A Publication of THEPLANETA SOCIETY o o o • o -e o o

Board of Directors

CARL SAGAN NORMAN R. AUGUSTI NE President Chairman and CEO, Director, Martin Marietta Corporation Laboratory for Planetary Studies, Cornelf University JOHN E. BRYSON Chairman and CEO, BRUCE MURRAY Southern California Edison Vice President Professor of , JOSEPH RYAN California Institute of Technology O'Melveny & Myers LOU IS FRIEDMAN STEVEN SPI ELBERG A WARNING FROM YOUR EDITOR Bringing People Together Through Executive Director director and producer You may soon be getting a phone call Planetary Science-Page 13-Education Board of Advisors from me. No, I won't be asking you for has always been close to the hearts of

DIANE ACKERMAN JOHN M. LOGSDON donations or nagging you about a missed Planetary Society members, and we have poet and author Director, Space Policy Institute, George Washington University deadline (a common fear among planetary sponsored many programs to promote sci­ BUZZ ALDRIN Apollo 11 astronaut HANS MARK scientists). Instead, I will be asking for ence education around the world. We've The University of Texas at Austin RICHARD BERENDZEN your opinion about The Planetary Report. gathered together reports on three projects educator and astrophysicist JAMES MICHENER author JACQUES BLAMONT Each month our computer will randomly now completed and one just beginning. Chief Scientist, Centre MARVIN MINSKY Nationa! d'Etudes Spatia/es, Toshiba Professor of Media Arts select several members whom I will call to A Planetary Readers' Service-Page 16- France and Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology discuss the contents of our latest issue-or For most of its history, the science we call RAY BRADBURY poet and author PHILIP MORRISON any other topic related to our publications. was closely allied to the belief Institute Professor, Massachusetts ARTHUR C. CLARKE Institute of Technology I want to make sure that The Planetary system called astrology. A few hundred author PAUL NEWMAN Society is providing the magazine you years ago the two fields diverged. In The CORNELIS DE JAGER actor Professor of Space Research, want, so be prepared to let me know what Planetary Society, we focus entirely on the The Astronomical Institute at JUN NI SHIMURA Utrecht, the Netherlands former Director Genera/, you think of it. The next phone call you get planetary side of astronomy. But some­ Institute of Space and FRANK DRAKE Astronautical Science, Japan may be from me. times it's fun to take a look at other ways Professor of Astronomy and Astrophysics. University of ·BERNARD M. OLIVER of seeing the skies, and our reviewer found California, Santa Cruz Chief, SETI Program, NASA/Ames Research Center LEE A. DUBRIDGE Here's what we've gathered for you. this issue's selection, written by an astron­ former presidential SALLY RIDE : After , She Still Has omer, to be a provocative look at the for­ science advisor Director, California Space JOHN GARDNER {nstitute, University of California, San Diego, and former astronaut Her Mysteries-Page 4- The Magellan merly intertwined disciplines. founder, Common Cause mission to study Venus with radar is now World Watch-Page 17-Robot rovers MARC GARNEAU ROALD Z. SAGDEEV Canadian astronaut former Director, Institute for Space Research, winding down as the spacecraft settles into continue marching toward : The GEORGIY GOLITSYN Russian Academy of Sciences a near-circular orbit, from which it is map­ Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Planetary Society recently helped bring Russian Academy of Sciences HARRISON H. SCHMiD former US Senator, New Mexico, ping the planet's gravity. Magellan has together American and Russian scientists THEODORE M. HESBURGH and Apollo 17 astronaut President Emeritus, completed three radar mapping cycles, and engineers to consider teaming up JPL's University of Notre Dame S. ROSS TAYLOR Professoriaf Fellow, Australian returning data enough to provide a better microrover Rocky with the Russian rover SHIRLEY M. HUFSTEDLER National University, Canberra educator and jurist map of Venus ' surface than we have of scheduled to fly on the Mars '96 mission. LEWIS THOMAS GARRY E. HUNT Chancel/or, Memoria! Sloan Earth. Still, this cloud-wrapped world News & Reviews'-Page IS-Our colum­ space scientist, United Kingdom Kettering Cancer Center SERGEI KAPITSA JAMES VAN ALLEN retains her secrets, and Project Scientist nist takes us on a short visit to the Lunar Institute for Physical Problems, ProfessC!r of Physics, Steve Saunders muses on what more we Russian Academy of Sciences University of Iowa and Planetary Science Conference, where need to learn about Venus before we can the latest discoveries about solar system The Planetary Report (ISSN 0736-3680) is published six times yearly at say we understand her-and her sister worlds are announced. the editorial offices of The Planetary Society, 65 North Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106, (818) 793-5100. It is available to members of The world, Earth. Society Notes-Page 19-Planetary Planetary Society. Annual dues in the US or Canada are $25 US dollars or $30 Canadian. Dues outside the US Of Canada are $35 (US). A Hopeful Gathering of Planetary Sci­ Society members support science and explo­ Editor. CHARLENE M. ANDERSON entists-Page 10-Planetary scientists are ration just by joining and thus demonstrat­ Technical Editor, JAMES D. BURKE Assistant Editor, DONNA ESCANDON STEVENS grappling with hard economic and political ing their support for those endeavors. This Copy Editor, GLORIA JOYCE Production Editor, MI CHAEL HAGGERTY realities as they contemplate future mis­ time we have asked our members to do a Art Director, BARBARA S. SMITH sions. The days of the giant spacecraft, little more. Viewpoints expressed in columns or editorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent positions of The Planetary Society, its officers or ambitiously arrayed with scientific instru­ Questions & Answers-Page 20-The advisors. © 1993 by The Planetary Society. Canadian Publications Mail Sales Product Agreement Number 87424 ments, are gone-at least for the foresee­ questions that we have been receiving for able future. NASA is attempting to launch a this column sho w a decidedly speculative COVER: Venus as seen through a telescope is a fuzzy yel­ new class of missions, called Discovery, bent among our members. Here's what we low planet completely enshrouded by sulfuric acid clouds. which will be small, carry few instruments, tackle this time: Could terrestrial plants Only with radar can we penetrate the thick, obscuring lay­ ers to discern surface features. Earth-based radars, the last only a few years, and cost far less than grow on Mars? Does Earth's Moon rotate? Pioneer Venus orbifer and Veneras 15 and 16 all helped the missions of the past two decades. A Plus, we answer a question that is crucial to reveal Venus' surface, but couldn't match the detail of Magellan's observations. This global view was created from group of planetary scientists met to present for water-dependent life-forms: How did data gathered by Magellan. Areas missed were filled with ideas for the new program, and here our Earth get its water? coarser Pioneer data, and the colors were based on data Technical Editor reports on the possibilities. -Charlene M. Anderson returned by the Venera 13 and 14 landers. Image: JPUNASA NEWS BRIEFS

As administrators of a membership organization, The Planetary Society's 'This May the Magellan team will test Directors and staff care about and are influenced by our members' opinions, the technique of aerobraking as the suggestions and ideas about the future of the space program and of our Society. spacecraft orbits Venus, using money We encourage members to write us and create a dialogue on topics such as left over from getting the baseline mis­ a space station, a lunar outpost, the exploration of Mars and the search for sion done under budget. Aerobraking extraterrestrial life. . wonld use the friction from the planet's Send your letters to: Members' Dialogue, The Planetary Society, 65 North atmosphere to slow the spacecraft. The Catalina Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91106. technique is of engineering interest as an economical alternative to burning propellant to get to lower orbits. It I have been a Planetary Society member for several years, and I eagerly await hasn't been done before because of the each issue of The Planetary Report. I strongly believe in the Society's goals and unknowns of alien atmospheres and objectives, and I donate what I can, knowing that however small my contributions fear of spacecraft damage. may seem they are one more step on the road to humankind's exploration and colo­ The aerobraking will also start to nization of space. I also believe that as more people join The Planetary Society, it circularize Magellan's orbit. However, will become a stronger and more vibrant organization. the orbit will only be partially circular­ This belief prompted me to give a gift membership. The only problem I had ized, because the meager leftover funds was deciding whom to give this gift to. I wanted it to go to someone who would will limit the operation to five or six fully appreciate what the Society stands for. I decided to donate it to my local weeks. library. It's my hope that as people read the issue they might decide to become A circular orbit is desirable because members themselves. The magazines will also serve as a terrific resource for any­ it would improve resolution of gravity one researching space or planetary science. field measurements. These high-resolu­ Thus, the real reason for this letter is to propose to all other members that they tion measurements are important for try to donate a gift membership also. It can be to a library, or a school, a college understanding the processes that drive or a personal friend. Imagine the benefits to the Society as it gains access to new the planet's geology, and would com­ ideas as well as growing both financially and politically with each new member. plement radar maps of the surface: -DOUG BURDEN, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada -from Michael A Dornheim in Aviation Week & Space Technology As my final semester in college begins, it is necessary to thank all of those who enabled me to pursue my education. Without the National Merit Scholarship from The Planetary Society, my dreams of a college education would have been unaffordable. In March, scientists at the Jet Propulsion Again, thank you for your generous support over the past four years. Best Laboratory began a three-week quest wishes to your organization. for the subtle and elusive gravitational -JENNIFER L. AVEGNO, Notre Dame, Indiana waves that stretch and shrink the fabric of space-time. I am a charter member of The Planetary Society, and I have finally been moved When Einstein fomrnlated his general to write this letter about a subject that has been bothering me almost since the beginning of my connection to the group. Why is there this fixation on a human theory of relativity, he predicted that trip to Mars? The Planetary Society should be concerned with the best way to accelerating bodies should produce grav­ do science in the entire solar system, not just on the Red Planet of Edgar Rice itational "waves" that travel at the speed Burroughs'dreams. of light, making objects in space bobble I would like to see a forum in the magazine on this obsession with a human trip like corks on a pond. But no one has to Mars. Underlying this drive to colonize Mars is a theme expressed by Robert ever directly measured them until now. Zubrin and Christopher McKay in their article, "A World for the Winning: The The researchers used the Mars Exploration and Terraforming of Mars," where they state, "Terrestrial life could Observer, Ulysses and space­ go forth and multiply into realms of diversity unimagined." This theme also needs craft to help conduct their search, as serious examination, yet it seems to be an article of faith at The Planetary Society. well as the antennas at the Deep Space The underlying belief that terrestriallife-forrns somehow deserve to rule the Network sites in Goldstone, California; universe--or at least colonize portions of it-needs to be discussed. The science Australia; and Spain. The antennas sent fiction many of us grew up on was great fun, but it should hardly be the basis for radio signals to the three spacecraft, what might be the most important policy decision in the history of the species. which in tum bounced the signals back That same scrutiny must be applied to a human mission to Mars, which seems to Earth. If the scientists are lucky, some to me ~o have been fueled primarily by Ray Bradbury, Burroughs and a host of relatively recent or nearby astronomical other brilliant writers. But reality is different than stories where the hero always debacle created gravitational waves, wins-and it would be tragic if we let our fantasies poison our future. buffeting both the spacecraft and Earth. The duty of The Planetary Society extends beyond blind boosterism, and I Analyzing the reams of data from the think it is incumbent on the board and editorial staff to present a balanced view project will take about a year, according of the dangers and glories of exploration of the solar system. I hope that balance to JPL scientist John Armstrong. will be more evident in the future. -from Elizabeth Wilson in the -CLAY KALLAM, Antioch, California Pasadena Star-News 3 by R. Stephen Saunders

agellan has now completed its mission to map those sulfuric acid clouds, is 90 times denser than Earth's Venus. With its radar, the spacecraft was able nitrogen-based air laced with clouds of water vapor. The to penetrate the thick sulfuric acid clouds that ultimate greenhouse effect has taken hold on Venus, trap­ enshroud the planet, and it revealed to us surface ping solar radiation and resulting in a surface temperature features as small as a football stadium. We have a global that hovers around 480 degrees Celsius (900 degrees map of Venus that is actually more complete than any Fahrenheit). comparable view of Earth's surface. Clearly these two sister worlds appear to have followed Yet, despite the success of the Magellan mission and different evolutionary paths, and by comparing Venus the many questions it answered about this planet, many with Earth we should learn more about our own planet. new questions have appeared. One of the most important differences, for life-forms such To find answers, we will have to continue to study this as ourselves at least, is the relative abundance of water. planet that has been called Earth's sister world. Venus is the closest planet to ours, and it is most like Earth in size, Did Water Ever Flow on Venus? mass and distance from the Sun. But it is a vastly different Before Magellan reached Venus, a few optimists had world. It rotates only once every 243 Earth days, and in a hoped that within its radar images we would find evidence direction opposite to that of most planets in our solar of ancient shorelines or long-dry riverbeds-some sort of 4 system. Its primarily carbon dioxide atmosphere, with indicator that Venus may once have had enough liquid water to cause rain, flowing rivers or oceans. There was a sphere has been about as dense as it is today. In such an precedent for such hopes: The images of Mars, atmosphere, liquid water cannot exist for long. taken in the early 1970s, had revealed channels almost In fact, the fundamental issue in the evolution of Venus' certainly cut in the martian surface by flowing water. atmosphere is the abundance of water over time. We esti­ But Magellan'S radar images have not shown us any mate that the atmosphere and surface currently hold no such evidence. On the contrary, what we see argues that more than one-thousandth of the amount of water present . the presence of liquid water was not likely, at least within in Earth's atmosphere and oceans. Whether Venus once the past 500 million years, which seems to be the age of possessed more water is a hot topic for debate among most of Venus' surface. From Magellan'S images, we've planetary scientists. learned· that the planet lacks small impact craters, indicat­ One hypothesis holds that Venus formed as a relatively ing that small meteorites bum up in the dense atmosphere water-rich world, with an early ocean that it lost through a before they can reach the surface. If some of the older­ greenhouse effect gone wild. Solar heat would have been looking terrains had many small craters, we could conclude trapped in the thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, and the that the atmospheric shield was down at an earlier time. ocean would have evaporated, its water breaking down in­ This is not the case. So, since the dearth of small craters to its component atoms, hydrogen and oxygen. The lighter seems to extend as far back in time as the surface indicates, hydrogen would have then escaped into space. this tells us that over the past 500 million years the atmo- The alternative hypothesis holds that Venus formed 5 relatively dry, and that the little atmospheric water we do detect is in a steady state. That is, whatever water evapo­ rates and is lost to space is replaced by water released by volcanic activity or delivered to the planet by infalling comets and asteroids. (For more details of this dispute, see the NovemberlDecember 1988 Planetary Report.) Magellan's radar has not settled this debate, and scientists are now following several avenues of further research. To make the necessary measurements, we will have to send probes into the atmosphere carrying gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers, which will be able to give us details of the atmospheric composition. Earth-based and Earth-orbital telescopes could also con­ tribute to the answers, as could additional laboratory and theoretical work. What Is Going On in Venus' Atmosphere? While the low water abundance in Venus' atmosphere is the major unsolved problem in understanding its compo­ sition, we have to work out other aspects of atmospheric dynamics and thermal structure. An intriguing observation is the super-rotation of Venus' cloud-level atmosphere. That is, the clouds rotate almost 60 times as fast as the planet's surface. Clues to the mechanisms of this phenomenon may be contained in the atmospheric composition and in the thermal structure of the atmosphere near the surface. From Earth-based radio and spacecraft observations, we've known the surface temperature for years, but we have only a few observations on how temperatures in the lower atmosphere change with height. Our pursuit of the atmospheric dynamics issue might involve entry probes that could directly measure wind and temperature as they fall through the atmosphere. Long-lived balloons could travel with the winds and would be the best way to track their motions. Orbiters Scient/sts can learn something carrying cameras sensitive to ultraviolet and infrared, about Venus' Iow-levef attnJJsphet~ fc circulation from images such as- which could see through to different atmospheric layers, this. which shows what may be e would be very helpful in analyzing cloud-layer circula­ dune field. The ori6ntation of the tion as well as circulation in the upper atmosphere. dunes and the wind streaks indi­ We know that sulfur plays a major role in Venus' cates the direction of the p,.,val/­ lng winds. In the southern petto' atmosphere. The clouds that hide the surface from tele­ this region, the winds appesr to scopes and cameras that see in visible light, but which blow from the southwest to the Magellan'S radar can see through, are made primarily of northeast, then shift to It weSlWard flow In the northern part of the sulfuric acid. Sulfur gases can help to weather surface field. This mosaic of Magellan features and may contribute to the greenhouse effect that Images covers an area 340 keeps Venus so hot. To understand Venus, we need to kilometers (211 miles) long alid 190 kilometers (118 miles, Wide. know more about how these sulfur gases are distributed 11IIIIg6: JPLlNASA and concentrated, and what changes occur over time. Spacecraft have measured variations in sulfur gas con­ centrations, and these may indicate that recent volcanic eruptions are releasing the gases into the atmosphere. Several distinctive venusian features Measurements of another atmospheric gas, methane, are shown in this Image. The irregular may also point in the direction of active volcanoes on circular feature at center right is a Venus: The Pioneer Venus orbiter detected an amount corona, a type of ring structure dis­ covered by Veneras 15 and 16 and of methane that can be explained by volcanic eruptions. seen in detail by Magellan. This one These links between atmospheric composition and vol­ is about 100 kilometers (60 miles) in canism lead us to another major set of questions. diameter. It is flanked by two lava flows several hundred kilometers long. The dark streak at upper left What Shapes Venus' Surface? may have formed when a meteorite Volcanism is one of the dominant processes shaping the broke up as it passed through Venus' crushing atmosphere, leaving two surface features on Venus. There are many volcanic puz­ small craters where it hit. The streak zles, such as the nature of the venusian "pancakes" and itself may have formed when an In­ domes. These enormous volcanoes, some of which are tense shock wave hit the surface, or as fine-grained material was ejected 6 about 65 kilometers (40 miles) in diameter, seem to have during the impact. Image: JPUNASA It appears that lava on Venus sometimes flows the way water flows on Earth. A 200-ki/ometer­ oozed up through ruptures in the crust. There are similar long (124-mile), 2-kilometer wide features on Earth, but on much smaller scales. What (1.2·mile) segment of a sinuous kind of lava made these giant features? What do they channel cut by lava appears In tell us about the evolution of Venus' crust? thIs radar mosaic. Such channels are common on the plains of Perhaps the most intriguing volcanic features are Venus and resemble terrestrial the sinuous channels. Most of them are about 1 112 rivers with meanders, cutoff kilometers (about 1 mile) wide and very shallow, per­ oxbows and abandoned channel segments. What type of lava could haps 150 to 300 meters (500 to 1,000 feet) deep. The flow like this is one of the ques­ longest runs 6,800 kilometers (more than 4,200 miles), tions raised but not answered surpassing the Nile, the longest river on Earth. If we by Magellan. Image: JPUNASA saw similar features on Earth or Mars, we'd probably assume that they were cut by flowing water. But on Venus, liquid water cannot exist. On Venus, the only viable alternative is liquid rock-some sort of very thin, very fluid lava. Most lavas, even in temperatures around 480 degrees Celsius, would become sluggish and freeze after flow­ ing several hundred kilometers at most. What molten material could possibly flow for thousands of kilome­ ters? Possibilities include a form of carbonate-the material of limestone- or perhaps sulfur. There are difficulties in explaining how these materials could accumulate into flows, so the mystery remains. Magellan's images revealed a wide range of vol­ canic features, such as "ticks," large plains and "festooned" flows. Our continuing study of these features may tell us how the magma rises to the sur­ face and erupts. They may reflect variations in surface composition, in how the rocks form and in their con­ tent of volatile substances, such as water. We believe we Can work out the modes and rates of crustal formation from Magellan images-for example, the origin of the plains lavas and the sequence in which they were laid down. However, we still have not answered key questions about the subsurface structures of the various volcanic edifices. We know that heat from the planet's interior provides the energy to melt rock within the mantle and crust to drive the volcanism, but we don't yet know how this process manifests itself. Magellan has completed three mapping cycles, and by searching the images for volcanic features that might have changed between cycles, such as a lava flow whose size or shape is different, we may be able to finally say that there are active volcanoes on Venus. This would go a long way toward explaining some of the atmospheric mysteries, such as the abundances of sulfur gases and methane. It would also settle a long­ running dispute about whether there is volcanically generated lightning on Venus. (See the November/ December 1984 and July/August 1987 issues of The Planetary Report.) While Magellan'S radar is an excellent tool for de­ scribing volcanic forms, landers would tell us much more about the composition of the surface and the forces that shape it. In situ measurements would also help establish the link between volcanism and the atmosphere. Closely related to volcanism is the process called tectonics, evident in the faulting, fracturing and fold­ ing of surface rocks. On Earth, the dominant surface­ shaping process is plate tectonics, so called because our planet's surface seems to be broken up into mov­ ing plates. On one edge of a plate, new crust erupts through rift zones, pushing the plate along until it 7 collides with another plate. Where plates collide, one is such as these: Is there a molten outer core? Is the mantle pushed up, forming mountains, while the other slides under surrounding it layered? How does the magma affect the and is subducted-pulled back down into the molten man­ crust and account for changes in elevation and crustal tle beneath the crust. thickness? . Before Magellan began its mapping mission, hopes ran A planet's interior dynamics are linked to surface pro­ high that we would be able to determine Venus' tectonic cesses and atmospheric evolution. For example, the dy­ style from the radar images. But so far, there is no definitive namics determine where and to what extent volcanoes will answer. The Soviet Venera 15 and 16 orbiters discovered erupt, which surface areas will rise and which will sink, large features called coronae that are distinctive tectonic and what gases will be released from the molten interior forms. We've seen no evidence of global spreading zones rock into the atmosphere. like those we see on Earth, where crust is created, but there Tectonics on Earth have played a particularly important are smaller features that display some rift-like features. role in atmospheric evolution, for the subduction of crustal Local tectonics, where subduction and rifting have "failed," material carries carbon dioxide, much of it in the form of may be a contender, but debate is continuing. carbonate rocks, back into the planet's interior, thus remov­ Key to understanding the forces that shape a planet's ing it from the atmosphere. In other processes, however, surface is its heat budget. On a dynamic planet such as such as volcanism, that infamous greenhouse gas is released Venus or Earth, heat is held in its interior, left over from from the rocks and goes back into the atmosphere. This re­ its formation or generated by the decay of radioactive ele­ cycling of carbon dioxide is one reason that the greenhouse ments. This heat tends to flow outward and to escape effect on our planet is so mild. (See the January/February through the crust-providing a driving force for volcanic 1985 Planetary Report.) eruptions, fractured features and folded rocks. There are many questions relating to tectonics on Venus A planet's internal heat also determines the structure of that we are seeking to answer with Magellan's radar data. 8 its interior. At Venus, we have still to answer questions . But we have another technique to apply. Magellan is cur- One is that Venus was inundated by floods of lava in a great global catastrophe 500 million years ago, and since then not much has happened, except for about 900 random impacts. We know something similar occurred on the Moon about 3 billion years ago, when the lunar maria, the dark basaltic features that look like seas, were formed in lava floods. An alternative interpretation is that there is an equilibri­ um between fairly small volcanic events that flood and bury craters and the rate at which craters form. In this view, Venus' surface would look about the same at any time in its history. Our increased knowledge of Venus' gravity and atmo­ sphere, courtesy of Magellan, helps us understand the im­ pact process and place better constraints on the surface age. We can link the abundance, location and preservation state of impact craters to the estimated flux of impacting bodies, and thus estimate the ages of different regions of the planet's surface. One of the surprises of the Magellan data was the pris­ tine appearance of most of Venus' craters. On Earth, those impact craters that haven't been destroyed by plate tecton­ ics have been weathered by water, wind, volcanic erup­ tions and other processes, making them hard to recognize as impact features. On Venus, as we've seen, water is not a factor at the present. We have, however, seen craters partly buried by younger lava flows, tom apart by tectonic processes and weathered by the wind. Streaks of material blown back from a crater by the wind, as well as other eolian features, help us understand the circulation patterns of the lower atmosphere. We have a lot of ways to study these processes. We have three data sets from Magellan that can be integrated to give us a more complete picture of the surface: the radar images, altimetric measurements of surface height, and gravity information. We can continue theoretical and experimental work on the physics of cratering processes, and we can model the way that radar is affected by the type of surface it reflects off. Plus, in the laboratory we can examine rocks and minerals under Venus-like condi­ rently producing a global map of Venus' gravity to tions, which should help us understand their behavior on complement the radar map of surface features. The that planet. gravitational tug on the spacecraft increases over regions Of course, sometime in the future we may develop the of high density, and decreases over regions of low den­ technology to build a spacecraft that could survive the . sity. This should tell us more about the structure of the hellish conditions of Venus' surface for a long time to planet's interior. make on-site measurements and, perhaps, to return sam­ ples to Earth. Can Craters Date a Planet's Surface? In our future exploration of Venus, we must attack the One of the biggest debates to arise from the Magellan question of how the lower atmosphere behaves and how mapping concerns the age of Venus' surface. On other the atmosphere helps shape the surface. But to make any worlds we have used the density of impact craters on the real progress in understanding Venus as a terrestrial planet, surface to measure the relative age of that surface-in to get deep into its interior structure, we must place instru­ general, the longer the surface has been exposed to ran­ ments on its surface. On Earth, researchers measure the dom bombardment from space, the more craters it will re­ speed and strength of shock waves from earthquakes to tain. On an airless world like the Moon, with a relatively deduce the nature of our planet's interior. Seismographic inactive crust, we can see a lot of craters. On a world instruments on Venus may someday enable us to do the with a thicker atmosphere and a crust that is recycled, like same for that world. We will continue to plan the explo­ Earth, we find fewer craters. From this we can deduce ration of Venus, for an understanding of how that planet that the lunar surface is ancient compared to Earth's. works is crucial to our understanding of Earth. Venus has few craters and appears much more like Earth than like the Moon. This low crater count suggests R. Stephen Saunders is the project scientist for the that the average age of Venus' surface is about 500 mil­ Magellan mission and has been pursuing the exploration lion years. There are at least two ways to interpret this. of Venus for over 20 years. 9 •• A Hopeful Gathering of •• or several years now it has been evident that solar In spite of these handicaps, planetary scientists are rising system exploration is in jeopardy. In both the United to the challenge. The failure of the Planetary Observer pro­ FStates and the former Soviet Union the glory days are gram plan did not daunt those who visualize a fast-paced past. The great argosies of the Viking, Voyager, Venera, series of missions with focused scientific objectives. They Vega and spacecraft are history; the American came up with fresh ideas for a new class of missions called comet and asteroid mission, the Comet Rendezvous Aster­ "Discovery," which would use streamlined management oid Flyby (CRAP), has been canceled; the international and new technology (with some consequent and accepted Cassini and Mars '94/'96 missions are threatened; and no risks) to enable small spacecraft, launched on lower-cost high-profile follow-on to them is in prospect. rockets, to return limited science results of high quality. This sad state has been long in coming, long foreseen but And when Dan Goldin took over NASA these people masked by the continued success of missions born decades gained an energetic ally. ago, such as Magellan and Galileo (which, despite its anten­ The latest step in the search for a solar system program na fault, is expected to return a good harvest of data from that fits today's needs and constraints occurred in late the jovian system beginning in 1995). November of 1992. In response to a NASA invitation, 246 The causes of the problem are not hard to divine. As mis­ scientific investigators, engineers and managers gathered at sions became more ambitious (the easier ones having been San Juan Capistrano, California, to review more than 70 con­ done) and budgets more constrained, demands increased cepts intended as Discovery candidates. Their willingness to for each new mission to carry out a broad variety of science participate, knowing that the chances of anyone concept's investigations and to be highly insured against failure. The acceptance are minuscule, showed their commitment to solv­ management and engineering systems responded by design­ ing the problem. And the meeting displayed much innovative ing complex, technically conservative, costly and infrequent thinking. A summary of some highlights follows. . ventures, until finally each single flight could consume a scientist's whole career and opportunities for new participants Ground Rules , and innovation became rare. NASA's present solar system exploration plan, the result '. of numerous planning exercises over the past several years, A New Focus includes two Discovery-class missions. One is a small Mars At length the solar system exploration community passed lander called MESUR Pathfinder, intended as a step toward from worrying about the problem to trying to do something a MESUR (Mars Environmental Survey) mission; the other about it. A serious attempt a few years ago led to the Plane­ is an asteroid mission called NEAR (Near-Earth Asteroid tary Observer concept, a plan for using already-developed Rendezvous). spacecraft in a series of modest missions, taking advantage The people gathered at the San Juan Capistrano Research of economies by repetitive use of proven designs. But the Institute had been asked to come up with additional mission Observer "series" degenerated into just one mission-that concepts scaled to a $150 million development cost and a spacecraft is now en route to Mars-and most of the intended three-year development schedule, with the object of produc­ cost savings did not occur. ing a suite of follow-on candidates. According to Geoffrey Meanwhile, a similar disease beset NASA's astrophysics Briggs, who chaired the evaluation panel, the results of this program. Of its four "great observatories" only two, Hubble workshop would aid NASA in allocating advanced-programs and Compton, are flying. The other two, the Advanced X-ray resources (the funding used to prepare projects before they Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) and the Space Infrared Tele­ are proposed for execution) and would aid proposers in scope Facility (SIRTF), languish in the limbo of downsizing getting ready for NASA's next planetary Announcement and delay. But because astrophysics can be done from Earth of Opportunity, expected in about two years. orbit, it was possible to plan smaller missions, thus continu­ Though most of the participants had taken this plan into ing the tradition of earlier ones named Explorers. The Infra­ account in preparing their concepts, at the meeting itself the red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), the Cosmic Background ground rules came up for lively discussion. At one point Explorer (COBE) and the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer this was stimulated by a surprise visitor. Realizing how well (EUVE) have, despite development difficulties and growth the group's goals agreed with his own, NASA Administra­ beyond Explorer-class budgets, been great scientific suc­ tor Dan Goldin added the San Juan Capistrano Institute to a cesses, encouraging astrophysicists to seek faster and more crowded California itinerary, grabbed a quick lunch there economical missions in the future. and then stood up to tell everybody what he thought. He Can solar system exploration follow an analogous route? said this was exactly the kind of initiative he hoped to see, Clearly it will be more difficult, because most planetary mentioned his strong belief in using new technology with ventures require leaving the vicinity of Earth. This adds to some accepted risk and asked for questions. At once he was both launch and operations costs-not to mention the de­ challenged to explain how a quick-paced program could get mand for increased reliability oflong-lived spacecraft and started if people had to wait two years even to propose the the likely need in some missions for expensive and contro­ first new mission. Goldin did not dodge. He urged the sci­ 10 versial onboard nuclear energy sources. entists to question authority, to work with the responsible Planetary Scientists by James D. Burke

NASA managers and find a practical path toward starting Laboratory and several universities believe it possible to fit sooner. a multi-instrument mission into the 's $150 million, three-year box. Some lngenious ldeas A different approach to Mercury, and one perhaps more Clearly this article can't cover all of the mission concepts in keeping with the Discovery idea of narrowly focused sci­ described at the November meeting. Also, I do not propose to ence, was presented by Duane Muhleman of the California comment on the review panels' evaluations. Instead, I hope Institute of Technology, a discoverer of Mercury's polar to give readers a sense of the zest and ingenuity with which ices, who described a way to investigate them from a highly the presenters approached their task, evincing their commit­ eccentric mercurian orbit using radar. ment not to let the present dreary situation get them down. Many of the presenters considered not only technical ways Venus to get good science at lower cost, but also new managerial Venus got a lot of attention at San Juan Capistrano. Earth's approaches. In NASA's present large projects, scientific in­ nearest-neighbor planet is the easiest to reach and hence vestigators have the role of important and often competing offers good opportunities for exploration by spacecraft passengers. For a Discovery-class project, with narrowly launched on relatively inexpensive rockets. But Venus focused scientific objectives and only a single experimenter also holds challenges: Its surface, completely shrouded by team, competition among scientists for the project's resources clouds, is hot enough to melt lead. Heavily insulated land­ is reduced. Also, with greater acceptance of risk it can be ing probes, launched by both Soviet and American rockets, practical for a principal investigator to take full charge of have survived there for only minutes up to an hour or so-­ the project. Among other advantages, this provides more but scientists would like much longer survival times for opportunity for university people, including students, to geophysical experiments such as seismology. participate. Several teams avoided the heat problem by using only re­ Naturally such proposals make some NASA people ner­ mote sensing from orbit, with instruments carried by small vous because they place the project's system designers and orbiters similar to Pioneer 12. However, some investigators its quality-and-reliability risk-controllers in a subordinate accepted the thermal challenge. Charles Counselman of the position. But a simplified management does offer the prospect Massachusetts Institute of Technology described a mission of quicker decisions and lower costs. with many small probes, scattered in an array over the whole Earth-facing side of the planet, with high-temperature elec­ tronics whose radio signals would be analyzed to give data on atmospheric motions and the rotation of Venus. In a very different approach to squeezing into the Discov­ sketchina some ery box, an international team led by James Head of Brown approaches that the gathered scientists thought might. University described a mission in which the Americans enable faster, cheaper, highly focused missions. would supply a payload, which would be integrated into a Venera-class spacecraft to be built and sent to Venus by Russians. Head's former student Ellen Stofan of JPL de­ scribed another idea, one responding to Dan Goldin's call Mercury for the use of advanced technology with acceptance of The group's attention naturally focused on the surprising re­ more technical risk: Three seismic probes would be landed cent discovery of what appears to be ice at both poles of this on Venus, with their longtime survival provided by active hottest of planets. refrigeration! How can one expect to operate room-temper­ Four different scientific teams presented concepts for ature electronics in the hellish conditions on Venus, where small Mercury orbiters intended to investigate the planet and a refrigeration system must reject its waste heat at a temper­ its surroundings, accepting the difficulty of reaching the ature above 450 degrees Celsius (about 850 degrees Fahren­ planet and going into orbit around it. In contrast, Paul Spudis heit)? Well, with modem advances in tiny machinery it may of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston developed a indeed be possible. In the Stofan team's concept a little concept just using repeated flybys. As shown during the mis­ Stirling engine, a reciprocating machine invented a hundred sion of Mariner 10 in 1974, it is possible to place a space­ years ago, would run continuously to pump heat away from craft in orbit around the Sun in such a way that it comes back the insulated instrument compartment in each small landed again and again to Mercury. Spudis' mission concept takes probe. Each engine would be powered by an almost incan­ advantage of this. It also minimizes the demand for launch descent radioactive heat source. energy from Earth by repeatedly obtaining gravity assists (see the Questions & Answers column in the JanuarylFebru­ Earth and Moon ary 1991 issue of The Planetary Report) from Venus and Investigation of Earth as a planet was not emphasized at Earth en route to Mercury. Using these celestial-mechanics the San Juan Capistrano meeting, but the presented con­ tricks, Spudis and his colleagues from the Jet Propulsion cepts did include several solar system missions that can be 11 conducted from near Earth. As Earth orbits it encounters, at to investigate the layered ice deposits found by the Mariners tens to hundreds of kilometers per second, the interplanetary and Vikings. In addition to cameras, the smalliandet would medium, a tenuous mix of gases and particles from the Sun, carry a thermal probe designed to melt its way down into the from comets and asteroids, and from interstellar space. ice. Tom Duxbury of JPL described a concept combining Some meteor streams are identified with comets along Russian and American strengths: A Russian Phobos space­ whose paths tiny particles are dispersed. By collecting and craft would visit Mars' little moon Phobos, and a miniatur­ examining dust particles in Earth's upper atmosphere, scien­ ized American spacecraft, riding piggyback, would return tists have already gained some clues to solar-system phe­ a sample of Phobos material to Earth. nomena elsewhere. Fred Horz of NASA's Johnson Space Center described a dust-collection experiment to be carried Asteroids and Comets on a space station, while W. Hayden Smith of Washington Several concepts dealt with investigations of other small University and J. Derral Mulholland, formerly of the Uni­ bodies. Eugene Shoemaker of the US Geological Survey versity of Texas, described collectors that could be carried described a mission designed to return several samples from on small satellites. Stopping a fast particle without destroy­ a near-Earth asteroid, using a quick-in, quick-out punch. ing it has recently become possible through the invention of Michael Belton of the National Optical Astronomy Observa­ tory outlined a mission that could visit several comets and asteroids using small spacecraft with advanced, miniature imaging cameras. Joseph Veverka of Advanced Study Review Group presented a concept for visiting three different short-period its selection, fTom the concepts comets over a period of 15 years, using repeated swing-bys San Juan Capistrano workshop, of Earth to direct the spacecraft to each new target. Daniel Britt of the University of Arizona described an unconven­ llell l~/es are most promising. The tional concept: A spacecraft would be launched into lunar will receive small amounts of in 1993 to develop their ideas. orbit, where it would wait for a suitable comet to appear, at include a Mercury flyby and or­ which time it would be directed to the comet. Marcia Neuge­ of Venus, a mission to Mars' bauer of JPL considered a comet mission derived from mis­ two missions to comets, one sile defense: In her concept, a "Star Wars"-type kinetic kill asteroid and a comet, one vehicle would be fired from a comet flyby craft, impacting sample return, an Earth- the comet and causing formation of a plasma and dust cloud to study , and a solar to be observed from the spacecraft and from Earth.

also singled out three con­ Outer Planets workshop that it considers Going to Jupiter and beyond might be considered outside the range of possibilities defined by the Discovery ground rules. ndj4(jat4~s fOT further study in 1994. a rendezvous with a main-belt Nevertheless, some scientists at San Juan Capistrano accepted nucleus penetratoT, and a the challenge and came up with concepts for continuing ex­ ploration in the outer solar system. Bruce Murray of Caltech .... "'·.. Ho'n polarregion. -JUB presented a Pluto- Charon flyby mission using a small space­ craft designed to avoid the costly and controversial use of nu­ clear radioisotope power. With just solar power for cruise and a one-shot lithium battery for the encounter phase, Murray a new material called silica aerogel, a cobwebby substance showed the possibility of returning the first images of the that can be made in densities so low that it almost isn't enigmatic Pluto-Charon system. To attain the high speed re­ there. In other techniques the particles are allowed to hit quired to depart Earth on such a mission, Murray assumed thin metal foils and the resulting plasma burst is observed. the use of a Russian Proton rocket with added upper stages. Several teams attacked the problem of exploring the Moon, or its tenuous atmosphere, within Discovery program con­ Shared Programs straints. In some instances the investigators contemplated Murray's and Duxbury's concepts, as well as a few others just scaling down existing concepts such as remote-sensing presented at the conference, took advantage of the possibility geochemical or geophysical orbiters. However, two teams of US- Russian collaboration to bring missions within the described lunar surface payloads. Jeff Plescia of JPL assumed compass of the Discovery program. Jacques Blamont of the delivery by penetrators of the kind now being prepared for a Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, the French national lunar mission by the Institute of Space and Astronautical space agency, went further, suggesting that a much fuller Science in Japan, while Peter Bender of the University of integration of international efforts is possible now that the Colorado described a seismic-and-heat-flow mission with Cold War is over and the rationale for large US-versus­ instruments landed by the controlled-impact technique at­ Soviet competitive efforts has vanished. tempted in the Ranger missions of 1962. In sum, the San Juan Capistrano meeting was a happy, invigorating sign of lively interest and unselfish collaboration Mars and Phobos in a large community of planetary scientists who are deter­ Though Mars is harder to reach than Venus, some martian mined to work their way through present adversity and open missions may be achievable within Discovery limits. Sever­ up an exciting future for us all. al small orbiter missions were described, including one, by Daniel Lyons of JPL, that would include repeated dipping James D. Burke, Technical Editor o/The Planetary Report, into the planet's outer atmosphere for in situ measurements. is a retired JPL engineer and a longtime enthusiast/or small David Paige of UCLA outlined a Mars polar lander mission missions using microspacecraft. he Space Age was born in a tech­ The governments of Costa Rica and Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Sweden, nological struggle between two Colombia had invited the Society to Trinidad and Tobago, the United King­ superpowers who saw space as an organize educational workshops in dom, the United States and Venezuela. arena in which to compete for the lead­ their countries for the purpose of in­ It was an amazing gathering. The ership of the nations of Earth. In the forming scientists there about the latest workshop was conducted in an infor­ first few decades of that new age, sci­ advances in planetary and space sci­ mal atmosphere, and participants ence flourished, but it was largely the ence, and they hoped to duplicate the were encouraged to mingle at meals product of the citizens of the United success of the Mexico City workshop. and social events. One could overhear States, the Soviet Union and their clos­ The serendipitous confluence of the animated hallway conversations cov­ est allies. Access to the results of plan­ Society's efforts and a new program ering topics as diverse as planetary etary exploration and space science sponsored by the United Nations and magnetospheres, the origin of life and was possible only in technologically the European Space Agency helped gamma-ray astrophysics. A sense of advanced nations. bring the idea to fruition. The UN-ESA camaraderie grew among people of But the world of 1957 no longer ex­ program called for an annual space very different backgrounds. ists, and in the next few decades more science workshop for the benefIt of We were also able to raise a feeling and more nations will come of age teoh­ developing countries; the first one had of excitement among the public in both nologically and economically. Many been held in Bangalore, India. The cities. Workshop presenters gave pub­ developing nations are already claim­ merger of our planetary program with lic lectures, and simultaneous transla­ ing roles in the exploration of space. their broader focus on astronomy and tion was provided to make the lectures The Planetary Society, as a world­ astrophysics worked beautifully in the accessible to a large local audience. wide organization, has sought ways to Costa Rica-Colombia endeavor. Arcadio Poveda of Mexico spoke on bring planetary science to the citizens how stars are made, Mario Acuna of of developing nations. Our first ful1- Sharing the Excitement the US disoussed the exploration of scale effort was the enormously suc­ of Science Mars, Guillermo Lemarchand of cessful1987 workshop in Mexico City. Leading scientists from around the Argentina and the US considered the (See the May/June 1988 issue of The world traveled to San Jose, Costa Rica, search for other civilizations, Tobias Planetary Report.) In 1992, the Society and Bogota, Colombia, to share their Owen of the OS covered the origin of reaffIrmed its commitment to the pro­ discoveries and expertise with re­ life and Adriana Ocampo of the US cess by cosponsoring the Second Unit­ searchers whose countries are just be­ described the Mars Observer mission. ed Nations/European Space Agency ginning to set their sights on space. The Workshop on Basic Space Science for 122 participants represented 19 nations: Diverse Discussions Developing Countries, a two-week af­ Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, The scientifIc program was tailored to fair held in Costa Rica and Colombia Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the wishes of the host institutions, which during November. Czechoslovakia, Germany, Guatemala, were the University of Costa Rica, the 13 =

Costa Rican Ministry for Science and chance to apply the concepts of Some of the presentations prepared for Technology, the University of the Andes comparative planetology they had heard this workshop will find a larger audience (Colombia), the International Center for described by workshop speakers Ronald when they are published in the journal Physics in Colombia (CIF), and Colcien­ Greeley and Rosaly Lopes-Gautier. Earth, Moon, and Planets. cias (the Colombian equivalent of the US In Bogota, the second week of the The success of this workshop was National Science Foundation). The gov­ workshop concentrated on astrophysics based on many factors, not the least of ernments of both countries closely coop­ and radio astronomy, covering such top­ which was the active participation of stu­ erated in organizing the workshop: ics as the detection of neutrinos, gamma­ dents, who were encouraged to con­ During the first week of the work­ ray astrophysics and the structure of the tribute to the program. Many students in shop, held in San Jose, registered partic­ universe. The radio mapping of the galaxy Latin America clearly have a great desire ipants covered a broad spectrum of plan­ attracted special interest, since it is the to pursue careers in planetary science. etary science. They heard lectures on objective of a joint project of Colombia, such topics as the formation of the solar the University of California at Berkeley Playing a Continuing Role system, planetary magnetospheres, as­ and the Brazilian Space Agency. During the workshop discussions, it be­ teroids, comets, surface processes on ter­ Looking to the future, participants dis­ came evident that nonprofit international restrial planets, solar physics, formation cussed ways they could cooperate on organizations such as The Planetary So­ of the giant planets, and planetary atmo­ planetary science projects. They outlined ciety are essential in keeping the general spheres. A special session to discuss in­ their national capabilities in space sci­ public interested in and informed about ternational planetary science activities ence and suggested steps they could take advances in scientific fields. proved particularly lively. to improve their programs. Some urged The Society plans to continue its in­ The week was capped off with a field major space agencies to encourage devel­ volvement in this successful program. trip to Poas, an active volcano. Volca­ oping countries to participate in future The next workshop will be held in nologist Eduardo Malavassi, from the missions, and others proposed exchang­ Africa, probably in November of 1993. Costa Rican Volcanology Observatory, ing researchers. Still others pointed to the Colleagues in Nigeria and Egypt have led the participants on a hike part of the simple need to make scientific journals expressed interest in having their coun­ way down into the caldera, an area widely available in libraries. Their rec­ tries act as hosts. Either China or Sri normally off limits to all but research ommendations were presented to the UN Lanka will be the site of the 1994 volcanologists. This trip gave them the General Assembly on January 20, 1993. workshop, and in 1995 it will retum to Latin America, probably to Argentina. . The most important mes­ sage to come out of the workshop is that through programs like this we can all share the dream of space exploration, regard­ less of race, culture, poli­ tics or economic standing. The Planetary Society's 1987 workshop in Mexico City inspired one of its participants, archi­ Space is a common link tect and teacher Socorro Velasco, to find an imaginative way to bring the wonders oj space to that can unite us all. the children of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Here she shares her success with Society members. Adriana Ocampo is a spe­ rr arly every Sunday a constellation of bike riders known as Amigos del Sol wends its way cial consultant to The &;;, through the streets of San Cristobal and out into the countryside. Its mission combines Planetary Society and is the study of the universe with the very down-to-Earth goal of litter cleanup. presently conducting re­ Its stars are young, ranging in age from 6 to 16. But their fascination with the realm of search on the KIT Yucatan space leaves little doubt that they are future members of The Planetary Society. impact crater. She is a sci­ I founded Amigos del Sol three years ago as a means of expanding the horizons ofchildren ence coordinator for the caught between practical scholastics and nighttime video. They never looked down or around. Galileo mission and the And they never looked up. Mars Observer mission. The club has grown now from 10 children to upwards of 250. Their accomplishments have Rosaly Lopes-Gautier, a won the cooperation of the city, which provides a police escort and a disposal truck at the pick­ specialist in planetary up site. This is no small triumph in an area hard-pressed for services. volcanology, is a science When the day star goes down and the night stars appear, Arnigos del Sol shifts its focus to coordinator for the Near­ the solar system. The children pass the club's two pairs of binoculars from hand to hand to Infrared Mapping Spec­ observe the wonders of the universe. trometer on Galileo. The They love space. They love to plant trees, but they'd rather go to Mars. authors would particularly Amigos del Sol is a club without entry fees, without dues. It is open to any child of any like to acknowledge the in­ religious, social or economic group, from city residents to the Maya people who live in the valuable efforts of Walter surrounding mountains. Fernandez, of the Univer­ The only requirement is a willingness to help preserve and enhance the beauty of the sity of Costa Rica, and Chiapas highlands, to understand the beneficence of the SUD, whose energy and light give Sergio Torres, of the Uni­ life to our Earth, and to appreciate the unimaginable opportunities that lie ahead in space. versity of the Andes in These children invite you to San Cristobal de las Casas. The club can provide you with a Colombia, in Drganizing bike~but, please, bring your own binoculars. Better ye4 bring a telescope! -Socorro Velasco the workshop. Another of the Society's education efforts, the "Together to Mars" International Stu­ dent Contest sponsored by the H. Dudley Wright Foundation, reached its climax in Au­ gust 1992 when 20 students met in Washington, DC, to participate in the World Space Congress. The following report, written by one of the contest winners, Caitlin Arden of the United Kingdom, eloquently describes the ultimate achievement of the contest.

he "Together to Mars" competition has affected the lives of nearly 1,000 students, Tall of whom put a tremendous amount of effort into their entries, and all of whom gained immeasurably from their work. The competition has served to inspire these students and to provide many with a glimpse of the kind of life and career they may soon be able to enjoy. If its purpose was to boost enthusiasm for science and learning, then it has certainly succeeded in its aim. I spent several months reading around my chosen discipline, space psychology and medicine, and obtaining a broad understanding of a subject that would never be touched on at my school. Because the contest required work more advanced than that required at most schools, it provided a very useful stimulus for students interested in space science. It also gave us the opportunity to discuss topics with distinguished scientists and to use facilities that would not nonnally be available to us. The competition perhaps proved most inspiring to the fortunate 20 who were able to visit Washington, DC. At the World Space Congress, we were able to mingle with scientists and astronauts alike, and to experience the esprit de corps of the event. We were able, on more than one occasion, to participate in discussions on an equal basis with scientists of international repute, and we were able to attend seminars delivered on forefront research. Writing this report some months after my visit to Washington, I can cite two notable effects. The fIrst is that I made a great many friends from allover the globe while in Washington, and I have been keeping a running correspondence with a number of them. I have received invitations to visit from several fellow students, and so I hope that the Washington event is just the start of some long and fruitful friendships. The second is that I have experienced increasing self-confidence and motivation, which has had a noticeable effect on my work. I will be entering a good university this coming September, and I look forward to being able to commence space research in a few years' time. I sincerely hope that there will be many more competitioIis like "Together to Mars." They are well worth the mvest­ ment, and I believe that they greatly benefit all who take part, not just those who have won. -Caitlin Arden

Planetary Society Joins Education Reform Effort

he Planetary Society has moved in a new direction by science topics, such as climate change and the green­ Tbecoming a partner in a program to refonn science house effect, and how these topics could be integrated education in the United States. Our effort kicked off with into a larger program of science teaching. This led to our a December 1992 workshop at our headquarters in Pasade­ drafting a list of basic concepts that all US high-school grad­ na. Thirty-three educators and scientists, including Soci­ uates should understand- such as the ideas that scientif­ ety President , joined representatives of NASA ic laws are universal and that all the planets in our solar and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) system move about the Sun-and scientific observations to begin the development of materials to be used in they should have made by that time- for example, tracking integrating planetary science into high-school curricula. changes in sunset and sunrise positions on the horizon as Bill Aldridge, executive director of the NSTA, is lead­ the seasons change. Specific topics will be developed in ing the refonn movement, known as Scope, Sequence more detail. and Coordination (SS&C). One of the objectives of the A report on our workshop will be available in June program is to get away from an authoritarian presentation 1993. For a copy, or for further information, contact the of science. Rather than just telling students, "This is the Society Education Office at (818) 793-5100. way it is," Aldridge says, teachers should encourage stu­ - William K. Hartmann, senior scientist, Planetary Sci­ dents to ask, "How do we know?" ence Institute, and Gayle G. Hartmann, editor, The Kiva, Workshop participants brainstonned about planetary and Planetary Society consultant.

15 ested in the possibility that each of the and saw that Venus passed through 200 generations of astronomers who phases, just like Earth's Moon, and 1 lived before [him] might have looked at followed laws of physics rather than the same stars ... and seen a different directives from invisible gods. light." This led him to study anthropol­ Although Aveni writes with sympathy ogy, especially how civilizations remote about ways earlier civilizations regarded from one another, like those of the Maya, heavenly bodies, at times he falls into Aztecs, Chinese and ancient Greeks, trendy New Age thinking, which, for me, made sense out of the night sky. detracted from the otherwise important Each planet played a special role, contributions of his writings about the but none as interesting as Venus, the role of astrology in the development of brightest planet in the sky. With its dual astronomy. role of morning and evening star, and its Unlike Aveni, I prefer to look toward 584-day cycle of returning to the same a planet like Mars as a destination for spot in the sky, Venus was an object of explorers rather than as a mythic god worship by many civilizations. Aveni at­ of battle. Nonetheless, this is a highly tributes this to its apparent death, as it enjoyable and provocative book. sinks below the horizon, and subsequent -Reviewed by Bettyann Kevles rebirth, which accounts for the associa­ tion of Venus with resurrection, rebirth and fertility. Still Available: Predicting the return of Venus en­ hanced the prestige of early astronomers. From Stone to Star: A View of For example: "The date is June 26, 884, Modern Geology, by Claude Allegre. shortly before noon, and the dark new Clues to the origin ofEarth are found moon has just bitten into the disk of in rocks from space in this adventure . the sun-the start of a total eclipse in tale of modern science. ur Planetary Readers' Service is Yucatan .... As the thin, bright solar (Reviewed NovemberlDecember 1992.) Oan easy way for Society members crescent gives way to the diamond-ring Retail price: $39.95 to obtain newly published books about flash of the last gleam of sunlight­ Member price: $32.00 the science and adventure of voyages there, appearing just off the western to other worlds. edge of the sun, is bright Venus .... Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms We make these books available at the The planet actually had vanished from and the Race to the Moon, lowest possible prices. Each title is of­ the nighttime sky only a few days be­ by Mike Gray. Relive the tragedy and fered for six months, or three issues of fore, and it was not scheduled to reap­ triumph of the Apollo program, in a The Planetary Report. We keep rotating pear for at least another month .... But tensely written tale focusing on one of our stock so that the titles we offer are today the people were offered a rare the unsung heroes of the space program. always fresh. glimpse of their descending deity while (Reviewed January/February 1993.) he lay in hiding." This rare phenomenon Retail price: $22.95 was recorded in a Mayan codex. Aveni Member price: $19.95 Conversing With the Planets: suggests that the ability to predict such How Science and Myth Invented events made Mayan astronomers the Please send a check or the Cosmos social equivalents of contemporary money order, made out heart transplant surgeons. to The Planetary Soci­ By Anthony Aveni; Times Books, Using pictures of Babylonian, Greek, ety,for the price of the New York, 1992, 255 pages. Chinese and Mesoamerican calendars, book (in US dollars) Retail price: $21.00 Aveni shows how each of these astro­ plus, for each book, a Member price: $18.50 nomically sophisticated civilizations shipping and handling interpreted the heavens in the light of charge of $2.50 for efore electric lights obscured the their own particular world views. the US, Canada and night sky, most people lived in awe As astronomers they marked the Mexico, $5.00 for other Bof the lights moving through its stellar positions and as astrologers inter" countries. Address your blackness. Tracing the changing posi­ preted their impact on the lives of mor­ envelope to: Planetary tions of the constellations, the phases of tals. The partnership between the two Readers' Service, the Moon and the paths of the planets, approaches, Aveni says, began to falter 65 N. Catalina A venue, early astronomers predicted celestial with the ancient Greeks. The Greeks, Pasadena, CA 91106. events, from lunar eclipses to the transit unlike astronomers and astrologers in For faster service, . of Venus across the face of the Sun. other prescientific civilizations, charted order by telephone In Conversing With the Planets, horoscopes-the life predictions for in­ with your Visa, MasterCard or American Anthony Aveni, who has worked at Kitt dividuals-as well as the future of the Express card. Call (818) 793-1675 from Peak National Observatory in Arizona state. Aveni says that this sowed the 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pacific time. and taught astronomy at Colgate Uni­ early seeds for the rise of humanism. All books sent postpaid. Please allow versity, recounts the history of human Later, Galileo shattered the astron­ 4 to 6 weeks for delivery in the US, observation of the planets. omer-astrologer partnership altogether Canada and Mexico, 12 weeks for 16 Aveni explains that he "became inter- when he looked through his telescope delivery to other countries. 0 o


PASADENA/SAN FRANCISCO­ technical possibilities for the approxi­ two leading groups in telerobotic re­ In late January and early February, the mately 90-kilogram (200-pound) Rus­ search. Russian Mars Rover again visited the sian rover and the 7-kilogram (15- The McDonnell Douglas group and United States. This time its destination pound) Rocky to work together on the the people at Ames and JPL, with the was not the rugged hills and dunes of surface of Mars. help of The Planetary Society, are in­ Death Valley, but the high-tech facili­ Following the demonstrations, the vestigating ways to go from these ties of American industrial and space two rover teams spent an afternoon dis­ demonstrations to a long-range, contin­ centers. cussing design philosophy for mechani­ uing research and development program This trip was hosted by the McDon­ cal and electronic systems, as well as leading to robot operations on Mars. nell Douglas Corporation, which has areas of common development. Planetary Society members can take begun exploratory talks with Russian The Planetary Society has urged Rus­ a great deal of parental pride in our space organizations about a joint rover sian and American officials to consider rover project, not only for the success of development program that would in­ placing Rocky on the Russian Mars '96 our test program, but for spawning in­ volve NASA, the US aerospace indus­ mission as part of the rover package. ternational teams that may someday ex­ try and academia. With a rover-microrover combination, plore Mars together. This link was an outgrowth of The the mission would gain a mobile hand Planetary Society'S 1992 rover test pro­ for the big rover and additional sam­ PASADENA /MOSCOW-Following gram. We provided opportunities for pling and imaging capability, making the snafu we reported in our Marchi Americans and Russians to meet and possible additional scientific measure­ April issue ("Not Yet to Mars Togeth­ discuss common interests in planetary ments of the surface. er"), NASA, the Jet Propulsion Labora­ exploration. This could provide the basis for more tory and Russian space officials pro­ International partnerships and joint extensive US-Russian interactions, duced a silk purse from a sow's ear. ventures are becoming more common­ leading to more ambitious Mars mis­ They overcame the failure to add a taking advantage of Russian space ca­ sions in the years to come. small US lander to the Russian Mars pabilities and helping American indus­ The Russian team's visit to Ames , 94 mission and reached an agreement try find lower-cost ways to develop was even more spectacularly successful. to accommodate an innovative Mars space hardware. Lockheed's recent The rover was set up in a test area Oxidant (MOX) experiment on the two agreement to license and develop the strewn with sand, gravel and boulders. Russian landers. The experiment would Russian Proton launch vehicle for inter­ This time it was controlled not only by determine the nature of suspected oxi­ national use-is another-and very dif­ the Russian teleoperation software, but dizing agents in the soil. ferent-example of US-Russian coop­ by state-of-the-art virtual reality and NASA will also gain an engineering eration. telepresence software developed at model of the landers, which the Rus­ To further promote discussions be­ Ames. sians refer to as "small stations." In re­ tween groupii working on planetary In less than one day, the two software turn, the US will contribute about $1 rovers, the Society coordinated a series teams cormected their programs, wrote million to the Mars '94 mission. of visits for the McDonnell Douglas­ interfaces and integrated their opera­ Finnish, French and German scien­ sponsored group to the Jet Propulsion tions. Ames scientist Butler Hine creat­ tists helped make it possible to accom­ Laboratory (JPL)1n Pasadena and the ed a virtual environment in which a modate the US experiment on the small NASA Ames Res~arch Center outside software rover operated. As he com­ stations. Wesley Huntress and John of San Francisco. - manded the virtual rover to move Schumacher of NASA Headquarters, At JPL the Russian rover went through its environment, the commands Frank Schutz of JPL, Viacheslav Linkin through its paces before a large crowd of traveled out to an Ames computer at the of the Space Research Institute, and, we lab employees and members of the test site, to the Russian command com­ are proud to say, The Planetary Society press. Joining it was JPL's Rocky 4, a puter, and finally to the real rover. were all instrumental in finalizing the microrover being developed for use in This impressive display of both navi­ agreement. the MESUR (Mars Environmental Sur­ gation possibilities for the rover and the vey) Pathfmder mission set for 1996. advantages of working together may Louis D. Friedman is Executive Direc­ The impressive display suggested lead to pooling the capabilities of these tor o/The Planetary Society. 17 would be just an interlude before the planet again turns itself inside out. Sean Solomon, new director at the Carnegie Institu­ tion's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (succeeding George Wetherill) and husband-to-be of Pam Jones, dis­ sents. At the conference, he proposed that Venus' smface was continually contorted and wrenched until 500 million years ago, when its thinner crustal regions cooled and stabilized. The last gasps of venusian volcanism flooded the lowlands, while the rare, geologically complex, but increasingly less active highlands ("tesserae") record a tableau of what once was ubiquitous on Venus. Years by Clark R. Chnpnu11t from now, once all data are interpreted, a consensus may emerge about how Venus came to look the way it does, and whether Venus is an exceptional planet for lacking plate tectonics or if, instead, our own planet is the anomaly.

Are JJlpifer~ Kare? George Wetherill thinks our planetary system may be anomalous. In Nature (February 18, 1993), J. Laskar and colleagues proposed that Earth may have its compar­ atively stable climate, which nurtured the evolution of life, because we have the Moon. Otherwise, the Parisians' calculations show, the polar axis might wander chaot­ ically. They speculate that the resulting seasonal havoc lmost a quarter of a century ago, scientists met would have made it unlikely for us ever to have evolved .C( in Houston to consider Moon rocks. During that to notice that we lacked a Moon. '!J) l first Lunar Science Conference, astronauts were At the conference, Wetherill outlined his frustrations poised for further lunar exploration. Then the Apollo in trying to understand how giant Jupiter and flights were abruptly called off, and NASA began its could be the natural, inevitable result of the formation of decline. the Sun. He suggested, akin to Laskar, that the solar sys­ Annual conferences at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) tem is an anomaly: Without the gas giant planets, we continued, organized by Pam Jones and her capable staff wouldn't be here. Wetherill calculates that Jupiter and at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, then housed in the Saturn impeded the growth of comets early in solar sys­ "Diamond Jim" West mansion near JSC. The confer­ tem history. (It takes smaller planets, like Uranus and ence's purview has expanded to cover the whole solar Neptune, to propel comets in their vicinity out to populate system, and astronomers and geologists now mingle the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt of comets.) Furthermore, with the original cosmochemists and physicists. the huge gravity of Jupiter has protected us from many Times are changing for the renamed Lunar and Plane­ of the intruding comets that did form. tary Science Conference. The Lunar and Planetary Institute In short, lacking Jupiter, Earth would be pummeled by now occupies modem offices--efficient and functional, lO-megaton cometary explosions like the 1908 Tunguska, but lacking the charm of the old digs. Pam Jones herself Siberia, blast every month or so instead of every few wi111eave, for Washington (and marriage), this summer. centuries. And Earth would be scorched by a Cretaceous/ And a perennial Cold War--era attendee was absent from Tertiary holocaust every few 10,000 years instead of once the 24th conference this past March: Russian Academi­ in 100 million years, leaving inadequate time for evolution cian Valery Barsukov, who died in July of 1992. Some to proceed to intelligent beings before the next impact. old-timers fondly recalled one of his birthday dinners at Jupiter exists not because our solar system is typical, the Crazy Cajun, when the Muscovite made music. but because we wouldn't be here to observe it if it wasn't -just as the French scientists speculate that we would be Why Ye"Jl~ Died absent if Earth lacked its Moon. What other attributes of With upwards of a million million bits of information our solar system, indeed of the Milky Way galaxy, are ex­ in hand, Magellan scientists at this year's conference plicable because intelligent observers couldn't evolve and grappled with the profound mysteries of our sister world. survive to witness them if they weren't exactly that way? Something changed on Venus nearly 500 million years What a difference from the concept that Earth is a ago. Most subsequent craters remain nearly pristine, middling planet around a random star! Planetary scien­ rather than being eroded, buried or wrenched apart, as tists pondered such lofty questions, as well as the politics would happen on Earth and apparently happened also on of NASA, as they drank green beer at the chili cook-off Venus prior to the change. In Houston, some scientists in Houston on St. Patrick's Day. proposed that Venus, which lacks the efficient plate tectonics and volcanism that liberate Earth's internal Clark R. Chapman's life is evolving, as well: He recently heat, episodically overturns its crustal layers. Venus' married Lynda McGoon in a small ceremony near Sedona, 18 current quiescence (despite local continuing volcanism) Arizona. SOCIETY -#AA/ . r\I'c~"

bers informed of upcoming Astronomical Association MAKING SPACE FOR OFFERING HELP TO INTERNA TIONAL SCIENTISTS AMIGOS DEL SOL planetary and space happen­ hosts the 47th Astronomical ings. You can get an updated League Convention (ALCON The Division for Planetary In the Chiapas highlands of listing of these events simply '93) at the Sheraton Hotel Sciences (DPS) of the Amer­ Mexico, a group of children by writing to Carlos J. Popu­ and Convention Center. ican Astronomical Society are working to keep their en­ lus at Society headquarters. Among the program events will hold its annual confer­ vironment clean and to learn Here's a brief look at are seminars, workshops, ence in Boulder, Colorado, more about their solar sys­ some of the highlights of The contests and star parties. For on October 18-22, 1993. tem. For the past three years, Planetary Society's latest information, contact MAS/ Scientists from around the Amigos del Sol, a multicul­ space events calendar: ALCON '93, P.O. Box 14747, world will attend the DPS tural collection of children • In Richmond, Virginia, Madison, WI 53714-0747. conference, including partici­ aged 6 to 16, have been bi­ at the Science Museum of - Carlos 1. Populus, Volun­ pants from the former Soviet cycling through the streets of Virginia, the "Decade of Dis­ teer Coordinator bloc and other nations whose San Cristobal de las Casas in covery" continues through currency cannot easily be Mexico, planting trees in the June 6. This planetarium show converted to US dollars. surrounding countryside and reviews the milestones of the PLANETARY SOCIETY ANNUAL AUDIT DPS organizers are look­ learning about the universe past 10 years in astronomy ing for Planetary Society (see page 14 of this issue). and space exploration. For The firm of Stanislawski and members in the Boulder area The group is open to all more information, contact the Company recently completed who can host visiting scien­ children and charges no entry Science Museum of Virginia, its yearly audit of The Plane­ tists whose funding con­ fees. Students are not even 2500 Broad Street, Rich­ tary Society. The firm deter­ straints prohibit their staying required to own bicycles. mond VA 23220; telephone mined that the Society'S in hotels. The host will need The Amigos do not have a (804) 367-1013. 1992 financial statement was to pick up a participating sci­ large budget to purchase or • Astronaut Sally Ride, in conformity with generally entist at the Denver airport maintain the materials the Magellan project scientist accepted accounting princi­ and provide him or her with children need-the bicycles Stephen Saunders and Jet ples. Copies of the financial accommodations and a few they use to travel to their ob­ Propulsion Laboratory scien­ statement, which includes a meals during the conference. servation sites or the binocu­ tist Stephen Edberg are report on member donations Most participants will arrive lars they use to gaze at the among the featured speakers restricted to special use, are on Sunday, October 17. stars. If you can donate your at Universe '93 on July lO­ available on request. -Lu DPS also needs people old binoculars, telescopes, bi­ ll. Cosponsored by The Plan­ Coffing, Financial Manager who can assist with shuttling cycles, astronomical publica­ etary Society, Universe '93 is these scientists to and from tions (such as posters or a weekend-long astronomy the conference each day. books in Spanish) or other fair featuring exhibits, work­ Volunteer drivers do not nec­ materials, please contact So­ shops and nontechnical talks essarily have to be hosts as corro Velasco, Amigos del and seminars by scientists KEEP IN TOUCH well. Sol, Ap. Postal 1, Santiago and amateur astronomers. Our mailing address: DPS sessions are conduct­ de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexi­ Universe '93 will be held . The Planetary Society ed in English, so these visi­ in the Aztec Center on the co; telephone (525) 598- 65 North Catalina A venue tors will have some command 2172; fax (525) 598-2993. campus of San Diego State Pasadena, CA 91106 of that language. - Charlene M. Anderson, University, 5300 Campanile If you are interested in Director of Publications Drive, San Diego, CA. For Call for all evellts calendar: opening your home to one of more information, contact (818) 793-4294 these international guests, the Astronomical Society of please contact Reta Beebe of KEEPING UP WITH the Pacific, Event Registra­ SPACE EVENTS General calls: New Mexico State Universi­ tion Services, 655 Redwood (818) 793-5100 ty at P.O. Box 3458, Las Cruces, The Planetary Society orga­ Highway, Suite 309, Mill NM 88003; telephone (505) nizes, sponsors and cospon­ Valley, CA 94941; telephone Sales calls ONLY: 646-1938. -Susan Lendroth, sors numerous events every (415) 337-1100. Manager of Events and Com­ year, and the Society is com­ • On July 29-31 in Madi­ (818) 793-1675 munications mitted to keeping its mem- son, Wisconsin, the Madison 19 ".:;. ~

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How did water arrive, or form, on simply too hot for water to be incorpo­ during the time of heavy bombardment Earth? And when? rated into these particular planetesi­ by comets and meteorites-which we -Roger C.S. Clarke, mals. If this were the whole story, Earth know about from the lunar, mercurian London, England would have accreted dry. and martian cratering records. We can However, models of planetary forma­ estimate the time scale for the input of The Isua rock formation in Greenland tion show that a great deal of "mixing" water, and other volatile elements, from provides evidence for standing bodies of planetesimals occurred early in solar the lunar cratering record. In this ver­ of liquid water on Earth by 3.8 billion system history. Water-rich planetesi­ sion of the story, about half of our years ago. Since these are the oldest mals from farther away from the Sun oceans would have been delivered by sedimentary rocks we have, there is no would have been scattered in great num­ 4.3 billion years ago, three-quarters direct geological evidence for the exis­ bers throughout the inner solar system. by 4.2 billion years ago, and so on. tence of water on Earth prior to this It seems likely that early Earth acquired This story can be partly checked by time. However, our understanding of its water from this source. The comets estimating the amount of mass falling planetary formation leads us to believe we observe today, which are nearly 50 to Earth as implied by the cratering that the vast bulk of water on Earth is percent water ice, represent the vestige record on the Moon. These estimates nearly as old as Earth itself. of the most water-rich part of this early are consistent with estimates from cer­ It is now widely accepted that Earth, outer planetesimal population. tain elemental tracers of meteoritic like the other inner planets, formed When was most of the water on bombardment on Earth subsequent to from the accretion of smaller planetesi­ Earth today collected? This question is core formation. If these estimates are mals beginning about 4.6 billion years difficult, because much water may have right, only a few tenths of a percent of ago. If these planetesimals contained been destroyed on Earth early in its his­ the lunar cratering record need to have water, Earth would, from the very be­ tory. The putative giant-Moon-forming been due to comets for Earth to have ginning, have had a supply of water. impact, the formation of Earth's core, acquired its entire ocean of water from However, models of the temperature and the atmospheric escape of hydro­ this source. Of course, water-rich aster­ distribution in the cloud of gas and dust gen could all have destroyed or stripped oids falling to Earth during the heavy that swirled around the early Sun, and from Earth whatever water collected bombardment would have contributed out of which the planetesimals them­ prior to 4.5 to 4.4 billion years ago. If as well. selves formed, indicate that at Earth's this is the case, then Earth's present -CHRISTOPHER CHYBA, distance from the Sun conditions were oceans were accreted after this date, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

These bleak and barren rocks in Greenland harbor the earliest direct geological evidence of standing bodies of liquid water on Earth. Aklra Shlmoyama of the UniversIty of Maryland's Laboratory of Chemical Evolution climbs the Isua formation.

20 Would it be possible to grow desert vapor as well as the present amount of photosynthesize and produce oxygen. plants on Mars since the atmosphere is carbon dioxide, it would need to be about - CHRISTOPHER P. McKAY, mostly carbon dioxide and water vapor? twice or three times what it is now. The NASA Ames Research Center Would photosynthesis take place and temperature would also have to be in­ oxygen be released? creased from the average of minus 60 de­ - Jeff Prentice, grees Celsius (minus 76 degrees Fahren­ If the Moon started rotating tomorrow, Silverdale, Washington heit) that we see there today. It would what immediate and long-term effects have to be high enough so that during the would we on Earth see? Even the most hardy desert plant would warmest part of the year, at least, the dai­ -Kieran Sala, almost certainly die if planted on Mars ly average remained above freezing. San Francisco, California today, owing to the low atmospheric Climate models suggest that this would pressure and temperature and the general . occur when the annual average tem­ The Moon is rotating now, once per revo­ lack of liquid water. How much thicker perature is about minus 40 degrees Cel­ lution about Earth. If it began to spin and warmer would the martian atmo­ sius (minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit). To faster, nothing much would happen here sphere have to be before plants could be get this high a temperature from the car­ except that we would regularly view its introduced? Right now it is more than bon dioxide greenhouse effect would re­ far side. Over time, however, measurable 100 times thinner than the sea level atmo­ quire an atmosphere about 15 times gravitational effects would occur because sphere on Earth. There is actually both thicker than Mars' present one- this the Moon is slightly lopsided. Ultimately relatively and absolutely more carbon would be more than thick enough to con­ we would observe small irregularities in dioxide in Mars' atmosphere (95 percent) tain the carbon dioxide and liquid water the rotation of Earth; offhand, I do not than in Earth's (only 0.3 percent). So necessary. If we did produce this mini­ know if such effects would be swamped Mars has enough carbon dioxide, but mally thick and warm atmosphere on by Earth's present uneven spin rate due to plants also require liquid water. Mars, then some hardy vegetation (desert atmospheric and other geophysical phe­ If Mars' atmospheric pressure were to and arctic plants) might be able to sur­ nomena. be high enough to be saturated with water vive. If they did they would certainly - JAMES D. BURKE, Technical Editor

Earth's rapid spin may have been to map the ozone distribution in the the University of London, noted caused by collisions with Mars-sized atmosphere surrounding Mars. They elsewhere in Nature that a tilt greater worlds early in its formation, says discovered that the ozone was more than 54 degrees would give the Luke Dones of NASA's Ames Re­ heavily concentrated at the planet's equator less sunshine than the poles. search Center. "When these objects poles, because water vapor that nor­ "Given that," he concluded, "the strike a forming planet, they can mally destroys the ozone was frozen forecast for a Moon-less Earth would make it spin, just as you can make a there. have been bleak." globe spin by pushing it with your -from Space News - from Mark A. Stein in the finger," Dones said. Los Angeles Times Dones and his research partner, Scott Tremaine, of the Canadian In­ stitute of Theoretical Astrophysics in Scientists now suggest that, of all the Toronto, studied the history of colli­ profound influences on Earth's deli­ Now that some planetary scientists sions during the formation of early cate climate, the most important may have had time to digest the first, Earth to see what the "spin speed" be the Moon. In a February issue of along with the most recent, images would have been. They conclude Nature, Jacques Laskar and Philippe of Gaspra returned by Galileo, they that without the large impacts Earth Robutel of the Bureau des Longitudes are seeing a very different sort of would rotate every 200 hours instead in Paris reported that the Moon ap­ asteroid. Rather than a single rock, of the 24 hours it takes today. parently acts as a sort of gravitational Galileo imaging team member Clark -from Ames Research Center gyroscope to stabilize the 23-degree Chapman of the Planetary Science tilt of Earth's axis, the slight skew Institute in Tucson says, Gaspra that gives the planet its seasons. might consist of two or more giant The scientists assert that without lumps of rock loosely held together Last summer scientists using the the Moon, Earth-like the other inner by their own feeble gravity. Referring Hubble Space Telescope determined planets-would tilt as much as 85 to the most recent sequence of Gaspra that the atmosphere on Mars is even degrees. A radical tilt would be cata­ images returned to Earth, Chapman colder and drier than it was when strophic because-as other scientists says, "From almost any direction, it spacecraft last surveyed the planet. have suggested-a mere 1.3-degree looks lumpy, kind of like you might Todd Clancy and Steve Lee of change in Earth's tilt may have result­ have assembled two lumps of clay the University of Colorado used the ed in ice ages. into a peanut shape." Hubble's ultraviolet imaging system Carl A. Murray, an astronomer at -from Science 21 Oisploy your Plonetory Society membership with one of our colorful ond provocative T-shirts. Con you imogine the owenture when you owe Europo? Or the excitement of joining the Mors Teom? Kids con join the fun by weoring our new solor Color Reprodudions Contact Lithograph system T-shlft. By Jon Lomberg. Signed and numbered 21" x 26" limited­ edition print. Must be sh ipped TNT Express outside the US . 2 lb. #306 $48.00 Earth at Night 35" x 23 " po ster. 1 lb. #308 $6.00 Earthrise On Robot Wings- 20" x 16" laser print. 1 lb. #315 $8.00 A Flight Through the Solar System 35 min. 2 1b. Eclipse 1991 Lithograph #420 VHS (USI #422 PAL (VHS-Europel $22.00 By Jon Lomberg. Signed and numbered 21' x 26" limited­ edition print. Must be shipped TNT Expre ss outside the US. Mars & Mercury 2 lb . #317 $58.00 60 min. 2 lb. #425 VHS (USI #427 PAL (VHS-Europel $22.00 Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus Poster Set Three 221 /2 " x 29" full-color po sters. 1 lb. #327 $15,00 Planetary Fashions The Planets 56 min. 2 1b. Mars Rover T-Shirt Milky Way Galaxy Lithograph 100% cotton . S, M, L XL. 1 lb . #532 $14.00 #435 VHS (USI #436 PAL (VHS-Europel $23.00 By Jon Lamberg. Si gned and numbered 24" x lS' limited­ edition print. Must be shipped TNT Express outside the US. Mars Rover Button 1 lb. #533 $1.00 The Universe 30 min. 21b . 2 lb. #329 $38.00 Mars Rover Sticker 1 lb. #534 $1.00 #440 VHS (USI #442 PAL (VHS-Europel $22.00 Neptune Poster Set Mars Balloon Wristwatch 1 lb. #535 $20.00 Two 22 1/2" x 29" posters. 1 lb. #331 $10.00 Ski Mars T-Shirt 100% cotton. S, M, L XL. 1 lb. #553 $14.00 Eledronic Media Solar System in Pictures Nine mini-posters. 8" x 10". 1 lb. #336 $10.00 Dive Europa T-Shirt Dance of the Planets 100% cotton. M, L, XL. 1 lb. #568 $14.00 IBM-compatible software- require s SOx86 CPU, DOS 3. X Solar System Chart or higher, 640K RAM , EGA or VGA graphic s, hard drive. 39" x 25" poster. 1 lb. #338 $6.00 Mars Team T-Shirt Math co-processor recommende d. Please spec ify 3 1/ 2" 100% cotton. S, M, L XL. 1 lb. #630 $14.00 or 5 1/4" disks. 2 1b . #715 $170.00 Venus Full-Disk Laser Print Planetary Society T-Shirt (not pictured). 20"x 16". 2 1b. #340 $8.00 100% cotton. S, M, L, XL. 1 lb. #663 $14.00 Space Adventure IB M-compatible software- requires ha rd dri ve and An Explorer's Guide to Mars New Planetary Society T-Shirt VGA monitor. Pl ease specify 31 /2" or 5 1/4" disks. 40 " x 26" po ster. 1 lb. #505 $6.00 100% cotton. Black. S. M, L XL. 1 lb. #665 $16.00 2 lb. #748 $49.00 Earth 20" x 16" laser print. 21b. #305 $8.00 EZCosmos Jupiter 20" x 16" laser print. 2 lb. #322 $8.00 Fun for Young Explorers IBM-compatible softwa re- requ ires at least 512K RAM, CGA or higher-reso lution monitor, dual floppy drives Mars 20" x 16" laser print. 2 lb. #323 $8.00 The Great Adventure Voyager or hard drive. Pl ease specify 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" di sks. Uranus 16" x 20" laser print. i lb. #337 $8.00 By Alan Harri s and Pau l Wei ssman . For ages 10 to 14. 2 lb. #503 $55.00 79 pages . 1 lb. #122 $13.00 Day Shuttle Launch Orbits 16" x 20" laser print. 2 lb. #344 $8.00 Space Travel for the Beginner IBM-compatibl e software-requires at least 512K RAM , Night Shuttle Launch By Patrick Moore. Readi ng level : juni or high school MS-DOS 2.0 or higher, dual floppy drives or hard drive. 20" x 16" laser print. 2 lb. #345 $8.00 and up. 48 pages . 1 lb. #183 $11.00 1 lb. #730 $47.00 Shuttle Ascent Voyager: SimEarth An Adventure to the Edge of the Solar System 16" x 20" laser print. 21b. #347 $8.00 IBM-compatible software-requires a hard drive and By Sally Ride and Tam O'Shaughnessy. 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Volcanoes have played an important part in sculpting the surfaces of several planets and moons. While Mars' volcanoes now seem dormant and scientists are still not sure if Venus' volcanoes are active, there is no doubt about Jupiter's moon 10. "Jupiter from 10" is Kazuaki Iwasaki's vision of the giant planet filling the sky of 10 - the most volcanically active body known in our solar system.

Kazuaki Iwasaki lives in Yokohama, Japan. In 1951, at the age of 16, he began to paint planets and stars. After discovering the art of Chesley Bonestell in the book, The Conquest of Space, he decided to become the "Chesley Bonestell of Japan." Although Iwasaki completed his thousandth painting in 1980, his astronomical art is an avocation. He is also a successful industrial designer.


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