Class Three Computer Syllabus [Lesson plans for 2073/2074]

Class Three [First Term] Study Notes from Chapters 1-2: Vocabulary 1. data – information or instructions for a computer 2. input – giving data to a computer 3. output – getting data out of a computer 4. processing – working on data by a computer 5. storage – keeping data safe on a computer 6. electronic – using electricity 7. super computer – computer used for science 8. mainframe computer – computer used by business 9. mini computer – computer used in factories and labs 10. micro computer – computer used by persons or at home Summary Paragraphs Chapter 1 – There are 4 parts to the work done by computers. First, instructions are given to a computer. Second, the computer works by following the instructions. Third, the computer remembers data and keeps it safe. Fourth, the computer gives data out to the user. Computers do this work in many places – schools, banks, hospitals, offices, shops, and homes. Many computers talking to each other make up the Internet. Chapter 2 – There are many kinds of computers in the world. These computers are of four main kinds – super computers, main frame computers, mini computers and micro computers. All of the computers in our classroom are micro computers. They are used by students and teachers. Other computers are too large to use in our school. Practical Exercises 1. Use the GCompris program to find the continents of the world. Draw and name them in your copy book. You can use Screenshot to make pictures of them. 2. Open the Start Menu and write a list of the categories in your copy book. 3. Open the Start Menu and list these apps in the correct categories in your copy book. [Gimp, Kompozer, , Screenshot, , VLC, Clementine, Artha, Thunar , Tux Math, Gcompris, Libre Office Writer, Document Viewer, Firefox] Homework Exercises (in addition to book exercises) Label the parts of the information processing cycle. [input, output, processing, storage]

1. ______2. ______3. ______4. ______

Match the following places with what computers are used for there.

1. schools a. printing airplane tickets 2. banks b. list of things for sale with prices 3. offices c. for typing and printing exams 4. hospitals d. playing and watching videos 5. airports e. sending email to a friend and chatting on the internet 6. science labs f. helping nurses and doctors study medicine 7. shops g. telling robots what work to do 8. homes h. helping secretaries do their work 9. internet cafes i. getting money from ATM’s 10. factories j. doing experiments and research Write SC for super computer, MC for mainframe computer, MINI for mini computer and MICRO for micro computer below the pictures below.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Fill in the blanks from here: [fastest, input, powerful, micro computer, electronic, mainframe]

1. A laptop is an example of a ______.

2. A computer is an ______device.

3. A super computer is the ______and most ______kind of computer.

4. A central host computer is also called a ______computer.

5. A keyboard is used for ______of data to a computer.

Class Three [Second Term] Study Notes from Chapters 3-4: Vocabulary 1. input device – parts of a computer that give data into the CPU 2. processing device – part of a computer that works on data 3. storage device – part of a computer that remembers data 4. output device – part of a computer gives out data from the CPU 5. hard disk drive – storage device made of metal 6. program – data that tells computer what to do, also called an app 7. – program that organizes all other computer apps 8. Start Menu – list of all the apps available on a computer 9. MX-16 – name of a operating system 10. Windows 8 – name of a Windows operating system Summary Paragraphs Chapter 3 – There are four main kinds of devices that make up a computer system. They are input devices, output devices, storage devices and processing devices. The main input devices include the keyboard, mouse, microphone and scanner. The main output devices include the monitor, speakers, headphones and printer. The main storage devices include the hard disk drive, compact disks, USB pen drives and flash cards. The main processing device is the CPU. Chapter 4 – You have already learned how to switch on a computer in Classes 1 and 2. You should know that ‘booting up’ a computer turns on the power to the CPU. The CPU then loads the operating system so that the user can tell the computer what to do. The operating system uses a ‘graphical’ environment, or picture, so that you can see what the computer is doing. You can talk to the computer through clicking on small pictures called icons. This is easier than using the keyboard and typing all commands as text. This means you don’t to remember all the commands that make the computer do work. Practical Exercises 1. Turn on the computer, login to the MX-16 Desktop, then restart the computer. 2. After restarting the computer from the MX-16 Desktop, use the Grub Menu to select the Windows 8 operating system for ‘booting up’. 3. Login to the Windows 8 Start Menu. Select the Desktop from there and open a game. 4. Select and open a Paint or Wordpad program from the Windows 8 Start Menu. Open. 5. Shutdown the Windows 8 operating system from the Start Menu and Login window. Homework Exercises (in addition to book exercises) Name these computer devices and write I for input device, O for output device, and S for storage device.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

[touchscreen, earphones, trackball, microphone, light pen, headphones, keyboard, USB pen drive, webcam, joy stick, scanner, printer, speaker, hard disc drive, compact disc, mouse] Class Three [Third Term] Study Notes from Chapter 5: Vocabulary 1. navigation keys – special keys that move the mouse cursor 2. home key – moves cursor to the beginning of a line of text 3. end key – moves curson to the end of a line of text 4. Ctrl + home key – moves cursor to the top of a document 5. Ctrl + end key – moves cursor to the bottom of a document 6. Page Up – moves the cursor or page up one screen 7. Page Down – moves the cursor or page down one screen 8. Insert – turns on/off the adding of text to the cursor position in a line 9. drag – holding down a mouse button and moving the mouse 10. drop – releasing a held down mouse button after moving the mouse Summary Paragraph Chapter 5 – You learned the names of the buttons on the keyboard in Classes 1-2. Now you will learn more of the keys used when typing words into documents. These special keys are called Navigation keys. Navigation means ‘movement’ and these keys move the mouse cursor or arrow pointer around the words and lines of text being typed in a word processor. They make it easier to type a sentence, paragraph or story. You will learn more about the special ways to type text in the next chapter of your book. Practical Exercises 1. You will use Tux Type to practice typing on the keyboard. Complete as many lessons as you can each time you are in the computer classroom. Try to type words without looking at the keyboard letters and numbers. This is called Touch Typing. Try to memorize the ‘home row’ of keys pictured below. [a s d f j k l ;] Class Three [Final Term] Study Notes from Chapters 6-7: Vocabulary 1. word processor – a special kind of text editor 2. Microsoft Word – a Windows word processor program 3. Libre Officer Writer – a Linux word processor program 4. document – any kind of text saved by a word processor program 5. formatting – changing the style of letters typed in a word processor program 6. ribbon – top tool bar of Paint or Microsoft Word 7. color box – tool bar with colors for text in a word processor program 8. magnifier – used to make text bigger or smaller – by zooming in or out 9. crop tool – used to cut a piece out of a picture 10. skew tool – used to stretch pictures Summary Paragraphs Chapter 6 – A word processor is a program for writing, editing, formatting and saving text. The style, size and color of letters can be changed easily. The program also checks for spelling mistakes. All of the tools for doing these changes are located at the top of the page and the icons just need to be clicked on to work. Tool tips are messages that tell you what each tool does. They appear when you move the mouse pointer over the tool icons. You will learn how to make changes to text after it has been typed and how to save documents. Chapter 7 – Drawing with a computer program can be fun. You will practice with several ‘paint’ programs. They all have tools for drawing – like brushes, lines, adding text to a picture, shapes, etc. After finishing a drawing, you can save it and work on it again later if you want to make changes. You can resize a picture, rotate it, even stretch it out of its original shape. You will learn the names of all the tools and how to use them. When you have finished practicing you will be able to add your own pictures to stories you may write with the word processor. Practical Exercises 1. Write a story about your family using a word processor – either Microsoft Word or Libre Office writer. 2. Create a picture that shows your family and/or home. 3. Add your picture to your story. Color, make it look nice and decide what size you want it to be. Homework Exercises (in addition to book exercises) Write a story about the picture below. Part of it is written for you. Fill in the blanks with words of your own. Try to make it interesting. Color the picture.

There was a ______in Class ______. ______(He/She) liked to

______books very much. ______(He/She) had ______books. One of them was about ______. Another one was about ______.

______(His/Her) favorite is called ______. It is

______everyday. Choose one of these funny pictures to draw and color in Paint. Add other pictures, or ‘stamps’ from Tux Paint. Add text – like your name, class and roll number.