PROVINCE OF JERUSALEM AND THE MIDDLE EAST Presiding Bishop: The Most. Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis

Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the


Dear supporters of FACE, Autumn 2012

It is now 18 months since we launched FACE, and much has happened in the interim!

New Area Bishop for the Horn of Africa

On April 25th the Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand was consecrated as a new Area (Assistant) Bishop for the Horn of Africa within the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa. The Most Rev. Dr. Mouneer Hanna Anis and other Anglican Bishops, participated in the consecration joined by an eclectic gathering that brought together bishops and archbishops from Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, representatives of the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, government officials, Ambassadors, prominent writers, politicians and national and international representatives of supporting organisations.

Bishop Mouneer reminded Grant that he “will go to harvest the fruit of the seeds that were sown by many great servants of the Lord, including Bishop Andrew Proud who preceded you.” He added that “the church in Africa needs to be grounded in the faith and grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ, so that she can replay the role she played in the first millennium in shaping the Christian mind. As you know, the church in Africa is growing numerically in an amazing way however, there is a great need for theological education and making true disciples.”

The installation of Bishop Grant LeMarquand will take place at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church in , Ethiopia on 27 October 2012, when the church celebrates the Feast of St. Frumentius.

FACE makes grant to the Anglican Church in Ethiopia

We are delighted to have made an unrestricted grant of £20,000 to the Anglican Church in Ethiopia to contribute to their running costs. We understand that much of this is likely to be used towards the purchase of a new vehicle. Our commitment to date has been to establish a healthy financial situation for the arrival of the new bishop. Change is afoot, and we look forward to learning more about the plans that Bishop Grant will be putting together and to reporting back in the next newsletter.

Trustee Visit to November 2011

Two FACE Trustees, Julian Lomas and Christopher Futcher, together with Christopher's wife Anne, visited Ethiopia in Gambella in November 2011. Julian was also able to visit Bishop Mouneer on his way to Ethiopia where they had fruitful discussions. After visiting St Matthew's in Addis Ababa and meeting members of the Executive Committee, they travelled to spend a week in the Gambella region. Staying at the Anglican Church Compound in Gambella, they enjoyed Sunday worship with the Anuak congregation of St Barnabas, delighting in the original Anuak hymns and worship songs composed by the Philip. They also visited the new church at St Luke's in Gambella. Julian, Christopher and Anne were very encouraged to see the Library in the Anglican Church Compound in Gambella being well used. A library card is a prized possession for a young person... and no wonder! The library not only stocks books, it also has computers for developing IT skills, toys for play and construction (such as Lego and Meccano), which help to spark imagination and develop spatial awareness. They were also privileged to receive reports from local clergy about development of mission and outreach in the local churches and to meet the outreach workers from a hygiene project in Gambella town. This project has: provided latrines for 10% of households who did not have them previously (over 300 households); formulated plans for providing more by buying tools to loan out to households to dig their own; overcome a number of design problems due to the high water table in Gambella; and enabled improved health amongst children through teaching about food hygiene and handwashing. One of the greatest encouragements has been the cooperation between Nuer and Anuak as they have discussed ideas together, found culturally appropriate ways of expressing concepts, and then worked together in teaching mothers and young people.

Children in Itang A service in Itang

Beyond Gambella town, Julian, Christopher and Anne visited the mission centre at Itang. They were shown the terrible flood damage to the new church in Itang and experienced shared worship in the open air with Anuak, Nuer, Dinkaand Opo people. They were even treated to a trip on the Anglican boat there! Finally, the trustees assisted with developing funding applications, including a proposal for an agricultural demonstration project linked to a hygiene project using community radio as an education tool.

The challenges in the Gambella region continue to be very significant, not least the lack of secure boundaries for the churches, constant fire hazard, and the issues of irrigation and desertification – nevertheless we are humbled and inspired by the commitment and passion of so many Christians in the Gambella region, and are grateful to be able to offer them support through your generosity."

A story of hope…

We want to say a huge thank you to the congregation at St Leonard’s Church in Wollaton, Nottingham. In response to their 2011 harvest appeal they very generously donated £1,888.99 (including Gift Aid) to pay for water storage tanks (pictured) and fishing nets for use in the Gambella region. Both will help provide sustainable food sources (the tanks will help ensure land can be irrigated even after the rains have long ended). At a time when food supply is under stress these are important gifts indeed. Thanks to Revd Mieke Gaynor and her congregation for their support.

Thanks to Janice Proud

We are sorry to announce that Janice Proud has stepped down from being a Trustee of FACE. We wish to record our sincere thanks to Janice for her work for FACE since it was established, in particular for organising the 2011 Gifts of Hope campaign and for bringing her extensive and direct experience to bear on the early development of the charity.

Janice and Andrew Proud, Photo USPG

Gifts of Hope

We have decided not to run Gifts of Hope this Christmas. Instead, if you want to make a Christmas donation, FACE would be delighted to accept donations towards the staffing and food costs of the popular breakfast club at St Matthew's church in Addis Ababa, which supports the education of children by providing a good meal at the start of the each day. If you would like to make a donation to the breakfast club, please send a cheque made payable to FACE, to Nick Proud, Treasurer, FACE, Kettles, Rectory Lane, Brantham, Manningtree, CO11 1PZ. Alternatively you can make a donation online at

Bishop Mouneer - Photography Gallery

You may be aware that Bishop Mouneer is a photographer of outstanding professional quality who sees peace, grace, love and hope in The Lord’s Creation, whether human faces or nature, and his photographs are a reflection of what he sees. On occasion he has exhibited some of his work in Egypt, USA and the UK. Now the Bishop has agreed to launch a gallery website exhibiting his work and offering them for sale in aid of the diocese ministries, with a special focus on the Horn of Africa. The photos are 30X40 cm mounted on a 40X50 cm matt black or white cardboard and with delivery costs included. Have a look at,pass on to your friends!

Prayer Points

For Bishop Grant as he begins his episcopal ministry For God’s guidance in a time of change For God’s blessing on the clergy and people of the Diocese, and for the ongoing mission projects

We are so grateful for your continued support, and we look forward to enabling the future development of projects in Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

The FACE Trustees [email protected] 12 Bush Close, Wellingborough, NN8 3GL.

St. Luke’s Church Gambella and the Anglican boat at Itang!