United States Office of Water EPA-822-R-08-024 Environmental Protection Office of Science and Technology December 2008 Agency Washington, DC 20460 www.epa.gov

Me t h o d s f o r Ev a l u a t i n g We t l a n d Co n d i t i o n #20 Wetland United States Office of Water EPA-822-R-08-024 Environmental Protection Office of Science and Technolog December 2008 Agency Washington, DC 20460 www.epa.gov

Me t h o d s f o r Ev a l u a t i n g We t l a n d Co n d i t i o n #20 Wetland Hydrology

Principal Contributor University of Georgia Todd Rasmussen

Prepared jointly by:

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Health and Ecological Criteria Division (Office of Science and Technology) and Wetlands Division (Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds) Notice

The material in this document has been subjected to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) technical review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. The information contained herein is offered to the reader as a review of the “state of the science” concerning wetland bioassessment and nutrient enrichment and is not intended to be prescriptive guidance or firm advice. Mention of trade names, products or services does not convey, and should not be interpreted as conveying official EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation.

Appropriate Citation U.S. EPA. 2008. Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Wetland Hydrology. Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. EPA-822-R-08-024.

Acknowledgements EPA acknowledges the contribution of Todd Rasmussen of the University of Georgia for writing of this module. This entire document can be downloaded from the following U.S. EPA websites:

http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/criteria/wetlands/ http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/bawwg/publicat.html

ii Co n t e n t s

Fo r e w o r d ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ vi

Li s t o f “Me t h o d s f o r Ev a l u a t i n g We t l a n d Co n d i t i o n ” Mo d u l e s ������������������������������������������������������������������������v i i

We t l a n d Hy d r o l o g y ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1

In t r o d u c t i o n �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Hy d r o l o g i c Me a s u r e s ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2

We t l a n d Wa t e r Bu d g e t s �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

Wa t e r Bu d g e t Co m p o n e n t s ����������������������������������������������������������������������������14

Op e n Ch a n n e l Me a s u r e m e n t s ������������������������������������������������������������������������23

Co n t r o l St r u c t u r e s ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24

Ev o l u t i o n a n d Al t e r a t i o n o f We t l a n d Hy d r o l o g y ��������������������������������������29

Re f e r e n c e s ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35

Li s t o f Ta b l e s

Ta b l e 1a: Ti d a l w e t l a n d t y p e s ...... 3

Ta b l e 1b: No n -t i d a l w e t l a n d t y p e s ...... 4

Ta b l e 2: Illustrative w a t e r b u d g e t c o m p o n e n t s (mm /y e a r ) f o r s e l e c t e d w e t l a n d t y p e s ...... 16

Ta b l e 3: Ty p e s o f Ch a n n e l Co n t r o l St r u c t u r e s ...... 25

Ta b l e 4: Tw o Ge n e r a l Ty p e s o f We i r s ...... 26

iii Li s t o f Fi g u r e s

Fi g u r e 1: Mu l t i p l e s t a f f g a g e s c a n b e u s e d t o d e t e r m i n e w e t l a n d w a t e r l e v e l s f o r a w e t l a n d w i t h h i g h l y v a r i a b l e s t a g e s . Th e h i g h e r g a g e is u s e d d u r i n g w e t p e r i o d s a n d is e a s i e r t o r e a d t h a n t h e m o r e d i s t a n t o n e . On c e w a t e r l e v e l s f a l l b e l o w t h e h i g h e r g a g e , t h e n t h e l o w e r g a g e is u s e d . .5

Fi g u r e 2: Pi e z o m e t e r s a r e u s e d t o m o n i t o r w a t e r l e v e l c h a n g e s in t h e s u b s u r f a c e . Mu l t i p l e p i e z o m e t e r s (c a l l e d a n e s t ) c a n b e i n s t a l l e d n e x t t o e a c h o t h e r , o n e in e a c h s o i l h o r i z o n , if v e r t i c a l f l o w b e t w e e n s o i l h o r i z o n s is e x p e c t e d . Ad d i t i o n a l p i e z o m e t e r s c a n b e i n s t a l l e d in t h e b e d r o c k if s u c h m a t e r i a l s a f f e c t t h e h y d r o l o g y o f t h e w e t l a n d . . . .6

Fi g u r e 3: Ti m e Do m a i n Re f l e c t o m e t e r p r o b e s c a n b e u s e d t o m o n i t o r s o i l m o i s t u r e s a t u r a t i o n o v e r t i m e , prov iding a n e s t i m a t e o f t h e w a t e r c h a n g e in t h e s u b s u r f a c e . . . . .6

Fi g u r e 4: H y d r o g r a p h f o r a s h o r t p e r i o d o f t i m e s h o w i n g t h e w a t e r l e v e l v a r i a t i o n . No t e t h a t t h e hydroperiod is m a r k e d f o r a f e w s t a g e s ...... 8

Fi g u r e 5: Le f t : We t l a n d hydroperiod p l o t s h o w i n g d u r a t i o n o f f l o o d i n g v e r s u s s t a g e . Ri g h t : We t l a n d s t a g e -f r e q u e n c y p l o t s h o w i n g n u mb e r o f e x c e e d a n c e s p e r y e a r . No t e t h a t t h e l o n g e s t d u r a t i o n o f f l o o d i n g o cc u r s a t t h e l o w e r s t a g e s , a n d v i c e v e r s a . Lo w e r s t a g e s h a v e a h i g h e r f r e q u e n c y o f b e i n g f l o o d e d t h a n h i g h e r s t a g e s ...... 8

Fi g u r e 6: We t l a n d s t a g e -f r e q u e n c y -d u r a t i o n p l o t s h o w i n g d u r a t i o n o f f l o o d i n g v e r s u s s t a g e f o r a r a n g e o f f r e q u e n c i e s . . . .9

Fi g u r e 7: St a g e -Ar e a (t o p ) a n d St a g e -Vo l u m e (b o t t o m ) c u r v e s s h o w i n g c h a n g e s in w e t l a n d a r e a a n d v o l u m e a s a f u n c t i o n o f s t a g e . Fl o o d e d w e t l a n d a r e a is z e r o o n c e w a t e r s t a g e d r o p s b e l o w t h e g r o u n d s u r f a c e in t h e d e e p e s t s e c t i o n o f t h e w e t l a n d . Vo l u m e o f w a t e r s t o r a g e is n o t z e r o b e c a u s e t h e b e d s e d i m e n t s m a y b e a b l e t o s t o r e a n d r e l e a s e w a t e r . We t l a n d a r e a a l s o i n c r e a s e s r a p i d l y if a l e v e e is o v e r t o p p e d ...... 13

iv Li s t o f Fi g u r e s (c o n t i n u e d )

Fi g u r e 8: Relationship b e t w e e n h y d r o l o g i c e x c h a n g e s a n d n o n t i d a l w e t l a n d t y p e s ...... 15

Fi g u r e 9: Ef f e c t o f w e t l a n d s o n s u r f i c i a l a q u i f e r m o v e m e n t . In f l o w t o w e t l a n d is o n s i d e w h e r e w a t e r t a b l e l e v e l s a r e h i g h e r t h a n w e t l a n d . Ou t f l o w is o n s i d e w h e r e w a t e r t a b l e s a r e l o w e r ...... 19

Fi g u r e 10: Ne t w o r k o f p i e z o m e t e r s r e q u i r e d t o m a p w a t e r l e v e l s in t h e v i c i n i t y o f a w e t l a n d . No t e t h a t t h e w a t e r l e v e l c o n t o u r s c a n b e m a d e b a s e d u p o n interpolation b e t w e e n m e a s u r e m e n t s w i t h i n i n d i v i d u a l p i e z o m e t e r s ...... 21

Fi g u r e 11: Wa t e r l e v e l b e h a v i o r s h o w i n g s l o w d e c l i n e in b a s e f l o w a l o n g w i t h a d i s c r e t e s t o r m e v e n t w i t h i t s a s s o c i a t e d s t o r m f l o w ...... 22

Fi g u r e 12: Ra t i n g c u r v e s h o w i n g relationship b e t w e e n w a t e r l e v e l s t a g e a n d s t r e a m d i s c h a r g e . No t e c h a n g e in s l o p e i n relationship a s d i f f e r e n t p a r t s o f t h e c h a n n e l a r e w e t t e d a s t h e s t a g e c h a n g e s ...... 23

Fi g u r e 13: Th r e e t y p e s o f w e i r s (r e c t a n g u l a r , t r i a n g u l a r , trapezoidal , f l o o d e d o r i f i c e ) u s e d a s c o n t r o l s t r u c t u r e s f o r m e a s u r i n g s t r e a m d i s c h a r g e . Wa t e r l e v e l (s t a g e ) is m e a s u r e d in w e i r b a s i n u p s t r e a m o f w e i r b l a d e ...... 26

v Fo r e w o r d

In 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began work on this series of reports entitled Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition. The purpose of these reports is to help States and Tribes develop methods to evaluate (1) the overall ecological condition of wetlands using biological assessments and (2) nutrient enrichment of wetlands, which is one of the pri- mary stressors damaging wetlands in many parts of the country. This information is intended to serve as a starting point for States and Tribes to eventually establish biological and nutrient water quality criteria specifically refined for wetland waterbodies.

This purpose was to be accomplished by providing a series of “state of the science” modules concerning wetland bioassessment as as the nutrient enrichment of wetlands. The individual module format was used instead of one large publication to facilitate the addition of other reports as wetland science progresses and wetlands are further incorporated into water quality programs. Also, this modular approach allows EPA to revise reports without having to reprint them all. A list of the inaugural set of 20 modules can be found at the end of this section.

This last set of reports is the product of a collaborative effort between EPA’s Health and Ecological Criteria Division of the Office of Science and Technology (OST) and the Wetlands Division of the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds (OWOW). The reports were initiated with the support and oversight of Thomas J. Danielson then of OWOW, Amanda K. Parker and Susan K. Jackson (OST), and seen to completion by Ifeyinwa F. Davis (OST). EPA relied on the input and expertise of the contributing authors to publish the remaining modules.

More information about biological and nutrient criteria is available at the following EPA website: http://www.epa.gov/ost/standards

More information about wetland biological assessments is available at the following EPA website: http://www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands/bawwg

vi List of “Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition” Modules

Mo d u l e # Mo d u l e Ti t l e

1 ...... In t r o d u c t i o n t o We t l a n d Biologic a l As s e s s m e n t

2 ...... In t r o d u c t i o n t o We t l a n d Nu t r i e n t As s e s s m e n t

3 ...... Th e St a t e o f We t l a n d Sc i e n c e

4 ...... St u d y De s i g n f o r Mo n i t o r i n g We t l a n d s

5 ...... Ad m inistrative Fr a m e w o r k f o r t h e Im p l e m e n t a t i o n o f a We t l a n d Bi o a s s e s s m e n t Pr o g r a m

6 ...... De v e l o p i n g Me t r i c s a n d In d e x e s o f Biologic a l In t e g r i t y

7 ...... We t l a n d s Cl a s s ific at ion

8 ...... Vo l u n t e e r s a n d We t l a n d Bi o m o n i t o r i n g

9 ...... De v e l o p i n g a n In v e r t e b r a t e In d e x o f Biologic a l In t e g r i t y f o r We t l a n d s

10 ...... Us i n g Ve g e t a t i o n t o As s e s s En v i r o n m e n t a l Co n d i t i o n s in We t l a n d s

11 ...... Us i n g Al g a e t o As s e s s En v i r o n m e n t a l Co n d i t i o n s in We t l a n d s

12 ...... Us i n g a m p h i b i a n s in Bi o a s s e s s m e n t s o f We t l a n d s

13 ...... Biologic a l As s e s s m e n t Me t h o d s f o r Bi r d s

14 ...... We t l a n d Bi o a s s e s s m e n t Ca s e s t u d i e s

15 ...... Bi o a s s e s s m e n t Me t h o d s f o r Fi s h

16 ...... Ve g e t a t i o n -Ba s e d In d i c a t o r s o f We t l a n d Nu t r i e n t e n r i c h m e n t

17 ...... La n d -Us e Ch a r a c t e r i z a t i o n f o r Nu t r i e n t a n d Se d i m e n t Ri s k As s e s s m e n t

18 ...... Bi o g e o c h e m i c a l In d i c a t o r s

19 ...... Nu t r i e n t Lo a d i n g

20 ...... We t l a n d Hy d r o l o g y

vii We t l a n d Hy d r o l o g y A diagnostic feature of wetlands is the prox- imity of the water surface (or be- he purpose of this module is to describe low the surface) relative to the ground surface. T and discuss the general hydrologic prop- In freshwater and marine aquatic habitats, the erties that make wetlands unique, and to pro- water surface lies well above the land surface, vide an overview of the processes that control while in terrestrial environments it lies some wetland hydrologic behavior. The intent is to distance below the root zone as a water table provide a general discussion of wetland hy- or zone of saturation. The shallow hydrologic drologic processes and methods in the hope environment of wetlands creates unique bio- of fostering an understanding of the impor- geochemical conditions that distinguish it tant attributes of wetland hydrology relevant from aquatic and terrestrial environments. to the monitoring and assessment of these systems. As such, it is not intended to address Geomorphic Position the narrower definition of wetland hydrology for jurisdictional or classification purposes. Wetlands are a fundamental hydrologic Also, this module should not replace more landscape unit (Winter 2001) that generally advanced wetland texts. If the need arises to form on flat areas or shallow slopes, where obtain more specific information, the reader perennial water lies at or near the land surface, is advised to refer to wetland books or ar- either above or below. Wetlands tend to form ticles, including those referenced within this where surface and ground water accumulate document. within topographic depressions, such as along plains, within kettles, potholes, bogs, fens, lime sinks, pocosins, Carolina Bays, ver- In t r o d u c t i o n nal pools, ciénegas, pantanos, tenajas, and pla- yas, and behind dunes, , and glacial mo- etlands are a unique hydrologic feature raines. Seepage wetlands form where ground W of the landscape. One particularly im- water discharges on slopes, as well as near the portant attribute is their position as the tran- shores of , lakes, and oceans. Fringe sition zone between aquatic and terrestrial wetlands also form along shorelines, with pe- ecosystems. Wetlands share aspects of both riodic inundation not caused by ground wa- aquatic and terrestrial environments because ter discharges but, rather, by water exchanges of this position. On one hand, most freshwa- with adjacent waterbodies, such as by periodic ter and marine aquatic environments, such and tidal action. And, finally, perched as lakes, , , and oceans, are wetlands form above low-permeability sub- characterized as having permanent water. On strates where is restricted, such the other hand, terrestrial environments are as above permafrost, clay, or rock (Novitzki generally characterized as having drier con- 1989). ditions, with an unsaturated (vadose) zone present for most of the annual cycle. Wetlands Brinson (1993) provides a methodology for thus occupy the transition zone between pre- using hydrogeomorphic indicators to classify dominantly wet and dry environments. wetlands based on their unique hydrologic, geomorphic, and hydrodynamic characteris-

1 tics. In this way, the dominant landscape and tively flat in these areas (Orme 1990). Because hydrologic factors can be synthesized to bet- wetlands lie in relatively flat landscapes, their ter develop an understanding of wetland forms surface area expands and contracts as the wa- and functions. ter stage changes, allowing for the storage of large volumes of water. Wetlands therefore Energy as the Driving Force serve as a moderator of hydrologic variabil- ity—storing flood flows and reducing flow velocities during wet weather in particular. In The direction and rate of water movement addition, shallow depths and low slopes, con- into and out of wetlands is controlled by the sistent with low energy environments, are im- spatial and temporal variability of energy. A portant for trapping nutrients and . change in energy with distance generates a force that causes water to move from zones of high energy to zones of lower energy. Gravi- Hy d r o l o g i c Me a s u r e s tational forces account for most water move- ment, in that water tends to flow from higher hree hydrologic variables can be defined to lower elevations. Resisting the gravitational T that are useful for characterizing wet- force are viscous () forces that retard land hydrologic behavior; the water level, hy- the fluid velocity. Inertial (momentum) forces dropattern, and residence time. Each of these resist a change in velocity, causing water to wetland descriptors are described in greater move at a constant velocity and in a straight detail in subsequent sections. What follows line, unless additional energy is expended to here is a brief introduction of these concepts. either accelerate, decelerate, or deflect the wa- ter. One hydrologic descriptor is the general elevation of wetland water levels relative to Water can also move due to a change in the soil surface. Open water usually occurs pressure, from zones of high pressure to zones in deeper areas with few, if any, emergent of low pressure. This is common in ground macrophytes. Any vegetation present in these water systems, where confined flow areas is usually not attached to the wetland to the surface because of the greater pressure bottom, but vegetation may be floating on the at depth. Artesian flow from a confined aqui- water surface. An emergent zone may also fer to the surface occurs when the recharge be present in areas shallower than the open area to the lies at a higher elevation water zone, containing substantial quantities than the ground surface where the of emergent macrophytic vegetation, either occurs. Classical artesian springs exist in low- living or dead. Yet, other wetlands may have lying areas that are supplied with flows from large areas of exposed, saturated soil that is higher elevation areas. generally covered with macrophytic vegeta- tion. The water level can, therefore, be used as Wetlands are normally found in low-energy an indicator of the vegetation types likely to environments—that is, in areas where water occur in each of these zones. normally flows with a slow velocity. This re- sults, in part, because the land surface is rela-

2 A second descriptor of wetland hydrology to its volume. The residence time of a wetland is the temporal variability of water levels. The is often related to its hydropattern, in that wet- timing, duration, and distribution of wetland lands with large water level fluctuations may water levels are, together, commonly referred have shorter residence times, such as in tidal to as the wetland hydropattern, which incor- marshes. On the other hand, some wetlands porates the duration and frequency of water may fluctuate rapidly due to large changes in level perturbations. The hydropattern of some inflow, yet have very long residence times due systems, such as tidal marshes, fluctuate dra- to slow loss rates. matically over short periods of time; other systems, such as seasonally flooded bottom- Wetland Water Level land hardwood communities, fluctuate more slowly over time. Yet, other wetland systems An important feature of wetlands is the con- are more static and may not display substantial dition of oxygen deficiency in wetland soils. short- or long-term variability. The wetland Anaerobic conditions develop more quickly in hydropattern is a function of the net differ- saturated soils than in unsaturated soils due ence between inflows and outflows from the to low oxygen solubility in water, slow rates atmosphere, ground water, and . of water advection, and slow diffusion rates of oxygen through water. Anaerobic condi- A third descriptor of wetland hydrology is tions in wetland soils affect vegetation by the residence, or travel time, of water move- creating adverse conditions for root survival ment through the wetland. Some wetland sys- and growth. Thus, the presence of water sub- tems exchange water quickly, with water re- stantially affects soil oxygen concentrations, maining within the wetland for only a short which affects plant growth and survival. duration of time, while water may travel very slowly through other wetland systems. The Yet, despite these low oxygen concentra- residence time is the ratio of the volume of tions, wetlands are among the most biologi- water within the wetland to the rate of flow cally productive ecosystems on the landscape. through the wetland. Short residence times oc- They support a diverse assemblage of vegeta- cur when the flow through the wetland is large tive species having special physiological adap- compared to its volume—longer residence tations that enable them to survive and prosper times occur when the flow is small compared

Table 1a: Tidal wetland types


Subtidal - Tidal water permanently covers the land surface.

Irregularly Exposed - Tidal water us ually covers the land surface, but is not exposed daily.

Regularly Flooded - Tidal water alternately covers and daily exposes the land surface.

Irregularly Flooded - Tidal water covers the land surface less often than daily.

3 Table 1b: Non-tidal wetland types


Permanently Flooded - Water covers the land su rface throughout the year in all years. Vegetation is composed of obligate hydrophytes.

Intermi ttently Expos ed - Water covers the land su rface throughout the year except in years of extreme drought.

Semiperma nently Flooded - Water covers the land su rface throughout the growing season in most years. The water table is at or very near the surface when the land su rface is exposed.

Seasonally Flooded - Water covers the land su rface for extended periods, especially early in the growing season, but is absent by the end of the season in most years. The water table is at or near the surface when the land surface is exposed. Saturated water never covers the land surface, but the soil is saturated to the surface for extended periods during the growing season.

Temporarily Flooded - Water covers the land su rface for brief periods during the growing season, but the water table usually lies well be low the surface for mos t of the season. Plants that grow both in uplands and wetlands are present.

Intermi ttently Flooded - Water covers the land su rface for variable periods with no detectible seasonal periodicity. Long periods of time separate periods of inundation. The dominant plant communities under this regime may change as soil moisture conditions change. Some areas may not exhibit hydric soils or support hydrophytes.

Artificially Flooded - The amount and duration of flooding is controlled by means of pumps or siphons in combination with dikes or .

in these otherwise harsh growing conditions. between wetland water levels and hydric states Many biogeochemical reactions occur within is shown in Table 1 (Cowardin, et al. 1979). these low oxygen zones, as noted elsewhere in Note that a distinction is made between soil this document. saturation and soil surface inundation. Some systems may be flooded for part of the year Water levels in wetlands serve as an indica- and still have low pore water soil saturation, tor of the dissolved oxygen state of the soil- and vice versa. Low soil dissolved oxygen water system. Wetter systems generally have concentrations and reducing conditions may higher water levels and lower soil dissolved result in both cases. oxygen concentrations, while drier systems have lower water levels and higher dissolved Wetland water levels (also called the stage) oxygen concentration. A general relationship may not be indicative of soil saturation. The

4 zone of pore saturation may extend above the water table due to capillary rise in fine- grained materials (Black 1996). Capillary rise results from the natural tendency of water to adhere to soil surfaces and other water mol- ecules. Because the capillary height of rise can extend for several meters above the water table in fine-grained materials, the soil may be entirely saturated even when water levels Figure 1: Multiple staff gages are below the ground surface. can be used to determine wetland water levels for a wetland with highly variable stages. The higher gage is used during wet periods and is easier to read than the A relates the stage, or water more distant one. Once water level, as a function of time. Between storms, levels fall below the higher water levels in wetlands normally decline gage, then the lower gage slowly over time, rising in response to precipi- is used. tation. The rising limb of the hydrograph cor- responds to the period from when water levels begin to rise following a precipitation event. Monitoring Water Levels The peak stage corresponds to the time when water levels reach their highest level. The fall- Water levels in wetlands can be determined ing limb of the hydrograph corresponds to the using a staff gage if the water level is above period following the peak and lasts until the the ground surface. A staff gage is a vertical next storm. scale that serves to indicate the elevation of water, or stage, with respect to a reference ele- The time to peak is the length of time be- vation (Williams, et al.1996). The staff gage is tween the peak precipitation and peak stage. an inexpensive tool that should placed in the Times to peak are short in urban areas with wetland such that the base of the staff gage is large impervious surfaces and channels that always submersed in water. For ease of mea- have been modified to increase veloci- surement, multiple staff gages can be placed ties. Times to peak are longer in forested areas at different depths, such that the nearest one is with few impervious surfaces and channels visible from the shoreline during wet weather. with many obstructions that slow the passage The deeper staff gage is used once water lev- of water. Another term, the time of concen- els fall below the nearer gage (Figure 1). In tration, is the time required for flow to travel this way, one submerged staff gage is always from the most distant point on the watershed, visible from the shoreline as water levels rise and is a function of the same factors that af- and fall. fect the time to peak.

5 In some wetlands, a water line can be ob- served on periodically submerged vegetation. The water line can indicate a high-water level after a flood. In these cases, floating debris— such as leaves, trash, or branches—is lodged in the canopy of trees or bushes. In other cases, the natural water level can be observed as a horizontal line on the sides of trees. This line typically represents the normal water level in the wetland. This line would not be visible during wet weather, but is more likely to be observed during drier periods. Figure 2: Piezometers are used to monitor water level changes in the subsurface. If water levels are below the ground surface, Multiple piezometers (called then piezometers can be used to find the water a nest ) can be installed next to each other, one surface (Figure 2). A piezometer is a small-di- in each soil horizon, if ameter perforated tube that is installed within vertical flow between the soil at a specified depth (Black 1996). The soil horizons is expected. perforated zone should be narrow to mini- Additional piezometers can mize interference between layers, and placed be installed in the bedrock if such materials affect the within a unique hydrogeologic unit such as a hydrology of the wetland. soil horizon or geologic layer.

Water levels can be inexpensively deter- mined by lowering a weighted, chalk-covered steel measuring tape into the piezometer. The tape is lowered until at least one part of the tape is wet. The reading on the tape where the chalk has been wetted is subtracted from the reading taken on the tape at the top of the pie- zometer. A slightly more expensive technique is to use a depth-to-water detector, which pro- Figure 3: Time Domain vides an audio or visual signal when the water Reflectometer probes can level is encountered. Another option is to use be used to monitor soil moisture saturation over an automated water level recorder, such as a time, providing an estimate float or pressure transducer. The advantage of of the water change in the automated techniques is their suitability for subsurface. conditions when water levels are both above and below the ground surface (Black 1996). measured using Time-Domain Reflectom- When water levels are below the ground etry (TDR). TDR determines the water con- surface, the degree of soil saturation can be tent using the electromagnetic properties of a

6 wave pulse passing through a conducting set Hydropattern is a recent term that is used to of rods (such as 3-mm stainless-steel welding expand the traditional concept of hydroperiod rods) placed in the soil (Figure 3). TDRs pro- (i.e., the frequency and duration of time that vide the soil water content without the need the wetland is saturated) by incorporating ad- for calibration. Because the air porosity is not ditional information about the aerial extent measured using TDRs, additional measure- and timing of inundation. The aerial extent is ments of the total porosity are required, gen- important, especially for large, complex wet- erally by collecting soil cores. The soil satu- lands that contain a variety of wetland fea- ration is the ratio of the water content to the tures. total porosity. Several approaches can be used to charac- The principle of TDRs is that the velocity terize temporal changes in wetland stage (i.e., of the electromagnetic wave along a conduc- water levels). The easiest approach is to plot tor is a function of the dielectric coefficient of wetland stage as a function of time (called the the media around the conductor (Topp 1980). hydrograph). The hydrograph shows the stage Larger dielectric constants cause slower wave for a period of time that captures the range velocities and, hence, longer travel times. Liq- of possible hydrologic variability (Figure 4). uid water has a dielectric constant of 80.2 at Inter-annual, seasonal, event, and daily water 20°C, while ice is 3.2, petroleum is 1.8 to 2.2, level fluctuations may become apparent using quartz is 4.3, and air is only 1.00. It is clear, such an approach. therefore, that the wave velocity is substan- tially retarded as the water content of a soil Using the observed water levels, a plot of increases. flooding duration versus wetland stage can be constructed (Figure 5). This plot provides a Hydropattern descriptive summary that indicates how long a typical flood occurs for each stage. Lower The temporal variability of water levels in elevations have longer durations of flooding wetlands results from dynamic changes in than higher elevations. This approach is use- hydrologic inputs and outputs, and temporal ful for characterizing water level variability changes associated with hydraulic controls by generating a stage-duration relationship within the wetland. Temporal changes in wa- that quantifies the duration in time that a ter level are important determinants for many specified water level is exceeded. In this case, aquatic flora and fauna. The reproductive suc- the period of time that water levels exceed cess of these wetland species can be adversely the specified stage (or range in stages) is de- affected when fluctuations are not correctly scribed. This approach should also consider synchronized with their developmental stages. the seasonal nature of inundations by dividing the data into specific time frames (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). The hydropattern is a distinctive feature of the hydrologic variability that describes the variation of water levels over time and space While the stage-duration approach success- (Acosta and Perry 2001; King, et al.2004). fully captures the duration of time that the system is flooded, it fails to characterize the

7 Figure 4: Hydrograph for a short period of time showing the water level variation. Note that the hydroperiod is marked for a few stages.

Figure 5: Left: Wetland hydroperiod plot showing duration of flooding versus stage. Right: Wetland stage-frequency plot showing number of exceedances per year. Note that the longest duration of flooding occurs at the lower stages, and vice versa. Lower stages have a higher frequency of being flooded than higher stages.

8 Figure 6: Wetland stage-frequency-duration plot showing duration of flooding versus stage for a range of frequencies.

frequency with which this occurs. That is, the which water levels vary slowly over time can number of times that a water level exceeds a display the same frequency distribution of wa- specified stage for a specific time period is ter levels as does a system that varies quickly. not quantified. An alternative approach is to In effect, the amplitudes of the fluctuations quantify the frequency in time that the wet- are described, but not the duration. An addi- land is observed to exceed a range of specified tional problem is that the frequency diagram, stages. This approach yields a cumulative fre- in aggregate, may poorly convey daily and quency table or plot that can be used to calcu- seasonal behaviors. Partitioning or stratifying late exceedance probabilities (Figure 5, left). data sets into seasonal or other periods may The mean, median, and extreme stages (e.g., improve the characterization of water level 1, 10, 50, 90, and 99 percentile probabilities) conditions (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). can be estimated using the exceedance prob- ability plot (McCuen 1998). To overcome these limitations, a stage- duration-frequency (SDF) curve can be con- A significant drawback using the exceedance structed (Figure 6). The SDF plot is analogous probability approach is that the correlation to intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves structure between individual observations used in precipitation analysis (McCuen 1998). may or may not be captured. That is, a system

9 SDF curves indicate the frequency that a tion for a fully mixed system with constant depth-duration relationship is observed. inputs over time (Law and Kelton 1991).

For large, complex wetlands the hydrody- Different parts of a wetland may exhibit namic behavior may be very different from different hydrologic residence times. Water one area to the next. Characterizing the hy- in active, flow-through sections of a wetland dropattern for the entire wetland is a substan- may have shorter residence times than water tially more difficult exercise than for a small, in inactive, isolated parts of a wetland. While uniform wetland. each section may have identical hydropatterns, the flow is concentrated in one area, leav- Hydrologic Residence Time ing other areas with stagnant conditions. The same equation can be applied regardless; in this case, each section would be characterized The hydrologic residence time is used to using the volume of water present in the sec- evaluate the time required for a hydrologic tion, and the flow rate would be characterized input to pass through the wetland. The resi- using the flow into the section of interest. dence time, ‘t’ for a system with constant vol- ume and flow rate is simply the ratio of the volume of water within the wetland, V, to the Residence times for dynamic systems are flow rate, Q, or, ‘t’ = V / Q. more difficult to calculate than those with a steady flow. In these cases, the residence time changes—with increasing residence times The estimated residence time is only appro- during periods when outflows exceed inflows, priate for conditions of: 1) piston-flow, such as and decreasing when inflows exceed outflows. a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue; 2) steady This is because adding so-called new water or (i.e., constant) flow; 3) single locations of in- removing old water from the system decreases flow and outflow; and, 4) no atmospheric or the age. ground water exchanges (Himmelblau and Bischoff 1968). The estimated residence time is not appropriate for conditions when water While hydraulic residence times can be within the wetland mixes, multiple inflows calculated using the above equation, tracer and/or exchanges occur at different points tests can also be conducted to confirm these within the wetland, or flow into the wetland is calculations. Conservative tracers (i.e., non- not constant over time. reactive tracers that move passively with the water velocity) can be added at the inflow point of a wetland, and then tracer concentra- If these conditions are not met, then the tions can be monitored at the outflow location. above equation only provides an estimate of A breakthrough curve describes the resulting the average residence time—actual residence tracer concentration over time. The time re- times now varying over time and space. Func- quired for the median concentration—when tions for describing the distribution of resi- the outflow concentration equals half of the dence times may be found for simple systems. input concentration—provides an estimate of For example, the exponential function can be the average residence time of the system. used to determine the residence time distribu-

10 We t l a n d Wa t e r Bu d g e t s shed and the change in water level. This rela- tionship becomes more complicated, as noted etland water levels, the hydropatterns, below, whenever the water level falls below W and residence times are influenced and the ground surface. In these cases, the min- controlled by hydrologic inputs and outputs. eral and organic soil materials release less In many cases, the wetland conditions ob- water because of their porosity and ability to served are influenced, in large part, by the retain water. gains and losses of water. A water budget is used to account for the inputs and outputs to Balancing Inflows the wetland. The exchanges can be with the with Outflows atmosphere, with ground or surface water, or by tidal action. The sum of all exchang- Potential wetland inputs include precipita- es is what affects wetland water levels, i.e., tion directly onto the wetland, direct overland if atmospheric exchanges cause an increase flow, surface water inputs from rivers, streams, in water storage but ground water exchanges and marine sources, overbank flow, and deplete these storages, then the total effect is ground water sources including subsurface, the balance of the two. lateral unsaturated, and saturated flow from uplands to toe-slope and flat landscapes. The equation summarizes this concept: Balancing the inputs are the possible outputs, including evaporation, transpiration, ground DV DQ=I-O= water recharge, and surface water outflows. Dt (1) Water levels rise over time when hydrologic inputs exceed outputs, and fall when outputs where ‘D’Q is the difference between inflows, exceed inputs. The change in water levels can I, and outflows, O, and the ‘D’V term repre- be described using the following equation: sents the change in water storage over a pe- riod of time, ‘D’t. This equation means that DV DQ Dh= = Dt the volume in storage increases whenever the A A (3) inflows exceed the outflows, and vice versa. Because water levels are directly related to the where Dh is the water level change, DV=DQ storage volume, an increase in storage volume Dt is the net change in the input water volume always results in an increase in water levels: to the wetland, DQ=I-O is the net change in inputs less outputs, Dt is the time step, and A Dh DQ I-O is the wetland storage area, equal to the vol- = = Dt A A (2) ume of water released per unit change in wa- ter level. where ‘D’V=ADh, Dh is the change in water level, and A is the wetland area. This rela- Hydrologic inputs and outputs are expressed tionship holds because the change in storage in units of volume or depth per unit time. Wa- equals the product of the area of the water- ter levels, however, incorporate no explicit

11 unit of time—only water level changes are The relationship between the load, L, and the expressed in terms of units of depth per unit concentration, C, is found by noting that: time. Thus, observed water levels are the re- sult of accumulated water level changes over L=C◊Q (6) time and can be expressed as:

DQ(t -t ) • • i j where Q is the flow rate. This is because the h(t )= Dh(t -t )= Dt i ∑ i j ∑ A (4) concentration is: j=0 j=0 e

L M C= = where Dt=ti-tj. This integration of water level Q V (7) changes means that wetlands reduce water lev- el fluctuations by storing water during wet pe- or mass per unit flow rate, which is just the riods and releasing it during dry periods. The mass, M, per unit volume, V. fact that wetland water levels are accumula- tors of hydrologic change over time and space Stage-Area-Volume makes them sensitive to even small changes in Relationships environmental conditions. That is, even small alterations can manifest themselves as large changes in wetland conditions when accumu- Changes in water depth must normally be lated over space and time. converted to changes in water volume. This conversion need arises because inflows and In addition to a water balance equation, the outflows are measured in terms of water vol- mass of dissolved and suspended matter car- ume, while water levels within the wetland are ried by the water can be balanced. The mass measured in terms of water depth. A conser- balance equation is written as: vation of mass approach can be used to equate the two quantities. The conversion from water depth, h, to water volume, V, requires knowl- DM =DL=L -L Dt 1 2 (5) edge of the effective storage area of the wet- land, A: where M is the mass of dissolved or suspend- DV A= ed matter carried by the water, ‘D’M is the Dh (8) change in mass between two points, ‘D’t is the time interval, DL is the change in load, L 1 where ‘D’V is the change volume of water and is the inflow load, and L is the outflow load. 2 ‘D’h is the change in water level. Clearly, the rate of change in mass per unit time is a function of the balance between in- flows and outflows. For conditions when water levels are entire- ly above the ground surface, the water volume change per unit depth equals the wetland area. Most water quality measurements are not The effective storage area may change as the based upon a load assessment. Instead, the wetland grows in size during high stage, thus solute concentration is normally measured. requiring the use of a table or plot of wetland stage versus area.

Subsurface Water Storage

An additional complication arises when wetland stages are below the ground surface. In this case, the specific yield (i.e., the drain- able porosity) of the organic and mineral sedi- ments must be known. The specific yield is the volume of water released per unit area of wetland per unit decline in water level. In many cases, organic and mineral sediments may remain at or near saturation as water lev- els fall. In these cases, only a small volume of water is released from the sediments as they drain.

Combining the storage above and below the ground surface yields the following expres- sion for the effective storage area: Figure 7: Stage-Area (top) and A=A +S A s y e (9) Stage-Volume (bottom) curves showing changes in wetland area and volume as a function of stage. Flooded wetland area where As is the area of submerged wetland, Ae is zero once water stage drops is the area of exposed wetland, and Sy is the specific yield of organic and mineral benthic below the ground surface in the deepest section of the wetland. sediments, generally equal to the difference Volume of water storage is not between the saturated water content and field zero because the bed sediments capacity of the sediments. may be able to store and release water. Wetland area also increases rapidly if a Specific yields of sediments are strongly is overtopped. influenced by their particle size distribution and chemical composition. Sands have large specific yields, while clays and mineral soils have low specific yields (McCuen 1998). The The resulting areas are used to generate specific yield can be determined by extracting stage-area and stage-volume relationships core samples and determining their specific from which changes in stage can be related to yield, or reference texts can also be consulted net changes in volume. In general, the stage- (Fetter 2001; Hillel 1971). volume relationship shows a sharp change in

13 slope once water levels fall below the ground the water balance. In effect, there are three surface, as well as when water levels overtop mass balance relationships that can be used to a natural or levee. Synthetic stage-area estimate water budget components: and stage-volume curves are presented in Figure 7. Water Balance Equation: Q1-Q2=DV/Dt Determining Areas and Volumes where Q1 is the total inflows, Q2 is the total outflows, VD is the change in storage volume, and Dt is the change in time. If sufficient detail is present, then wetland areas as a function of water elevation can be Mass Balance Equation: determined using topographic maps. Other- wise, surface mapping using a transit or level L1-L2=DM/Dt can provide cross-sections from which the where L1 is the total mass input, L2 is the volume and area can be determined. Alter- total mass output, and ‘D’M is the change in natively, aerial photographs taken at different mass. water stages can be used to estimate the stage- area relationship. Concentration Equation: C=M/V=L/Q One method for determining the volume of wetland is to add a known mass of tracer, al- where C is the concentration, M is the mass, low the tracer to thoroughly mix in the wet- V is the volume, L is the load, and Q is the land, and then measure the tracer concentra- discharge. tion. Because the tracer concentration, C, is equal to the mass of tracer per unit volume of Wa t e r Bu d g e t water, C = M / V, the volume of water within the wetland, V, is equal to the mass of tracer, Co m p o n e n t s M, divided by the tracer concentration, V = M / C. ater budgets are an important tool for Wcharacterizing the behavior of wetland If is the only outflow systems. There are four general types of wa- and there are no inflows, then the tracer con- ter sources and sinks in wetlands. The first centration increases over time as the volume includes atmospheric inputs and outputs, of water within the wetland decreases. Like- including rainfall, snow, evaporation, and wise, if precipitation or surface and ground transpiration. The second type of water ex- water inflows are present with no correspond- change includes subsurface inflows and out- ing outflows, then the tracer concentration de- flows. Another exchange mechanism results creases over time, allowing the calculation of from interaction with surface water, includ- the wetland volume. ing overland flow, as well as from rivers and streams. A final type of exchange occurs in Water levels can be used in conjunction marine systems that respond to tidal varia- with the tracer data to obtain an estimate of tions.

14 In other cases, exchanges may be between different types of waterbodies and have a hybrid character. That is, inflows may be of one type (e.g., subsurface inputs) and outflows may be of another (e.g., evapotranspiration). Regardless, it is clear that identifying the key wetland hydrologic inflow and outflow com- ponents is a useful tool for understanding and managing wetlands. Table 2 provides water budget components for illustrative purposes only; the values should not be used for spe- cific wetlands. Instead, an estimate of actual Figure 8: Relationship between values for the wetland of interest would be hydrologic exchanges and required in order to understand the types of nontidal wetland types. exchanges present.

Atmospheric Exchanges Figure 8 presents a general characterization of wetland hydrologic exchanges for three of Atmospheric exchanges, i.e., precipitation, the four types of hydrologic exchanges (tidal evaporation, and transpiration, also need to wetlands are not included). The figure was be estimated for the water budget. , snow, adapted from Brinson (1993), who originally hail, sleet, freezing rain, fog drip, dew, and characterized wetlands based on the type of frost are various forms of precipitation result- hydrologic inflow. The figure has been modi- ing from the condensation of tropospheric fied to show that wetlands are affected by ex- water vapor. Water levels in wetlands that are changes of water—both inflows and outflows. dependent on atmospheric exchanges tend For example, atmospheric exchanges include to be more affected by climatic signals than evapotranspiration components as well as wetlands dependent on ground water sources precipitation. Surface water exchanges incor- (Orme 1980). Lakes, like wetlands, tend to in- porate releases from wetlands. tegrate climatic signals over time because of the longer residence time in these systems. As noted by Brinson (1993), wetlands have different types of inflow and outflow patterns. Precipitation generally occurs as a discrete That is, some wetlands have simple exchanges event, characterized by using intensity, dura- with adjacent waterbodies, such as with a tion, frequency, and areal extent. In aggre- during a flood such that the wetland receives gate, precipitation events can be described water from the river during the rising stage of using monthly and seasonal averages along the flood and returns water to the river during with longer-term variability associated with the falling stage. Another example is the tidal climatic fluctuations. While regional precipi- exchanges along the coast, where the water tation networks can be used to estimate site moves in and out of wetlands to its original conditions, the large spatial heterogeneity of source. precipitation patterns generally means that

15 Table 2: Illustrative water budget components (mm/year) for selected wetland types.

Atmospheric Surface Water Ground Wa ter

Precip. ET Inflows Outflows Inflows Outflows

Southeastern Swamp 1100 1600 10 30 100 500

Northern Bog 900 700 0 200 0 0

Floodplain 1000 1400 3000 2900 300 0

Prairie Pothole 600 400 00100 300

onsite precipitation measurements (either con- Evapotranspiration losses from wetlands in ventional or recording raingages) are needed close proximity are generally similar (Kadlec, when trying to obtain information for water et al.1988). This is because the source of en- balance analysis. ergy for vaporization (i.e., the sun) is region- ally uniform, and the availability of water for The loss of water from a wetland by evapo- vaporization is similar owing to the lack of ration from the water surface, as well as by water limitations in wetlands. Forested wet- transpiration from plant leaf and stem sur- lands may have greater evapotranspiration faces, can have large effects on water levels. rates, however, due to higher leaf areas. Also, The combined processes are called evapo- wetlands covered with dead vegetation may transpiration. Evaporation dominates when have lower evapotranspiration rates due to a open water is present and vegetation is not. lack of transpiration, a reduction in evapora- Saturated soils may lose nearly as much as tion from shading, and poorer wind exchange. open water, but not if a litter or mulch layer If increasing eutrophication leads to increased is present. Transpiration dominates in systems plant leaf area, then increased evapotranspi- with little open water and large coverage of ration water losses to the atmosphere could living vegetation. Evapotranspiration rates result. are affected by leaf and stem area, air, water, and plant temperatures, atmospheric humid- Evaporation Theory ity, wind speed, and the water potential of ex- posed soils. Whether water evaporates to—or condenses from—the atmosphere is a function of the en- ergy state of water in the liquid and gaseous

16 forms. The vapor pressure of water (a mea- The energy state of the liquid at the air-water sure of the water content of the atmosphere) interface is a function of the fluid potential, or is the primary measure of the energy state. pressure, at the interface. If a free surface is Dalton’s law relates the rate of evaporation to present, then the fluid pressure at the air-water the difference in vapor pressure between the interface is zero, and the water potential in the air-water interface and the vapor pressure in atmosphere just above the surface equals the the atmosphere at some distance from the in- saturated partial pressure of water within the terface: atmosphere (termed the saturated vapor pres- sure). In this case, the relative humidity of the

E = c [ ei – ea ] = c [RHi es (Ti) – RHa es (Ta) ] air just above the interface is equal to 100% (10) (i.e., saturated with water vapor). If the water potential at the water surface is negative, due where E is the evaporation rate, c is an evapo- to osmotic potentials or negative pressures ration rate coefficient, ei is the vapor pressure within soil pores or within plant stomata, then at the air-water interface, ea is the vapor pres- the relative humidity above the surface is no sure in the atmosphere at some distance away longer saturated. The equilibrium relative hu- from the interface, and es(Ta) is the saturation midity, RH, as a function of fluid potential, vapor pressure, which is a function of the air ‘y’, and temperature, T, is: temperature, Ta. y RH=exp   The evaporation rate coefficient,c , is a func-  RT  (12) tion of wind speed and the type of evaporation surface, either soil or water. The vapor pres- where R is the water vapor gas constant. sure in the air, ea=RHa es(Ta) equals the prod- uct of the relative humidity of the air, RHa, Monitoring Atmospheric and the saturation vapor pressure, es, based on Exchanges the air temperature, Ta. Precipitation and evaporation can be read- The relationship between the saturated va- ily measured using raingages and evaporation por pressure and temperature for the range of pans, respectively. These are relatively inex- liquid water at standard atmospheric pressure pensive and provide reliable estimates of dai- is: ly atmospheric exchanges. A single raingage is usually sufficient for small wetlands (e.g., 17.3T e =6.11 exp   smaller than 100 ha), but multiple raingages s  T + 237.3 (11) may be required for larger wetlands, especial- ly if significant spatial variation in rainfall is where e is the saturated vapor pressure in hPa s present. (1 hPa = 1 millibar) and T is the temperature in °C. Measured evaporation rates can be used to estimate evapotranspiration rates. A single evaporation pan is probably sufficient for

17 all but the largest wetlands. While potential fining layer has been locally breached due to evapotranspiration derived from pan estimates collapse or subsidence. (either manual or recording) can be used to estimate site conditions, the local effects of Shallow inflows may result from perched, or shading and wind shelter can adversely affect interflow, on top of lower-permeabil- the accuracy of the measurements. Pan coef- ity units within the unsaturated zone, such as ficients (the ratio of actual evapotranspiration clay beds, soil horizons, or even permafrost. to pan measurements) are reported to range Shallow subsurface inflows may also arise from 0.54 to 5.3 (Carter, et al. 1979). when the water surface within the wetland lies below the water table in the underlying Automated raingages are available but more surficial (unconfined) aquifer. In this case, the expensive than manual raingages. Automated direction and magnitude of the hydraulic gra- evaporation pans are less reliable, and addi- dient can be estimated using aquifer water lev- tional research is needed to improve their ac- els obtained in piezometers positioned in the curacy. If pan measurements are not available, vicinity of the wetland. Besides the hydraulic then evaporation can be calculated using auto- gradient, the water flow rate is also dependent mated measurements of solar radiation, tem- on the permeability of the aquifer and any perature, relative humidity, and wind speed. organic and mineral benthic sediments. The inflows may be concentrated at one or several Daily precipitation data should be plotted, points within the wetland. Inflows may also along with daily evaporation. The difference result from diffuse upward leakage, in which between precipitation and evaporation can be case the leakage is more uniformly distrib- compared to observed wetland water levels. In uted across the benthic materials. systems where atmospheric exchanges domi- nate the wetland hydrology, water levels rise Subsurface inflows from deeper sources may during precipitation events and fall at a rate arise when confined aquifers discharge into controlled by the evaporation rate. the wetland. These discharges occur when the confining layer is breached due to subsidence Subsurface Exchanges or collapse, such as in karst areas. In this case, wetland water levels are controlled by the pi- ezometric surface in the confined aquifer. Subsurface inflows to wetlands (also called In addition, confined aquifer discharges can ground water discharge to wetlands) may re- occur when diffuse upward leakage moves sult from shallow, topographically induced through the confining layer into the overlying drainage from nearby uplands or from dis- unconfined aquifer, and from there to the wet- charges of regional, confined aquifers (Ma- land. Discharges from deeper sources are less ley and Peters 1999; Stuurman and de Louw likely to respond rapidly to individual storm 1999). Subsurface outflows from wetlands events, tending to be more responsive to sea- (also called ground water recharge) may re- sonal and longer-term changes. sult from downward and lateral flow from the wetland to underlying surficial aquifers, and to deeper, confined aquifers where the con- Shallow inflows may respond more rapidly to individual storm events, as well as to sea-

18 sonal and climatic changes. This is because interflow and water levels in shallow aquifers tend to be more sensitive to net changes in at- mospheric flux (precipitation less evapotrans- piration in nearby upland areas).

Shallow subsurface outflows may occur if the wetland is underlain by a layer of low per- meability that allows the water to perch. In Figure 9: Effect of wetlands these cases, a low point on the perimeter of on surficial aquifer movement. the wetland allows water to exit the wetland Inflow to wetland is on side as either overland flow, flow, or - in where water table levels are terflow. These systems have water levels that higher than wetland. Outflow is on side where water tables are perched above the regional water table, are lower. and may also have an unsaturated (vadose) zone present between the water table and the perched wetland. Recharge to the underlying, surficial aquifer also occurs through the low conditions are present at the upstream end of permeability layer. the wetland, and aquifer recharge conditions are present at the downstream end of the wet- land. This type of flow-through wetland may Downward movement of water is prevented account for most of the flux of water through in permanently frozen soils, i.e., permafrost, a wetland that has no readily apparent inflows because any liquid water is converted to sol- or outflows. id form by heat exchange in the underlying frozen unit. Yet, the ability of the underlying frozen unit to freeze water can be overloaded Finally, recharge to deeper, confined aqui- over time, resulting in a loss of the confining fers may occur when subsidence or collapse ability of the unit. The entire loss of the per- has breached the confining layer that isolates mafrost layer is possible if too much heat is the aquifer from the surface. In this case, wa- added to the unit. ter level increases in the wetland during wet- weather periods may cause direct recharge to the deeper aquifer (Mitsch and Gosselink In some cases, wetland water levels are con- 2000). tiguous with those within the surficial aquifer (Figure 9). In these cases, flow through the Ground water Gradients surficial aquifer may be affected by the wet- land. Normally, surficial aquifer water levels dip in the direction of water flow, while the The gradient of ground water potentials water levels in the wetland are more horizon- governs the flow of water in the subsurface tal. Thus, wetland water levels lie below the because the potential is a measure of the en- water table in the upgradient direction, while ergy status of forces that cause water to move, they lie above the water table in the downgra- and the direction of the forces controls this dient direction. As a result, aquifer discharge movement. The gradient is calculated using:

19 Dh Dh Dh For flow through and across layered media, G= G , G , G =  , ,  []x y z  Dx Dy Dz (13) the horizontal component of flow, Hq , can be determined using the horizontal hydraulic where G is the hydraulic gradient, composed conductivity, KH, while the vertical compo- G G nent, q , uses the vertical conductivity, KV : of components in three directions, x, y, V and Gz, which in turn are determined using the change in head, ‘D’h, in each of the three q =-K G q =-K G H H H V V V (17) directions, Gx, Gy, and Gz. Due to the layered nature of many geologic deposits, the hydrau- lic gradient can be simplified into horizontal These equations are the horizontal and ver- and vertical components, with each layer hav- tical forms of Darcy’s law. The negative sign ing a unique horizontal flow pattern. indicates that flow is from regions of higher hydraulic head to regions where the head is Dh Dh G = G , G =  ,  lower. The estimated quantities are for flow at H []x y  Dx Dy (14) a point. The flows must be multiplied by the cross sectional area of the unit in question to and estimate flow across the area.

Dh G = G = The total flow, Q, is calculated using: V []z Dz (15)

Q =A q Q =A q H H H V V V where ‘G’H is the horizontal component and (18)

‘G’V is the vertical component of the hydraulic gradient. This approach is appropriate when- where AH is the profile, or cross-sectional, ever horizontal layering is present. The mag- area of flow, A , is the map-view area of flow, nitude of the horizontal component within V and QH and QV are the horizontal and verti- each layer is found by determining the change cal components of total flow, respectively. in water levels with distance, while the verti- cal gradient between layers is found using the Monitoring change in water level with depth between two Subsurface Flows adjacent layers.

Ground water gradients—and flows—nor- The hydraulic gradient must be combined mally vary over both space and time. Thus, a with the to determine high resolution of temporal and spatial sam- the ground water flux, or rate of volume flow. pling is required to determine the flow field Like the hydraulic gradient, ground water flux with any accuracy. This means taking mul- can be separated into three components, two tiple vertical and horizontal measurements at horizontal and one vertical: sufficiently frequent time intervals in order to capture any variability present in the system. q= q , q , q q = q , q q = q []x y z H []x y V []z (16)

20 Monitoring ground water flows can be ac- angles (Figure 10). Otherwise, the colinearity complished by placing an array of piezom- of the interferes with the estimation of eters within and around the wetland. Multiple the gradient. piezometers can be placed at different depths at each location to evaluate the magnitude Estimating the total flow of water into or of vertical flow. A nest of piezometers, com- out of the wetland requires an independent es- posed of multiple piezometers placed at dif- timate of the hydrologic conductivity. Either ferent depths, is needed whenever complex aquifer tests can be conducted or standard hydrostratigraphic conditions (e.g., layering) tables of values can be used (Fetter 2001). are present. Undisturbed core samples or field testing can also be used to estimate hydraulic conductivi- Piezometers are placed at multiple distances ties. Care must be taken when using core data away from the wetland to determine the wa- to estimate hydraulic conductivities in that ter table configuration in the neighborhood the spatial variability of most geologic media of the wetland. This network of piezometers, is very high. In general, core samples tend to deployed at various locations and depths, is underestimate field hydraulic conductivities required to determine the three-dimensional due to the difficulty in obtaining core samples characteristics of water potentials. Ideally, the for the very highest flow paths within the sys- locations of these water levels should form an tem. equilateral triangle—not acute or obtuse tri- Verry and Boulter (1979) report that the hydraulic conductivity of peat can be readily determined from its bulk density or unrubbed fiber content. They report that fibric peats have three-orders of magnitude higher horizontal hydraulic conductivity than sapric peats due to their larger pore sizes. Daniel (1981) notes a similar effect of decomposition on hydraulic conductivity.

Once the directional hydraulic conductivi- ties and gradients have been found, then the total flow within the system can be calculated. There are often many uncertainties with this method, however, in that the spatial variabil- Figure 10: Network of ity of both gradients and conductivities can be piezometers required to map high. water levels in the vicinity of a wetland. Note that the water level contours can be Water quality sampling can be used as an made based upon interpolation independent method to determine the source between measurements within of water within wetlands. For example, if shal- individual piezometers.

21 low ground water is moving laterally into the flowing before the rainfall (a typical situation), wetland, and ground water is also moving up- stormflow is the flow that occurs in addition ward into the wetland from a deeper aquifer, to the that would have occurred if it then the geochemical signature of each source had not rained. can be used to evaluate the relative magnitude of each inflow relative to the total. Flood Attenuation

Surface Water Exchanges Not only can wetlands reduce flood veloci- ties, they can also reduce flood wave veloci- Surface water exchanges with wetlands re- ties by decreasing water velocities at high sult from a large number of mechanisms, in- discharges. Flood wave velocities travel at cluding overland—or sheet—flow, direct ex- different rates than water velocities. The flood change when the channel of a river or stream wave velocity, also called the flood celerity, c, flows through the wetland, overbank flooding is defined as the change in discharge, Q ‘D’ , during wet weather when the channel is sepa- per unit change in stream cross sectional area, rated from the wetland by a levee or flood- ‘D’A: plain, and along the edges of lakes, estuaries, DQ D(vˉ A) Dvˉ and the ocean. These surface water exchanges c= = =vˉ+A result in either constant or episodic hydrolog- DA DA DA (19) ic communication between the surface water and the wetland. where Q=A v is the stream discharge, A is the stream cross-sectional area, and v is the mean stream velocity. This equation indicates that Streamflow can be divided into two types, the flood wave velocity equals the water ve- baseflow and stormflow (Figure 11). Baseflow locity plus a second term that is positive if the is that component of flow found during low water velocity increases as the cross-sectional flow periods, while stormflow refers to the re- area (or, equivalently, stage) increases, and is sponse to precipitation events. If a stream was negative if the water velocity slows as the area or stage increases. In other words, the wave velocity is faster than the water velocity if the water velocity increases with stage, and vice versa.

This concept can also be demonstrated us- ing the ratio of the wave velocity to the water velocity, termed the kinematic ratio, k:

c A Dv Dlnv k= =1+ =1+ Figure 11: Water level behavior v v DA DlnA (20) showing slow decline in baseflow along with a discrete storm event with its associated stormflow.

22 and culverts (which are less accurate). The re- lationship between stage and streamflow dis- charge is called the rating curve (Figure 12). Once a rating curve has been developed, the stream discharge is readily found by observ- ing the stage and then consulting the rating curve.

Op e n Ch a n n e l Me a s u r e m e n t s Figure 12: Rating curve showing relationship between water tream discharge, Q, is obtained by estab- level stage and stream discharge. Note change in slope S lishing a stream cross section, and then in relationship as different measuring the stream velocity, v, across the parts of the channel are wetted section. Because the stream velocity and depth as the stage changes. vary across the section, the total discharge is approximated by the sum of the discharge of subsections within the total section:

This relationship again illustrates the con- n cept that the flood wave velocity is faster Q= ⌠ v◊dA ª v A ⌡A ∑ i i than the water velocity, k>1, when the second i=1 (21) term is positive, and vice versa. The second term in the equation is the critical parameter where A is the cross-sectional area of the sec- needed to control damaging flood waves. In tion, n is the total number of subsections, vi is effect, wetlands serve to sequester flood wa- the average velocity in each subsection, and ters, thus slowing the average and incremental Ai is the area of each subsection, equal to the water velocities and flood wave travel times product of the width and average depth of the and reducing peak discharges. The flood wave subsection. velocity could actually be less than the water velocity if the velocity decreases with increas- ing depth. For shallow streams, the average velocity is found at approximately 60% of the depth of Measuring Surface Flows the stream, measured from the surface down. For deeper streams, the average velocity is found by averaging two velocity measure- Surface water flows can be estimated using ments, at 20% and 80% of the depth. flow measurement control devices, such as (which require a pool upstream and are Upstream and downstream variations in not satisfactory when elevated con- channel shape, as well as obstructions, may centrations are present), (which tend to cause rapid changes in velocities within the flush sediments more effectively than weirs), cross-section. Thus, it is important to select

23 a location where the channel appears to be of An improvement on the standard is uniform width and depth and free of obstruc- to place a constriction in the flume (called the tions. throat) that forces the flow to be subcritical (low velocity) upstream of the constriction, The site should also be selected so that and supercritical (high velocity) downstream. backwater effects from downstream inflows Examples of this type include the Parshall are avoided. Another source of error occurs Flume and the H-Type flume. The H-type when the channel shape changes over time, flume was developed by the U.S. Department so a solid bottom is preferred over a mobile of Agriculture for measuring discharge in bottom. Finally, a site located upstream of a sediment-laden streams. Flumes require no (a narrowing or shallowing of the upstream stilling basin and allow sediment river) is preferred over a site located down- to pass unimpaired through the structure. Ice, stream of a knickpoint. The knickpoint may leaves, and other debris can still affect the cause subcritical (slow velocity) conditions reading, however. upstream and supercritical (high-velocity) conditions (and even a possible hydraulic jump) Yet another control structure is the downstream. (Figure 13). A weir has a stilling basin up- stream of a constriction (normally called the To construct the rating curve, the observed weir blade), and a free-fall below the constric- stream discharge is related to the river stage, tion. The stilling basin is used to eliminate the measured using a staff gage. The staff gage is velocity head, yielding H=z in the stilling ba- a vertical rule placed in a protected location. sin, where z is the measured water surface el- Repeated measurements of discharge over a evation above the lowermost point on the weir range of stages is required. blade.

Water flows out of the weir over the weir Co n t r o l St r u c t u r e s blade, which can take a variety of shapes, in- cluding triangular, rectangular, and trapezoi- ontrol structures avoid the vagaries of dal. A submerged, circular orifice can also Cchannel geometry by creating a uniform be used. The discharge is calculated using section. Table 3 provides a summary of the Q=vA=v (WH), where A=WH is the cross- various types of control structures along a sectional area perpendicular to flow above the brief summary of their attributes. A flume weir blade, W is the width of the weir, and H can be readily constructed with a uniform is the depth of flow above the weir blade. So cross sectional area so that Q=W h v where the general weir formula is: W is the width of the flume, h is the depth of water in the flume, andv is the water velocity b through the flume. In most cases, no unique Q=a H (22) relationship between depth and velocity can be established, being a function of the slope where a accounts for the cross-sectional area of the flume and the upstream and down- as well as contraction and energy losses, H is stream conditions. the water surface elevation in the stilling basin Table 3: Types of Channel Control Structures


•stilling basin is located upstream of weir

•water level recorder is used to measure stage in stilling basin

•outlet structures include rectangular, triangular (v-notch), and Cipolletti (trapezoidal) shapes

•weir crests can be broad (flat lip) and sharp (knife-blade) cr ested

•flow is subcritical upstream of crest, supercritical downstream

•weirs collect sediments in the stilling basin, debris on weir blade


•no stilling basin, only a narrow throat

•regular approach section

•passes sediment easily

•woody debris can be a problem


•Four combinations of flow equations, flooded vs. open upstream, flooded vs. open downstream

•Culvert should be a regular shape, round or rectangular, with no debris above the weir blade, and b=0.5 for a flooded total head under subcritical conditions. Weirs orifice, b=1.5 for a rectangular weir, and b=2.5 tend to be more accurate than flumes but suf- for a triangular weir. This equation holds for the fer from sediment accumulation in the stilling broad-crested weir as well, with b=1.5. basin and debris obstructing the weir crest.

Weirs may not provide accurate estimates in Culverts under roads can also be used as a several situations. One source of error occurs control structure. Four types of flow condi- when the weir blade becomes blocked by ice tions can be found for most culverts; upstream or floating debris, such as leaves and branches. intake either submerged or open, and down- Another source of error arises when the weir stream discharge conditions either submerged basin fills with sediments, resulting in an inac- or open. When the upstream end is flooded, curate estimate of the total head. For all weirs, and the downstream end is open, then the a staff gage or a water-level recorder is placed orifice solution for the weir equation can be upstream of the constriction to measure the used.

25 Figure 13: Three types of weirs (rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal, flooded orifice) used as control structures for measuring stream discharge. Water level (stage) is measured in weir basin upstream of weir blade.

When both upstream and downstream open- can be found using indirect techniques such ings are submerged, then pipe flow conditions as the Manning’s equation, noted below. are present and discharge can be found using the difference in head between the two ends, Regardless of flow conditions, it is better if the culvert length and diameter, and the type the culvert has a uniform shape throughout of culvert (smooth, corrugated, etc.). When its length and is not obstructed with debris. the upstream end is open and the downstream Elevation measurements can be made end is either open or flooded, then the flow

Type Weir Equation‡

Flooded Orifice Q=C A H 0.5 1.5 Rectangular§ Q=Ca W H 2.5 Triangular Q=Cb tana H 1.5 2.5 Trapezoidal Q=Ca W H +Cb tana H † Neglects contraction effects along weir blade edges

‡ H is elevation of water surface in stilling basin

§ Applies to broad-crested weirs as well

Table 4: Two general types of weirs include broad-crested and sharp-crested. As the name implies, the broad-crested weir has a broad constriction in the direction of flow, while the sharp- crested weir has a knife-edge blade that forms the constriction. A broad-crested weir consists of an outflow structure over which water flows for some distance before falling over the downstream edge. A sharp-crested weir is constructed so that the flowing water passes over a vertical, knife-edge, thus minimizing resistance with the weir blade.

26 mechanically using a water level recorder or Estimating Overbank Flows visually using a staff gage. Wetlands adjacent to riverine systems are Indirect Measurements often affected by overbank flows during stormflow periods. In these cases, the river For situations in which control structures spills out of its normal channel and overflows are not present and instream measurements onto adjacent . The period of time not possible, Manning’s equation is com- that wetlands on the floodplains are affected monly employed to indirectly measure water by the duration of stormflows, and their am- velocity: plitude. Instrumentation to monitor water lev- els in wetlands adjacent to riverine systems 1 2/3 1/2 vˉ= R S can be installed using techniques mentioned n (23) previously. Additionally, the U.S. Geological Survey provides estimates of overbank flood- where n is the Manning’s roughness coeffi- ing frequencies for ungaged sites (Jennings, et cient, R is the hydraulic radius, and S is the gra- al. 1994). dient in total head. The roughness coefficient is normally found in tables and is based on Tidal Exchanges stream channel characteristics such as materials, amount of vegetation within Coastal wetlands are similar in many ways the channel, variation in channel shape, and to freshwater wetlands, except that they are sinuosity. The hydraulic radius is defined as transitional between marine and terrestrial the ratio of the stream cross-sectional area to environments. Coastal wetlands have unique the wetted perimeter, R=A/P, which is approx- attributes that distinguish them from both ter- imately equal to the water depth in a shallow, restrial and marine systems. It is, in fact, the wide channel. The total head gradient is the combination of flooding and soils near the drop in total head per unit distance of stream water surface that promotes ecologic diversity channel. and productivity in coastal wetlands.

Once the average water velocity, v, has been Coastal wetlands occupy similar landscape determined, the stream discharge, Q, can be positions as lacustrine wetlands. Great vari- estimated using: ability exists, however, among coastal wet-

ˉ lands. Some coastal wetlands are dominated Q=vA (24) by the ebb and flow of the water levels of the ocean due to tides, termed tidal wetlands. where A is the cross-sectional area of the The large magnitude of the daily tides, along channel. with their regularity, result in unique wetland conditions. Other marine wetlands are more sheltered from tidal effects. Still others may be affected by water quality changes resulting from freshwater .

27 Tidal Effects coastal wetlands are affected by hydrologic tidal exchanges. Many coastal wetlands function to dampen tidal and wave energies. Because viscous and Tides can affect wetlands many miles from turbulent drag through coastal wetlands dis- any saline water sources. The hydrodynamic sipates energy, the magnitude of fluctuations conditions imposed by a changing sea level generally diminishes with distance from the cause rivers to flow more slowly during high coast. The equation for a harmonic wave tides, and vice versa. Thus, water levels in riv- height with constant energy dissipation as a ers upstream of the coast rise and fall in tan- function of distance is (Carslaw and Jaeger dem with the tides. The magnitude of this ef- 1959, Eq. 2.6.8): fect is diminished with distance upstream and is a function of local channel features. -kx w h=h e cos(wt-kx) with k= o 2D (25) Other Inputs where h is the wave or tidal height, ho is the maximum magnitude of the fluctuation at the Many coastal wetlands are affected by shoreline, ‘k’ is a damping coefficient that ac- nearby freshwater inputs, especially in es- counts for the dissipation of energy with dis- tuarine environments. In these cases, occa- tance, x is distance from the shoreline, w is the sional, large inflows can cause frequency of the fluctuation, t is time, and D rapid changes in the salinity, temperature, is the hydraulic diffusion coefficient. The am- dissolved oxygen, and sediment concentration e-kx within the wetland. In some cases, these in- plitude of the oscillation, |h|=ho , decreases with increasing frequency and distance from puts can be beneficial, such as historical sedi- the shoreline, as does the lag, ‘k’x. This means ment in the Mississippi River delta that low-frequency waves, such as daily and region of southern Louisiana—in contrast to twice-daily tidal fluctuations, propagate deep- the practice of diverting stormflows er into coastal regions and are attenuated less away from coastal wetlands, which has led to and lagged more than high-frequency waves. regional subsidence and salt water intrusion. In other cases, these inputs can be detrimen- tal, as when increased urban wastewater and While the harmonic wave height equation stormwater inputs to coastal estuaries alter may not be suitable for many coastal areas, the natural conditions. it does combine most of the important fac- tors (e.g., time, distance, wave frequency, and hydraulic resistance) that affect water Ground water inputs to coastal wetlands may and energy movement. An understanding of also be significant, and can take two forms, the local coastal morphology and vegetation point and diffuse. Point discharges—such as is important, as are the energy inputs from springs—form when an underlying confin- marine sources and terrestrial surface water ing layer for an artesian aquifer is breached, and ground water inflows (Dronkers 1986). allowing the upward flow of water. Diffuse Together, these external factors influence how upward leakage occurs when the confined ar- tesian aquifer discharges over a large region.

28 In these cases, the leakage is more spatially changes that affect wetland hydrologic be- uniform, with greater amounts of leakage oc- havior. This section discusses some of these curring in low-elevation areas. Ground water effects, focusing on a few of the many factors exchanges may be more difficult to character- that cause wetlands to change over time. ize than other sources, however. One prom- ising method is the use of radioisotopes to Natural Forces of Change differentiate between and other inputs (Charette, et al.2003). Wetlands are formed as the result of many geologic forces. Rivers form flood plains that Monitoring Coastal provide a landscape position that enhances Wetlands wetland development. Glaciers scour the landscape, leaving behind features that pro- In some cases, distinguishing tidal from mote wetlands. Tectonic uplift and subsidence freshwater and ground water inputs can be create depressional features that are favorable achieved using geochemical information. The to wetland formation. Carbonate aquifers dis- tidal water quality is clearly distinguished by solve over time, leaving behind depressions its high concentrations of sodium-chloride where wetlands can form. Also, accelerated type water, while freshwater inputs normally transports sediment out of natural have markedly lower specific conductivities channels, leading to down-cutting and deep- and total dissolved solids. Depending upon ening of channels, which leads to a lowering location, ground water inputs are intermedi- of riparian water tables and the reduction of ate, with possibly distinct geochemical signa- overland flows, both of which alter wetland tures. For example, if carbonate aquifers are saturation. present, then a calcium signal may be present in these waters. Wetlands can modify their environment as they mature. Peats may substantially modify The degree of tidal flushing can thus be the original landscape by filling in the depres- monitored using water quality data to charac- sion they originally formed in (Daniel 1981). terize the residence times of water within the Other biological forces also promote wetland system. Estimates of fluxes can then be esti- formation. Beaver create impoundments, mated based on the water balance equation. which form natural wetlands in habitats fa- vorable to their needs. Large, woody debris also forms natural dams that impound shal- Ev o l u t i o n a n d Al t e r a t i o n low wetlands. o f We t l a n d Hy d r o l o g y Once formed, wetlands can also age over etlands change over time. Natural pro- time, slowly filling in with external sources of W cesses such as sediments that fill wet- materials such as sediments from upland ero- lands and beaver activity, as well as acceler- sion, as well as with detrital materials from ated processes such as upstream development wetland vegetation. Rates of deposition of and direct alteration of the wetland, all cause these materials can be slow, such as in olig-

29 otrophic systems with small upstream catch- dikes, , and jetties obstruct or al- ment areas. Or they can be rapid, such as in ter natural hydrologic patterns. Many of these nutrient-rich systems with large upstream ar- alterations resulted from efforts to drain wet- eas marked by extensive erosion. lands.

Wetlands in a natural setting, therefore, are Outflows from wetlands were increased by constantly being formed and lost—depending the construction of drainage ditches, chan- on the balance of forces. So, too, wetland hy- nels, and , or the removal of natural drology changes over time. Reducing the vol- barriers such as vegetation and by straighten- ume of storage within a wetland decreases the ing streams. Other efforts to drain wetlands residence time, and can also reduce the depth used ground water extraction techniques such and hydropattern by removing storage volume as underground tile drains and pumping wells within the deep-water areas that would nor- that led to lowered ground water levels. Low- mally remain wet under drought conditions. ering of water tables can affect wetlands by increasing subsurface drainage from the wet- The dynamic nature of hydrology—espe- land to the point of ground water extraction. cially when applied to wetlands—means that Ditches and tile drains increase the discharge wetlands can not be investigated apart from of shallow ground water, thus lowering water their regional environment. Hydrologic altera- tables in the vicinity of the drain. Water levels tion upstream of the wetland affects wetland increase with distance away from the drains, evolution. reaching a maximum midway between the drains. systems increase the Human Alteration of rate of shallow ground water flow, thus fa- Wetland Hydrology voring drier conditions within the wetland. Tile drainage systems are more effective for removing water resulting from low-intensity, Humans have substantially increased hy- long-duration storms, and are less effective for drologic disturbances within watersheds draining water resulting from short-duration, (Azous and Horner 2001; Fisk 1989). These high-intensity storms (Galatowitsch and van changes generally cause increased sediment der Valk 1994). production and transport, as well as increases in nutrient concentrations and loads. Such in- Drainage of fields for agriculture may re- creases naturally cause reductions in wetland duce surface water inflows, lower water ta- storage volumes due to sediment trapping and bles, and reduce the seasonal period of soil nutrient uptake with subsequent deposition of saturation. Ground water pumping in the vi- organic sediments. cinity of the wetland can lead to a reduction in shallow aquifer water levels while Surface water inflows to wetlands can be may increase water levels, resulting in either increased by routing stormwater runoff into decreases or increases in wetland water levels, them from urban, industrial, and agricultural respectively. The effects of regional ground areas. Inflows are also altered when hydraulic water pumping tend to manifest themselves as structures such as reservoirs, canals, levees, slow (and in some cases, rapid) declines in re- gional, confined aquifer levels. These declines Some wetlands can have a large hydraulic are then transmitted by reductions in diffuse effect by mitigating flood flows. Wetlands can upward leakage or direct connections to wet- retard floods by slowing the average water ve- lands, resulting in the lowering of water levels locity, as well as the flood peak velocity. Rapid in wetlands. flood waves cause greater damage downstream because they have less time to dissipate their The effect of the alteration of channels and peaks. Slower floods have smaller peaks and canals can be two-fold—not only do the new lower velocities, resulting in less downstream excavations convey more water out of the wet- damage. This is accomplished by the addi- land, the spoils (i.e., the materials removed tional friction, or resistance to flow, that wet- from the excavated areas) are commonly piled lands provide, along with the increased water near the excavations and may concentrate or storage capacity associated with their area. otherwise alter the natural drainage through the wetland (Chabreck 1988). Efforts to mitigate stormwater runoff have resulted in endeavors to design and construct As mentioned above, beaver ponds form artificial wetlands to mimic the beneficial -hy natural wetlands that once dotted the land- drologic effects of natural wetlands (Kadlec, scape. Beaver trapping and eradication efforts et al.1993; Walker, 1995; Walker and Kadlec may therefore have reduced the formation of 2002; Moustafa and Kadlec 2002). These en- new wetlands. Also, reducing the availability deavors focus on using hydrodynamic models of large, woody debris may reduce wetland to achieve specific management goals that re- formation. Harvesting of riparian vegetation— quire reductions in nutrients, sediments, and particularly the larger diameter trees—could peak flows. result in poorer recruitment of large, woody debris. While wetlands clearly affect vegeta- As noted earlier, Manning’s equation sug- tion, fish, and wildlife, it is also true that these gests that several factors affect the water ve- biological factors affect wetlands. locity, including the flow roughness of flooded ground, the hydraulic radius (i.e., the effective Obstructions (such as beaver dams, roads, water depth), and the water energy slope. Wet- channels, dams) to surface water exchanges lands with substantial macrophytic vegetation alter the hydrology by requiring a higher stage can increase the hydraulic roughness, thus to pass the same flow. Obstructions to inflows decreasing flow velocities. Also, shallow wa- may deprive the wetland of natural flows. In ter bodies reduce the hydraulic radius, again some cases, obstructions may not substantially decreasing flow velocities. Removing wetland alter total wetland outflows; they may just al- vegetation thus decreases the hydraulic radius, ter the stage-discharge relationship, requiring causing increased water velocities. a higher water level in order to pass an equiv- alent discharge. This may have both positive It is also apparent that increased wetland and negative effects on wetlands. Increased loading rates, along with decreased retention water levels can alter the natural storage abil- times, substantially decreases the effective- ity (a negative effect), but may increase the ness of wetlands in storing water during flood residence time (a positive effect). periods and subsequently releasing it during

31 dry periods. The resulting hydrologic perfor- Pumping from shallow aquifers can also mance of affected wetlands is fundamentally lower coastal zone water levels, causing local compromised. dewatering of coastal wetlands. Shallow dis- posal of septic wastes can alter local ground Irrigation can increase water tables if the water quality by increasing organic and nutri- amount of irrigation exceeds plant needs. In ent loading and decreasing dissolved oxygen many arid areas, surplus irrigation is required concentrations. These changes can affect lo- to remove dissolved salts from the root zone. cal wetlands if and when this ground water Under these conditions, recharge from irriga- discharges into them. tion, precipitation, and/or surface flows may increase water levels to the point where sur- Wetland Restoration face inundation results, forming saline wet- lands (Mitsch and Gosselink 2000). Efforts toward restoration of the hydro- logic function of compromised wetlands are As noted earlier, some coastal wetlands are currently expanding (Hey and Philippi 1999; dominated by nearby freshwater inputs, es- Means and Hinchee 1999). Additional ef- pecially in estuarine environments. In these forts are being undertaken to create artificial cases, occasional, large stormwater-driven in- wetlands that take advantage of the natural flows can cause rapid changes in the salinity, functions that wetlands provide (Kadlec and temperature, dissolved oxygen, and sediment Knight 1995; Hammer 1996). Regardless of concentration within the wetland. Alteration whether impaired wetlands are being restored of the coastal morphology by dredging can or new wetlands are being created, the intent adversely affect natural wetlands by increas- is to recreate the hydrologic behavior that we ing saltwater intrusion rates (Chabreck 1988). find so important (Greeson, et al.1979). The Density-dependent stratification of estua- emphasis in these cases is the design and rine waters may prevent salt-water presence evaluation of alternative strategies for wetland in coastal areas. Construction of deep-water restoration (Marble 1992). navigation channels may allow for salt-water to gain inland access, which can result in in- As shown earlier, water levels in wetlands creased salinities. can be controlled by manipulating the stage- discharge relationship. Changing the elevation Coastal ground water pumping affects coast- of an outflow structure, e.g., by raising the al wetlands by reducing artesian pressures in base of an outlet weir elevation, changes the underlying confined aquifers, which may then wetland water levels and flooded areas. The cause a reduction in point and diffuse upward base elevation, along with the rate of change leakage. Also, ground water pumping may in discharge with elevation, can be adjusted cause coastal subsidence, resulting in the ef- using outflow structures of different sizes and fective lowering of the ground surface relative shapes, depending upon the desired outflow to the sea level, causing the intrusion of saline characteristics. water into coastal wetlands.

32 Other hydrologic alteration possibilities in- or simulation of natural hydraulic conditions clude closing of ditches and drains, thus re- (Zedler 2001). Weirs and plugs are devices ducing wetland outflows. Removing artificial used in tidal marshlands to maintain mini- obstructions such as roads and berms can also mum water levels (Chabreck 1988). Weirs are improve flow through the wetland by recre- useful because the bottom elevation of the ating natural hydrologic communication with weir controls the minimum elevation on the neighboring waterbodies. upstream side but allows higher flows to pass unaffected. Ditch plugs provide the same con- These principles apply not only to fresh- trol, but are more susceptible to destruction water wetlands but also to the restoration of during high flows. tidal wetlands, which requires the recreation

33 34 Re f e r e n c e s

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