The Taste Tells. Lowest Market Prices TOWN TALK
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BANK REGISTER. li.utd W«.k!r. XsUnd w Buont-Olua JUtUr at tie Post. 1 VOLUME XLI. NO." 11. offln it B«i Bask, K. ]., unisr the Act of Much Id, 1811. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1918,' L.50 Per Year: PAGES 1 TO 8. TRIED TO STEAL. AUTO. PEACH PITS WANTED. Four South Amboy Young Men Ar- OUNGSTERS OFF TO WAR. he Government Wants Them for rested at Atbury Park. Vie in Gas Masks for Soldiers. LETTERS FROM THE FRONT. JOYS OF TWENTY-ONE IN THE The government wants all the ALIENS WITH GUNS FINED. Four young men from South Am- boy were arrested nt Asbury Park LAST CONTINGENT Jeach.jits it can get. The goveiri- Saturday night charged with attempt- ent burns the pits and in the ashes MISS CONSTANCE GREENAWALT TELLS ing to steal an auto owned by Mrs. Fifty-two Men Left Red Bank Last found a carbon or chemical or THREE ITALIANS ARRESTED FOR HAVING J. F. Eichele of Red Bank. Mrs. Friday for Camp Humphries,Virgin- ubstance which can be used in the OF MOTOR SERVICE IN FRANCE. Eichele had left her car standing near ia, All of Whom Registered as nanufacture of gas masks for the the' casino. When she returned to Twenty-One Yean Old Last June. ojdiers inFrance. The government SHOTGUNS IN THEIR POSSESSION. her auto she found a young man in Fifty-two men of the Red Bank vants householders who use peaches tho car trying to sturt it The young xemption district left Red Bank last to save the pits and have them col- A Visiting Trip Made to Hospitals With Mrs. man calmly admitted that he had in- 'riday morning for Camp Humphries, lected for government use. It Is Against the Law for an Alien to Have a Gun tended taking the car to South Am- Virginia, where they will go in train- The boy scouts tof Red Bank are Ernest Thompson Seton—Letters From Home boy. He said he had three compan- ng preparatory to going overseas to eady to help. Peach pits can be left ions with him. He was arrested and light. The men had reported on t the scout headquarters on the sec- Unless He Owns Real Estate Worth $2,000— Are the Most Welcome Thing In the World Over a wntch was set for the other young 'nursday at the Elks' homo on East ind floor of the Eisner building. If, men. When they showed up they too 'ront street for final instructions. here are too many to be convenient-'- The Three Men Arrested Have Homes on tho were arresed. When questioned by Such man had received a comfort kit left there, the boy scouts will call There—A Letter From a Former Scobeyville Man. the police they all admitted their in- 'rom the women'* temperance union or them at your home if you will Boetner Tract In Middletown. tentions of stealing the nuto. ind a sweater, socks, wristlets, etc., lotify the scouts by a postal ad- Miss Constance Greenawalt of tire immediately resulted. About lad been given to each soldier by the Bank street, Red B,ank, who with her ressed to scout headquarters, Eis- Three Italians who live on the Boet- to this country when he was nine one thousand Frenchmen were look- [led Cross. Each man deceived a box ier building, Red Bank. sister, Miss Eatelle Greenawalt, went ing on during the whole time I was lunch from the women's canteen com- ner tract in Middletown township, years old and that his father had to France several months ago and en- changing,ift. mittee before starting for the station a short distance from Cooper's bridge, nev,er" been naturalized. He. said tered the motor service there, is kept WeTiaye not had an air raid in GIRLS' CLUBHOUSE SOLD. on Friday. were arrested last week on a charge his father never sent him to school very busy. Miss Estelle Greonuwalt of being, aliens and being possessed and that he could not read or write. Paris in four weeks, but everyone is Eight of the men who were on the of guns. The arrests were made by is now in service at one of the hos- busy with other things. I forgot to SHREWSBURY AVENUE HOUSE RAINING DRAFT MEN. He said that neither ho nor the other written a letter homo which tells of riginal call did not go to camp, game wardens from Middlesex and two men hail known that it was say wo passed General Pcrshing's car 'hey were Joseph H. DaP/aghian of Home of her recent activities. One on our trip. It carries four white AND LOT SOLD LAST WEEK. TRAINING SCHOOL TO BE Union counties. The men arrested against the law for. an alien to own long trip was made with Mrs. Ernest stars oh a red ground. Meeting the ,ong Branch, who hag been placed were JameB Alexander, Joseph Stav- a gun, or they would not have bought Thompson Seton 911 a tour of inspec- It Wai Bought by Carlo Consentino inder the jurisdiction: of a military STARTED AT THE ARMORY. olia and Servia Simpliuso. A recent them. He had been robbed several car was a thrilling experience. of Beech Street at a Home—The ioard at Paterson, where he is em- tion of hospitals, which is described "One of the Red Bank girls wrote iptain Harden L. Crawford of the law in New Jersey states that no times and his henhouse bad been loot- in her letter. Property Wai Uied Several Years iloyed; Nathan Marx of Shrewsbury, alien shall be allowed to have a gun ed three times by chicken thieves. He me such a nice letter. 1 would be by Girls of That Neighborhood. 'ony Serg of Rumson, Edward Dewitt State Militia is at the Head of the Misa Greenawalt also tells of the glad to hear from any or all of them. Movement—The Armory Will be in his possession unless he owns real had bought the gun in order to pro- Carlo Consentino of Beech street >f Oceanic, and Joseph Aiello and estate to the amount of $2,000. Each tect his property, and he had bought joy of receiving' letters from home. Letters sent in care of the Equitable Joseph Ricciaridi of Long Branch. Open Six Nights a Week. Letters, she says, aro the most wel- Trust^Company, Paris, Franco, will ast week bought from John H. Cook of the men owns a home on the Boet- it the Sunday before he was arrested the house and lot on the east side of Kenneth Jeffrey of Bed Bank was also Captain Harden L. Crawford of the ner tract, and each of the men said and he had never shot it ofF! come things that can be received. always reach me. Letters from home 'hird battalion of the New Jersey This is the sentiment of the soldiers are the moat welcome things in the Shrewsbury avenue, near River street, the original call but he has been that his home, together with the va- The other two men said that they "' which was used several years as n ranted exemption. Some of the men ilitia.will start a course of pr<*par- cant lots he owned, was worth more in France, as well us of herself. She world. That is what all .the soldiers tory training in the Red Bank ar- did not know it was against the law advises that only choerful letters be think, too. One piece of advice. I clubhouse and garden for the girls rignally selected are in the national than $2,000. Investigation showed for them to own shotguns, anil they of that neighborhood. The place was ;uard and are at Seagirt. nory next Monday night for men who that the places were mortgaged or sent to the soldiers, a» they nre affect- would give to all the women in xpect to be called to the colors. The said they had bought the shotguns ed with gloomy, discouraging missives America when they write to soldiers established as a clubhouse seven The town officials, including a de- that they were worth less than the for protection. They said they had years ago. The house wae arranged achment of the police force, aceom- en will be taught the first principles amount claimed. also had a lot of chickens stolen. Mr. from home. is; .Write cheerfully to the boys f soldiery which will help them to 1'urts of Miss Greenawult's letter over here. No matter whnt goes on for that purpose and it was equipped janied the men to the station. A The law lixes the penalty for an Alexander said the township of Mid- with dishes, chairs, (tables, stoves, >and furnished the music for march- arly promotions as corporals and dletown gave them no protection and are as follows: at home and no matter what troubles ergeants when they get in the army. alien having possession of a gun at "I am still in Paris handling all the occur, write only cheering, happy let- cooking utensils, table linen and other ing. The fire apparatus of the town $20 and costs. In addition the gun is when they undertook to protect their 0 ters. Of course if things happen nt fu.rniture and equipment for a club made up the roar of the procession. The training will be absolutely free confiscated by the state. The case property they were arrested and fined Paris trucking (for her unit). Have of thirty-five girls, at a'cost of over There was the usual attendance of rel- nd will include setting-up exercises, plenty of work and like it but would home which the boys should know, 1 came before Justice Edward W.