Policy and Resources Scrutiny - 24.09.02





Mr R.H. Cooke - Chairman Councillor Mrs J.A. Pritchard - Vice-Chairman


Miss L. Ackerman, K. Lloyd, C.P. Mann, A.T. Morris, J.E. Newnham, M.H. Newman, R.S. Phillips and Mrs B.M. Toomer

Representatives of the Voluntary Sector:

Age Concern - Mrs E. Powell Access Group - Mr J. Higgs Caerphilly District CAB - Mrs L. Thomas Caerphilly Groundwork Trust - Mr P. Williams Caerphilly Lions Club - Mr R. Hughson Cancercareline - Mrs B. Evans Disability Caerphilly - Mrs M. Veater MBE GAVO Caerphilly - Mr M. Bridgman Islwyn Drug/Alcohol Project - Mr A. Williams Islwyn league of Friends - Mr N. Young

Together with:

Dr T. Peppin (Policy and Research Manager), Mrs A. Morgan (Partnership Development Manager) and Mrs K. Wall (Committee Services Officer)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors J.O. Evans, Mrs C. Forehead, S. Lewis, H. Price, L.R. Rees and H.E. Styles, Mrs S. Roberts (British Red Cross), Mrs J. Render (GAVO Caerphilly), Mrs H. Owen (Home Start Cwm Rhymni), Mr A. James (Caerphilly and Mencap), Mr A.J. Vizard (Mid Glamorgan Scouts Association), Mr C. Luke (Caerphilly People First), Mrs J. Pesci (Caerphilly Care for Carers) and Mrs E. Davies (YM Hospital League of Friends).


The Chairman welcomed Mr Tomas Chovarec, a student on an exchange visit from the Czech Republic to the meeting.

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The Sub-Committee received a presentation from Mr Dave Pettit (Service Manager – Resource Management) in respect of the Joint Review of Social Services.

Mr Pettit explained that a Joint Review of Caerphilly County Borough Council Social Services (the Authority) had been carried out by a team working on behalf of the Audit Commission and the Social Services Inspectorate for Wales (SSIW), with onsite work in the Authority being undertaken between July and September 2001.

In May 2002, the Joint Review Report that set out the Joint Review Team’s assessment of the Authority, highlighting areas where it felt that the authority was performing well in comparison with other similar authorities and identifying the key issues that needed to be addressed had been published.

Mr Petit outlined details of the Joint Review performance matrix and explained that the Inspectors’ had concluded that ‘Caerphilly was not yet serving people well, and despite some encouraging signs, prospects for the future were uncertain’.

The Joint Review Report had also identified key areas in which it felt that Caerphilly needed to respond. The Directorate had been aware of these areas from writing the Position Statement and had prepared a draft response to the Joint Review and a draft Directorate Improvement Programme.

Both draft documents had been widely circulated to obtain the views of users, the voluntary sector, partners and elected Members and would shortly be published as public documents.

Mr Pettit then invited comments and questions from members of the Sub Committee.

Councillor Mrs J.A. Pritchard thanked Mr Pettit for his presentation and commended staff in the Social Services Directorate for their hard work in preparing for the Joint Review. She also thanked members of the voluntary sector for participating in the process.

Members of the Sub Committee welcomed the fact that the voluntary sector had been consulted and had been involved in the Joint Review process and pledged their support to work with the authority to reach the targets and improvements identified in the Directorate Improvement Programme.

Mr Pettit thanked the Sub Committee for the views expressed and circulated copies of the Joint Review Report. He also invited members to contact him directly at the address listed below if they had any further comments to make -

Mr Dave Pettit (Service Manager – Resource Management), telephone number (01495) 234631 or e-mail [email protected].


The Chairman introduced and welcomed Mr Ron Morgan, Co-ordinator of Disability Caerphilly Community Transport who had been invited to the meeting to outline details of the services available from Disability Caerphilly Community Transport.

Mr Morgan addressed the meeting and circulated leaflets that explained how the service was operated. He explained that Disability Caerphilly Community Transport was a registered charity that provided a specialised door-to-door transport service for the disabled, elderly, sick and the infirm who could not use conventional public transport due to mobility problems. Details of the cost of the service, the type of transport available and the areas covered were also outlined and members were then afforded the opportunity to make comments or ask questions.

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A member asked about the use of escorts on vehicles and the training available for volunteers and drivers. Mr Morgan reported that escorts were used on many journeys and he explained that they and the drivers and volunteers received full training including how to assist people when entering and exiting the vehicles and first aid training.

Funding was then discussed and it was noted that the organisation did not receive core funding but relied on Lottery funding and income generated from the mileage rates charged.

Mr Bridgman (GAVO Development Manager) referred to the Community Transport Study currently being undertaken and reported that it was anticipated that the report’s findings would be published in the New Year. He explained that the report would examine the existing community transport available within the county borough and would also identify any gaps in provision and would form a basis for future funding applications.

The Chairman thanked Mr Morgan for his presentation and it was also agreed that copies of his presentation notes would be circulated to Sub Committee members.


The Chairman introduced and welcomed Dr Allan Morgan to the meeting to outline the services provided by Community Active Travel Service (CATS).

Dr Morgan addressed the meeting and explained that an organisation known as Independent Community Transport had been established in the Valley area in 1978 to provide transport services for stroke patients. The organisation had proved to be successful and in 1991 had purchased additional vehicles from Rhymney Valley District Council and had sought and gained charity status.

At this time, the charity had also undertaken a user survey and decided to change its name to Community Active Transport Services (CATS) to be instantly recognisable to service users.

CATS now had twenty two vehicles including luxury coaches fitted with lifts so that a holiday programme for the elderly and infirm could be provided. The organisation had also established a trading arm known as Top Kat Travel that had a full operators’ licence and undertook private hire contracts.

The organisation now employed thirty nine drivers and had ten volunteers and Dr Morgan explained that all staff received first aid training and also participated in specific training schemes.

Dr Morgan then outlined details of the funding available to CATS and indicated that for the current financial year, the organisation received core funding in the sum of £35,000 from the local authority.

Dr Morgan then invited comments and questions from Sub Committee members.

The use of escorts was discussed and Dr Morgan explained that escorts were provided on journeys where wheel chair users were using the service. He also emphasised that escorts and drivers had received appropriate training in lifting and handling techniques.

The Chairman thanked Dr Morgan for the information provided.

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The minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2002 were approved and confirmed as a correct record.


(i) Springfield Centre, (Minute No 7, page nos 2 –3)

It was noted that Disability Caerphilly was in the process of renegotiating a lease for the Springfield Centre.

(ii) Rugby Club – Grandstand (Minute no 9, page no 3)

It was reported that since the last meeting, Peter Gomer (Head of Lifelong Learning and Leisure) had met representatives of Abercarn Rugby Club and had agreed that the grandstand roof should be removed. Further meetings would now be arranged to examine funding opportunities to improve access to the site and to undertake refurbishment works.

(iii) Displays on Pavements (Minute no 8, page no 3)

A Member referred to ongoing obstruction problems being caused by displays on pavements and he stressed the need to continue to monitor the situation.

(iv) Detoxification for Drug Addicts (Minute no 10, page no 4)

Dr Tim Peppin (Policy and Research Manager) reported that he was currently receiving advice from Mr Paul Osborne (Planning Manager – Mental Health) before preparing a letter to the Welsh Assembly Government requesting an increase in funding for substance misuse and to clarify how Gwent Health Authority’s ‘underspend’ would be allocated.


Councillor M.H. Newman declared his interest as a Board member of CATS and Councillor A.T. Morris declared his interest as a Board member of IBT Ltd but did not leave the meeting whilst the following issue was discussed.

Consideration was given to the following item raised by the voluntary sector representatives.

Has Caerphilly County Borough Council been allocated any extra money out of the £7.5 million that has been allocated by Sue Essex under the Local Transport Service Grant Scheme and if so, how much and how is it to be spent?

Dr Tim Peppin reported on information he had received from Mr Justin Cooper (Transportation and Engineering Manager) and reported that the authority had received a sum of £337,000 from the Local Transport Service Grant Scheme and had allocated this money to support non commercial day time transport services. Mr Cooper had also indicated that his department would have regard to the findings of the Community Transport Study when examining future years’ allocation of the Local Transport Service Grant Scheme.

The Voluntary Sector Representatives thanked Dr Peppin for the information provided.

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Consideration was given to the following reports.


The report provided a synopsis of recent reports to Cabinet (21st May to 23rd July 2002).

It made reference to decisions in respect of the Cabinet work programme, Race Equality Scheme, establishment of new posts in Social Services, the Sustainable Development Strategy, Best Value Improvement Plan, Gilfach Fargoed Nursery, , Adult Education concessions, one stop shops and the tenant participation forum consultation papers.

During discussion the following issues were raised –

Cabinet – 11th June – Best Value Improvement Plan

The Voluntary Sector Representatives stated that they were pleased to note that the Best Value Improvement Plan had made reference to the Compact and the role of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Sub-Committee in providing an important communication channel for the authority to enable its Improvement Plan to be understood by and monitored by the voluntary sector.

Cabinet – 25th June – Gilfach Fargoed Nursery, Bargoed

It was reported that GAVO had secured a lease on the building and had taken up occupation.

Cabinet – 9th July – One Stop Shops

The Voluntary Sector representatives welcomed the proposal for the establishment of a ‘one stop shop’ Customer Service Centre in .


Consideration was given to the report, which provided an update on latest developments in relation to Objective One and the match funding Local Regeneration Fund. It also detailed the Community Plan and Communities First Projects.

Mr Bridgman circulated copies of a letter received from the Welsh European Funding Office informing GAVO that it been successful in securing funding for the project entitled ‘Caerphilly County Borough ‘Key Fund’ for Community Planning’ and he and other members thanked Dr Peppin and his team for their assistance in completing the bid and for the work they undertook in processing funding applications.

Reference was also made to concerns raised at both the Objective One Partnership meetings and voluntary sector meetings regarding regional bids being made through Objective One to provide local services and the potential duplication of services. It was reported that a letter outlining these concerns would be sent to Councillor Rob Gough on behalf of the Voluntary Sector Liaison Representatives Group.


Details of the information submitted by GAVO to the Wales Council for Voluntary Action covering the period from April 2001 to March 2002 were noted. Members also wished to place on record their appreciation for the range of work that the GAVO team and its volunteers had undertaken in the county borough as reflected in the detailed response required by the WCVA.

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Details of the nominations process for voluntary sector representatives to sit on the Liaison Sub Committee were noted and it was noted that in areas where elections were being held, ballot papers were due to be returned by Friday September 20th with the results being announced by 30th September 2002.

The Chairman referred to possible changes to the future membership of the Sub Committee and wished to place on record his appreciation for the hard work undertaken by members of the Liaison Sub Committee over the last three years.

Members of the Sub-Committee also commended the Chairman for the professional manner in which he had conducted meetings during his term of office.


Members received a copy of the latest version of the Lottery Times and noted the information it contained.

It was reported that delays in printing had led to some sections of the publication being out of date by the time of publication. Consequently, at the last meeting of the Lottery Fund team it had been suggested that a bi-annual publication might be a more realistic target and the Sub Committee’s views were sought on this proposal.

Members acknowledged the problems caused by printing delays and supported the proposal to produce a bi-annual publication.

Reference was also made to the Fair Share programme of the Community Fund and New Opportunities Fund and it was noted that a meeting was scheduled later in the day with representatives of the Community Fund to discuss the lottery operations.

The Sub Committee then considered the areas for improvement and specific proposals in the consultation paper on lottery distribution policy and supported the following proposals –

• The introduction of ‘micro-grants’ (e.g. up to £500) • Employment of Lottery outreach workers to help local groups develop their bids • Closer working between Lottery distributors and local agencies • Support for innovative, but risky projects • Reductions in red tape (including possible rationalisation of the number of Lottery Boards)

When discussing the proposal to employ Lottery outreach workers, the Sub Committee also felt that the employment of local people would be advantageous and it was agreed that this comment would be included in the Council’s response.

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It was reported that CRUSE, a national charity for the bereaved was hoping to establish a branch within the county borough and would be holding an initial meeting in Van Road United Reformed Church on Wednesday, 2nd October at 7.00 p.m. to publicise its services and to recruit volunteers. An invitation to attend the meeting was extended to members of the Sub Committee.

The meeting closed at 12.15 p.m.