrp ls [group_name]

wdevgrp subscribe group_name device_label ...

wdevgrp unsubscribe group_name device_label ... DESCRIPTION The wdevgrp command is run at the TMR server or at a managed node. It is strongly recommended that you not use this command on devices in remote TMRs if the Device Manager is installed in the remote TMRs, because this can cause inconsistencies in data related to the devices in the TMRs in which they are defined.

The admin role is required for all wdevgrp commands, except devgrp new, which requires the senior role. Parameters new device_type group_name policy_region Creates a group of devices of the type that you specify with the name and in the policy region that you specify. For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, device_type is IBM4690. ls Lists device groups. If you are working with interconnected regions, this argument lists the device groups of remote regions also. ls group_name Lists the devices that belong to the group that you specify. Commands CLI A. subscribe group_name device_label Adds the specified device to the group. unsubscribe group_name device_label Removes the device from the group.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 93 device_type Specifies the type of device to be grouped. group_name Specifies the label of the device group. device_label Specifies the label of the device. policy_region Specifies the name of the policy region in which the new group exists. EXAMPLE To create a group of 4690 controllers called ABC, in the XYZ policy region, enter the following: wdevgrp new IBM4690 ABC XYZ

To list existing device groups: wdevgrp ls

To list the devices that belong to the group called ABC, enter the following: wdevgrp ls ABC

To add the 4690 controller called DEV1 to the device group called ABC, enter the following: wdevgrp subscribe ABC DEV1

To remove the 4690 controller called DEV1 from the device group called ABC, enter the following: wdevgrp unsubscribe ABC DEV1

94 Version 2.0 wdevice Lists device types, devices, and device details, or manages the device database. For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, the device type is always IBM4690. SYNOPSIS wdevice ls [device_type[device_label ...]]

wdevice add [–f]{–F file | device_type device_label device_manager local_address... }

wdevice add [–f] device_type device_label device_manager local_address ″other information″

wdevice remove [[device_type device_label] ...]

wdevice edit device_type device_label [–l new_label][–m new_device_manager][–a new_local_address]

wdevice backup pathname

wdevice restore pathname DESCRIPTION The wdevice command is run at the TMR server or at a managed node. It is strongly recommended that you not use this command on devices in remote TMRs if the Device Manager is installed in the remote TMRs, because this can cause inconsistencies in data related to the devices in the TMRs in which they are defined.

The admin role is required for all wdevice commands. Parameters

ls device_type Commands CLI A. Lists devices of the type that you specify. For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, device_type is IBM4690. add Adds or creates one or more devices in Tivoli Device Manager.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 95 remove Removes one or more devices from Tivoli Device Manager. edit Modifies the device label, the endpoint, or the local address of the 4690 controller for a device in Tivoli Device Manager: . backup pathname Backs up the device database to the directory that you specify. If you do not specify a local path, the backup file is stored in the $DBDIR directory. restore pathname Restore the device database from the directory that you specify. device_label Indicates the name of the device. –l new_label Indicates the new name of the device. –m new_device_manager Indicates the new endpoint to which the device is connected. –a new_local_address Indicates the new IP address of the 4690 controller. –f Forces a new label for a device if the label specified already exists in Tivoli Device Manager. For example, if you add a device named DEV1 when a device of the same name already exists, the device that you are adding is given a consecutively numbered label, DEV1-1. If you do not specify –f, the new device will not be defined in Tivoli Device Manager. –F file Indicates that the devices to be created are listed in the file specified. Devices must be listed in the following format:

device_type device_label device_manager local_address device_type The type of device. For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, the type is always IBM4690.

96 Version 2.0 device_manager Indicates the endpoint to which the device is connected. local_address The IP address of the 4690 controller.

Note: If you want to use other than the default port number at the 4690 controller for communication with the endpoint, specify the desired port number after the IP address as follows, where xxxx is the desired port number: EXAMPLE To list all devices, enter the following: wdevice ls

To list devices of the type IBM4690, enter the following: wdevice ls IBM4690

To remove a 4690 controller named XF, enter the following: wdevice remove IBM4690 XF

To add a 4690 controller named XF with IP address to the endpoint named ABC-endpoint, enter the following: wdevice add IBM4690 XF ABC-endpoint .CICommands CLI A.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 97 98 Version 2.0 B Event Classes and Rules

This appendix describes the event classes that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager defines. It also describes rules, which can be used to correlate events with responses.

Event Classes Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager provides these TEC event classes: ¶ Retail events ¶ 4690 events (see “4690 Events” on page 100) Retail Events Retail_Event is a subclass of the base event in TEC that defines all Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager events that are forwarded to the TEC event server. For events pertaining to Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, the event log adapter maps the fields in the event to the TEC slots as follows:

Retail_Event Fields TEC Event Slots - application (Retail Server) Controller name configured in the controller_name Administrator .EetCassand Classes Event B. Date and time of the event date generated on the server Message ID and text msg Rules Message ID msg_num - source (Retail)

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 99 Retail_Event Fields TEC Event Slots - sub_source (Heartbeat) Retail server version version

4690 Events The 4690_Event class defines the events from 4690 controllers that are forwarded to the TEC event server. The event log adapter maps the fields in the event from the controller to the TEC slots as follows:

4690_Event Fields TEC Event Slots - application (Event Monitor) 4690 controller ID controller_id Date and time of the event generated on date the 4690 4690 event number event_num 4690 message ID and text; or event msg monitor message ID (AMRxxxxy) and, if applicable, a parameter 4690 message ID; or event monitor msg_num message ID (AMRxxxxy) - source (4690) 4690 store ID store_id 4690 source number; or event monitor sub_source error parameter, if applicable 4690 terminal number terminal_num Event monitor version version 4690 message severity: 4690_severity: ¶ 1 ¶ FATAL ¶ 2 ¶ CRITICAL ¶ 3 ¶ MINOR ¶ 4 ¶ WARNING ¶ 5 ¶ HARMLESS

100 Version 2.0 For information about 4690 messages, refer to the 4690 Operating System Messages Guide. For information about the event monitor messages, see “Messages” on page 133.

Rules Rules correlate specific events or sets of events with automated responses. You can write rules that are tailored for your installation. Refer to the TME 10 Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide for information about using the TEC graphical rule editor to create rules to match your specific event-management needs. .EetCassand Classes Event B. Rules

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 101 102 Version 2.0 C Inventory Tables, Views, and Queries

This appendix lists the tables, views, and queries included in the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, Version 2.0, configuration repository schema.

Note: When you run the make table script, as described in “Installing the Inventory Configuration Schema” on page 64, any existing inventory tables are overwritten.

DB2 and Informix Tables, Views, and Columns DB2 and Informix restrict database table, view, and column names to 18 characters. As a result, the Inventory configuration repository schema for DB2 and Informix have truncated versions of the table, view, and column names described in this appendix.

Use the following table to compare the naming conventions designed for DB2 and Informix configuration repositories with the standard naming conventions for the other supported RDBMS configuration repositories. Use these abbreviations when creating custom tables in Views, Tables, Inventory C. DB2 and Informix configuration repositories.

Standard Name DB2/Informix Name Queries and CHANGE CHG CONFIG CFG HARDWARE HWARE

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 103 Standard Name DB2/Informix Name SYSTEM SYS

Inventory Tables This section lists the tables for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager in the inventory configuration repository. For each table, there is a description and a list of the columns. Columns in the primary key are denoted by an asterisk (*). A primary key consists of the column or columns that uniquely identify a row. AMR_SYS_INFO Definition 4690 hardware system information table Columns HARDWARE_SYSTEM_ID* CONFIG_CHANGE_TYPE* CONFIG_CHANGE_TIME* TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL* AMR_PRODUCT AMR_SER_NUM AMR_SYS_NAME AMR_MACHINE AMR_PROCESSOR_TYPE AMR_LAN_TYPE AMR_VID_COLOR AMR_MEM Definition 4690 memory information table Columns HARDWARE_SYSTEM_ID*









Inventory Views This section lists the pre-defined views provided with the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component and the columns included in each. AMR_SYS_INFO_VIEW Definition 4690 hardware system information view Columns TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL AMR_PRODUCT AMR_SER_NUM AMR_SYS_NAME AMR_MACHINE AMR_PROCESSOR_TYPE AMR_LAN_TYPE AMR_VID_COLOR CONFIG_CHANGE_TIME AMR_MEM_VIEW Definition 4690 memory information view Columns TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL






Inventory Queries The section lists the pre-defined queries provided with the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component and the columns

included in each. These queries are created using the Views, Tables, Inventory C. ibm4690_invquery.sh script; for more information, see “Installing Inventory Queries” on page 68. AMR_SYS_INFO Queries and Definition 4690 hardware system information query Columns





Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 113 AMR_TERM_INFO Definition 4690 terminal device information query Columns TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL AMR_TERMINAL_ID AMR_TERM_DEV_TYPE AMR_TERM_DEV_EC CONFIG_CHANGE_TIME AMR_SW_FILES Definition 4690 software information query Columns TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL AMR_SW_FILE_NAME AMR_SW_FILE_TIME AMR_SW_FILE_DATE AMR_SW_FILE_SIZE AMR_SW_FILE_PATH CONFIG_CHANGE_TIME AMR_4690_PROD Definition 4690 ASM-installed product information query Columns TIVOLI_DEV_LABEL AMR_PRODUCT_ID AMR_PRODUCT_NAME AMR_PRODUCT_REL AMR_PRODUCT_CD

114 Version 2.0 AMR_MAINT_LEVEL AMR_APPLIED_TIME AMR_PTF_NUM AMR_EFIX_NUM CONFIG_CHANGE_TIME .IvnoyTbe,Views, Tables, Inventory C. n Queries and

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 115 116 Version 2.0 D Finding and Correcting Problems

This appendix describes techniques for troubleshooting problems encountered using Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager to manage 4690 controllers. It includes information about: ¶ Common troubleshooting techniques (see “Common Troubleshooting Techniques”) ¶ Handling event management problems (see “Troubleshooting TEC Problems” on page 122 ¶ Handling software distribution problems (see “Troubleshooting Software Distribution Problems” on page 125). ¶ Handling inventory problems (see “Troubleshooting Inventory Scan Problems” on page 126). ¶ Starting traces (see “Enabling Tracing” on page 127)

Common Troubleshooting Techniques This section describes general troubleshooting techniques that can be used for most Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager problems. When you

encounter a problem, use these techniques first to try to solve the Correcting and Finding D. problem. These techniques involve checking: ¶ 4690 controllers (see “Checking 4690 Controllers” on page 118 ) ¶ Endpoints (see “Checking Endpoints” on page 119) Problems ¶ Gateways (see “Checking Gateways” on page 120) ¶ The TMR server (see “Checking the TMR Server” on page 121)

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 117 ¶ Connectivity (see “Checking Connectivity” on page 121) Checking 4690 Controllers To check a 4690 controller: ¶ Ensure that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager has been configured at the controller. For more information, see “Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller” on page 25. ¶ Ensure that the controller has been defined at the TMR server. For more information, see “Defining 4690 Controllers” on page 26. ¶ Ensure that the address book file (addrbook.xml) is present on the controller in the TMRETAIL: directory (either /ADX_IPGM or /ADX_UPGM, depending on where you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager) and that it contains the correct IP address and port number. Verify that the port number in the controller’s address book file matches the port number for this 4690 controller in the address book file for the endpoint that manages this controller. If you are trying to create the controller and the port number is not set to the default (2020), you can reset the address book, if necessary, by issuing this command at the controller: TMRETAIL:AMRSETUP /F ¶ Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent is running by checking the Background Applications panel. If the Retail Agent is present and is not active, start it by highlighting it and clicking PF7. For information on defining the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent, see “Configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 Controller” on page 25. ¶ Ensure that the controller has been added to a device group and that the device group is subscribed to the profile you are trying to distribute. For more information on defining device groups, see “Grouping 4690 Controllers” on page 30. ¶ Make sure that the file system on the 4690 controller is not full. ¶ If the agent stops abnormally at a controller running Version 1 of the 4690 Operating System, restart it immediately by restarting

118 Version 2.0 the operating system or wait about 15 minutes and restart it from the background application control panel.

Note: If the installation program ends prematurely at a 4690 controller, save the C:/ADXNSAP.LOG and C:/ADX_SDT1\ADXCSHSF.DAT files. These files can help with diagnosing installation problems if you need to call Tivoli Customer Support. Checking Endpoints To check an endpoint: ¶ Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server (Tivoli Retail Server) is running. On AIX or Solaris, issue the ps –ef command and look for AMRServer. On Windows NT, use the Task Manager, and, on the Processes tab, look for AMRServer.exe. If the Retail Server is not running, get the OID of the endpoint using the wep ls command, and then start the server as follows:

idlcall endpoint_OID TM4RAPPMGR::ibm4690Config::startServer ¶ If you do not see the Retail Server, verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is installed and configured on the endpoint: v Check the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R/bin directory for the binaries, particularly AMRServer and wtrputad.

Note: These are .exe files on a Windows NT system. v Check the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R directory for the address book file (addrbook.xml) and ensure that it contains the host name and IP address of the endpoint. Correcting and Finding D. v If the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R directory exists but the address book or binary files are not found, the installation is not complete. Try removing the TM4R directory and then Problems defining a 4690 controller, which will recreate the TM4R subdirectory.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 119 Note: Doing this will remove any 4690 controllers that were already defined.

For information on defining 4690 controllers, see (“Defining 4690 Controllers” on page 26. ¶ If you suspect the problem is with the endpoint: v Ensure that the endpoint is logged in to a Tivoli gateway. You can check this and other information about the endpoint, including the endpoint log file, using a Web browser. Use the Endpoint Manager to the IP address and port number for the endpoint, and then point your Web browser at this URL: http:// endpoint_IP_address:endpoint_port_number v Make sure that file system on the endpoint is not full.

Note: The size of the log file (tmretail.log) on the endpoint cannot be set. To prevent the file from becoming too large, you occasionally need to delete the file. v Set up endpoint logging as follows: 1. Change to the $LCF_DATDIR/dat/1 directory. 2. Edit the last.cfg file, set log_threshold to 3, and save the change. 3. Display the log information by pointing your Web browser at this URL: http:// endpoint_IP_address:endpoint_port_number Checking Gateways To check a gateway: ¶ Verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base (Gateway) is installed on the gateway by running the wlsinst –ah command. If it is not installed, install it as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base” on page 12. ¶ Verify that the expected optional components are installed on the gateway by running the wlsinst –ah command. If they are not installed, install them as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14.

120 Version 2.0 Checking the TMR Server Check the TMR server: ¶ Verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base (Server) is installed on the TMR server by running the wlsinst –ah command. If it is not installed, install it as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base” on page 12. You will also need to install any optional components at the TMR server, as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14. ¶ Verify that dependencies have been set properly using this command: wlookup -ar DependencyMgr | grep 4690 You should find at least ibm4690Config-libccms_lcf and ibm4690Config-RMS_lcf. If you do not find these, the installation on the TMR server failed. You will need to install Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base (Server) again, as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base” on page 12. You will also need to install any optional components at the TMR server again, as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14. Checking Connectivity Check the connectivity as follows: ¶ Ensure the connectivity between the TMR server and the gateway associated with the problem, for example, by distributing a profile to the gateway or by using the ping command. ¶ Ensure the connectivity between the TMR server and the endpoint associated with the problem, for example, by distributing a profile to the endpoint or by using the ping Correcting and Finding D. command. ¶ Ensure the connectivity between the endpoint and the 4690 controller associated with the problem, for example, by using the Problems ping or wtrrun command.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 121 Troubleshooting TEC Problems If you are not receiving the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager events on the TEC that you expect, first use the common troubleshooting techniques (see “Common Troubleshooting Techniques” on page 117); then, check: ¶ The controller (see “Checking TEC Problems at 4690 Controllers”) ¶ The event server (see “Checking the Event Server”) ¶ The TMR server (see “Checking TEC Problems at the TMR Server” on page 123) Checking TEC Problems at 4690 Controllers To check event monitoring at a 4690 controller: ¶ Ensure that the event monitor configuration profile has been created and distributed to the controller. To do that, check for the configuration file (services.xml) in the TMRETAIL: directory (either /ADX_IPGM or /ADX_UPGM, depending on where you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager). Check that the event monitoring defined in the configuration file is correct. For more information, see “Configuring the Event Monitor” on page 41. ¶ Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service is running at the controller by checking the Background Applications panel. If the Event Monitor is present and is not active, start it by highlighting it and clicking PF7. For more information, see “Running the Event Monitor Service” on page 45. ¶ Check the level of the 4690 Operating System. If the ADXCSOUP pipe is used for event log access and a program other than the event monitor service is using the ADXCSOUP pipe, event data can be lost. For more information, see “Event Log Access on 4690 Controllers” on page 6. Checking the Event Server To check the event server: ¶ Ensure that the event server is operational.

122 Version 2.0 ¶ Ensure that the event classes are installed and configured on the event server as follows: 1. Enter the wlscurrb command to display the name of the active rule base. 2. Enter the wlsrbclass active_rulebase_namecommand to list the defined event classes. Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event classes Retail_Event and 4690_Event are defined. 3. If the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event classes are not defined, configure the event server as described in “Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Server” on page 38. ¶ Ensure that events are being received at the event server. Enter the wtdumprl command on the event server to display the events in the reception log on the event server. If the events are being received with a parsing_failed message and are coming over as either class Retail_Event or class 4690_Event, but are still not being processed, configure the event server. See “Configuring the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Server” on page 38. Checking TEC Problems at the TMR Server Ensure that event monitoring is set up correctly at the TMR server, as follows: ¶ Verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager is installed on the TMR server by running the wlsinst –ah command. If it is not installed, install is as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14. ¶ If, when you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Base .FnigadCorrecting and Finding D. (Server), either the TEC event server was not installed and configured or the managed node on which the TEC event server is installed was not running, you need to set up event monitoring as follows: Problems 1. From the command line, locate the OID of the application manager’s server class:

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 123 wlookup -r Classes IBM4690DeviceManNotification In the response, the first field is the OID. If, for example, the response is 2060643620.1.733#TMF_SysAdmin::InstanceManager, the OID is 2060643620.1.733. 2. Use the OID to find the instance of that class that is being used: objcall oid _get_members In the response, the first field is the instance that is being used. If, for example, the response is 2060643620.1.739#TM4RAPPMGR::ibm4690DeviceManApp, the instance is 2060643620.1.739. 3. Using that instance, check for the TEC event server: idlattr -t -g instance eventServerLocation string A response of None indicates that the TEC event server was not found. 4. If the TEC event server was not found: a. Set the IP address of the TEC event server, using the same instance: idlattr -t -s instance eventServerLocation string \″IP_address\″ and then verify that the IP address was set: idlattr -t -g instance eventServerLocation string The response should be the IP address you set. For example, the response is "" if you specified as the IP address. b. Set the port for the TEC event server: idlattr -t -s instance eventServerPort short port_number and then verify that the port was set: idlattr -t -g instance eventServerPort short The response should be the port number you set, for example, 5529.

124 Version 2.0 Note: If you do not know the port for the TEC event server, check the $BINDIR/TME/TEC/.tec_config file on the TEC event server. The port is specified in the tec_recv_agent_port tag. For UNIX, the default is 0; for Windows NT, the default is 5529. 5. If the TEC event server was found: a. Check for the port of the TEC event server: idlattr -t -g instance eventServerPort short b. If necessary, set the port for the TEC event server: idlattr -t -s instance eventServerPort short port_number and verify that the port was set: idlattr -t -g instance eventServerPort short The response should be the port number you set, for example, 5529.

Note: If you do not know the port for the TEC event server, check the $BINDIR/TME/TEC/.tec_config file on the TEC event server. The port is specified in the tec_recv_agent_port tag. For UNIX, the default is 0; for Windows NT, the default is 5529.

Troubleshooting Software Distribution Problems If you encounter problems distributing software to 4690 controllers, first use the common troubleshooting techniques (see “Common Troubleshooting Techniques” on page 117); then, do the following: ¶ Verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software Distribution Component (Server) is installed on the TMR server by running the wlsinst –ah command. If it is not installed, install is as .FnigadCorrecting and Finding D. described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14. If the distribution of a 4690 Package fails, go to the Properties ¶ Problems window for that 4690 Package and specify a log file. Check the

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 125 log file for problems with the distribution. When you view the log file, note that it refers to endpoints instead of 4690 controllers. ¶ For more information about troubleshooting software distribution problems, refer to the TME 10 Internals and Problem Determinations (SG24-2034) and the TME 10 Software Distribution User’s Guide.

Troubleshooting Inventory Scan Problems To troubleshoot the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component, first use the common troubleshooting techniques (see “Common Troubleshooting Techniques” on page 117); then, do the following: ¶ Verify that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component is installed on the TMR server and that Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory Component (Gateway) is installed on the gateway by running the wlsinst –ah command. If it is not installed, install is as described in “Installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Optional Components” on page 14. ¶ Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager configuration repository schema have been installed in the Inventory database. See “Installing the Inventory Configuration Schema” on page 64. ¶ At the endpoint: v Ensure that the amrinvpf.xml file was generated. v Check to see if a MIF file was created from the inventory information returned by the 4690 controller. ¶ At the 4690 controller: v Ensure that the amrinvpf.xml file was sent to the controller. It should be located in the TMRETAIL: directory (either /ADX_IPGM or /ADX_UPGM, depending on where you installed Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager). Ensure that the date and timestamp are recent.

126 Version 2.0 v Ensure that the MIF files requested were generated. They should be located in the TMRETAIL: directory. Ensure that the dates and timestamps for these files are recent. ¶ For more information about troubleshooting inventory problems, refer to the TME 10 Internals and Problem Determinations (SG24-2034), Using Databases with Tivoli Applications and RIM (SG24-5112), and the TME 10 Inventory User’s Guide.

Enabling Tracing You can enable tracing for: ¶ The TMR server (see “Enabling Tracing at the TMR Server” ¶ Endpoints (see “Enabling Tracing at Endpoints” on page 129) ¶ 4690 controllers (see “Enabling Tracing at 4690 Controllers” on page 130) ¶ The Inventory database (see “Enabling RIM Tracing” on page 131) Enabling Tracing at the TMR Server You must have the super or senior authorization role to enable tracing.

You can specify a trace level to determine the amount of detail in a trace.

The following table describes the detail that each level of a Tivoli Device Manager trace provides. Setting trace levels higher than 6 for Tivoli Device Manager can cause performance problems in Tivoli Device Manager or its database due to the volume of trace data being logged. Typically, trace levels over 5 should be used only .FnigadCorrecting and Finding D. when requested by Tivoli Customer Support personnel.

Trace Levels for Tivoli Details

Device Manager Problems 0 Provides minimal logging to the log files. This is the default.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 127 Trace Levels for Tivoli Details Device Manager 1 Provides minimal tracing. 2-3 Lists warnings. 4 Lists API entry and messages. 5 Lists internal API entry and exit messages. Includes trace levels 0-5. 6 Lists intermediate code flow and some data traces. 7 Lists data traces, such as flags, parameters, and variables. 8 and higher Lists verbose traces.

For Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, set trace levels to 3, 6, or 9, depending on the amount of logging information you want to collect.

To enable tracing: 1. The output of the trace will be placed in the $DBDIR/TM4RLog file. To ensure that this file exists, use this command: touch $DBDIR/TM4RLog

Note: For Windows NT, use the BASH shell. 2. To create a temporary file for defining the trace, enter: odadmin environ get > temp_filename where temp_filename is the name of the temporary file. 3. To specify tracing for Tivoli Device Manager, add this line, where trace_level is a number indicating the level of the trace information to be logged.: DEVICE_MANAGER_DEBUG_LEVEL= trace_level To specify tracing for Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager, add this line: TM4R_DEBUG_LEVEL=trace_level 4. To start tracing, enter: odadmin environ set < temp_filename

128 Version 2.0 5. Check the $DBDIR/TM4RLog file for the trace output. Enabling Tracing at Endpoints To trace the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Retail Server at an endpoint: 1. Edit the $LCF_DATDIR/TM4R/tmretail.xml file. 2. To log to the display, set STDOUT to TRUE. To log to a TRC file in the same directory, set FILE to TRUE. File your changes.

Note: You cannot use STDOUT for the Retail Server. 3. Tracing begins immediately for commands. To trace the Retail Server, you must stop it: idlcall endpoint_OID TM4RAPPMGR::ibm4690Config::stopServer and then restart it: idlcall endpoint_OID TM4RAPPMGR::ibm4690Config::startServer

Note: To get the OID of the endpoint, use the wep ls command. 4. If you specified tracing to a file, the trace information is placed in the same directory as the tmretail.xml file in the filename.trc file, where filename is the component name of the component being traced, as follows: trserver Retail Server wtrget The wtrget command .FnigadCorrecting and Finding D. wtrput The wtrput command

wtrrun Problems The wtrrun command wtrstart The wtrstart command

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 129 wtrstop The wtrstop command

To trace the endpoint: 1. Edit the $LCF_DATDIR/lcfd.cfg file. 2. Change the value for log_threshold from 1 to 3. 3. File your change. Tracing begins immediately. The output is placed in the $LCF_DATDIR/lcfd.log file. Enabling Tracing at 4690 Controllers To trace the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager at a 4690 controller: 1. To change to the directory where Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager was installed (either /ADX_IPGM or /ADX_UPGM), enter: CD TMRETAIL: 2. Edit the tmretail.xml file. 3. Set FILE to TRUE. 4. Each Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager process has a tag. Set the tags to TRUE for the processes you want to trace, as follows: amragent The Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager agent amrevmon The event monitor service amrfilsv The process used for the wtrget and wtrput commands amr_scan The process used for inventory amrmailm The mailman process amrrunsv The process used for the wtrrun command

130 Version 2.0 Note: You must stop and restart a process for a trace to take affect. 5. File your changes. Tracing of the specified processes begins after you stop and restart those processes. If you specified tracing to a file, the trace information is placed in the same directory as the tmretail.xml file in the process.trc file, where process is the name of the process being traced. Enabling RIM Tracing If you are encountering problems using inventory, you can start a RDBMS Interface Module (RIM) trace. For information, refer to the TME 10 Internals and Problem Determinations (SG24-2034). .FnigadCorrecting and Finding D. Problems

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 131 132 Version 2.0 E Messages

This appendix contains: ¶ Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager messages v “AMR Messages” on page 134 v “AMR:APPMGR Messages” on page 149 v “AMR:EVMONCFG Messages” on page 154 v “AMR:INV Messages” on page 160 v “AMR:SWD Messages” on page 161 ¶ Tivoli Device Manager messages v “ALE:DGUI Messages” on page 168 v “ALE:DM Messages” on page 169 v “ALE:DMDB Messages” on page 189 v “ALE:DMUI Messages” on page 192

Note: To see numbered error messages for all messages except the AMR messages, you need to have Tivoli Framework TMP 3.61 level 3.6.1-TMF-0051 installed. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 133 AMR Messages This section describes the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager messages and the user responses. The message ID is in the form AMRnnnnz, where nnnn is the message number and z indicates the message severity (E for error, W for warning, and I for information).

Note: Some messages are shown only in a TEC event, as noted in the explanation for those messages.

AMR0101E Explanation: The event monitor service could not read from the 4690 pipe. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event.) User Response: Restart the event monitor service. If the problem persists, restart the operating system on the controller.

AMR0102E 4690_return_code Explanation: The event monitor could not open the 4690 pipe because another program is using it, where 4690_return_code is the return code from the operating system. For more information, refer to the 4690 Operating System Messages Guide. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: If the return code indicates that the pipe cannot be accessed because of current usage, stop the other program and start the event monitor service.

AMR0103W number_missing Explanation: Events were lost, where number_missing is the number of events that were lost. The operating system could not write events to the pipe because the pipe was full or because the system had a problem. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: Ensure that the operating system is operating correctly and is not logging excessive numbers of events.

AMR0104W number_failed Explanation: The event monitor was unable to send messages to the server on the managed node, where number_failed is the number of messages that were not sent. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.)

134 Version 2.0 User Response: If the problem persists, check the communication between the agent on the controller and the server on the managed node.

AMR0105W missing_type Explanation: When started, the event monitor was unable to determine the store ID or the controller ID, where missing_type is 1 for a missing store ID or 2 for a missing controller ID. All events sent will have the default store or controller ID, depending on which ID was missing. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: None.

AMR0106E mailbox_error Explanation: The event monitor service has stopped because the mailbox cannot be created or deleted, where mailbox_error is 1 if the mailbox cannot be created or 2 if the mailbox cannot be deleted. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: Restart the event monitor service.

AMR0107W Explanation: The event monitor service cannot open the configuration file. Either the file cannot be found or has been corrupted. No event selection will occur; instead, all events will be sent to the server. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event.) User Response: Using the Administrator, send the configuration file to the controller again.

AMR0108E Explanation: The event monitor service failed to set up the handling for an abnormal stop. If the event monitor service is stopped using Ctrl+C from the command line or F8 from the background application control panel, it cannot be restarted. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event.) User Response: Restart the controller; then, start the event monitor service using the wtrstart command at the managed node. .Messages E. AMR0109I 4690_return_code Explanation: The pipe was opened in shared mode, where 4690_return_code is the 4690 return code indicating why the pipe could not be opened in exclusive mode. Some event data may be lost if other programs are reading from the pipe. For

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 135 more information about the return code, refer to the 4690 Operating System Messages Guide. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: None.

AMR0110E Explanation: The request to start the event monitor service failed because the event monitor service is already running. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event, and the parameter is shown in the sub_source slot.) User Response: None.

AMR0111E Explanation: The event monitor service failed to reset the event pipe before exiting. Any event logged while the event monitor service is not running will be lost until the event monitor service starts again. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event.) User Response: Re-start event monitor service as soon as possible to minimize the number of lost events. Restarting the operating system on the controller also resets the pipe.

AMR0112I Explanation: This informational TEC message that is generated by the 4690 controller for events where thresholding is explicitly set in the Event Monitor Configuration Dialog. The message specifies the event number and the number of consecutive events of the same type. (This message is seen in a 4690_Event TEC event.) User Response: None.

AMR0201E The agent cannot read the command output from the temporary file. Explanation: The agent cannot find the temporary file for the command output. It was not created or has been deleted. User Response: Retry the operation.

AMR0202E The agent cannot create a temporary file. Explanation: The agent cannot create the temporary file for the command output. There might not be sufficient disk space. User Response: Check the disk space and try again.

136 Version 2.0 AMR0203E The agent does not recognize the specified service. Explanation: An incorrect name was entered for the service. User Response: Enter the command again with the correct service name (EVENTMON).

AMR0204E The agent cannot allocate memory. Explanation: The operating system on the controller did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0205E The agent does not recognize the specified request. Explanation: The agent does not recognize the command that was typed. User Response: Correct the command and try again.

AMR0206E The agent cannot redirect the command output to the temporary file. Explanation: The operating system on the controller may have had a error. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and retry the operation. If the problem persists, restart the operating system on the controller.

AMR0207E The connection to the 4690 controller was dropped. Explanation: The operating system on the controller may have had a error. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and retry the operation. If the problem persists, restart the operating system on the controller.

AMR0301E The service name is not valid. Explanation: Either an incorrect name was entered for the service or the event monitor service is not running. User Response: Enter the command again with the correct service name (EVENTMON). .Messages E. AMR0302E The retail server address cannot be retrieved. Explanation: The address book file has been deleted or corrupted. User Response: Restore it from the backup copy.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 137 AMR0303E The local file full_file_path cannot be accessed. Explanation: The file cannot be accessed, where full_file_path is the full file path of the local file. The user account attempting to access the file might not have the correct permission or the file might not exist. User Response: Verify your permission or the file name. Retry the operation.

AMR0304E The local file full_file_path already exists. Explanation: The file to be written already exists, where full_file_path is the full file path of the local file. User Response: Delete the local file or use the -f option to force the file to be overwritten.

AMR0305I The service EVENTMON was started. Explanation: The event monitor service was started. User Response: None.

AMR0306I The service EVENTMON was stopped. Explanation: The event monitor service was stopped. User Response: None.

AMR0307I The file full_file_path was received. Explanation: The file was successfully transferred, where full_file_path is the full file path of the file. User Response: None.

AMR0308I The file full_file_path was sent. Explanation: The file was successfully transferred, where full_file_path is the full file path of the file. User Response: None.

AMR0309E The server failed to acknowledge the request. Explanation: A request was sent to the server, but the server has not responded. User Response: Ensure that the server is active, and try the operation again.

138 Version 2.0 AMR0310E Starts the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service on a retail controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrstart command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0311E Stops the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager event monitor service on a retail controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrstop command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0312E Retrieves a file from a 4690 controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrget command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0313E Copies a file to a 4690 controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrput command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0314E Copies an address book to a 4690 controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrputad command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0315E Runs a command or program on a retail controller. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the wtrrun command. User Response: Reenter the command with the correct syntax.

AMR0402E A mailbox cannot be created. Explanation: Either the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server is not running, or the IP address or server port has been changed in the address book file.

User Response: Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server is running. If Messages E. the server is running, ensure that the correct IP address and server port are in the address book file.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 139 AMR0403E The communications protocol specified is unknown. Explanation: The address book file on the server or the controller may have been corrupted. User Response: Ensure that the address book files on both the server and the controller show TCP/IP as the communications protocol. If either address book file has been corrupted, restore the corrupted file from a backup copy.

AMR0404E The address is not found in the address book. Explanation: The destination specified could not be found in the address book file. User Response: Ensure that you have typed the correct controller name, using the correct case. If the destination is correct, verify that the address book file exists and has not been corrupted by checking the information for the destination controller in the Administrator.

AMR0405E A network packet was corrupted during transmission. Explanation: A message was corrupted during transmission. User Response: Run the command again. If the problem persists, check for network problems.

AMR0406E The mailman did not send an acknowledgment for the message. Explanation: An acknowledgment was not received from the mailman. User Response: Ensure that the server is running. Retry the operation.

AMR0407E The address book cannot be read. Explanation: The address book is missing or has been corrupted. User Response: Check the information in the Administrator to verify that the address book file exists and has not been corrupted. If necessary, restore the address book from a backup copy.

AMR0408E A timeout occurred waiting for a response. Explanation: A Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager component timed out because it did not receive a response in a reasonable amount of time. User Response: Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server, agent, and event monitor are running. If necessary, reduce the network load. Retry the operation.

140 Version 2.0 AMR0409E The socket call timed out. Explanation: During a read operation, a socket call timed out. User Response: Ensure that the agent and server are running, that the network is operating normally, and that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Then, try the operation again.

AMR0410E The specified file cannot be stored. Explanation: The file cannot be written. There might not be sufficient disk space, the user account trying to write the file might not have the correct permission, another process might be using the file, or the file cannot be overwritten because it is read-only. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR0411E The file to be sent could not be opened. Explanation: The file cannot be opened. The user account attempting to read the file might not have the correct permission or the file might not exist. User Response: Verify your permission or the file name and retry the operation.

AMR0412E A write error occurred while the transferred file was being stored. Explanation: A temporary file cannot be written. There might not be adequate disk space. User Response: Ensure that there is adequate disk space and retry the operation.

AMR0413E A temporary file for incoming data cannot be created. Explanation: A temporary file cannot be written. There might not be sufficient disk space or the user account attempting to write the file might not have the correct permission. User Response: Ensure adequate disk space and verify your permission. Retry the operation.

AMR0414E The full file name cannot be determined; check the TMRETAIL variable.

Explanation: A tilde (x) was used in the file name, but the TMRETAIL Messages E. environment variable is not set. User Response: Set the TMRETAIL variable and try again, or enter the full file path. The TMRETAIL environment variable should be set to the directory where Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager was installed.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 141 AMR0415E A connection to the destination cannot be established. Explanation: The message system cannot establish a connection to the controller specified. The agent or the server, or both, might not be active, or there is a network problem. User Response: Ensure that the agent and server are running and that the network is operating normally. Retry the operation.

AMR0416E The communications protocol specified in the address book is unknown. Explanation: The address book file on the server or the controller may have been corrupted. User Response: Ensure that the address book files on both the server and the controller show TCP/IP as the communications protocol. If either address book file has been corrupted, restore the corrupted file from a backup copy.

AMR0417E The file transfer timed out waiting for a response from the remote system. Explanation: A Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager component may have become inactive. User Response: Ensure that the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager server, agent, and event monitor service are running. If necessary, reduce the network load. Retry the operation.

AMR0501E trxdist command was called with incorrect syntax. Explanation: You entered incorrect syntax for the trxdist command. User Response: The trxdist command is called internally by Tivoli Software Distribution, and should not be issued from the command line. Call Tivoli Customer Support if this message is received in the software distribution log.

AMR0502E The Endpoint OID cannot be determined. Verify that the LCF_DATDIR environment variable has been set correctly. Explanation: The OID of the endpoint cannot be determined. The LCF_DATDIR environment variable was not set or set incorrectly. User Response: Verify that the LCF_DATDIR environment variable has been set correctly, and retry the operation.

142 Version 2.0 AMR0503E A mapping file I/O error occurred on the endpoint. Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0504E An error was detected in the mapping file format or syntax on the endpoint. Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0505E The before script failed for controller controller_name. Explanation: The before script failed when it was executed on the given controller. User Response: Ensure that the before script is not writing any output to stdout or stderr. If the before script writes to stdout or stderr, Tivoli assumes an error occurred.

Note: .bat files must begin with the statement echo off.

AMR0506E The after script failed for controller controller_name. Explanation: The after script failed when it was executed on the given controller. User Response: Ensure that the after script is not writing any output to stdout or stderr. If the after script writes to stdout or stderr, Tivoli assumes an error occurred.

Note: .bat files must begin with the statement echo off.

AMR0507E The distribution failed for controller controller_name. Explanation: An error occurred during the file distribution stage of software distribution on the specified controller. User Response: Check to ensure that the controller is accessible from the endpoint via the network. Check to ensure that the IP address specified for the controller in the device list is correct. Retry the operation.

AMR0508E The distribution succeeded for controller controller_name. .Messages E. Explanation: Software distribution to the specified controller was successful. User Response: None.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 143 AMR0701E The message system was unable to allocate memory. Explanation: The operating system has run out of memory. User Response: Close programs to ensure adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0702E The message system was unable to create a socket. Explanation: The operating system failed to open a socket needed by the message system. The system may have reached its limit for sockets or may have run out of resources. User Response: Reduce the load on the system or increase the socket limit.

AMR0703E The message system cannot write to a mailbox, socket, or pipe. Explanation: The operating system could not perform a write operation. User Response: Ensure that the agent and server are running and that the system has adequate memory.

AMR0704E The message system cannot read from a mailbox, socket, or pipe. Explanation: The operating system could not perform a read operation. User Response: Ensure that the agent and server are running and that the system has adequate memory.

AMR0705E The thread synchronization call failed. Explanation: The operating system could not synchronize a thread. User Response: Ensure that the system has adequate resources. If the system has a heavy load, reduce the load.

AMR0706E The socket subsystem cannot be set up. Explanation: The operating system could not run the command. User Response: Run the command again. If the problem persists, ensure that the system has adequate resources.

AMR0707E An error occurred during mailbox creation. Explanation: The operating system could not create the resource requested. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

144 Version 2.0 AMR0708E The mailbox cannot be closed. Explanation: The operating system could not close the mailbox. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0709E The mailbox cannot be read. Explanation: The operating system could not read from the mailbox. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0710E The mailbox cannot be written. Explanation: The operating system could not write to the mailbox. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0711E Memory cannot be allocated for the mailbox. Explanation: The operating system did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Close some programs to ensure adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0712E An error occurred during an anonymous pipe creation. Explanation: The operating system could not create the requested resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0713E An anonymous pipe could not be closed. Explanation: The operating system could not close the requested resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation. .Messages E. AMR0714E An anonymous pipe could not be read. Explanation: The operating system could not read from the specified resource.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 145 User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0715E An anonymous pipe could not be written. Explanation: The operating system could not write to the specified resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0716E Memory could not be allocated for an anonymous pipe. Explanation: The operating system did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0717E A network socket could not be created. Explanation: The operating system could not create the requested resource. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0718E The message system cannot read from a socket. Explanation: The operating system had an error when the message system was reading from a socket. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0719E The message system cannot write to a socket. Explanation: The operating system had an error when the message system was writing to a socket. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

AMR0720E The socket status cannot be determined. Explanation: The operating system had a error while the message system was checking for data on a socket. User Response: Ensure that the system is operating correctly and has adequate resources. Retry the operation.

146 Version 2.0 AMR0721E Memory cannot be allocated for the routing table. Explanation: The operating system did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Close programs to ensure adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0722E Memory cannot be allocated for the file transfer. Explanation: The operating system did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Close programs to ensure adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0723E Memory cannot be allocated for the command. Explanation: The operating system did not have adequate memory to allocate the requested resource. User Response: Close programs to ensure that the system has adequate memory. Retry the operation.

AMR0724E The message system cannot create a socket for the file transfer. Explanation: The operating system failed to open a socket needed by the message system. The system may have reached its limit for sockets or may have run out of resources. User Response: Reduce the load on the system or increase the socket limit.

AMR0725E The message system cannot bind the socket for the file transfer. Explanation: The operating system had a problem. User Response: Check TCP/IP on the operating system. Ensure that the system has adequate resources.

AMR0726E The message system cannot listen on the socket for the file transfer. Explanation: The operating system had a problem. User Response: Check TCP/IP on the operating system. Ensure that the system has adequate resources. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 147 AMR0801E Internal error: The mailbox type is not valid. Explanation: The message system tried to create a mailbox type that is not valid. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0802E Internal error: The message system received a NULL pointer. Explanation: The message system received a pointer that is not valid. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0803E Internal error: A direct socket mailbox could not be set up. Explanation: Internal parameters are incorrect. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0804E Internal error: An unknown mailbox type was specified. Explanation: The message system tried to create a mailbox type that is not valid. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0805E Internal error: An internal message could not be unpacked. Explanation: An internal message was corrupted. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0806E Internal error: The specified mailbox does not exist or is not valid. Explanation: Internal parameters are incorrect. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0807E Internal error: The routing table pointer is not valid. Explanation: A parameter that is not valid was passed. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0808E Internal error: A routing table failure occurred. Explanation: A parameter that is not valid was passed. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

148 Version 2.0 AMR0809E Internal error: The number of services in the routing table has exceeded the limit. Explanation: Services are not being deleted correctly from the routing table. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0810E Internal error: An unexpected message was received during the file transfer. Explanation: A message is out of sequence. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR0811E An error was returned from the distribution and collection module. Explanation: An internal error occurred during a software distribution or inventory operation. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR09xxx Explanation: An internal error occurred. Under normal circumstances, the AMR09xxx messages should not appear.

Note: The message text varies by message ID. User Response: Please make a note of the message number and what you were doing when the error occurred. Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:APPMGR Messages This section describes the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager application manager messages and the user responses. The message ID is in the form AMR:APPMGR:nnnn, where nnnn is the message number.

AMR:APPMGR:0001 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot add an entry to the address book. Explanation: The entry cannot be added to the address book. The address book may not be on the endpoint, the entry may already be in the address book, the address book file might be corrupted. Messages E. User Response: Check to see if the address book file exists and is not corrupted. If the address book file is not there or corrupted, restore the file from a backup copy. Make sure the entry is not already in the address book.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 149 AMR:APPMGR:0002 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot save the address book file file_name. Explanation: The file cannot be saved. There might not be sufficient disk space, or a file of that name already exists. User Response: Ensure that there is adequate disk space, or delete the existing file, and try again.

AMR:APPMGR:0003 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot open the address book file file_name. Explanation: The address file cannot be opened. The file does not exist or is corrupted. User Response: Ensure the file exists and that you have specified the correct name, or restore the file from a backup copy.

AMR:APPMGR:0004 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot find the entry entry_name in the address book file file_name. Explanation: The entry cannot be found in the address book. The address book file is not there, does not contain the entry, or is corrupted. User Response: Ensure that the file exists and that you have specified the correct entry name, or restore the file from a backup copy.

AMR:APPMGR:0005 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot remove entry entry_name from the address book file file_name. Explanation: The entry cannot be removed from the address book. The address book file is not there, does not contain the entry, or is corrupted. User Response: Ensure that the file exists and that you have specified the correct entry name, or restore the file from a backup copy.

AMR:APPMGR:0011 The specified address is not valid. Explanation: The IP address is invalid. User Response: Specify the correct IP address and retry the operation.

150 Version 2.0 AMR:APPMGR:0013 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot perform the requested operation for one or more controllers. Explanation: While adding a group of devices at once using the wdevice add -F filename command, one or more of the controller names was found to be invalid. User Response: If tracing is enabled, look at the $DBDIR/TM4RLog file. Correct the invalid controller names and retry the operation. For more information, see “Enabling Tracing at the TMR Server” on page 127.

AMR:APPMGR:0014 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot send the new address book to the controller. Make sure that the IP address is correct and that the retail agent is running on the target controller. Explanation: The new address book cannot be sent to the controller. You specified an incorrect IP address, the server is not running on the endpoint, the agent is not running on the target controller, or there is a network problem. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR:APPMGR:0015 The device name is not valid. Explanation: The device name you entered is not valid. User Response: Ensure that the device name is valid and does not contain special characters. Retry the operation.

AMR:APPMGR:0016 The port specified in the device address is not valid. A valid port is an integer between 1 and 32767. Make sure that no other process uses the port that you specify. The default port is 2020. Explanation: You specified an invalid port address. Another device may be using the port, you provided a non-integer value, you provided an integer value outside of the range of 1 to 32767, or you did not specify the port value correctly (IP address+xxxx, where xxxx is the port value). User Response: Verify that no other process is using the port address or correct the port address and retry the operation. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 151 AMR:APPMGR:0017 The communication protocol in the device address is not valid. Currently, TCP is the only valid value, and specifying it is optional. Explanation: The device address you entered contains a colon (:) and is not valid. The colon is a reserved character and should not be entered. User Response: Correct the device address and retry the operation.

AMR:APPMGR:0021 Cannot open the retail version file file_name. Explanation: The AMRver.dat file containing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager version number on the endpoint cannot be opened. The file does not exist or is corrupted. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:APPMGR:0022 Cannot read the retail version file file_name. Explanation: The AMRver.dat file containing the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager version number on the endpoint cannot be read. The file is corrupted. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:APPMGR:0023 Cannot create the install directory directory_name on the endpoint. Error code = error_code Explanation: The install directory cannot be created on the endpoint. There is insufficient space on the target disk. User Response: Free up space on the target disk. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:APPMGR:0024 Cannot create the retail server address book. Explanation: The retail server address book cannot be created on the endpoint. There is insufficient space on the target disk. User Response: Free up space on the target disk. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

152 Version 2.0 AMR:APPMGR:0025 Cannot add the entry to the retail server address book. Explanation: The entry cannot be added to the address book. The entry is already there, or the address book is not synchronized with the Tivoli Device Manager database. User Response: Edit the address book and remove the entry. Resynchronize the address book with the Tivoli Device Manager database.

AMR:APPMGR:0027 Cannot start the retail server. Explanation: The retail server cannot be started. The endpoint is overloaded. User Response: Reduce the load on the endpoint by stopping unnecessary processes, and retry the operation.

AMR:APPMGR:0033 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot initialize the messaging subsystem. Explanation: The messaging system cannot be initialized. The Windows NT network sockets interface (WINSOCK API) cannot be initialized. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:APPMGR:0034 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot determine the server name. Explanation: The server name cannot be determined. The address book file on the endpoint is corrupt. User Response: Restore the address book file from a backup. Retry the operation.

AMR:APPMGR:0035 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot create a stop message to send to the retail server. Explanation: A stop message cannot be created and sent to the retail server. The endpoint where the retail server is running is out of memory. User Response: Free up memory on the endpoint by stopping unnecessary

processes or increase the swap file size. Retry the operation. Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 153 AMR:APPMGR:0037 The IBM 4690 Device Manager cannot start the retail server. Explanation: On Windows NT the retail server cannot be started. The system attempted to create a process and failed. The system may be overloaded or out of memory. User Response: Reduce the load on the system by stopping unnecessary processes and try the operation again. If you are still having difficulty, start tracing on the endpoint (severity of 3) and check the $LCF_DATDIR/lcfd.log file for help in determining the problem. For more information, see “Enabling Tracing at Endpoints” on page 129.

AMR:EVMONCFG Messages This section describes the Tivoli Event Monitor messages and the user responses. The message ID is in the form AMR:EVMONCFG:nnnn, where nnnn is the message number.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0001 The profile name cannot be found in an internal data structure (event configuration information). Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0002 Attempt to create a profile with a NULL label. Please provide a name for the profile. Explanation: You attempted to create a profile without providing a name. User Response: Provide a name for the profile and retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0003 Cannot create a profile database. Explanation: Profile creation failed due to a problem with the object database on the TMR server. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

154 Version 2.0 AMR:EVMONCFG:0004 The distribution failed for the following controllers: controller_names Explanation: The distribution failed. The agent is not running on the controller or the AMR server is not running on the endpoint. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0005 Cannot distribute the profile due to a fatal error. Explanation: The profile cannot be distributed. This is a Configuration and Change Management System (CCMS) error. The endpoint machine is down, the gateway is down, or there is a communication error between the TMR Server and the endpoint. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0006 The scheduled distribution failed on one or more controllers. Explanation: The profile cannot be distributed. The distribution was started through the scheduler. This is a Configuration and Change Management System (CCMS) error. The endpoint machine is down, the gateway is down, or there is a communication error between the TMR Server and the endpoint. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0007 The following subscriber is not of the correct type: subscriber_name Explanation: You tried to distribute a profile to a device group that was not of type IBM4690 or whose ultimate subscribers were not of type IBM4690. User Response: Remove or correct the subscriber and try the distribution again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0008 Cannot move or copy profile database records. Explanation: The profile database records cannot be moved or copied. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database

structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support. Messages E.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0010 Cannot move the selected records. Explanation: The selected records cannot be moved.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 155 User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0011 Cannot locate the default policy for this profile. Explanation: The default policy for the profile cannot be located. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0012 Cannot locate the validation policy for this profile. Explanation: The validation policy for this profile cannot be located. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0013 Policy records cannot be retrieved. Explanation: The policy records cannot be retrieved. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0014 No data has been entered in the profile. Explanation: You created a profile with the wcrtprf command, but did not enter any data in the profile. User Response: Use the wtrevmoncfg -set command to set values in the profile.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0015 An entry must contain a profile name. Explanation: The entry did not contain a profile name. User Response: Delete the profile and try again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0016 An entry with this profile name already exists. Explanation: You entered a profile name which already exists. User Response: Correct the profile name and try again.

156 Version 2.0 AMR:EVMONCFG:0017 Cannot create the profile database record. Explanation: The profile database record cannot be created. User Response: Use the wchkdb -u command to verify and correct the database structure. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0018 Cannot add the requested entries due to an InterObject Messaging communications error. Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0024 The profile database contains too many records. Try removing some records and recreating the profile. Explanation: There are too many records in the profile database, which should only contain one record. User Response: Try removing some records and recreating the profile. If the problem persists, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0025 Distribution failed on the following controllers: controller_name. Make sure that all target controllers are up and running, are available on the network, have the retail agent running, and were created correctly with the Tivoli Device Manager. Explanation: The distribution failed on the controllers. The distribution failed between the endpoint and 4690 controller because the AMR server is not running on the endpoint, or the AMR agent is not running on the 4690 controller. User Response: Correct the problem and try again.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0026 Failed while adding node node_name to the XML file on the endpoint. The endpoint is probably out of memory.

Explanation: The node_name was not added to the XML file tree on the endpoint. Messages E. User Response: Stop any unnecessary processes on the endpoint, increase the swap file size, or add memory to the endpoint, and try the operation again.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 157 AMR:EVMONCFG:0027 Cannot write a temporary copy of the SERVICES.XML file on endpoint endpoint_name. Explanation: A temporary file cannot be written. There might not be sufficient disk space, the user account attempting to write the file might not have the correct permission, or the file may already exist. User Response: Ensure adequate disk space and verify your permission, or delete the file if it already exists. Retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0028 Cannot determine the retail server directory on endpoint endpoint_name. Explanation: Internal error. User Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0037 This IBM 4690 event monitor configuration profile is already in use by administrator administrator_name Explanation: Another administrator is using the profile. The profile can only be opened by one administrator at a time. User Response: Determine who has the file open and have them close the file. Retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0039 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in the NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0068 Event event name is already in the list. Explanation: The event name is already in the list. In the Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog, the event you are trying to add is already in the 4690 Messages Being Monitored list. User Response: None.

158 Version 2.0 AMR:EVMONCFG:0069 Event event name was not found in the database record for this profile. Explanation: The event name was not found for this profile. You are attempting to delete an event name in the Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog that is no longer in the profile. This can happen if someone else deletes the event from the command line after you have opened the Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog. User Response: None.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0070 No item in the list was selected. You must select an item before pressing the Delete button. Explanation: In the Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog, you did not select an item in the list before pressing the delete button. User Response: Select an item in the list and retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0071 No item in the list was selected. You must select an item before modifying the threshold or interval parameters. Explanation: In the Configure IBM 4690 Event Monitor dialog, you did not select an item in the list before modifying the threshold or interval parameters. User Response: Select an item in the list and retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0072 A character in profile profile_name is not valid. Explanation: The profile name is not valid. You entered a special character in the profile name. User Response: Ensure that the profile name is valid and does not contain special characters. Retry the operation.

AMR:EVMONCFG:0073 A character in event event_name is not valid. Explanation: The event name is not valid. You entered a special character in the event name. Messages E. User Response: Ensure that the event name is valid and does not contain special characters. Retry the operation.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 159 AMR:INV Messages This section describes the Tivoli Inventory messages and the user responses. The message ID is in the form AMR:INV:nnnn, where nnnn is the message number.

AMR:INV:0007 This IBM 4690 Inventory Profile is already opened by administrator administrator_name. Explanation: You attempted to open an IBM 4690 Inventory Profile that was opened by another user. An IBM 4690 Inventory Profile can only be opened by one user at a time. Message Variables: administrator_name is the name of the administrator who has opened the IBM 4690 Inventory Profile. User Response: Wait for the administrator to finish or ask the administrator to close the IBM 4690 Inventory Profile.

AMR:INV:0019 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in the NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:INV:0020 Tivoli Manager Inventory Profile scan error on targets target_names Explanation: The distribution of IBM 4690 Inventory Profiles has failed for some targets. Message Variables: target_names specifies the names of the targets for which the distribution failed. User Response: Check the lcfd.log on the endpoint, the gatelog and PCPlog on $DBDIR to determine where the problem is located.

AMR:INV:0021 The following subscriber is not of the correct type: subscriber_name Explanation: Some of the subscribers to which you distributed the IBM 4690 Inventory Profile are not of the correct type. Only device groups or a collection of device groups is valid.

160 Version 2.0 Message Variables: subscriber_name gives the name of the first subscriber found with an incorrect type. User Response: Remove the subscribers that are not of the correct type from the distribution list.

AMR:INV:0022 The scheduled discovery failed on one or more targets. Explanation: The discovery you scheduled failed for several targets. User Response: Check the log files and the status of the targets on which the operation failed to determine why the errors occurred.

AMR:INV:0023 No device found on subscribers list. Explanation: You tried to distribute a profile without selecting a target for the distribution. User Response: Select one or more subscribers from the Available Subscribers list to the Distribute Inventory Profile to list on the Distribute IBM 4690 Inventory Profile window and distribute the profile.

AMR:INV:0026 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in the NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:SWD Messages This section describes the Tivoli Software Distribution messages and the user responses. The message ID is in the form AMR:SWD:nnnn, where nnnn is the message number.

AMR:SWD:0061 This 4690 Package is already opened by administrator administrator_name. Explanation: You attempted to open a 4690 Package already opened by a Tivoli Administrator. A 4690 Package cannot be accessed by more than one user at a time. Messages E. Message Variables: administrator_name is the name of the administrator who has opened the 4690 Package.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 161 User Response: Either ask the administrator to close the device manager, or wait for the administrator to finish.

AMR:SWD:0073 The changes you made to the 4690 Package description have not been saved. Are you sure you want to export the package without these changes? Explanation: The changes you made to the 4690 Package description have not been saved. You are trying to export the package without saving the changes. User Response: Answer yes to export the packages without the changes.

AMR:SWD:0075 Warning: Choosing Use Defaults will change all properties of the 4690 Package. However, they will not be saved until you select Save. Do you want to continue? Explanation: You have chosen to update all 4690 Package properties with default values. User Response: Choose yes if you want to reset to default values.

AMR:SWD:0076 Your changes have not been saved. The Distribute operation is not allowed until your changes have been saved (Save), or all of your changes (including changes in sub-dialogs) have been reset. Explanation: You have attempted to perform a distribution that requires access to values of the 4690 Package that have been changed but that have not been stored. User Response: Save the changes made to the values of the 4690 Package or reset the 4690 Package to its original values.

AMR:SWD:0077 No source host has been specified. To select directories and files, you must specify the name of a Tivoli managed node in the Source Host field. Explanation: You have attempted to select files without specifying a source host from which to get the files. User Response: Click Source Host, and from the scrolling list, select the Tivoli managed node from which you want to receive files.

AMR:SWD:0078 The 4690 Package package_name does not exist. You must enter the name of a valid 4690 Package. Explanation: You did not enter the name of a valid 4690 Package. User Response: Enter the name of a valid 4690 Package before saving.

162 Version 2.0 AMR:SWD:0088 The current line of input is not clear. Directory and file names must be in quotes so that the input line can be properly parsed. Explanation: You inserted a line containing a file, a directory, or both, in the Directories & Files text field without using quotation marks around the file or directory name. User Response: Insert quotation marks around directory and file names in the line of input.

AMR:SWD:0089 Option_name is not valid. Explanation: When importing a 4690 Package, you inserted an option that is not valid in the 4690 Package. Message Variables: Option_name is the name of the option that needs to be replaced. User Response: Correct the options set for the 4690 Package and import the 4690 Package again.

AMR:SWD:0090 quoted_string is not valid. You must precede a quote witha\orusean end-quote. Explanation: When you added new entries to the 4690 Package, you inserted a quoted string with an incomplete syntax. Message Variables: quoted_string is the quoted string that does not have an end-quotation mark. User Response: If you want to insert a quote character, or string, you must either precede it with a \ (backslash) or insert an end-quotation mark.

AMR:SWD:0091 The current line of input is not clear. A″‘″ is not allowed within directory or file names. Explanation: In the Directories & Files text field, you inserted an entry containing a file or a directory name containing the ″‘″ mark. User Response: Remove the ″‘″ mark from the file or directory name.

AMR:SWD:0092 A space or equal sign cannot be used with a wildcard or special character

sequence. Messages E. Explanation: In the Directories & Files text field, you have inserted an entry with a wildcard or special character followed by a space or an equal sign. User Response: Rewrite the entry containing the wildcard or special character followed by a space or equals sign.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 163 AMR:SWD:0093 You have selected Change mode of source files to: but have not specified a value for chmod options. You must either specify a value for chmod options or select Preserve mode of source files. Explanation: You have selected Change mode of source files to but have not specified a value for the chmod options. User Response: Specify a value for the chmod options or select Preserve mode of source files and retry the operation.

AMR:SWD:0094 You have selected Send e-mail to: but have not entered an e-mail address. You must either enter an e-mail address or deselect Send e-mail to:. Explanation: You selected ‘Send E-mail to:’ but have not specified a destination e-mail address. User Response: Either deselect ‘Send E-mail to:’, or enter a destination e-mail address.

AMR:SWD:0095 You have selected Send to Log File on: but have not entered the log file path. You must either enter the log file path or deselect Send to Log File on:. Explanation: You have selected to send data to a log file but did not specify a log file path. User Response: Either deselect ‘Send to Log File on:’, or specify a path to a log file.

AMR:SWD:0096 The value octal_value is not a valid octal value for the chmod option. You must correct this value before you can save your changes. Explanation: The value you entered is not a valid octal value for the chmod option. User Response: Enter a valid octal value and save your changes.

AMR:SWD:0113 Unable to locate managed_node_label. Please make sure that managed_node_label is a valid managed node. Explanation: The system is unable to locate the managed node you provided. Message Variables: managed_node_label is the name you inserted for the managed node label. User Response: Determine whether the name you provided is a valid managed node. The command wlookup -ar ManagedNode can be used to check all the available managed nodes. The command wping managed_node_label can be used if the managed node is up and running.

164 Version 2.0 AMR:SWD:0115 No source host has been specified for this 4690 Package. The import operation cannot be performed until a source host has been specified, if the 4690 Package you want to import contains files or directories. The 4690 Package you attempted to import does contain files or directories. Would you like to choose the source host now? Explanation: You did not fill in the source host field. User Response: Specify the name of a source host and retry the import operation.

AMR:SWD:0120 The file file_name on managed node node_name already exists. Do you want to overwrite this file? Explanation: You are attempting to overwrite the specified file. User Response: Answer yes if you want to overwrite the file.

AMR:SWD:0126 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:SWD:0129 Calculation of 4690 Package 4690_package_name size completed successfully. Explanation: The calculation of the 4690 Package size completed successfully. User Response: None.

AMR:SWD:0149 Distribution of 4690 Package 4690_package_name failed for some subscribers. Explanation: The system is unable to locate the managed node you have provided. Message Variables: 4690_package_name is the label of the 4690 Package being distributed. User Response: If you have specified a log file, check this log file to track the distribution operation to understand where the problem occurred for these subscribers. .Messages E.

AMR:SWD:0150 Distribution of 4690 Package 4690_package_name completed successfully. Explanation: The distribution of the 4690 Package completed successfully. User Response: None.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 165 AMR:SWD:0152 Obtaining preview information for 4690 Package 4690_package_name has completed. Explanation: Informational message. User Response: None.

AMR:SWD:0153 The distribute operation for 4690 Package 4690_package_name failed for the following controllers: controller_names. If you specified a log file, it may contain more information. Explanation: The system is unable to locate the managed node you provided. Message Variables: 4690_package_name Is the label of the 4690 Package being distributed controller_names Specifies the targets for which the distribution failed. User Response: If you have specified a log file, check this log file to track the distribution operation to understand where the problem occurred for these subscribers.

AMR:SWD:0154 You must collapse Profile Manager profile_manager_name in the Available Subscribers list before you can move it into the Distribute 4690 Package To list. Explanation: You tried to move an expanded profile manager in the Available Subscribers list to the Distribute 4690 Package To list. The specified profile manager must be collapsed before moving it. User Response: Collapse the specified profile manager and retry the operation.

AMR:SWD:0156 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

166 Version 2.0 AMR:SWD:0159 Subscriber subscriber_name with the label subscriber_label is not of the correct type. The subscriber does not support TMF_Device::DeviceGroup interface. Explanation: You distributed a profile to a subscriber that is not a device group. Message Variables: subscriber_name Is the name of the subscriber that has is of an incorrect type subscriber_label Is the label of the subscriber that is of an incorrect type. User Response: Examine the targets of the distribution request and remove the targets that are not device groups.

AMR:SWD:0164 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:SWD:0168 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

AMR:SWD:0172 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog.

User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the Messages E. message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 167 AMR:SWD:0173 No device was found on the subscribers list. Explanation: The profile subscribers are not devices. User Response: Ensure that the targets of the distribution request are devices.

AMR:SWD:0248 Message catalog not found. Consult your system administrator for assistance. If the message catalog cannot be found in the NLSPATH, contact your Tivoli support provider. Explanation: You tried to read a help message but the system could not find the help message catalog. User Response: Look for the message catalog in NLSPATH and install it. If the message catalog cannot be found, call Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DGUI Messages This section describes the Device Group User Interface messages from Tivoli Device Manager.

ALE:DGUI:0009 To create a device group, provide a Name/Icon Label. Explanation: You attempted to create a device group without providing a Name/Icon Label. System Action: The device group was not created. System Administrator Response: Specify a name/icon label for the device group.

ALE:DGUI:0010 To create a device group,select a device type Explanation: You tried to create a device group without defining it completely. System Action: The device group is not created. System Administrator Response: Select a device type for the device group you want to create.

ALE:DGUI:0024 The device group contains subscribers which were not found in the database of the device manager. Usually, the devices have been deleted from the system. Explanation: You attempted to launch an operation on a device group which contains subscribers which were not found in the database of the device manager. Usually, the devices have been deleted from the system, but are still referenced by one or more device groups System Action: The operation has failed.

168 Version 2.0 System Administrator Response: There are several ways you can solve this problem: ¶ unsubscribe these entries from the device group when applying other changes ¶ restore the Device Manager database from a backup copy ¶ use the wchkdb command to clean up the subscription state on the device group (this removes the devices which are not found in the Device Manager database from the subscriber list).

ALE:DGUI:0029 While opening the subscriber list for device group \″device_group_name\″,a problem was found in the subscriber state. One or more devices in the subscriber list were not found in the device manager database. Explanation: While opening the subscriber list for a device group, a problem was found in the subscriber state. One or more devices in the subscriber list are not found in the device manager database. Usually the devices have been deleted from the system, but are still referenced by one or more device groups. Message Variables: device_group_name is the device group in which there are subscribers missing. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: There are several ways you can solve this problem: ¶ unsubscribe these entries from the device group when applying other changes ¶ restore the device manager database from a backup copy ¶ use the wchkdb command to clean up the subscription state on the device group (this removes the devices which are not found in the device manager database from the subscriber list).

ALE:DM Messages This section describes the Device Manager messages from Tivoli Device Manager.

ALE:DM:0001 ’type_name’: The type name entered is not valid. Explanation: The system does not recognize the type name you entered. .Messages E. Message Variables: type_name is type name that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Check the type name and correct it.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 169 ALE:DM:0002 The detail entered is not valid. Explanation: This is an internal error indicating that during the installation of the Tivoli Device Manager application, the application entered an incorrect detail. System Action: Installation of the application has failed. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0003 ’TMA_manager_name’: The TMA Manager entered is not valid. Explanation: When creating, changing or editing a device, you set as the TMA Manager, an object which cannot be accepted as a managing object by the system. Message Variables: TMA_manager_name is TMA manager that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct TMA manager.

ALE:DM:0004 ’local_address_name’: The local address entered is not valid. Explanation: You either did not enter a local address, or the string you entered for the local address is incorrect and cannot be parsed by the system. Message Variables: local_address_name is local address that is not valid or missing. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct local address.

ALE:DM:0005 ’device_name’: The device ID entered is not valid. Explanation: When you tried to change or remove a device, you did not specify the device ID or the device label. Message Variables: device_name is the device name that is not valid. System Action: The remove or change operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Ensure you entered a device label (string must not be empty) or a device ID (ID must not be equal to 0).

ALE:DM:0006 The device with ID ’device_ID’ of type ’device_type’ does not exist. Explanation: This is an information message. You requested a device group to repair itself by running a checkdb method. The system has found devices that are not valid and has removed them from the device group. The system informs you which devices were removed from the device group through this message. Message Variables:

170 Version 2.0 device_ID ID of the device that is not valid device_type type of the device that is not valid.

ALE:DM:0007 The subscriber ’subscriber_name’ with label ’label_name’ is not of the correct type. The subscriber does not support the TMF_: :DeviceGroup interface. Explanation: You attempted to distribute a profile to a subscriber that is not a device group. Message Variables: subscriber_name the name of the subscriber that has an incorrect type label_name the label of the subscriber that has an incorrect type. System Action: Distribution has failed. System Administrator Response: Examine the targets of the distribution request and remove the targets that are not device groups.

ALE:DM:0008 The Device Type ’device_type_name’ does not exist. Explanation: You entered a type name that is unknown. Message Variables: device_type_name is type name that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Control the type and correct it.

ALE:DM:0014 ’path_name’: the path name entered does not exist. Explanation: During a back up or a restore operation, you either did not enter a path name, or you entered an incorrect path name. Message Variables: path_name is the path name that does not exist. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct path name. .Messages E. ALE:DM:0015 ’managing_endpoint_name’: the managing endpoint must be a Tivoli Management Agent. Explanation: When you created or edited a device, you did not specify a Tivoli Management Agent (TMA) as the managing endpoint.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 171 Message Variables: managing_endpoint_name is the managing endpoint that is not a TMA. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Specify a valid TMA for the managing endpoint.

ALE:DM:0016 ’detail.Uimanager_name’: the detail.UImanager entered is not valid. Explanation: This is an internal error indicating that during the installation of the Tivoli Device Manager application, the application entered an incorrect detail. Message Variables: detail.Uimanager_name is the name of the detail.Uimanager causing the problem. System Action: Installation of the application has failed. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0017 ’detail.APPmanager_name’: the detail.APPmanager entered is not valid. Explanation: This is an internal error indicating that during the installation of the Tivoli Manager, the application entered an incorrect detail. Message Variables: detail.APPmanager_name is the name of the detail.APPmanager causing the problem. System Action: Installation has failed. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0018 ’device_label_name’: the device label entered is not valid. Explanation: You either did not enter a device label or, the string you entered for the device label is incorrect and cannot be parsed by the system. Message Variables: device_label_name is the device label that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct device label.

ALE:DM:0019 The device of type ’type_name’ with label ’label_name’ was not found. Explanation: The device with the type and the label specified has the right format but cannot be found. Message Variables:

172 Version 2.0 type_name the type of the device not found label_name the label of the device not found. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Determine whether the device you entered is correct.

ALE:DM:0020 The device with label ’label_name’ already exists for type ’type_name’. Explanation: You tried to create a device with a label that already exists. Because labels must be unique the operation failed. Message Variables: label_name the name of the device label that already exists type_name the name of the type to which the device label label_name was associated. System Action: The device was not created. System Administrator Response: Control your label, and change it manually, or switch on the option which automatically generates unique labels for newly created devices.

ALE:DM:0022 Warning: The device of type ’type_name’ with device ID ’ID_name’ was not found when processing the subscription list of device group ’devicegroup_name’. Explanation: While processing the subscription list of a device group, one or more devices were not found. The devices may have been deleted from the system, but are still referenced by one or more device groups. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device not found ID_name the name of the ID that the device was not found devicegroup_name .Messages E. the name of the device group in which the device was not found. System Action: The operation has failed for the device(s) described in the message.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 173 System Administrator Response: There are several ways you can solve this problem. You can: ¶ unsubscribe these entries from the device group when applying other changes ¶ restore the Device Manager database from a backup copy ¶ use the wchkdb command to clean up the subscription state on the Device Group (this removes the devices which are not found in the Device Manager database from the subscriber list).

ALE:DM:0024 The specified backup path name ’path_name’ does not exist or cannot be accessed. Explanation: You entered a path name which the system cannot find; it either does not exist or cannot be accessed. Message Variables: path_name is the path name that does not exist or cannot be accessed. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: If you are in a backup operation, create the necessary directory; if you are in a restore operation, control the path you entered.

ALE:DM:0027 Warning Device Type Exists: During the database restore operation, a record add event failed. Explanation: You attempted to restore a device type with certain characteristics to the database. Because a device type with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed. Message Variables type_name is the name of the device type that was already found in the database. System Action: The record add event failed. System Administrator Response: Either modify the entry, if it was incorrectly specified, or delete the redundant entry creating the problem.

ALE:DM:0028 Warning Device Exists: During the database restore operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: Device Exists. You attempted to restore a device with the following characteristics to the database: type = type_name ID = ID_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name . Explanation: You attempted to restore a device with certain characteristics to the database. As a device with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed.

174 Version 2.0 Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database ID_name the ID of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name is the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The restore event failed. System Administrator Response: Either modify the entry, if it was incorrectly specified, or delete the redundant entry creating the problem.

ALE:DM:0029 Warning Device Label Exists: During the database restore operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: Device Label Exists. You attempted to restore a device with the following characteristics to the database: type = type_name ID = ID_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name A device with same device label was already found in the database. A device must be unique and so the record add operation was rejected for this device. Explanation: You attempted to restore a device with certain characteristics to the database. As a device with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database ID_name the ID of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name is the manager of the device you tried to add to the database Messages E. local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 175 System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Either change the label of that entry, if it was incorrectly specified, or delete the redundant entry creating the problem.

ALE:DM:0030 Warning Device Type Invalid: During the database restore operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: Type Invalid. You attempted to restore a device with the following characteristics to the database: type = type_name ID = ID_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name A device of type device_name is not found in the database. Explanation: You attempted to restore a device with certain characteristics to the database. As a device with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database ID_name the ID of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name is the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Either modify the entry, if it was incorrectly specified, or delete the redundant entry creating the problem.

ALE:DM:0031 wdevice: unknown option: option_name. Explanation: You entered an incorrect subcommand using the wdevice command. Message Variables: option_name is the name of the incorrect subcommand. System Action: The command failed. System Administrator Response: Check the usage for correct subcommands used with wdevice and reenter the command.

176 Version 2.0 ALE:DM:0032 wdevice: The device with label label_name was not added to the database. Explanation: You attempted to restore a device with certain characteristics to the database. As a device with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed. Message Variables: label_name is the name of label of the device that was not added to the database. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Examine the other warnings and error messages you received to find what problem occurred.

ALE:DM:0033 A device with the specified attributes: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name already exists in the database. Explanation: You attempted to restore a device with certain characteristics to the database. As a device with these characteristics was already found in the database, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name is the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Either modify the entry, if it was incorrectly specified, or delete the redundant entry creating the problem .

ALE:DM:0034 wdevice: The device add request was invalid or improperly formatted. The format of device add requests is: Error at, or near the following input data:

’input_line’. Messages E. Explanation: The format of your request is not correct or not valid. Message Variables: input_line is the line of input the system was parsing when it found a device with an incorrect format.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 177 System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Find the device with an incorrect format, correct the format according to the following: .

ALE:DM:0035 wdevgrp: unknown option: ’option_name’. Explanation: You entered an incorrect subcommand with wdevgrp. Message Variables: option_name is the name of the incorrect subcommand. System Action: The command failed. System Administrator Response: Check the usage for correct subcommands used with wdevgrp and reenter the command.

ALE:DM:0036 Warning: A device of type ’type_name’ with device ID ’ID_name’ was found to have an invalid or unresolved manager object: manager_object_name . Explanation: A mismatch between the database and a reference to a device in a device group has occurred. The manager may not be available (down node, down gateway, down TMR connection) or the object has been deleted. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device with an invalid or unresolved manager object ID_name the ID of the device with an invalid or unresolved manager object manager_object_name the name of the invalid or unresolved manager object. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Solve this problem in one of the following ways: ¶ check for the availability of the manager ¶ restore the device manager database from a backup copy ¶ change the manager for the device.

ALE:DM:0037 wdevice: The device add request is incorrect or improperly formatted. The format of device add requests is: Error at, or near the following input data: ’input_line’. Explanation: The format of your add request is not correct.

178 Version 2.0 Message Variables: input_line is the line of input the system was parsing when it found a device with an incorrect format. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Find the device with an incorrect format, correct the format according to the following: .

ALE:DM:0038 wdevice: Invalid flags type. The flags argument must be a number. Error at the following input data: ’flag_argument_name’. Explanation: You entered a flag argument that is not a number. Message Variables: flag_argument_name is the name of the flag argument which is incorrect. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Correct the flag argument causing the problem.

ALE:DM:0039 wdevice: Invalid mask type. The mask type must be a number. Error at the following input data: ’mask_argument_name’. Explanation: You entered a flag argument that is not a number. Message Variables: mask_argument_name is the name of the mask argument which is incorrect. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Correct the mask argument causing the problem.

ALE:DM:0040 wdevice: The device edit request is incorrect or improperly formatted. The format of device edit requests is: Error at, or near the following input data: ’input_line’. Explanation: The format of your device edit request is incorrect. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Find the device with an incorrect format, correct the format according to the following: .Messages E. .

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 179 ALE:DM:0041 wdevice: The device add request is incorrect or improperly formatted. The format of device add requests is: ″ . Explanation: The format of your device add request is incorrect. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Find the device with an incorrect format, correct the format according to the following: ″ .

ALE:DM:0044 The database import is incomplete. Refer to the TDM Notice Group and Device Manager log file for more information. Explanation: When importing a Device Manager database using a CLI command, the system reported an error with the database imported. You may have imported an incorrect database. System Action: The import operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file (located on the TMR server in $DBDIR/DeviceManagerLog), which contains descriptive messages to determine the problems and how this may have affected your database.

ALE:DMUI:0045 The database export is incomplete. Refer to the TDM Notice Group and Device Manager log for more information. Explanation: When exporting a Device Manager database using a CLI command, the system reported an error with the database exported. System Action: The export operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file (located on the TMR server in $DBDIR/DeviceManagerLog), which contains descriptive messages to determine the problems and how this may have affected your database.

ALE:DM:0048 The database import is incomplete. Import path: ’path_name’. The database could be corrupted after this fault. Refer to the TDM Notice Group and Device Manager log for more information. Explanation: When importing a Device Manager database, the system reported an error with the database imported. You may have imported an incorrect database. Message Variables: path_name is the import path where the error was recorded.

180 Version 2.0 System Action: The import operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file (located on the TMR server in $DBDIR/DeviceManagerLog) which contains descriptive messages to discover what problems occurred and how this may have affected your database.

ALE:DMUI:0049 The database export is incomplete. Import path: ’path_name’. The database could be corrupted after this fault. Refer to the TDM Notice Group and Device Manager log for more information. Explanation: When exporting a Device Manager database, the system reported an error with the database exported. Message Variables: path_name is the export path where the error was recorded. System Action: The export operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file (located on the TMR server in $DBDIR/DeviceManagerLog) which contains descriptive messages to discover what problems occurred and how this may have affected your database.

ALE:DM:0050 Warning Invalid Parameters specified: During an add device operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: ’invalid_parameter’. You attempted to add a device with the following characteristics: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name. The device was not added in the database. Explanation: You attempted to add a device with certain parameters to the database. As at least one of these parameters is incorrect, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name the manager of the device you tried to add to the database

local_address_name Messages E. the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 181 System Administrator Response: Modify the parameter that was incorrectly specified.

ALE:DM:0051 Warning Invalid parameters were specified: During an add device operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: ’invalid_parameter’. You attempted to add a device with the following characteristics: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name flags = flags_name The device was not added in the database. Explanation: You attempted to add a device with certain parameters to the database. As at least one of these parameters is incorrect, the record was not added. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database flags_name the flags information for the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Modify the parameter that was incorrectly specified.

ALE:DM:0052 Warning Invalid parameters were specified: During an add device operation, a record add event failed. You attempted to add a device with the following characteristics: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name The device was not added in the database. The transaction that was started for the device add operation has been aborted and has rolled back due to one or more errors in the input data. The database has not been changed or updated. Explanation: You attempted to add a device with certain parameters to the database. As at least one of these parameters is incorrect, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database

182 Version 2.0 label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file which contains descriptive messages to determine the problems.

ALE:DM:0053 Warning Invalid parameters were specified: During the edit device operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: ’invalid_parameter’. You attempted to add a device with the following characteristics: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name The device was not added in the database. Explanation: You attempted to edit certain parameters of a device in the database. As at least one of these parameters is incorrect, the record add event failed. Message Variables: type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Modify the parameter that was incorrectly specified. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 183 ALE:DM:0054 Warning Invalid parameters were specified: During the edit device operation, a record add event failed due to the following condition: ’invalid_parameter’. You attempted to add a device with the following characteristics: type = type_name label = label_name manager = manager_name local address = local_address_name The device was not added in the database. Explanation: You attempted to edit certain parameters of a device in the database. As at least one of these parameters is incorrect, the record add event failed. Message Variables type_name the type of the device you tried to add to the database label_name the label of the device you tried to add to the database manager_name the manager of the device you tried to add to the database local_address_name the local address of the device you tried to add to the database. System Action: The record add operation failed for the device described in the message. System Administrator Response: Modify the parameter that was incorrectly specified.

ALE:DM:0055 Warning: One or more exceptions occurred. See the TDM Notice Group or the log files, DeviceManagerLog and TDMDBLog, for more information. The following exceptions occurred: Explanation: One or more errors occurred when you tried to import or export the device databases. Operator Response: Report the list of exceptions displayed to the system administrator. System Action: The operation was performed logically only. System Administrator Response: If you were trying to export the database, contact Tivoli Customer Support. If you were trying to import the database, display the Device Type Table dialog to check whether or not the device databases were corrupted. If so, contact Tivoli Customer Support. If the databases have not been corrupted, the database was imported logically. See the exception list.

184 Version 2.0 ALE:DM:0056 Warning: Some exceptions occurred while the TDM database was being backed up or restored. The following exceptions occurred: Explanation: One or more errors occurred when you tried to import or export the device databases. Operator Response: Report the list of exceptions displayed to the system administrator. System Action: The operation has been executed ,regardless the error, but only as a logical operation. System Administrator Response: If you were trying to export the database, contact Tivoli Customer Support. If you were trying to import the database, display the Device Type Table dialog to check whether or not the device databases were corrupted. If so, contact Tivoli Customer Support. If the databases have not been corrupted, the database was imported logically. See the exception list.

ALE:DM:0057 Warning: Application raised some exceptions while it was performing a change device operation on the following devices: device type = ’device_type’. device parameters: label = ’device_label’, manager = ’manager’, local address = ’local_address_name’. Exception body: Explanation: An error occurred when you were modifying a device. Message Variables: device_type the type of device that you were modifying device_label the label of the device manager the object ID of the TMA on which the device is defined local_address_name the name of the local address of the device. Operator Response: Contact the system administrator. System Action: The operation was not performed. System Administrator Response: Ensure that the parameters, such as the TMA object ID and the local address, are correct. Check that the TMA can be reached. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 185 ALE:DM:0058 Warning: Some exceptions occurred while modifying a device the type ’device_type’. Device type parameters: AppMgrUI = ’AppMgrUI’ AppMgr = ’AppMgr’ EventMask = ’EventMask’. Exception: Explanation: An error occurred when you tried to install a new application that conflicts with an application that was installed previously. Message Variables: device_type the type of device that you were modifying AppMgrUI the object ID of the application user interface that manages the device type AppMgr the object ID of the application that manages the device EventMask reserved for internal use. Operator Response: Contact the system administrator. System Action: An error occurred when an application tried to modify the device type. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0059 Warning: An exception occurred while trying to add or remove the following device: device type = ’device_type’ label = ’label’ manager = ’manager’ local address = ’local address’. Exception body: Explanation: An error occurred when you tried to add or delete a device. Message Variables: device_type the type of the device that you tried to add or delete label the label of the device manager the object ID of the TMA on which the device is defined local address the name of the local address of the device Operator Response: Contact the system administrator. System Action: The device was not added or removed.

186 Version 2.0 System Administrator Response: Ensure that the parameters, such as the TMA object ID and the local address, are correct. Check that the TMA can be reached.

ALE:DM:0060 Warning: An exception occurred while trying to add the following device type: device type = ’device_type’. Exception: Explanation: An error occurred when an application tried to add a device type. This error might have occurred because a new application was being installed. Message Variables: device_type is the type of the device that was being added. Operator Response: Contact the system administrator. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0061 Warning: An exception occurred for the device type = ’device_type’. Explanation: An error occurred when an application tried to add or change a device type. This error might have occurred because a new application was being installed. Message Variables: device_type is the type of device involved in the error. Operator Response: Contact the system administrator. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0062 Warning: Exception caught from application, for the device type = ’device_type’ label = ’label’ manager = ’manager’ local address = ’local address’. operation aborted. Explanation: An exception occurred when trying to add, change, or remove a device. Message Variables: device_type the type of device label the device label manager the object ID of the TMA on which the device is defined

local address Messages E. the name of the local address of the device Operator Response: Ensure that all the parameters are correct and retry the operation. Otherwise, contact the system administrator.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 187 System Action: The operation was not performed. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0063 Operation aborted. Explanation: An error causes the operation to be terminated. Operator Response: Contact your System Administrator. System Action: The operation was not performed. System Administrator Response: Ensure that all the parameters are correct and retry the operation. Otherwise, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0064 Notification failed (an error occurred while it was processing the data). Please see the TDM Notice Group or the Device Manager log file for more information. The following exceptions were detected: Explanation: An exception occurred while you were creating devices in the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager software. Operator Response: Check the parameters specified and retry the operation for the devices that caused the error. System Action: The devices that caused the error are created logically only. All the other devices are created successfully in the Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager software. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0065 Warning: Notification failed for the device type = ’device_type’ for the following reason: Explanation: An error occurred during a physical operation on the specified device type. Message Variables: device_type is the type of the device. Operator Response: Retry the operation on the devices that caused the error. Otherwise, contact the system administrator. System Action: The operation on the devices either is not performed or is performed logically only. System Administrator Response: Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

188 Version 2.0 ALE:DM:0066 An error occurred while it was reading/writing on cache file. Explanation: An error occurred when you performed a physical operation on one or more devices. Operator Response: Consult your system administrator. System Action: The operation was completed logically only. System Administrator Response: Ensure that there is enough disk space. Ensure that the user has read/write permission on the $DBDIR directory. Otherwise, contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DM:0067 Bulk device add failed. The devices were not added in the database. the following exceptions were reported: Explanation: An error occurred when adding one or more devices. Operator Response: Check the device parameters. If they are wrong, correct them and try the operation again. If this does not solve the problem, contact your system administrator. System Action: The operation is not executed on the devices reported in the error message list. For the other devices, the operation is successfully executed. System Administrator Response: The error could be caused by wrong device parameters. If so, check the parameters and try operation again. Another cause could be communication errors caused by network problems, so check your network status. Also, an internal Device Manager failure could cause the problem. Otherwise, Contact Tivoli Customer Support.

ALE:DMDB Messages This section describes the Device Manager Database messages from Tivoli Device Manager.

ALE:DMDB:0001 Database version (’database_version’) must be greater, or equal to, the data version (’data_version’). Explanation: This is a configuration problem. The device manager and the database versions are not compatible. The version of the database must always be

greater or equal that of the data entered. Messages E. Message Variables: data_version version of the data sent by the device manager

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 189 database_version version of the database. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Reinstall the Tivoli device manager or apply the patch again.

ALE:DMDB:0003 The lookup function invoked has a template containing no criteria to match against. Explanation: You have tried to use the lookup function but have not entered any criteria with which to conduct the search. System Action: The lookup operation is not started. System Administrator Response: Enter criteria in the template of the lookup function.

ALE:DMDB:0004 The device with ID ’device_ID_name’ of type ’device_type_name’ does not exist. Explanation: You entered an unknown device. Message Variables: device_ID_name ID of the device that is not valid device_type_name type of the device that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct device ID.

ALE:DMDB:0005 The device type ’device_type_name’ does not exist. Explanation: You entered an unknown device type. Message Variables: device_type_name is type of the device that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct device type.

190 Version 2.0 ALE:DMDB:0006 The device with label ’device_label_name’ of type ’device_type_name’ does not exist. Explanation: You entered an unknown device. Message Variables: device_label_name label of the device that is not valid device_type_name type of the device that is not valid. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct device label.

ALE:DMDB:0007 The device with label ’device_label_name’ of type ’device_type_name’ already exists. Explanation: You tried to create a device with a label that already exist. Because labels must be unique the operation failed. Message Variables: device_label_name the name of the device label that already exists device_type_name the name of the type to which the device label device_label_name was associated. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Change the label manually or switch on the option that automatically generates unique labels.

ALE:DMDB:0008 The path name used is not valid (NULL or empty string). Explanation: During a restore or backup operation the system was unable to find the database. This is usually an installation problem.

System Action: The backup or restore operation has failed. Messages E. System Administrator Response: Restore the database. If this error occurred during a database restore operation, reinstall the Tivoli Device Manager first and then restore the database.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 191 ALE:DMDB:0009 The path ’path_name’ does not exist or cannot be accessed. Explanation: During a restore or backup operation the system was unable to find the database. This is usually an installation problem. Message Variables: path_name is the name of the path that cannot be found. System Action: The backup or restore operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Restore the database. If this error occurred during a database restore operation, reinstall the Tivoli Device Manager first and then restore the database.

ALE:DMDB:0010 The transaction that was started for the device add operation has been stopped. The data entered is incorrect. The database has not been changed or updated. Explanation: Errors were found in the input data while you were adding one or more devices to the database. System Action: The database has not been changed. System Administrator Response: Review the reported error messages to discover which errors occurred.

ALE:DMUI Messages This section describes the Device Manager User Interface messages from Tivoli Device Manager.

ALE:DMUI:0012 This device manager is already opened by \″administrator_name″\. Explanation: You attempted to open a device manager that is already open. A device manager cannot be accessed by more than one administrator at a time. Message Variables: administrator_name is the name of the administrator that has opened the device manager. System Action: The device manager is not opened. System Administrator Response: Ask the administrator to close the device manager, or wait for the administrator to finish.

ALE:DMUI:0013 Select a device type to view it. Explanation: You attempted to view an entry before you selected it. System Action: The device is not viewed.

192 Version 2.0 System Administrator Response: Select the entry you want to view.

ALE:DMUI:0037 Select a device to change it. Explanation: You attempted to change a device before you selected it. System Action: The device is not changed. System Administrator Response: Select the entry you want to change.

ALE:DMUI:0048 Select a device to delete it. Explanation: You attempted to delete a device before you selected it. System Action: The device has not been deleted. System Administrator Response: Select the entry you want to delete.

ALE:DMUI:0049 Provide a TMA manager name to create a device. Explanation: You attempted to create to create a device without providing a TMA manager name. System Action: The device is not created. System Administrator Response: Specify a TMA manager name.

ALE:DMUI:0058 The import/export path name is not valid. Try again with a valid directory path. Explanation: You attempted an import or export operation, but the path name is not correct. System Action: The operation has failed. System Administrator Response: Enter the correct path name.

ALE:DMUI:0059 Backup path names only support ’%t’ as a modifier. ’modifier_name’ is not valid. Explanation: You attempted to create a backup path name using a modifier not supported by backup path names. Message Variables: .Messages E. %t the only modifier supported by backup path names modifier_name the incorrect modifier entered. System Action: The operation has failed.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 193 System Administrator Response: You can use only one modifier for backup path names: %t. When it is enabled, it adds the date including month, day, hour, and minutes at which the record was made. You can either choose to enable the modifier or not.

ALE:DMUI:0065 No TMA managers available. Explanation: When, for example, creating device you clicked the button to get the list of possible TMAs, the system responded that no TMAs exist. This message usually occurs when the system is first installed and no TMA endpoints have yet been added to the installation. System Administrator Response: This is a configuration problem, finish installation, or check your configuration.

ALE:DMUI:0066 Change or create operations are not valid. No TMA managers available. Explanation: You tried to create or change a device and the TMA manager for the device was not available. System Action: The create or change operation has failed. System Administrator Response: This is a configuration problem, finish installation or check your configuration.

ALE:DMUI:0067 Database import incomplete. Import path: ’path_name’. The database could be corrupted after this fault. Refer to the log for more information. Explanation: When importing a device manager database, the system reported an error with the database imported. You may have imported an incorrect database. Message Variables: path_name is the import path where the error was recorded. System Action: The import operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file (located on the TMR server in $DBDIR/DeviceManagerLog) which contains descriptive messages to discover what problems occurred and how this may have affected your database.

ALE:DMUI:0068 Database export incomplete. Export path: ’path_name’. The database could be corrupted after this fault. Refer to the log for more information. Explanation: When exporting a device manager database, the system reported an error with the database exported. Message Variables: path_name is the export path where the error was recorded.

194 Version 2.0 System Action: The export operation has either succeeded with warnings, succeeded with errors or failed. System Administrator Response: Refer to the log file which contains descriptive messages to discover what problems occurred and how this may have affected your database. .Messages E.

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 195 196 Version 2.0 Index

Numerics address book file (continued) 4690_Event event class 100 resetting on controllers 27 4690 inventory information administrator privileges, Windows NT 7 querying 73 ADXCATPD.DAT file 23 4690 inventory profile ADXCATPI.DAT file 23 creating 71 ADXCSHCF.DAT file 18 customizing 70 ADXCSOUP pipe distributing 71 lost event data 6 setting subscribers 71 recommended use 6 4690 operating system, supported versions 9 setup 40 4690 packages sharing 6 creating 49 size 40 defining properties 49 ADXCSOUS (user logical file name) 40 determining size 50 ADXCST0L command 54 device groups for 56, 71 ADXEABPF.DAT file 23 distributing ADXTIVOF.DAT file 24 about 56 after script for 4690 packages 53, 54 command line 58 agent desktop 57 automatic startup 26 export variables 59 background application 26 exporting 59, 61 heartbeat event 40 importing 59, 62 installation 19 optional information 54 AIX profile supported versions 9 creating 49 ALE:DGUI messages 168 scheduling distribution 59 ALE:DM messages 169 setting options 51 ALE:DMDB messages 189 ALE:DMUI messages 192 AMR*.* files 24 AMR_4690_PROD query 114 AMR_4690_PROD table 107 A AMR_4690_PROD_VIEW view 111 AMR:APPMGR messages 149 ADDRBOOK.XML file 23, 24 AMR:EVMONCFG messages 154 address book file AMR_INST_TERM query 113 backup 27 AMR_INST_TERM table 106 controller Index AMR_INST_TERM_VIEW view 110 removing 23, 24 AMR:INV messages 160 creation on controllers 19 AMR_MEM query 112 endpoint 27

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 197 AMR_MEM table 104 B AMR_MEM_VIEW view 108 background applications AMR messages 134 agent 26 AMR_SCAN.286 file 23 event monitor service 76 AMR_STORAGE query 112 backup AMR_STORAGE table 105 address book file 27 AMR_STORAGE_VIEW view 109 BASH shell 76 AMR_SW_FILES query 114 before script for 4690 packages 53 AMR_SW_FILES table 107 AMR_SW_FILES_VIEW view 110 AMR:SWD messages 161 AMR_SYS_INFO query 111 AMR_SYS_INFO table 104 C AMR_SYS_INFO_VIEW view 108, 109 case, command parameters 80 AMR_TCP_INFO query 112 class definitions, adding to a rule base 38 AMR_TCP_INFO table 105 classes, event AMR_TERM_INFO query 114 4690_Event 100 AMR_TERM_INFO table 106 adding to a rule base 38 AMR_TERM_INFO_VIEW view 110 Retail_Event 99 AMRAGENT.286 file 23 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 99 AMRASM.286 file 23 command environment AMRASM application 54 setup 75 AMREVMON.286 file 23 commands AMRFILSV.286 23 ADXCST0L 54 AMRINVPF.XML case of parameters 80 removing 23, 24 running on controllers 76 AMRINVPF.XML file 24 syntax 81 AMRMAILM.286 file 23 using 75 AMRRUNSV.286 file 23 wassigneg 39 AMRSETSF.MSG file 23 wcomprules 39 AMRSETUP.BAT file 23 wcprb 39 applications, background wcrteg 39 agent 26 wcrtrb 39 event monitor service 76 wcrtsrc 39 Apply Software Maintenance (ASM) 17 wdevgrp 93 ASM wdevice 95 distributing maintenance files 47 wimprbclass 39 authorized user for Windows NT 7 winstall 16 automatic startup wloadrb 39 agent 26 wstartesvr 39 event monitor service 76 wstopesvr 39 wtrevmoncfg 77, 82 wtrget 85 wtrput 87 wtrrun 89

198 Version 2.0 commands (continued) controllers (continued) wtrstart 91 modifying 34 wtrstop 92 multiple component tables, inventory 104 defining 29 components pipe for event log access 6 base 12 port number nodes installed on 8 change 27 optional 15 define 28, 29, 35 Tivoli Device Manager 10 receiving files from 77 configuration remote operations 2 TEC event server 38 removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 22 at a controller 25 resetting configuration 24 resetting at controllers 24 resetting the address book file 27 configuration file running commands, programs 76 removing 24 sending files to 77 selecting events 41 tracing 130 configuration schema troubleshooting DB2 65 general 118 Informix 66 TEC problems 122 MS SQL 66 controllers, local Oracle 67 installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 18 Sybase 67 controllers, remote connections installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 19 4690 controllers and endpoints 6 conventions troubleshooting 121 environment variable xv controller typeface xv adding with wdevice command 29 cr_tec_rb.sh shell script 38 controllers creating adding after deleting 27 4690 inventory profile 71 address book file 19 4690 inventory tables configuring Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 25 about 64 connections to endpoints 6 requirements 64 defining scripts 64 about 26 4690 inventory views command line 29 requirements 64 desktop 27 scripts 64 multiple 29 4690 package profile 49 deleting 36 4690 packages 49 destination directory paths 48 event group 39 diskette, installation 17 rules 45, 101 event classes 100 customer support

grouping 30 contacting xviii Index installing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 17 feedback xviii preinstallation considerations 17 Web site xvii listing 33

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 199 customizing device groups (continued) 4690 inventory profile 70 modifying members (continued) desktop 34 roles 34 diskette, installation, creating 17 distributing D 4690 inventory profile 71 DB2 4690 packages configuration schema, installing 65 about 56 tables and views command line 58 name restrictions 103 desktop 57 defining event monitor configuration profile 43 4690 package properties 49 software 47 background applications 26 documentation controllers files xvi about 26 related xiii command line 29 Tivoli Manager for Point-of-Sale xvi desktop 27 documentation, online definitions, technical terms xiv Release Notes xvi deleting Tivoli publications xvii controllers 36 User’s Guide xvi determining size 4690 packages 50 device groups adding members command line 32 E desktop 31 editing 4690 package optional information 54 creating endpoints about 30 address book file command line 32 backup 27 desktop 30 location 6 deleting members removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 22 about 36 tracing 129 command line 36 troubleshooting 119 desktop 36 environment, command roles 36 setup 75 for 4690 packages 56, 71 environment variable for event monitor configuration profile 44 convention xv listing members UNIX xv about 33 Windows NT xv command line 33 event classes desktop 33 4690_Event 100 roles 33 adding to a rule base 38 modifying members Retail_Event 99 about 34 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 99 command line 35 event group, creating 39

200 Version 2.0 event log access F ADXCSOUP pipe features 1 lost event data 6 files recommended use 6 ADDRBOOK.XML 23, 24 setup 40 address book sharing 6 backup 27 size 40 creation on controllers 19 requirement for pipe 6 endpoint 27 setup 40 removing from controller 23, 24 Tivoli pipe resetting on controllers 27 availability 6 ADXCATPD.DAT 23 using 40 ADXCATPI.DAT 23 event management ADXCSHCF.DAT 18 overview 1 ADXEABPF.DAT 23 event monitor ADXTIVOF.DAT 24 configuring AMR*.* 24 command line 43 AMR_SCAN.286 23 desktop 41 AMRAGENT.286 23 event monitor configuration profile AMRASM.286 23 creating 41 AMREVMON.286 23 distributing 43 AMRFILSV.286 23 getting attributes 77 AMRINVPF.XML 24 setting attributes 77 removing 23, 24 event monitor service AMRMAILM.286 23 automatic startup 76 AMRRUNSV.286 23 background application 76 AMRSETSF.MSG 23 installation 19 AMRSETUP.BAT 23 required for sending events 45 configuration running 45 removing 24 starting 76 selecting events 41 stopping 77 documentation xvi event server HTML xvi troubleshooting 122 PDF xvi event source, adding 38 SERVICES.XML 23 events removing 23 filtering 45 removing from controller 24 overview 2 sending to controller 44 lost 6 tmretail.baroc 38 managing 37 TMRETAIL.XML 23 overview 1 removing 23 selecting 41 removing from controller 24 overview 2 WTRADDR.286 23 export variables 59 WTRVER.286 23 Index exporting filtering events 45 4690 packages 59, 61 overview 2

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 201 G installation gateways agent 19 removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 21 DB2 configuration schema 65 troubleshooting 120 diskette, creating 17 getting started 25 event monitor service 19 glossary, Tivoli xiv Informix configuration schema 66 grouping, 4690 controllers 30 inventory queries 68 grouping controllers inventory scanner 19 using wdevgrp command 32 MS SQL configuration schema 66 on controllers 17 preinstallation considerations 17 on local controllers 18 on remote controllers 19 H Oracle configuration schema 67 planning 5 hardware requirements 7 retail server 9 heartbeat events 40 Sybase configuration schema 67 HTML files xvi Tivoli Device Manager about 10 command line 11 desktop 10 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager base I about 12 IBM4690_QUERIES command line 13 installing 68 desktop 12 using 73 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional importing components 4690 packages 59, 62 about 14 index file command line 16 base components 13 desktop 14 optional components 16 integration with Tivoli Management TDM 11 Framework 4 TDM_GW 11 inventory Tivoli Device Manager 11 4690 queries, installing 68 TM4RAM 13 component tables 104 TM4RAM_L 13 scanning TM4RFP 16 overview 3 TM4RIP_A 16 tables and views TM4RIP_L 16 about 103 TM4RMEM 16 troubleshooting 126 TM4RMEM_L 16 inventory profile file Informix removing 23, 24 configuration schema, installing 66 inventory scanner tables and views installation 19 name restrictions 103

202 Version 2.0 L options for 4690 package 51 lcf_env.sh shell script 75 Oracle listing configuration schema, installing 67 controllers 33 ordering Tivoli publications xvii location of endpoints 6

P M paths managed resources controller destination directory 48 4690 Package 49 source host 48 IBM4690EventMonitorConfigApplication 41 PDF files xvi IBM4690InventoryProfile 70 pipe managing events 37 ADXCSOUP overview 1 recommended use 6 messages setup 40 ALE:DGUI 168 sharing 6 ALE:DM 169 size 40 ALE:DMDB 189 requirement for event log access 6 ALE:DMUI 192 Tivoli AMR 134 availability 6 AMR:APPMGR 149 using 40 AMR:EVMONCFG 154 planning considerations 5 AMR:INV 160 platforms, supported 9 AMR:SWD 161 PMR (problem management record) xviii modifying port number controllers 34 change 27 MS SQL define 28, 29, 35 configuration schema, installing 66 preinstallation considerations controllers 17 problem management record (PMR) xviii problems, resolving 117 profiles O 4690 inventory distributing 71 online documentation 4690 package Release Notes xvi creating 49 Tivoli publications xvii event monitor configuration User’s Guide xvi creating 41 operating systems distributing 43 supported 9 getting attributes 77

operations, remote 2 Index setting attributes 77 optional components, installation 14, 16 subscribers, setting 55 optional information programs 4690 package 54 running on controllers 76

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 203 publications, Tivoli requirements (continued) online xvii pipe for 4690 event log access 6 ordering xvii TCP/IP 6 Tivoli software 7 resolving problems 117 restrictions, inventory tables and views 103 Retail_Event event class 99 Q retail server queries for 4690 installation 9 installing 68 troubleshooting 119 using 73 RIM tracing 131 query rule base, adding class definitions 38 AMR_4690_PROD 114 rules AMR_INST_TERM 113 creating 45 AMR_MEM 112 rules, creating 101 AMR_STORAGE 112 running commands, programs on controllers 76 AMR_SW_FILES 114 AMR_SYS_INFO 111 AMR_TCP_INFO 112 AMR_TERM_INFO 114 querying S 4690 inventory information 73 scanning 4690 controllers 63 inventory 63 scanning, inventory overview 3 R scheduling receiving files from controllers 77 software distribution 59 Release Notes xvi selecting events 41 Remote Control Processor (RCP) overview 2 ADXCSHCF.DAT file 18 sending files to controllers 77 selection file 18 server, retail use for installation 17 installation 9 remote operations 2 service, event monitor removing automatic startup 76 Tivoli Device Manager 20 background application 76 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager installation 19 from controllers 22 required for sending events 45 from endpoints 22 starting 76 from gateways 21 stopping 77 from TMR server 21 SERVICES.XML file 23 required software 7 controller requirements removing 24 hardware 7 removing 23 operating systems 9 sending to controller 44

204 Version 2.0 setting table (continued) subscribers AMR_TCP_INFO 105 4690 inventory profile 71 AMR_TERM_INFO 106 setting 4690 package options 51 tables setting profile subscribers 55 inventory shell script creating for DB2 65 command environment setup 75 creating for Informix 66 cr_tec_rb.sh shell script 38 creating for MS SQL 66 lcf_env.sh 75 creating for Oracle 67 size of 4690 packages 50 creating for Sybase 67 software scripts for creating 64 distributing 47 inventory database required 7 requirements 64 software distribution name restrictions 103 destination directory paths 48 tables and views overview 3 inventory scheduling 59 about 103 troubleshooting 125 TCP/IP requirement 6 variables 60 TDM_GW index file 11 Solaris TDM index file 11 supported versions 9 TEC source host paths 48 troubleshooting 122 starting TEC event server agent 26 configuration 38 event monitor service 76 TEC files stopping the event monitor service 77 tmretail.baroc 38 subscribers, setting for profile 55 techniques, common troubleshooting 117 support, customer terminology xv contacting xviii Tivoli Customer Support feedback xviii contacting xviii Web site xvii feedback xviii Sybase Web site xvii configuration schema, installing 67 Tivoli Device Manager syntax, commands 81 components 10 installation about 10 command line 11 desktop 10 T removing 20 table Tivoli Management Framework, integration AMR_4690_PROD 107 with 4 AMR_INST_TERM 106 Tivoli pipe AMR_MEM 104 availability 6 Index AMR_STORAGE 105 using 40 AMR_SW_FILES 107 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Gateway) AMR_SYS_INFO 104 installation 13

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 205 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Base (Server) tracing 127 installation 13 transferring files Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor from controllers 77 Configuration (Gateway) to controllers 77 installation 15 troubleshooting Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager - Event Monitor about 117 Configuration (Server) common techniques 117 installation 15 connectivity 121 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager base controllers installation general 118 about 12 TEC problems 122 command line 13 endpoints 119 desktop 12 event server 122 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory gateways 120 (Gateway) inventory problems 126 installation 15 retail server 119 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Inventory (Server) software distribution 125 installation 15 TEC problems 122 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager optional TMR server components general 121 installation 14, 16 TEC problems 123 Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager Software tracing Distribution (Server) about 127 installation 15 controllers 130 Tivoli publications endpoints 129 online xvii RIM 131 ordering xvii TMR server 127 TM4RAM index file 13 typeface conventions xv TM4RAM_L index file 13 TM4RFP index file 16 TM4RIP_A index file 16 TM4RIP_L index file 16 TM4RMEM index file 16 U TM4RMEM_L index file 16 user logical file name TMR server ADXCSOUS 40 removing Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager 21 TMRETAIL 26 tracing 127 using commands 75 troubleshooting general 121 TEC problems 123 TMRETAIL: user logical file name 26 tmretail.baroc file 38 V TMRETAIL.XML file 23 variable, environment controller convention xv removing 24 UNIX xv removing 23

206 Version 2.0 variable, environment (continued) Windows NT Windows NT xv administrator privileges 7 variables, export 59 authorized user 7 variables, Tivoli Software Distribution 60 supported versions 9 view winstall command 16 AMR_4690_PROD_VIEW 111 wloadrb command 39 AMR_INST_TERM_VIEW 110 wstartesvr command 39 AMR_MEM_VIEW 108 wstopesvr command 39 AMR_STORAGE_VIEW 109 WTRADDR.286 file 23 AMR_SW_FILES_VIEW 110 wtrevmoncfg command AMR_SYS_INFO_VIEW 108 description 82 AMR_TCP_INFO_VIEW 109 using 77 AMR_TERM_INFO_VIEW 110 wtrget command views description 85 DB2 using 77 name restrictions 103 wtrput command Informix description 87 name restrictions 103 using 77 inventory wtrrun command creating for DB2 65 description 89 creating for Informix 66 using 76 creating for MS SQL 66 wtrstart command creating for Oracle 67 description 91 creating for Sybase 67 using 76 scripts for creating 64 wtrstop command inventory database description 92 requirements 64 using 77 WTRVER.286 file 23

W wassigneg command 39 wcomprules command 39 wcprb command 39 wcrteg command 39 wcrtrb command 39 wcrtsrc command 39 wdevgrp command description 93 grouping 4690 controllers 32 wdevice command adding 4690 controller 29 Index description 95 wimprbclass command 39

Tivoli Point-of-Sale Manager User’s Guide 207 208 Version 2.0

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