Political Preferences 9/2014

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Political Preferences 9/2014 Political Preferences 9/2014 Editors: Agnieszka Turska-Kawa Waldemar Wojtasik Katowice 2014 6FLHQWL¿F&RXQFLO prof. dr hab. Roman Bäcker (Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland), prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Godlewski (Kazimierz Wielki University, Poland), prof. dr hab. Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka (University of Warsaw, Poland), prof. dr hab. Slavomir Magál (University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia), prof. dr hab. Jozef Matúš (University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia), prof. dr hab. Dusan Pavlu (Higher School of Hospitality Management, Czech Republic) prof. dr hab. Libor Pavera (Higher School of Hospitality Management, Czech Republic), prof. dr hab. Dana Petranová (University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia), prof. dr hab. Olga Prokopenko (Sumski National CONTENTS 8QLYHUVLW\8NUDLQH SURIGUKDE7HUHVD6DVLĔVND.ODV -DJLHOORQLDQ8QLYHUVLW\3RODQG SURIGU hab. Jerzy Sielski (University of Szczecin, Poland), dr Marcjanna Augustyn (University of Hull, England), prof. Jana Galera Matúšová (University of St. Cyril and Methodius, Slovakia) Editorial Board: dr Agnieszka Turska-Kawa (chief editor) mgr Maciej Marmola (journal secretary) dr hab. Robert Alberski (theme editor: systems and voting behavior) SURI80.GUKDE'DQXWD3OHFND .DUQRZVND WKHPHHGLWRUSROLWLFDOLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ Petr Kaniok (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) GUKDEàXNDV]7RPF]DN WKHPHHGLWRUSROLWLFDOSDUWLHV The Czech Republic 2014 European Parliament Election: Voters Gone Out, prof. UE dr hab. Zbigniew Widera (theme editor: political marketing) dr Waldemar Wojtasik (theme editor: party systems) New Parties In .......................................................................................................7 PJU3U]HP\VáDZ*U]RQND VWDWLVWLFDOHGLWRU Tihomir Cipek (Zagreb University, Croatia) Reviewers: European Elections in Croatia ............................................................................21 3URIGUKDE-DURVODY6YČWOtN 8QLYHU]LWD.RQãWDQWtQD)LOR]RIDLQ1LWUH GUKDE0LURVODY=HOLQVNê &6F 8QLYHU]LWD.RQãWDQWtQD)LOR]RIDY1LWUH SURIGUKDE0DULXV].ROF]\ĔVNL 8QLYHUVLW\RI Gintaras Aleknonis (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania) Silesia in Katowice, Poland); dr hab. Krzysztof Kowalczyk (Szczecin University), dr hab. Jacek European Parliament Elections in Lithuania: Populist Competition in the Surzyn (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland) Shadow of the Presidential Vote .........................................................................39 /DQJXDJHYHUL¿FDWLRQ 7RPD%XUHDQ+RULD/XSX*DEULHO%ăGHVFX (Babes-Bolyai University, Romania) $OHNVDQGUD-ĊGU]HMHF The 2014 European Elections in Romania ..........................................................57 Cover project: $OHQND.UDãRYHF7RPDå'HåHODQ (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) -DURVáDZ:LFKXUD The 2014 European Parliamentary Elections in Slovenia: Original version of journal: paper. Hardly and Novelty .......................................................................................... 77 © Institute of Political Science and Journalism at the University of Silesia and the Center for Innovation, 'RPLQLN6]F]HSDĔVNL (University of Rzeszów, Poland) 7HFKQRORJ\7UDQVIHUDQG'HYHORSPHQW)RXQGDWLRQRIWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI6LOHVLD.DWRZLFH European Parliament Elections in Poland in 2014 ..............................................97 Journal is published by the Institute of Political Science and Journalism at the University of 0LNRáDM&]HĞQLN.DURO&KZHGF]XN6]XOF0DWHXV]=DUHPED (University of 6LOHVLDDQGWKH&HQWHUIRU,QQRYDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\7UDQVIHUDQG'HYHORSPHQW)RXQGDWLRQRIWKH Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland) University of Silesia. Voter Turnout in the 2014 European Parliament Election in Poland ................111 Patronage for the project is exercised by Electoral Research Committee - Polish Political Science Association. -DURVáDZ)OLV (Jagiellonian University, Poland) Waldemar Wojtasik (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland) ,661; ,6%1 Candidate Selection in the 2014 European Parliament Election in Poland ......129 Desktop Publishing, prepress and printing: Katarzyna Kobielska (University Of Wroclaw, Poland) REMAR, www.remar-sosnowiec.pl, e-mail: [email protected] Accountability and the European Parliament Elections: the Illusion of Supranational Accountability ............................................................................145 All texts are licensed under the Creative Commons BY 3.0 (CC BY 3.0). 5 Marzena Cichosz (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Ä3ROLWLFDO3UHIHUHQFHV´1R '2,P¿JVKDUH Positioning Strategies of Polish Political Parties in the 2014 European Parliament Election .......................................................................................167 Petr Kaniok Agnieszka Turska-Kawa (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland) Masaryk University, Czech Republic 7KH6SHFL¿FLW\RI(OHFWRUDO9RODWLOLW\LQ(XURSHDQ3DUOLDPHQWDU\ Elections ........................................................................................................181 THE CZECH REPUBLIC 2014 EUROPEAN 5DIDá*ODMFDU (University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland) Equal or Not? On the Material Aspect of Equality of European Parliament PARLIAMENT ELECTION: Elections in Poland .......................................................................................193 VOTERS GONE OUT, NEW PARTIES IN Abstract: This article describes and evaluates 2014 Czech European Parliament (EP) election. Starting with the context of the election, it goes through all rele- vant party actors participating in the election and introduces them both in ge- neral ideological terms as well as in relation towards the European integration. After results of election are discussed, the article concludes that 2014 EP elec- WLRQFRQ¿UPHGUHFHQWFKDQJHVLQWKH&]HFKSDUW\V\VWHP±LQWHUDOLDGHVWDELOL - ]DWLRQRIWKHV\VWHPDVDZKROHUHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRQLWVULJKWZLQJDQGHPHUJHQ - ce of populism. Concerning the European message of the election, their results FRQ¿UPHGWKHLUVHFRQGRUGHUFKDUDFWHU Key words: EP election 2014, Czech Republic, ANO 2011, party system, second order elections, ODS Introduction Czech Republic became a member of the EU in 2004 as a part of the big- gest wave in the history of EU enlargement. Completion of accession process me- ant that the popular and simple slogan “Return to the Europe” connected with it ZDVQRWYDOLGDQ\PRUH±&]HFK5HSXEOLFZDVEDFNRQWUDFNDQGLQVWHDGRIGUH - aming about all positive values associated with the “West” the country had to start a process of “being EU member”. This active membership can be inter alia opera- WLRQDOL]HGDVSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQWKH(8SROLWLFDOV\VWHP±HJWKURXJK(3HOHFWLRQV Both EP elections that took part in the Czech Republic in 2004 and in 2009 [Hloušek, Kaniok 2014] did not bring a lot of positive news regarding this participation. Czech voters as well as Czech politicians followed the same approach and the same bad habits that have characterized EP elections in old 6 7 DŝŬŽųĂũnjĞƑŶŝŬ͕<ĂƌŽůŚǁĞĚĐnjƵŬͲ^njƵůĐ͕DĂƚĞƵƐnjĂƌĞŵďĂ Cze Ğnik M. (2009), 9RWHU 7XUQRXW 6WDELOLW\ ± (YLGHQFH IURP 3RODQG , „Polish Sociological Ä3ROLWLFDO3UHIHUHQFHV´1R '2,P¿JVKDUH Review”, vol. 165: 107-122. &]HĞQLN 0 8F]HVWQLFWZR Z\ERUF]H D VWUXNWXUD VSRáHF]QD Z ĞZLHWOH EDGDĔ 3*6: &]\PUyĪQLąVLĊJáRVXMąF\RGQLHJáRVXMąF\FK , „Studia Polityczne”, nr 28: 7-28. Cze ĞQLN 0 Zerkowska-Balas M., Kotnarowski M. (2013), 9RWLQJ DV D KDELW LQ 1HZ -DURVãDZ)OLV:DOGHPDU:RMWDVLN 'HPRFUDFLHV±(YLGHQFHIURP3RODQG , „Communist and Post-Communist Studies”, vol. Jagiellonian University, Poland University of Silesia in Katowice, 46: 95-107. Poland )ROOHVGDO$ +L[ 6 :K\ 7KHUH LV D 'HPRFUDWLF 'H¿FLW LQ WKH (8$ 5HVSRQVH WR 0DMRQHDQG0RUDYFVLN Ä-RXUQDORI&RPPRQ0DUNHW6WXGLHV´YRO ± CANDIDATE SELECTION IN THE 2014 EUROPEAN Grönlund K., Setälä M. (2007), 3ROLWLFDO7UXVW6DWLVIDFWLRQDQG9RWHU7XUQRXW , „ Comparative PARLIAMENT ELECTION IN POLAND European Politics” YRO± +RZ PXFK OHJLVODWLRQ FRPHV IURP (XURSH" , House of Commons Library, Research Paper 10/62, 13.10.2010. Jasiewicz K. (2008), 7KH1HZ3RSXOLVPLQ3RODQG7KH8VXDO6XVSHFWV" , „Problems of Post- Abstract: Communism”, vol. 55: 7-25. Markowski R. (2006), 7KH3ROLVK(OHFWLRQVRI3XUH&KDRVRU5HVWUXFWXULQJRIWKH3DUW\ 6\VWHP" , „West European Politics”, vol. 29: 814-832. The article presents the determinants of creating candidate lists in Markowski R. (2008), 7KH3ROLVK3DUOLDPHQWDU\(OHFWLRQ6RPH6WUXFWXULQJ6WLOOD/RW European Parliament elections in Poland. Its subject context is the evaluation RI&KDRV , „West European Politics”, vol. 31: 1055-1068. of importance of selected factors with reference to the effect obtained in the 0DUNRZVNL5&]HĞQLN0 3ROVNLV\VWHPSDUW\MQ\GHNDGD]PLDQLQVW\WXFMRQDOQ\FK election. The main study hypothesis assumes different patterns of creating can- L LFK NRQVHNZHQFMH , [in:] R. Markowski (ed.), 6\VWHP SDUW\MQ\ L ]DFKRZDQLD Z\ERUF]H 'HNDGDSROVNLFKGRĞZLDGF]HĔ :DUVDZ,633$1DQG)ULHGULFK(EHUW6WLIWXQJ didate lists in EP elections in comparison to parliamentary elections, involving Marsh M., Mikhaylov S., (XURSHDQ3DUOLDPHQWHOHFWLRQVDQG(8JRYHUQDQFH , Living Reviews WKHFRPELQHGRFFXUUHQFHRIVHYHUDOGHWHUPLQDQWV7KH¿UVWRIWKHPLVWKHWHQ- in European Governance, http://europeangovernance.livingreviews.org/ (16.09.2014). GHQF\WR¿OOWKHKLJKHVWSRVLWLRQVLQFDQGLGDWHOLVWVZLWKSRSXODUSHRSOHZHOO - McDougall O., Mody A. (2014), :LOO YRWHUV WXUQ RXW LQ WKH (XURSHDQ 3DUOLDPHQWDU\ -known in the media, who have an advantage over anonymous ones. The se- HOHFWLRQV" , VOX, http://www.voxeu.org/17.05.2014 (16.09.2014). cond factor is territorial bonds connecting candidates with the electoral district 0LOODUG) 3RODQG3DUWLHVZLWKRXWD3DUW\6\VWHP , „Politics and Policy”, vol. 37(4): 781-798.
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