Mount Carmel Awards Diplomas to 217 Seniors Beth Ann Simno, Principal, President’S Student Aid Program
Page 2 | CLARION HERALD GRADUATION June 8, 2019 | New Orleans Mount Carmel awards diplomas to 217 seniors Beth Ann Simno, principal, President’s Student Aid Program. conferred diplomas on 217 se- Flores will study chemistry at niors who were graduated from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Mount Carmel Academy in com- Texas, from which she received mencement ceremonies at the President’s Excellence and Ed- Pontchartrain Center on May 20. wardian scholarships. The Class of 2019 earned $26 mil- Freese will major in pre-nurs- lion in scholarships and awards ing at Louisiana State University and was accepted into 89 colleges Honors College, from which she BERRY ESTESS FLORES FREESE GILLLEN HAPPOLDT and universities. received the Academic Scholars Sister of Camille Anne Camp- Resident Award and President’s bell, O. Carm., president, pre- Student Aid Program. sented the valedictory medals Gillen will study chemical to Jordan R. Berry, daughter of engineering at the University of Richard and Stacey Berry; Shelby Notre Dame, from which she re- L. Estess, daughter of John and ceived the Campus Employment Lori Estess; Madeline G. Flores, Scholarship. daughter of Louis and Trudy Happoldt, a National Merit Flores; Kaitlyn M. Freese, daugh- Commended student, will ma- HOLZMAN LARK NOONAN SAAK SAMAHA TRAHAN ter of Brian Freese and Kelly jor in business and economics Fulham; Mary C. Gillen, daugh- at Fordham University in The Samaha, a National Merit strong communication skills, lette L. Richard, Sophie R. Rink, ter of Gene and Jennifer Gillen; Bronx, N.Y., from which she Commended student, will study leadership ability and spiritual Madison F.
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