VOLUME CXXVI ISSUE 9 • INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA SEPTEMBER 2019 BULLETIN editorial pg 12 A Public Health Approach to Gun Control by RICHARD D. FELDMAN, MD IMS Board Member, Family Physician, Former Indiana State Health Commissioner Permit 593 Permit Indianapolis, IN Indianapolis, PAID Indianapolis, IN 46204 IN Indianapolis, U.S. Postage U.S. 125 West Market Street, Suite 300 Suite Street, Market West 125 Presorted Std. Presorted Indianapolis Medical Society Medical Indianapolis VOLUME CXXVI • ISSUE 9 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA TABLE OF CONTENTS BULLETIN IN THIS ISSUE OFFICIAL MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE SPECIAL FEATURES Indianapolis Medical Society President’s Page .......................................04 125 West Market Street, Suite 300 Indianapolis, IN 46204 “The all-cause mortality rate among participants who consumed 2 or more glasses per day of total soft drinks was higher than that ph: 317-639-3406 www.indymedicalsociety.org among participants who consumed less than 1 glass per month.” Editorial: Childhood Sex Abuse .............................06 President CHRISTOPHER D. BOJRAB Special Feature: 2019 Sachem Recepient ....................08 President-Elect ERIC E. TIBESAR Editorial: A Public Health Approach to Gun Control ............12 Board Chair LINDA FEIWELL ABELS ANNOUNCEMENTS Editor/Executive Vice President MORGAN E. PERRILL New Members ..........................................15 Direct copy for publication and inquiries regarding advertising to:
[email protected] Bulletin Board ..........................................17 The Bulletin invites news from and about members of the Indianapolis CME .................................................. Medical Society. Copy deadline: First of the month preceding month of 18 publication. IMS Leadership .........................................19 Advertising: Rates available upon request. Advertisers should provide electronic files by the first of the month preceding publication. Placement of advertisements, except for premium spaces, will be throughout the publication at the discretion of the editor.