Literacy Forum NZ TE KORERO PANUI TUHITUHI O AOTEAROA Vol.34, No. 1, 2019 is published by The New Zealand Literacy Association (Inc.) which is an affiliate of the International Reading Association Literacy Forum NZ is a peer reviewed journal, the official publication of the New Zealand Literacy Association, which is an affiliate of the International Reading Association. It is published three times per year and is free to NZLA members. Subscription cost for non-members is available on application. Ideas and statements expressed in Literacy Forum NZ are not necessarily the official viewpoint of the New Zealand Literacy Association. Editorial Board Glenice Andrews Sue Bridges Trish Brooking Wendy Carss Sue Dymock Joy Hawke Libby Limbrick Wendy Morgan Mal Thompson Editor: Mal Thompson Local Editorial team: Manawatu Literacy Association, led by Sarah McCord and Mal Thompson. The panel of reviewers are members of the NZLA, plus academics and teachers from New Zealand and overseas. Address for correspondence Dr Mal Thompson (General Editor) 178 Burt Street Wakari Dunedin 9010
[email protected] NZLA website: Published March 2019 © Copyright NZLA ISSN 2324-3643 CONTENTS From the President .......................................................................................................4 Advocating for children: Not all literacy interventions, approaches and resources are equal Janet S. Gaffney, Suzanne Smith, Frances Commack, Annabelle Ash, Margot Mackie, Sonia Mudgway ...........................................................................................5