PUBLISHED TWICE a MONTH Pá Á°A Î Î Ì Î Î Î to Radio Dealers Î Îi and Î Î I Manufacturers I
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October, 1 1924 15 Cents a Copy eg et? QJRC E ab °0 A tit_ OF A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ A\ IN THIS ISSUE: How and Why of a Radio Filter Special Article by H. V. S. Taylor "C" Battery Lives on Hill Radio on Army World Flight Cutting Down the Losses Make a Good Cabinet for Your Radio WATCH FOR OUR HOOK- UP NUMBER YOU WILL UNDERSTAND THIS MAGAZINE ---AND WILL LIKE IT PUBLISHED TWICE A MONTH pá á°a î î Ì î î î To Radio Dealers î îI and î î I Manufacturers I îI HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET î BUSINESS î î Ì In response to many requests Radio Progress will issue a î î I î Spei-al Hoof -up Number î Ì î TO COME OUT IN THE NEAR FUTURE î I This is a carefully I ,elected list of sets which WILI. î WORK. They include the best hook-ups of Crystal Sets, Single Tubes, Regenerative and Non -Regenera- tive, Two and Three -tube Radios, Reflexes, Neutro - dynes and Superheterodynes. 1 This issue is bound to create a demand for parts and î sets. You should get some of this business. Rate card sent on request. î î ÌI Radio Progress îI î 8 Temple Street Providence, R. I. î î P. 0. Box 728 î î î - ,11,-1 I I 1-1,-1 ) ) 1 1 I ) Le_e_e_e_e_e_e_2_era-c Q fl QQ-2-2-2.-A-2-11--Q.--(-c-c-c-c-c-c-c.... Dº6 l.) 1 l :1 ) ......... mm ) 11m And If I am Elected Just Watch Business Pick-up" Which one of the candidates for President spoke these words over the radio? Are you getting the fun and the in- teresting information which is coming pretty regularly these days through the air to those who have crystal sets? If you are missing the enjoyment and entertainment which is furnished by the wonderful programs now being sent out by the big broadcasting stations, and particularly at this time of the year, if you don't hear the way your favorite candidate shows how the other two parties would wreck the country, then by all means invest $2.95 for a RADICLEAR Crystal Set With this outfit and a pair of phones you can pick up local broadcasting in a way which will delight you. The RADICLEAR Crystal set is unusual in that there are no sliding arms or handles to turn. This means that it is easy to operate and also that there is no loss through short circuiting of turns by the slider. As a result the speeches are unusually clear and loud. This set includes the famous Audion Crystal, which is alive all over. This is sold separately at 25e. TAYLOR ELECTRIC CO. 1206 BROAD STREET PROVIDENCE, R. I. Special Features for the October 15th issue of Radio Progress A big sending station shoots music into the air. Do you know how it reaches your aerial? There are two paths by which the waves may reach you and sometimes one is better, and sometimes the 'other. See "RADIO WAVES THROUGH SKY AND GROUND," by Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith in the next issue. When you look at a variable condenser and see the plates turn around and around, doesn't it seem foolish that these can switch the music from New York to Chicago and from Chicago to San Fran- c'sco? How does it accomplish so much in such a little space? It is simple when you read about it in "HOW CAPACITY WORKS IN A CONDENSER," by Horace V. S. Taylor. Many fans have superheterodynes or are thinking of building this very popular set. Many articles have explained the detailed workings of the various parts, but it isn't everyone that can trace the path of the music through one tube after another, particularly when some of the tubes are reflex, as in the Radiola Model. A road map and description of the path of the program through 'the set will be given in "TRACING THE MUSIC THROUGH A SUPER - HET," by Oliver D. Arnold. Are some of your friends good natured liars? If not, why is it that they can get so much more than you can with a cheaper appara- tus? Some pointers on getting the best out of your set and also hints on checking up to see whether your friends are speaking the truth will be found in "WITH A GRAIN OF SALT," by Harry A. Nickerson, in the October 15 issue of RADIO PROGRESS. RADIO PROGRESS HORACE V. S. TAYLOR, EDITOR Volume 1 Number 14 Contents for OCTOBER I, 1924 HOW AND WHY OF A RADIO FILTER 5 "C" BATTERY LIVES ON HILL 9 RADIO ON ARMY WORLD FLIGHT 13 FEEDING MUSIC TO THE AIR 15 CUTTING DOWN THE LOSSES 17 HIGH POWERED STATION WILL OPEN SOON 19 THIRD RADIO CONFERENCE COMING 20 BROADCASTING OVER PHANTOM LINE 21 EDITOR'S LOUD SPEAKER : THAT MESSAGE FROM MARS 23 TWO RADIO GAMES 23 MAKE A GOOD CABINET FOR YOUR RADIO 25 AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE 27 SENDING STATION STORIES 28 DR. RADIO PRESCRIBES 29 1ROADOASTING STATIONS 31 RADIO Pnoon ss is issued on the 1st and 15th of each month by the Oxford Press at 8 Temple Street, Providence, Rhode Island. John F. O'Hara, Publisher. Yearly subscription in U. S. A., $3.00. Outside If. S. A., $3.50. Single copies, 15 cents. Entered as second-class matter, April 4, 1924, at the Post Office at Providence, R. I., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to RADIO PROGRESS, R Temple Street (P. O. Box 728), Providence, R. I. Title registered at United States Patent Office. The publishers of this magazine disclaim all responsibility for opinions or statements of contributors hich may at any time become subjects of controversy. STAND BY! .. FOR .. Radio Progress Special Hook-up Number TO BE ISSUED SOON 15 Worthwhile Hook-ups Undoubtedly you have tried following various wiring diagrams and found that they were not what they pretended to be. This ' will be a carefully selected list of sets which do work. They include the best hook-ups of crystal sets, single tubes, regenerative and non -regenerative, two and three tube radios, reflexes and also the more ambitious styles, like neutrodyne and superheterodyne. Among them you will find several, anyway, which you will wish to try out. DON'T MISS THIS ISSUE RADIO PROGRESS " ALWAYS ABREAST OF THE TIMES " Vol. 1, No. 14 OCTOBER 1, 1924 15e. PER COPY, $3 PER YEAR How and Why of a Radio Filter They Smooth the Hum Out of Sending and Receiving By HORACE V. S. TAYLOR AGREAT deal is said these days about What the Commutator Does spring will absorb a lot of vibration omitting "A" and "B" batteries The commutator of a generator con- which would otherwise be carried to the from a receiving set. Of course, it is a -i;ts of a large number of copper bars, delicate mechanism of the clock. Such great advantage if these expensive and insulated by strips of mica, as shown in a way of protecting it removes almost troublesome units can be done away Fig, 1. As these rotate under the brushes all of the rapid vibrations which the with. Most of the schemes so far pro- which carry the current in and out of roving van causes. posed give pretty good results, except for the armature, there is a slight disturb- the fact that the hum, which is caused ance every time a bar leaves contact by the alternating current, is heard quite with the brush, and the constant pro- distinctly in the phones or loud speaker. cession of these ripples, one after the The whole idea of a filter as used in such other, causes a hum which is broadcast a device is to kill this hum. along with the music. It is the function Another place where a filter always of the filter to suppress this undesirable has to be used is the generator circuit noise. of a sending station. Generators are The two uses of this device which has used instead of batteries to supply the just been mentioned are for the purpose Fig. 2. Springs Absorb Shocks plate current for transmitting tubes, as of keeping a steady, direct current sup- the pressure is so high, several thousand plied to a device, rather than one which The clock is a rather light weight, and volts, that a tremendous number of cells fluctuates slightly. Still another use for so it will get some banging around even of "B" batteries would be required if a filter is in conditions where a certain when mounted on the spring as just these were used. Sometimes an "A" speed of vibration of alternating current shown. The small and very rapid oscil- battery is employed to light the fila- is desired in one circuit, but not in an- lations will be filtered out by the spring ments of the tubes, but since considerable other. For instance, a wave trap is a before they reach it, but the slower vi- money is tied up in batteries large form of filter. The differences between brations, which are perhaps stronger, it and the first kind mentioned is that on will still cause a lot of jouncing up OWN G and SNAGT direct current there is no particular down when the truck runs over a rough tuning needed, whereas, when used with place in the road.