Volume 140, Issue 13 (The Sentinel, 1911
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The Sentinel BEGIN PALESTINE HEARINGS I Anglo-American Inquiry Committee Landsberg Camp Conditions Improved Following Exposure 600,000 Jews Served FI~rr w sc d Opens Washington Sessions Jan. 7 in .. rmeu orces Nuremberg - Conditions of over- crowding, undernourishment and lack York - Fifteen men of Jewish Washington-The State Department Emanuel Celler, Democrats of New of heat at the Landsberg camp for New the rank of General and last week announced that the joint York. Opposing it were Reps. Victor displaced persons, brought to public faith achieved others saw service as Admirals or Anglo-American inquiry committee on Wickersham of Oklahoma, Smith of attention two weeks ago with the tem- three New Jersey and Miller of Nebraska. porary resignation of Dr. Leo Srole, during the war, it was re- Palestine will open hearings in Wash- Commodores camp welfare director, have been vealed here by the National Jewish Wel- ington on January 7 and that invita- Palestine Police Resumes ameliorated, according to a report re- tions will be sent by the commission ceived from A. G. Glassgold, camp di- fare Board in a call to Jewish groups to various Jewish, Arab and Christian Raids on Jews rector. While denying that conditions and individuals in the United States organizations, asking them to submit at their worst could be compared with asking them to submit names of Jews their views. Organizations which do Jerusalem (JTA) - After a lull of. those of former Nazi slave labor camps, who fought in World War II to their three weeks, the authorities in Palestine not receive invitations may also submit Glassgold did affirm that improvements local Jewish War Records Committee. material to the have resumed rounding up Jews, on the are being made. committee, the an- Rec- nouncement said. ' pretext of searching for 100 Jewish "il- Friday and Saturday 1,000 inmates Designating January as "War legal" immigrants who are alleged to Board Whether the were taken from Landsberg to Munich, ords Month," the Jewish Welfare hearings will be public have landed here. or closed has not been established where a settlement built by the Ger- reported that incomplete data already as Police and British troops lined all yet. The British members of the com- man Labor Service has been turned collected indicates that some 600,000 roads in Northern Palestine, stopping into a D. P. family center. Additional mittee will come here to participate in Jewish men and women served in the all vehicles, including buses, and check- relief camps are being planned and the hearings, and. then the full com- armed forces. In addition to this num- mittee will go to London and proceed ing on each Jewish passenger. Only the population at Landsberg will be Jews were requested to show identity to man from there to Palestine and other kept to the 4,200 for which there is ber, which would be sufficient documents; Arabs were not molested. A adequate room, said Glassgold. The 40 divisions, more than fifty percent of places of investigation. number of Jews were taken off several army is replacing wood burning stoves the American rabbinate volunteered for The State Department reported that buses and transferred to a military with central oil heating and improving "members of the committee are con- camp near the Jewish settlement of sanitation facilities and other com- the chaplaincy, with half of their num- tinuing their study of the background Rosh-Pinah. forts. Following a survey of the food ber serving overseas. One-third of the of the problems in preparation for the situation, the Medical Corps has prom- Jewish physicians of all ages were in Washington hearings and the examina- Truman Strikes At Biased ised an improvement in nutritional uniform; 60 percent of those under 45 tion of conditions in Europe and Pal- standards-which will be expedited by were in the armed forces. Nearly 30 estine." Employers, Continues FEPC greater transportation facilities. percent of the Jewish dentists in the Invite Groups To Testify saw mili- Washington-President Truman th s metropolitan New York area A meeting of the American members week issued an executive order continu- tary service. was held at the State Department Warsaw Decrees Death Penalty fol- ing the work of the Fair Employment For Polish Pogrom Thugs Combat Casualties Over 22,000 lowing which the appointment of Leslie Practices Committee until June 30, Warsaw-A decree providing the Jewish families throughout the L. Rood as secretary of the committee 1946, in accordance Forty with provisions of death sentence or life imprisonment States lost two sons each in the was announced. Evan M. Wilson and the National War Agencies Appropria- United for violence against Jews has been service, while at least one family is F. Vickery Loud are to be the Amer- tion Act. The committee is instructed ican research assistants, and William promulgated by the Polish Govern- known tomhave lost three sons in action. by the order. "to investigate, make find- ment. men Roundtree its administrative assistant. ings and recommendations, and report Combat casualties among Jewish Dated Dec. 17, the measure says and women numbered 22,042 while "Various Jewish, Arab and Chris- to the President, with respect to dis- that acts of violence against persons tian groups which have crimination in industries engaged in 29,004 awards were received by some manifested in- of another nationality or religion, or Jewish soldiers and sailors. One terest in these problems work contributing to the production of 15,000 are being in- participation in the activities of the highest award of the na- vited to submit their views military supplies or to the effective received before the mobs conducting attacks against such tion, the Congressional Medal of Honor, Committee," the State Department an- transition to a neace time economy." persons will be punishable under nouncement reads. The President simultaneously sent and 75 earned the second highest "While the Com- a martial law, as offences "especially the Army Distinguished Serv- mittee has endeavored directive to the heads of all govern- award, to issue dangerous in the period of the re- ice Cross and the Navy Cross. invitations to all organizations con- ment departments, agencies and inde- building of the Polish State." There cerned, it will welcome a submission pendent establishments, calling for fair will be no appeal from the sentences of views by other organizations. Ad- consideration of all qualified workers of death or life imprisonment which. Chinese Employing Nazis; vice on the method of presentation for employment without distinction as military courts are authorized to Shun Jewish Skills may be obtained by communicating to race, creed, color or national origin. impose. with, the secretary of the Committee Instructs Agencies at the State Department." "It has come to my attention," the New York-The Chinese Government President wrote, "that Anders Identified As Leader is employing German technicians, many House Adopts a considerable Palestine Resolution number of loyal and oualified employees Of Polish Anti-Semitic Pogroms of them avowed Nazis, to help recon- Washington-The House of Repre- have been refused transfer and re-em- struct war-smashed Chinese industry. sentatives last week overwhelmingly ployment by employment agencies solely London (JTS) - General Anders, At the same time, the Executive Yuan, passed the Palestine resolution by voice because of race and creed. This condi- former Commander-in-Chief of the in Chunking, approved an order for the vote, with only a few nays, after an tion is a violation of civil service rules Polish Middle East Army, whose forces repatriation of all German and Aus- hour and a half debate. The resolu- which have been issued by the President were guilty of anti-Semitic incidents in trian nationals in China, the bulk of tion is identical with the Wagner-Taft and in violation of existing law. I am Palestine and other Middle East coun- whom are Jewish refugees who fled the resolution adopted two days ago by the writing to request that you make care- tries, was accused by Polish Prime Min- Gestapo in 1939, and now live in squalid Senate. ful analysis of your nersonnel nolicies, ister Bobka Morawska of fomenting the internment camps, it is reported in a A last minute move by Rep. James procedures and practices in order that current anti-Semitic pogroms in Poland. Shanghai dispatch to the Scripps-How- Wadsworth, Republican of New York, ... all qualified workers in existing Premier Morawska, in an interview ard newspapers. to recommit the resolution to the For- temporary war jobs will be considered with the London Telegraph's Warsaw Although China is in desperate need eign Affairs Committee, was defeated fairly for appointments without dis- correspondent, confirmed reports of new of skilled professionals and technicians, by a vote of 133 to 36. Wadsworth tinction because of race, creed, color or atrocities against Polish Jews, blaming s3he has not offered to accept the serv- had previously expressed great fear, national origin. them on Polish Nazis collaborating with ices of Jewish refugee doctors and en- during the debate, that the passage of The full cooperation of all govern- German Nazis in Silesia. - rrineers languishing in the camps. the resolution might cause a wave of ment agencies with FEPC "in all mat- anti-Semitism, which he deplored. ters affecting the employment of minori- LINDBERGH'S BACK AGAIN: SAME WORDS, SAME MUSIC The resolution was supported in ties in government" was also requested Washington-An address by Charles A. Lindbergh before the Aero speeches by Rep. John W. McCormack, by the President. Club here on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the first flight of "famine stricken majority leader and Rep. Joseph W. the Wright Brothers turned out to be a plea for the GREEK JEWS DEMONSTRATE peoples we have defeated" and a criticism of the trial of top Nazi leaders Martin, minority leader, both of Mas- now being held in Nuremberg.