Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS Vol. 320, No. 1, 2016, рр. 25–49


E.V. Popov

Saratov State University, Astrakhanskaya Str. 83, 410012 Saratov, Russia; e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The paper presents a short biography and an annotated bibliography of the well-known Soviet palaeoichthyologist and evolutionary morphologist Leonid S. Glickman (1929–2000). His bibliography consists of 46 titles, including 2 monographs, 3 book chapters, 33 research papers, 4 popular papers, and 4 unpublished research reports and dissertations, devoted mainly to and Cenozoic elasmobranchs (principally ). The publi- cations cover a period of time between the years 1952 and 1998. Key words: bibliography, biography, evolution, functional morphology, Glickman Leonid Sergeevich, , skates, teeth


Е.В. Попов

Саратовский государственный университет, ул. Астраханская 83, 410012 Саратов, Россия; e-mail: [email protected]

РЕЗЮМЕ В статье приводится краткая биографическая справка и аннотированная библиография известного Со- ветского палеоихтиолога и эволюционного морфолога Леонида Сергеевича Гликмана (1929–2000). Библиография содержит 46 наименований, включая 2 монографии, 3 раздела в коллективных монографиях, 33 научных и 4 популярных статьи, а также 3 неопубликованных квалификационных работы и один отчет НИР, посвященные меловым и кайнозойским эласмобранхиям (в основном, ламнообразным акулам). Время издания публикаций охватывает период с 1952 по 1998 г. Ключевые слова: библиография, биография, эволюция, функциональная морфология, Гликман Леонид Сергеевич, акулы, скаты, зубы

INTRODUCTION where he worked: Leningrad, Saratov and Vladivo- stok (Fig. 1). In 1939 the family left Leningrad for A short biography1. Leonid Glickman was born Kiev and after the beginning of the Great Patriotic on January 23rd 1929 in Leningrad in the family of War (1941) was evacuated to Middle Asia (Tash- a well-known chemist, Sergey Abramovich Glick- kent, Uzbekistan). After the War (1945–1950) the man (1892–1966). Leonid’s life can be subdivided Glickmans (the father and the son) lived in Saratov to five periods, related both to his age and the cities where Leonid finished middle school and attended a

1A more compete biography, with a list of elasmobranch taxa published by L.S. Glickman, is available in a separate paper: Popov and Glickman 2016. Fig. 1. A chart of publications (1952–1998) by Leonid Glickman, related with his age and life stages. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 27 four year study course at the biological faculty of the man et al. 1987), 33 research papers in various jour- Saratov State University. In 1945, at the age of 16, nals, 4 popular papers, 3 unpublished theses (Gradu- Leonid started to collect Upper Cretaceous verte- ate, Candidate and Doctoral theses) as well as one brate fossils near Saratov. In 1950 he was transferred unpublished research report (Glickman 1954). to the Leningrad State University, finishing his The majority of Glickman’s publications (44 University course in 1952. His first scientific paper titles, 96%) dealt with Cretaceous and Cenozoic elas- (Glickman 1953) was based on his extensive chon- mobranchs (mainly Lamniformes), his main research drichthyan collection (ca. 10,000–40,000 specimens) interest. There are only two known publications, an from Saratov and formed his graduate thesis (Glick- abstract (Glickman 1976) and a short paper (Glick- man 1952). His time in Leningrad (1950–1970) was man et al. 1973) on Recent salmon, his research topic his most productive, both in terms of scientific and during the Far East stage of a life. Glickman wrote fieldwork (see Fig. 1). Throughout that time, he was more than a half of his publications as a single author employed at the A.P. Karpinskiy Geological Museum, (25 titles; 54% of total titles), the other half were co- (1952–1963), which was later merged with the Labo- authored (21 titles; 46%). His principal co-authors ratory of Geology, USSR Academy of were V.I. Zhelezko (4 co-authored papers), V.N. Dol- Sciences (=Institute of Geology and Geochronology ganov (4), G.M. Belyaev (3) and A.O. Averianov (3). of the Precambrian after 1967). His research was Only publications with the latter co-author were mainly focused on Cretaceous and Cenozoic lamnoid published in English or had a translated version, all sharks (Lamniformes). At this time, Leonid carried other publications were in Russian, excepting book out intensive fieldwork throughout the territory of chapter (Glickman 1964b) translated into English the USSR, including European Russia, Ukraine, in Israel in 1967 (Glickman 1967). This is one of the Crimea, western Kazakhstan and Mangyshlak Pen- reasons why most of Glickman’s publications were insula, Turkmenia, the Fergana Valley and Aral Sea unknown to western palaeontologists and zoologists. region. He amassed a large collection of Cretaceous The aim of this publication is to provide a review and Cenozoic teeth (ca. 200,000 specimens), of nomenclatural and research ideas of L.S. Glickman which is deposited now in the State Darwin Museum in the form of an annotated bibliography covering in Moscow. In 1958, based on this collection, Glick- all his published and unpublished works. Most of his man defended his Candidate of Biology dissertation publications lack annotations (abstracts, resumés) or, (PhD thesis) (Glickman 1958) and then published where present, were short and fairly uninformative, a monograph and a book chapter (Glickman 1964a, and so structure and main ideas in each publication 1964b) as well as a series of research papers. Between have been outlined below. 1970 and 1982, Glickman was employed in the So- Glickman has preferred this English translitera- viet Far East (Vladivostok) where he was engaged in tion of his name instead of “Glikman” or “Glyckman” morphological research of the salmon of Kamchatka while he preferred the name Glückman for ; Peninsula at the Institute of Marine Biology of the which is followed here. In many of his publications Far East Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Latin taxa names were often misspelled or mis- At the end of this period, his other monograph “Evo- sprinted because he did not concern himself about lution of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic Lamnoid fine details, nor properly proof read his manuscripts. sharks” (Glickman, 1980) was published based on Thus he, was regarded as “not a classic researcher his unfinished Doctoral Dissertation. Between 1982 but romantic one” by his informal supervisor Aca- and his death in January 31, 2000 Glickman lived in demician V.V. Menner (1905–1989). Some of these Leningrad (Saint Petersburg after 1991) with very misprints have lead to nomenclatural problems, still limited possibilities of further research and fieldwork. unresolved (Cretolamna vs Cretalamna, see: Cap- His last fieldwork to western Kazakhstan was in 1999 petta 2012: 234). Glickman made some systematic at the age of 70. mistakes because in Soviet times, he lacked access to Glickman’s publications. Glickman’s publica- most western scientific publications, he had limited tions were not large in number and consist of just comparative collections and little communication 46 titles, published between 1952 and 1998. These with his western colleagues. Nevertheless, he made a including two monographs (Glickman 1964a; 1980), significant impact on the study of palaeoichthyology three book chapters (Glickman 1964b; 1967; Glick- (Cappetta 2012: 9). 28 E.V. Popov

For the transliteration of Russian journal titles, as The research was based on his personal collection well as for some local geographic names, the Universal (about 40,000 specimens) from three fossiliferous ho- standard has been used. There is information about rizons at three Cenomanian localities near Saratov – number of pictures, tables, plates and references after in the sand quarries near the “Proletarskij poselok” each bibliographic description, as well as the publica- and “Klinicheskij gorodok” settlments, and on Uvek tion language in square brackets. Unpublished works Hill on the southern outskirts of the city. Some ad- (scientific reports, graduate thesis, dissertations’ ditional material was collected in other localities in thesis) are suffixed with “unpublished” after the year Saratov as well as on west bank of the Volga River, 60 they were written. In each paper, where there is sys- km to south of the city. The systematic part consists tematic input, any new described taxa (family, genus, of descriptions of certain shark species (Odontaspis, species and subspecies) introduced are marked with Synechodus, Scapanarhinchus, Lamna, Corax, Ga- an asterisk (*). Digital files (pdf format) of Glick- leocerdo, Squatina, Cestracion, Hybodus, Acrodus, man’s publications are available for download via the ) as well as records of chimaeroid fishes website (Ischyodus, Edaphodon), bony fishes (Pycnodus), ich- Institutional abbreviations: IGG, Institute of thyosaurs, plesiosaurs and pterosaurs. This section Geology and Geohemistry of the Ural Branch of consists a discussion about morphology, the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, systematics and evolution. The stratigraphic part Russia); IGGP, former Institute of geology and geo- discusses fossiliferous levels with Cenomanian ver- chronology of the Precambrian (Leningrad, USSR)2; tebrate remains in Saratov and paleontological and IGV, Institute of Geology, Vilnius, Lithuania; SDM, his stratigraphic observations during his southern State Darwin Museum (Moscow, Russia); CCMGE, trip from Saratov to Ahmat settlement (60 km to Chernyshev’s Central Museum of Geological Explo- the south). Several tables with tooth dimensions for ration (St Petersburg, Russia); PIN, Paleontologi- Scapanorhinchus subulata and other species, as well cal Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences as the taxanomic compositions of 12 bulk samples (Moscow, Russia); ZIN PC, Zoological Institute of from two stratigraphic horizons from the Saratov the Russian Academy of Sciences (St Petersburg, Cenomanian are included. Russia), palaeo ichthyological collection. 2. Glickman L.S. 1953. Upper Cretaceous verte- brates from the vicinity of Saratov. Preliminary data. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Uchenye zapiski Saratovskogo universiteta, 38: 51–54. (no references) [In Russian]. 1. Glickman L.S. 1952 (unpublished). Upper The paper is a collection of students’ studies and Cretaceous marine vertebrates from Saratov Volga includes a short review of some results from author’s region. Graduate thesis. Leningrad State Univer- graduate thesis. Using material collected from sev- sity (Department of Vertebrate Zoology). Leningrad, eral quarries in the Saratov region, he describes the 119 p. (28 plates, 5 tables, 16 references) [In Russian]. stratigraphy and fauna of upper part of the Cenoma- A typescript of his graduate thesis supervised by nian phosphate sands. The fossiliferous levels consist docent Lev I. Khosatzky (1913–1992) is stored in of an “Upper Phosphorite Horizon”, a “Lower Phos- the archive of the Department of Vertebrate Zoology, phorite Horizon” and a lowermost “White Sands” Saint Petersburg State University3. The text consists level with more autochthonous and better preserved of Introduction (6 pages), Systematic part (49), Gen- fossils. Some differences between the preservation eral geological characteristics of the Saratov Late of the fossils from different levels and the peculiari- Cretaceous basin (15), Conclusions (5), References ties of stratigraphic distribution for some taxa are (2), A list of illustrations and graphical appendix (11 observed. Thus, the “Upper Phosphorite Horizon” original plates with fossils, 3 photo reproductions yielded teeth of Ptychodus and Cestracion (Heter- from other publications, 5 line drawings and 9 geo- odontus) whereas the “Lower Phosphorite Horizon” logical photographs of the localities). contained teeth of Pycnodus. In total, a collection

2Material may now be deposited in the State Darwin Museum collection, Moscow. 3The copy of his graduate thesis lacked Latin names in the typescript. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 29 of 10,000 shark teeth consisting of 10 genera were Scaphanorhinchiformes, Odontaspiformes and Lam- identified: Lamna, Scapanorhinchus, Corax, Squa- niformes based on the functional use of their teeth; tina, Hybodus, Acrodus, Synechodus, Odonaspis, Ces- (5) The stratigraphic significance of these sharks. tracion, Galeocerdo mullerei Henle4 [sic!]. Batoids Based on a functional and morphological analysis [sic!] consisted of of a single genus with 3 species: of a large collection of shark teeth from the Cre- Ptychodus mammilaris Agassiz, 1843, P. decurrens taceous of Saratov Volga River Basin (more than Agassiz, 1839, and P. latissimus Agassiz, 1843. Among 50000 specimens) he proposed the establishment of the nearly 400 chimaeroid dental plates he collected a series of new taxa of different taxonomic levels [all were the genera Ischyodus and Edaphodon; the lat- are nomina nuda]: *Scapanarhinchiformes ordo nov. ter not previously known from the Saratov region. (Scapanarhinchidae + Scylliorhinidae + ?Orectolo- A number of spiral coprolites, mistakenly identified bidae), *Odontaspiformes ordo. nov. (Odontapsis + belonging to the coelacanth Macropoma mantelli Paraorthacodus + Orthacodus); *Paraorthacodus Agassiz, 1843 were collected. Marine reptiles were gen. nov. (based on species Synechodus recurvus represented mainly by rare ichthyosaur vertebra (Trautschold, 1877); Isurus *denticulatus sp. nov. and (Myopterigius) and more commonly both vertebra Odontaspis *primigenius sp. nov.5. Other taxa of teeth and isolated teeth of plesiosaurs (Polycotylus sp.; were also diagnosed: Lamna Cuvier, 1817; Lamna P. orientalis Bogolubov, 1911; sp.). In appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843); Isurus Rafinesque, addition, two pterosaurs were recorded, including “a 1810; Odontaspis Agassiz, 1838; O. macrorhiza Cope, part of a small skeleton of a pterodactyl, about the 1875; Paraorthacodus recurvus (Trautschold, 1877); size of a thrush” (Glickman 1953: 54). Scapanorhynchus subulata (Agassiz, 1843). For the 3. Glickman L.S. 1954 (unpublished). Otchet latter species, tooth crown morphometric data was o rabote “Verhnemelovye akuly Saratovskogo Po- provided in a table, based on specimens from differ- volzhya” [Report about research entitled “Upper ent levels of the Cenomanian as well from the Albian, Cretaceous sharks of Saratov Volga River basin”]. Campanian and Paleocene deposits of the Volga Collection of the Scientific Research Institute of River Basin6. The stratigraphic section consisted geology and soil science of the Saratov State Univer- of a short historic review and descriptions of some sity, Saratov, 82 p. (4 figures, 1 table, 33 references) sections with accompanying shark faunal lists for [In Russian]. the localities: Pady in Balashov Province (Saratov This is an unpublished research report stored Province now), Nizhnyaya Bannovka in the Saratov in the Zonal Scientific Library of the Saratov State Province and Krasnyj Yar (near Miroshniki and University (record number 4706P). The report is Gordienki villages) in the Stalingrad Province (Vol- both typewritten and handwritten with handwritten gograd Province now). corrections made by (?) his research supervisor, Pro- Details of the vertebrate and invertebrate as- fessor Vera G. Kamysheva-Elpatievskaya. The report semblages from 7 bulk samples of 2 Cenomanian consists of 5 sections: (1) The functional and mor- stratigraphic levels (Upper and Lower phosphorite phological analysis of sharks teeth in relation to their horizons) of Saratov are presented. There are conclu- taxonomy; (2) The stratigraphic significance of some sions about heterochrony of Cenomanian phospho- structural features of teeth of the orders Scapano- rite horizons in the region and a possibility to subdi- rhinchiformes, Odontaspiformes and Lamniformes; vide these horizons based on sharks teeth of the new (3) The direction and pathways of evolution of the orders Scapanorhinchiformes and Odontaspiformes orders Scapanorhinchiformes and Odontapsiformes; because of high rate of evolutionary morphological (4) The classification of the Cenomanian shark orders change in these teeth from Albian to Eocene.

4Misprint of Galeocerdo Müller et Henle, 1841. Perhaps meaning the teeth of Galeorhinus, described later from the Cenomanian of Saratov (Popov and Lapkin 2000). 5This unpublished new species was based on erroneously interpreted single tooth of Paraisurus macrorhiza, collected from the Krasnyj Yar section (Volgograd Province now); the tooth was reinterpreted later (Glickman 1957c) and figured (Glickman 1964b: pl. 5, fig 13; 1980: pl. 10, fig. 9). 6It is obvious now that the morphometrically studied material consisted of a mixture of Eostriatolamia, Scapanorhyn- chus and teeth. 30 E.V. Popov

4. Glickman L.S. 1955. About age of phosphorite form between and lamnoids; Carcharoidei horizon in a top of Cenomanian stage in the vicinity is closely related to notidanids and the latter group of Saratov based the occurrence of fish teeth. Uchenye may be descended from the Cladoselachii. zapiski Saratovskogo universiteta, 45: 83–84. (8 refer- 6. Glickman L.S. 1956b. About phylogeny of ences) [In Russian]. the genus Anacorax. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, A short note about an age of the Upper Phospho- 109(5): 1049–1052. (1 table, 2 figures, no references) rite Horizon in a top of Cenomanian sands at Saratov, [In Russian]. based on records of skate [sic!] genus Ptychodus Based on a collection of teeth of the lamnoid shark Agassiz, 1839. The following species: Ptychodus la- Anacorax from the Cenomanian of Saratov Province tissimus Agassiz, 1843, P. mammillaris Agassiz, 1843, (1077 specimens from 4 horizons at 2 localities), from P. decurrens Agassiz, 1839, P. concentricus Agassiz, the Turonain–Santonian of Uzbek SSR (154 teeth) 1843 and P. multistriatus Woodward, 1889, were iden- and Campanian of Saratov Province (25 teeth) two tified from this horizon. Based on a comparison of the Anacorax species were revised: Anacorax falcatus distribution of these species in the Upper Cretaceous (Agassiz, 1843) and Anacorax pristodontus (Agassiz, of France, England and Lithuania, it was concluded 1843)7. Diagnoses for the two genera were given: that the age of this horizon is “not older than the Anacorax (type species – Corax pristodontus Agassiz, Actinocamax plenus zone”. 1843) from the Turonian–Maastrichtian and a new 5. Glickman L.S. 1956a. Position of lamnoid genus *Palaeocorax (type species – Corax falcatus sharks in the system of . Doklady Agassiz, 1843) from the Cenomanian. A new family Akademii Nauk SSSR, 108(3): 555–557. (12 refer- * was introduced and diagnosed. The ences) [In Russian]. functional morphology of teeth was discussed. Type The paper consists of a morphological analysis of specimens were not cited. the jaw suspension to the skull in different groups 7. Glickman L.S. 1957a. Taxonomic significance of modern sharks and rays. These can be resolved of accessory cusplets of sharks of the families Lamni- into two basic types: (I) a strong and short hyoman- dae and Scapanorhynchidae. In: Trudy geologichesk- dibular cartilage (suspensorium) which connects the ogo muzeya imeni A.P. Karpinskogo. Academy of Sci- axial skull with the palatoquadrate and the Meckel’s ences of the USSR, Moscow–Leningrad, 1: 103–109. cartilage (2 variations of jaw mobility); and (II) (2 tables, 2 figures, 7 references) [In Russian]. where the hyomandibular cartilage is not involved The paper discusses the significance of differently in suspension of jaw apparatus, which is supported developed accessory cusplets on shark teeth for sys- by the hyoid cartilage alone. The latter suspension tematics of the group, with examples from the Recent type (II), referred to as desmostyly, is present only and fossil species of genera Lamna, Isurus (= Oxyrhi- in lamnoid sharks (primitive character); the sus- na), Otodus and Scapanorynchus. Based on a sample pension type (I) is regarded as a true hyostyly (all of 200 teeth from the Cenomanian of Saratov, a new other sharks and rays). Based on these characters, species of shark Isurus *denticulatus Glückman was subclass Elasmobranchii can be subdivided into 4 described (the plate shows 17 teeth). This species superorders: Cladoselachoidei, Xenacanthoidei, as differs from its decendant species, Isurus mantelli, by well as two new superorders – *Lamnoidei (lam- following features: 1) a relatively narrower crown; noid sharks only) and *Carcharhoidei (other sharks 2) less developed root lobes; 3) the presence of ad- and rays excluding lamnoids). The true hyostyly is ditional cones [cusplets] on lateral and posterior a major aromorphosis. The separation of lamnoid teeth; 4) a relatively thinner crown. Details of the sharks as a superorder is also confirmed by a special type specimens and depository were not given. Two (osteodentine) microstructure of the teeth; the lack tables show data on the presence, size and height ra- of a mosaic teeth pattern in teeth files; the presence of tio of lateral cusplets for Scapanarhinchus teeth from long unsegmented metapterygium in the fins; a large 5 stratigraphic levels (2 levels from the Cenomanian number of vertebrae; a lack fin spines and basal plates of Saratov; from the Coniacian–Santonian of Uz- in the dorsal fins; and other features. The ge- bekistan; from the Eocene of Kamyshin, Volgograd nus Orthacodus can be considered as an intermediate Province; and from the Bukhara stage of Ambargaz,

7Material represents spp. including Campanian S. kaupi. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 31

Tajikistan) as well as for teeth of the new species muzeya imeni A.P. Karpinskogo. Academy of Sci- Isurus denticulatus. There is a general pattern in the ences of the USSR, Moscow–Leningrad, 1: 118–120. morphological evolution of teeth of and (1 table, 1 figure, 6 references) [In Russian]. Scapanorhinchidae of increasing of crown height and In a short note the author demonstrated that the a reduction of the relative size of the lateral cusplets record of a single tooth of Isurus macrorhiza (Pictet between the Cenomanian and Eocene. & Campiche, 1858) amongst the sharks collected 8. Glickman L.S. 1957b. About the genetic link from the Lower Phosphorite Horizon in supposed between the families Lamnidae and Odontaspididae Cenomanian deposits near Miroshniki and Gordi- and some new genera of Upper Cretaceous lamnids. enki villages (neighbor of Krasnyy Yar settlement In: Trudy geologicheskogo muzeya imeni A.P. Kar- in the Stalingrad Province)11 indicated an Albian pinskogo. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Mos- age for this layer and the underlying sandy sequence cow–Leningrad, 1: 110–117. (1 table, 2 figures, 11 (about 38 m in thick). Other sharks’ teeth from this references) [In Russian]. level included (N=100): Acanthias sp. [=Squalus], The paper analyses morphological features of Scapanorynchus raphiodon (Agassiz, 1843), Synecho- teeth of the Upper Cretaceous lamnoid sharks. Using dus nitidus Woodward, 1911 and Squatina sp.12. The material from the Albian, Cenomanian and Maas- composition and morphology of Lamnoid teeth from trichtian8 of the Russian platform 4 new genera were this assemblage were compared in with Albian teeth described: *Paraorthacodus Glückman (type species from the Lithuania and the Ukraine (Kanev) that he Synechodus recurvus (Trautschold, 1877); 8 teeth had studied personally. The Albian species Otodus are figured), *Paraisurus Glückman (type species monstrosus Rogovich, 1860, from the Ukraine, was Oxyrhina macrorhiza Pictet & Campriche, 1858; two regarded as a junior synonym of Oxyrhina macrorhiza. teeth are figured9), *Pseudoisurus Glückman (type 10. Glickman L.S. 1957d. Teeth of Turonian species is introduced here new species Pseudoisurus fishes from the Tajik SSR. In: Trudy geologicheskogo *tomosus Glückman, based on 10 teeth, 4 of which are muzeya imeni A.P. Karpinskogo. Academy of Sci- figured), *Euchlaodus Glückman (type species Oxy- ences of the USSR, Moscow–Leningrad, 1: 121–122. rhina lundgreni Davis, 1890; one tooth is figured10). A (3 references) [In Russian]. species of Hybodus dispar Reuss, 1846 (= Synechodus In a short paper, a small fish tooth collection nitidus Woodward, 1911) is reassigned to the genus from the Turonian of Kulyab (near Stalinabad town, Synechodus Woodward, 1911 (5 teeth are figured). south-western Darwaz, Tajik SSR) was described. Information about the species types, depository, both The collection consisted of shark teeth: Odontaspis type stratum and localities was not provided. The divaricatus (Leidy, 1872), Leptostyrax Williston, genera Lamna, Paraisurus and Isurus were classified as 1900, Ptychodus deccurrens Agassiz, 1839, Anacorax Lamnidae whereas Odontaspis and Pseudoisurus were falcatus (Agassiz, 1843), Scapanorhynchus raphiodon classified as Odontaspididae. The family Lamnidae (Agassiz, 1843) Woodward and two genus of bony was subdivided into two subfamilies Lamnidae [sic! fishes of the family Pycnodontidae: Coelodus Haeck- misprint] and Isurinae. The Orthacodidae (Orthaco- el, 1854 and (?)Mesodon. It was concluded that the dus, Paraorthacodus, Euchlaodus) was regarded as assemblage is identical with those from North Ameri- ancestral to both families (Lamnidae and Odontas- can (Leidy 1873; Cope 1875; Williston 1900) but less pididae). diverse than those from Western Europe. 9. Glickman L.S. 1957с. About age of the lower 11. Glickman L.S. 1958a. Diagnostic signifi- phosphatic horizon in vicinity of Krasnyj Yar settle- cance of some characters of elasmobranchian teeth. ment, Stalingrad region. In: Trudy geologicheskogo In: Sbornik statej molodyh nauchnyh sotrudnikov

8The age of the deposits were later reinterpreted as Danian (see Glickman 1962; Averianov and Glickman 1996). 9One of the referred and figured tooth (fig. 15) was attributed to this species erroneously; EVP observation. 10This tooth come from the Danian deposits near Lysye Gory settlement in Saratov Province, see Averianov and Glick- man 1996. 11During field prospecting of last two decades localization of both section and regional layer with this shark complex were unsuccessful despite a presence of the notes and outline provided us by Glickman; EVP pers. observation. 12This sample is stored in SDM collection, Moscow; EVP pers. observation, 2015. 32 E.V. Popov

Leningradskih geologicheskih uchrezhdenij AN Oxyrhina mantelli was separated from the Lamnidae SSSR. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow– family as a new genus * of a new fam- Leningrad, 1: 163–171. (8 references) [In Russian]. ily *Cretoxyrhinidae. Both new taxa are diagnosed. The paper develops the ideas of E. Casier (1943) Cretoxyrhina includes two species: Isurus denticulatus about the low systematic value of vestigial characters Glückman, 1957a and Oxyrhina mantelli (type spe- in a taxonomic group. This idea is discussed using cies); the new family includes genera Cretoxyrhina the development of lateral cusplets in shark teeth of and Paraisurus. It was suggested that the species the following families: Ctenacanthidae, Xenacanthi- Paraisurus macrorhiza is an ancestral form for the fam- dae, Cladoselachidae, Orthacodidae, Hybodontidae, ily and the origin of the latter is derived from the fam- Paraorthacodontidae, Odontaspididae, Lamnidae/ ily Orthacodidae. A new genus *Cretalamna [sic!]13 Scapanorhynchidae, Chlamydoselachidae, Notid- with the type species Lamna appendiculata Agassiz, anidae, Cestracionidae, Scylliorhinidae/Triakidae/ 1843 (based on material from the Cenomanian of Orectolobidae, Squalidae/Echinorhinidae, Carcharh- Saratov) was also briefly diagnosed. This genus was inidae/Sphyrnidae and Squatinidae/Pristiophoridae. presumably attributed to the family Odonaspididae. It was concluded that (1) additional cusplets inhibit Information about nomenclatural types, type strata an evolutionary development of the main crown; (2) and localities was not given. Changes in the morphol- a height of the crown and a size of lateral cusplets are ogy of teeth and dental formula of lamnoid sharks interrelated; (3) lateral cusplets may be generic char- indicated a rapid rate of evolution in the group. acters if the cusplets are only numerous and large (in 13. Glickman L.S. 1958с (unpublished). About lamnoid sharks as well as in the most Orthacodidae classification of sharks. Abstract of PhD thesis (Can- the presence/absence of lateral cusplets cannot be a didate of biology). Leningrad, 20 p. (2 tables) [In character of the both generic and species value); (4) Russian]. a relative role of additional cusplets is different in the Abstract of his candidate of biology (PhD) thesis: teeth of different functional purposes: in cutting and Introduction and a brief historical review; Chapter crushing teeth additional cusplets cannot be consid- 1. Overview of elasmobranchs; Chapter 2. Principles ered as an important systematic character, whereas of systematics of the sharks (a: Evolutionary and awl–shaped teeth and (rarely) conical ones can be of functional significance of the morphological charac- systematic value as a species character; (5) during the ters of elasmobranchs; b: Methods of studying the evolutionary reduction of lateral cusplets, their pres- teeth of fossil sharks: b1: A description of the tooth ence/absence cannot be a systematic feature, whereas crown as an instrument bearing a specific function; a trend towards the reduction can be regarded as a b2: Functional types of teeth; b3: Root features and familial character (Lamnidae). In a case of the early their significance; b4: Microstructure; b5: Tooth po- evolutionarily loss of the lateral cusplets, an absence sition in the jaws; b6: A comparison of sharks teeth of the latter is a distinct character (Squatinidae, from different horizons; c: Diagnostic significance Sphyrnidae, etc.); (6) all elasmobranchs show a trend of certain minor characters of dentition; Chapter 3. toward a reduction of lateral cusplets and this can be The systematics of the elasmobranchs; Analysis of an example of an “oligomerization” process (sensu Do- the systematic characters of modern families; Con- gel 1954) in a morphological evolution of the group. clusions; followed by a list of author’s publications The diagnostic value of some other tooth characters (4 published works and 3 publications in press). (s-shaped bend of the crown of anterior teeth, crown The dissertation maintains that: (1) sharks are serration, convexity of the crown) depending of tooth one of the most advanced living groups of verte- position was also briefly discussed. brates; (2) two independent, and separate lineages 12. Glickman L.S. 1958b. Rates of evolution in of sharks (subclasses Carharia and Lamnia) range Lamnoid sharks. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 123: from the to the Recent; these lineages are 668–672. [In Russian]. convergent; (3) The main difference between these The paper discusses rates of evolution of lamnoid two branches is histological structure of teeth: ortho- sharks based on the study of dentitions (including dentine (Carcharia) or osteodentine without pulp dental formula parameters). The Cretaceous species cavity (Lamnia); (4) During the and Ce-

13See discussion in Cappetta (2012: 234). An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 33 nozoic both branches give rise to forms with a mobile 15. Glickman L.S. 1962. Evolution of elasmo- jaw suspension; but the similarities are superficial branchs in transgressive and regressive epochs. In: because of desmostylic suspension type (lamnoid Trudy V i VI sessij Vsesoyuznogo paleontologichesk- sharks) is morphologically distinct from the hyostyly ogo obshchestva: 226–234. (2 plates, 13 references) (carcharhinid sharks); (5) Both notidanids and ba- [In Russian]. toids are anatomically related by gradual transitions The paper discusses the relationship of evolu- from other carharinid sharks; (6) a description of tionary diversity of the sharks with transgressive- genera and species is recommended only after an regressive cycles. Historically, radiations of the oce- overall assessment of leading features in phylogeny, anic sharks correspond to the periods of maximum in order to avoid errors caused by this morphological transgression, whereas the short-term regressions convergence; (7) in a description of teeth at any taxo- (e.g. episodes in the Late Cretaceous and ) nomic level, it should be remembered that the shape do not result in the creation of freshwater forms of the crown determines the details of its morphology, but instead a reduction in abundance and diversity. but the crown is also dependant of the root structure, The Late Cretaceous explosion in shark diversity is modes of tooth articulation and dental histology. discussed in general, based on data from the Volga 14. Glickman L.S. 1959. Directions of evolu- River Basin. The diversity dynamics of some shark tionary development and ecology of some groups groups (including Squalidae and Anacoracidae) of the Cretaceous elasmobranchians. In: Trudy from the Albian to Danian, as well as an appearance Vtoroy sessii Vsesoyuznogo paleontologicheskogo in the Danian of relict “Jurassic forms” (Euchlaodus obshchestva, Moscow: 52–62. (6 figures, 11 refer- Glückman, 1957b) are also discussed. The almost ences). [In Russian]. complete absence of Squalidae in the Cenomanian The paper concerns the functional and evolution- deposits was explained by their displacement by ary morphology of sharks’ teeth. The total volume small anacoracid sharks (Palaeocorax falcatus) with of the author’s collection was estimated ca. 200,000 similar tooth morphology and function. Further specimens14. Frequently, the evolution of organisms evolution of the Anacoracidae drove them to become are dependant on the evolution of their dentition, large pelagic predators (Anacorax) whereas Squali- and peculiarities of the latter (and structure of indi- dae left their “hiding places” and filled vacent (in vidual teeth as well) can be reflected in characters of Maastrichthian) ecological niches during the Danian different taxonomic value. Four evolutionary tooth regression. Based on the occurrence of a single tooth morphologies were identified: a percussive cone (ca- of Euchlaodus lundgreni (Davis, 1890) and partially nine), an awl, flat crushing tooth and cutting plate serrated teeth of Squalus appendiculatus (Agassiz, (knife). Each morphology corresponds to a particular 1843) collected from the quartz sands of the Lysye type of food. A percussive-prehensile cone is a most Gory settlement (Saratov Province), the deposits primitive morphology, but at the same time, this type were dated as Danian (the dating was given as a is versitile one, having the maximum evolutionary footnote). In addition, the morphological evolution flexibility. The cutting type is the most advanced one. of a Paleogene phylogenetic lineage was discussed: Differences of microstructure of the osteodont and Odontaspis striatus – O. macrota – O. rossica and orthodont teeth and their relationship with function- that of Jaekelotodus trigonalis. It was concluded that al types of teeth were briefly discussed. Structural (1) a marine regression is associated with abrupt features of the tooth roots and the evolutionary trend changes in the marine environment; after a period of toward an increasingly arched construction was regression, new pelagic groups evolve from the shal- discussed. The arched construction of the root was low water groups; (2) the regression revitalise relict considered to be one of the aromorphoses of sharks. groups; (3) the abundance of pelagic sharks are not During the evolution of teeth in most shark groups linked to the size of transgressions, but more related there is an increase in size followed by a reduction with their duration; (4) pelagic sharks are always in number in the jaws (“oligomerization” sensu Dogel more conservative than coastal ones. From these dis- 1957); the whole body begins to change, which can cussions and based on data about sharks, the Albian lead to further aromorphosis or extinction. stage must start the Late Cretaceous epoch and the

14This number at that time (1959) may be exaggerated; EVP pers. observation. 34 E.V. Popov

Maastrichtian must start the Paleocene epoch. A dentitions, functional types of teeth, their differences question about possible heterochrony of the similar and peculiarities in different groups of orthodont and shark assemblages from other basins was discussed. osteodont as well as diagnostic features of the teeth This can result in some biostratigraphical problems (serration, enameloid striation, vascularization etc.) which can be solved by studying large numbers of are discussed. The question of the relationships of shark teeth of rapidly evolving groups collected from lamnoid and carcharhinid sharks was discussed. successive stratigraphic horizons. Chapter III (23 pages) contains a criticism of 16. Glickman L.S. 1963. Sharks. Origin and evo- the existing taxonomy of the Elasmobranchii and lution. Priroda, 12: 58–62. (6 figures, 2 references) the new system proposed by the author (see Ap- [In Russian]. pendix 1). The main innovations were the following: A scientific paper in a popular monthly journal subclass Elasmobranchii consists of two infraclasses of natural sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Osteodonta and Orthodonta; Orthodonta includes USSR. The paper discusses sharks, their lifestyles, five superorders: Cladoselachii, Xenacanthi, Poly- anatomy, origins and evolution. acrodonti, Chlamydoselachii, Carcharini; whereas 17. Glickman L.S. 1964a. Sharks of Paleogene Osteodonti includes 3 superorder: Ctenacanthi, and their stratigraphic significance. Nauka, Moscow, Hybodonti and Lamnae. A diagram with the phy- 229 p. (76 figures, 12 tables, 31 plates, 154 references) logeny of the orders Hexanchida, Squatinida and [In Russian]. superorder Lamnae is given. New families (subfami- This monograph consists of six chapters entitled: lies) *Jaekelotodontidae, *Otodontidae, *Lamiosto- (I) The principles of systematics of sharks; (II) matidae, *Lamiostomatinae and genera *Striatolamia Methods of studying of teeth; (III) The system of Glückman, 1964a, *Palaeohypotodus, *Megaselachus, elasmobranchs; (IV) Basic principles of studying of *Cosmopolitodus, *Lamiostoma16 and *Macrorhizodus the Paleogene sharks; (V) Main Paleogene sharks are briefly diagnosed. assemblages; (VI) The diagnoses of Paleogene shark Chapter IV (30 pages) comprises a critical re- species. view of the works of L. Agassiz (1837–43) and, in The Introduction (5 pages) consists of a brief his- part, by M. Leriche (1902–1951). It also discusses torical review of fossil shark studies in the World, the the methodology of studying sharks dentitions basic characteristics of the group and their biological and the general principles of morphological evolu- and geological significance and Acknowledgements. tion of lamnoid shark teeth in several lineages: It was stated that the collection was stored at the Striatolamia (Thanetian–), Macrorhizodus Department of Monographic Collection15 under the (lower Upper Eocene – middle Oligocene), Otodus number 2901; a first figure of each new species in the (Thanetian – Middle Oligocene), Palaeohypotodus plates was the holotype. (Thanetian) and Jaekelotodus (Paleocene – Lower Chapter I (34 pages) discusses the features of Eocene). As a part of the proposed phylogenetic elasmobranchs as a separate subclass of vertebrates lineages, new species or combinations: Macrorhizodus and offers a new classification system for the group *gigas Glückman, 1964a, Palaeohypotodus *lerichei (Appendix 1). Taxonomic characters of the skull, Glückman, 1964a, Jaekelotodus *boristenicus Glück- skeleton and dentition were discussed and analyzed; man, 1964a and Palaeohypotodus *rutoti Winkler, the independence of the infraclass Osteodonti was 1874 were diagnosed. Additionally, the chapter justified. There was a discussion on the taxonomic introduced several species and subspecies without distance between squaloid sharks and batoids (the separate formal descriptions: Lamiostoma *belyaevi latter being regarded as a benthic life form of sharks). Glückman, Striatolamia *chelkarnurensis Glückman, Chapter II (43 pages) describes the methodology S. rossica (Jaekel, 1895) *usakensis Glückman, S. ros- in the study of sharks. In addition to historical infor- sica (Jaekel, 1985) *prima Glückman. The status of mation and a brief review of the evolution of lamnoid some varieties of earlier authors were elevated to

15The working place of L.S. Glickman at that time was the Laboratory of the Precambrian Geology, Academy of Sci- ences of the USSR, Leningrad (= IGGP, Leningrad after 1967), now collection is mainly stored in the SDM, Moscow. 16Validity of both genus and species Lamiostoma belyaevi was criticized later by Pinchuk (1983) (=Isurus oxyrhinchus or Isurus ?paucus). An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 35 species level, e.g.: Odontaspis macrota Agassiz, 1843 O. whitei *gigas (Arambourg) Glückman, 1964a; O. var. rossica Jaekel, 1895 was elevated to Striatolamia denticulate Agassiz, 1844; O. *praecrassidens Glück- rossica (Jaekel, 1985), and Carcharodon turgidus var. man, 1964a; O. crassidens Agassiz, 1843; O. *tam- sokolowi Jaekel, 1895 elevated to Otodus sokolowi densis Glückman, 1964a; O. *baigubeki Glückman, (Jaekel, 1895). 1964a; O. molassica (Probst, 1879); *Araloselachus Chapter V (19 pages) discusses elasmobranch Glückman, 1964a; A. *agespensis Glückman, 1964a; assemblages from the Paleogene of Western Europe Jaekelotodus *karagiensis Glückman, 1964a. Informa- with an analysis of some European publications, tion about the types was not given. mostly by M. Leriche (1902–1951). Based on mate- Summary (4 pages) consisted of tables with infor- rial from the Soviet Union, a series of shark zones mation about the distribution of shark species in the was introduced: for Paleocene – Zone 1 (Palaeohy- Paleogene and of the USSR as well as the potodus rutoti – Otodus minor mediavus) and Zone 2 ecological differentiation of shark species (coastal or (Palaeohypotodus lerichei – Otodus minor minor); for open sea) for all zones. There is Latin names index. the Lower–Middle Eocene: Zone 3 (Otodus obliquus) Thirty-one plates consisting of 686 photographs of and Zone 4 (Otodus auriculatus); for the Upper Eo- the teeth of Jurassic, Cretaceous and Cenozoic elas- cene: Zone 5 (Striatolamia rossica prima – Macrorhi- mobranchs from the territory of the USSR. zodus praecursor) and Zone 6 (Striatolamia rossica 18. Glickman L.S. 1964b. Subclass Elasmo- usakensis – Macrorhizodus americanus); for the Up- branchii. Selachian fishes. In: D.V. Obruchev (Ed.) per Eocene and Lower and Middle Oligocene: Zone Fundamentals of Paleonotology, Vol. 11 (Agnata and 8 (Otodus turgidus) and 9 (Lamiostoma gracilis); for fishes). Nauka Publishers, Moscow: 196–237. (39 the Upper Oligocene – Middle Miocene: Zone 10 figures, 6 plates, 172 references) [In Russian]. (Odontaspis praecrassidens), zone 11 (Odontapsis The chapter provides a review of the Elasmo- molassica) and 12 (Odontaspis crassidens). These branchii in a special volume of the “Fundamentals of zones were correlated with Western Europe and the Paleontology”. The general part includes sections on United States (in part). the history of the shark study, morphology, principles In chapter VI (14 pages) Glickman diagnosed of systematics, evolution, ecology and taphonomy, another 41 species of shark and batoid, including biological and geological significance, as well as the 10 new species, one subspecies and one new genus: method of study of fossil material. The systematic Notidanus microdon Agassiz, 1835; N. serratissimus part includes fossil and modern (but having fossil Agassiz, 1844; N. primigenius Agassiz, 1843; Gyro- members of the group) taxa classified in two infra- pleurodus orientalis Sinzow, 1899; G. lerichei Casier, classes: Orthodonti and Osteodonti (see Appendix 1947; Rhinoptera raeburni White, 1935; R. daviesi 1). A brief diagnoses for 2 infraclasses, 8 superorders, Woodward, 1889; R. studeri Agassiz, 1837; Myliobatis 20 orders, 7 suborders, 9 superfamilies, 60 families, *arambourgi Glückman, 1964a; M. toliapicus Agassiz, 4 subfamilies and 141 genera (of totally indexed 1843; M. striatus Buckland, 1837; M. dixoni Agassiz, 14217 genera) was provided. Two new taxa: the fam- 1843; Echinorhinus *caspius Glückman, 1964a; Squa- ily *Polyacrodontidae Glückman and the genus lus orpiensis Winkler, 1874; S. minor Daimeries, 1888; *Palaeohypotodus Glückman were introduced. For Isistius trituratus Winkler, 1874; Dalatias *turkmeni- all genera diagnosed, a type species and a both strati- cus Glückman, 1964a; Ginglimostoma cf. africanum graphic and geographic distribution were recorded. Leriche, 1927; G. thielensi Winkler, 1873; Squati- The 99 figures of six paleontological tables show rhina sp, Squatina prima Winkler, 1874; S. helophorus teeth and other remains of 66 species, as well as the Rogovic, 1860; Scyliorhinus minutissimus Winkler, microstructure of teeth for 7 genera and species. 1873; Physodon tertius Winkler, 1874; P. secundus 19. Glickman L.S. 1965. Sharks and stratigraphy Winkler, 1874; Galeorhinus gomphorhiza Arambourg, of Tertiary deposits. In: V.V. Menner (Ed.). Problemy 1952; G. minor Agassiz, 1843; G. latus Storms, 1894; stratigrafii kaynozoya. Doklady sovetskikh geologov Galeocerdo latidens Agassiz, 1843; G. *cheganicus na XXII sessii Mezhdunarodnogo geologicheskogo Glückman, 1964a; Paraorthacodus *turgaicus Glück- kongressa (1964). Nedra, Moscow: 30–36. (1 table, man, 1964a; Odontaspis whitei Arambourg, 1952; 19 references) [In Russian with an English abstract].

17Excluding diagnosis for Rhinchobatus. 36 E.V. Popov

[Original abstract]: Despite an abundance of 4,500 m. These tooth accumulations usually coincide shark remains in Cenozoic deposits, the teeth of se- with the places where ferro-manganese concretions lachians are virtually unused for wide correlations. occur on the ocean floor. And yet the data published by M. Leriche, E. Casier In such mass accumulations, there are together and a number of other authors leave no doubts of teeth of living sharks and extinct Tertiary species. a rapid variability of this group in time. This fact Teeth of 22 species of sharks have been identified. induced the author, who accumulated extensive col- The degree of fossilization of the different species cor- lections from Paleogene deposits, to try and use the responds to the geological age of these species. Three teeth of sharks for the compilation of a zonation of main types have been recognized: 1) most intensely Paleogene deposits. As a result of this work, 9 zones fossilized teeth of Upper Miocene or Lower Pliocene have been established in the interval from the Upper species; 2) less fossilized teeth of species known from Paleocene to Lower Oligocene. These zones are char- the period from the Pliocene and up to Recent times; acterized by tooth associations and can be traced not 3) teeth without any signs of fossilization (except the only in a number of countries of the world but even dissolution of dentine) belonging to Recent species. on different continents: Paleocene: Zone I – Otodus These accumulations correspond to species typical of minor mediavus; Zone II – Otodus minor minor; Lower the Upper Miocene, Pliocene and Quaternary depos- Eocene: Zone III – Otodus obliquus; Middle Eocene: its in shelf seas. zone IV – Otodus auriculatus; Upper Eocene: Zone The presence in the Pacific and Indian Oceans of V – Isurus praecursor; Zone VI – Isurus americanus; tooth associations of similar specific composition but Zone VII – Isurus falcatus; Oligocene: Zone VIII – of different ages suggest that there is a possibility of Otodus turgidus; Zone IX – Isurus gracilis. using them for long-range stratigraphic correlations. Taking into account the exceptionally wide dis- 21. Glickman L.S. and Stolyarov A.S. 1966. tribution of Recent shark species in the oceans and Stratigraphy of the Upper Eocene of the Mangyshlak a rapid variability in time of the teeth of even those Peninsula based on paleoichthyological data. Izvesti- species of sharks, which existed for a long time, one ya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya geologicheskaya, 11: can assume that the remains of this particular group 130–138. (2 figures, 9 references) [In Russian]. will serve in future as a basis for a global stratigraphic The paper deals with the Upper Eocene stratig- scale of Cenozoic deposits, which has been impos- raphy of the Mangyshlak peninsula (Amankizilit, sible to compile until now using any other group of Shorym and Aday formations) based on elasmo- organisms. branch teeth. For all three formations, lithological 20. Belyaev G.M. and Glickman L.S. 1965. On characteristics and the composition of elasmobranch mass accumulations of the teeth of sharks on the floor assemblages are given. From this information, a of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. In: V.V. Menner correlation of 11 key sections of Upper Eocene (Ed.). Problemy stratigrafii kaynozoya. Doklady deposits, including the localities Ungaza, Usak, sovetskih geologov na XXII sessii Mezhdunarodnogo Kendyrly, Sullu-Kapy, Burlyu and others are made. geologicheskogo kongressa (1964). Nedra, Moscow: Lithological descriptions of two cross-sections of 74–79. (10 references) [In Russian with an English the Amankizilit formation: Bokty and Sullu-Kapy abstract]. are presented. A shark assemblage from the Middle [Original abstract]: During the voyages of e/s Eocene Chat formation including species Otodus “Vitiaz” of the Institute of Oceanology of the Acad- auriculatus (Blainville, 1818), Striatolamia macrota emy of Sciences of the USSR mass accumulations of (Agassiz, 1843) and Xyphodolamia eocaena (Wood- shark teeth have been found on the floor of vast abys- ward, 1889) was briefly described. Different facies sal basins in the central parts of the Pacific and Indian within the Amankizilit Formation are characterized oceans. The number of teeth exceeding 0,5 cm can be by shark faunas containing both coastal waters and over 1,500 in one trawler catch. Judging by bottom the open sea. They are referred to Striatolamia rossica samples, the total number of teeth (including small prima – Macrorhizodus praecursor (sensu Glickman teeth of deep-sea sharks of the family Dalatiidae) can 1964a) shark zone. The Shorym Formation consists come to 1,000 for 1 square metre of the ocean floor. of shark teeth Striatolamia rossica usakensis Glück- Mass accumulations of teeth have only been found at man, 1964a Jaekelotodus trigonalis (Jaekel, 1895) depths over 4 km and in the majority of cases of over medius Glückman, 1964a, Macrorhizodus americanus An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 37

(Leriche, 1942), Otodus angustidens (Agassiz, 1843), the sea. The sharks, skates and rays. Translated from Alopias exiqua (Probst, 1879), A. latidens (Leriche, English by G.A. Ostrovsky. Gidrometeoizdat, Lenin- 1909), Notidanus primigenius Agassiz, 1843. Chalk- grad: 6–8 and 223–228. [In Russian]. like marl of Aday formation consists of the complex A short foreword to the Russian edition of well- of Otodus sokolowi shark zone: Jaekelotodus trigonalis known popular book. It briefly talks about the biol- trigonalis (Jaekel, 1895), Striatolamia rossica rossica ogy of sharks, their diversity, geological history and (Jaekel, 1895), Macrorhizodus falcatus (Rogovich, a modern commercial value. It mentions that fossil 1860), Otodus sokolowi (Jaekel, 1895). An analysis shark teeth can be collected in different regions of the of changes in regional shark faunas from the middle USSR and their remains are abundant at some hori- Eocene to Oligocene, based both on the appearance / zons (e.g. in vicinity of Saratov city and Kamyshin disappearance of species and the quantitative ratio town in the Volga River Basin), virtually “shark of taxa was presented. In particular, the regional cemeteries”. At the end of the book (Notes), Glick- fauna during the Late Eocene showed a change of man lists 57 references with term descriptions and dominance: Macrorhizodus spp. displaced both Stria- comments. tolamia rossica and Jaekelotodus; and at the end of the 25. Glickman L.S., Zhelezko V.I., Lazur O.G. Aday times, Oligocene taxa Odontaspis dubia Agas- and Segedin R.A. 1970. New data about the age of siz, 1843, O. denticulata Agassiz, 1843 (Macrorhizo- Upper Cretaceous phosphorite-bearing deposits in dus falcatus zone) appeared. a region of upper reaches of Ilek and Temir rivers 22. Glickman L.S. 1967. Subclass Elasmobranchii in the Western Kazakhstan. Byulleten’ Moskovskogo (sharks). In: D.V. Obruchev (Ed.). Fundamentals of obshchestva ispytatelej prirody. Otdel geologicheskij, paleontology. Israel Program for Scientific Transla- 14(6): 73–80. (3 figures, 10 references) [In Russian]. tions, Jerusalem, 2: 292–352. The paper concerns the biostratigraphy of the Translation without changes of other publication Santonian–Campanian phosphorite-bearing depos- by the author (see Glickman 1964b). its of upper reaches of the Ilek and Temir rivers in 23. Glickman L.S. and Ischenko V.V. 1967. Ma- the western Kazakhstan (now Aktobe Province). rine Miocene deposits in the Middle Asia. Doklady The history of their study is briefly described. Based Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya geologicheskaya, 177(3): on belemnites and shark teeth, it was concluded 662–665. (1 figure, 12 references) [In Russian]. that these phosphorite-bearing deposits were The paper provides a brief overview of the Tertiary Campanian in age excepting the lowermost part of stratigraphy of the Fergana Valley and Tajik Depres- the section (member A) which is Upper Santonian sion, with ideas about an age of the individual forma- borne out by the presence of teeth Ptychodus rugosus tions. Shark teeth from the Sumsar beds of different Dixon, 1850. The phosphorite-bearing deposits are regions of Central Asia were identified and partly subdivided into two lithological complexes: Kubley figured: Odontaspis molassica Probst, 1879, Aralose- Beds (lower complex) and Zhurun Beds (upper lachus agespensis Glückman, 1964a, Odontaspis vorax complex). The Kubley beds consists of interbedded Le Hon, 1871, Odontaspis sp., Notidanus primigenius clays, silts and sands with several phosphorite lay- Agassiz, 1843, Scoliodon taxandriae Leriche, 1940, ers containing belemnites and shark teeth Anacorax Scoliodon kraussi Probst, 1878, Scoliodon sp., Galeo- kaupi (Agassiz, 1843), A. yangaensis Dartvelle & cerdo aduncus Agassiz, 1843, Galeocerdo praecursor Casier, 1943, Odontaspis venusta (Leriche, 1906). Dartvelle & Casier, 1959, Squatina sp., Actobatis The Zhurun beds consists of silts with three phos- arcuatus Agassiz, 1843 and Myliobatis meridionalis phorite layers with shark teeth Anacorax kaupi. In Gervais, 1852. According to this assemblage, the the western part of the area, the phosphorite lay- age of Sumsar beds was Lower Miocene (Odontaspis ers combine to form a single phosphate member. molassica shark zone). The Oligocene and Miocene Prior to this study, these deposits were dated as the stratigraphy and paleogeography of the region, as Lower and Upper Santonian. A correlation scheme well as that of adjacent areas of northern Afghanistan for 12 cross-sections was presented, as well as a list and central Iran was discussed. of shark taxa collected from the different members 24. Glickman L.S. 1968. Are you familiar with of the phosphorite deposits but with no detailed a shark? (Foreword and the Notes to the book). In: distribution: Anacorax falcatus (Agassiz, 1843), McCormick H.W., Allen T., Young W.E. Shadows in Anacorax santonicus Glückman [nomen nudum], 38 E.V. Popov

Meristodon sp, Orthacoides sp., Pseudocorax laevis of the vast central regions of the Pacific and Indian (Leriche, 1906), Odontaspis macrorhiza (Cope, oceans. The teeth of this shark are characteristic of 1875), Cretoxyrhina mantelli (Agassiz, 1843), Cre- Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene deposits of the tolamna appendiculata (Agassiz, 1843), Ptychocorax platform seas of all the continents but are not found sp., Synechodus sp., Squatina sp. and others. in the Quaternary ones. Two attempts to determine 26. Belyaev G.M. and Gliсkman L.S. 1970a. The M. ’s age on the basis of thickness of the teeth of sharks on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy ferro-manganese crust on the teeth from the ocean instituta okeanologii imeni P.P. Shirshova, Academy of floor were made. It was suggested that this shark Sciences USSR, 88: 236–251. (4 figures, 2 tables, 2 disappeared in Holocene only some thousand years text appendixes, 2 plates, 61 references) [In Russian]. ago (Tschernezky 1959; Gipp and Kuznetzov 1961). [Original abstract]: During the cruises of R/V This data was discussed. Based on the examination “Vityaz” mass accumulations of shark teeth have been of the various types of ferro-manganese deposits on found on the floor of vast abyssal basins (deeper than the numerous sharks’ teeth, the supposition that M. 4–4.5 km) in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. The megalodon disappeared in the post-Pliocene time is number of teeth larger than 0.5 cm can be over 1,500 shown to be wrong. in one trawl catch and judging by bottom-sampler 28. Glickman L.S. and Shvazhaite R.A. 1971. samples up to 60 specimens per one square meter of Sharks of the family Anacoracidae from Cenomanian the ocean floor. The regions of teeth accumulations and Turonian of Lithuania, Pre-Volga’s region and are characterized by very low biological productivity, Middle Asia. In: Paleontologiya i stratigrafiya Pribal- very low rate of sedimentation, by sediments of red tiki i Belorussii. Mintis, Vilnius, 3: 185–193. (1 plate, clays type, and by abundance of ferro-manganese nod- 7 references) [In Russian with English summary]. ules on the surface of the ocean floor. There are teeth The paper discuses the biostratigraphic signifi- of living sharks along with teeth of extinct Tertiary cance of the lamnoid shark family Anacoracidae. The species in such mass accumulations. Teeth of 26 spe- type section of the Jiesia formation near the village cies of sharks have been identified. Three main types of Vareikia (Sventoji River) in Lithuania is briefly have been recognized on the basis of systematic com- described. The age of the formation was determined position and the extent of the fossilization of teeth: 1) to be Cenomanian (probably, earliest Cenomanian) most intensely fossilized teeth of Upper Miocene or based on the presence of the teeth of Scapanorhinchus Lower Pliocene species; 2) less fossilized teeth of spe- subulatus Agassiz, 1843 and Gyropleurodus canalicu- cies known from the period from the Pliocene and up latus (Egerton in Dixon, 1850). Layer 3 in the sec- to Recent times; 3) teeth without any signs of fossil- tion is a type stratum for a new genus and species ization (except the dissolution of dentine) belonging Eoanacorax dalinkevichiusi Glückman & Shvazhaite, to Recent species. A table of the quantitative distribu- 1971 (holotype IGV №14/1134)18. The species tion of shark teeth on the floor of the Pacific Ocean is E. dalinkevichiusi is supposed to be intermediate form constructed. The questions of the mosaic distribution between families Odontaspididae and Anacoracidae. of the outcrops of the Tertiary sediments on the ocean A replacement name Palaeoanacorax Glückman in floor and of the unevenness of the sedimentation and Glickman & Shvazhaite, 1971 is introduced instead its rate are discussed. of the preoccupied name Palaeocorax Glückman, 27. Belyaev G.M. and Glickman L.S. 1970b. On 1956b. Based on material from the Volga River Basin the geologic age of the teeth of shark Megaselachus and Central Asia, a species Palaeoanacorax obliquus megalodon (Agassiz). Trudy instituta okeanologii (Reuss, 1845) is redescribed as well as three new spe- imeni P.P. Shirshova, Academy of Sciences USSR, 88: cies: Palaeoanacorax volgensis Glückman in Glick- 277–280. (1 plate, 12 references) [In Russian]. man & Shvazhaite, 1971 (holotype IGGP 2936/181; [Original abstract]: Numerous shark teeth includ- from the Lower Cenomanian of Nizhnyaya Bannovka ing teeth of giant extinct shark Megaselachus mega- settlement, Saratov Province19), Palaeoanacorax lodon (Agassiz, 1837) have been found on the floor pamiricus Glückman in Glickman & Shvazhaite,

18The figured paratypes (figs. 2–3) are housed in the SDM collection, specimens 8057/67 and 8057/68. 19Later figured holotype of Palaeoanacorax volgensis (Glickman 1980: pl. 13, fig. 18) and indexed as well as lectotype in the SDM collection (8057/5) come from another locality (probably locality in Saratov no longer exposed) based on An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 39

1971 (holotype IGGP 2936/270; from the Lower were described and figured: Acrodus levis Woodward, Turonian, area of Kulyab town, Tajik SSR) and 1887 (from the Albian–Cenomanian); Polyacrodus P. intermedius Glückman in Glickman & Shvazhaite, illingworthi Dixon, 1850 (from the Cenomanian); 1971 (holotype IGGP 2936/56; basal layer of the P. brabanticus Leriche, 1930 (from the Campanian). Upper Turonian, area of Aksyrtau town, Mangyshlak It was assumed that an absence of sclerophagous (du- Peninsula). Based on the evolution of the two ana- raphagous) hybodontids in the Turonian–Santonian coracid genera biostratigraphic zones (conditionally of western Europe, the Volga River basin and western correlated with zones for orthostratigraphic inver- Kazakhstan was a result of their replacement by Pty- tebrates) were erected: Eoanacorax dalinkevichiusi chodontidae sharks (Ptychodus spp.). (basal of the Lower Cenomanian), Palaeoanacorax 30. Glikman L.S. Konovalov S.M. and Rassad- volgensis (Lower Cenomanian), P. obliquus (Upper nikov O.A. 1973. The direction of evolutional de- Cenomanian), P. pamiricus (Lower Turonian), P. in- velopment of chondrocranium of the salmons of the termedius (Upper Turonian). genera Salvelinus, Salmo and Oncorhynchus. Doklady 29. Zhelezko V.I. and Glickman L.S. 1971. Akademii Nauk SSSR, 211(6): 1472–1474. (1 figure, About Cenomanian deposits of Western Kazakhstan 7 references) [In Russian]. and some Cretaceous sclerophagous sharks. In: Prob- Chondrocrania of the recent salmonid fishes from lemy geologii Zapadnogo Kazahstana (k 60-letiyu an area of the Abadzekh Lake, Kamchatka Peninsula akademika Aleksandra Leonidovicha Yanshina). were studied. A new salmon genus Paraoncorhynchus Nauka Kazakh SSR Publishers: 179–188. (2 tables, 2 Glickman et al., 1973 was diagnosed based on the figures, 17 references) [In Russian]. features of chondrocranium, mainly by the absence The paper starts with a brief review of his- of frontal fontanels. The new genus consisted of tory of the biostratigraphic use of sharks’ teeth in the three species: Chinook salmon (chavycha) Salmo World and in the USSR. Based on shark teeth, the tschawytsha Walbaum, 1792 (type species), Chum stratigraphy, stage and substage correlation of the salmon (keta) Oncorhynchus keta Walbaum, 1792 Cenomanian from the Russian Plate (sections near and Coho salmon (kizhuch) O. kisutsch (Walbaum, Saratov and Nizhnyaya Bannovka settlement in the 1792). It has been suggested that the new genus is Saratov Province, Volga River basin; Nogajty River most specialized and advanced in a series of genera: and Taskuduk section in the Precaspian depression, Salvelinus – Salmo – Onchorhynchus – Paraoncorhyn- Sagiz River basin) and from the Mangyshlak Pen- chus, and morphological evolution of the genus insula (Sullukapy, Aksyirtau and Besokty sections) Onchorhynchus to Paraoncorhynchus went through is discussed and figured. There are defined three anaboly of cartilage and bone in the skull, resulting biostratigraphic shark zones from the Cenomanian in a heavily protected brain (by the elimination of of western Kazakhstan (oldest first): (I) Palaeoana- the rudimentary dorsal fontanels, narrowing of the corax volgensis zone, (II) Palaeoanacorax subserratus cranial nerves openings, etc.). zone and (III) P. obliquus zone. Several nomina nuda 31. Sochava A.V. and Glickman L.S. 1973. were introduced in the paper: *Eostriatolamiidae, Cyclic variations of free oxygen content in the atmo- Eostriatolamia *acutidens Glückman, E. *archan- sphere and their bearing on evolution. In: Materialy gelskii Glückman and Palaeoanacorax *subserratus evolyutsionnogo seminara. Vladivostok, 1: 68–87. Glückman. The second part of the paper is devoted (1 table, 4 figures, 21 references) [In Russian with to a description of the hybodontid shark species from English abstract]. the Upper Cretaceous of western Kazakhstan. A new This paper consists of eight sections, two of genus of hybodontid sharks *Pseudoheterodontus which were written by L.S. Glickman and dedicated Glückman & Zhelezko, 1971 with the type species to sharks (section 5) and euryoxybiothic inverte- P. rugosus (Agassiz, 1843) (from the Campanian– brates (section 6). The research develops the ideas Maastrichtian) and P. polydictios (Reuss, 1846) (from of Berkner and Marshall (1966)20 and McAlester the Albian–Cenomanian) were described. Other taxa (1970) on cyclic changes of free oxygen in the atmo- the particular preservation of the type which is differs greatly of material from both type stratum and locality. The actual depository of original types is currently unknown. EVP pers. observation, 2015. 20This is translated version of the paper published in Russian 40 E.V. Popov sphere during the Phanerozoic. These changes have taxa] by two types: primitive relict group of pelagic had a significant impact on the evolution of both predators (Hexanchidae, Squalidae, Orthacodonti- lithogenesis and the biosphere. Data on terrestrial dae) or progressive coastal/small benthic predators lithogenesis was prepared by the first author are used (batoids, Scyliorhinidae) were related to oxygen as an example. Increasing of areas with red beds were cyclicity. In times of low atmospheric oxygen, these not only related to climate changes (aridity), but also groups are reduced in diversity and are driven back with the stages of increasing of atmospheric oxygen to refugia. content. The global distribution of this process is 32. Glickman L.S. 1974 (unpublished). Patterns illustrated in the table 1 by the ratio of red and coal- of evolution of the Cretaceous and Cenozoic Lamnoid bearing Jurassic and Cretaceous formations from sharks. Abstract of the Doctor of Biological Sciences Middle and Central Asia and North America. The thesis. Moscow, 49 p. (2 tables) [In Russian]. time of the greatest proliferation of red continental An unpublished abstract of unfinished Doctoral beds was during the Late Jurassic, Late Albian–Ceno- dissertation in Biology (highest scientific degree in manian and the Senonian. The minimum atmospheric biology). A structure of the text: Introduction; Chap- oxygen, in contrast, existed in times of intensive coal ter 1. Comparative morphology of orthodont and formation in Rhaetian, Early and , osteodont sharks; Chapter 2. Morphological features Early Aptian–Albian, at the end of Senonian and in of shark teeth; Chapter 3. Description of the species; the Early Paleogene. The cyclic oxygen content was Chapter 4. Evolutionary pattern of lamnoid sharks; reflected in the evolution of reptiles, mammals in Chapter 5. Paleozoogeography of the sharks; Chapter the fig. 3, and terrestrial plants (with a time shift). A 6. Stratigraphic significance of sharks; Conclusion; A hypothetical curve of the change of free atmospheric list of the author’s publications on the subject of the oxygen content from the Late to present is thesis (24 references). shown in the fig. 4. An increase in the atmospheric 33. Glikman L.S. 1976. Peculiarities of the crani- oxygen content creates favors highly active groups um texture in Far East salmon and the other Salmon- of organisms, whereas a significant decline of oxygen idae. In: Lososevye ryby (morfologiya, sistematika i leads to their extinction. ekologiya). Zoological Institute of the Academy of Data on the evolution of sharks (section 5) is Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad: 19. [In Russian]. placed into the context of this hypothesis, based Abstract of the report: The ontogenetic stages on collection of L.S. Glickman21. Table 2 shows the identified in the development of the chondrocra- stratigraphic distribution of the most important gen- nium of the Far Eastern salmon are described (three era and families of sharks from the Late Triassic to stages were erected). The development shows strong present, with an indication of their relative diversity heterochrony and remodeling of cartilage and bone. and “degree of specialization/progressivity”. The ori- In general, the chondrocranium of the Salmonidae gin of new shark groups coincides with the beginning is more evolutionarily advanced than that of Clupe- of the following intervals: Late Jurassic, Late Albian, iformes, Cypriniformes and Perciformes. Late Santonian22, Danian, Early Eocene, Early Oli- 34. Zharkov M.P., Glickman L.S., Kaplan A.A., gocene, Miocene and Quaternary. These changes in Krasnov S.G. and Strelnykova N.I. 1976. On the dominant groups was accompanied by the extinc- age of the Paleogene of Kaliningrad region. Izvestiya tion of large pelagic predators or large sclerophagus Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya geologicheskaya, 1: sharks at beginning of the following stages: Aptian, 132–135. (9 references) [In Russain]. Late Campanian, Danian (Montian), Early Eocene, This short paper dealt with an age determination Early Oligocene and late Pliocene. The origin of new of the Paleogene stratigraphic units of the Samland groups coincides with lithological data on increasing Peninsula (Kaliningrad Province of the USSR) based of oxygen content in Danian (Montian), Early–mid- on algal remains and shark teeth. Based on remains of dle Eocene, Early–Middle Oligocene, Early–Middle diatoms and silicoflagellates from clay and silty-clay Miocene and the Quaternary. Origin of “recurrentis sediments of the Sambia formation (bore hole “2–Pi- forms” [=temporary drived back taxa; =? Lazarus onersk”), the age of this formation was determined

21The volume of collection was estimated by the author as more than 200,000 specimens. 22This interval was indicated in the table 2 only. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 41 as Early Eocene. The shark teeth obtained from 79 cies Corax bassanii Gemmellaro, 1920); P. obruchevi bore holes as well as from several natural sections Glückman in Glickman & Zhelezko, 1979 (holotype were analyzed taking into account the peculiarities IGGP 2936/2697, from the Alym-Tau mountains of their burial and re-deposition. Numerous shark near Tashkent, southern Kazakhstan); Ptychocorax teeth from the both of autochthonous intervals as Glückman, 1979 (type species Acrodus (Palaeobates) well as from a series of erosional levels in the upper dolloi Leriche, 1929); Microanacorax Glückman in part of Alk Formation (underlying amber-bearing Glickman & Zhelezko, 1979 (type species Corax yan- Prussian Formation) were identified as the following: gaensis Dartvelle & Casier, 1949); M. praeyangaensis Notidanus primigenius Agassiz, 1843, N. serratissimus Glückman in Glickman & Zhelezko, 1979 (holotype Agassiz, 1843, Squatina prima (Winkler, 1876), Phy- IGGP 2936/150, from the Upper Santonian of Kublei sodon tertius (Winkler, 1874), Galeorhinus loangoen- Creek); Eostriatolamia Glückman in Glickman & sis Dartvelle & Casier, 1943 Anomotodon biflexus Zhelezko, 1979 (type species Lamna venusta Leriche, (Rogovich, 1860), Procarcharodon auriticulatus (Bla- 1906); E. segedini Glückman & Zhelezko, 1979 (holo- inville, 1818), Lamiostoma vincenti (Winkler, 1876), type IGGP № 2936/165, from the Lower Santonian Jaekelotodus trigonalis (Jaekel, 1895), Odontaspis of Tykbutak Creek, western Mugodzhary); E. venusta winkleri Leriche, 1905, Hypotodus africanus (Aram- (Leriche, 1906); E. lerichei Glückman & Zhelezko, bourg, 1952), Macrorhizodus praecursor (Leriche, 1979 (holotype IGGP 2936/166, from the Lower 1905) and Striatolamia rossica (Jaekel, 1895). This Campanian (beds with Belemnitella mucronatiformes assemblage was correlated with uppermost part of Jel.) of the Shijli Creek, Emba River basin, western the Alk Formation, lower Upper Eocene and repre- Mugodzhary). A stratigraphic distribution of 25 sents coastal or shallow areas of open sea. The “green species of elasmobranchs from the Santonian and wall” deposits overlying Prussian Formation were Campanian of Aktobe-Mugodzhary region is shown dated as Oligocene based on shark teeth (Notidanus in the table. On the basis of this data 4 biostrati- primigenius, Procarcharodon sp., Odontaspis dubia graphic shark zones are proposed: Anacorax santoni- Agassiz, 1843). With additional absolute age data cus (Lower Santonian), A. kaupi (Upper Santonian), about from glauconite, the age of these deposits were A. lindstromi (Lower Campanian), A. plicatus (Upper dated as Lower Oligocene. Campanian). The zones show a wide distribution 35. Glickman L.S. and Zhelezko V.I. 1979. in the USSR (Mangyshlak, Central Asia, Eastern Sharks. In: Granica santona i kampana na Vostochno- European platform), and some taxa of the zonal as- Evropejskoj platforme (Sbornik nauchnykh statey semblages are also present abroad (North America, po materialam polevogo simpoziuma, 1974). Ura- France, Belgium, Sweden, Madagascar). lian Scientific Center of the AS USSR, Sverdlovsk: 36. Glickman L.S. 1980. Evolution of Cretaceous 90–105. (1 table, 1 plate) [In Russian]. and Cenozoic Lamnoid sharks. Nauka, Moscow, The paper describes shark assemblages from the 248 p. (24 figures, 6 tables, 33 plates, 545 references) Santonian and Campanian deposits of the upper [In Russian]. reaches of Ilek and Temir Rivers (Aktubinsk Prov- The monograph consists of following parts: ince; now Aktobe region of Kazakhstan); These shark Introduction (4 pages), Conclusion (3 pages) and assemblages are defined layer by layer and linked 7 unnumbered chapters: (1) A brief review of the with the cross-sections described in another article literature (4 pages); (2) Comparative morphology in this book (Zhelezko et al. 1979). Five genera and 8 of osteodonts and orthodonts (40 pages); (3) Mor- species of lamnoid sharks, including 4 new genera and phological features of the teeth of lamnoid sharks (44 5 new species, are diagnosed and/or described: Ana- pages); (4) Description of the species (26 pages); (5) corax White & Moy Thomas, 1940; Anacorax kaupi Evolutionary patterns of lamnoid sharks (23 pages); (Agassiz, 1843); Anacorax lindstromi (Davis, 1890); (6) Paleozoogeography of sharks (34 pages), and (7) Anacorax santonicus Glückman & Zhelezko, 1979 Stratigraphic significance of sharks (5 pages). (holotype IGGP 2936/109, from the base of phos- The section (2) discusses advanced characters phorite horizon of the Lower Santonian, the upper of the sharks. A brief description of anatomy of reaches of Sagursay River near the Tavricheskij set- lamnoid sharks is examined with an emphasis on tlement in the Aktjubinsk Province); Paraanacorax chondrocranium of Lamna ditropis Hubbs & Fol- Glückman in Glickman & Zhelezko, 1979 (type spe- lett, 1947. Structural features of lamnoid skulls 42 E.V. Popov compared with orthodont skulls (50 characters) as *Microanacorax Glückman, 1980; M. *praeyan- well as cranial characters of modern orthodonts (51 gaensis Glückman, 1980. Several other lamnoid taxa characters) are discussed. The anatomical ideas by are described: *Protoscapanorhynchus Glückman, Holmgren (1941) about batoids as a separate group 1980; P. *eorhaphiodon Glückman, 1980; Scapano- of elasmobranchs was critically discussed. Ana- rhynchus *darvasicus Glückman, 1980; S. *armenicus tomical features of xenacantids are described and a Glückman, 1980; *Rhaphiodus Glückman, 1980 “transitional form to the orthodonts” – a monotypic (type species – Lamna texana Roemer, 1852); *Eo- family *Xenosynechodontidae with a new genus striatolamia Glückman, 1980 (type species – Lamna and species *Xenosynechodus *egloni Glückman venusta Leriche, 1906); *Eoxyphodolamia Glückman, (holotype PIN 157/501) from the Upper 1980; E. *mangislakensis Glückman, 1980. Informa- of Isheevo locality, European Russia are described tion about nomenclature types was listed. as well. Other morphological characters of lamnoid The evolutionary section (5) analyzes the evolu- sharks (axial skeleton, fins, fin spines, circulatory tion and phylogeny of the family Anacoracidae. The system and dentition) are also discussed. evolution of the Scapanorhynchidae and Odontap- The section (3) discusses following questions: a sididae was also discussed. “Paleogenetic data” are macrostructure of teeth of lamnoid sharks (lateral briefly discussed, e.g. “fen” (individual variation in cusplets, the main part of the crown and the root; population) the existance of “Eostriatolamia angus- tooth neck); subordination of morphological char- tidens” (teeth without lateral cusplets) within mate- acters (38 points) and their evolutionary changes rial of E. subulata species during the Cenomanian and (38 points); parallel evolution of the characters in an evolution of a separate species based on individual different phylogenetic lineages; structural polymor- variations of this kind in the Turonian. phism of the teeth. The taxonomic value of the tooth Section on paleogeography (6) critically analyzes characters and their variability was discussed and a the data by Engelhardt (1913); discusses bionomy morphometric method for tooth description and a of elasmobranchs; analyzes the global distribution of plan of tooth description was introduced. the Recent, Neogene and Paleogene elasmobranchs. The descriptive section (4) focuses on the Ana- Localities of fossil sharks in the Soviet Union, their coracidae. There are diagnoses of 12 genera and 11 distribution pattern during the Cretaceous period species and two subspecies, including 8 new genera, are based on collections from this territory for follow- 10 new species and 1 subspecies23: Eoanacorax Glück- ing ages: Pre-Albian, Albian, Early and Late Ceno- man & Schwajeaite, 1971; E. dalinkevicius Glückman manian, Turonian, Coniacian, Early and Late Santo- & Schwajeaite; Palaeoanacorax Glückman, 1971; P. nian, Early and Late Campanian, Maastrichtian and volgensis Glückman, 1971; P. obliquus (Reuss, 1845), Danian. Table 6 shows the percentage of different P. obliquus obliquus (Reuss, 1845); P. obliquus (Re- taxa in 83 bulk samples (N = 59,794 specimens) from uss, 1845) *subserrarus Glückman, 1980; P. pamiricus the Valanginian to Turonian of different regions of Glückman, 1971; P. intermedius Glückman, 1971; the USSR. *Paraanacorax Glückman, 1980; P. bassanii (Gem- The brief stratigraphic section (7) discusses the mellaro, 1920); P. *obruchevi Glückman, 1980; *Pty- problem of Danian and Montian stages, and sum- chocorax Glückman & Istchenko, 198024; P. *aulati- marizes data about distribution of sharks during the cus Glückman & Istchenko, 1980; P. *hybodontoides Cretaceous. Glückman, 1980; *Praeptychocorax Glückman, 1980; There are 33 plates showing the skull of modern P. curvatus (Williston, 1900); Squalicorax Whitley, sharks Isurus oxyrinchus (Müller & Henle, 1839) 1939; S. *sagisicus Glückman, 1980; S. falcatus (Agas- and Carcharhinus longimanus (Poey, 1861) (plates siz, 1843); Anacorax White & Moy-Thomas, 1940; A. 1–5), teeth microstructure (plate 6 with 8 figures) as *santonicus Glückman & Zhelezko, 1980; A. kaupi well as other plates with 195 photographs and 299 (Agassiz, 1843); A. lindstromi (Davis, 1890); A. pli- line-drawings of sharks and rays teeth from the Cre- catus (Priem, 1898); A. pristodontus (Agassiz, 1843); taceous to the Recent.

23Most of the new anacoracid genera and species were diagnosed as new taxa year earlier, see Glickman and Zhelezko 1979. 24Misprinted as Phychocorax and Ptachorocax. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 43

37. Glickman L.S. and Dolganov V.N. 1980. On and the geological record” describes the evolutionary the worldwide distribution of the shark Isurus oxy- history of the group for the last 370 million years. rhinchus in the World ocean. In: Biologiya korallovyh 39. Glickman L.S. and Zhelezko V.I. 1985. Pa- rifov (morfologiya, sistematika, ekologiya). Sbornik leogene sharks of the Mangyshlak Peninsula and the nauchnykh statey. Nauka Publishers, Moscow: 61– Eocene/Oligocene boundary. Byulleten’ Moskovskogo 64. (1 figure, 7 references) [In Russian with English obshhestva ispytatelej prirody. Otdel geologicheskiy, summary]. 60(5): 86–99. (2 figures, 2 tables, 1 plate, 20 refer- The species Isurus oxyrhinus Rafinesque, 1810 was ences) [In Russian]. usually considered to inhabit only the Atlantic Ocean. The paper provides a brief description of lithology, In the Pacific and Indian Oceans it was replaced by microfauna and ichthyofauna (sharks) from the Eo- the closely related species Isuropsis glaucus (Müller cene (Amankizilit, Shorym and Aday formations) and & Henle, 1839) sensu Glickman (1964a). In 1977, a the Oligocene formations (Uzunbass and Kuyuluss specimen of Isurus oxyrhynchus (female, TL=150.5 formations) of the Mangyshlak Peninsula. The dis- cm, weight 27 kg) was caught in the Pacific Ocean tribution of 37 taxa (species, subspecies) of lamnoid east of Japan (43°26´N, 158°26´E). Morphometric and other sharks in the formations were analyzed. data on this specimen was presented including gastric Stratigraphic logs for the localities Ungoza, Usak and contents (14 specimens of mackerel and 6 specimens Uzunbass were given. The phylogenetic relationships of iwashi). However, the authors believed that the use between Eocene–Oligocene shark species and sub- of plastic characters for the identification and descrip- species of the biostratigraphicaly important genera tion of shark taxa (family, genus, species) is flawed and Striatolamia, Lamiostoma, Macrorhizodus, Procarcha- more anatomical features (skull, jaw, teeth) should be rodon and Jaekelotodus, were demonstrated. On the used in diagnosis25. The dental formula was 13/13 basis of this scheme, paleoeichthyological zones (from (within half of the upper and lower jaws). According bottom to the top) are assigned: (1) Macrorhizodus to the results of sea floor sampling by R/V “Vityaz”, praecursor – Striatolamia rossica prima; (2) Macro- Isurus oxyrinchus was a principal species in the Pacific rhizodus ex. gr. americanus – Lamiostoma bajarunasi; and Indian Oceans, and Isuropsis glaucus was rare. (3) Macrorhizodus americanus – Striatolamia rossica In terms of tooth morphology, Isuropsis glaucus has usakensis; (4) Macrorhizodus falcatus; (5) M. falcatus larger anterior teeth in adults (up to 3.5–3.7 cm) than maximus – Procarcharodon turgidus; (6) Lamiostoma Isurus oxyrhinchus (up to 2–2.2 cm). gracilis. These zonal assemblages reflect stages of 38. Glickman L.[S.] and Dolganov V.[M.] shark evolution in the European paleobiogeographic 1983. Sharks: facts, true stories and tall tales. In: area. Based on these stages, two major phases of shark Okean i chelovek (nauchno-populyarnyy sbornik). evolution: an Eocene phase and an Oligocene can be Dal’nevostochnoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, Vladivo- identified. A clear boundary between these phases stok: 60–79. [In Russian]. lies between zones (4) and (5). A comparison of the The article in the scientific popular collection Mangyshlak formations with Eocene and Oligocene “The Ocean and the man” show some well-known units from the England, France and Belgium based published cases of shark attacks on human (1897– on sharks was carried out. These zones can be used 1963). Some of the “myths about sharks” in the So- to place the position of Paleogene stratigraphic units viet and foreign literature of XX century were criti- from European sections. In particular, it effectively cally reviewed. It discussed sharks of different sizes identifies stage of the Oligocene. From the (from 0.25 to 23 m), the most predatory of which Shorym Formation (Upper Eocene) of the Mangysh- reach 6 m (modern Carcharodon) or 25 m (extinct lak two new species were described: Lamiostoma ba- Megaselachus) and the “vocarity” of sharks and their jarunasi Glückman & Zhelezko, 1985 (holotype IGG stomachs contents. They discussed the myth of the 2CП / 8-27-3) and L. menneri Glückman & Zhelezko, primitiveness of sharks as a group and their evolu- 1985 (holotype IGG 2СП / 34-5-3). tionary immutability. They also covered the anatomy 40. Glickman L.S., Mertiniene R.A., Nes- and biology of sharks, including the highly developed sov L.A., Rozhdestvensky A.K., Khosatzky L.I. sense organs. The last section entitled “The Sharks and Yakovlev V.N. 1987. Vertebrates. In: Strati-

25This concept as well as validity of Isuropsis glaucus were criticized by Pinchuk (1983). 44 E.V. Popov grafiya SSSR. Melovaya sistema. Polutom 2. Nedra, some genera were restricted to the northern regions, Moscow: 252–262. [In Russian]. while others – to the southern regions. This chapter reviews the Cretaceous vertebrates Hauterivian and Barremian shark remains in the of the USSR including chondrichthyans (the section USSR (Sphenodus, Squalus, Notidanus) are known was prepared by first three authors). [Original text]: only from the Crimea. Teeth of the Late Aptian Cretaceous elasmobranchs are divided into three Hybodontidae and Lamnae have been collected on ecological groups: living mainly in the coastal areas the west ridge Sultan-Uwais Mountains in the Ky- of the sea with normal salinity, living in open sea and zylkum: Asteracanthus from the Absheron Peninsula living in brackish estuary waters. The occurences of (Caspian Sea) is also possibly Aptian in age. Late pelagic sharks into coastal waters and sometimes in Albian Cretaspis, Odontaspis, Squatina, Cretoxyrhina, estuaries allows the correlation of sediments of dif- Heterodontidae and other sharks were known from ferent facies. Cretaceous were common Lithuania, Ukraine, Belgorod region, the Volga re- in the coastal areas of shallow seas. gion, Mangyshlak, Karakalpakstan. By the end of the Remains of the elasmobranch orders Hybodon- Albian Paraisurus had disappeared. Palaeoanacorax tida, Orthodontia, Odontaspidida, Polyacrodon- first appears the Cenomanian, Ptychodus – in the Late tida, Hexanchida, Squatinida and Carcharhinida Cenomanian. Shark remains were collected from the are known from Cretaceous of the USSR. The most Cenomanian of the European part of Russia, in West- biostratigraphically important taxa for normal ma- ern Kazakhstan, Crimea, Turkmenistan, Karakalpak- rine Cretaceous sediments in the European part of stan, Tajikistan, on Sakhalin Island (Far East). The the USSR, as well as Transcaucasia, western and estuaries from the Late Albian to Cenomanian and partly southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajiki- those of the Late Turonian–Coniacian Hybodus and stan and Sakhalin are Odontaspidida (Anacoracidae, Ischyrhiza genera have different species associations. Striatolamiidae [nomen nudum], Scapanorhynchidae, The rays Pseudohypolophus were inhabited inlets in Paraisurus, Cretoxyrhina, Cretolamna, Pseudocorax, the Late Albian and, probably, in the Cenomanian of Pseudoisurus, Rhaphiodus, Cretaspis) and Hybodon- Kyzylkum desert. Turonian shark remains are known tida (Ptychodontidae). For the biostratigraphy of from the Ukraine, Western Kazakhstan, Mangyshlak, estuarine and brackish basins the most important Kyzylkum and Tajikistan. Ptychodus rugosus Dixon elasmobranchs were the Hybodontidae, Hypolophi- (Ptychodus remains become common) and species of dae, Sclerorhynchidae and Polyacrodontidae. Such Palaeoanacorax (see Glickman 1980) appear in the basins, being mosaically interspersed with areas of Turonan. The Coniacian–Early Santonian sharks coastal lowlands in the Cretaceous of the USSR were are known from Saratov part of the Volga River ba- common along the periphery of the ancient landmass, sin, from Caspian, northern Aral region, Kyzylkum, for example in the late Cenomanian (the upper part Fergana. Squalicorax genus is characteristic only of of Hodzhakul Formation) and Late Turonian–Co- these deposits, while Ptychocorax aulaticus Glickman niacian (Taykarshin Member) in Kyzylkum, in early & Istchenko alone with Praeptychocorax are typical Santonian of the north-eastern Aral Sea region (Bos- of Coniacian deposits. Ptychodus rugosus Dixon lived tobe Formation) and in the Fergana region (Yalovach on Sakhalin Island in the Coniacian–Early Santo- Formation). nian. Late Turonian and Coniacian estuary com- Sharks of the family Striatolamiidae (Neoco- plexes consist of the rays Myledaphus tritus Nessov, mian–early Oligocene) were most common in the Ptychotrigon, and Early Santonian complexes consist boreal Cretaceous of the USSR; Anacoracidae are of other species of Ptychotrigon, Parapalaeobates and known from the Late Albian to Late Maastrichtian, Baibishia. Sharks from the Santonian normal salinity Scapanorhynchidae – from the Late Cenomanian to basins are known from the Aktobe Cis-Mugodzhary Maastrichtian and from the Early Eocene of Turk- region. Anacorax was appeares in the Late Santonian. menistan. Most sharks of the order Odontaspidida Anacorax kaupi (Agassiz) is characterisic of the Early markedly increased in size by the Campanian. Some Campanian, A. lindstromi (Davis) – for the Middle species of this order did not survive longer that one Campanian and A. plicatus (Priem) – for the Late stage. The main complexes of marine sharks from the Campanian. Campanian shark remains were col- Albian–Maastrichtian of the USSR correlete well lected from the Volga River basin, Cis-Mugodzhary with those from other regions of the World. However, region, Mangyshlak, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 45

Ptychodus does not occur in the Campanian of the In lamnoid sharks an eodiastema only occurs in upper USSR, but first records of Pseudocorax, Apocopodon jaws and can accomodate of up to 4 tiny “eye” (inter- and Macrorhizodus are known. Maastrichthian sharks mediate) teeth. These teeth are also demonstrate an are known from the Crimea, Armenia, Tuarkyr and increase in teeth differentiation as in mammals. In the Kopetdag (Middle Asia). At this time, Anacorax pris- evolution of lamnoid dentitions, there is a trend to todontus (Agassiz) has shown a global distribution; stabilize the dental formula (11–13 teeth in a half of Cretolamna caraibea (Leriche) and Pseudocorax lae- the upper jaw and 11–13 teeth in the lower one). This vis (Agassiz) are only known from the Maastrichtian. formula is called here a “stabilized” one as opposed to Anacoracidae, Pseudocorax, Cretaspis, Rhaphiodus, an “unstabilized” formula which has more posterior Polyacrodontida and Hybodontida become extinct teeth. There are two variants of evolutionary stabili- at the end of the Maastrichtian. Danian shark faunas zation of dental formula within the shark order Odon- consists of typically Paleogene families Carcharh- taspidida: (1) a reduction of the number of tooth files inidae, Lamiostomatidae and the genera Otodus and and the formation of a “stabilized formula” (from the Striatolamia. 15–20 files in Cenomanian Palaeoanacorax to 10–13 The Holocephali lived in the Albian of Lithu- files in the Campanian Paraanacorax obruchevi); (2) ania (Elasmodectes, Edaphodon, Ischyodus), in the a change in the formula by “fetalization” (= paedo- Late Albian – Cenomanian of Belgorod Province morphosis) resulted in degeneration of teeth with a (Edaphodon cf. sedgwicki Agassiz, small Edaphodon, secondary increase of their number (posterior teeth of Ganodus kiprijanoffi Nessov, Ischyodus, Chimaera (?) Odontaspis taurus, teeth of Cetorhinus). bogolubovi Nessov, Rhinochimaeridae, Callorhyn- 42. Glickman L.S. and Dolganov V.N. 1988b. chidae (?)). In Albian and Cenomanian estuaries of Sharks of the genus Lamna: presence of symphyseal Karakalpakstan small Ischyodus lived. An egg capsule teeth and a place in the system. Izvestiya Akademii of Rhinochimaera was collected from the Cretaceous Nauk SSSR. Seriya geologicheskaya, 12: 111–114. of the northern Caucasus. Chimaeroid remains were (1 figure, 6 references) [In Russian]. collected from the “sponge horizon” (Coniacian–San- This short paper discusses the systematic position tonian) of the Volga River basin and the Caspian re- of the shark genus Lamna. The authors believe that gion, from the Lower Campanian of Cis-Mugodzhary this shark has no fossil representatives and all fossil region, from the the Cretaceous of Ukraine and the teeth previously attributed to this genus must be Bryansk Province. Ischyodus bashanovi (Khosatzky, referred to other taxa (genera, families). The genus 1949) was described from the Maastrichtian of Ayat Lamna is geologically young; it has a boreal origin River (Kostanai region, northern Kazakhstan). and had evolved from one of the representatives of 41. Glickman L.S. and Dolganov V.N. 1988a. the family Odontaspididae (evidently, Synodontas- Tooth formula and its significance in evolution of pis). The discovery in 1978 east of Japan an example lamnoid sharks. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. of Lamna ditropis Hubbs & Follett, 1947 with a series Seriya geologicheskaya, 11: 34–42 (14 references) [In of symphyseal teeth on the left side of the lower jaw Russian]. (the jaw is figured) is commented on. The dental The paper begins with a brief review of “dental formula of this shark is (upper/lower jaws): 0 / 0–1 formula” in different groups of mammals, which is a symphyseals, 2/2 anterials, 1/0 intermedials, 10/10 result of the high functionality of the individual teeth laterals, 2/1 posterolaterals. This atavistic character in a dentition. As a result of convergence, the lamnoid indicates that loss of symphysel teeth of this genus sharks show similar tooth functionality, allowing one occurred in the recent geological past. It is concluded to use of a similar scheme of dental formula in the that the genus Lamna should be included in the fam- taxonomy of the group. The use of dental formulae ily Odontaspididae. in sharks was introduced by Glickman (1964a) and 43. Glickman L.S. 1993. Are you familiar with (possibly) independently by Applegate (1965). The a shark? (Foreword and the notes to the book). In: authors discuss the terminology and methods of con- McCormick H.W., Allen T., Young W.E. Shadows in structing and recording of dental formula in lamnoid the sea. The sharks, skates and rays. Translated from sharks and the methodology proposed by Applegate English by G.A. Ostrovsky. Second edition. Gidro- (1965). The toothless area in the shark jaws, similar meteoizdat, Saint Petersburg: 6–8 and 223–228. [In with diastema in mammals, is termed the eodiastema. Russian]. 46 E.V. Popov

Reissue without changes of a popular book by taspididae). This is in contrast to the conditions in the authors, firstly published in Russian in 1968 (see the Cenozoic sand sharks and thus makes it possible Glickman 1968). to regard this as a valid genus. The evolution and 44. Averianov A.O. and Glickman L.S. 1994. systematics of Eostriatolamia are reconsidered using Remains of chimaeroids (, Holo- statistical methods. Cluster and principal component cephali) from the “Sponge horizon” of the Upper analyses were used to process a large quantity of teeth Cretaceous of Saratov. Paleontologicheskiy zhurnal, 2: from 17 samples (totally 973 teeth) from the Albian– 119–122. (1 figure, 18 references) [In Russian]. Campanian. Six or seven species are included in the Based on a single right mandibular plate (Holo- genus Eostriatolamia: E. gracilis (Albian of Europe and type CCMGE 5/12868) from the layer of sandstone, Kazakhstan), E. striatula (Aptian–Albian of Europe), underlying the Lower Santonian “Sponge Layer” E. subulata (=E. amonensis?) (Cenomanian of Europe, and dated in the paper as Upper Turonian – Lower Kazakhstan and ?USA), E. venusta (=E. samham- Santonian, of Saratov (unknown locality in Saratov, meri?, =E. sanguinei?) (Santonian–Early Campanian Saratov Province, European Russia), a new species of Europe, ?Late Campanian of USA), E. segedini of chimaeroid fish (Chimaeridae) Elasmodus *sinzovi (=E. aktobensis?) (Santonian–Early Campanian of Averianov in Averianov & Glickman, 1994 is de- Kazakhstan), ?E. lerichei (the latest Early Campan- scribed. ian–beginning of the Late Campanian of Kazakhstan) 45. Averianov A.O. and Glickman L.S. 1996. A and E. holmdelensis (Late Campanian of the USA). new species of squaloid shark from the Lower Paleo- cene of the Saratov Province, Russia (Chondrichthy- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS es: Squalidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4: 317–319. (19 references, 6 figures). The author appreciates the assistance of Dr. David Based on three isolated teeth, a new species of J. Ward (Natural History Museum, London, UK) for im- squalid sharks Centrophoroides *volgensis Averianov proving the English as well as two anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions for improving of the manuscript. & Glickman, 1996 from the Early Paleocene (Danian) Dr. Pavel P. Skutschas and colleagues from the Department of Saratov Province, Russia is described. Material of Vertebrate Zoology (Faculty of Biology and Soil Scienc- consists of a lower (?) anterior tooth (holotype, ZIN es, Saint Petersburg State University) are acknowledged PC 1/1), a lower posterior (paratypes ZIN PC 2/1) for the pdf provided of L.S. Glickman’s graduate thesis and an upper (?) teeth (paratype ZIN PC 3/1). In the (Glickman 1952). The bibliogaphy and taxa database www. original description, the species was characterized by was used in preparing of this paper the relatively large size of the teeth, relatively high (Pollerspöck and Straube 2015). This study was supported main cusps and the wide basement of the apron on by the Russian Foundation for Basic Researches (RFBR tooth crowns. Other elasmobranch remains (N=211; grant 14-05-00828). collected by Glickman in 1954) from both this stra- tum26 and Lysye Gory settlement, Lysye Gory Dis- REFERENCES trict, consisted of teeth of Carcharhias sp., (85% of (For publications of Glickman see the text shark teeth collected), Notidanodon loozi (Vincent, references 1–46) 1876), Scyliorhinus sp., Euchlaodus lundgreni (David, 1890), Synechodus sp. and Otodus sp. Applegate S.P. 1965. Tooth terminology and variation in 46. Glickman L.S. and Averianov A.O. 1998. sharks with special reference to the , Carch- Evolution of the Cretaceous Lamnoid sharks of the arias taurus Rafinesque. Contributions in Science, Los genus Eostriatolamia. Paleontological Journal, 32(4): Angeles County Museum, 86: 1–18. 376–384. (6 figures, 2 tables, 27 references.) [Origi- Berkner L.[V.] and Marshall L.[C.] 1966. The oxygen and evolution. The Earth and the Universe, 4: 32–39. [In nal Russian text was published in Paleontologicheskiy Russian]. zhurnal, 4: 54–62]. Casier E. 1943. Contributions à l’étude des Poissons [Original abstract]: The “archaic” tooth form and fossiles de la Belgique. IV. Observations sur la faune comparatively few tooth rows are characteristic of the ichtyologique du Landénien. Bulletin du Musée Royal Cretaceous sharks of the genus Eostriatolamia (Odon- d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, 19(36): 1–16.

26The type stratum is inaccessible now for additional collecting; EVP pers. observation, 2000. An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 47

Cappetta H. 2012. Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii: APPENDIX 1. Summarized genera-based classification of Teeth. In: H.P. Schultze (Ed.), Handbook of Paleoich- fossil Elasmobranchii based on Glickman (1964a) with the thyology, Chondrichthyes. Munchen, 3E, 512 p. taxa diagnosed in Glickman (1964b). New taxa are marked Cope E.D. 1875. The Vertebrata of the Cretaceous forma- with (*) for Glickman (1964a) and (**) – for Glickman tions of the West. Report of the United States Geological (1964b). Survey of the Territories, 2: 1–303. Dogel V.D. 1954. Oligomerization of the homologous Subclass Elasmobranchii organs as one of the main way of evolution. Infraclass Orthodonti Leningrad University, Leningrad, 380 p. [In Russian]. Superorder Cladoselachii (Pleuropterygii) Engelhardt R. 1913. Monographie der Selachier der Order Cladoselachida Münchener Zoologischen Staatssammlung (mit beson- Family Cladoselachidae Dean, 1894 derer Berücksichtigung der Haifauna Japans). I. Teil: Cladoselache Dean, 1893 Tiergeographie de Selachier. Abhandlungen der Mathe- Family Denaeidae Berg, 1940 matisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse K. Bayer. Akad. Denaea Pruvost, 1922 Wiss., Supplement, Beitr. Naturg. Ostasiens, 4(3): 1–110. Gipp S.K. and Kuznetzov A.P. 1961. About the age of Order Cladodontida shark teeth Carcharodon megalodon from the Recent Family Cladodontidae Nicholson et Lydekker, 1889 floor deposits of Atlantic Ocean. Okeanologiya, 1(2): Cladodus Agassiz, 1843 305–307. [In Russian]. Family Symmoriidae Dean, 1909 Holmgren N. 1941. Studies on the head in fishes. Embryo- Symmorium Cope, 1893 logical, morphological, and phylogenetical researches. Family Tamiobatidae Hay, 1902 Part II. Comparative anatomy of the adult selachian Tamiobatis Eastman, 1897 skull, with remarks on the dorsal fins in sharks. Acta Protacrodus Jaekel, 1925 Zoologica (Stockholm), 22(1–3): 1–100. Superorder Xenacanthi (Ichthyotomi) Leidy J. 1873. Contributions to the extinct vertebrate Order Xenacanthida fauna of the western territories. Report of the United Family Xenacanthidae Fritsch, 1889 States Geological Survey of the Territories, 1: 14–358. Beyrich, 1848 McAlester A.L. 1970. Animal extinctions, oxygen con- Agassiz, 1843 sumption and atmospheric history. Journal of Paleontol- Jordan, 1849 ogy, 44(3): 405–409. Diacranodus Garman, 1885 Pinchuk V.I. 1983. Taxonomy and distribution of sharks of ? Anodontacanthus Davis, 1881 the genus Isurus, with comments on taxonomic impor- tance of the structure of teeth. Zoologicheskij zhurnal, Superorder Polyacrodonti 62(2): 310–313 [In Russian with English abstract]. Order Polyacrodontida / Pollerspöck J. and Straube N. 2015. www.shark-refer- * **Family Polyacrodontidae Gluckman, 1964ab, World Wide Web electronic publication, Polyacrodus Jaekel, 1889 Version 2015. Palaeobates Meyer, 1849 Popov E.V. and Glickman E.L. 2016. The life and sci- Superorder Chlamydoselachii entific heritage of Leonid Sergeyevich Glickman Order Chlamydoselachida (1929–2000). Proceedings of the Zoological Institute Family Chlamydoselachidae Garman, 1884 RAS, 320(1): 4–24. [In Russian with English abstract]. Chlamydoselachus Garman, 1884 Popov E.V. and Lapkin A.V. 2000. A new Shark Species Superorder Carcharhini of the Genus Galeorhinus (Chondrichthyes, Triakidae) Order Hexanchida from the Cenomanian of the Lower Volga River Basin. Suborder Hexanchoidei Paleontological Journal, 34(4): 435–438. Family Hexanchidae Gill, 1885 Tschernezky W. 1959. Age of Cacharodon megalodon? Heptranchias Rafinesque, 18101 Nature, 184(4695): 1331–1332. Hexanchus Rafinesque, 18101 Williston S. 1900. Some fish teeth from the Kansas Creta- Notorhynchus Ayres, 18551 ceous. Kansas University Quarterly, 9(1): 27–42. Notidanus Cuvier, 1817 Zhelezko V.I., Papulov G.N. and Segedin R.A. 1979. Description of geological sections. In: Granica san- Suborder Heterodontoidei tona i kampana na Vostochno-Evropejskoj platforme Family Heterodontidae Gill, 1862 (Sbornik nauchnyh statej po materialam polevogo Gyropleurodus Gill, 1862 simpoziuma, 1974). Uralian Scientific Center of the AS Heterodontus Blainville, 1816 USSR, Sverdlovsk: 24–30. [In Russian]. Order Squatinida Submitted March 10, 2016; accepted March 22, 2016. Suborder Echinorhinoidei 48 E.V. Popov

Family Echinorhinidae Gill, 1861 Superfamily Torpedinoidea Echinorhinus Blainville, 1816 Family Torpedinidae Bonaparte, 1837 Torpedo Houttuyn, 1764 Suborder Squaloidei ?Eotorpedo White, 1935 Family Squalidae Bonnaterre, 1831 Superfamily Rajoidea Squalus Linnaeus, 1758 Family Rajidae Bonaparte, 1831 Centrophorus Müller et Henle, 1837 Raja Linnaeus, 1758 Oxynotus Rafinesque, 1810 Cyclobatis Egerton, 1844 Etmopterus Rafinesque, 1810 ?Superfamily Myliobatoidea 5 Family Dalatiidae Gill, 1892 Family Trygonidae Müller et Henle, 1837 Dalatias Rafinesque, 1810 Trygon Cuvier, 1817 Isistius Gill, 1864 Oncobatis Leidy, 1870 Somniosus Lesueur, 1818 Taeniura Müller et Henle, 1837 Centroscymnus Bocage et Capello, 1864 Ptychotrygon Jaekel, 18941 Cheirostephanus Casier, 1958 Family Hypolophidae Leriche, 1913 Family Cetorhinidae Gill, 1872 Hypolophus Müller et Henle, 1837 Cetorhinus Blainville, 1816 Rhombodus Dames, 1881 Suborder Ginglymostomatoidei Hypolophites Stromer, 1910 Family Ginglymostomatidae Gill, 1862 Parapalaeobates Weiler, 1930 Orectolobus Bonaparte, 1834 Family Myliobatidae Müller et Henle, 1837 Chiloscyllium Müller et Henle, 1841 Apocopodon Cope, 1886 Cantioscyllium Woodward, 1889 Rhinoptera Cuvier, 1829 Ginglymostoma Müller et Henle, 1837 Myliobatis Cuvier, 1817 Squatirhina Casier, 1947 Aetobatis Blainville, 1816 2 Corysodon Saint-Seine, 1946 Order Carcharhinida Suborder Squatinoidei Family Palaeospinacidae Regan, 1906 Family Squatinidae Müller et Henle, 1837 Palaeospinax Egerton, 1872 Squatina Duméril, 1906 Synechodus Woodward, 1883 Family Scyliorhinidae Gill, 1862 Suborder Pristiophoroidei Mesitea Kramberger, 1885 Family Pristiophorhidae Bleeker, 1859 Pristiurus Bonaparte, 1841 Pristiophorus Müller et Henle, 1837 Scyliorhinus Blainville, 1816 Pliotrema Regan, 1906 ?Palaeoscyllium Wagner, 1857 Protopristiophorus Woodward, 1932 ?Thyellina Agassiz, 1843 Suborder Rajoidei ?Scylliodus Agassiz, 1843 Superfamily Rhinobatoidea ?Trygonodus Winkler, 1876 Family Rhinobatidae Müller et Henle, 1841 Family Triakidae White, 1936 Rhinobatus Bloch et Schneider, 1801 Triakis Müller et Henle, 1838 Trigonorhina Müller et Henle, 1841 Mustelus Linck, 1790 Rhynchobatus Müller et Henle, 18373 Family Carcharhinidae Garman, 1913 Family Asterodermidae Jordan, 1923 Carcharhinus Blainville, 1816 Asterodermus Agassiz, 18484 Physodon Müller et Henle, 1841 Belemnobatis Thiollière, 1854 Aprionodon Gill, 1861 Family Platyrhinidae Norman, 1926 Scoliodon Müller et Henle, 1837 Platyrhina Müller et Henle, 1838 Hypoprion Müller et Henle, 1841 Superfamily Pristioidea Galeocerdo Müller et Henle, 1837 Family Pristidae Müller et Henle, 1837 Galeorhinus Blainville, 1816 Pristis Linck, 1790 Hemipristis Agassiz, 1843 Propristis Dames, 1883 Prionace Cantor, 1849 Sclerorhynchus Woodward, 1889 Family Sphyrnidae Gill, 1872 Markgraphia Weiler, 1935 Sphyrna Rafinesque, 1810 Onchopristis Stromer, 1917 Onchosaurus Gervais, 1852 Infraclass Osteodonti Weiler, 1930 Superorder Ctenacanthii Ctenopristis Arambourg, 1940 Order Ctenacanthida Glickman, 1964a An annotated bibliography of L.S. Glickman 49

Family Ctenacanthidae Dean, 1909 Jaekelotodus Menner, 1928 Ctenacanthus Agassiz, 1835 Anotodus Le Hon, 1871 Goodrichthys Moy-Thomas, 1951 Family *Otodontidae Glückman, 1964a Order Tristychiida Otodus Agassiz, 1843 Family Tristychiidae Moy-Thomas, 1939 Palaecarcharodon Casier, 1960 Tristychius Agassiz, 1837 *Megaselachus Glückman, 1964 ?Hybocladodus St.-John et Worthen, 18756 Family Carcharodontidae Gill, 1892 Lambdodus St.-John etWorthen, 18756 *Cosmopolitodus Glückman, 1964a ?Dicrenodus Romanovsky, 18631 Carcharodon Smith in Müller et Henle, 1838 Incerti ordinis Family Cretoxyrhinidae Glückman, 1958 Phoebodus St.-John et Worthen, 1875 Paraisurus Glückman, 1957 Carcharopsis Agassiz, 1843 Cretoxyrhina Glückman, 1958 ?Coelosteus Newberry, 1889 ? Cretolamna Glückman, 1958 Lepracanthus Owen, 1869 Family Alopiidae Gill, 1885 Acondylacanthus St.-John et Worthen, 1875 Alopias Rafinesque, 1810 Asteroprychius McCoy, 1848 Superfamily Isuroidea Chalazacanthus Davis, 1883 Family Isuridae Grey, 1851 Isurus Rafinesque, 1810 Superorder Hybodonti Isuropsis Gill, 1862 Order Hybodontida Family *Lamiostomatidae Glückman, 1964a Family Hybodontidae Owen, 1846 Subfamily *Lamiostomatinae Glückman, 1964a Wodnika Münster, 1843 *Macrorhizodus Glückman, 1964a Nemacanthus Agassiz, 1837 *Lamiostoma Glückman, 1964a Bdellodus Quenstedt, 1882 Subfamily *Xiphodolamiinae Glückman, 1964a Acrodus Agassiz, 1838 Xiphodolamia Leidy, 1877 Asteracanthus Agassiz, 1837 Superfamily Scapanorhynchoidea Hybodus Agassiz, 1837 Family Scapanorhynchidae Bigelow et Schröder, 1948 Family Ptychodontidae Jaekel, 1898 Scapanorhynchus Woodward, 1889 Ptychodus Agassiz, 1839 Family Mitsukurinidae Jordan, 1898 Heteroptychodus Yabe et Obata, 1930 Mitsukurina Jordan, 1898 Superorder Lamnae Superfamily Anacoracoidea Order Orthacodontida Family Anacoracidae Casier, 1947 Family Orthacodontidae Glückman, 1958 Palaeocorax Glückman, 1956 Sphenodus Agassiz, 1843 Anacorax White et Moy-Thomas, 1940 Euchlaodus Glückman, 1957 Pseudocorax Priem, 18972 Paraorthacodus Glückman, 1957 Order Odontaspidida Incertae sedis Superfamily Odontaspidoidea Radamus Münster, 18432 Family Odontaspididae Müller et Henle, 1839 Subfamily Odontaspidinae Müller et Henle, 1839 1Genera were absent and not diagnosed in Glickman Odontaspis Agassiz, 1838 (1964b), probably due to mistake. Synodontaspis White, 1931 2The genera (Corysodon, Pseudocorax, Radamas) were Parodontaspis White, 1931 not indexed in Glickman (1964a). ?Pseudoisurus Glückman, 1957 3Rhynchobatus was only named but not diagnosed in ?Carcharoides Ameghino, 1901 Glickman (1964b). ?Priodontaspis Ameghino, 1901 4Genus Asterodermus was not indexed in Glickman *Striatolamia Glückman, 1964a (1964a), probably due to mistake. Subfamily Lamnidae Richardson, 1846 5Superfamily Myliobatoidei was regarded as incerti Lamna Cuvier, 1817 ordinis in Glickman (1964a). Family *Jaekelotodontidae Glückman, 1964a 6Genus Lambodus (sic!) St.-John et Worthen, 1875 and */**Palaeohypotodus Glückman, 1964ab ?Hybocladodus St.-John et Worthen, 1875 were referred as Hypotodus Jaekel, 1895 to incerti ordinis in Glickman (1964b).