Robert Muchamore | 368 pages | 01 Apr 2012 | Hachette Children's Group | 9780340999172 | English | London, United Kingdom Henderson's Boys: The Prisoner: Book 5 by - Books - Hachette Australia

More Details Henderson's Boys 5. Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Prisoner , please sign up. Does it matter if the books are not read in order? Martyna Yes, they should be read in order. Will there be another Cherub book after new guard? Martyna No, it is the last book of the series. See 2 questions about The Prisoner…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Prisoner Henderson's Boys, 5. Jan 26, Stevie Finegan SableCaught rated it really liked it. Follow the link to watch my video review of read the script below. So from watching my previous videos you'll know I'm quite a fan of Robert Muchamore's, in fact Grey Wolves, the book that proceeds this one was actually one of my books of the year for It's the s origins of what will eventually become the high tech, government organisation CHERUB, the focus of his original series of books. As the story opens he has been imprisoned for months in an old converted steamer in Frankfurt. He is packed in, shoulder to shoulder, with as many other men they can fit, fed the barest of slop and they are forced to work in the toughest conditions, given the jobs that no one else wants. Marc knows he has to get away, if he doesn't he'll end up worked to death by the guards or even killed by one of his fellow prisoners. Yet this time there is no Henderson to help him, the British spy network isn't him, and the awful conditions make it impossible to even think straight, let alone plot an escape. This time there is no plan, no help, but Marc will try anyway, it's escape or die. I really loved this book, it's the kind of book you read for thrills. With books like this you can basically measure how good it is by how long it takes to read it. It really does have the 'can't stop turning the pages' element to it. Marc is constantly toying on the edge of danger and one wrong move will see him shot through the head. You can't help reading with your heart in your throat. There are some brilliant throw backs in this book, you are presented with scenes and characters that first appeared in books as far back as The Escape, but overall this book feels more like a companion novel, rather than another book in the series. Of all the characters we have been introduced to previously it really is simply about Marc and in such a way it's very different, but not in a bad way. It's different, it's Marc's book, rather than a Henderson's Boys book, and I can't wait for the next to hear from Rosie and Pj and Paul again, but this was an interesting diversion, it gives an exhillerating view behind enemy lines, where everything is so much more dangerous and thus, much more exciting. These include As always all you have to do to win, be subscribed and post a comment down below. So guys have you read any Muchamore? If so what do you prefer Cherub or Henderson's Boys? If you haven't read him already definitely check him out. Definitely my favourite spy books at the moment. Anyway, happy reading guys, hope to hear from you in the comments down below. View 1 comment. Mar 11, Conor Davson rated it it was amazing. I decided to read this book because id read the other books leading up to it and they were great so I wanted to finish the series and I think these books are the best book of all of Robert muchamores' books including his other version of this series the series. Feb 02, Zainab rated it really liked it Shelves: i-own , ya , historical-fic , romance , series , some-form-of-spies , read-in This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I suprisingly did enjoy The Prisoner, even though the plot revolved entirely around Marc. I'm a fan of Henderson my self, his character brings about lots of laughs as well as a more mature outlook but Marc has always been an interesting character and I was curious to see what happened to him at the end of Grey Wolves. Watching Marc struggle through labour camps was terrible, there were moments when I would cringe and look away, but continue reading with one eye squinting. I mean, it's interestin I suprisingly did enjoy The Prisoner, even though the plot revolved entirely around Marc. I mean, it's interesting but come on, 'It was a relief knowing he wasn't blind beneath the swelling, but soon both eyes were filled with blood as the surgeon cut away strips of skin, then used a sterilised tea-spoon to scoop out rancid-smelling pus and clotted blood. I can't look at a tea spoon the same : All in all, a great novel although lacking that final umph. Muchamore hasn't dissapointed for this one methinks. View 2 comments. Oct 24, Dianna rated it really liked it. At least now it only takes a few days to read them. This one was excellent though I wish we'd got to see more of Henderson and his sadness at Marc's disappearance but hey. Marc is a great character, the story moves super quickly and is exciting and yeah. Aug 22, Luke rated it it was amazing. Why I decided to read this book. I decided to read this book so I could continue reading from the first 4 books,I also find this series quite enthralling and also quite humorous at times, as well as the action packed goodness that's in this book. This also shows how England cooperated with the French and their resistance agencies so they could get information Why I decided to read this book. This also shows how England cooperated with the French and their resistance agencies so they could get information and downed aircraft men out of the country safely. I've just got no intention to get strapped to a barn door and horse whipped. Marc was an interesting character because he had quite a few hits of brilliant luck and he also had some good ways of lying to the jerrys and he managed to get out of trouble from his labour camp in Germany all the way back to Paris and get back into his orphanage which he last visited 2 years ago, he also got a very nice girlfriend whom both adored each other very much. He also got back out of Paris and back to England to meet up with his fellow spies after blowing up and airfield with a pair of Canadians who had landed at dieppe and made it all the way to the orphanage. Jan 16, Vedansh rated it it was amazing. Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. At the age of 13, Marc was deployed in occupied France for espionage work but things went wrong and Marc was captured by the Gestapo and sent to Germany to work in the farms. This action-packed book puts us in Marc's shoe though all his experiences in the prison camp and his final escape. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with new twists in the story. It's a real page-turner you wouldn't realize as the hours go by. What really hooks me to the books by Muchamore is that he is writing about a critical time in history though it is fiction, it is very accurate in the fact how people struggled to survive at that time period. Aug 18, Mary rated it really liked it. Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. It was a thrilling book about an escape from a Nazi labour camp and an escape from Nazism itself. But as a teen's book, it did get overly lovey-dovey. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a g Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a great lead onto the rest of the series. It was all about Marc! I loved it! Definitely my favourite Henderson's Boys book so far. Especially since in the last one PT annoyed the crap out of me. I was sad I didn't get to see as much of Rosie or Paul but Marc was amazing. He was smart and resourceful and totally kicked ass. I didn't love the fact he got back together with Jae but it was a minor point. He's willingness to fight for his beliefs was inspiring. I just loved it. Jul 01, Grw rated it it was amazing. The first three quarters of this were the best book of the series so far in both realism and suspense. Just a shame the last part seemed so rushed, and more than a little OTT. Odd thing is the reason the first part was so good was that the title character was completely missing. Mar 03, Carla rated it it was amazing. When you read this book, you feel like you are reading a story that really happened. Muchamore explores the historic facts around the fictional storyline, like a pro. Mar 17, Noah Dommaschk rated it it was amazing. The best one of the series. Jul 21, Nathan rated it it was amazing. Sep 09, Lucie rated it really liked it. Best so far. Feb 04, Sushmit rated it really liked it. When he was in the prison he was fearing that he'll be unable to survive the coming winter, he plotted a daring escape by making fake identities at night and escape with three bunkmates, he did everything possible like killing the guards but the plan went horribly wrong Everything goes so bad that he had to hide from the whole nazi army alone on a roof top for 5 days. Later in story when he found help, the only way they found for his escape was to steal a plane from the nazis and fly it home. This book has lots of adventure and thrilling suspense. This is the odd one out but still, this is my favorite one. Dec 30, Kerenza rated it really liked it. I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. A prisoner is being held inside enemy territory. He has to escape and get back but the odds are stacked against him and other obstacle might get in his way. I liked the beginning and about the last quarter of the book, as it had lots going on. There was only a little bit in the middle which I found went on a bit. I really liked how the Prisoner returned to where he was at the beginning of book one. I also liked how we met charac I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. I also liked how we met character who had changed due to the war. This book had no major twist in the book and I knew from the beginning what was going to happen. This book had an air of predictability to it. There were good bits like the bit just before he gets home. A set of forged record cards could be his ticket to freedom, but might just as easily become his death warrant. A vital mission awaits him in France - if he can find a way to escape. Rock War: Crash Landing: Book 4. Rock War: Gone Wild: Book 3. Rock War: Boot Camp: Book 2. Henderson's Boys: Scorched Earth: Book 7. This book was really, really good - in fact I'd like to read it again! Robert Muchamore was born in Islington in and spent thirteen years working as a private investigator. He loves Arsenal and watching people fall down holes. He hates swimming and getting chased by cows. He was inspired to start writing by his nephew's complaints about the lack of anything for him to read! His books are now bestsellers in many countries around the world. For more information, go to www. The World According to Anna. The Abyssinian Proof. The Camel Bookmobile. The Prisoner (Henderson's Boys, #5) by Robert Muchamore

Marc is a great character, the story moves super quickly and is exciting and yeah. Aug 22, Luke rated it it was amazing. Why I decided to read this book. I decided to read this book so I could continue reading from the first 4 books,I also find this series quite enthralling and also quite humorous at times, as well as the action packed goodness that's in this book. This also shows how England cooperated with the French and their resistance agencies so they could get information Why I decided to read this book. This also shows how England cooperated with the French and their resistance agencies so they could get information and downed aircraft men out of the country safely. I've just got no intention to get strapped to a barn door and horse whipped. Marc was an interesting character because he had quite a few hits of brilliant luck and he also had some good ways of lying to the jerrys and he managed to get out of trouble from his labour camp in Germany all the way back to Paris and get back into his orphanage which he last visited 2 years ago, he also got a very nice girlfriend whom both adored each other very much. He also got back out of Paris and back to England to meet up with his fellow spies after blowing up and airfield with a pair of Canadians who had landed at dieppe and made it all the way to the orphanage. Jan 16, Vedansh rated it it was amazing. Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. At the age of 13, Marc was deployed in occupied France for espionage work but things went wrong and Marc was captured by the Gestapo and sent to Germany to work in the farms. This action-packed book puts us in Marc's shoe though all his experiences in the prison camp and his final escape. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with new twists in the story. It's a real page-turner you wouldn't realize as the hours go by. What really hooks me to the books by Muchamore is that he is writing about a critical time in history though it is fiction, it is very accurate in the fact how people struggled to survive at that time period. Aug 18, Mary rated it really liked it. Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. It was a thrilling book about an escape from a Nazi labour camp and an escape from Nazism itself. But as a teen's book, it did get overly lovey-dovey. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a g Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a great lead onto the rest of the series. It was all about Marc! I loved it! Definitely my favourite Henderson's Boys book so far. Especially since in the last one PT annoyed the crap out of me. I was sad I didn't get to see as much of Rosie or Paul but Marc was amazing. He was smart and resourceful and totally kicked ass. I didn't love the fact he got back together with Jae but it was a minor point. He's willingness to fight for his beliefs was inspiring. I just loved it. Jul 01, Grw rated it it was amazing. The first three quarters of this were the best book of the series so far in both realism and suspense. Just a shame the last part seemed so rushed, and more than a little OTT. Odd thing is the reason the first part was so good was that the title character was completely missing. Mar 03, Carla rated it it was amazing. When you read this book, you feel like you are reading a story that really happened. Muchamore explores the historic facts around the fictional storyline, like a pro. Mar 17, Noah Dommaschk rated it it was amazing. The best one of the series. Jul 21, Nathan rated it it was amazing. Sep 09, Lucie rated it really liked it. Best so far. Feb 04, Sushmit rated it really liked it. When he was in the prison he was fearing that he'll be unable to survive the coming winter, he plotted a daring escape by making fake identities at night and escape with three bunkmates, he did everything possible like killing the guards but the plan went horribly wrong Everything goes so bad that he had to hide from the whole nazi army alone on a roof top for 5 days. Later in story when he found help, the only way they found for his escape was to steal a plane from the nazis and fly it home. This book has lots of adventure and thrilling suspense. This is the odd one out but still, this is my favorite one. Dec 30, Kerenza rated it really liked it. I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. A prisoner is being held inside enemy territory. He has to escape and get back but the odds are stacked against him and other obstacle might get in his way. I liked the beginning and about the last quarter of the book, as it had lots going on. There was only a little bit in the middle which I found went on a bit. I really liked how the Prisoner returned to where he was at the beginning of book one. I also liked how we met charac I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. I also liked how we met character who had changed due to the war. This book had no major twist in the book and I knew from the beginning what was going to happen. This book had an air of predictability to it. There were good bits like the bit just before he gets home. The action scene were fun and exciting and was what you need to boast the excitement of the book. This action scene happens just before the he gets back to England. This book had a touch of humor which gave a lightness to the book. Overall, I felt this book a dip from the previous books, although I did like it. This book isn't the best that Robert Muchamore has written and I hope that he does better in the next books. Mar 31, Raj Rathod rated it liked it. My favourite character in this book was Marc, I found him interesting because as a 14 year old agent being held as a prisoner he still manages to handle his problems well and solve them with ease, I also found it interesting how determined he was to get out of Frankfurt even thought he's been trying to escape for 10 months you would think he would quit because of the harsh environment. I also found it interesting how Marc could be in the worst situation bu 1 Who is my favourite character and why? I also found it interesting how Marc could be in the worst situation but not drop his pride. The most exciting part for me in this book was when the train stopped and everyone had to move heavy logs to clear the train tracks because before it one of the officers was quite puny and it was funny how all of them made fun of him, I also found it exciting because i thought that's when Marc was going to escape but instead he ended up fighting a prisoner from another cabin and got punished by a much worse officer then the puny one instead. Apr 19, Isaac Mcnickle rated it it was amazing. I decided to read this book as I have read all the other books in this series and thoroughly enjoyed them. This completes the book written in or category. I enjoy this category as it is themed within the timeframe making it more real and of the present which I think really connects with the readers. My favorite quote from the book is 'the man with the bat placed the end under marc's chin " this is my lie detector, and guess what happens she detects lies" ' because it just shows that eve I decided to read this book as I have read all the other books in this series and thoroughly enjoyed them. My favorite quote from the book is 'the man with the bat placed the end under marc's chin " this is my lie detector, and guess what happens she detects lies" ' because it just shows that even if they're kids thatget treated and punished like adults if they spy. A new thing I learned from this book is that no matter how old you are, spying is dangerous. A character that interested me in this book was Marc as he never failed to perform under pressure. A very good spy. They meet a local woman, Madame Mercier, who gets Marc into a part of the docks where he can take photos of the U-boat bunker. After this, they sail back to a rendezvous with a boat from the UK, named Madeline , but two nights later, they are stopped by a German E-boat, but after a shootout, Troy LeConte reveals that Henderson's son has been born. After a brief period of time in England, they go back into occupied France, where Joel and PT get jobs with the Organisation Todt , an organization which commandeered resources for German military usage, and Paul, Boo and Rosie work as a team to communicate with London, and Marc is a cigarette boy at a brothel-bar. The Prisoner is the fifth book in the Henderson's Boys series. The novel is set from May to September Held in Frankfurt with a job filing prisoner records, he attempts to escape with three other boys by forging prisoner transfer documents and escaping from the transfer train. However the guard at the station recognises Marc and has him sent back to his boss, Commandant Vogel while the two boys Marc was escaping with continue on. Vogel assumes the transfer was a paperwork error and has him back working his filing job. However, when he arrives back at his dormitory, a gang of bullies find that he is no longer protected by the three boys he was attempting to escape with, and they get into a fight where Marc is eventually knocked unconscious. When Marc regains consciousness, Commandant Vogel has been replaced by a new commandant who works out that he tried to escape and he is reassigned as a sewage system cleaner. When he sees a chance to escape, Marc bolts but is forced to kill several German guards in the process and a search is put out for him. He hides out in the office where he originally worked for a few days where he forges paperwork for himself. After hiding out for a few days, Marc is picked up for discrepancies in his paperwork. He admits to actually being Marc Kilgour who previously went to an orphanage Beauvais. The policeman does not realise he had escaped from prison and he is sent back to the orphanage. When he arrives he is pleased to find that the cruel Director Tomas has been replaced by a group of nuns. He is sent back to work for Farmer Morel and gets into a serious relationship with his daughter Jae. Two months pass, and Marc becomes used to life at the orphanage. However, when Marc finds two Canadian soldiers who landed at the unsuccessful landings at Dieppe and they help him get back in contact with the resistance group that Charles Henderson set up the previous year, which is being run by Maxine Clere. The resistance group decides to sabotage a German military airbase which has a radar system that has been causing heavy casualties to the British bombers because sophisticated German radar sets have been making their planes easy to find. They also plan to steal a plane and fly it back to give scientists in Britain a functioning radar set in the hope that they can jam the radar signals. A pilot is parachuted in and the raid goes according to plan, but one of the soldiers is killed. It was published in French under the literally translated title of Le Prisonnier. One Shot Kill is the sixth book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 1 November by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 16 May to 3 July , when Hitler is developing a radical new weapon which he claims could turn the war back in his favor. Henderson's Boys have to find the weapon and sabotage all efforts to produce it. Four of the boys undergo sniper training, and the team is sent in to scout the area but something goes wrong. After many days in occupied France, a new target is located and they must hunt down the elusive war-turning weapon. Scorched Earth is the seventh and final book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 7 February by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 5 June to 24 August , during the final days of the Nazi occupation of France. Rock War: Gone Wild: Book 3. Rock War: Boot Camp: Book 2. Henderson's Boys: Scorched Earth: Book 7. This book was really, really good - in fact I'd like to read it again! Robert Muchamore was born in Islington in and spent thirteen years working as a private investigator. He loves Arsenal and watching people fall down holes. He hates swimming and getting chased by cows. He was inspired to start writing by his nephew's complaints about the lack of anything for him to read! His books are now bestsellers in many countries around the world. For more information, go to www. Henderson's Boys 5: The Prisoner - Robert Muchamore - Google книги

Book Rating. Unabridged Audiobook. Remove From Cart. Date: January Duration: 5 hours 36 minutes. Similar Titles. Prisoner: Book 5 by Robert Muchamore has successfully been added to your shopping cart. This title is due for release on January 14, Please Log in and add this title to your wishlist. Go Search. More books by Robert Muchamore. Left loading Robert Muchamore Robert Muchamore was born in Islington in and spent thirteen years working as a private investigator. Readers also viewed. Find a book you'll love, get our newsletter name email. YES I have read and consent to Hachette Australia using my personal information or data as set out in its Privacy Policy and I understand I have the right to withdraw my consent at any time. This website uses cookies. Using this website means you are okay with this but you can find out more and learn how to manage your cookie choices here. Close cookie policy overlay. Meanwhile, German agents are tracking two British children, year-old Paul and year-old Rosie Clarke. Charles Henderson , a British spy, finds himself trying to reach them before the Germans can. He enlists the help of year-old Marc Kilgour , a French orphan, in order to save the pair. He soon realises that children will be essential recruits if the British are to win the war. The Escape has received a positive reception from critics, with Toby Clements of The Daily Telegraph calling it "fresh and direct", but noting that the subject matter is "challenging". Eagle Day is the second book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 4 June by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 15 June to 1 October During this time, the Battle of Britain is in full swing and Hitler is planning to cross the channel and invade Britain. With the help of PT Bivott, an American boy in trouble with the law, they help British bombers to target ports in France that will be used to invade Britain in Operation Sealion. Secret Army is the third book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 4 February by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from January to February The British spy Charles Henderson has returned to Britain, having thwarted Nazi invasion plans, and wants to start an organisation training teenagers as secret agents. Their training takes place in a requisitioned village, with parachute training in Scotland, followed by an exercise where the CHERUB team, and groups of Polish, Norwegian and French SOE agents, are parachuted over northern England and instructed to steal an anti-aircraft gun and deliver it to Kings Cross station in London within 48 hours. Secret Army was praised for its realism and ability to interest boys in history. Grey Wolves is the fourth book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 3 February by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 20 April to early August It begins with Marc Kilgour and Charles Henderson on a fact-gathering mission in the town of Lorient , on the Atlantic coast of France, in preparation for a possible future sabotage of the U-boat bases there. They meet a local woman, Madame Mercier, who gets Marc into a part of the docks where he can take photos of the U-boat bunker. After this, they sail back to a rendezvous with a boat from the UK, named Madeline , but two nights later, they are stopped by a German E-boat, but after a shootout, Troy LeConte reveals that Henderson's son has been born. After a brief period of time in England, they go back into occupied France, where Joel and PT get jobs with the Organisation Todt , an organization which commandeered resources for German military usage, and Paul, Boo and Rosie work as a team to communicate with London, and Marc is a cigarette boy at a brothel-bar. The Prisoner is the fifth book in the Henderson's Boys series. The novel is set from May to September Held in Frankfurt with a job filing prisoner records, he attempts to escape with three other boys by forging prisoner transfer documents and escaping from the transfer train. However the guard at the station recognises Marc and has him sent back to his boss, Commandant Vogel while the two boys Marc was escaping with continue on. Vogel assumes the transfer was a paperwork error and has him back working his filing job. However, when he arrives back at his dormitory, a gang of bullies find that he is no longer protected by the three boys he was attempting to escape with, and they get into a fight where Marc is eventually knocked unconscious. When Marc regains consciousness, Commandant Vogel has been replaced by a new commandant who works out that he tried to escape and he is reassigned as a sewage system cleaner. When he sees a chance to escape, Marc bolts but is forced to kill several German guards in the process and a search is put out for him. He hides out in the office where he originally worked for a few days where he forges paperwork for himself.

Henderson's Boys - Wikipedia

I've just got no intention to get strapped to a barn door and horse whipped. Marc was an interesting character because he had quite a few hits of brilliant luck and he also had some good ways of lying to the jerrys and he managed to get out of trouble from his labour camp in Germany all the way back to Paris and get back into his orphanage which he last visited 2 years ago, he also got a very nice girlfriend whom both adored each other very much. He also got back out of Paris and back to England to meet up with his fellow spies after blowing up and airfield with a pair of Canadians who had landed at dieppe and made it all the way to the orphanage. Jan 16, Vedansh rated it it was amazing. Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. At the age of 13, Marc was deployed in occupied France for espionage work but things went wrong and Marc was captured by the Gestapo and sent to Germany to work in the farms. This action-packed book puts us in Marc's shoe though all his experiences in the prison camp and his final escape. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with Marc Kilgour was the first boy to be trained under an elite intelligence training program, whose main purpose is espionage work. Robert Muchamore does a great job at keeping us at the edge of our seats at with new twists in the story. It's a real page-turner you wouldn't realize as the hours go by. What really hooks me to the books by Muchamore is that he is writing about a critical time in history though it is fiction, it is very accurate in the fact how people struggled to survive at that time period. Aug 18, Mary rated it really liked it. Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. It was a thrilling book about an escape from a Nazi labour camp and an escape from Nazism itself. But as a teen's book, it did get overly lovey-dovey. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a g Marc Kilgour's storyline just gets better and better, and finally, he can have a 'solo' book without riding on the coattails of his espionage mentor Charles Henderson. Overall, it was a fast-paced novel whose main character undergoes an internal change when travelling alone back into Allied territory and shanks a few bad guys, and the story is a great lead onto the rest of the series. It was all about Marc! I loved it! Definitely my favourite Henderson's Boys book so far. Especially since in the last one PT annoyed the crap out of me. I was sad I didn't get to see as much of Rosie or Paul but Marc was amazing. He was smart and resourceful and totally kicked ass. I didn't love the fact he got back together with Jae but it was a minor point. He's willingness to fight for his beliefs was inspiring. I just loved it. Jul 01, Grw rated it it was amazing. The first three quarters of this were the best book of the series so far in both realism and suspense. Just a shame the last part seemed so rushed, and more than a little OTT. Odd thing is the reason the first part was so good was that the title character was completely missing. Mar 03, Carla rated it it was amazing. When you read this book, you feel like you are reading a story that really happened. Muchamore explores the historic facts around the fictional storyline, like a pro. Mar 17, Noah Dommaschk rated it it was amazing. The best one of the series. Jul 21, Nathan rated it it was amazing. Sep 09, Lucie rated it really liked it. Best so far. Feb 04, Sushmit rated it really liked it. When he was in the prison he was fearing that he'll be unable to survive the coming winter, he plotted a daring escape by making fake identities at night and escape with three bunkmates, he did everything possible like killing the guards but the plan went horribly wrong Everything goes so bad that he had to hide from the whole nazi army alone on a roof top for 5 days. Later in story when he found help, the only way they found for his escape was to steal a plane from the nazis and fly it home. This book has lots of adventure and thrilling suspense. This is the odd one out but still, this is my favorite one. Dec 30, Kerenza rated it really liked it. I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. A prisoner is being held inside enemy territory. He has to escape and get back but the odds are stacked against him and other obstacle might get in his way. I liked the beginning and about the last quarter of the book, as it had lots going on. There was only a little bit in the middle which I found went on a bit. I really liked how the Prisoner returned to where he was at the beginning of book one. I also liked how we met charac I liked this book as it fixed on one character, throughout the book. I also liked how we met character who had changed due to the war. This book had no major twist in the book and I knew from the beginning what was going to happen. This book had an air of predictability to it. There were good bits like the bit just before he gets home. The action scene were fun and exciting and was what you need to boast the excitement of the book. This action scene happens just before the he gets back to England. This book had a touch of humor which gave a lightness to the book. Overall, I felt this book a dip from the previous books, although I did like it. This book isn't the best that Robert Muchamore has written and I hope that he does better in the next books. Mar 31, Raj Rathod rated it liked it. My favourite character in this book was Marc, I found him interesting because as a 14 year old agent being held as a prisoner he still manages to handle his problems well and solve them with ease, I also found it interesting how determined he was to get out of Frankfurt even thought he's been trying to escape for 10 months you would think he would quit because of the harsh environment. I also found it interesting how Marc could be in the worst situation bu 1 Who is my favourite character and why? I also found it interesting how Marc could be in the worst situation but not drop his pride. The most exciting part for me in this book was when the train stopped and everyone had to move heavy logs to clear the train tracks because before it one of the officers was quite puny and it was funny how all of them made fun of him, I also found it exciting because i thought that's when Marc was going to escape but instead he ended up fighting a prisoner from another cabin and got punished by a much worse officer then the puny one instead. Apr 19, Isaac Mcnickle rated it it was amazing. I decided to read this book as I have read all the other books in this series and thoroughly enjoyed them. This completes the book written in or category. I enjoy this category as it is themed within the timeframe making it more real and of the present which I think really connects with the readers. My favorite quote from the book is 'the man with the bat placed the end under marc's chin " this is my lie detector, and guess what happens she detects lies" ' because it just shows that eve I decided to read this book as I have read all the other books in this series and thoroughly enjoyed them. My favorite quote from the book is 'the man with the bat placed the end under marc's chin " this is my lie detector, and guess what happens she detects lies" ' because it just shows that even if they're kids thatget treated and punished like adults if they spy. A new thing I learned from this book is that no matter how old you are, spying is dangerous. A character that interested me in this book was Marc as he never failed to perform under pressure. A very good spy. Nov 08, Nina rated it liked it. I take back my preference for the third book in this series over the rest. I simply like this one better. That doesn't really mean too much to me because the rest of them were just terrible. This one was bad, but at least it held some glimmer of developments. I liked the development of Marc and his growing up. I despise the womanising antics of the quys in these books. Although it is probably a wonderfully accurate description of how guys think. I dont know. I really only have 2 books left I take back my preference for the third book in this series over the rest. I really only have 2 books left on this series so yay Nov 17, Mel rated it liked it. I really struggled with this, as I found the descriptions so graphic and to be honest, at times heartbreaking. This is the first book in the series where I really felt that they were in the middle of war, everything felt more serious, more intense. The Prisoner was very different to the previous novels in the series as there were always more characters and you read about their interactions and relationships with each other, whereas this focused solely on Marc. I did find this an uphill battle at f I really struggled with this, as I found the descriptions so graphic and to be honest, at times heartbreaking. I did find this an uphill battle at first, but it became a bit lighter to read as the novel progressed. Mar 22, Gail Jones rated it it was amazing. Book review: 'The Prisoner' by Robert Muchamore. Get ready to read for several hours. This is a hard book to put down! Mark is held prisoner in German occupied France. The cruelty is constant and his efforts to escape dangerous. This book moves from one exciting incident to another with barely a pause between. So far I would say this is the best out of the Henderson's Boys series. An excellent read for anyone but especially teen boys. May 06, Kevin rated it it was amazing. This was an excellent read. Another great addition to an already great series. I liked the fast, action-packed pacing of the book. Marc is my favorite character in the Henderson's Boys, so I really enjoyed this one since it is focused mainly on him. One thing that I would have liked to see is a more emotional reunion in the end, like the emotion seen in the end of Grey Wolves when everyone thought Marc had died. Still, I give this book 5 stars. Mar 25, Farseer rated it it was amazing. At the end of the previous book, Marc was captured by the Nazis and taken to Germany. Living in extremely harsh and dangerous conditions as forced laborer, he'll have to go through a difficult ordeal and employ all his cunning and toughness if he wants a chance to survive and be free. Very entertaining book. Robert Muchamore is in good form. Sep 21, Jamal Hadjkura rated it it was amazing. This series is amazing, if you like historic young adult books look no further. These are also educational, although Robert Muchamore puts his great humor to these novels, and lets boys be boys. Set in WW2 this story of the Prisoner is one of the best in the series. Poor Marc really gets pushed to the limits. Jul 28, Roxanne rated it it was amazing. This is currently my favourite book in the series. Marc's physical journey was edge-of-your-seat thrilling and his growth as a person was bittersweet. This story evidently takes the reader more in-depth than any of the others, but it was the fact that Marc was in a serious dilemma without anyone guiding him that really engaged me the most. Secret Army was praised for its realism and ability to interest boys in history. Grey Wolves is the fourth book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 3 February by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 20 April to early August It begins with Marc Kilgour and Charles Henderson on a fact-gathering mission in the town of Lorient , on the Atlantic coast of France, in preparation for a possible future sabotage of the U-boat bases there. They meet a local woman, Madame Mercier, who gets Marc into a part of the docks where he can take photos of the U-boat bunker. After this, they sail back to a rendezvous with a boat from the UK, named Madeline , but two nights later, they are stopped by a German E-boat, but after a shootout, Troy LeConte reveals that Henderson's son has been born. After a brief period of time in England, they go back into occupied France, where Joel and PT get jobs with the Organisation Todt , an organization which commandeered resources for German military usage, and Paul, Boo and Rosie work as a team to communicate with London, and Marc is a cigarette boy at a brothel-bar. The Prisoner is the fifth book in the Henderson's Boys series. The novel is set from May to September Held in Frankfurt with a job filing prisoner records, he attempts to escape with three other boys by forging prisoner transfer documents and escaping from the transfer train. However the guard at the station recognises Marc and has him sent back to his boss, Commandant Vogel while the two boys Marc was escaping with continue on. Vogel assumes the transfer was a paperwork error and has him back working his filing job. However, when he arrives back at his dormitory, a gang of bullies find that he is no longer protected by the three boys he was attempting to escape with, and they get into a fight where Marc is eventually knocked unconscious. When Marc regains consciousness, Commandant Vogel has been replaced by a new commandant who works out that he tried to escape and he is reassigned as a sewage system cleaner. When he sees a chance to escape, Marc bolts but is forced to kill several German guards in the process and a search is put out for him. He hides out in the office where he originally worked for a few days where he forges paperwork for himself. After hiding out for a few days, Marc is picked up for discrepancies in his paperwork. He admits to actually being Marc Kilgour who previously went to an orphanage Beauvais. The policeman does not realise he had escaped from prison and he is sent back to the orphanage. When he arrives he is pleased to find that the cruel Director Tomas has been replaced by a group of nuns. He is sent back to work for Farmer Morel and gets into a serious relationship with his daughter Jae. Two months pass, and Marc becomes used to life at the orphanage. However, when Marc finds two Canadian soldiers who landed at the unsuccessful landings at Dieppe and they help him get back in contact with the resistance group that Charles Henderson set up the previous year, which is being run by Maxine Clere. The resistance group decides to sabotage a German military airbase which has a radar system that has been causing heavy casualties to the British bombers because sophisticated German radar sets have been making their planes easy to find. They also plan to steal a plane and fly it back to give scientists in Britain a functioning radar set in the hope that they can jam the radar signals. A pilot is parachuted in and the raid goes according to plan, but one of the soldiers is killed. It was published in French under the literally translated title of Le Prisonnier. One Shot Kill is the sixth book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 1 November by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 16 May to 3 July , when Hitler is developing a radical new weapon which he claims could turn the war back in his favor. Henderson's Boys have to find the weapon and sabotage all efforts to produce it. Four of the boys undergo sniper training, and the team is sent in to scout the area but something goes wrong. After many days in occupied France, a new target is located and they must hunt down the elusive war-turning weapon. Scorched Earth is the seventh and final book in the Henderson's Boys series. It was published on 7 February by Hodder Children's Books. The novel is set from 5 June to 24 August , during the final days of the Nazi occupation of France. During this time, large sections of the French population are in rebellion and the Nazis are at their most brutal. Henderson and his team embark on a mission to sabotage German supply lines but are soon redirected to stop the th Heavy Tank Battalion from reaching the D-Day landings. Their orders are to complete this task at any cost. Near the start of the book, Rosie Clarke is killed. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Children's Spy fiction. Main article: List of Henderson's Boys characters. Children's literature portal. Retrieved 14 August