WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH MITT? ROMNEY’S ROOTS AND HIS HAPLESS QUEST FOR THE PRESIDENCY Will Bagley What’s the matter with Mitt Romney? In the homestretch of his roller-coaster presidential bid—exceptional for its slickness and boneheaded blunders— Romney’s spirited performance and Obama’s lethargic response in their first debate have made the contest a horserace. Now, in the first presidential battle to include a Mormon, anything can happen. Romney’s biggest problem isn’t his faith—it’s his insular wealth, which makes him unable to engage in the good-ole- boy, beer-drinking retail politics required to become America’s president. Mitt’s evasiveness about his religious convictions is calculated but self-defeating, since openness about what his faith means to him might counter Mitt’s worst problem: his lack of authenticity. Neither religion nor politics is as interesting as sex, but when the two have a Romney-style head-on collision, the results can be spectacular. Ironically, this “Mormon moment” should have been an ideal opportunity for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to claim its singular identity and profit from an outpouring of sympathy for a uniquely American faith—see Simon Critchley’s New York Times essay on Joseph Smith’s revolutionary theology. It has instead coincided with a mass exodus of believers and a sharp debate within the church about what Mormonism means. How many of Willard Mitt Romney’s troubles arise from the old political “Mormon Problem,” which led an American president to send an army to Utah in 1857, and how much of this intelligent, eloquent, and cute candidate’s 11/1/12 Page 1 predicament is his own damn fault? Romney’s vast wealth is his biggest problem and poses a greater pitfall to his presidential ambitions than his religion. Only his years at a provincial Mormon enclave in Provo, Utah, tempered his elite education at Cranbrook School, Stanford, and Harvard, where he lived in a gated community. Romney’s closest encounter with reality was working as a security guard at a Chrysler plant. He never busted a strike or beat up antiwar protestors, but to say Mitt lacks the common touch belabors the obvious. What role did his religion play in making Willard Mitt Romney such a dismal political candidate? As Mormon Deacon three years younger than Willard M. Romney in 1962, I too lived far from Zion, in a rural ward made up of refuges from Mormon Country drawn to California’s jobs. For baby-boomer Mormons, our religion’s colorful history and unique doctrines had immense appeal—and being Latter-day Saints set us apart from our peers. But the church services of my youth consisted of endless hours of amateur preaching and racist right-wing politicking. A lot has changed in half a century: Mormonism has traded its rural western roots for a modern corporate marketing machine. Like candidate Romney, it is continually rewriting and denying its past. The racist pieties regularly spewed from Mormon pulpits ended June 1978, when the reigning prophet, Spencer W. Kimball, received a revelation “extending priesthood and temple blessings to all worthy male members of the Church.” Fortunately, Mormonism dumped its racism virtually overnight—but its policy had already alienated members like me. Today young Saints have no recollection of this ancient history, and the faith’s hired historians try to equate its prejudicial past with benevolence. Yet Mitt Romney’s acceptance of such beliefs as a young lay leader is only part of the complicated puzzle Mormonism 11/1/12 Page 2 presents for his vaulting ambition—and his religion. For over 30 years, he supported a Mormon doctrine denying the priesthood to those afflicted with “the curse of Canaan,” which meant black African origins. All religions are inherently weird, but only Scientology comes close to Mormonism in the weirdness sweepstakes. To counter this, the Corporation of the President, Mormonism’s legal identity, is running away from its gaudy history, rugged frontier folksiness and revolutionary theology in desperate attempt to make itself no more controversial than Methodism—and every bit as boring. It was not always so. As Deacon in 1964, I went to the Bishop’s office for the standard interview required for 14-year-old boys to advance in the faith’s Aaronic (or lesser) Priesthood. Bishop Rounds worked as a gardener, so he was an unusual character to hold an office usually assigned to accountants, lawyers, or businessmen. The bishop lacked the sophistication and even the pastoral skills of his predecessor, a dentist, so he relied on the handbook of instructions Salt Lake sent to Mormon officials. Brother Rounds ran through the handbook’s the list of questions Melchizedek Priesthood leaders asked to determine if I was worthy of the virtually automatic promotion to the office of Teacher. Did I accept the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Did I have a testimony of the divine calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith and David O. McKay, the current president? Did I believe in the truth of the Book of Mormon? Did I play with myself? Did I give Brother Rounds the honest or the expected answers? I hope I said I played with my friends, not with myself, and that I had my doubts about the 11/1/12 Page 3 divine nature of the Restored Gospel. But maybe I had learned the true lesson of these painful sessions: don’t tell the truth, tell people what they want to hear. Having read Mark Twain’s Letters from the Earth, I failed to respond in the approved manner. Reading all 522 pages of The Book of Mormon convinced me it was the creation of a semi-literate frontier farm boy in the 1820s. Besides, I wondered how someone as homely as Bishop Rounds could produce his daughter Nadine, a very hot number. For a hormone-crazed 13-year old male, Nadine was a much more compelling subject than The Book of Mormon, which in 1860 struck British adventurer Richard Francis Burton as “composed only to emulate the sprightliness of some parts of Leviticus.” The interview seemed fairly standard until the bishop reached the end. “Have you had sex with animals?” That woke me up. You can have sex with animals? At last—a question I could answer honestly: Who knew you could have sex with animals? This story might cast light on why it might take Jehovah’s divine intervention to make Mitt Romney president of the United States. The religion’s long tradition of pragmatism and its enduring belief in ends justifying means teaches young Saints to believe in whatever works. In the church’s endless “worthiness” interviews, lying works. Young Saints—at least this one—learned the bishop didn’t want an honest answer: he wanted the right answer. We learned truth is fungible. Mormons didn’t give up lying for the Lord when they abandoned polygamy: they learned to tell people what they want to hear. Mitt oozes insincerity, but he believes everything he says, no matter how demonstrably untrue it may be. This legacy of his Mormon upbringing may explain why Romney has no qualms about retailing a long list of claims 11/1/12 Page 4 conclusively exposed as lies—not merely half-truths or mostly false but big pants-on-fire lies. Mitt believes and his minions believe his false charges in their very bones—so they’re true. As Dr. P. J. Goebbels discovered and Fox News proves, repeat a lie often enough until everybody believes it’s true and it is. Forty years ago Hunter Thompson called the Republican Convention “the Dance of the Robots.” This year the robots crowned their Robot King. Romney’s enormous wealth renders him incapable of appealing to the fabled Reagan Democrats, and his nomination of Paul Ryan shows he can’t even bank on the Republican base. Romney’s dramatic and cynical transformation from the Last of the Moderate Republicans to xenophobic Tea Party spear-carrier demonstrates his dedication to doing and saying whatever it takes to win the presidency of the United States. His end—saving America’s divinely inspired constitution, which is hanging by a thread—justifies his means. For better or worse, Mitt Romney personifies everything Americans find admirable and spooky about Mormons. The Governor is friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, brave, thrifty—notoriously so—clean and reverent. But trustworthy and loyal? To be trusted by whom and loyal to what? As Frank Rich observed, Romney’s core problem is that he’s determined to keep secret his greatest passion—his faith. A computer engineer once asked me, “How can brilliant people believe in a religion that is so patently unbelievable?” This may be Mormonism’s greatest mystery. A reasonable explanation involves a bigger problem: why do people follow such obviously bogus prophets as Joseph Smith, L. Ron Hubbard and Vladimir Putin? The answer lies not in the head but in the heart. Religion is not about intellect—it’s about feeling. Mormonism’s truth-claim is intensely 11/1/12 Page 5 emotional: in the final thrilling pages of the Book of Mormon, after the evil red Lamanites have “put to death every Nephite that will not deny Christ,” Moroni explains how to know the Truth. The last white Nephite exhorts readers to “ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, and he will manifest the truth in you.” That manifestation communicates emotionally, directly to the heart, in what Mormons call “a burning in the bosom.” Young Saints are not taught to intellectually distinguish truth from fiction: Truth is something you feel.
PART THREE Creating and Communicating Movement History: Methodology and Theory HASAN KWAME JEFFRIES Remaking History Barack Obama, Political Cartoons, and the Civil Rights Movement n the forty- !"h anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have Oa Dream” speech, which he delivered on August #$, %&'(, during the March on Washington, Barack Obama accepted the Democratic Party’s nom- ination for president of the United States. In doing so, he became the !rst African American to earn the top spot on a major political party’s presiden- tial ticket. This historical twist of fate was not lost on Obama, but in keeping with his campaign strategy, which called for him to avoid discussing race, he downplayed the happenstance, alluding to it only with a passing refer- ence to “a young preacher from Georgia.”) The media, however, did not hesi- tate to point out the coincidence, freely invoking the spirit of King and the March on Washington. Political cartoonists re*ected this tendency in their work. While covering Obama’s nomination, they made frequent reference to that historic day nearly half a century earlier. Cartoonist R. J. Matson, for example, published a piece the day before Obama’s acceptance speech that featured King, standing on steps not unlike those of the Lincoln Memorial (from which King delivered his most famous speech), holding an oversized replica of Obama’s campaign emblem high above his head., Allusions to King and the March on Washington made by those covering Obama’s campaign neither began nor ended with the Democratic National Convention. Instead, they spanned the full length of Obama’s run for the White House, starting in earnest the day he announced his candidacy in Feb- ruary #--.
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford What Inflamed The Iraq War? The Perspectives of American Cartoonists By Rania M.R. Saleh Hilary Term 2008 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the Heikal Foundation for Arab Journalism, particularly to its founder, Mr. Mohamed Hassanein Heikal. His support and encouragement made this study come true. Also, special thanks go to Hani Shukrallah, executive director, and Nora Koloyan, for their time and patience. I would like also to give my sincere thanks to Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, particularly to its director Dr Sarmila Bose. My warm gratitude goes to Trevor Mostyn, senior advisor, for his time and for his generous help and encouragement, and to Reuter's administrators, Kate and Tori. Special acknowledgement goes to my academic supervisor, Dr. Eduardo Posada Carbo for his general guidance and helpful suggestions and to my specialist supervisor, Dr. Walter Armbrust, for his valuable advice and information. I would like also to thank Professor Avi Shlaim, for his articles on the Middle East and for his concern. Special thanks go to the staff members of the Middle East Center for hosting our (Heikal fellows) final presentation and for their fruitful feedback. My sincere appreciation and gratitude go to my mother for her continuous support, understanding and encouragement, and to all my friends, particularly, Amina Zaghloul and Amr Okasha for telling me about this fellowship program and for their support. Many thanks are to John Kelley for sharing with me information and thoughts on American newspapers with more focus on the Washington Post .
Happy Tuesday and Happy New Hampshire Primary Day! the Second Test of the Presidential Race Begins This Morning and Tonight We'll See Who the Granite State Favors
February 10, 2016 Happy Tuesday And happy New Hampshire primary day! The second test of the presidential race begins this morning and tonight we'll see who the Granite State favors. Political insiders say they believe Sen. Bernie Sanders will top Hillary Clinton -- the polls favor him strongly -- while Donald Trump will get his first win after his Iowa loss. [Politico] Topping the news: Senate President Wayne Niederhauser weighed in on the LDS Church's opposition to Sen. Mark Madsen's medical marijuana bill. [Trib] [DNews][Fox13] [APviaKUTV] -> Carolyn Tuft, a victim of the Trolley Square shooting, pleaded with Utah Lawmakers to expand Medicaid. [Trib] [DNews] -> Some 65 percent of Utahns like the job that Sen. Mike Lee is doing while 59 percent say the same thing about Sen. Orrin Hatch. [UtahPolicy] Tweets of the day: From @JPFrenie: "Hey guys isn't it pretty cool that for once a Republican had a gaffe and it wasn't a sexist, corrupt or terrible thing to say. " From @RyanLizza: "Best detail I've heard from the Sanders campaign trail : one of his two press buses is nut-free" Happy Birthday: To Dave Hultgren. Tune in: On Tuesday at 12:15 p.m., Rep. Mike Noel joins Jennifer Napier-Pearce to discuss his plan to manage federal lands and other developments in the public lands debate. Watch Trib Talk on sltrib.com. You can also join the discussion by sending questions and comments to the hashtag #TribTalk on Twitter or texting 801-609-8059. From Capitol Hill : The Senate passed a proposal to ship $40 million to charter schools, despite objections that it would cut too much out of the public education fund.
Project for Excellence in Journalism Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life December 14, 2012 The Media, Religion and the 2012 Campaign for President FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Alan Cooperman, Associate Director, Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Amy Mitchell, Acting Director, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism Jesse Holcomb, Research Associate, Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism (202) 419-4300 1615 L St. N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20036 www.journalism.org The Media, Religion and the 2012 Campaign for President Overview A striking feature of the 2012 race for the White House – a contest that pitted the first Mormon nominee from a major party against an incumbent president whose faith had been a source of controversy four years earlier – is how little the subject of religion came up in the media. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism and the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, just 1% of the campaign coverage by major news outlets (including broadcast and cable television, radio, newspaper front pages and the most popular news websites) focused on the religion of the candidates or the role of religion in the presidential election. Only 6% of the election- related stories in major news outlets contained any reference to religion. Media attention to religion’s importance in the campaign peaked during the primaries, when several Republican candidates spoke about their Christian beliefs. The prominence of religious rhetoric in speeches by Rep. Michele Bachmann, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former U.S.
Alumnus Appointed to Obama Cabinet THIS WEEK's ECHOI College
Schools cope College attempts to understand differences with financial Calls f orsolidarity resound on campus challenges By ELISABETH PONSOT tural community reflects the tumul- MANAGING EDITOR tuous nature of how these questions about race, gender, class and sexual- By SUZANNE MERKELSON EDITOR IN CHIEF For a moment on November 4, the ity unfold on a national scale. College seemed to come to a halt, a ver- "Periodically over time there have itable stand-still in an otherwise frenzied been incidents that have sparked the The current economic crisis was a night of excitement and celebration. kind of response that we've seen this central point of discussion in Presi- As president-elect Barack Obama year," Professor and Director of Edu- dent William D. Adams' Family took the stage to declare victory, stu- cation and chair of the Committee on Homecoming State of the College ad- dents on the Hill understood that what- Race and Racism Mark Tappan said. dress as well during the October ever our political leanings, we were all "Sometimes the response is the result Trustees ' meeting. According to Di- witness to a defining moment in our na- of one incident, other times it's been a rector of Communications David tion 's history. It was an image that sym- series of incidents, like this time when Eaton, the trustees spent a large bolized, in the words of President of the it all kind of built up." amount of time talking about the eco- College William D. Adams, "an incred- The "series of events" that Tappan nomic situation and its effects on ible piece of progress for the nation," — referred to include the Country Club Colby.
PARTICIPATION A LOOK BACK AT 2007 Hinckley Institute Holds 2000th Hinckley Forum “OUR YOUNG, BEST MINDS MUST BE ENCOURAGED TO ENTER POLITICS.” Robert H. Hinckley 2 In This Issue Dr. J.D. Williams Page 3 Hinckley News Page 4 Internship Programs Page 8 Outstanding Interns Page 16 Scholarships Page 18 PARTICIPATION Hinckley Forums Page 20 Alumni Spotlights Page 25 Hinckley Staff Page 26 Donors Page 28 Hinckley Institute Holds 2000th Hinckley Forum Since 1965, the Hinckley Institute has held more than 2,000 Hinckley Forums (previously known as “Coffee & Politics”) featuring local, national, and international political leaders. Hinckley Forums provide University of Utah students and the surrounding community intimate access to and interaction with our nation’s leaders. Under the direction of Hinck- ley Institute assistant director Jayne Nelson, the Hinckley Institute hosts 65-75 forums each year in the newly renovated Hinckley Caucus Room. Partnerships with supporting Univer- sity of Utah colleges and departments, local radio and news stations, our generous donors, and the Sam Rich Program in International Politics ensure the continued success of the Hinckley Forums program. University of Utah students can now receive credit for attend- ing Hinckley Forums by enrolling in the Political Forum Series course (Political Science 3910). All Hinckley Forums are free and open to the public. For a detailed listing of 2007 Hinckley Forums, refer to pages 20 – 24. Past Hinckley Forum Guests Prince Turki Al-Faisal Archibald Cox Edward Kennedy Frank Moss Karl Rove Al Saud Russ Feingold William Lawrence Ralph Nader Larry Sabato Norman Bangerter Gerald Ford Michael Leavitt Richard Neustadt Brian Schweitzer Robert Bennett Jake Garn Richard Lugar Dallin H.
The Mathematics of Democracy Joseph Mcmurray Discusses the Effects of the Uninformed Alumni Voter Vs
BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 FALL 2012 ECONOMICS The Mathematics Building a Legacy The Dream Team Google vs. Oracle the story of the founders of go behind the scenes and from the perspective of of Democracy the economics department meet the economics faculty expert witness JR Kearl 4 8 16 20 ;) you raise my interest “rate thirty basis points without a corresponding drop off in consumer enthusiasm – valentine from an economist” Chair Editor Graphic Designers Writers Faculty Writers Assistant Editors Eric R. Eide Carrie Scoresby Scott Capener Rebecca Rees J. R. Kearl Danielle Leavitt Bree Crookston Carrie Scoresby Joseph McMurray Paige Montgomery Melanie Tirrell Joseph Price David Spencer Larry Wimmer ECONOMICS ON THE COVER BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT MAGAZINE ISSUE #1 mathematics FALL 2012 From the Chair I hope you democracy 4 enjoy our The Mathematics of Democracy Joseph McMurray discusses the effects of the uninformed alumni voter vs. informed voter in the election process. mathe maticsmagazine. FEATURES OUR INTENT IS TO HIGHLIGHT the activi- ties of our students, alumni, and faculty. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with bright and hard-working students in the classroom, as teach- ing and research assistants, and even 2 8 14 ofdemocracy as coauthors of journal articles. We are pleased to see many of our students The Veggie Building a Optimizing pursue valuable internships, receive job Project Legacy Our Returns offers with a wide range of employers in diverse industries, and gain admission Joseph Price investigates How did the BYU Department Economics students are to first-rate graduate programs.
Collection Inventory Box 1: Adam-God Theory (1852-1978) Folder 1: Adam-God Folder 2: Adam-God Doctrine and LDS Endowment Folder 3: Fred C
Collection Overview Title: H. Michael Marquardt papers Dates: 1800-2017 Collection Accn0900 Number: The H. Michael Marquardt papers (1800-2017) contains correspondence, clippings, Summary: diary copies, scholarly articles, miscellaneous research materials on topics in Mormon history and theology. Marquardt is a historian and author. Repository: J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah Special Collections 295 South 1500 East Address: Salt Lake City, Utah 84112-0860 801-581-8864 http://www.lib.utah.edu/collections/manuscripts.php Gifts of H. Michael Marquardt, 1986-2017 The inventory of the H. Michael Marquardt Papers contains 449 archival boxes. Note: Box and/or File numbers and headings may vary slightly from this preliminary list. Lists of books, pamphlets, photographs, and cassette tapes are not included. Collection Inventory box 1: Adam-God Theory (1852-1978) folder 1: Adam-God folder 2: Adam-God Doctrine and LDS Endowment folder 3: Fred C. Collier, "The Adam-God Doctrine and the Scriptures" folder 4: Dennis Doddridge, "The Adam-God Revelation Journal of Reference" folder 5: Mark E. Peterson, Adam: Who is He? (1976) 1 folder 6: Adam-God Doctrine folder 7: Elwood G. Norris, Be Not Deceived, refutation of the Adam-God theory (1978) folder 8-16: Brigham Young (1852-1877) box 2: Adam-God Theory (1953-1976) folder 1: Bruce R. McConkie folder 2: George Q. Cannon on Adam-God folder 3: Fred C. Collier, "Gospel of the Father" folder 4: James R. Clark on Adam folder 5: Joseph F. Smith folder 6: Joseph Fielding Smith folder 7: Millennial Star (1853) folder 8: Fred C. Collier, "The Mormon God" folder 9: Adam-God Doctrine folder 10: Rodney Turner, "The Position of Adam in Latter-day Saint Scripture" (1953) folder 11: Chris Vlachos, "Brigham Young's False Teaching: Adam is God" (1979) folder 12: Adam-God and Plurality of Gods folder 13: Spencer W.
Blog Export: Please God No, http://pleasegodno.com/ Friday, August 10. 2007 Mormons are completely fucking retarded. Mormons... Dumb. Joseph Smith was the only one of Jesus' disciples to get shot in the face with a gun. Of all religions, I would have to say the Mormonism is the most delusionally retarded. The fact that we have a presidential candidate that believes this crap is almost as offensive as our current president that believes this crap. I have respect for most people's religious views. Catholics, Baptists, Jews, and even Pastafarians. But Mormonism is just outright ridiculous. One of the scariest things about Mormons, is that they have the capacity to believe anything... No matter how insanely and comically unsensical. "(The book of Mormon) was done in a space of three months, using scribes while Smith translated (from golden plates) from behind a curtain." If the level of sophistication required to brainwash millions of people into a religion was displayed by Smith, we all have the capacity to start a religion. After all, there must be a group of people in the world that would tithe to a religion that was rooted in a story of a guy like me, sitting in my bathroom with a black light, reading my wall splattered feces like a Rorschach Inkblot Test. Just as logical, and just as ridiculous. Posted by TK (Admin) at 00:40 Complete friggin retards. At least christianity is based on multiple accounts, but this is completely mormonic, i mean moronic. This dude Smith finds these gold plates only he can read (Clue 1 that he's a con).
Edwin Rushton As the Source of the White Horse Prophecy Don L
BYU Studies Quarterly Volume 49 | Issue 3 Article 6 7-1-2010 Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy Don L. Penrod Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byusq Recommended Citation Penrod, Don L. (2010) "Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy," BYU Studies Quarterly: Vol. 49 : Iss. 3 , Article 6. Available at: https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/byusq/vol49/iss3/6 This Essay is brought to you for free and open access by the All Journals at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in BYU Studies Quarterly by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact scholarsarchive@byu.edu, ellen_amatangelo@byu.edu. Penrod: Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy Mary Jane Woodger, Thomas B. Holman, and Kristi A. Young, eds. Latter-day Saint Courtship Patterns. Studies in Religion and the Social Order, ed. Jacob Neusner. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2007 Reviewed by Jennifer Hurlbut his book is a collection of twelve sociological studies that examine Thow active, faithful Latter-day Saint singles go about deciding to marry and selecting a mate. Since most of the research was conducted via surveys of BYU students and asks the question “What makes the Mormon marriage process different from the typical American process?” it accounts for a very narrow part of the worldwide LDS community. Focusing on this small segment is a good start but shows that research in LDS sociology is still often limited in its scope. An introductory chapter by Thomas B.
Want To Have Some Fun With Technology and Political Cartoons? Dr. Susan A. Lancaster Tennessee Education Technology Conference TETC Political and Editorial Cartoons In U.S. History http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/edpolcart.html • Political cartoons are for the most part composed of two elements: caricature, which parodies the individual, and allusion, which creates the situation or context into which the individual is placed. • Caricature as a Western discipline goes back to Leonardo da Vinci's artistic explorations of "the ideal type of deformity"-- the grotesque-- which he used to better understand the concept of ideal beauty 2 • Develop Cognitive • Historical and Thinking and Higher Government Events Levels of Evaluation, • Group Work Analysis and Synthesis • Individual Work • Create Student • Current Events Drawings and Interpretations • Sports Events • Express Personal • Editorial Issues Opinions • Foreign Language and • Real World Issues Foreign Events • Visual Literacy and • Authentic Learning Interpretation • Critical Observation and Interpretation • Warm-up Activities • Writing Prompts 3 • Perspective A good editorial cartoonist can produce smiles at the nation's breakfast tables and, at the same time, screams around the White House. That's the point of cartooning: to tickle those who agree with you, torture those who don't, and maybe sway the remainder. 4 http://www.newseum.org/horsey/ Why include Political Cartoons in your curriculum? My goal was to somehow get the students to think in a more advanced way about current events and to make connections to both past and present Tammy Sulsona http://nieonline.com/detroit/cftc.cfm?cftcfeature=tammy 5 Cartoon Analysis Level 1 Visuals Words (not all cartoons include words) List the objects or people you see in the cartoon.
Edwin Rushton As the Source of the White Horse Prophecy
Edwin Rushton as the Source of the White Horse Prophecy Don L. Penrod he so-called white horse prophecy is a document attracting much Tundeserved attention both in and out of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The text claims to contain words spoken by the Prophet Joseph Smith in Nauvoo in 1843 to Edwin Rushton and Theodore Turley. The prophecy assigns a white horse, a red horse, a black horse, and a pale horse to different groups of people. It prophesies that the white horse (the Latter-day Saints) will create a wealthy haven in the Rocky Mountains to which many people of the world will gather for safety amid anarchy, war, and massive destruction. The prophecy was denounced by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as early as 19181 and as recently as 2009,2 but it still circulates among some Church members and unofficial publications today. The prophecy is often erroneously cited as the earliest and most reliable source of two statements: that the United States Constitution will hang by a thread and that Joseph Smith prophesied that the Latter-day Saints would settle in the Rocky Mountains. In fact, these statements have reliable sources that predate the writing of the white horse prophecy, as shown below; those other sources should be cited rather than the white horse prophecy. The evi- dence presented hereafter shows that the document was not written around 1854, as is commonly claimed, but more likely after 1890. This article publishes for the first time the two documents that are the basis for the white horse prophecy.