Hellenism, Judaism, and Apologetic: Josephus's Antiquities According to an Unpublished Commentary by Abraham Schalit Daniel R
JSIJ 19 (2020) HELLENISM, JUDAISM, AND APOLOGETIC: JOSEPHUS’S ANTIQUITIES ACCORDING TO AN UNPUBLISHED COMMENTARY BY ABRAHAM SCHALIT DANIEL R. SCHWARTZ* Prof. Abraham Schalit of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1898–1979) was known, especially, for two large and very detailed projects that he successfully brought to completion:1 his massive biography of Herod, which appeared first in Hebrew, all 500 pages of it, and then in German, all 900 pages of it, including 48 Zusätze and 15 Anhänge; and his three-volume Hebrew translation of Josephus’s Antiquities, of which the first half, Books 1–10, is accompanied by an introduction that fills 72 pages of small print and by annotations that fill another 163 in even smaller print. And then there is also his 1968 Namenwörterbuch zu Flavius Josephus—an exhaustive concordance of personal names and toponyms in Josephus’s writings, as well as a good number of smaller works, including, especially, his 1925 Vienna dissertation on Josephus’s Vita,2 his 1937 Hebrew monograph on Roman rule in Judaea,3 and his posthumous German monograph on the Assumption of Moses,4 along with a goodly list of other studies. A nearly full list * Herbst Family Professor of Judaic Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1 On him see M. Stern, “Abraham Schalit (1898–1979),” in Jerusalem in the Second Temple Period: Abraham Schalit Memorial Volume (ed. A. Oppenheimer, U. Rappaport, and M. Stern; Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi and Ministry of Defence, 1980 [in Hebrew]), 3–6 (in Hebrew) and U. Rappaport, “The Historiographical Work of the Late Abraham Schalit,” Cathedra 17 (October 1980): 183–189 (in Hebrew).
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