Optimise Costs, Increase Revenues Markets Are Different

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Optimise Costs, Increase Revenues Markets Are Different

Photovoltaics central inverters Optimise costs, increase revenues Markets are different

But the markets are subject to different conditions, according to Casini: investors and operators in Asia accept shorter maintenance cycles with increasing personnel requirements if the initial cost is low. In ­Europe and North America, the situation is exactly the opposite, because here the labour costs are higher. “In order to offer the right solutions for each market, Power-One will continue to diversify its product port- folio and include central inverters for both mature and emerging markets,” says Casini. Schweikardt of Sputnik is thinking more of the German market when he says that an investment in PV has to be profitable despite reduced funding, and that it is therefore important that an investor can get the greatest possible amount of energy at the lowest possible cost. For this reason, it is not only Sputnik that is trying to accommodate more powerful central inverters in a station solution, thereby reducing the number of stations needed as well as the acquisition cost. “In addition, we think it is very important,” ­Schweikardt continues, “that our products can be in- stalled quickly and easily to keep time and material Photo: REFUsol costs as low as possible.” More capacity in the same space – with this strategy, News from the manufacturers

manufacturers of central inverters intend to help reduce However, many manufacturers are not just working the investment costs of PV power plants. Some of the on more powerful central inverter stations, but also on system improvements, such as increasing the op- system improvements that will probably be seen at erating voltage from 1000 V to 1500 V, or improving the collaboration between the plant and the trans- Intersolar 2013 serve the same purpose. mission system operators through increased moni- toring and control capabilities. hen asked about trends, concepts and de- AEG Power Solutions (AEG PS) has long been es- velopments in central inverters, Paolo tablished as a global player in the field of solar tech- W­Casini, Vice President of Product Marketing nology. The product range of the business area at Power-One, responded that the market currently has ­Renewable Energy Solutions (RES) includes solar in- two faces: in European markets, demand is declining, verters, monitoring and control systems as well as with the exception of the market in the UK, while in- power controllers for solar power generators of all creasing in the growing PV markets in ­North America, ­sizes. The new central inverter PV.800 from AEG PS is India, and Japan. But it does not matter which the latest member of their Protect PV product family, market you look at, the most important factor is always which is used in PV power plants. The recommended the total cost that the operator of the plant has to bear. PV DC power is specified at 800 to 1300 kW, the rated Hans-Georg Schweikardt, Head of Product ­Management AC output at 880 kVA at 25 °C and 800 kVA at 50 °C at Sputnik Engineering AG, comes to a similar conclu- ambient temperature. The DC voltage window ranges sion: “One of the biggest challenges to surviving in the from 490 to 1000 V according to the data sheet, the PV market in the long term is that you have to develop maximum permissible DC current is 1440 A and the products that are both state of the art technology as UMPPT voltage range is between 573 and 850 V. The well as cost effective.” efficiency according to EN 50530 is at almost 98.15 %.

34 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 35 central inverters

Communication between the PV power plant compo- nents is based on Modbus and CAN bus, which runs between the containers via fibre optic cable and ­Ethernet. This structure allows for continuous moni- toring, including error analysis and regular reporting. For over 50 years the Italian group Bonfiglioli Riduttori S.p.A. from near Bologna has produced electrical drive systems, including frequency convert- ers. In view of the growing “green economy”, the next logical step was to start making solar inverters, which they incorporated into their product range. The as- sortment of inverters, designed for industrial PV sys- tems, ranges from 30 kW compact units up to modu- lar turnkey solutions with 3 MW capacity. They are manufactured in the factory of Bonfiglioli Vectron ABB central inverter PVS800 Photo: ABB Automation Products ­GmbH in Krefeld, . In 2012 Bonfiglioli unveiled their new inverter modules. The devices fulfil all requirements regard- product range, RPS Endurance. The unit is more ro- ing interference immunity and reliability. Bosch bust and compact than the average inverters of this ­Power Tec specifies the maximum efficiency at 98.7 % performance class, according to the company. And it and the European efficiency at 98.5 %. The VC 250 is requires only minimal effort for transportation, instal- the only central inverter with a transformer. lation and maintenance. The product description “Our new central inverter PVS800 is one of the mentions other features: most attractive solar inverters on the market,” says A novel two-stage encapsulation concept pro- Nannette Baur from ABB Automation Products GmbH. vides optimal protection of the inverter components. This praise is due to its compact and modular design The device has an innovative cooling and environ- and its improved efficiency values, ranging between mental protection concept. RPS Endurance systems 98.6 % (maximum) and 98.2 % (European efficiency). are compliant with applicable international grid con- ABB central inverters with a capacity of 100 to 500 kW nection regulations and are suitable for composite are used in systems with multiple MW capacity and in operation in large-scale PV systems ex works. Finally, mid-size facilities in industrial and commercial build- a few details from the data sheet: AC rated output ings. Among numerous other certificates, the PVS800 500 kW; maximum DC input voltage 1000 V; weight has now been granted the Golden Sun certificate, <1000 kg; efficiency 98.6 % (advised). which is necessary for the Chinese market. As the Large PV systems not only need a central invert- company reports, a few months ago a new production er, but also usually a medium voltage transformer, line for the PVS800 went into operation on location in switchgear, and a monitoring system. For this reason, Bangalore, India. The Indian PV market is one of the Bonfiglioli: “more robust and it makes sense to place everything as a complete fastest-growing worldwide. “For our new production compact than the average package in a central inverter station. For this, Bosch line, there are already orders with a volume of more inverters of this performance Power Tec GmbH has complete systems readily avail- than 200 MW, the first of which had already been de- class” Photo: Bonfiglioli S.p.A. able; among others, the VIS 1050 and 1400 station, livered at the end of 2012,” says K. N. Sreevatsa, intended for PV facilities with high-performance mod- ­Local Business Unit Manager for ABB Power ules, and the VIS 400-600 are the smallest models in ­Conversion in India. The annual capacity of the new this series, which accommodate only two inverters plant amounts to 500 MW. (VC series). “Our turnkey inverter stations in the “With the Fronius Agilo, we have developed a ­VIS series are the ideal solution for rapid planning central inverter with the installer in mind: easy and error-free commissioning of large solar power plants,” says Senior PR Manager Christoph Lapczyna. “All components and the ventilating system are fac- tory installed and tested. The stations of the VIS se- ries are type-tested and ensure operators and inves- tors a maximum return.” This integrated system, con- sisting of central inverters of the VC series, a high- power medium-voltage transformer and a monitoring system, reaches a system efficiency of over 98 %, ­according to Lapczyna. A medium-voltage switchgear can be optionally integrated ex works. The central inverters of the VC series follow a completely new concept that makes the use of a com- biner box redundant since the DC circuit breakers are already integrated. This is expected to save costs and Reference plant in Roeselare, , with two reduce planning and installation effort significantly. Fronius central inverters of the type Agilo A grounding kit is integrated for use with thin-film Photos: Fronius International

36 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 New central inverters up to 1 MW

www.ingeteam.com At Ingeteam, we apply the concept i+c, in every project that we undertake –innovation to find the best solution and commitment to provide the best service. Ingeteam’s new INGECON SUN PowerMax central inverters are now more powerful and efficient than ever: • Wider output power range: 275 to 1,019 kW. • Up to 98.8% maximum efficiency level. • DCAC integrated connection cabinet to facilitate the maintenance. • Available in Indoor and Outdoor versions.

The formula of the new energy

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­transport, simple installation and easy maintenance load ranges; thanks to a large heat sink, only small are the key features.” This is how Andrea Schartner, fans with low consumption are needed. The peak ef- Communication Division Leader of Fronius ficiency is 98.4 %; European efficiency is 98.2 %. ­International GmbH, describes the new 3-phase in- The HSI 640 forms the basis for the string central verter, which the company unveiled at the Intersolar inverter HSIB 1000 (1,000 kW), which is supported 2012 and began to market a few months ago. The de- by the specially designed string booster box vice can be fully installed and serviced by the install- ­­SBB 16‑10. Each string booster box contains 4 MPP er, according to Fronius. With a maximum output of trackers, which allow a wide variety of configurations 75 kW and 100 kW, the Agilo is particularly suitable regarding module types, radiation and combination for industrial and commercial systems. of strings. The peak efficiency, with a value of 98.7 %, They are used, for example, by the surpasses that of the HSI 640, and the European effi- Belgian company Anogel in Roese- ciency of 98.7 % is also considerably higher. This lare, which specialises in anodis- high value is unique for inverters of this technology, ing and colouring of aluminium according to FeCon. panels. In order to reduce the high “Sunrise in Texas: Kaco new energy brings energy costs, the company has ­opted 400 MW of solar power to 70,000 homes.” Under this for a PV system with 199 kW on the headline on its website, Kaco new energy GmbH an- roof of the production building. The nounced the largest single order in its history. Search- annual yield is around 178,612 kWh, ing for inverters for a large solar power plant in San according to Fronius. Thus it is possi- Antonio, OCI Solar Power, which was commissioned ble to achieve a proportion of own with building the plant, decided for the XP series by consumption of about 70 %. Two Ag- Kaco, according to the article. Kaco will set up a plant ilo 100.0 with an ­AC output of 100 with 70 jobs specifically for this contract. Ground was kW are used. The maximum input broken in early March of this year. “Our Integrated voltage is 950 V, the MPP voltage Power Stations (IPS) will be used there for the first The new Ingecon Sun range from 460 to 820 V. The maxi- time,” says Kai Block of Kaco corporate communica- ­PowerMax in the outdoor mum efficiency is given as 97.2 % and tions. “The outdoor version of our central inverters ­version with an AC output 96.6 % European. The weight is 830 kg. will be assembled with external transformers and an power of 1 MW Photo: Ingeteam Right at the beginning of the new exhibition sea- AC-side separator on a base plate into functional son, Ingeteam Power Technology S.A. announced a units”. new central inverter in the Ingecon Sun PowerMax se- Part of the Integrated Power Stations will be the ries with 1 MW output, and immediately showed it at new central inverter Powador XP550-HV TL outdoor. the Genera in in February. The new inverter The unit has a rated AC power of 550 kW and is suit­ has a novel forced cooling system, which gives the able as a single unit for PV installations with a gener- device a maximum output of 1,019 kW at an ambient ator power up to 660 kW. Powador central inverters temperature of 45 °C. According to spokeswoman can be combined to central inverter stations; two XP Irene Marin Garcia, this new series is available in devices plus a medium voltage transformer then form both indoor as well as outdoor versions. In addition a turnkey 500 kW, 700 kW or 1 MW station. They are to the new 1-MW unit, the Ingecon Sun PowerMax se- fully digitally controlled and can be configured to all ries includes indoor central inverters with AC power national and international grid requirements. Opera- ratings from 275 to 917 kW. tion works via a touch screen and remote monitoring Ingeteam is specialised in the development of can be linked to the Internet. frequency converters, motors, generators and electri- Inverters from Power-One will be used on a cal equipment. According to the company, it has sup- 16 MW project by Wirsol Solar AG in southern plied inverters with a cumulative capacity of more ­Germany, which the project developer chose because than 3 GW and spent 5 % of its turnover on R&D so far. Of the 3,000 employees, almost a third is in engi- neering and development. The Spanish Wind & Sun Technologies Group ­also emphasises the high proportion of engineers in its workforce and heavy spending on research and development. Together with their subsidiary FeCon, they carry out their PV activities under the trademark Helios Systems. Sales Manager Ingo Kraus points to the PV central inverter HSI 640, which doesn’t have a transformer, and the HSIB 1000. The transformerless HSI 640 (rated AC output 640 kW) is specifically de- signed for use in IT networks. The power electronics, with Trench IGBTs of the latest generation, was de- signed intentionally oversized to improve the effi- ciency. According to the description, the filter choke 1 MW central inverter station for worldwide equip- is optimised to reduce power losses in partial and full ping of large PV systems Photo: Kaco new energy

38 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 HALL 2, STAND NR. H22A



At Power-One, we aim high so you can tooTM DO YOU AIM HIGH? Power-One offers the broadest range of photovoltaic and wind power inverter solutions in the industry. The Aurora product line of renewable energy inverters from Power-One features the highest effi ciency in energy harvesting from market-leading technology. www.power-one.com

Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 39 Photovoltaics central inverters

ceived the distinction of being the best solar project of the year during the Power-Gen ­International Project of the Year gala, in late 2012. REFUsol equipped the park – which has a nominal capacity of 70 MW on an open area of about 150 acres – with 38 of inverter types REFUsol 333K and 2,540 invert- ers of the type REFUsol 020K. The SolarMax 360 TS-SV is the new innovation by Sputnik Engineering. It consists of three power units of 120 kW and can be operated with one or even three separate MPP trackers. Devices with a single MPPT are suitable for PV systems with homo- geneous module equipment and minimal shadow. If these conditions are not met, then three trackers According to Power-One, it is of their modularity, efficiency and the multiple MPPT in multi-MPPT mode are the most economical solu- the largest central inverter technology. The order included 44 central inverters of tion. Beat Greber, Senior Product Manager for on the market: the Aurora the type Aurora PVI-330.0-TL with an AC output pow- ­SolarMax central inverters explains a further im- Ultra 1.4MW. Photo: Power-One er rating of 330 kW. The scalable system is based on provement: “We have optimised parameters for the 55 kW modules. Thanks to this modular architecture, new 360 TS-SV such that we have a higher output a possible loss of power in one of the inverter mod- voltage. This means that fewer inverter stations are ules does not immediately affect the energy output of required and thus costs can be reduced.” The the remaining functional modules. The inverters of 360 TS-SV has a European efficiency of 97.4 %. Two the Aurora series are available with and without a of these new central inverters can be combined ­into transformer. In the versions without a transformer, a compact station (720 TS-SV) on-site, saving time they achieve up to 98 %, according to Power-One. The and costs, which then has an output power of units are pre-configured and tested before delivery, 720 kW. Sputnik also has a station in its product so that significantly less cabling and test work is re- range, namely the 660 TS-SV compact station, quired on-site. which can accommodate two 330 TS-SV inverters The largest solar inverter in the Aurora product and is designed for a total power of 660 kW. range is the Ultra 1.4MW, designed for large solar fa- At SMA Solar Technology AG, the inverters in the cilities and farms. This liquid-cooled high-power in- Power Plant Solutions range are probably the prod- verter system is the largest solar in- ucts that promise the world’s largest prestige. Sunny verter on the market, according to Central stands for compact solutions, Sunny ­Tripower ­Power-One. The power conversion effi- for decentralised solutions. The Transformer Compact ciency of up to 98.7 % is the best the Station is “the link between Sunny Central CP XT in- market has to offer, as well as the ultra- verters and a medium-voltage grid,” as SMA de- fast MPPT channels are. This large in- scribes it. First, a look at the central inverter Sunny verter system also reduces the amount Central CP XT. The series includes devices with of cabling and test work required on- ­AC power ratings from 500 to 900 kW. The recom- site considerably, thanks to its sepa- mended system power is 1 MW. The units can be set rate DC and AC distribution. up directly in the field and withstand temperatures of The outdoor central inverter -40 °C to 62 °C. More details: wide DC input voltage ­REFUsol 333K, made by REFUsol range for the flexible use of different module configu­ ­GmbH, achieves a power of 333 kW. rations; adapted to the temperature-dependent be- The patented UltraEta circuit topology haviour of PV generators; computer platform for in conjunction with high-end transis- monitoring­ and controlling the inverters. tors provides a peak efficiency of The Transformer Compact Stations in the power 98.4 %; the MPP range goes from 600 classes 500 to 1800 kW are turnkey complete solu- to 1200 V. The device has an AC volt- tions made of concrete. In addition to the central in- age of 690 V, which corresponds to verters of the CP series, they can also include a trans- the voltage level of industrial net- former and medium voltage switchgear. Constructed works and wind energy plants, and a of steel, they are much smaller and lighter than pre- similarly increased DC voltage of up vious versions. The Transformer Compact Stations to 1,500 V, which allows longer 1600SC and 1800SC are equipped with an adjust­ strings and reduced losses within the able voltage tap, which can be operated via a rotary strings at the same power. Thanks to switch. For the American market, SMA has developed the high output voltage of 690 V, the the MV Power Platform. It consists of a maximum of parallel operation of multiple devices two outdoor-capable Sunny Central CP-US inverters, on a single transformer is possible. a transformer and a disconnect unit, which are mount- The ­REFUsol 333K has already been ed on a steel plate. The platform is available in open used in several projects, for example and closed versions, or with a roof. in the solar park Meuro, which re- Wilhelm Wilming

40 Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 / Battery Charging Systems / Welding Technology / Solar Electronics

FRONIUS AGILO 75.0-3 / 100.0-3 / The Fronius Agilo is the first central inverter for trade and industry that is both powerful and portable. Its sophisticated design makes it astonishingly portable and simplicity itself to install. The special recesses in its base enable it to be moved around safely using a lift truck. The integral heavy-duty rollers provide added flexibility when space is at a premium. The Fronius Agilo is delivered on an industry-standard Europallet to guarantee low storage costs. Not only is moving the inverter so straightforward, trained installers will now be able to install, service and maintain it themselves without any special tools. Curious? Find out more at: www.fronius.com

Sun & Wind Energy 4/2013 41

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