www.themorning.lk epaper.themorning.lk www.themorning.lk epaper.themorning.lk www.aruna.lk epaper.aruna.lk Maintain Distance, Stay Safe MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2020 www.aruna.lk epaper.aruna.lk

For verified information on the Quarantine Unit COVID-19 TOTAL CASES TOTAL CASES coronavirus (Covid-19) contact any 0112 112 705 ACTIVE CASES of the following authorities CASES IN Epidemiology Unit Health THE WORLD 7,915,926 Suwasariya 0112 695 112 PROTECT YOURSELF FROM 1,889 Promotion Ambulance DEATHS CASES DEATHS Bureau Service Govt. coronavirus hotline USA 2,146,884 117,559 COVID-19 DEATHS RECOVERED 1999 1990 0113071073 433,181 BRAZIL 851,321 42,802 RUSSIA 528,964 6,948 PRESIDENTIAL SPECIAL TASK FORCE FOR ESSENTIAL SERVICES RECOVERD 11 1,287 Telephone 0114354854, 0114733600 Fax 0112333066, 0114354882 INDIA 324,482 9,247 Hotline 0113456200-4 Email [email protected] 4,067,248 UK 295,889 41,698 THE ABOVE STATISTICS591 ARE CONFIRMED UP UNTIL 9.30 P.M. ON 14 JUNE 2020 SOURCE: HEALTH PROMOTION BUREAU

COVID-19 2020 GENERAL ELECTION Concerns over controlling political meetings Threat not over z Difficult to control politicians z Following guidelines and crowds: PHIs doubtful at election meetings The Public Health adhere to the election-related issued for the election, as Inspectors’ Union of Sri health guidelines. those guidelines are not Lanka (PHIUSL) has raised PHIUSL President Upul legally binding. Unless the concerns over their ability Rohana told The Morning guidelines are gazetted, it in : PHIs to control and monitor that it would be impossible alone would not help reduce election-related activities for PHIs to take any action the threat of spreading the z z in ensuring that politicians, against those who violate coronavirus, he stressed. Adherence to health Govt. urged to take policy their supporters, and voters the health guidelines Contd. on page 2 guidelines low among public decisions to assist authorities

BY MAHEESHA MUDUGAMUWA Diseases Act, PHIUSL President exchanging fish in the middle Three proposals Rohana stressed that unless the of the sea with Indians are still EC yet to finalise With the number of Covid-19-positive cases rising in guidelines were gazetted, it would being conducted. Though there is India, Public Health Inspectors (PHIs) warned that the not be followed properly. no social transmission at present, on polls by JVP sanitiser budget coronavirus threat in Sri Lanka was not yet over and “The country’s airport will if somebody comes into contact Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) BY SARAH HANNAN therefore urged the public to strictly adhere to health reopen after some time and if it with a Covid-19-positive person Leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake guidelines issued by the authorities. operates as usual, with 40,000 while engaging in these kinds of yesterday (14) put forward three proposals The budget to purchase sanitiser for the people entering the country per illegal activities, that person might pertaining to the general election. upcoming election is yet to be finalised, PHIs’ Union of Sri Lanka “When there is a looming day, conducting PCR (polymerase bring down the virus and it will Speaking during a press briefing yesterday, Elections Secretariat Director General (PHIUSL) President Upul Rohana coronavirus threat, the public chain reaction) tests for each and spread in society.” Dissanayake said that no citizen should fall Saman Sri Rathnayake, told The Morning. said adherence to the health shouldn’t act the way they usually every one would be impossible, Therefore, the public should victim to the coronavirus as a result of having “We are holding mock polls in selected guidelines among the public was act, and it is a must to follow all and that is why these guidelines strictly adhere to the health to exercise their franchise at the general electorates at present and based on the currently at its lowest, and around the necessary health guidelines,” should be gazetted,” he stressed. guidelines and the Government election. “Public servants including officers requirements for each electorate, we are 60% of society had returned to he stressed. Explaining further, he said: “The should take the necessary policy in the health sector who will be assigned on yet to arrive at an amount that we will need going about their activities as Highlighting the necessity to situation in India is not good and decisions to help the authorities duty during the election process should not to spend to make such purchases. usual, i.e. how things were before gazette all health guidelines under the incidents of illegal activities; conduct their duties, Rohana be at risk of contracting the virus.” Contd. on page 2 March. the Quarantine and Prevention of bringing down illegal drugs and added.

UNP TO REBUILD PUBLIC FAITH FOLLOWING TU DEMANDS ROBBERY AT CNH Testing one, two, three Young cop who Listened to Postal services foiled robbery dies wants of the recommence z Succumbs to injuries sustained in road accident on Saturdays people: RW BY SKANDHA GUNASEKERA The State Intelligence Service (SIS) Constable who was involved United National Party (UNP) Leader Postal services have resumed in preventing the Rs. 7.9 million Ranil Wickremesinghe, addressing a functioning on Saturdays following money heist at the Colombo meeting of the party district managers, said demands made by trade unions National Hospital (CNH) died that the party has listened to the people of (TUs). in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) the country and was adapting to their needs. Joint Postal Trade Union Convener last morning (14) after he was He stated that this election will see the K.M. Chinthaka Bandara said involved in an accident last week, UNP as the party with the largest number the Government had decided to the Police Media Division told of new candidates. recommence operations on Saturdays. The Morning. Contd. on page 2 Contd. on page 2

QUARANTINED JAFFNA RESIDENTS Test negative CIRCULAR ON SALARY DEDUCTION An election official behind a plastic sheet marks the finger of a voter with ink during a mock election to test the health guidelines implemented against Covid-19 in Ingiriya yesterday (14) for Covid-19 Union files FR petition PHOTO LAKRUWAN WANNIARACHCHI/AFP The residents of the houses in A fundamental rights (FR) petition who’s salary had been deducted. The Jaffna that were quarantined have has been filed by the Ceylon Teachers’ Eastern Province Education Director, tested negative for Covid-19, The Union (CTU) against the deduction of Eastern Province Chief Secretary, Eastern SRI LANKAN MIGRANT WORKERS Morning learnt. a day’s salary from the monthly salary Province Governor, and the Attorney Ministry of Health Chief of principals and teachers in the Eastern General have been named as respondents. Epidemiologist Dr. Sudath Province to a government fund without Speaking to The Morning, Stalin said Ready to take responsibility: JVP Samaraweera said that there were their written approval. there has been a FR violation of CTU Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna migrant workers in foreign permitted to travel to Sri Lanka. no positive cases. The petition has been filed by CTU members in the Eastern Province as a (JVP) politburo member and countries, if the Government If the screening mechanism is President Priyantha Fernando, Secretary day’s salary had been deducted without National People’s Power (NPP) will allow them to return to well established at the airports, SEE FULL STORIES Joseph Stalin, and a teacher of the Eastern the approval of its members. Kandy District Leader K.D. the country. we should look at a way to bring ON PAGE 2 Province, namely Ponnadurai Udayaruban Contd. on page 2 Lalkantha said the JVP is “There are still about 40,000 these migrant workers back to willing to take responsibility Sri Lankans who are stuck in Sri Lanka immediately.” for at least 20,000 Sri Lankan foreign countries as they are not Contd. on page 2 WELISARA NAVY CAMP TOURISM INDUSTRY To be declared Covid- Govt. looking to reopen before free: health authorities 1 August zNext round of PCR tests due shortly zNegative results would reopen the camp The Government is currently looking at possibilities of opening the Bandaranaike The Welisara Navy Camp, which are scheduled for next week, he said. reports. Around 194 Navy officials International Airport (BIA) for tourists before was declared an isolated area in April, Once it is cleared, the camp would are currently receiving treatment August, Minister of Industrial Exports, would soon be a Covid-19-free zone, be ready to reopen for operations, for the virus, according to Army Tourism, and Aviation Prasanna Ranatunga according to the health authorities. Dr. Samaraweera noted. Commander Lt. Gen. Shavendra told the media following a political meeting Chief Epidemiologist Dr. Sudath A total of 657 out of the total Silva. in Wattala on Saturday (13). Samaraweera told The Morning that number of infected Navy personnel After the first Navy case was Ranatunga however emphasised that Mangala meets CBK the decision on reopening the Navy have been discharged from hospitals reported, around 4,000 people at the before the island is reopened for tourism, Former Minister Mangala yesterday (14). Samaraweera last camp would be taken next week, after after testing negative for Covid-19. Sri Lanka Navy Camp in Welisara, the Government hopes to complete the Samaraweera met with former week announced that he would be the next round of PCR (polymerase The total number of Navy officials including sailors and their families, repatriation of Sri Lankans stranded in President Chandrika Bandaranaike stepping aside from contesting the chain reaction) tests was conducted who contracted Covid-19 was 876 were quarantined within the camp, other countries. Kumaratunga in Attanagalla, at upcoming general election from on all sailors in the camp. as at Saturday (13) while 682 Navy and tests were carried out to ascertain “The Government hopes to speed up the her Horagolla Walauwa residence the Matara District. The latest tests were conducted on officials had fully recovered and if they had contracted the virus. process of repatriation. 5, 6, and 7 May, and the next rounds left treatment centres, according to – Maheesha Mudugamuwa Contd. on page 2 2 the morning INTERVIEW/NEWS Monday, June 15, 2020

BY AGRA RANASINGHE 2020 GENERAL ELECTION In light of the date for the general election being finalised for 5 August, The Morning sought the views of contesting parties on how they plan to manage their campaigning whilst ensuring they Most state and private keep to the health guidelines, and also discussed the implications of these guidelines on the election. The interviews will be published over the next couple of days. Today’s interview is with United media with Govt.: National Party (UNP) Deputy General Secretary Ruwan Wijewardene. Excerpts of the conversation follow. Ruwan Wijewardene With the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, what are the difficulties you Ruwan Wijewardene Opposition is having a tough time. will face while campaigning and are PHOTO SAMAN ABESIRIWARDANA you happy with the scheduled date of 5 The military of course is a very effective Will you be spending more of your August? election budget on electronic media, As the Election Commission (EC) has and efficient unit. The militarisation print media, or rallies? come up with the date, we don’t have any that is happening in the country has I think this time we will be spending other option. However, it would be better put some fear into the people now. more money on electronic media as well as if we could the assurance of the health So when it comes to the election, the on social media. officials, especially because the pandemic military may affect the community. seems to be at its last stages in the country. Will your Party Leader be present at all We saw that after the election in Korea Some of them might feel intimidated rallies? was held during the pandemic, the situation We are discussing the campaigns; I think worsened. So we don’t want anything the Party Leader will be coming to rallies like that to happen here. There is also the people have been campaigning for years. to speak to all the people. question of whether people will come out to vote, because they are still concerned Some politicians say that the split in the With the increased presence of the about this. UNP, with Sajith Premadasa forming a military, do you foresee any intimidation We are allowed to give out leaflets while separate alliance, was a relief to other of voters by the Government? going from house to house, but we don’t parties. How do you respond? The military of course is a very effective know whether people will come out to Unfortunately, whatever happened has and efficient unit. The militarisation that vote. I think it would have been better if happened. is happening in the country has put some they had done a proper assessment of the The UNP is one of the oldest parties in fear into the people now. So when it comes situation. this country. An individual doesn’t make to the election, the military may affect a party; Ranil Wickremesinghe or Sajith It’s something that we have been talking financially stable. We will have to spend the community. Some of them might feel How would you ensure the safety of the Premadasa or Ruwan Wijewardene can’t about, i.e. how the candidates are going to so much money on advertisements in the intimidated. public while campaigning and holding make a party alone. Supporters are the ones get themselves noticed. media and on social media. So I think for election, the Police will do meetings? who carry it further. We should concentrate I think the traditional method of going their usual duty. We will have to wait till the EC gives us on being a proper, effective opposition from house to house will work. We have to Will the Opposition parties be at guidelines to do our campaigns. But it’s without thinking of the split in the party. wait till the Election Commissioner makes disadvantage with the restrictions on Do you think voter turnout be at a not only about us as candidates; we have to But I think down the line, the UNP will a decision on that. campaigning, because the Government satisfactory level or low? also be worried about party supporters and come back in force. I think candidates will have to use social is using state media for propaganda? I hope it will be at a satisfactory level. those people who are with us. media as well as traditional methods to Yes, I think the Opposition is facing a But right now, with this situation, I really We have to make sure that we stick to the With the restrictions on campaigning, campaign. They will have to depend on lot of obstacles. Government media as doubt there will be a satisfactory turnout guidelines and that the people are safe. It how will the new contestants get their the media. However, there is the question well as most private media are going on for the election because people are still is going to be very hard to change the way message across the people? of whether some of the new candidates are the Government line. The fact is that the very worried about the pandemic.

Contd. from page 1

meeting held recently regarding the inability (EC) head office, as well as all district Friday (12) after our demands were met,” Concerns over... to take legal action against those who offices to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Bandara said. government had deducted Rs. 50 from “We will have to deal with politicians and violate health guidelines issued by the health The EC, with the assistance of the election pensioners to support the Government unless the guidelines are gazetted, we won’t authorities while preparing and holding the monitors, is carrying out awareness sessions Defence Fund had been declared as illegal,” be able to do much if somebody acts against election. in each electorate to ensure that all voters Listened to... Stalin explained. those,” Rohana stressed. “The health guidelines given by health are aware of the procedures. Explaining that the public has said they The union leader further stressed that if The Election Commission (EC) last week authorities clearly mention that the want to throw all 225 Members of Parliament an employee willingly contributes to any announced 5 August as the new date for the maximum number of people that could into the Diyawanna Oya, the UNP has fund, it cannot be questioned. However, long-delayed parliamentary election, which attend a meeting is 100. But it has not Postal services... presented the voters with new faces to choose deducting any amount from a salary without was earlier scheduled to be held on 20 June mentioned what actions the Police can take “We instigated trade union action from. prior approval is completely illegal. after it was postponed from 25 April, the against those who violate the guideline,” demanding that postal services resume work Wickremesinghe went on to say that the – Maheesha Mudugamuwa initial date set for the polls. Prof. Hoole stressed. on Saturdays as it was essential to ensure we candidates put forth by the UNP was a healthy Meanwhile, the EC too has requested the – Maheesha Mudugamuwa provide a proper service,” he said, noting mix of professionals, youth, and experienced Government to gazette all health guidelines that if the postal service didn’t operate on members, all of whom were dedicated Ready to... under the Quarantine and Prevention of Saturdays, post that comes on a Friday to working towards the betterment of the Lalkantha also noted that the JVP will Diseases Act. EC yet... would reach the intended recipient as late as country. Referring to the 2019 presidential take responsibility in finding suitable EC member Prof. Ratnajeevan Hoole told “In addition to that, we have to also take the following Wednesday. election, he said that both Sajith Premadasa quarantine facilities for the 20,000 migrant The Morning the guidelines given by health into consideration the amenities that will The Government on 3 June announced and the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) workers that they are promising to take care authorities including the World Health be required for counting centres, for which that the postal service would discontinue candidate had suffered heavy defeats at the of, and it will possibly look at establishing Organisation (WHO) were positive, and we will need time to calculate the costs,” operations on Saturdays. hands of an individual who was not part of the quarantine centres in each district, allocating they have given the green light to hold the Rathnayake explained. Postal trade unions initiated work to rule political system. 1,000 persons per district. Moreover, the election but also advised to be cautious and Safety measures are required to be trade union action on the very same day, However, the public has already lost faith party will also work with the healthcare to follow all the necessary health guidelines. implemented at every polling centre and demanding that postal services continue on in President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and so authorities to carry out the quarantine However, a concern was raised at the EC counting centre, the Election Commission Saturdays. “Trade union action ended last they have lost hope in the entire system. procedures. “If the hospitals are unable to Explaining that the UNP, the longest-serving release their staff, then we will seek the political party in the country, has experienced expertise of the retired healthcare workers. both victory and defeat, he said they But, we as a political party will not be able understand the necessity to adapt to the needs to carry out this task if we do not have Cartoon of the day of the people. the support from the Government and the The UNP Leader explained that currently, healthcare authorities.” the country is facing many problems, of The JVP is at present reaching out which the only political party capable of to generous persons to finance the task addressing them is the UNP. He further added of preparing the quarantine centres that while understanding the issues faced and equipping them with the necessary by the public, the party will put forth their amenities. The next step they would have to solutions shortly. take is to recruit healthcare professionals to The UNP was founded on the principle of be stationed at these quarantine centres. protecting the country, the Leader stated, and – Sarah Hannan that once again it was the responsibility of the UNP to come forth and save the country from the problems that have arisen. Young cop who... The SIS Constable was seriously injured in an accident involving a Defender on Govt. looking... 11 June. The accident took place close to Around 20,000 Sri Lankans are to the Sambuddha Jayanthi Mandiraya along be repatriated and 10,000 are currently Havelock Road in Colombo. undergoing quarantine,” Ranatunga added. The Police Media Division said the It was announced earlier that the Constable passed away at 5 a.m. last Government is planning to reopen the morning while he was receiving treatment at tourism sector on 1 August by allowing only the CNH. small groups of visitors at first. Test negative ... Union files... “Those in Jaffna who were recently put He stressed that neither the Government under self-quarantine have tested negative nor any other authority can take such for the Covid-19 virus,” he said. arbitrary decisions on an employee’s Self-quarantine was imposed on a salary without their approval and there number of houses in Jaffna last week as were several court decisions that had been a precautionary measure after an Indian given prohibiting such actions without the national who had been residing there had approval of an employee. tested positive for Covid-19. “A court decision given in 1985 had The Indian national had been residing clearly mentioned that the government in Jaffna throughout the quarantine period cannot deduct any amount from a month’s and was confirmed a Covid-19 patient after salary of an employee without his/her being tested upon returning to India. approval. Even in an instance where the – Skandha Gunasekara the morning 3 Monday, June 15, 2020 business SEC wants Central Bank to Lion’s Suresh Shah establish integrated Central to be succeeded by Counterparty system The Securities and Exchange CCP system to only government jointly by the SEC and the Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) securities and domestic foreign Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE), has requested the Central Bank of currency transactions in the initial and the Chairman indicated that Sri Lanka (CBSL) to establish an phase. The Chairman explained they were seeking the approval of Rajiv Meewakkala integrated Central Counterparty the importance of including equity the CBSL with regard to certain (CCP) system with regard to the as well in the CCP system and changes that had been proposed to BY UWIN LUGODA During his tenure at settlement of securities, including requested the Governor to explore the Know Your Customer (KYC) the CTC, he was also equity. the possibility of establishing an rules at the point of opening Ceylon Beverage responsible for building This request was made by integrated CCP system which will Central Depository Systems Holdings PLC (CBH) both global and local SEC Chairman Viraj Dayaratne certainly enhance the credibility (CDS) accounts online. is set to welcome brands by strengthening PC when he paid a courtesy call of the capital market of Sri Lanka Additionally, discussions Dr. Rajiv Herath brand values through on CBSL Governor Prof. W.D. and will boost investor confidence, also included the prospect of Meewakkala targeted communication, Lakshman recently. He was particularly that of international enhancing investments of the as its new Chief innovation in product accompanied by SEC Director investors. Employees’ Provident Fund Executive Officer and packaging, whilst General Chinthaka Mendis. This meeting provided an (EPF), Sri Lanka’s largest pension (CEO), following the handling trade marketing The SEC Chairman had opportunity for the Governor fund, in the CSE with suitable due retirement of its and sales function. explained to the Governor that and the Chairman to share and diligence. The SEC expects this Dr. Meewakkala was there had been an initiative under exchange views on issues of to provide above-average returns current CEO, Suresh also a member of the the Financial Sector Modernisation mutual interest as well as certain to members of the EPF and also Shah. South Asia Marketing Project (FSMP) funded by the specific matters regarding which would invigorate the capital In a letter addressed Leadership team for World Bank to set up an integrated the SEC required the support of market. to the Colombo Stock BAT, and was the Head Central Counterparty (CCP) the CBSL, the SEC said. The Governor agreed to have Exchange (CSE), the of Brand Marketing for system with regard to settlement The Governor had also been the matters looked into and the company stated that Dr. BAT Cambodia and Laos. of securities. However, later the briefed on the stock market meeting ended on a cordial and Meewakkala will be Following this, he worked CBSL had decided to limit the digitisation initiative undertaken positive note, the SEC said. appointed CEO-Designate as a Brand Consultant Suresh Shah with effect from 1 July with Interbrand, a global 2020; following which, successful. sector, working for a brand consultancy group. he will also become an Dr. Meewakkala first multinational group CBH is a subsidiary Sampath Bank secures first tranche Executive Director of joined the company’s for 19 years, he also of Carson Cumberbatch CBH, effective the same Board on 1 September led three large-state PLC, and is an investment day. 2017 as a Non-Executive sector businesses in holding company that is of $ 45 m syndicated facility “We wish to inform Independent Director, retail, construction, and engaged in the brewing Sampath Bank PLC, one of Sri you that Suresh Shah prior to which his banking. These included and marketing of beers Lanka’s leading commercial banks, will retire as CEO of management experience his tenure as the CEO of for both local and export successfully raised $ 45 million the company on 30 spanned across both Lanka Sathosa, Chairman markets and retailing of via a medium-term syndicated June 2020 following a private and public of State Development beer and alcohol products facility. The amount was disbursed very successful 30-year sector organisations. Construction Corporation, through its owned and in March 2020 and it is the first leadership of the Furthermore, he holds and Chairman of the managed wine shops and tranche of a $ 100 million signed company,” said the letter. a PHD in Management Housing Development pubs. It also operates facility. It is envisaged that the During his tenure, from the University Finance Corporation, a approximately 35 pubs second tranche would be raised Shah was responsible of Honalulu, MSc in specialised housing bank under Machan, 8.8%, and during the fourth quarter of this for taking the company’s International Marketing of the Government. O! brands. year. small brewing operation from the University of Furthermore, he was The company’s The facility was provided by a in Nuwara Eliya Strathclyde, in Glasgow, also the Marketing subsidiaries include Lion consortium of banks in the Middle and relocating it to and a Postgraduate Director of Ceylon Brewery (Ceylon) PLC, East and South Asia. Alpen Capital Biyagama, where he Diploma in Marketing Tobacco Company Pubs ‘N Places (Pvt.) (ME) Ltd., an investment banking helped transform it into from the Chartered (CTC), which is a fully Ltd., Retail Spaces (Pvt.) advisory firm based in the United a modern state-of-the-art Institute of Marketing in owned subsidiary of Ltd., Luxury Brands Arab Emirates (UAE), acted as Alpen Capital Senior Director Dilip Samanthilaka with Sampath Bank facility via its subsidiary, the UK. British American Tobacco (Pvt.) Ltd., Vee Waruna the sole financial advisor to the Managing Director Nanda Fernando and Group Chief Financial Officer Lion Brewery, making While Dr. (BAT), where he was (Pvt.) Ltd., Pearl Springs transaction. Ajantha De Vas Gunasekara the company one of Sri Meewakkala’s career responsible for managing (Pvt.) Ltd., and Millers Sampath Bank will be utilising “Sri Lanka is a very important liability company in the Dubai Lanka’s largest and most began in the private a diverse brand portfolio. Brewery Ltd. the funds to support its ongoing market for Alpen Capital. We International Financial Centre, business and growth requirements. are extremely proud to support Dubai, UAE and is licensed by “We are delighted to announce Sampath Bank PLC in its funding the Dubai Financial Services that we have been successful in requirements. There exist many Authority. Alpen Capital offers a raising funds, especially during synergies between the GCC (Gulf full range of investment banking DFCC Bank and CNCI’s SME these difficult times, from the Co-operation Council) and South advisory services in the areas of Middle Eastern and South Asian Asian markets and given our mergers and acquisitions, debt, markets. I would like to thank the expertise in this space, we are able equity, and capital markets to webinar tomorrow funding banks for supporting our to successfully connect our clients some of the largest business growth strategy and our advisors, with the right opportunities,” said conglomerates and financial Alpen Capital, for facilitating this Alpen Capital (ME) Ltd. Executive institutions in the GCC and transaction,” said Sampath Bank Chairman Rohit Walia. South Asia. Apart from the UAE, PLC Managing Director (MD) Alpen Capital (ME) Ltd. it has offices in Qatar, Oman, and Nanda Fernando. is incorporated as a limited India. Cinnamon Future of Tourism Summit tomorrow The second edition of the Wellness Institute (GWI) estimated Cinnamon Future of Tourism that wellness tourism was growing (FOT) Summit Virtual Conference more than twice as fast as general will be held tomorrow, 16 tourism. According to a Global June 2020, on the theme “The Newswire report, demand from Transforming Interface of Wellness Millennials is promising with Tourism”. The conference will be growth potential in urban wellness on Facebook Live with speakers which includes spas in cities and GOCO Hospitality Chief Executive towns. Officer (CEO) and Founder Ingo The Cinnamon FOT Virtual Schweder, Siddhalepa Group Siddhalepa Group Managing Director Conference takes on this timely Managing Director (MD) Asoka Asoka Hettigoda theme to gain insight into health Hettigoda, and Droga and Co. and wellness tourism in Sri Lanka, Founder Katherine Droga, and understanding the competitive will be moderated by Cinnamon advantage, key traveller types, Hotels and Resorts Head of Brand and wellness facilities operators Marketing and John Keells Group can look to attract. Furthermore, Vice President Dileep Mudadeniya. areas of discussion will expand The panellists who are to Ayurveda – the relationship knowledge experts in the field to wellness, the ways to make will discuss and deliberate their it relevant to Millennials, and views on the emerging trend of even the strategies to promote Sri wellness tourism in Sri Lanka post Lankan wellness and Ayurveda. Covid-19. The global pandemic Droga and Co. Founder Katherine Droga Commenting on the second DFCC Bank has partnered with through a webinar, the topics such They will further discuss the bank’s has created new challenges and edition of the FOT Virtual the Ceylon National Chamber of as how banks can help with short/ trade services and payments and resulted in new opportunities Conference, Mudadeniya stated: Industries (CNCI) to host a webinar medium-term cash injection for cash management service (DFCC and collaborations in the field “The world is resetting with to address the impact of Covid-19 businesses during this crisis period iConnect), as well as other products of wellness. The discussion will wellness in the forefront of tourism. on businesses. The webinar is open and the impact of Covid-19 on trade and services especially introduced also include how wellness has The FOT Virtual Conference will to CNCI-registered companies/ businesses will be discussed. Another during this time to meet the changed travel: airports, airlines discuss trends and predictions members and will be held tomorrow, area of focus will be the regulatory immediate needs of its customers. and lodging, the necessity to in wellness post Covid-19, the 16 June 2020, from 10 a.m. to 11.30 and operational aspects of the Every year, the CNCI conducts understand the wellness consumer, future of holistic wellness, and the a.m. recently introduced Special Deposit the CNCI Achiever Awards to the relationship between wellness resurgence of Ayurveda, and how The webinar takes place during Account. recognise and reward all levels of and hospitality, and the ways in wellness brands and hotels can a time when the country, and the As the educational partner of business in Sri Lanka, including which hospitality businesses can GOCO HosPitality CEO and Founder collaborate to launch interesting Ingo Schweder world, is at an economic standstill the webinar, DFCC Bank will small, medium, and large optimise in the wellness space post services and reach new customers.” due to the prevailing pandemic be represented by Deputy Chief corporates, in both the industrial and Covid-19. with many people turning to The Cinnamon FOT Virtual situation. However, as the Sri Executive Officer (CEO) Thimal service sectors. As the main sponsor The growing popularity of health and wellbeing as a priority. Conference 2020 will be held on Lankan Government works towards Perera, Senior Vice President and official banking partner of the wellness tourism has seen it However, the recent events 16 June 2020, from 3 p.m. to 4 combating Covid-19 in the island, and Head of Corporate Banking CNCI Achiever Awards over the last branching through many niches relating to Covid-19 have taken p.m. on Facebook Live. Guests can local industries are slowly moving Shamindra Marcelline, and Vice two consecutive years, DFCC Bank from nature emersion to sound this industry on a different turn, register on www.futureoftourism. towards normalcy in operations. President/Regional Manager Wajira will continue its sponsorship in 2020 healing and wellness sabbaticals. opening new opportunities to reach co or contact 0717 118 111 for Addressing this opportunity Punchihewa as webinar panellists. as well. The industry has looked promising, this growing segment. The Global inquiries. 4 the morning brunch Monday, June 15, 2020 Industry leaders weigh in on the Future of Work BY NAVEED ROZAIS A webinar organised by MillionSpaces addresses how Colombo City Centre An insightful webinar was held last companies can adapt to the transforming workplace week, on 11 June, to discuss the challenge and opportunities that Residences ready come with the disruption of the traditional workspace in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. to be called home Organised by MillionSpaces, an online The Residences at Colombo City marketplace where guests can discover, Centre is ready to introduce people to the book, and pay for unique spaces and pinnacle of city living, having concluded venues completely virtually through the construction recently on their high-end MillionSpaces platform, the webinar brought apartments. These tastefully designed together a number of industry leaders to and fully furnished homes are now open share their views on what the “Future of for viewing and will shortly be handed Work” would look like and ways companies over for occupancy. and industries can evolve in time to come. Colombo City Centre is the The webinar panel included MAS international clients that distance is a heavily. Recruitment in its traditional premier mixed development project Kreeda Chief Executive Officer (CEO) factor that no longer matters. sense will change. Recruiting the best to be completed in Sri Lanka. The Sarinda Unamboowe, Virtusa Chief Gunasekera shared that from the talent from around the globe is now more project commenced in 2015 with the Furthermore, placing utmost importance Information Officer (CIO) Madu Ratnayake, perspective of John Keells Holdings, feasible, given the adaption to remote partnership between Abans Group of on security details, The Residences Hemas Pharmaceuticals Managing Director the impact of the pandemic was mixed, working in recent months. Companies and the Singaporean-based is equipped with separate elevators, (MD) Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson, John with different sectors reacting differently. On the long-term sustainability of Next Story Group. The joint venture lobbies, car parks, a key card access Keells Holdings Executive Vice President Operationally, retail models had to change working from home, Perera also shared brought in one of the largest foreign system, and door phone system, and a (VP)/Chief People Officer Isuru Gunasekera, significantly, and infrastructure had to be that PwC research suggests the ultimate direct investments for Sri Lanka during personalised digital system is provided PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Director developed to handle a hugely exponential impact will depend on the type of the the recent past. The mixed development for every apartment owner, thus ensuring Aruna Perera, and MillionSpaces Founder increase in online orders overnight, from the workforce involved, and if the work is tied comprises 192 luxury apartments, an maximum safety and privacy within the Chairman and CEO Prasath Nanayakkara. back-end to the supply chain and to a specific location or not. The general international standard shopping mall, and premises. The webinar was moderated by Stax network. Difficult decisions like restricting consensus among the panel was that while a business class hotel. The backing of the The Residences at Colombo City Inc. Sri Lanka MD Ruwindhu Peiris and the number of customers placing orders there were many positives, factors like aforementioned corporate powerhouses Centre offers the best value proposition, MillionSpaces Co-founder and Head of had to be made. Leisure and construction suitability of roles to remote work as well saw the project through to completion as customers can experience the benefits Marketing Ganatharan Jeyakumar. are some of John Keells Holdings’ most as how different employees respond to amidst turbulent market conditions of investing in a multifaceted way of impacted industries; the aftermath of the working remotely will play a major part prevailing in the country, that saw some life all under one roof. As the most Where we are now Easter 2019 attacks on leisure industries in how companies adapt and implement property development projects stutter. practically designed mixed development The panellists each weighed in on how should also not be underestimated. remote working policy in the long term. Abans Group and Next Story in Sri Lanka, apartment owners can the pandemic had affected their industries, The general consensus among The social aspect of working in an highlighting its impact and how their office, and learning from inspired colleagues Group combined their resources, with gain access to a multitude of amenities the panel was that while there Abans Group’s unmatched reputation including shops, movies, restaurants, industries adapted. and leaders is also something that needs to Wilson shared that in the case of were many positives, factors like be considered. While connecting physically as one of Sri Lanka’s well-established supermarkets, entertainment, food courts, suitability of roles to remote work conglomerates and the international conglomerates working across diverse is not essential, in a remote work setting, gaming, and kids’ play areas simply via as well as how different employees chain of hotels under the Next Story an elevator. industries, collaboration and empowerment interactive measures like social chat rooms brand name, lending credibility and trust It is noteworthy to mention that due were powerful ways of finding solutions, respond to working remotely will for non-work interaction, mental health to investors. Sanken took the lead in the to the trust placed on the developers, with different silos like healthcare and play a major part in how companies support, and other virtual workplace construction of the entire structure, as Sri and customers’ excellent reviews on the FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) adapt and implement remote interaction will need to be addressed. Lanka’s premier construction company, structures and details of the finishing, working together, and employees being working policy in the long term There will also be changes felt in while the quality inspection and review many apartments have been sold and empowered to make situational decisions the commercial real estate market. Real was handled by JLL, a world leader in only a few more units are available for outside the traditional system. Perera shared that PwC had tested estate demands will be shaped by this. For real estate services. purchase. Unamboowe explained that while the remote working on and off previously, example, Unamboowe shared that MAS Bringing the magnificent architecture Indulge in a brand-new lifestyle for apparel industry is likely to be impacted resulting in employees being prepared to Holdings is considering reducing its real and craftsmanship to life, the two you and your family where your living significantly, given the hands-on nature some degree. But the scale of the lockdown estate footprint by 35-40%, focusing on globally renowned names of Aedes and space is more than just another luxury of manufacturing as well as the physical was entirely unprecedented and extended building co-working environments within Gensler undertook this venture with apartment. With the upcoming Kafnu element of retail, there are big positives remote working brought with it issues like their offices. There are myriad benefits to the assurance of offering international and Next Hotel collaboration set to take to the way the workplace is evolving. avoiding burnout among employees and such shifts, from rent and utility savings standards. place in the near future, customers can Manufacturing plants, for example, are maintaining work-life balance. Companies to reduced environmental impact and the At The Residences at Colombo look forward to a further value addition seeing increases in productivity after would need to step in, providing resources ability to invest more in technology and City Centre, 100% freehold ownership to their lifestyle, featuring entertainment adjusting spaces to fit in fewer people. on structuring days effectively, as well as innovation. Perera commented that how of the apartments is guaranteed to all for relatives, hosting of events, and also There was also a push in exploring working addressing issues like software. the economy responds post pandemic investors, even foreigners, making this co-working spaces for business owners remotely and other spaces pre-pandemic, will also play a large part in determining a historically important moment in the particularly for those who didn’t need to Where we go from here commercial real estate trends. and business meetings. Wilson commented that what would apartment construction industry. Welcome to The Residences at physically interact with a product to do their The pandemic has changed the fabric The Residences at Colombo City jobs. The pandemic has shown that many set companies apart when adapting to the of business, and businesses across the Colombo City Centre – a place where future would be how companies respond to Centre is outfitted with opulent and people who seek the pinnacle of city employees can work from anywhere and still board from SMEs (small and medium pristine finishing that features double- complete tasks and meet deadlines. things like the changing consumer and their enterprises) to conglomerates will need to living can reside, be it newlyweds, young needs as well as the need to pivot digitally glazed windows, imported porcelain families, retirement home seekers, or Tech companies like Virtusa were adapt and innovate to stay relevant. One of tiles, engineered timber flooring and less impacted by the pandemic because and maximise efficiency. Creating a culture the strongest lessons of the pandemic is that investors. of innovation and agile thinking will also stone flooring for the penthouses, and Those interested can call the nature of their work is such that any crisis has to be overcome. The best way remote working and flexible working be key, and pursuing and developing crazy for companies to come through this crisis imported closets for all bedrooms, and is +94766 652 652 fully fitted with pantry cupboards for the were pre-existing concepts and systems. ideas needs to be encouraged. is to stay focused, innovate, and learn. A dry kitchens as well as European branded +94712 513 213 Virtusa CIO Ratnayake explained that the Unamboowe commented that sentiment shared by Unamboowe was that hobs, hoods, and ovens for wet kitchens. for inquiries pandemic has served to normalise remote marketing approaches and aspects of the pandemic is going to be the single largest working a great deal, particularly showing HR (human resources) will need to shift catalyst for change in our lifetimes.

ASK to support Airtel users to continue their studies during the lockdown, the telco facilitated free a doctor Airtel, NIMH partner to raise access to “e-thaksalawa”, the official e-learning platform by the Ministry of Education, for When I was younger, I had no schools with learning material from grade one Q mental health awareness through to grade 13, and university-hosted issues with sleeping, but now e-learning platform, “LEARN”. To support and manage wellbeing during “It is paramount to consider mental that I’m in my late 60s, sleep is these stressful times, Airtel Lanka announced wellbeing as part and parcel of the public My Airtel app bolstered as one-stop hard to come by. Why is this? health response to Covid-19. Recognising this a series of initiatives and a partnership with Age-related sleep problems are common. This can be lacuna, we – the team at NIMH – are reaching shop for all user needs the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) due to several reasons. Most chronic conditions such as out to the general public to encourage Airtel customers can additionally top-up A to raise awareness on looking after your arthritis, back problems, diabetes, and other age-related everyone to utilise the mitigation methods and recharge while staying indoors using conditions can cause chronic pain that wakes you up in the mental health. that we have shared with the support of their My Airtel app or through the Airtel night. Two other neurological conditions that affect sleep are Drawing on the expertise of experienced mental- Airtel. website. The Airtel app offers many options Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases in some people. health professionals and counsellors at NIMH, Airtel “During this pandemic, there has been to customers such as 25% discount on If you are on any medications, that too can affect your sleep. will be utilising its strong link with young Sri Lankans a spike in anxiety and for those of us who exclusive data bundles, “work from home” Another reason could be having to wake up to pass urine in to drive out messages of support and solidarity, while are suffering in isolation, know this: You higher data packs, and additional bonus the night; this could be due to an underlying medical condition providing practical insights on common mental health are not alone. Looking out for each other talk time, to name a few. Selected exclusive like diabetes, a heart condition, or other age-related bladder issues that could emerge in times of crisis. and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while offers by banks and other payment partners problems or due to medications such as diuretics. It’s important remaining physically distant will remain are also available for the ease of customers. to avoid caffeine and alcohol later in the day. As we get older, crucial as we address the pandemic together,” Airtel is also offering its customers a chance our sleep rhythm can also see several changes. said NIMH Sri Lanka Director Dr. Dhammika to earn from home when you recharge Another condition that can disturb sleep is sleep apnea; Wijesinghe. another Airtel prepaid number through the it can affect anyone, but studies have shown that it’s more Throughout the lockdown period, the My Airtel app. common after the age of 40 years. You may also unknowingly telco will continue to provide all its users Additionally, an emergency loan facility be dozing off during the day which might affect the quality of with free entertainment via Airtel Movie Box. is offered for all Airtel mobile prepaid sleep at night. Also, blue light from your electronic devices can Accessible through the My Airtel app, users customers who are unable to purchase top-up hinder sleep. Other less common causes could be restless legs will have their choice of over 500 movies cards or reload. syndrome, mental health issues like depression, or other mood – the largest online library of Sri Lankan “Ever since the lockdown was first disorders. Hence, it’s important to speak to your GP regarding films in the country – in high definition and implemented a month prior, the Airtel your sleep if it’s disturbed. in all three languages. The library includes team has been doing everything to help our movies going back to the golden era of the customers navigate through this challenging time, while strictly abiding with the silver screen all the way through to the latest ANSWERED BY releases. directives for social distancing. We have all come to rely on technology to help us Dr. Dineshani Hettiarachchi MBBS, MSc Regenerative Medicine, MCGP, SEDA (UK). Dr. Hettiarachchi is a Empowering e-education through the Covid crisis, by keeping us family physician and a lecturer at the Department of While the temptation to avoid educational connected and enabling us to work, study, or Anatomy and Human Genetics Unit, Faculty of Medicine stay entertained online,” Airtel Lanka Chief at the University of Colombo. Email Dr. Hettiarachchi commitments during the lockdown period may on [email protected] if you have any more be significant, the telco also urged young Sri Marketing Officer Chandrashekhar Singh questions you’d like answered here. Lankans not to neglect their education. In order Chauhan said. the morning sports Monday, June 15, 2020 More clatter by Sepp Blatter Shooting will go No. 1 beaten by no. 32 Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter is the subject of on in SL Novak Djokovic lost one of his two opening a fresh investigation by Swiss prosecutors for The National Shooting Sport matches at the Adria Tour yesterday (14), as suspected criminal mismanagement of funds, Federation (NSSF) in Sri Lanka hopes elite men’s tennis returned for the first time related to a $ 1 million (Rs. 185 million) payment. to revive their pandemic-struck since being suspended due to the coronavirus The case is in addition to the overall investigation 2020 calendar. They were expected pandemic. The world no. 1 cruised past fellow into Blatter in Switzerland and is on an unsecured, to host 10 local events while taking Serb Viktor Troicki 4-1, 4-1 in Belgrade in just 34 interest-free loan given by FIFA to the Trinidad part in 11 international meets, but now they are optimistic that minutes, yet later lost 4-2, 2-4, 1-4 to world no. and Tobago Football Association in 2010. they can host at least two-third of its planned local events. 32 Filip Krajinovic (pictured), also from Serbia. AUGUST D-DAY FOR AKILA DANANJAYA z The key spin bowler's 'make or break' test will take place in India

BY REVATHA S. SILVA Sri Lanka's match-winning limited-over spin bowler Akila Dananjaya's fate will be decided when he will undergo his decisive final test by the International Council (ICC) this August in India, (SLC) confirmed on Friday (12). "Yes, he will undergo a test on his period. The off-spinner could, however, bowl action in India, probably along with P.H.T. in domestic cricket with the consent of SLC. (Tharindu) Kaushal, in August. If it is going to be proved that he (Dananjaya) has rectified his Remarkable find action, then he will be allowed to play again," Son of a carpenter, Dananjaya, now aged a senior SLC official told The Morning Sports. 26, rose to international fame in 2012 emerging from Panadura to be considered a remarkable Failed twice in two years find from Sri Lanka, especially in the limited- First, in December 2018, Dananjaya was over formats. He played one season (2018) in suspended from bowling in international matches the (IPL) signing up after his action was deemed to be illegal. The with the franchise. bowler later corrected the action and began He took 51 ODI in 36 games at an playing in March 2019. But again in September average of 29.52. His tally of wickets in T20Is 2019, the ICC banned him from bowling in is 22 in 22 matches, averaging 28.18. Dananjaya international matches for 12 months, as his took 26 wickets in six Tests at a fairly impressive action was considered illegal. average of 24.81 runs per a . Dananjaya's suspension was a result of the ICC's automatic penalty for bowlers who have Decisive test for career twice failed assessment tests inside a two-year Meanwhile Kaushal, 27, another off-spinner in the 's wrist-spin mould with an experience of seven Test matches, was banned to bowl his “” (the leg-spinner delivered in the off-spinner's bowling action) after a test held in Chennai, India in 2015 by the ICC. Dananjaya, a lethal contributor for the country, who will be particularly useful in the forthcoming T20 and 50-over World Cups in the coming months and years, will have to say adios to his international career if he fails the August test. But he will be back in national services, in a big way, if he passes it. Tharindu Kaushal Akila Dananjaya

Now IPL in Sri Lanka in September! z Sunil Gavaskar predicts the league cannot be held in India even four months from now

BY REVATHA S. SILVA in a shortened IPL). Maybe you can think of that,” Gavaskar has The unseen coronavirus can suggested. put down anybody, no matter The United Arab Emirates (UAE) how brash, cocky, and arrogant and Sri Lankan cricket boards have he may be. The mighty Indians already shown interest in hosting who could even upstage a World the tournament this year. Cup for saving one edition of its annual Indian Premier League (IPL) SLC really ready have apparently understood that “Logistically and time-difference the outside world is progressing wise, we (Sri Lanka) are the most faster than them in their pursuit of viable option. We have four top-class the Covid-19 pandemic. international stadiums. With the Now, of all else, Sunil “Sunny” ongoing refurbishment work being Gavaskar has proposed to the Indian over by August, Khettarama too media last week that the IPL money could be ready by then,” an Ex-co Three Indian firms in the race spinner could not be held in October member of Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) z SL national cricket team sponsorship for 2020-23 because Australia can get ahead with told The Morning Sports yesterday holding the International Cricket (14), expressing their further The Sri Lanka national cricket team's Individual or series wise Previously Rs. 1.1 billion Council (ICC) T20 Word Cup on Sunil Gavaskar willingness to stage the league. title sponsorship is now up for grabs, schedule, depriving the Board of the virus curve), then having the Sri Lanka is heading fast towards for the next three-year period. Who The Covid-19 pandemic situation "Once they have won their rights, Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) IPL looks difficult because it could normalcy with not a single Covid-19 are the key firms now in contention has resulted in a delay in the process they may sell it anyway, to anybody any realistic time space to stage the only be held if the World T20 is case being reported from society to have it? Three corporates from our of finalising the bidding, it is learnt. who is not into either tobacco, IPL in the country. postponed,” the legendary former through almost four weeks. The neighbouring giants India are in the "There is a delay in receiving liquor, or the gambling industries," Indo has argued. national cricket team began its fray. responses from the interested parties, the source revealed on condition of Aus ready to open stadia So, what’s his next bet? training too, in a bio-secure situation "There are three interested parties particularly the local ones," the above anonymity. “...After the announcement (of from 1 June. from India. Among others are two source further added. The last time when Dialog held the opening the stadiums for fans by September is monsoon This will also mean SLC will mobile phone giants from Sri Lanka "The three Indians are not individual Sri Lanka national team sponsorship Australian Prime Minister Scott time in India probably have its “plate full” with plus another marketing company here. companies. They are marketing firms for a three-year period, the total value Morrison), the IPL in October looks “In September, you can’t have a plenty of options. After starting All depends (with regard to the final who basically do buying and selling was estimated at over Rs. 1.1 billion. difficult,” Gavaskar told Indian local the IPL in India due to monsoon... the now-stalled domestic season selection of Sri Lanka's team sponsor) of the sponsorships. After buying the "There are various parties who are television Aaj Tak. But maybe (it can be held) in Sri soon, they have the Lankan Premier on the final bidding," a source who is sponsorship rights, they will go for already active in the market eyeing “If the ICC believes that the Lanka from early September with League (LPL), the Asia Cup, and in the know of the proceedings at Sri an individual (one main sponsor). Or the sponsorship. This time also, the World T20 can happen (in Australia teams playing each other once now the IPL, all crammed between Lanka Cricket (SLC) told The Morning else, they can sell it (the sponsorship value will be in the same region or as they have successfully flattened instead of double-headers (meaning, July and September. Sports yesterday (14). rights) series by series," he explained. more," he added.