The NCAA News, and a Memorandum Dered and Adjustments Made
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December 10,1990, Volume 27 Number 44 Weight of grants in revenue distribution studied Only one element of a compre- work on various elements of the tribution plan. Based on comments related to the revenue-distribution clarify (at the 1991 Convention) hensive plan to distribute moneys distribution plan. received from the membership plan: that the distribution plan will reflect from the Association’s long-term Recommendations developed in regarding this issue, it was a- @A recommendation that the the new sports-sponsorship require- television contract with CBS re- Chicago were reported in detail in greed that this particular as- broad-based distribution, including ments if approved for Division 1 mains to be finalized, following the October 22, 1990, issue of The pect of the plan should be reconsi- the grants-in-aid component, be membership (i.e., an institution actions taken December 3 by the NCAA News, and a memorandum dered and adjustments made. based on the most recent data avail- would receive credit in the sports- NCAA Executive Committee, outlining the recommendations also The Executive Committee noted able (i.e., from the 1990-91 academic sponsorship component of the which met in Kansas City. was mailed following the Chicago that there is sufficient time to ad- year, iffeasible), and that the grants- broad-based plan beginning with its The Executive Committee ap- meeting to all NCAA Division I dress further this component of the in-aid component be based on ath- 14th sport sponsored). proved a number of recommenda- conferences and directors of athletics plan before moneys are to be distri- letics aid at the outset (rather than l An increase in the needy stu- tions developed over the past year for their review and comment. buted to the membership (next Au- based on countable aid for the first dent-athlete fund from $1.5 million by the Special NCAA Advisory Acting December 3, the Executive gust), and the special advisory year of the plan and on athletics aid to $3 million for 1990-91, with Committee to Review Recommen- Committee approved the recom- committee is in the process of sched- thereafter, as originally recom- $750,000 from both the basketball dations Regarding Distribution of mendations developed in Chicago, uling a February 1991 meeting to mended). and broad-based pools supplying Revenues, which met October 17 in with the exception of those relative review this portion of the plan. l A recommendation that on be- this additional funding. Chicago and conducted a November to the grant-in-aid component of Also approved by the Executive half of the special advisory commit- @A recommendation that con- 29 telephone conference to continue the broad-based portion of the dis Committee were the following items tee, an individual be appointed to See We@, page 2 Althea Gibson to receive ‘Teddy’ Grants, championships I Tennis great Althea Gibson will be the first woman to receive the NCAA’s highest individual honor, the attract ‘91 legislation Theodore Roosevelt Award. (Fdiirnr S Norr: This is thefifth in a institutions offer a number of The award will be presented January 8 at the series of seven articles outlining the smaller grants (perhaps books only, honors dinner during the 1991 NCAA Convention in legis&n that will be considered UI or tuition only) in order to assist Nashville, Tennessee. the 1991 annuul Convention. l&s more students and attract more A 1953 graduate of Florida A&M University, article reviews Ihe propasak in the participants in certain sports. Gibson competed on the women’s tennis and basket- groupings deuling with financial aid In the championships grouping, ball teams and the men’s golf team. She joined the und championships.) four proposals address automatic Ladies Professional Golf Association in 1965; and qualification for NCAA champion- made an attempt to qualify for an LPGA event this Proposals dealing with equival- ships, one affecting all divisions and past summer. ency grants and automatic qualifi- the other three aimed at Division I Gibson, who was raised in New York City’s cation for NCAA championships only. Three of those may provoke Harlem area, was the first black tennis player to gain probably will draw the most atten- some controversy. international prominence. She won 56 major singles tion in the groupings of financial One, submitted by the Metro and doubles championships during her 23-year aid and championships legislation Atlantic Athletic Conference, wants career. for action at the 1991 NCAA Con- at least 50 percent of the positions in She was the American Tennis Association of vention. every championship field (all divi- National Negro Women singles champion for 10 In the tinancial aid section, the sions) in team sports to be made up consecutive years (1948 to 1957). Southeastern Conference is propos- of automatic-qualifying conference In 1956, she won the singles title and was a member ing that in the Division I sports in representatives, provided the of the winning doubles team at the French Open which financial aid is based on number of conferences requesting Championship. Gibson also won the singles titles at equivalencies, no grant could be automatic bids is at least equal to 50 both Wimbledon and the U.S. Open Championship awarded that would represent less percent of the field in the sport in 1957 and 1958, in addition to winning doubles than one-third of a full grant. involved. titles at Wimbledon in 1956, 1957 and 1958. She was The sponsors argue that the Another, for Division 1 only, a member of the Wightman Cup team in 1957 and awarding of “meager scholarships” wants the Executive Committee to 1958. results in a “cheap tryout program” consider taking action that would After retiring from the tennis circuit in 1960, and leads to “misguided careers and give Division I conferences the same Gibson became director of community relations and transfers.” Opponents of the pro- amount of time to comply with any Althea Gibson See Althea Gibson, page 3 posal respond that a number of See Granls. page 3 Paula Zahn to emcee NCAA, CBS-TV, NBA join NCAA honors event National coalition is organized Paula Zahn, coanchor of “CBS She joined ABC News in November This Morning,” will be the emcee 1987 and was coanchor of “World for this year’s NCAA honors dinner News This Morning” and the news to control alcohol use at events during the annual Convention in segments of “Good Morning Amer- The NCAA has joined a national director of sports sciences. developing a comprehensive facility Nashville. ica.“She also anchored “The Health coalition that helps operators of “Just because we the NCAA and alcohol-management program that The dinner is highlighted by the See Paula Zahn. page 3 public sports facilities develop poli- a great majority of our member could be used across the nation. presentation of the Theodore Roose- cies and programs for dealing with institutions- ban the sale and con- The NHTSA, in cooperation with velt Award and the recognition of alcohol consumption at athletics sumption of alcohol at our events the International Association of the College Athletics Top XII. events. doesn’t mean we don’t have alcohol Auditorium Managers, undertook Zahn, a native of Naperville, Illi- The coalition is TEAM- Tech- problems,” Uryasz said. ‘We recognize the development of what became nois, graduated from Stephens Col- niques for Effective Alcohol Man- that such bans constitute just a part the TEAM program. lege in Columbia, Missouri. She agement. The NCAA joins such of our commitment to deal with the The goal of the program was to attended Stephens on a cello schol- organizations as CBS-TV, the Na- alcohol use and misuse that is oc- demonstrate to owners and manag- arship and combined her music tional Basketball Association, Ma- curring on all collegiate campuses.” ers of public facilities that they studies with journalism, her eventual jor League Baseball and the TEAM was created in 1985 as a could create and implement policies major. National Safety Council a members result of the efforts of an arena and procedures that effectively re- She competed on the varsity golf of TEAM. manager to manage alcohol more duce the threat of drinking and and swimming teams at Stephens. NCAA involvement in TEAM effectively in his facility. driving. She also attended Caius College at will focus on two areas-training Jerry Sachs, president of the Cap- Today, TEAM’s purposes con- Cambridge University in England for athletics administrators who are ital Centre in Landover, Maryland, tinue to include the reduction of and the University of Valencia in responsible for facilities, and com- implemented various alcohol-man- alcohol-impaired driving, as well as Spain. munications and media programs. agement techniques at the arena to promote responsible alcohol serv- In 1978, Zahn began her career at Two national office staff members and also became involved in corn- ice at athletics facilities, enhance WFAA-TV in Dallas. From 1979 to will represent the Association in the munity efforts to battle drunken fan safety and enjoyment, and re- 1987, she worked as an anchor and TEAM coalition. They are James driving before turning to the Na- duce facilities, potential legal liabil- reporter at stations in San Diego, A. Marchiony, director of com- tional Highway Traffic Safety Ad- ity for alcohol-related incidents. Houston, Boston and Los Angeles. Paula Zahn munications, and Frank D. Uryasz, ministration (NHTSA) for help in See Nu&mal. puge 3 2 THE NCAA NEWS/December 10, 1900 Weight there are compelling economic needs cordance with the same guidelines fractions cases. l No. 61, which specilies that the fcrcnces bc urged (but not required) at the end of the current contract; developed for distribution of the 0 A recommendation that the spc- establishment of playing rules by to distribute moneys from the bas- that interest earned on these funds Division I basketball pool, and that cial advisory committee remain in- rules committees without cham- ketball pool among all their member would accrue to the trust, and that 50 percent be distributed equally tact at least through fiscal year pionships responsibilities shall not institutions in some manner.