Trojan Times Spring Edition MAY 2021

Publication for students by students.

A Stance Now it's not like this David D’Amato will permanently cause any In today's society we world ending event as long lack many things that are as certain people stay in essential for not only a civil power but this mindset has and organized society but led to many dangerous these shortcomings can things. Since the 2016 lead to an end to society as election this one sidedness we know it. These has been used to mobilize shortcomings are in the voters and win an election ideal department, today we then in 2020 this was used are too one sided and most again to swing the party people cannot only think back the other way. This critically about things that just shows how the may not be within their polarization and bad viewset. mindset can lead to people being used and pushed to advance an addenda. Honesty… Madison Pede The first thing that came to mind when thinking about what I am passionate about was honesty. Honesty is very important to me because I am an understanding person and don’t like being lied to. Many problems can result from being dishonest, and to avoid those problems people just need to tell the truth. In my opinion I feel like people are scared of the truth in some situations and think lying or twisting the truth is a better opinion. I do not agree with this by any means. Everyone deserves the truth even if it may hurt, although finding out from someone else or figuring the truth out on your own can hurt even worse. I believe that if someone is scared to be honest with another person they could’ve possibly done something they shouldn’t have or known that the other person will be hurt or upset but the truth. However, this does not give anyone the right to not tell the truth. Perspectives The Importance of Courage Dominic Michels Courage is a vastly important trait to have in life. Courage can help one respond to risks swiftly and properly on a day to day basis, whether the risks be negative or positive. For example, courage may help you stand up to somebody bullying you or another, or even help you act fast in a pinch of danger, in the sense of bad risks. An example of courage helping you when it comes to positive risks could be applying for a job you may be nervous about and getting it, or even being the first to present a project and doing well on it. As you can see, courage is a very important trait to have when it comes to day to day life in your decision making process. Quarantine Now I get it, “oh great ANOTHER passage about quarantine and the year” but please, give me an attempt to be a bit different than the others, at least the ones that I’ve heard. I don’t intend to tell you how boring things can be, or the situation that is unfolding, I’m not even going to try and dictate for you that this is all a bad situation at all; that’s not my place to do and evidently there is a bigger picture afoot here to focus on for recovery beyond “I miss my friends”. Not to mention the important one, you’re living through it and I don’t need to tell you what you can see clearly and deduce for yourself. I just want to talk about a way that, if you think that this is all boring and troublesome, you can just possibly turn that around and find yourself a bit more cheerful. That way is mindfulness… in a way. I’m not trying to tell you to meditate, personally meditation makes me more irritable usually so I definitely am not going to recommend it when speaking of how to be a little bit happier; or well, it works for some so have at it if you want. But I want to stress the importance of your brain, rather than any particular breathing technique. I can most easily relate this to phobias, fears. When something traumatic happens, people can develop a fear for said thing and actively attempt to avoid it. Their brain remembers that trauma. That wonderful, or spiteful depending on how you want to look at it, brain makes you believe that it will happen again, and again, and again; and in efforts to prevent that trauma, you fear it and no longer wish to do it or be around it. Now that was extremely oversimplified but I’m sure that this is already running on longer than needed. To my point, put that natural mechanism to work. Believe, believe with all your brain and heart that quarantine is fun and positive, shift your perspective to try and be more optimistic and when you truly believe it you will feel the difference in mood about the situation. If that is hard to do, well that’s understandable, but just remember: “Fake it till you make it”. To wrap this all up, which evidently has been more about my tangents than actually discussing quarantine, one idea for making this positivity, think about all the people you are helping to keep out of risk by not risking exposure. If I could give a definitive answer I would, but there are too many possibilities and you will need to put in some work to find what works for you. With all that said, farewell and have a wonderful day/afternoon. Cleveland Super Fan Kwentin Foster I am passionate about many things such as the sports I play, Volleyball and Baseball. I am also passionate about the sports teams I watch, the , the Cleveland Indians, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and the Buffalo Sabres. The team that I like the most is the Cleveland Browns and am most passionate about. They did amazing last year going 11-5, going to the playoffs for the first time since 2002. They also won a Playoff game for the first time since 1994 beating the rival in the 2020 sunday night wild card game by a score of 48 to 37. This tremendous victory came after many of the browns staff and players and most importantly, head coach were struck with Covid-19 , also that meant that the browns couldn’t practice not once during the week before the game. Kevin Stefankski, the head coach of the Browns, was sitting in the basement, eyes glued to the tv and going crazy after each time his team scored. , the quarterback of the Browns, ended that season with 8 , a huge improvement from the year previous in which he had 21. , the for the Browns had a great year and was a big reason for the Browns success ended the season with 1,067 yards even with being injured for 3 games. The main thing that I wanted to happen this season was for Baker to establish himself as the franchise quarterback and he did, the Browns extended his contract through the 2023 season. Cont... Even though the Browns had a lot of success they struggled some on the defensive side of the ball, before the season even started was announced out for the season with a shoulder problem. There was still hope for the cornerback situation with there he would be able to cover most teams best receivers and he did that. Although the Browns needed big help in the Safety and linebacker positions they had a bright spot on the defensive line in Myles Garret he was able to get after the Quarterback and stop the run this year on some days though it wasn’t enough.This offseason the Browns have gotten the help they needed in Strong safety , linebacker Anthony walker jr. and the biggest free agent signing of this off season defensive end who will be able to compliment Myles Garret nicely if both can stay injury free. My prediction for the next season for the Browns is a 13 and 4 record and losing to the in the Afc championship Nick Chubb will have 1,300 yards and baker mayfield will have only 5 interceptions while the defense will improve and lead the league in sacking the Quarterback. Trafficking Awareness Sofia Haak

Abduction. Force. Manipulation. Abuse of power. In 2020, it was estimated by the International Labor Organization that there are 25 million victims of human trafficking throughout the world. Just in the US, 14,500-17,500 people are forced into many forms of physical abuse. Women and children are the main victims, but men are also affected by this. These traffickers put people in uncomfortable public situations and then act. They use manipulation and take away basic necessities such as food, water and shelter to break these people down so much mentally and physically to the point where it is easier to accept the fate rather than fight back. These traffickers are motivated by the fact they usually make around 4,000-5,000 dollars per person.

It is very easy to feel helpless when it comes to situations like this, however there are many ways you can do your part and help. First, do your research. Learn the indicators of human trafficking. Malnourishment, avoiding eye contact and social situations, lack of official identification or personal objects and more are all things that can be used to identify victims. Another thing is to call the 24-hour human trafficking hotline (1-888-373-7888) or 911 if you feel like you might know a victim. Those are two things that can help so much but many other things such as hosting trafficking-awarness meetings, writing to the state about combating trafficking, writing to the media etc. Human trafficking is an epidemic and we need all the help we can to stop this disgusting and cruel thing corrupting our world. Vaccination Kimberly Williams

After going through the Covid-19 pandemic I’ve learned that a breakout of any virus or disease could happen at any moment with no hesitation. The worst part about covid is the fact that people could have covid and not even know, which is one of the reasons covid spreads so fast. With that being said I feel like the Covid-19 vaccine should be mandatory in all 50 states to stop the spread. If people refuse to get vaccinated they should not be let into sporting events, concerts, hotels, amusement parks, movie theaters, casinos, and many more. If people from other countries want to travel into the United States, they should only be allowed to if they are fully vaccinated. When it comes to newborns being born, after the right research and testing has been done, the vaccine should be mandated to be given when the baby is born. If the vaccine isn’t given to everyone, covid will never go away and the world will never change. Especially when a new generation is born they aren’t going to get the seriousness of covid, because they weren’t around to live through it, and see their loved ones be taken by the virus. May is for Mental Health Awareness

More people need to earn the importance of mental health. Words can truly hurt a person even if it was just a joke, some people take what people say to heart and really let it affect them even if they know it's a joke. People that suffer with mental health issues are normally more distant and sensitive towards people and some individuals just don't understand how much your mental health affects everything you do as a person. I think schools/business need to take people's mental health into consideration, I do understand that schools are based on our future and how much we need education but overworking kids and assigning too much work can overwhelm not just students but anyone. With business I think people deserve more time off because you don't always understand what they're going through in their personal life. ~Alle Weitz