arXiv:1803.05182v2 [math.PR] 17 Mar 2018 in a o uea ouin h otiprat tcatcint stochastic important, most the solution, provides numeral limit for sum including way Riemann-Stieltjes definition nient stochastic to As the relative and still sum. integral, are nite Riemann-Stieltjes int incomplete and definite pr called martingale of [14] of be th theorem also sum though theory[5-13]. can Riemann-Stieltjes [1-4], semimartingale which item sum and deleting Riemann-Stieltjes martingale the of by poses limit modeled the be in can Bo expressed equation. be ta differential stochastic integral can and stochastic stochastic Stratonovich in and roles integral stochastic Ito Introduction 1 probability in Convergence square; ;Riemann-Stieltje mean motion in Brownian Convergence integral; Definite integral; square stochastic Stratonovich and demonstration. integral for Riemann-Stielt given stochastic incomplete Ito of examples about conver simulation sums to Two ways And, alternative integral. the tic establish which developed, are stoch approaching gral Some sums Riemann-Stieltjes investigated. incomplete are of motion conditions Brownian to Strato respect and with integral integral square tic mean integral, stochastic Ito of sums imn-tete u fSohsi Integral Stochastic of Sum Riemann-Stieltjes ∗ Abstract: Keywords: orsodn uhr mi:[email protected] Email: Author: Corresponding colo ahmtc n ytmSine,BiagUniver Beihang Sciences, System and Mathematics of School ( prxmtv hoe fIncomplete of Theorem Approximative h prxmtv hoeso nopeeRiemann-Stieltjes incomplete of theorems approximative The t tcatcitga;Srtnvc tcatcitga;Mean integral; stochastic Stratonovich integral; stochastic Ito ac 14,2018 March ige Liu Jingwei 1 ∗ c JWLiu) (J.W .cn iy Beijing,100083,P.R.China) sity, oihstochas- novich eimportant ke nerlare integral estochas- ge ho them of th si inte- astic ga and egral sufficient sum; s conve- egral, defi- jes ey o- s stochastic differential equation are mutual determined , is there alternative way of stochastic integral to describe the stochastic integral and stochas- tic differential equation convergence in mean square limit or in probability sense? In fact, [14] has revealed that definite integral is not uniquely deter- mined by differential equation according to deleting item Riemann-Stieltjes sum theorem. Furthermore, there is another stochastic integral, mean square integral [15-18], is involved in . Motivated by above rea- sons, we concentrate on the limits of incomplete Riemann–Stieltjes sums of Ito stochastic integral, Stratonovich stochastic integral and mean square in- tegral. The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 briefly reviews definitions of Ito stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochastic integral. Section 3 constructs incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating theorems of Ito stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochastic integral. Section 4 extends incomplete Riemann- Stieltjes sum approximating theorem of stochastic integral. Simulations of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating are demonstrated in Sec- tion 5 and discussion is given in Section 6.

2 Brief review of stochastic integral

Let (Ω, , ( ) ,P ) be a probability space where ( ) is a complete F Ft t∈[0,T ] Ft t∈[0,T ] right continuous filtration generated by 1-dimensional standard Brownian motion (or ) (Bt)t∈[0.T ] and each t containing all P null sets of . A Φ(ω, t) is a predictableF or non-anticipating− F0 process if Φ(ω, t) ( t) for each t, where ω Ω, which is also called adapted stochastic process.∈ And,F denote a stochastic∈ process X( , t) as X(t)= X , · t X(ω, t), Φt , Φ(ω, t). Denote l.i.m as limit in mean square. Definition 1 Suppose that Φ( , t) is a non-anticipating stochastic process with respect to the Brownian motion· B . Let = t , t , , t be the t △n { 0 1 ··· n} partition : 0 = t < t < < t = T of [0, T ], △ t = (t t ), 0 1 ··· n i i+1 − i n = max △ ti. The Itˆo stochastic integral of the stochastic process k△ k 0≤j≤n−1 Φ( , t) is denoted by · T n−1

ΦtdWt = l.i.m Φ(Bti , ti)(Bti+1 Bti ) (1) Z k△nk−→0 − 0 Xi=0

2 Definition 2 (Mean-square integration) Let X( , t) be a second-order stochastic process on Ω [0, T ], which is E[X2( , t)] < ·+ . For any partition × · ∞ :0 = t0 < t1 < < tn = T , n = max (ti+1 ti), and, for any ··· k△ k 0≤i≤n−1 − T ui [ti, ti+1]. The mean–square integral 0 X(t)dt is defined as the limit in mean∈ square R T n−1 X(t)dt = l.i.m X(ui)(ti+1 ti) (2) Z k△nk−→0 − 0 Xi=0 provided that the limit exists for arbitrary partition and selected points ui. X(t) is called mean-square integrable on [0, T ]. B + B If Φ(B , t ) is replaced by Φ( ti ti+1 , t ) in Itˆo stochastic integral, it ti i 2 i will be Stratonovich stochastic integral. Definition 3 Suppose that Φ( , t) is a non-anticipating stochastic process · with respect to the Brownian motion Bt. Let n = t0, t1, , tn be the partition : 0 = t < t < < t = T of△ [0, T ],{ △ t ···= (t } t ), 0 1 ··· n i i+1 − i n = max △ ti. The Stratonovich integral of the stochastic process Φ(k△, t)k is denoted by · T n−1 Bti + Bti+1 Φt dWt = l.i.m Φ( , ti)(Bti+1 Bti ) (3) Z ◦ k△nk−→0 2 − 0 Xi=0 In fact, Stratonovich stochastic integral has an alternative formula as fol- lows [3,4], it can be achieved by derivation while Φ(x, t) is 1-order differential with x [8].

T n−1 Φti+1 + Φti Φt dWt = l.i.m (Bti+1 Bti ) (4) Z ◦ k△nk−→0 2 − 0 Xi=0 ∂Φ(x, t) If function Φ(x, t) continuous in t, having the continuous derivative . ∂x There is a relationship among Itˆo stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochastic integral as follows. T T 1 T ∂Φ(B(t), t) Φ(B(t), t) dB(t)= Φ(B(t), t)dB(t)+ dt (5) Z0 ◦ Z0 2 Z0 ∂B(t) Denote J = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 . For a fixed natural number K N +(0 < { ··· − } ∈ K < n), denote JK = i1, , iK J, and J JK = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 i , , i . { ··· } ⊂ \ { ··· − }\ { 1 ··· K } 3 We will investigate the limit of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums in mean square convergence,

Φ(B , t )(B B ) (6) ti i ti+1 − ti JX\JK

X(u )(t t ) (7) i i+1 − i JX\JK and, B(t )+ B(t ) Φ( j j+1 , t )[B(t ) B(t )] (8) 2 j j+1 − j JX\JK In [1], Ito Stochastic integral is originally defined on B(ω, t) with no mov- ing discontinuity, such that E[B(ω, t) B(ω,s)] = 0 , E[B(ω, t) B(ω,s)]2 = t s . Our investigation on stochastic− integral with incomplete− Riemann- |Stieltjes− | sum will show the asymptotical limit behavior of discontinuity subin- tervals on continuous path of Brownian motion, which is, for any partition of [s, t], E[B B ] = 0, and E[B B ]2 t s , as n + ti+1 − ti ti+1 − ti −→ | − | −→ ∞ JX\JK JX\JK . Our motivation is also different from the δ fine belated partial division of − [s, t] in [19]. Here, [s, t] = [0, T ]. Two convergence properties, convergence in mean square (l.i.m or =m.s ⇒ ) and convergence in probability ( P ), and two kinds of inequalities are −→ involved in the discussion [20,21]. Lemma 1. Suppose that X =m.s X, Y =m.s Y . For a, b R, then n ⇒ n ⇒ ∀ ∈ aX + bY =m.s aX + bY. (9) n n ⇒ Lemma 2. Suppose that X P X, Y P Y . For a, b R, then n −→ n −→ ∀ ∈ aX + bY P aX + bY. (10) n n −→ Lemma 3. (H¨older Inequality) Suppose that ξ, η are two random variables on (Ω, ,P ), for any real numbers p, q R satisfying 1 < p,q < 1 1 F ∈ + , and + = 1, ∞ p q

E ξη (E1/p ξ p)(E1/q η q). (11) | | ≤ | | | |

4 If E ξ p < + and E η q < + , then “=” holds only when ξ = 0 a.s. or η =| 0| a.s. ,or∞ there exists| | constant∞ C so that ξ p = C η q a.s. . | | | | Lemma 4. (Minkowski Inequality) Suppose that ξ, η are two random variables on (Ω, ,P ), 1) For any realF number p 1 , ≥ E1/p ξ + η p E1/p ξ p + E1/p η p. (12) | | ≤ | | | | If E( ξ p + η p) < + , then “=” holds only when p> 1, ξ = 0 a.s. or η =0 a.s. ,or| | there| | exists∞ constant C > 0 so that ξ = Cη a.s.;when p = 1, ξη 0 ≥ a.s. . 2) For 0

Since Brownian motion is of unbounded variation, the convergence of Riemann- Stieltjes sum of Ito stochastic integral is not in usual Riemann-Stieltjes sense, but something like Lebesgue sense. It is first defined on a class of simple func- tions, then extended to a large class of functions with isometry [1,6]. The following notation is from [13]. Denote ∞ L = Φ:Φ= f (ω)I (t)+ f (ω)I (t), 0= t < t < < t . 0 { 0 0 k (tk,tk+1] 0 1 ··· n ↑∞ Xk=1 F F sup0≤k<∞ fk < , f0 0, fk k { } ∞ ∈ ∈ } (14)

Lp = Φ:Φ=(Φt)t≥0, Φt(ω) Φ(ω, t) is measurable and (Ft) adapted { E T ≡ p process, and for T, 0 Φt dt < ,p 1. ∀ R | | ∞} ≥ (15)

Lp,T = Φ:Φ=(Φt)t≥0, Φt(ω) Φ(ω, t) is measurable and (Ft) adapted { E T p ≡ process, 0 Φt dt < ,p 1. R | | ∞} ≥ (16)

5 E T p Lp = Φ:Φ(ω, t),ω Ω, t [0, T ], 0 Φt dt < ,p 1. (17) { ∈ ∈ R | | ∞} ≥

L loc F p = Φ:Φ=(Φt)t≥0, Φt(ω) Φ(ω, t) is measurable and ( t) adapted { T ≡p process, and for T, 0 Φt dt < ,p 1. ∀ R | | ∞} ≥ (18)

L loc F p,T = Φ:Φ=(Φt)t≥0, Φt(ω) Φ(ω, t) is measurable and ( t) adapted { T p ≡ process, 0 Φt dt < ,p 1. R | | ∞} ≥ (19) The classical definition of Ito stochastic integral is defined on L0,L2 and L loc 2 [13].

3.1 Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes Sum approximating of Ito Stochastic integral Lemma 5. Suppose that Φ( , t) is nonanticipative and Φ( , t) L , then · · ∈ 0 E[ Φ(B , t )(B B )]=0. (20) tj j tj+1 − tj jX∈JK

E Φ(B , t )(B B ) 0 2 0, as 0. (21) | tj j tj+1 − tj − | −→ k△n k −→ jX∈JK And, P Φ(B , t )(B B ) 0, as 0. (22) tj j tj+1 − tj −→ k△n k −→ jX∈JK

Proof. (1) Since Φt is nonanticipative, and Bt is incremental indepen- dent process.

E Φ(B , t )(B B )= EΦ(B , t )E(B B )=0 (23) tj j tj+1 − tj tj j tj+1 − tj jX∈JK jX∈JK

6 (2) Using above conclusion, we obtain

E Φ(B , t )(B B ) 2 | tj j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK = E Φ(B , t )(B B ) 2 | tj j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK = E Φ(B , t )(B B ) 2 | tj j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK = E Φ2(B , t )(B B )2 | tj j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK E 2 2 sup Φ (Btj , tj) (Btj+1 Btj ) (24) ≤ j∈JK { } − jX∈JK 2 E 2 sup Φ (Btj , tj) (Btj+1 Btj ) ≤ j∈JK { } − jX∈JK 2 △ sup Φ (Btj , tj) tj ≤ j∈JK { } jX∈JK 2 △ sup Φ (Btj , tj) tj ≤ j∈JK { } { } jX∈JK 2 △ △ sup Φ (Btj , tj) K max tj 0, as max ti 0 ≤ j∈JK { } { } −→ { } −→ Hence,

l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )=0 (25) k△nk−→0 − jX∈JK Then, P Φ(B , t )(B B ) 0, as 0. (26) tj j tj+1 − tj −→ k△n k −→ jX∈JK  Theorem 1. Suppose that Φ( , t) L L L loc, then · ∈ 0 2 2 S S T

l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )= ΦtdBt. (27) k△nk−→0 − Z0 j∈XJ\JK Proof. As in [13], the classical definition of Ito stochastic process is L L L loc defined on 0, 2 and 2 . We prove the conclusion step by step in a concise way, the detail proof will refer to [13]. (1) For Φ L , we first discuss Φ(B , t )(B B ). t ∈ 0 tj j tj+1 − tj jX∈JK

7 According to Lemma 5 , we obtain

l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )=0 (28) k△nk−→0 − jX∈JK According to Lemma 1, we obtain

l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 − j∈XJ\JK

= l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 − − k△nk−→0 − Xj∈J jX∈JK T T = 0 ΦtdBt 0= 0 ΦtdBt. R − R (29) Hence,

T P Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) ΦtdBt, as n 0. (30) − −→ Z0 k△ k −→ j∈XJ\JK

(2) For Φ L , Φ(n) L , such that Φ(n) Φ 0, n (see t ∈ 2 ∃ t ∈ 0 || t − ||2 −→ −→ ∞ [13] Proposition1.5 in pp18 , pp26-27), according to above conclusion,

T T (n) ΦtdBt (µ2) lim Φt dBt Z0 ≡ n−→∞ Z0 (n) = l.i.m Φ (Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 − (31) Xj∈J (n) = l.i.m Φ (Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 − j∈XJ\JK (3) For Φ L loc, stopping time τ of F , such that Φ(n) ΦI (t) t ∈ 2 ∃ n t t ≡ [0,τn] ∈ L (m) n (n) loc 2 (When m < n, Φt = Φ I[0,τm](t).), and Φt Φ 2 0, n (see [13]Lemma 1.5,1.6 in pp14-17, pp 33). As|| shown− in|| above−→ conclusion−→, ∞

T ∞ τk∧T Φ dB = Φ(k)dB , (τ = 0) Z t t Z t 0 0 Xk=1 τk−1∧T ∞ (32) = Φ(k)(B B ) tj+1 − tj Xk=1 j∈[τk−1∧T,τXk∧T ] T{J\JK } where J is the index number of partition [0,T], and JK means abandoning finite K items in J. According to the above conclusion, the Ito stochastic

8 integral still holds in the incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum in mean square convergence . Which end of the proof. 

3.2 Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating of mean square integral In this section, we discuss the incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approxi- mating theorem of mean square integral. Theorem 2. Assume X( , t) L = X(ω, t): ω Ω, t [0, T ], E[X( , t)]2 < · ∈ 2 { ∀ ∈ ∀ ∈ · + satisfying E[X( , t)]2 is bounded or Riemann integrable, then ∞} · T n−1 X(t)dt = l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj) Z k△nk−→0 − 0 Xj=0 (33) = l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj) k△nk−→0 − j∈XJ\JK Proof L = X( , t): E[X( , t)]2 < + , t [0, T ] is a linear space. 2 { · · ∞ ∀ ∈ } Definite the inner product on L2 as

(X,Y )= E[XY ], X,Y L . (34) ∀ ∈ 2 1 2 1 For X L , denote X = (X,X) 2 . That is X = (E[X ]) 2 . Then, ∀ ∈ 2 k k k k L2 is a complete inner product space (Hilbert space)[8,17]. According to distance–inequality, we have

E X(u )(t t ) 2 | j j+1 − j | jX∈JK = X(u )(t t ) 2 k j j+1 − j k (35) jX∈JK [ X(u ) (t t )]2 ≤ k j k j+1 − j jX∈JK

If E[X(t)]2 is bounded on [0,T],then M > 0 such that E[X(t)]2 < M, 1 2 ∃ as X(u ) = E 2 [X(u )] , then k j k j X(u ) (t t ) k j k j+1 − j jX∈JK MK 0, as 0 ≤ k△n k −→ k△n k −→ 9 Then,

l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj)=0 k△nk−→0 − jX∈JK

2 T 2 T If E[X(t)] is Riemann integrable, then 0 E X(t) dt exists, and 0 X(t) dt = T 1 | | k k 2 2 R R 0 E X(t) dt is Riemann integrable, according to Theorem 2 in [14], then R | | lim X(uj) (tj+1 tj)=0 (36) k△nk−→0 k k − jX∈JK Therefore, 2 lim E X(uj)(tj+1 tj) =0. (37) k△nk−→0 | − | jX∈JK That means l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj)=0. (38) k△nk−→0 − jX∈JK According to Lemma 1, we have


l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj)= l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj). (39) k△nk−→0 − k△nk−→0 − Xj=0 j∈XJ\JK 

3.3 Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating of Stratonovich Stochastic integral We will discuss the incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum of Stratonovich Stochas- tic integral in this section, and we only investigate the form of formula (3). Btj +Btj+1 Although Φt in Ito stochastic integral is nonanticipative, Φ( 2 , tj) B +B is not non-anticipating with respect to B B . Generally E[Φ( tj tj+1 , t ) tj+1 − tj 2 j (Btj+1 Btj )] = 0. However, we still have following conclusion. We still fol- low the− original6 idea that Stratonovich Stochastic integral is obtained by Btj +Btj+1 substituting Φ(Btj , tj) with Φ( 2 , tj) in Ito Stochastic integral. Lemma 6. Suppose that Φ L , or Φ L with E[Φ ]4 is bounded t ∈ 0 t ∈ 2 t on [0,T], then B + B E tj tj+1 2 lim Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) =0 (40) k△nk−→0 | 2 − | jX∈JK

10 Proof (1) If Φ L , then t ∈ 0

1 Btj + Btj+1 2 E 2 [ Φ( , t )(B B ) ] | 2 j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK 1 Btj + Btj+1 2 E 2 [ Φ( , t )(B B ) ] (Minkowski inequality) ≤ | 2 j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK

1 Btj + Btj+1 E 2 2 2 [ sup Φ ( , tj) (Btj+1 Btj ) ] ≤ j∈JK { 2 } − jX∈JK

Btj + Btj+1 1 1 2 2 E 2 2 sup Φ ( , tj) [(Btj+1 Btj ) ] ≤ {j∈JK{ 2 }} − jX∈JK

2 Btj + Btj+1 1 1 = sup Φ ( , tj) 2 △ tj 2 j∈JK { 2 } jX∈JK 2 Btj + Btj+1 1 1 sup Φ ( , tj) 2 △ tj 2 ≤ j∈JK{ 2 } { } jX∈JK 2 Btj + Btj+1 1 sup Φ ( , tj) K max △ tj 2 0, as max △ ti 0 ≤ j∈JK{ 2 } { { }} −→ { } −→ (41) Hence, B + B E tj tj+1 2 lim [ Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) ]=0 (42) k△nk−→0 | 2 − | jX∈JK which ends the proof. (2) If Φ L with E[Φ ]4 is bounded, M > 0 so that E[Φ ]4 < M, and t ∈ 2 t ∃ t

11 E[B B ]4 = 3(t t )2, then tj+1 − tj j+1 − j 1 Btj + Btj+1 2 E 2 [ Φ( , t )(B B ) ] | 2 j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK 1 Btj + Btj+1 2 E 2 [ Φ( , t )(B B ) ] (Minkowski inequality) ≤ | 2 j tj+1 − tj | jX∈JK 2 Btj + Btj+1 2 1 = E Φ ( , t )(B B ) 2 { | 2 j tj+1 − tj |} jX∈JK 1 4 Btj + Btj+1 1 4 1 E 2 [Φ ( , t )]E 2 [(B B ) ] 2 (H¨older inequality) ≤ { 2 j tj+1 − tj } jX∈JK 1 4 Btj + Btj+1 1 4 E 4 Φ ( , t ) E 4 [(B B ) ] ≤ | 2 j | tj+1 − tj jX∈JK 1 1 1 M 4 3 4 △ t 2 ≤ j jX∈JK 1 1 1 M 4 3 4 K max △ tj 2 0, as max △ ti 0 ≤ { { }} −→ { } −→ (43) Hence, B + B E tj tj+1 2 lim [ Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) ]=0 (44) k△nk−→0 | 2 − | jX∈JK  4 Theorem 3. Suppose that Φt L0, or Φt L2 with E[Φt] is bounded on [0,T], then ∈ ∈ T Btj + Btj+1 l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )= Φt dBt. (45) k△nk−→0 2 − Z0 ◦ j∈XJ\JK Proof According to Lemma 6, we obtain T Btj + Btj+1 Φt dBt = l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) Z ◦ k△nk−→0 2 − 0 Xj∈J

Btj + Btj+1 = l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 X 2 − j∈J\JK (46) Btj + Btj+1 + l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ). k△nk−→0 2 − jX∈JK

Btj + Btj+1 = l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 2 − j∈XJ\JK

12  Remark For the Stratonovich Stochastic integral in formula (4), we can easily prove Lemma 6 and Theorem 3 still hold. Considering Theorem 1 ,Theorem 2 and Theorem 3, we can reach the conclusion about incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums approaching theorems of the three stochastic as follows. Theorem 4. Suppose Φ(x, t) is continuous in t, and has the continuous ∂Φ(x, t) derivative . Φ( , t) is a non-anticipating stochastic process. Φ ∂x · t ∈ ∂Φ(B(t), t) L , or Φ L with E[Φ ]4 is bounded on [0,T]. L and 0 t ∈ 2 t ∂B(t) ∈ 2 ∂Φ(B(t), t) T E[ ]2 is bounded or . If all Φ(B(t), t) dB(t) ∂B(t) Z , 0 ◦ T T ∂Φ(B(t), t) Φ(B(t), t)dB(t) and dt exist, then Z0 Z0 ∂B(t)

Btj + Btj+1 l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk−→0 2 − j∈XJ\JK ∂Φ(B(uj),uj) = l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )+ l.i.m (tj+1 tj) k△nk−→0 − k△nk−→0 ∂B(t) − j∈XJ\JK j∈XJ\JK (47) where u [t , t ]. ∀ j ∈ j j+1 Proof According to Theorem 1, Theorem 2 and Theorem 3, it is easily to prove that the conclusion holds.  Remark. In discussion of Ito stochastic integral, we do not strictly dis- criminate Lp from Lp,T in order to coincide with the expression in references, and so on.

4 Extension of Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating Theorems

In Section 3, for fixed K, the incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximat- ing Theorems are investigated with fixed JK from J, if all possible combi- nation of J J are considered, there will be a large number of incom- K ⊂

13 plete Riemann-Stieltjes sums converge to correspondent stochastic integrals respectively. Furthermore, let K changes along with n, denote as K(n) N +(0 < ∈ K(n) < n), and JK(n) = i1, , iK(n) J. And, J JK(n) = 0, 1, , n 1 i , , i . Since{ the··· partition} ⊂ of [0,T] could\ be arbitrary,{ ··· to avoid− }\{ 1 ··· K(n)} △n complicated discussion, we only discuss the concise case of equal partition. T T which means ∆t = , j =0, 1, , n 1, and = . We can extend j n ··· − k△n k n all of Theorem 1,Theorem 2,Theorem 3 and Theorem 4. T Theorem 5. If 0 ΦtdBt exists, n is an equal partition of [0,T],and K(n) R △ lim = 0, then n−→+∞ n


l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )= ΦtdBt. (48) k△nk−→0 − Z0 j∈JX\JK(n)

Proof: We only examine the formula (24), and it is easily to see for- mula(24) holds for L0 when K is replaced by K(n), then it does hold for L2 L loc and 2 subsequently, which ends the proof.  T Theorem 6. If 0 X(t)dt exists, n is an equal partition of [0,T],and K(n) R △ lim = 0, then n−→+∞ n

T l.i.m X(uj)(tj+1 tj)= X(t)dt (49) k△nk−→0 − Z0 j∈JX\JK(n) where uj [tj, tj+1]. Proof∀ :∈ The proof is similar to Theorem 5, it only need to check formula (35)(36) and Theorem 5 in [14] when K is replaced by K(n).  T Theorem 7. If 0 Φ(Bt, t) dBt exists, n is an equal partition of K(n)R ◦ △ [0,T],and lim = 0, then n−→+∞ √n

T Btj + Btj+1 l.i.m Φ( , tj)[Btj+1 Btj ]= Φ(Bt, t) dBt (50) k△nk−→0 2 − Z0 ◦ j∈JX\JK(n)

14 Proof: The proof is similar to Theorem 5, we can only check formula (41) and (43) when K is replaced by K(n). They still hold. Hence it ends the proof. 

Theorem 8. Suppose all the conditions of Theorem 4 are satisfied. n K(n) △ is an equal partition of [0,T], and lim = 0, then n→+∞ √n

Btj + Btj+1 l.i.m Φ( , tj)(Btj+1 Btj ) k△nk→0 2 − j∈JX\JK(n) ∂Φ(B(uj),uj) = l.i.m Φ(Btj , tj)(Btj+1 Btj )+ l.i.m (tj+1 tj) k△nk→0 − k△nk→0 ∂B(t) − j∈JX\JK(n) j∈JX\JK(n) (51) where uj [tj, tj+1]. ∀ ∈ + For fixed natural number K N (0

# Φ(B , t )(B B ) J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n) { tj j tj+1 − tj |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ } j∈XJ\Jk K(n) K(n) = Cn (2 1). − (53) Theorem 10. For fixed K, # X(u )(t t ) J = i , , i J, 1 k K { j j+1 − j |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ } j∈XJ\Jk (54) = CK(2K 1). n − For fixed K(n),

# X(u )(t t ) J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n) { j j+1 − j |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ } j∈XJ\Jk (55) K(n) K(n) = Cn (2 1). − 15 where uj [tj, tj+1]. Theorem∀ ∈ 11. For fixed K, B + B # Φ( tj tj+1 , t )[B B ] J = i , , i J, 1 k K { 2 j tj+1 − tj |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ } j∈XJ\Jk K K = Cn (2 1). − (56) For fixed K(n),

B + B # Φ( tj tj+1 , t )[B B ] J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n) { 2 j tj+1 − tj |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ } j∈XJ\Jk K(n) K(n) = Cn (2 1). − (57) K(n) Remark. Specifically,when K(n)= nr, 0

16 while the complete Riemann-Stieltjes sums converge to each stochastic inte- gral. According to above analyses, we obtain the following theorem. Theorem 12. There are uncountable incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums for Ito stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochas- tic integral respectively converging to their own stochastic integral in mean square convergence sense, along with n + . → ∞ Proof. Since Ito stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochastic integral are integrable, we only check the equal partition case. Ac- cording to Theorem 9,Theorem 10 and Theorem 11, the number of incomplete Riemann–Stieltjes sums with respect to K(n) can be calculated, given fixed 1 n. And, even for r (0, 1) or r (0, ) ∈ ∈ 2

K(n) K(n) nr nr lim Cn (2 1) = lim Cn (2 1)=+ (58) n−→+∞ − n−→+∞ − ∞ To investigate whether the three incomplete Riemann–Stieltjes sum sets with respect to K(n) in Theorem 9,Theorem 10 and Theorem 11 are countable or uncountable while n + , we now consider the following sets along with → ∞ the process that n + as 0. → ∞ k△n k→ # Φ(B , t )(B B ) J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n)= nr, { tj j tj+1 − tj |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ j∈XJ\Jk K(n) r (0, 1), lim =0 ∀ ∈ n→+∞ n } (59) # X(u )(t t ) J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n)= nr, { j j+1 − j |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ j∈XJ\Jk K(n) r (0, 1), lim =0 ∀ ∈ n→+∞ n } (60) where u [t , t ]. ∀ j ∈ j j+1

Bt + Bt # Φ( j j+1 , t )[B B ] J = i , , i J, 1 k K(n) { 2 j tj+1 − tj |∀ k { 1 ··· k} ⊂ ≤ ≤ j∈XJ\Jk K(n) = nr, r (0, 1 ), lim =0 ∀ ∈ 2 n→+∞ √n } (61)

17 1 We only discuss the case r (0, 2 ). The above three sets are related to natural number n and real number∈ r. Since nr is strictly monotonic increasing 1 1 function in r (0, 2 ). For 0

5 Simulation of Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum Approximation of Stochastic Integral

The Brownian motion involved in the simulation is generated according to algorithm in [22].

5.1 Simulation of Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximation of Ito stochastic integral To demonstrate the simulation of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approx- imating theorem of Ito stochastic integral T 1 2 1 BtdBt = BT T = lim Btj (Btj+1 Btj ). (62) Z0 2 − 2 n−→+∞ − j∈JX\JK(n) we design two simulations: (1) Let T = 1,n = 106,r = 0, 0.1, 0.2, , 0.9 , where r = 0 represents { ··· } the normal standard complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum, and J = 0, 1, 2, , n r{ ··· − 1 . Then, we adopt three strategies, Jnr = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 , Jnr = } { ··· r − } i1, i2, , inr J, i1, i2, , inr J, and Jnr = n n , , n 2, n {1 , which··· means} ∈ deleting∀{ the··· forth }n ∈r items in complete{ − Riemann-Stieltjes··· − − sum,} randomly deleting nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum and deleting the end nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum, and denote as IRSb,IRSr,IRSe respectively. The simulation results are shown in Figure 1.

18 0.3

0.2 IRS b IRS 0.1 r IRS e 0 ∫1 B dB 0 t t −0.1



−0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 r

Figure 1: Comparison of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums in styles of delet- ing the forth nr items , randomly deleting nr items and deleting the end nr items of complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum and Ito stochastic integral

19 (2) Above experiment is only one realization of stochastic orbit. We iterate the simulation N = 105 times, and define the statistic mean absolute error (MAE) as follows:

1 N 1 1 MAE = [ B (B B )] [ B2 T ] . (63) N | tj tj+1 − tj − 2 T − 2 | Xi=0 j∈JX\JK(n) where T = 1, n = 106,r = 0, 0.1, 0.2, , 0.9 , and we still adopt three r{ ··· } strategies, Jnr = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 , Jnr = i1, i2, , inr , i1, i2, , inr { r ···r − } { ··· } ∀{ ··· } ∈ J, and Jnr = n n , n n +1, , n 1 , , and denote as MAEb,MAEr,MAEe respectively.{ The− simulation− results··· − are} shown in Figure 2.


0.3 MAE 0.25 b MAE r 0.2 MAE e

MAE 0.15



0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 r

Figure 2: MAE indexes of deleting the forth nr items, randomly deleting nr items and deleting the end nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum of Ito stochastic integral

Figure 1 show that the more the deleting items, the more derivation of 1 the approximation result. And, while r =0.1, deleting n 10 item seems have T no influence on simulation of BtdBt. While increasing the simulation Z0 iterations, Figure 2 verify the above result in Figure 1, and also show that

20 deleting the forth items strategy is better than the other two strategies. T And deleting end strategy is the worse result. In fact, BtdBt is path– Z0 dependent, deleting the end items will greatly affect the final integral result. Hence the deleting item of Ito stochastic integral is also path–dependent.

5.2 Simulation of Incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum Approximation of Stratonovich Stochastic Integral To demonstrate the simulation of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approx- imating theorem of Stratonovich stochastic integral

T 1 2 Btj+1 + Btj Bt dBt = BT = lim (Btj+1 Btj ). (64) Z0 ◦ 2 n−→+∞ 2 − j∈JX\JK(n)

we design two simulations: (1) Let T = 1,n = 106,r = 0, 0.1, 0.2, , 0.9 , where r = 0 represents { ··· } the normal standard complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum, and J = 0, 1, 2, , n r{ ··· − 1 . Then, we adopt three strategies, Jnr = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 , Jnr = } { r··· r− } i1, i2, , inr , i1, i2, , inr J, and Jnr = n n , n n +1, , n {1 , which··· means} ∀{ deleting··· the forth} ∈ nr items in complete{ − Riemann-Stieltjes− ··· − sum,} randomly deleting nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum and deleting the end nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum, and denote as IRSb,IRSr,IRSe respectively. The simulation results are shown in Figure 3. (2) Above experiment is only one realization of stochastic path. We it- erate the simulation N = 105 times, and define the statistic mean absolute error (MAE) as follows:

N 1 Bt + Bt 1 MAE = [ j+1 j (B B )] B2 . (65) N | 2 tj+1 − tj − 2 T | Xi=0 j∈JX\JK(n) where T = 1, n = 106,r = 0, 0.1, 0.2, , 0.9 , and we still adopt three r{ ··· } strategies, Jnr = 0, 1, 2, , n 1 , Jnr = i1, i2, , inr , i1, i2, , inr { r ···r − } { ··· } ∀{ ··· } ∈ J, and Jnr = n n , n n +1, , n 1 , and denote as MAEb,MAEr,MAEe respectively.{ The− simulation− results··· − are} shown in Figure 4. Note that in Theorem 7 and remark of Section 4, the sufficient condi- tion for convergence of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum of Stratonovich

21 0.5



0.2 IRS b 0.1 IRS r IRS 0 e ∫1 B ° dB −0.1 0 t t


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 r

Figure 3: Comparison of incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums in styles of delet- ing the forth nr items , randomly deleting nr items and deleting the end nr items of complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum and Stratonovich stochastic integral

22 0.35


0.25 MAE b MAE 0.2 r MAE e MAE 0.15



0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 r

Figure 4: MAE indexes of deleting the forth nr items, randomly deleting nr items and deleting the end nr items in complete Riemann-Stieltjes sum of Stratonovich stochastic integral

23 stochastic integral is K(n) = nr, 0

6 Conclusion

The incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum approximating theorems are devel- oped for Ito stochastic integral, mean square integral and Stratonovich stochas- tic integral respectively. There are uncountable incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sums approach to each stochastic integral when the originally defined Riemann- Stieltjes sum is converging, which reveals the complexity of simulation stochas- tic integral especially in stochastic finance and option pricing and non-uniqueness of stochastic integral and stochastic differential equation in stochastic pro- cess realization. In addition, incomplete Riemann-Stieltjes sum style can also be treated as a kind of discontinuity of integral interval.Hence, it provides a new view for the integral in convergence sense. Furthermore, our research is mainly based on Riemann framework, however Lebesgue integral is widely used in measure theory, probability theory and stochastic process, for exam- ple, the definitions of expectation,martingale and semimartingale are mostly in Lebesgue sense, how to realize and simulate the stochastic integral with respect to general martingale and semimartingale except Brownian motion, develop realizable expression for stochastic integral in Lebesgue sense and apply the theorems in stochastic finance would be our future interests.


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