Observations Upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and The
to* w ** Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/observationsupon1733newt OBSERVATIONS UPON THE PROPHECIES DANIEL,O F AND THE APOCALYPSE O F St. y o H N. In Two Parts. By Sir ISAAC NEWTON. LONDON, T. in Barthohmew-Clofe. Printed by J. Darby and Browne in the And Sold by J.Roberts in Warwick-lane, J. Ton son Strand, W. Innys and R. Manby at the Weft End of St. in Pater- Paul's Church-Yard, J. Osborn and T. Longman Nofter-Row, J. Noon near Mercers Chapel in Cbeapfide, T. Hatchett at the Royal Exchange, S. Harding in St, lane, in Martin's J. Staog in JVeftminfter-Hall, J. Parker Pall-mall, and J. Brindley in New Bond-Jlreet, M,DCC,XXXIII. F rnJEoM.l V! bio }(1G 2 Y M W I .W ' hoc . .? t'jft»^ orb 1 T 3 H 3 T v<r.\ l'aV. oat 8 J c Uvv:$ kij»2[ .{.fane t PETERTo the Right Honourable Lord KING, Baron of Ockham, Lord High Chancellor of Great-Britain. My Lord, SHALL make no Apology for I addrejjing the following Sheets to Tour Lord/hip, who lived in a long Intercourfe of Friend/hip with the Au- thor ; and, like him, amidjl occupations A 2 of iv Dedication/ of # different nature, made Religion your voluntary Study ; and in all your Enquiries and Aftions, have Jhewn the fame inflexible Adherence to Truth and Virtue. 1 Jhall always reckon it one of the Advantages of my Relation to Sir Ifaac Newton, that it affords me an opportu- nity of making this publick acknowledg- ment of the unfeigned Refpeff of My Lord, Your Lordfliip's moft obedient, and mod humble Servant, Benj.
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