Aitrhpblrr Manchester • Quality 1 Curity Deposit Reaulred
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M — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thuraday, Dec. 18. 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 MANCHESTER SPORTS FOCUS lOH gets help, HR Whalers share A mean Grinch I APARTMENTS KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright $5,000 grant lead in division ■ called divorce Rentals FOR RENT 1 ... page 3 IX l ... page 9 ... page 13 ROOMS 4 room second flooraport- FOR RENT ment available January I. f,' 5opf?/, BOT yoOfJ- Redecorated, no pets, no S ip appliances, na heat. $450 perrai'RWi |iaine. Central location, kitchen plus 2 months security. privileges. Parking avail 649-5100. IMUIOANI’ able. Security and refer ences reaulred. S70 per Coyentry - new 2 bedroom p iiie week. 649-9227 or 569-352B. duplex. Excellent loca laving iPfPprnr: vrafiM fs . tion, 2 baths, wall-to-wall !!► APARTMENTS carpeting. Fireplace. Sky ,STVfiV«fQfl' VIRnvr ffBwnlfvi FOR RENT light, central air. Applian ib r 0(H«pgg4Mp^lg; Anicwt O l> O LonBweaRRi’ ces Included. Minutes to ComelsN IttHdttODe Mb* 1-384. References and se iSiii Vice, hmr imkI bniidi nh aitrhpBlrr Manchester • Quality 1 curity deposit reaulred. Hfi! 1blifti!l|U'ir I... moved. Call OoYM bedroom and 2 bedroom $700 month. 742-7247. • tOOKtMO FOR good t m m . ) Manchester — A City of Village CCharm apartment, heat, hot wa bontg .1 . > ntws? Look «or the mony ter and all appliances Two bedroom townhouse bargain buys advertised Hbwfcgt Trgg Stlryie«< Included. Air conditioned, - heat, hot water, carpet ~ I'Wdfib In tb# <Na$$Htad calummi ~ It Truck A atlRber. aulet, on bus line. Ideal for ing, air conditioned, all trgmovgt. F r ititN * Friday, Dec. 19, 1986 30 Cents middle-aged and senior appliances. Nice location. citizens. $515 and $550. Coll 647-1595. cM^N'gKRNiyciMli 247-5030. Manchester-clean and ii-iy 24 Locust street. 7 room aulet 6 room, 3 bedroom , y gffi, TnNiilna - apartment. No applian duplex, no appllonces, no (DlBBObyNEA. tnc Walsh named ces. $650 per month plus pets. Available January 1. clgc^#.'.‘'Jwnk howled! utilities. Security. No $600 plus utilities. 649-3219. Forntturg dnd 1 pets. Call 646-2426 week moved: Odd lotM, .Vary days 9 to 5. IC0ND0MINIUM8 non*tt ddddfiotdbla NOTICE TO CNEDITOaa INVITATION TO BID ESTATE OF PURCHASE OF 0 ^ 1 ^ ), Manchester-2nd floor, 2 FOR RENT JOHN DOUGLAS NEW« TON UTIL to probe deals, bedroom, heat and ap ROBERTSON, a/k/o JOHN PICK-UP TRUCK pliances. No pets. $550 D. ROBERTSON, Lota of The Town of Coventry will E Manchester-New end Manchester, Deceased plus security. Call 646- unit, condominium. 2 bed STRETCH YOUR »)urgef The Hon. William E. Rtz- receive sealed bids for the 3979. 'lnido«t « y ^hg'.b^-port purchose of one, (1), new % room, 1'/j bath, central Garald, Judge, of the Court ton utility pick-up truck at air, 2 car garage. $800 a .... of Probate, District of Man the Town Hall, 1712 Main Manchester-West side, month plus utilities. Call mecF. V «ir tostg «ud» chester at o hearing held on Street, Coventry, Ct. 06238 fund diversion wiM'f bg to fell the December 16, 19M ordered new 5 room duplex, 3 872-9720. that oil claims must be pre until 10:00 AM, Januory 5th, bedrooms, security, refer m ifr4n c0 , b u t y o u r sented to the fiduciary on or 1987 at which time and place ences. $650 plus uhlitles. b u ^ .wlnt IRooit jfour before March 19, 1987 or be all bids will be opened and Manchester 2 bedroom publicly read aloud. By Lorry Morgosok investigations — one on the transfer Available Immediately. townhouse, excellent lo by $cillng,!^g barred os by low provided. 646-1496. Items m your home with o Johanna M. Bruder, The Town of Coventry re The Associated Press of arms sales money and a second cation. No pets, $550 per Assistant Clerk serves Its rights to waive all probe on other possible illegalities month plus utilities and tovNrostoKlfn^lassifled. The fiduciary Is: formalities In the bidding West Side, 5 room duplex, security. 647-7234. Imme Dlggory Dow Robertson process. The Town Is not WASHINGTON - A special connected to support for the Nica stove and refrigerator. diate occupancy. 21 BIrchwood Rood obliged to accept the lowest judicial panel today named Law raguan resistance fighters. c Md. Available January 1st. Se Stamford, CT 06907 rence E. Walsh, a former prosecu The Senate and House intelli curity deposit. 649-2689. 03912 Bid forms. Bidding Instruc Available January-2 bed tions, and Speclflcotlon Re tor, federal Judge and Vietnam gence committees and the House room end unit, potlo, I HOMES ■HOMES RECREATNNAL quirements MUST be ob peace negotiator, as independent Foreign Affairs Committee have 3 and 4 room apartments. basement, swlmmlng/ten- Merchandise Court of Probate, District of tained In PERSON at the been holding hearings on the No appliances, no pets. FOR RENT FOR RENT EQUIPMENT Town Garage, 46 Bradbury counsel to conduct a criminal nls court. $625 monthly. Manchester Iran-Contra controversy and the Security. Call 646-2426, 742-0672. NOTICE OF HEARINO Lane, Coventry, Ct., phone: investigation into arms sales to weekdays between 9 and For Sale. Rowing Ma ESTATE OF MARY A. 203-7424588. Iran and the transfer of profits to Senate and House both will create Bolton-Lakeside year TOWN OF COVENTRY 5. Manchester - For Rent - round clean 5 rooms, HOLIDAY/ chine, fully assembled, 1 MCNAMARA the Nicaraguan Contras. special Watergate-type commit HOMES Pursuant to an order of Hon. DECEMBER 8,1986 tees to look into the matter. Unique free standing unit. large living room with CDSEASONAL year old, excellent condi William E. FitzGerald, HAROLD B. HODGE JR., Walsh. 74, chosen to investigate One bedroom second IFOR RENT One year old condomi fireplace. $800 per month. tion. $75. Call 646-3245 Judge, dated December 9, TOWN MANAGER the most severe crisis of the But the investigating legislators floor, no pets. Downtown. nium. Fireplace, -1 bed 649-8445. after 5;30pm. 1986 0 hearing will be held on 033-12 Reagan presidency, is the seventh Christmas Trees - cot your an application praying for say so far they have not been able to $400 plus utilities. Secur room, bath, fully ap independent counsel chosen under ity. References. 643-9776. Monchester-3 bedroom own. Sundays only. $15.00 the authority to compromise resolve contradictions over pllanced kitchen, washer each. 11 Villa Louisa Road Men's cross country skis and settle a doubtful and the post-Watergate Ethics In Go Cope, I'/j both, fireplace, and dryer, central air. No ■WANTED Court of Probate, District of whether President Reagan knew in (on the road to Vito's and boots, size 10. Also disputed claim In favor of Ce vernment law. Vernon-New 2 bedroom finished cellar, attached pets. $700.00 per month TO RENT Canadian Ice skates, size celia Taft against sold estate Manchester advance of the sale of arms to Iran Restuarant. NOTICE OF HEARING The act provides for an impartial unltovallable, wall to wall garage, sun room. Nice plus utilities. Security dep 11. All In new condition. as In said application on file ESTATE OF JOHN T. and whether Marine Lt. Col. Oliver carpeting, full appllanced backyard and neighbor osit and references re 646-5463. more fully appears, at the inquiry ordered by a three-judge Garage Space - One car, Court of Probate on January MULLIGAN, a minor North had approval from above kitchen, no pets. $600 plus hood. Woodbridge Street. aulred. James R. McCava- from January 14th to Feb Pursuant to an oraer of Hon. panel, so that presidential adminis when he arranged for the sale $900 per month. January 1 6, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. William E. FitzGerald, utilities. 649-1262 or 649- nagh , Real Estate, ruary 15th. Reasonable. Ladles bicycle. 26 Inch Mary Lou Taylor, trations can avoid investigating profits to aid the Contras. 9619. occupancy. 742-6124. 649-3800.O E l FURNITURE wheel, $30.00. Good condi Judge, dated December 10, 649-2511 before 8pm. 038-12 Clerk 1986 a hearing will be held on their own top officials. In its Dec. 4 request to the court tion. 649-1680.D an application praying for Harald photo by Tuekar. In asking the judicial panel to for an independent counsel, the Beige Recllner - 1 year outhorltv to compromise and name an independent counsel. Justice Department sought only a old, good condition. Cost Rowing machine. Origi settle a doubtful and disputed Attorney Genera! Edwin Meese III over $225. Scotch nal cost $30.00.'Sell $15.00. claim In favor of sold estate Burt Carlson of Manchester takes a break from transportation. The temporary lake was formed by probe of "the sale or shipment of gaurded. $75.00. Call 646- Call 643-1710.0 against Michael Marti and said the person chosen would have military arms to Iran, and the IMI8CELLANEDU8 Donna J. Hall os Insaldappli working on tires this morning at the Burr Corners the heavy rains that fell overnight. to deal with matters of "unusual 5186.n FDR 8ALE cation on file more fully transfer or diversion of funds B0AT8/MARINE oppears, at the Court of Pro Shopping Center to try out the latest in parking lot sensitivity, complexity and impor realized in connection with such Bed frame - Twin, $8.00. bate on January 6, 1997 at tance to the nation.” sale or equipment.” Coll 649-4064.O EQUIPMENT Wheel barrow $12. 649- 10:30 A.M. Meese said the independent coun Mary Lou Taylor, Democratic members of the 5741 .□ sel would have to be experienced in Senate Judiciary Committee had 16 foot Mod River canoe, 037-12 national security and defense, asked the 'judges to make _the„ ITV/STEREO/ paddles Included.