May 2016 Trailmarker.Indd
,6&+ 482 $3 2 7( ,5 5 $ % ' TRAILMARK ER 8 ,5 / 2 & 1 ' $,1 Adirondack Mountain Club Iroquois Chapter Est 1972 $&. 817 02 May 2016 Mt. Marcy, from Gray Peak Photo credit, Ed Kobos Our annual open house had a slow but steady stream The host chapter would need to secure lodging accommo- of members and non-members stopping by to visit and/or dations, develop an outing schedule, plan a dinner as well check out the various displays. I would like to recognize the as an informal get together for arriving guests. Should any- following presenters who had displays: Greg Smith, Carl An- one have an expertise with such endeavors and would like to derson, Norm Landis, Dave and Carol White, Bill and Mary show case your managing skills, please let me know ASAP Coffin, Carol Reese, Jay O’Hern, and Stephanie Graudons, in order to get the ball rolling. who is the young member coordinator for the ADK orga- As most of you are aware, the ADK has three “fun- nization. Thank you all. I also would like to acknowledge filled” weekends that need labor volunteers: JBL, Heart and thank Carol White and Allison Gaffney who contacted Lake and National Trails day, whose location will be at newspapers for advertisement, as well as Wendy and Brian Heart Lake. In exchange for a day of labor, generally a Sat- Sanders who provided the refreshments. urday, you get to camp free, or in the case at JBL, stay in It has been suggested that for the next year open house the lodge.
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