TAL Recognition in O(M(n2)) Time Sanguthevar Rajasekaran Dept. of CISE, Univ. of Florida raj~cis.ufl.edu Shibu Yooseph Dept. of CIS, Univ. of Pennsylvania
[email protected] Abstract time needed to multiply two k x k boolean matri- ces. The best known value for M(k) is O(n 2"3vs) We propose an O(M(n2)) time algorithm (Coppersmith, Winograd, 1990). Though our algo- for the recognition of Tree Adjoining Lan- rithm is similar in flavor to those of Graham, Har- guages (TALs), where n is the size of the rison, & Ruzzo (1976), and Valiant (1975) (which input string and M(k) is the time needed were Mgorithms proposed for recognition of Con- to multiply two k x k boolean matrices. text Pree Languages (CFLs)), there are crucial dif- Tree Adjoining Grammars (TAGs) are for- ferences. As such, the techniques of (Graham, et al., malisms suitable for natural language pro- 1976) and (Valiant, 1975) do not seem to extend to cessing and have received enormous atten- TALs (Satta, 1993). tion in the past among not only natural language processing researchers but also al- gorithms designers. The first polynomial 2 Tree Adjoining Grammars time algorithm for TAL parsing was pro- A Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) consists of a posed in 1986 and had a run time of O(n6). quintuple (N, ~ U {~}, I, A, S), where Quite recently, an O(n 3 M(n)) algorithm N is a finite set of has been proposed. The algorithm pre- nonterminal symbols, sented in this paper improves the run time is a finite set of terminal symbols disjoint from of the recent result using an entirely differ- N, ent approach.