Effects of State-Wide Salary Equity Provisions on Institutional Salary
' . * o :0 '4 41,1,4 MINED! RUDE mt. ID 152,205 .HE 009 800 . JUTHOR Nittin, NaryP. 'Mitts, Johat.D. TITLE: Affects ,of State -Wide Salary Equity Provisions on Xpdtitutionhl Salary Policies: A Regression fAlysis; , , . 111SirrillIZON Plorilla'StatelnAv., TalltlAssee.Laorth Dakiita. Univ., Grand Perks. 11.18 DiT.) 78. , , - 17p. 110T3 % . pRicv NP -10,83 Plus-Postage.' RIpIORS., *College Eacultt; *Contracts; Higher Education; si VrivateColleges***Salary Differentials;.*State . : Action; State.Coileges; State Universities; 'Statistical Analysis; Statistical Data; *teacher' Salaries: Tenure. lb$NTIFIERS. .North Dakota; *Univeetity of Nortb-Dalota . A SBSTRAC2 . 4 . fla A procese cl4 equalization of salariel "has- taken plagAl _in thef*State of forth:Dakota-for higher eddcaticn 4uring' the 1977:78- school year. She stab cf North Dakota suppa*ts eight:instittrtionsof kigherleducation: tmoagiveisities, four state colleges, and tvb . two-.y partinstitutions. fhe equalization process as it effected the ,decid4.oa leaking at the .University 01 North Dakota is docualhted. , -:Table 0are, presented" that report' the results for the 1977-78 contracted., salary and the 1977 -78,salary after the equity' adjittaeits. (SPG) ! - :- I 4 ) ************************4****************************** 4,************** * - Reproductions sipplied'by16RS are the best that cab be made - * frothe original document. * *********************4**********************.*************************** , Ai f. 4 4 1 -ewe- teagil I tt-e, ..i_:10 EFFECTS OF STATE-WIDE SALARY EQUITY PROVISIONS ON. (gt-p;,2. _ 10-Is INSTITUTIONAL SALARY POLICIES: A REGRESSION ANALYSIS LiA* 44).;0=0_I ,,_c§f0zaz /. Duz e xi.A0.-0.79, 2 ..0.01, 0 ,Mary P:' Martin and John D. Williams Florida State University University of North Dakota t A process of equalization of sa3aries has taken place in the State Of Ntrth Dakota for.highertducation during the 1977/-78 schoolyear.
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