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FREE THE DEMOCRATIC PARADOX PDF Chantal Mouffe | 448 pages | 09 Jun 2009 | Verso Books | 9781844673551 | English | London, United Kingdom The Democratic Paradox - Chantal Mouffe - Google книги Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book The Democratic Paradox. The Democratic Paradox by Chantal Mouffe. Political thought and practice are stifled by a misconceived search fro consensus and the promotion of a bland social unanimity which, as Chantal Mouffe shows, far from being the sign of progress, constitute a serious threat for democratic institutions. Taking issue with the work of John Rawls and Jurgen Habermas on one side, and with the tenets of the third way as practised by Tony Blair and theorised by Anthony Giddens on the other, Mouffe brings to the fore the paradoxical nature of modern liberal democracy. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published July 17th by Verso first published July More Details Original Title. Other Editions 6. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Democratic Paradoxplease sign The Democratic Paradox. Be the first The Democratic Paradox ask a question about The Democratic Paradox. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of The Democratic Paradox. Aug 11, jasmine sun rated it it was amazing Shelves: politicstheory. Habermas, etc. View 2 The Democratic Paradox. Oct 10, Grace rated it did not like it Shelves: post-structuralism. In The Democratic ParadoxThe Democratic Paradox Mouffe seeks to get to the heart of the liberal-democratic project. Rather than seeing liberal-democracy as a stable, unified historical project, Mouffe instead sees a contingent and often-contested alliance between The Democratic Paradox distinct historical projects: the democratic project based on equality and the liberal project based on liberty. Writing in the 90s, Mouffe is especially critical of the "Third The Democratic Paradox and the acceptance by social-democratic parties of the hege In The Democratic ParadoxChantal Mouffe seeks to get to the heart of the liberal-democratic project. Writing in the 90s, Mouffe is especially critical of the "Third Way" and the acceptance by social-democratic parties of the hegemony of neoliberalism. This "consensus of the centre" and the foreclosure of a left alternative to neoliberalism has fueled, in Mouffe's eyes, the rise of far- right populist parties which threaten the very continuation of the liberal-democratic project. It's easy to see the parallels of this analysis with the current The Democratic Paradox political situation. As the Democratic Party has consistently failed to deliver substantive change for the working class and for people of colour, these populations became disillusioned with the democratic progress and did not vote for Hillary Clinton, allowing far-right populist Donald Trump to take power. In this her analysis seems prescient. What is missing from Mouffe's analysis is, of The Democratic Paradox, class. The Democratic Paradox takes a post-Marxist perspective in The Democratic Paradox and, rather than expanding her analysis, instead marginalizes the impact of class on contemporary democracy. The hegemony of neoliberalism is not an isolated event but one that is deeply connected to the evolving structure of global capital accumulation. Instead of offering an anti-capitalist alternative to liberal-democracy, Mouffe seems primarily concerned with preserving liberal-democracy against far-right populism. Indeed, in the introduction, Mouffe states offhand: "We might have given up the idea of a radical alternative to the capitalist system, but In the conclusion, Mouffe uses a Lacanian "ethics of the Real" which she sees as "particularly suited to a pluralist democracy. The Real threatens to rip apart the very symbolic order with its constitutive Law. Sep 17, Erdem Tasdelen rated it liked it. After having read this book I don't feel I've found out much more about Mouffe's thougts on democracy than I had already gathered from various sources before. The essays seem to be repetitive versions of the same ideas and reading one should be The Democratic Paradox - I don't see why they all needed to come together to constitute a book. Though I agree with her on most points, especially the vital necessity of envisioning a different conception of democracy, I find her argumentation slightly elusive. I am havin After having read this book I don't feel I've found out much more about Mouffe's thougts on democracy than I had already gathered from various sources before. I am having trouble imagining how her ideas of the political sphere can be turned into policies. She repeatedly argues that politics is not a representation of already established identities of a priori citizens, and that they are produced through politics and policies which sort of goes without saying at this pointbut doesn't elaborate on how dissensus and agonism can be practically implemented as systems The Democratic Paradox governing. Although the global liberal-democratic trend of the last 20 years or so might indeed be conceived as one that tries to present itself as the ultimate rational end that all societies should reach, where neo-liberalism is widely accepted as the truly contemporary way of The Democratic Paradox the relationship between politics and economics, don't we encounter dissensus and agonism all the time anyway I'm using the term agonism loosely here, since to me the distinction between antagonism and agonism seems to be semantic play? View 1 comment. The 4 stars out of 5 is appropriate. This book is quite observant and insightful until about page 98, when Mouffe takes her well- founded description of the problem and offers a very weak and The Democratic Paradox solution. I feel that for the study of The Democratic Paradox decline of democracy The Democratic Paradox classical liberalism this book is very useful, while The Democratic Paradox solutions to the problem are useless. Jul The Democratic Paradox, Nate Bohn rated it really liked it. Very interesting, she raises many interesting points and her analysis is quite good. This book presents a branch of The Democratic Paradox theory I had never been exposed to before, and it is well argued and written. The central premise of Mouffe's position via Schmidtt is that there is a fundamental conflict between liberalism and democracy; in fact, liberal democracy is constituted and defined by this conflict. Consensus is impossible. Unlike Schmidtt, she does not take this to mean that liberal democracy The Democratic Paradox going to fail. I agree with The Democratic Paradox lot of Mouffe's descriptions of the modern State, b This book presents a branch of political theory I had never been exposed to before, and it The Democratic Paradox well argued and written. I agree with a lot of Mouffe's descriptions of the modern State, but I think her proposed solutions and strategies are stupid Negriist alternative globalization, really?!? Still, it was interesting to read someone defending liberal democracy in a fairly honest and inventive way. Feb 16, Rebecca rated it it was ok. This book may be over my head, and while I'm finding it interesting, I need to downsize my reading to either the essentials or the pleasures, and this one isn't either. May return to it later, or may find something else that looks at the same topic in a more readable and illuminating fashion. Jul 31, Lee Ann rated it liked it. A difficult read, as philosphy often is, but this The Democratic Paradox an interesting argument about the role and structure of democratic society that uses interesting source material. Jun 24, Leonardo marked it as to-read. Dec 10, Egor Sofronov rated it liked it. The most intelligent betrayal of utopia and embrace of liberal democracy. May 31, Richard Gallagher rated it it was amazing. This book is dead on! Accurate description of the evolution of democracy and some concrete suggestions onhow it should proceed going forward. Will Gester rated it really liked it Jul 30, Anatol Itten rated it really liked it Apr 25, Molly Chlebnikow rated it it was amazing Mar 24, Ale rated it really liked it Apr 13, Ryan Healey rated it liked it Jul 02, Diane rated it it was amazing May 08, Peter Hickman rated it liked it Jul 08, Devran Dogaroglu rated it it was amazing Dec 03, Brendan Wright rated it really liked it Jul 29, Lucas Nonato rated it it was amazing Aug 01, Ted Led rated it it was amazing Oct 22, Eduard rated it really liked it Oct 13, Martin White rated it it The Democratic Paradox amazing Aug 04, Pratiksha rated it really liked it Feb 19, Carolina rated it really liked it Sep 08, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. The Democratic Paradox - Wikipedia The Democratic Paradox, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience The Democratic Paradox the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Home 1 Books 2. Add to Wishlist. Sign The Democratic Paradox to Purchase Instantly. Members save with free shipping everyday! See details. Far from being signs of progress, such ideas constitute a serious threat to democratic institutions. She draws on the work of Wittgenstein, The Democratic Paradox, and the provocative theses of Carl Schmitt, to propose a new understanding of democracy which acknowledges the ineradicability of antagonism in The Democratic Paradox workings.