GZ-Emergency Capacity Building Project to the Palestinian Water Authority: Technical, Planning and Advisory Team in the Water and Sanitation Sector (TPAT)

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GZ-Emergency Capacity Building Project to the Palestinian Water Authority: Technical, Planning and Advisory Team in the Water and Sanitation Sector (TPAT) DRAFT GZ-Emergency Capacity Building Project to the Palestinian Water Authority: Technical, Planning and Advisory Team in the Water and Sanitation Sector (TPAT) TASK XXX – ROAD MAP FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Client: The Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) Financing: IDA with co-financing from AFD and SIDA Date: February 2013 ORGUT in association with: ORGUT Consulting AB Svartmangatan 9, 111 29 Stockholm, Sweden Tel + 46 8 406 7620, Fax + 46 8 21 02 69 E-mail: hq@orgut.se Registration No: 556177-9538 Table of Contents Contents Table of Contents i Abbreviations iii Executive Summary iv 1 Introduction 1 2 Policy & Strategy 2 2.1 Baseline 2 2.2 Overview of Actions Required 2 2.3 Table of Actions Required 3 3 National Strategic Plan 4 3.1 Baseline 4 3.2 Overview of Actions Required 4 3.2.1 Water Resource Development, Transmission, Regional Allocation Plan 4 3.2.2 Wastewater Transmission, Treatment, Disposal & Re-use Plan 4 3.3 Table of Actions Required 5 4 Regional Master Plans 6 4.1 Baseline 6 4.2 Overview of Actions Required 6 4.2.1 Water Resource Development, Transmission, Regional Master Plans 6 4.2.2 Wastewater Transmission, Treatment, Disposal & Re-use Master Plans 6 4.3 Table of Actions Required 7 5 Investment Plans 10 5.1 Baseline 10 5.2 Overview of Actions Required 10 5.2.1 Water Resource Development, Transmission, Regional Investment Plans 10 5.2.2 Wastewater Transmission, Treatment, Disposal & Re-use Investment Plans 10 5.3 Table of Actions Required 11 6 Implementation Plans 12 6.1 Baseline 12 6.2 Overview of Actions Required 12 6.2.1 Water Resource Development, Transmission, Supply Implementation Plans 12 6.2.2 Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use Implemementation Plans 12 6.3 Table of Actions Required – Implementation Plans 13 7 Ongoing Projects 14 7.1 Plans 14 7.2 Projects Underway 14 Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning i 7.2.1 Water Resource Development, Transmission, Supply Projects 14 7.2.2 Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use Projects 14 Appendix 1 – Existing Reports and Plans 15 WR= Water Resources, WTR=Water Resource Transmission, WS=Water Supply, WWC=Wastewater Collection & Transmission, WWT=Wastewater Treatment, WWRU=Wastewater Re-Use 17 Appendix 2 – Under Progress Error! Bookmark not defined. WR= Water Resources, WTR=Water Resource Transmission, WS=Water Supply, WWC=Wastewater Collection & Transmission, WWT=Wastewater Treatment, WWRU=Wastewater Re-Use 28 WR= Water Resources, WTR=Water Resource Transmission, WS=Water Supply, WWC=Wastewater Collection & Transmission, WWT=Wastewater Treatment, WWRU=Wastewater Re-Use Error! Bookmark not defined. List of Tables Table 1 - Actions – Policy & strategy ..................................................................................................... 3 Table 2 - Actions - WR Development, Transmission, Regional Allocation – Strategic Plan ................. 5 Table 3 - Actions - Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use – Strategic Plan ......................... 5 Table 4 - Actions - WR Development, Transmission, Regional Allocation – Master Plans .................. 7 Table 5 - Actions - Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use – Master Plans........................... 8 Table 6 - Actions- WR Development, Transmission, Regional Allocation – Investment Plans .......... 11 Table 7 – Actions - Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use – Investment Plans ................. 11 Table 8 - Actions - WR Development, Transmission, Regional Allocation – Implementation Plans . 13 Table 9 - Actions - Wastewater Transmission, Treatment & Re-use – Implementation Plans .......... 13 Table 10 - Existing Reports and Plans .................................................................................................. 16 Table 11 - Under Progress - Reports and Plans ................................................................................... 18 Table 13 - Under Progress - Projects ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. List of Figures Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning ii Abbreviations AFD Agence Française de Développement (French Development Agency) EC European Commission EQA Environmental Quality Authority GOI Government of Israel ICA Israeli Civil Administration IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management JSC Joint Service Council JWC Joint Water Committee JWU Jerusalem Water Undertaking MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOF Ministry of Finance MOH Ministry of Health MOJ Ministry of Justice MOLG Ministry of Local Government MOPAD Ministry of Planning and Development MOPH Ministry of Public Works and Housing NGO Non-governmental Organization NWC National Water Council ORGUT Consortium led by ORGUT Consulting AB, also including Finnish Consulting Group Ltd. and Palestinian Wastewater Engineering Group PIU Project Implementation Unit PMU Project Management Unit PNA Palestinian National Authority PSC Project Steering Committee PWA Palestinian Water Authority PWEG Palestinian Wastewater Engineers Group RCU Reform Committee Unit RSC Reform Steering Committee SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency TOR Terms of Reference TPAT Technical, Planning and Advisory Services WB World Bank WBWD West Bank Water Department WRM Water Resources Management WSSA Water Supply and Sewerage Authority Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning iii Executive Summary Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning iv 1 Introduction The PWA is in the process of finalising the National water and sanitation policy and strategy. Upon their finalisation it is essential that the Palestinian Water and Sanitation Sector has a road map of the actions and tasks which are required to be carried out, or co-ordinated, by the PWA so that they have a completed and agreed Policy and Strategy, a high level National Strategic Plan and up-to-date Master, Investment and Implementation plans which reflect the requirements of the national policy, strategy and national strategic plan related to water and wastewater infrastructure. As a single source document it enables a co-ordinated approach to fulfilling the infrastructure planning and short term investment requirements of the water and wastewater sector. This document is that Road Map it is a live document and should be updated every year. The Road Map should made available to all relevant stakeholders, especially donors and should be the source document to give them a clear list of infrastructure planning and investment requirements so that their assistance can be focused on the prioritised requirements of the Palestinian water and wastewater sector. The road map is divided into 6 sections. These sections include a baseline, where we are now and a list of actions required to prepare new, or collate and/or update existing plans to reflect the requirements of Policy and Strategy and in the format and using the methodology required by the PWA, described in the Planning Format and Methodology document. The road map includes the following sections sub-divided by actions relating to water resources & supply and wastewater transmission, treatment and re-use where relevant. Section 2 – Policy & Strategy Section 3 – Strategic National Action Plan 20 years Section 4 – Regional Master Planning 20 years Section 5 – Investment Pans 5 Years Section 6 – Implementation Plans Section 7 – Projects Underway Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning 1 2 Policy & Strategy Include actions required to complete and ratify the policy & strategy and responsibility by department 2.1 Baseline Include a short description of where we are now 2.2 Overview of Actions Required Include a short descriptive overview of the actions required to complete and ratify the policy& strategy Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning 2 2.3 Table of Actions Required Include a table detailing the actions required to complete and ratify the policy and strategy, organization & position of the person with overall responsibility for completing or managing the completion of the action and stakeholders to be consulted. Table 1 - Actions – Policy & strategy No. Action Required Responsible Stakeholders Date Required Organization Position 1 Rehabilitation program of existing water facilities for production, supply and Service SP Plan dept. SPs/Molg/MoPaD 2012-2032 distribution. Providers Head of WS PWA Planning planning-PMU 2 The institutional and strafing of the water facilities will have to improved and Service SP Plan dept. SPs/Molg/MoPaD 2012-2032 extended to reach better operation and maintenance. Providers Head of WS PWA Planning planning, Bulk utilities 3 The distribution networks will be expanded to reach 100 % by the year 2032. Service SP Plan dept. SPs/Molg/MoPaD 2012-2032 Providers Head of WS PWA Planning planning, Bulk utilities 4 Raise the efficiency of water supply system facilities-Uncounted for Water: physical by Service SP Plan dept. SPs/Molg/MoPaD 2012-2032 reducing the losses at source and physical losses in the main transmission system, the Providers Head of WS distribution network and at house connections, Non-Physical (unregistered PWA Planning planning, Bulk connections ,and illegal , unauthorized connections and meter losses.(20%) utilities 5 Establishment and equipping of water supply sources available to unserved areas Service SP Plan dept. SPs/Molg/MoPaD 2012-2032 (Networks, tanks, pump ......) Providers Head of WS PWA Planning planning, Bulk utilities 6 Road Map For Infrastructure Development Planning 3 3 National Strategic Plan Include actions required to

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