The Present Status of the Competitive Exclusion Principle
TREE vol. 1, no. I, July 7986 could be expected to rise periodically some other nuclear power stations 6 Bumazyan, A./. f1975)At. Energi. 39, (particularly during the spring snow are beinq built much nearer to these 167-172 melting) for many years. cities than the Chernobyl station to 7 Mednik, LG., Tikhomirov, F.A., It is very likely that the Soviet Kiev. The Chernobvl disaster will Prokhorov, V.M. and Karaban, P.T. (1981) Ekologiya, no. 1,4C-45 Union, after some initial reluctance, affect future plans, and will certainly 8 Molchanova, I.V., and Karavaeva, E.N. will eventually adopt the same atti- make a serious impact on the nuclear (1981) Ekologiya, no. 5,86-88 tude towards nuclear power stations generating strategy in many other 9 Molchanova, I.V., Karavaeva, E.N., as was adopted by the United States countries as well. Chebotina. M.Ya., and Kulikov, N.V. after the long public enquiry into the (1982) Ekologiya, no. 2.4-g accident at Three Mile Island in 1979. 10 Buyanov, N.I. (1981) Ekologiya, no. 3, As well as ending the propaganda of Acknowledgements 66-70 the almost absolute safety of nuclear The author is grateful to Geoffrey R. 11 Nifontova, M.G., and Kulikov, N.V. Banks for reading the manuscript and for power plants and labelling them as (1981) Ekologiya, no. 6,94-96 comments and editorial assistance. 12 Kulikov, N.V. 11981) Ekologiya, no. 4, ‘potentially dangerous’, the US gov- 5-11 ernment also recommended that 13 Vennikov, V.A. (1975) In new nuclear power plants be located References Methodological Aspects of Study of in areas remote from concentrations 1 Medvedev, Z.A.
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