Baris Parlan CV 2020 09
Curriculum Vitae Barıș Parlan I'm a sapiosexual earthling named Barış Parlan. An information technology expert living in Cyprus. Natural born curious and critical evolved into a nerd digital storyteller. Ph.D. candidate of remix theory and digital humanities. Works as consultant, teacher, graphic designer, advertiser, photographer, VJ, artist. Loves science, futurism, cyberpunk. Looks at the world from the window of critical theory. Practices Atheism and Polyamory. Details Web : : E-Mail @bparlan : 0533 868 45 03 Mobile vcard Address : Alkan 10 Apt. #11, Salamis Str. Famagusta, Cyprus Date of Birth : 14/02/1985 Citizenship : TRNC, Republic of Turkey Martial Status : Married scan with your phone Educational Background to add your contacts . Eastern Mediterranean University, B.S. Degree at Computer Studies & I.T. Conference Participation Cyprus. 2003 - 2007 / 3,29 CGPA Parlan, B. (2017, March). Independent . Politecnico Di Milano, Game Development - Price of Freedom. M. A. Degree at Computer Engineering Paper presented at the International Italy. 2009 - 2010 / Dropped Conference on Cultural Studies, DAKAM Cultural Studies 17, Istanbul, TR. Eastern Mediterranean University, M. A. Degree at Visual Arts & Communication Design Cyprus. 2012 - 2014 / 3,84 CGPA . Eastern Mediterranean University, Ph.D. candidate at Communication Faculty Cyprus. 2014 - Ongoing / 3,68 CGPA Online Education . Social Psychology by Prof. Scott Plous Wesleyan University. Coursera, 2014 . Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python by Prof. Eric Grimson MITx 6.00.1x. edX, 2016 . Introduction to Machine Learning by Andrew NG Stanford University. Coursera, 2017 . What is Data Science? . Python for Data Science and AI IBM. Coursera, 2019 IBM.
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