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d I I Ezftz Keida > f Stage gentlemen e Tir Benson In leather 1J3lls J Hr Belkw JfRaffles L st at e Cumha in Comparison With His Oppos ron Good Week 1 r Ml Round

There is a vyiSe fersi feJ 1etw jn stnge gentiemeri At the Columbia tn 4 dtf1nz Ncdt feast week MEI t4pnatel o 35 a jtjaeT 1 1 WAzm Gtielt th 1e Ccbto na T 91flQ tQ F 1 q9evcrIung 4 fs lian rffi ing gOOd horir At the Isratjpna l iirl 1flKjw por ¬ IIIIII iI trayed the man of dis onor who sacri 1WLE WOtLOSQLVE tJees nearly every inir dis yi else than III 5 Ii 1 htinot fortb > sake of evjl The contrast ALLS R VANT PROBLE MS I theY Robertson gentleman c ore axiraqtiye He wore OI1 fin ijhehad no Black silken If Others Cou ld Be Found One Such Utens l Would Do Ljkai hi flLb7ffq 1e RIZflqa all Hanging pra his WHAT GILLETTE IS serious hone 5i pov 1 >L erthi jan of affairs I As Washington will be puzzling itself moisturef Then as stthmsri tr 1t the kettle does not dN 1wtjaic this week o W the Mdglfc i Kfettle dt eeeni tSboil enough to suit Hira7 he iiI came before the graces bt ills bear H I p muy to v aie Chases it be interesting read places It upon a cake of ice in or der that frig j f II I the New York Tribunes description of tile may AND HOW HE SJARTED contents become sufficiently > Yet even type 11 the old of matinee girl the wonders of the little metal wizard heated td perform the next little trick cculd not hesitate to cnopse Origin ttl which is as follows v hich IsrbdHlng In is riot a pretty picture ice cream in a dialIng 5 Just what The Kettle is no dish under which the alcohol biaze Is One of Boyhood Friends Tells pfi i iisi Mixn iy courage exemplified is a mighty ¬ Personality one seems to know put that it is mysti brightly burning This takes a bit more T attrsiutive picture So who l those saw fying and a novelty has been admitted time tlivn > did the weekly washand it Always ah Independent i Raffles and seemed to admire him were by all who been to ¬ Is F pf those have almost thirty seconds before the Ice constantly applpsisinff for their taste 4 ness the act u departure in magic and cream and those who Saw Love Man is ready to be strved to the audi¬ and the Wt7 which thp prpducers assert is the key cne William one Gillette and admired Jhe man were as diligently to the real magic wehk Imitations of is qf the few Then came the college question It advising all their friends to go do many Absolutely No Deception whose privatelife is never ex ¬ would have been natural for his father 1a and c wliich caused good folk ito be plo r in the press and the public son go likewise it > burned At the stake and to ride tK Cc dlng to the assertion of the ma to to Yale like all wellgiven f F 7 knows very little of him except so far Connecticut fellows Raffles on the Bfll Boards V f4i ir ducking stool in the old days of New Sician ifiere is no deception in hiS but Gillette bad 4 7 as his public career is concerned In views of lila own and juncture trick The eggs the crenm flavor ¬ at this In the course of the week a determined the view of this fact some impressions by surprised his family by dis ¬ In appearance The Magic Kettle ing extract and other ingredients are I and friends effort lifted its head to preven the dis ¬ one of his boyhood friends Prof appearing from scene and In does not differ greatly from the oxdi poured into the dish In plain view of the the play of Raffles oaters on the biil every home tljidlcnce I Richard Burton of the Johns Hopkins West placing his foot on the lowest rung The gave way nary artlcle so necessary to the and a little of the boiling University are especially interesting of stagy upon lards advertisements yet if they vere on sale generally substance in The Magic Kettle does the ladder which he has to those for the ensuing week however the I Prof Burton describes him as a preco ¬ mounted so high Heads were shaken throughout the city the servant gifL rest in recordbreaking time The ma ¬ before the matter could Come to an gician cious > oi th who at the age of ten and pessimistic remarks were dropped JssUe This opposition problem would b solved with a sud states men serving the cream that is not hard to would cause the socia l It contains I astonished his family by constructing a at this action which In the retrospect understand Rafijgs was i denness which nothing save that In the fitted grooves looks canny enough This was after all a open I miniature theater with in ihe common economists of the rand to their kind of cream mother used to make opt thief excepting that he was which although scenery f and border lights the early seventies uncommonly clever in evading the law eyes with some of the amazement he admits that the difference puppets for which were worked from greets each performance of The Magic In the methods causes a savIng of about Knocked About by Experience His charm of person his manifest high 5S above with black thread The next s breeding his diir Kettle minutes and 30 seconds in time which came year juvenile Fpr about ten years he slaved It at alertness Jtnd res tl afyonfr yill a later when this only m kc his thefts the more dlscred Weekly Wash and Boiling Ice Cream admit is a fair margin ese theatrical experimenter organ Ized in the small parts doin anything rid every ¬ Stable cially adapted to t e modern quihk thing that came his way getting rough The explanation offered by does everything that can be donq S1 Gillette attic n complete highclass stock the v lunchv methods ¬ text of the play he had fJt many things most meX I company Vlieh on knocks no end but acquiring an expe that inherited almost and A few other things accomplished Vby 3 this had been tried of the utmost value to an moral taint is an argument for his in ¬ SAVED EZRA KE NBALb pected and coiitniry to the accerited a as it were descen ded to the hence actor or it toT The Magic Include I playwright It wa like the man be¬ carceration not a reason for indulgence laws of nature That It would be a Kettle the poaching drawing room which became an ex household articlk of eggs upon a cake of ice the turning temnorlzed temple of the to the gin in that wa instead of using the in ¬ But whether this explanation Is sound most use ful an d handy of grapes blowing dubious edification of the Gillette house fluence he might easily have brought to or not it is not set on bill ¬ dily be seen from some of the hto hailstones horns forth the FROM RoLE can rea running the family sewing machine and hold Mr Gillettes father was one of bear to give him a start hoard The pictures shown there are feats The Magic Kettle performs Hnally Corinecitlcuts representative men prom of a gentleman magician burning the cake of ice front inent as an abolitionist and social re¬ Mr Gillette has always declared that thief with plunder in At theopening of the act the whic h It he his plays to please public his hands The effect on many boys borrows from a member has drawn its heat The feats former a member of the Senate at rrites the Josef Yarrick seem to be limited only by the time Washington and a candidate for gov ¬ and nothing else Lofty ideals and all would be dangerous So managers HardHearted Manager Refused to a derby hat anti frorir I the Employ Him as ot the audience allotte d tKo act for Its conclusion ernor of the State that sort of thing he professes to care o f this play would have done muc h bet¬ j The im ± at the anothei a handkerchief hath kettle Is boiling as merrily and steam ¬ A Youthful Webster nothing about but 1 for one who know to display < places the I ter other ftostei jn which Clown Other Work Cane Soon r provlses into a washtub ing eyen more profusely than when it him so well take that statement a Raffles so if pours beg Its most mysterious doings Prof says TM Giiletter with the thief side of was not + handkerchief within th hat To Burton of represents ¬ be ¬ grain of salt It the irrita prominent f iUnS vratei from tlj MaglCt appreciated The Magic WJien I played as a boy with Gil i ull of snoula be seen end jaded tion of an exceptionally honest nature As for the play it has be n long a come starring Fvettle fifteen fec6ndS etirn the lette In Hartford ne Vas Just enough the Ezra Kendall the dian we have eight clowns in our employment and in ppcUt of the reeker for amusement I a protest against cant and sham with question pern le J I hand ¬ to patronage f it was not altogether in Wea therbeaten Benson tells of a now the hat lerfec empty andftie novelties will be consider ¬ elder make and bullying the a sense of the fact too often waived Busniqlqn of ¬ Iclis in its nflence allowing that It has J narrow escape he had from becoming I know you have eight but there kerchief free from the least order but henevcrexercised these juve aside to the theories that a mans first any influence a newspaper discus ¬ I nile rights was typical of him But clown in the sawdust circle not a clown among them I replied I and it is to succeed never duty and that dramatic son Of that question would only arouse I It was about fifteen years ago said hHe looked me over and said had and man A better friend writing like any other writing or form interest in the play The newspapers I Chicago dead with his new opportunities becomes In whom BensOn finally falls In love The lived In school his tastes were for Mr Kendall when hit Well come around in the morn ing I of human labor is a business not a sen unloabtedly < space of time lord of tlw Isla luck of rain brings the undertaking to science oratory and history He was have den j the t thing broke ead tired sick hungry with no Jlr talk it over with the other boys a short J liment in th premise by jYermlttInj 10 wag April and and all rest of the party The King nieVorge of ruin and Mrs Orrnsby and fpifd of spouting Websters speeches the play I work sight It in and will see what we can do for you the For society in thc usual feeble sense QM < butler rulesc his people her friends withdraw their support Just If known to wear itself > chances for a ummer ensasement were I wont around tile next iorning who was once a and he is still the truth is Gillette cares nothing and he always 1 > f that ns the drought is at Its Benson I School r fioln 4w d qidenehtVa gjways mighty slim tra cl 51o a t ty 1n John RlnH1g wa verpo Ute wisely and woll and when hoflrids worst He went to the Hartford High ids funcups that imply fuss and af my tIc lc eldest daughter ipmrtlns however In order to help When he came on the platform to tn tUthngqn hf rIJigijt lut his for tw days wher f attenyeiVvwaa told me it was impossible to hire mejj ha Is n love with the the and fectation yt bu is a man who is eagerly trionic light as 3HumInates Rlnglings C1ic l was o Lady Mary he propo ses and puts what little capital a graduation oration the ap wel Captain called to hlclr as one of the other b ys objected Yon f the Earirthe I deliver sought and could if he wished become r accepted into i Be to the qlsparagemeht of every rehearsing for the season in Chicago I had better stay onr the stage he told for her hand The proposal is lie Has the business plauSe plainly besp his popularity he wished one eo ac ¬ The comes I else in the east TJie role n other went to a rehearsal one afternoon and inev yo i ciont belong to the sawdust y her and the Earl has become r1n just when it is most hands would be cheaply melodramatic became interested in the clowns ring I customed to the new order that he hail n e od Oklahoma blossoms literally e As acted by Mr it is an ar¬ Of like rose manufactory r y Sidney R Ellis usual interest and contain plot con ¬ Their work appeared pleasant aitl I obtained Jill engagement that very j the proposal with joy In the midst the the thrives the Rhine written a tistic character drawing me as being held to announce BenSbn weds the widow and all ends It id a fomantic drama in foi jr acts sistently honest and absorbing In he I ea to perform It struck week through the inSluence of Mr Ring tfstivities which are He I merry chiming full of surprises OUst Robertson Engagement and Others y thing and a summers en ling and I never forgot his kindness the engagement a ship is dlscoyelfcd with the of wedding each of which is are Miss St George HlSSCJ Jake f for i I mighty good in the power bollfc Simmons Swuin an d Downey A B Robertson engagement g gpf would come he saved me I lying off the island It is f t from what would have signal Some Magic Kettle and Lynds 1tiS gOOd 1 shj as I was situated I ma been my fate as a of Crlcltoii to give cr withold the of the best of SVeatherbeaten Chases Fred Eckhart and the Boylan emanhfiatp rid to see the 1 ling brothers A fellow gets in pinches where hfe betray to this ship the Bensons lines arc these offerings week are children During an interval tl f the play aCc mi i jiu ii 1 1 will make any kind get which shall Chases for this 1 rehearsal I Valk d into their of a sacrifice to of their presence on the island Rusty Bartlett What is this love by C Rice and Sally Co ¬ these children don bit of tumbling which 6 iter work I thought It cruel but John secret headed John sUCh young¬ < ntilng Air Benson said to be wonderful for irfqe I found John R I stated RinsHng me Realizing fully a return to Bog hen who will mark their reentry in > 1 saved from making that that BQhso Love Is like sters > I t e I my purpose and lie repIicL i dont see sacrifice which would ha p snoilcd me land mean the loss of everything to H n liniment It polite vaUdevllle with Our Honey ¬ 1f Use you at present because for my days iISht to use too much pnce an glit how we can the remainder of he is nevertheless moved by his sense at moon a especially written for Lyceum Moonlight Maids J a little time It Bur sugg g ie clan ¬ of duty and gives the signal In the Just at a and rub Ill them by Herbert Hall Winslow the au f sic dtt f nlrably to very moment of his noble reminctatlbn Bartlett How do you make love cf Natural Gas and later sue ¬ Jesqucra did characteristic busi ¬ depends ¬ read fvf e n Not n line course Chases At of the woman he loves he sinks almost BensonThat on circum comedles The Magic Ket ¬ The Lyceum will offer this week The Academy thought it was a the Theaters ¬ U o i sch was ness The servility of stances This Is a good recipe for malt is described as J i lost Insensibly back to the the l the sensational at Maids Burlesauers who will 11 for nearly ing Xo i esSreJesgly em holiday week and sold out love would not bo fair to the program of two A f ¬ butler 4 v It present a burlesques phaBM hiL > t H flnld be to every performance The Lyceum suffer National William Gillette original York cast and prp When you get as close as you can to diminish interest by detailing poor burlesque So the week The New and an olio The sketches ire called hear ij fwberi the lines of ed from a At tho National William Gillette will duction will be seen here in their dn without sitting on each other add the analyzlnz all that the kettle does TId Bits and In Gay Old Paris HCiiipezo Rostand went be seen this week prescntod by Charles tiretly Only one matinee will be given 1 of the hands nut too much Grant with songs stories and things are promised than Miss Rorke accompli ihed the difficult The announcements for tomorrow Ffphman in J M Barr ios comedy T just enOUgh for delicate flavor Then Is expected to be an enter ¬ found In everydaY burlesque modern oman so Gillette arid his of two eyes rolled of vitro cleverness and capability v task of a gcntlcy I night are attractive fanlasy The Admirable Crlchton In I Kendall tlicWhtt welt i f lly geiitle by ColumbiaEzra go a The Great Jloznrto the ¬ f ii that th character seemed rea play h iive been advertised the best which Mr Gillette has met wIth such appear this wQelc let the loft arm to waist mix in entlH Martini and Max Mil Holmes First Lecture Her power Is not less because it possible from other cities success Ezra Kendall will > few sighs an d dpnt duettlsf the indorsement for the past two neasolis stir in magic Lavender and I Is the topic with which does DOt depend upon writhings oil over been them at the Columbia i with his newest pjor support tire Alice an specialty Jn London Ezra Kendall has turnintr Cffchton Mr Gillette roll is a AVeatherbeaten Benson In Mr Kendalls with acrobatic Holmes will inaugurate hisc 6m tile floor the chewing legs ajtiyT VI Wilson Is n strong cal in the household ductlon Brandon Edith Talia und Violcttc with a Ke and and ofsofa butler of an English Weatherbeatfin Benson Mr Ken Ethel co j series in this city The material Some pf the socalled emotional art as he deserves to be iiobleman who is a to In ferro Lucille La Verne Mabel Howard specialty hnd motion pictures of favorite convert the dalMia i a genial pptimis tic voyage to mace to Paris are also and otherwise for this ressjes pf our time might learn a few will boil cook In magI v Mieor man > Thurlow Bergen and the of the equality of The gent1 xiifacturer o f bean tind Norris Harold successes are rear u I I road Pacific The provefs h he fund needed for tho will be attraction I h devoted his da ylight hours Cellar crowded butler himself the at the the Lafayette of ington daily tire Tjes t man irt the ati and la the woman with yette this week In The Watch on This play is said to tell a story of un t0 photographing the principal sights e e 11 vt s 1

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