Colby Magazine

Volume 101 Issue 1 Spring 2012 Article 9

March 2012

Alumni @ Large

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A Grand Experiment | John Walden ’07

After studying plants, woody and other- sing in the Colby College Chorale, and he wise, at Colby, John Walden ’07 made his way studied opera with Elizabeth Patches, who into an industry where he studies the simplest taught voice as a faculty applied music associ- plants of all: algae. ate. “I love the technicality of it, the beauty Walden works for Solix BioSystems, a com- of it, the skill, all of it encapsulated in such a pany that designs and builds systems for the high art form with such precision and refine- growth, harvesting, and evaluation of algae. ment,” he said. The company and Walden reflect growing But music didn’t trump his interest in sci- interest in industrial cultivation of algae that ence, though he applied (as a biology major) can produce a type of oil that backers hope to music conservatories after Colby. After he will compete successfully with fossil fuels, was rejected, he went on a road trip across the among other uses. “I was always interested in United States, lived with a Colby friend in having directly applicable research,” he said. John Walden ’07 works for a Colorado company Buenos Aires for three months, and returned “Growing algae for energy—I can get behind that helps turn algae into renewable energy. home to land the job at Solix. this concept.” Walden said he still studies opera (he sang Walden is a research associate at Solix arias recently at a Fort Collins eatery), but he BioSystem’s Fort Collins, Colo., facility, where “There’s no book you can go to,” Walden also has discovered a third interest. “White he monitors algae growing under specially said. “That was an aspect of Colby—thinking Dragon fist-style kung fu,” he said. “It started designed panels. He checks for contaminants outside of the box.” out as a great way to stay in shape and meet like viruses or bacteria (yes, algae can get His education and background helped some people and turned into sort of a whole sick) and determines optimum feeding levels. position him to be an outside-the-box sci- way of life. I’m training there six nights a week Experiments are run, data is tabulated, new entist. Walden grew up in Santa Fe, N.M. to become an instructor, eventually.” science emerges. His mother, Natalie Walden, is a singer; his To Walden it’s a variation on a theme: dili- “Right now people are just trying to get father, Russell Walden, is a pianist and musical gently applying himself to a task and mastering them to grow as fast as possible,” Walden director for Judy Collins. “We were always a it. “The rewards that come from that are really said. “They’re looking for that golden bug musical family,” he said. “They called us the wonderful,” he said, “whether it’s being able that just grows gangbusters and is resistant Von Waldens.” to sing that song perfectly or do that perfect to contaminants.” Walden discovered opera in eighth grade, kick or learning that technique to make the It’s a new industry and a new science that, singing in the children’s choir in a Santa Fe experiment perfect.” he says, requires nimble problem-solving skills. Opera production of Carmen. He went on to —Gerry Boyle ’78, with Laura Meader

House and Home | Todd Pritsky ’91

A guy who once pontificated from a saggy rich, well-financed guy, but just like you.” armchair in his Mary Low dorm room is seek- A Russian and philosophy double major, he ing a wider audience for his political vision. credits Colby for fostering his critical think- Todd Pritsky ’91 is running for Vermont House ing. “I was taught to look at the world and see of Representatives. interconnectedness,” he said. “I have a liberal Two years ago he ran as an independent but view of the world, which is sometimes a hard came up short. “I was a complete neophyte,” sell in politics.” he said. This time around, he’s grounding his For 17 years Pritsky taught and consulted on effort in the Democratic Party. technology and information security for global One thing that won’t change, he says, is telecommunications companies, federal and his stance as an average guy. Last campaign, state governments, and academic institutions. he went door to door with his toddler in his His political ambitions spring from being arms, saying, “This is my son, and he’s why I’m a stay-at-home dad. As he puts it, “I can no running. I want him to have health care, edu- longer run around the country and world for cational opportunities, and food that’s pure.” peace and justice work.” As the father of a Todd Pritsky ’91, a former technology consultant, is Dressed in jeans and his campaign T-shirt 2-year-old, he says he feels pressure to ensure running for the Vermont House of Representatives. (with son Sam in a campaign onesie), Pritsky his child grows up in a “place that’s nice.” wanted to show voters that he wasn’t “some —Erika Mailman ’91

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[email protected] 38 4/25/12 2:51 PM Game Changer | Jocelyn Giangrande ’88

What’s in your career sandwich? “So we feel uncomfortable with negotiations. Jocelyn Wooten Giangrande ’88 has built A lot of women in the workplace tend to take a business around helping women answer the first or second offer and never really that question. negotiate or research what the industry or An ambitious employee with an under- organization pays.” graduate psychology degree from Colby and Businesses are also to blame for salary in- a master’s in human resources management equity, Giangrande said. Women, according from Marygrove College, Giangrande rose to the federal Bureau of Labor and a Career quickly through the Hilton Hotels Corp. Builder survey, make up 51 percent of manage- ranks. Eventually, she became the executive ment positions, but men are three times more director of human resources—a position that likely to earn six figures and twice as likely to gave her a clear view of how women and men earn $50,000 or more. succeed or fail in their careers. The gender pay gap is unacceptable, Giangrande observed how men and women Giangrande said. She coaches women on how spoke during presentations, how they negoti- to minimize the salary disparity and educates ated salaries or jobs, how their body language businesses on the benefits of hiring women in exuded confidence or self-doubt. “I saw a lot upper-management jobs and paying them fairly. of differences between men and women,” she “Studies show that if you have an inclu- said. “And I was always fascinated by that.” sive environment with all different types of Giangrande’s experiences in the corporate styles and community, then you really lever- world—both personal challenges and obstacles age the full potential of the organization,” she saw other women face—prompted her to Giangrande said. “When organizations have start a business counseling women on how to women in leadership roles, it brings different succeed in the workplace. perspectives and innovative solutions. And if In 2008 Giangrande launched Sisters Jocelyn Wooten Giangrande ’88 uses her corporate you diversify your leadership, the company Achieving Success Harmony Empowerment experience to help women build careers. performs better financially.” (SASHE), and she has since counseled hun- dreds of women across the country on how to fulfill their career goals. “When organizations have women in leadership roles, it She also is the author of What’s in Your Sand- wich? 10 Sure-fire Ingredients for Career Success, brings different perspectives and innovative solutions. published last fall. Much like a cookbook, it has Giangrande and other “chefs” (executive And if you diversify your leadership, the company leaders) advise women on identifying key ingredients missing from their career goals performs better financially.” and strategies. Giangrande said she learned from experi- ence that a strong work ethic, topped with relationships and have a lot of support. They In between counseling women and cor- lots of ambition and accolades, is not enough network, tap into those leads and contacts.” porations, Giangrande blogs about career to succeed. But women, she explained, traditionally tips on her website, “My mother was a single parent and put focus more on the quality of their work in- Her posts range from “The Ten Things You herself through college and worked the whole stead of seeking advice and guidance from an Should Never Say to Your Boss” to “Career time,” she said. “She pulled herself up by the experienced supervisor or colleague. Lessons You Can Learn from the Super Bowl.” bootstraps, and I was going to do the same. I “As women, we work really hard to meet A career sandwich is never really complete, prided myself on learning things on my own.” our goals and objectives, and then we wonder, Giangrande advised. Ingredients may need to But when her own career stalled, ‘Why don’t we get the recognition that we be added or improvised on an ongoing basis. Giangrande realized the importance of men- deserve?’ We tend to keep our noses to the “After every speaking event, every work- tors and sponsors. Now she believes one of grindstone. We don’t always build support shop, I do a reflection and I focus on what I the most important ingredients in a career and relationships, and at the end of the day did well, what I’m proud of, and what I want sandwich is networking, which men are much that’s what matters.” to change,” Giangrande said. “Every experi- more comfortable doing. Women, Giangrande said, also typically ence is a learning experience. If you look at it “Men and women manage their careers have poor negotiating skills when it comes to that way, you don’t have to feel defeated when completely differently,” said Giangrande, asking for raises or getting paid appropriately. things don’t go well. It’s all part of being a who lives in Michigan with her husband and “We second-guess our worth, and some- success and being successful.” son. “Men have lots of sponsors. They build times we don’t even know our worth,” she said. —Barbara Walsh

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1920s-30s 1943 19 great-grandchildren. “I’m always glad to Kim is deferring for two years to serve in Colby College Meg Bernier Boyd hear from Colby friends,” she writes. Y Joan Teach for America, where she’ll teach in Office of Alumni Relations [email protected] Gay Kent has retired to Peconic Landing, a an inner-city school in Baltimore. Cloyd Waterville, ME 04901 continuous care community in Greenport, and Joan will celebrate their 60th wedding 1944 N.Y., on Long Island Sound, complete anniversary this year. Cloyd writes, “Truly, 1940 Josephine Pitts McAlary with cottages, apartments, recreation our blessings are overflowing.” Ernest C. Marriner Jr. [email protected] and dining facilities, beach, and views. [email protected] Joan has a ground-floor, one-bedroom Word at Christmastime from Lois Peter- apartment with a patio, so her cat can go 1947 1941 son Johnson. She flew to Fla. and spent outside. Her sister has a cottage, which is Meg Bernier Boyd September with her son, Bob, and his wife. about the same size as Joan’s New Salem [email protected] Meg Bernier Boyd She planned to fly to Tucson for Christmas [email protected] house was. She’s met a number of very with her daughter and her family. These are smart fellow residents and there’s plenty of direct flights and she travels alone. She 1948 1942 intellectual activity: a volunteer-run library, sang in a local community chorus of 100 good music programs (auditorium, pianos), David and Dorothy Marson Meg Bernier Boyd voices with her daughter at Christmastime [email protected] [email protected] study groups, and all sorts of exercise and and found it fantastic. Back in the dark ages fitness stuff. Joan writes, “I’m a little short Janet Gay Hawkins wrote that there was Theodora (Teddy) Wright Weston writes, of the early 1940s, she and I sang (alto) of energy and full of arthritic aches and not much to report. Life is good here at “Our numbers are dwindling, but here’s one in Colby’s Glee Club under director John pains. However, my physician says ‘there’s Peconic Landing located in eastern Long who is still hanging in there. My husband Thomas. What a coincidence that here in nothing the matter with your brain,’ which Island. She did go on a trip to France of 67 years died in 2009 but I’m blessed Maine I too sing in a community chorus of is cheering.” Y Floyd Harding is thrilled to this fall—the Basque area, Biarritz, and with good health and a supportive family. 135 voices. However, now I am a tenor! have a new great-grandson named Colby Toulouse. It was led by a gentleman from Dustin Kennedy. The young Colby’s parents Peconic Landing and everything was five- chose the name because Floyd has talked star. She’s discovered that’s the only way Ben Harding ’42, who served in World War II, so favorably about Colby College throughout to travel. Y Howell Clement didn’t get to his life. Floyd, who wrote in from Lady Lake, play golf at all last year because he fell was awarded the medals he earned serving in Fla., hopes his great-grandson will receive down the stairs at church and banged up the Naval Reserve. He was presented the WWII a scholarship, like Floyd did, to attend his right shoulder. He is looking forward Colby, which was “the greatest gift and to spring and resuming golf. He added, Victory, American Campaign, Pacific Campaign, benefit of my life.” “I use handrails when going down stairs and European-African-Middle Eastern now.” They are still waiting for winter to Campaign medals. start in Montana. His concern is that no 1946 snow means dry forests with a chance Meg Bernier Boyd of forest fires. Y On Feb. 9 Franny Hyde [email protected] Stephan, Carol Silverstein Baker, Jordan Rheumatoid arthritis hampers me a bit but It really is a spectacular experience. Last Jean O’Brien Perkins checked in from “Ike” Kaplan and his wife, Dorothy, joined I find there is still a lot I can do. Activity in October, 50 of us traveled to New York City Phippsburg, Maine. She and Evelyn Sterry us for dinner at Admiral’s Cove. It was a the local historical association has been to join Paul Winter at the Cathedral of St. Belanger ’45 frequently play Scrabble at terrific reunion, everyone is well, or as well most interesting and my book, More River John the Divine to sing his Missa Gaia at Evelyn’s house. Evelyn doesn’t go out as can be expected, and we had a great Town History, was published in November. the blessing of the animals service. That much but plays a great game. The other time. We also attended a Colby meeting Although I’m 91, I’m able to be quite active was an experience, and the first animal Colby folks Jean sees often are her neigh- sponsored by Trustee David Pulver ’63 and enjoy a mile walk whenever weather was a camel! That event had nearly 350 bor Helen Barnes Bunce ’70 and special and saw many Colby friends as well as permits. I’m still in my own home and can choristers! I have just returned from a trip friend and minister Mark Wilson ’89. Y many of the Colby staff including Presi- drive my car. Don’t know why I should be to Costa Rica. I had the fun of traveling Mike and Hannah Karp Laipson aren’t dent Bro Adams. Y David recently called so fortunate.” Y Margaret Campbell Tim- with my son-in-law. Six days on land and traveling much anymore, but they enjoy Aaron Sandler and learned that Sandy berlake enjoys a rather low-key life. She’s the next six days on a four-masted clipper activities near home. Hannah is involved is happy in his new Chicago residence. still in her house, which is a challenge, and ship sailing along the Pacific coast of Costa with the Worcester Institute for Senior Aaron wrote that the scene from his apart- enjoys an occasional getaway, though not Rica. On land, one excursion included the Education at Assumption College. She ment is white with snow, but fortunately far away! Her friends are an inspiration and wonderful experience of traveling a series can’t believe it’s WISE’s 20th anniversary he does not have to go out much, so it she too feels very fortunate. Y On Oct. 20 of nine zip lines. The weather was perfect, in 2013. The group started with 90 mem- does not bother him. He watches a lot of Ben Harding, who served in World War II, so we had many clear views of Arenal, the bers and now has about 500. Hannah’s basketball on TV but misses the Colby- was awarded the medals he earned serv- volcano. While sailing, we went ashore each in touch with Carol Robin Epstein, Anne Bowdoin games. Recently Bob Sage ’49 ing in the Naval Reserve. He received the day to a different sandy beach. Those were Lawrence Bondy, and Marie Kraeler and David calculated that, since they met awards from Maine U.S. Representative wet landings! Lowenstein, but she hasn’t connected at summer camp in either 1941 or 1942, Chellie Pingree at a ceremony in Thomaston, with Helen Strauss ’45 for quite a while. they have been friends for 70 years. Y Our Maine. Ben was presented the WWII Victory, 1945 Hannah writes, “Still think of our Colby granddaughter Jessica Marson McNulty American Campaign, Pacific Campaign, and days with great fondness and realize that ’07 will be running in the Boston Marathon European-African-Middle Eastern Cam- Meg Bernier Boyd [email protected] we were in a very special place at a very for the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge paign medals. Ben writes, “Representative special time!” Y Cloyd Aarseth and his April 16, 2012. Y Selma and Ron Farkas Pingree and her staff did an outstanding How nice to hear from Connie Daviau Bol- wife, Joan, are thrilled that their grand- are moving to a new home in March and job.” Thank you for your service Ben. linger, who is 87, active in book clubs, and daughter Kim Jackson (Cornell ’12) has their new address will be 1309 Caminito involved with Women on a Journey through been accepted by law schools at Yale, Batea, La Jolla, Calif. Y Burt Krumholz her church. She has 16 grandchildren and Harvard, UCLA, and Columbia. However, wrote. “Surprise! While perusing the news

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[email protected] 40 4/25/12 2:51 PM of Alumni At Large I noted the item sub- mitted by Chet Harrington ’51 regarding George ’51 and Lorraine Arcese Wales ’54. Coincidentally, my daughter, Linda, served as chair of the English literature Charlie Bassett department at Denison for five years. In a very recent e-mail she tells me that she doesn’t know George but does know Lor- raine.” The long reach of Colby persists. loved a good story. 1949 Anne Hagar Eustis [email protected] As I write this on Feb. 29, I’m reminded by Virginia Young Ellis that today is Mary Lou Roberts Friberg’s 21st birthday. Happy Birthday, Lou! Ginny goes on to say that she and Lou “try to get together once a month for lunch with their husbands to relive old times. Lots of Colby memories and remembering other classmates.” Oh, to be 21 again! Y I remember on my 21st birthday Haroldene Whitcomb Wolf took me down to Waterville and treated me to my first banana split. Guess she thought it was high time I sampled that ice cream delight! She was right. Remember, Deanie? Y Martha Jackson White writes, “Just the usual news from the N.C. mountains. Conrad and I celebrate 61 years of mar- riage, and have two children and two grandchildren. Son and daughter-in-law live in HoHoKus, N.J. and are ardent mountain bikers and just participated in Master World cyclo-cross races. Daughter, son-in-law, and two grandkids live close by us here. Granddaughter Jessica is on the Charlie Bassett, Lee Family Professor of American Studies and English, Emeritus honor roll at Coastal Carolina University as a physical theater major, Dawson is honor harlie Bassett loved rolling as sixth grader in a local charter Colby’s gift planning staff can help you: school. Conrad and I have been singing C teaching the American together for 64 years—ever since Colby short story. And here at Colby, • Make a special gift to Colby glee club days—and now singing with the we love to tell his. Carolina Community Chorus at Professor Bassett • Maximize the impact of your gift Western Carolina University. Still happy established a charitable • Leave a lasting legacy about living in Glenville, N.C.” Y Another remainder unitrust that, after newsy e-mail sent me from James Pearl. providing him with variable “In 1990 my partner in business and I income during his lifetime, Charlie arranged for a in memory and through his liquidated our company. Three years later endowed the Charles W. bequest to leave his prized generosity. Charlie’s story I began a new company and have run it Bassett Fund for American collection of rare, first-edition is part of Colby’s history, for 19 years, until last January 27, when Studies when he died, in 2010. John O’Hara books to Colby’s but future generations of final documents were signed and I had He also put a charitable Special Collections. students will forever benefit sold the company to a local individual. I gift annuity in place that Loved by colleagues and from Professor Bassett’s gift have been retained as a consultant for a provided him with guaranteed, students as a teacher, mentor, planning. year, and for the first month I am putting fixed annuity payments for and friend, Charlie Bassett more hours into the job than when I was his lifetime. The remainder was a Colby legend in his own running the company. I have saved the BEST endowed a scholarship. time. That legend now endures, for last. We have a wayward daughter, a Let’s talk. stepdaughter to me, who gave us a little boy, Carter, four years ago this April. My wife, Elizabeth, and I have had this child Elizabeth Armstrong P’14 in our care since birth. A couple of years [email protected] 1-800-809-0103

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ago we obtained legal custody of the child saw Louis and Nancy Nelson Cedrone and are now in the process of adopting ’52. She invites us all to see their new him. If someone prior to Carter’s birth had digs. Els has three daughters and six 50s newsmaker asked me about raising a child at my age, grandchildren. Y Stan Sorrentino moved I would have said ‘no way.’ How wrong I to Compton, R.I., with an ocean view and Marine Corps veteran Richard Urie ’50 had a military identification tag returned to him 66 years after he lost it during World War II. The Boston Globe reported that he would have been. This little boy has been lots of lobsters. Let’s visit Stan! Y John lost the dog tag in 1945 in Saipan. Urie said getting it back was a good opportunity a huge blessing. We are great pals and Linscott is heavy into the music world and for his four daughters and seven grandchildren to learn about a chapter in his life he do things together. He has a John Deere will have a special event—a reading of his doesn’t always talk about. miniature tractor, and he rides and I walk new musical Love and Lobsters. We can’t with the dog. We are very proud of him. wait to see it on Broadway! It is the story He is in a preschool program and can of a New York jazz singer who tires of the count and recite colors in Spanish. This N.Y. scene and returns to Maine and falls keeping the Colby tradition alive and well. to date with news about what things are really impresses us. His favorite pastime in love with a lobsterman. The show opens Good luck to the great class. like in elementary school these days.” Y is playing with his cars and trucks. I real- in Freeport May 24 at the Factory Stage. Mel Lyon tells us, “I’m having fun learning ize now what I missed with my kids. I was Order tickets now. Good luck John, and the ancient Scandinavian rune alphabet so just too busy with business to spend the let us know when the DVD is available. Y 1952 I can use it for a story in my book. Looking necessary time with them. The Lord has Crif Crawford writes from Boulder, Colo. Jan “Sandy” Pearson Anderson forward to attending a Colby luncheon with given me a second chance. I love it.” Y I They got all the snow that we didn’t get this [email protected] President Adams here at the Beverly Hills was sorry to see in the Portland paper in winter, and it’s been cold there. They left for Happy spring, one and all, and thanks to Country Club and am hoping to visit Colby January the obituary for John Appleton, Hawaii and to warm up with the following ’52ers for their news. From at reunion time in June.” Y Polly Wakefield a fellow business administration major. friends. They would enjoy our Philadelphia Dick Chamberlain: “I continue to work Simmons says, “For 12 years my husband Our heartfelt sympathies to Gail and their flower show, the biggest and best in the as a medical consultant to the Social and I have been codirectors of the Elyria family. Y On that sad note, I end this world. The theme this year is Hawaii, so Security Disability unit in Winthrop, Maine. Hospitality Center of North Central of Ohio, column. Many, many thanks to those who we’re enjoying the orchids and hula dancing Interesting and challenging work with an working to stamp out hunger by providing sent me their news. My next deadline is right here. Y Fenton Mitchell writes from increasing volume of applicants prompted free food to our area friends in need, and June 1, so keep it in mind! Harbor City, Calif. He works full time with his by the number of people still being laid we operate a free clothes closet as well. promotional products company and travels off.” Dick is impressed by news from Colby, Recently we stepped ‘down, but not out,’ to Europe and sometimes to Maine. Y We such as the new heating plant, which uses as all the work was too exhausting, and 1950 heard from Ed Bittar. Ed came to Colby biomass as fuel. That cuts fuel costs and now enjoy just volunteering. We come to Betsy (Dudie) Jennings Maley from the Middle East and was a wonderful pollution. Y Art White has been to many Maine every summer to visit family and [email protected] source of news about different cultures, Colby-Bowdoin games. “I went with Cherie friends. With six children, 19 grandchildren, Bill ’51 and Ellen Kenerson Gelotte keep and hope. Ed still loves America, best of all. Stitham White ’65 and her husband, Bob, and two great-granddaughters, we have a busy as partners in a musical arts center I’m anxious to see his updated bio. Y While (my nephew). Saw Bob Kline and Jack wide area to visit in several states. Hope called the Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular in Naples in February, Jane and I had dinner Deering ’55 and had a nice visit.” Y From to travel more than when we first retired. Pavilion on Lake Winnipesaukee in Gil- with Ted Shiro. He’s on the mend again my fellow Cape Codder, Don Hailer: “Our We have five weddings coming up soon in ford, N.H. They have been nominated for Maine, Ohio, and Ind.” Y And, finally, from Music Venue of the Year by the Academy yours truly. Barbara Bone Leavitt and of Country Music four times in the last five Polly Wakefield Simmons ’52, with her Nelson Beveridge ’53 paid me a visit in years and for the prestigious Pollstar Red February. We enjoyed lunch and catching Rocks Award the last two years running. The husband, is codirector of the Elyria Hospitality up on Colby news. I hope to see many of summer schedule for concerts and other Center of North Central Ohio, which provides you at our 60th coming up in June! programs can be seen at www.meadow- free food to the hungry in that area. Y This May Pat Root Wheeler is closing the nursery school she has owned 1953 and operated for 42 years in Jaffrey, N.H. Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey She started the Sandbox Nursery School [email protected] in 1970 when her youngest was 4. It has and will be playing tennis while looking for Falmouth Colby gang, Judy and Herb Nagle, Here I am reporting from the “snow-less” to be some kind of a record that one year a new girlfriend. He will never change. Y Carl and Muffie (Audrey) Morgan Leaf, Northeast, so different from January 2011. she had four generations in the same room. Lorraine (Arcese ’54) and George Wales and Sheila and I, attended the funeral for I had a nice note from Bobbie Studley Please send me your news! are doing very well in Granville, Ohio, at George Lebherz’s lovely wife Charlotte in Barnette after her trip through South Denison, and Walt Russell is ready to run December. She had been ill for some time. America and Antarctica. She said it was to the White House. He will get my vote. Y We are sending notes back and forth to a wonderful getaway, taking in thousands 1951 Bob Brotherlin writes from Fla. about the each other about reunion, but no one has of penguins, glaciers and fjords, beautiful Chet Harrington good time he had at our 60th reunion in made a hard and fast decision yet. Have beaches of gray sand, the rivers and Straits [email protected] 2011 and also at Alumni College that year. been in touch with Russ Wallace and of Magellan on Christmas Day, and ending Here is news from the greatest class in Some folks at the 60th thought we should Russ Dixon, and everyone seems to be in up in Argentina. Now she expects to be Colby’s history. Y Jim and Els Warendorf all meet again for our 61st, as Colby is such good shape.” Y Nelson Howlett wrote to home for a while. Bobbie gets together with Hulm moved from the lake to a condo in a pleasant place to spend the weekend. say, “Both my son Charles, who’s a history Joey Leader Creedon frequently. She wants Wolfeboro, N.H. No more yard work, and Hopefully we’ll see some of you at Colby teacher, and my daughter Lorin, who’s a me to make the Cape trip, but I seldom more leisure time to reminisce about their for reunion this June. Bob enjoys Florida computer expert, and her husband John go south of Boston anymore, even though great days at Colby. They saw the wonder- and the golf there. Y Thanks for your cor- (Duncan) have moved back into the ‘home most of my family lives there. Y Priscilla ful Joan Kelby Cannell ’52, widow of our respondence and remember Colby in your place.’ Charles’s second grade daughter, Eaton Billington went to a Colby meeting in friend and athlete Bob Cannell. Els also will. We all thank President Bro Adams for Kacie, is a regular visitor and keeps us up Fla. Al and Joan Lamont were there. Paula

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[email protected] 42 4/25/12 2:51 PM Lunder took her to meet Bro Adams after With good family, good doctors, and good is March 1 and beautiful snow is falling fast. Y Andy Anderson sent a CD full of photos she saw Priscilla’s nametag with a “his- neighbors, she is proceeding as if life is We expect up to a foot, and the winter sports from our 55th reunion last June as well as a tory” of Colby classes listed thereon— ’53, “really wonderful.” lovers will finally be happy. Simultaneously note saying he had a great and healthy year P’75, P’78, and grandparent ’11 and ’15. Jack and I are watching robins and cardinals and spent lots of time with family over the Priscilla says she will have family from the in our yard. Crazy Maine weather! Y Dave holidays. His oldest daughter married July Northeast visiting during spring break. 1954 Roberts sends greetings from Minnesota, 30. He would like to have the addresses Y Paul Applebaum writes that his 80th Art Eddy where he spends eight months under the of the Haggetts, Bramhalls, and Lunders. birthday was one of the most memorable [email protected] watchful eyes of his caring Colby daugh- Y Hope Palmer Bramhall writes about a days of his life. He and Lois celebrated Vic Scalise and his new wife, Carolyn ters, Susan Roberts Dangle ’86 and Linda granddaughter, Adriana Twombly ’13, at with a family dinner, which included three Elizabeth Fowler, live in , Wash., Roberts Pagnano ’88. In June he returns Colby and her sister Hannah hoping to be children, all five grandchildren, and both because “I lost the coin toss,” he said, but to Waterville and Jefferson, Maine, for accepted into the Class of ’16. A trip to great-grandchildren. His oldest daughter he concedes that Seattle IS a beautiful the summer. He enjoys visits, actual and Pittsburgh to watch a grandson swim for presented him with a hardcover photo place. He keeps body and mind together telecom, from Minot Greene, Sue Biven Pitt in the Big East was great fun! Hope’s study of the family over the years. Paul by participating in an aquatic exercise class Staples, Kathy McConaughy Zambello, daughter Alison had returned from a month and Lois are enjoying retirement at Laguna and writing daily. He met Ken Nigro ’60 John Dutton, Nate Miller, Gil Alfano, in Tanzania, where she taught art to “street Woods, Calif., a retirement community of while attending the 2012 Red Sox Fantasy Robert “Whitie” Thurston ’54, Aubrey Keef kids” and orphans in Moshi. She is a self- 18,500 offering 250 clubs and a private Baseball Camp in Fort Myers, Fla. Vic and ’54, Ruthann Simmons MacKinnon ’56 et supporting artist and was able to get 57 golf course, so there is something to do Carolyn will be at their Ocean Park, Maine, al. “Colby’s chain of friendship cannot be pounds of art supplies donated. She also all the time. Y Joyce Maguire Demers summer home in June and July, and he will broken!” Thanks, Dave. Y Marilyn Faddis took a week for a private safari during mentioned that the news request went be preaching throughout New England. Butler reiterates, “sometimes old age is migration season, then climbed part of out on Valentine’s Day, bringing back Y Judy Jenkins Totman ’53 will have a not what it is cracked up to be.” Golden Kilimanjaro, and finally spent a weekend memories from years ago and a party at one-woman exhibit in the fall at Great Bay years not so much. After several surgeries in Zanzibar for a little R&R before returning DU. Ken Castonguay was her Valentine. Community College in Portsmouth, N.H. She in recent years in Florida, she is still playing home. All of this was done solo. She remembered the tricks they played will show her Stampede Series, featuring and singing alto in her church choir and on “Fearless Lee” and the “great times at 14 renderings of wild horses in Montana loving both. “Life is good,” says she. ATTA Colby back then.” Joyce is still in touch with plus a new series: OOMH (Out of My Head). girl, Marilyn! Y Please send news to Kathie 1957 Ken via e-mail. Y Carolyn English Caci is Y Diane Chamberlain Starcher continues for our next column, which she writes so Guy and Eleanor Ewing Vigue still working one day a week at U. Mass her travels: a trip to Portugal last October well! Cheers and good health to her and [email protected] Lowell where she gets a week’s worth of for the annual conference of the European ALL of you! This has been the winter that wasn’t! Great hugs while adjusting to a life without her Baha’i Business Forum and a short Novem- for our age group to get out and walk, but husband, John. Y Harold Cross sent a sad ber trip to Israel for a visit to the gardens terrible for winter sports enthusiasts. Y note about losing his son, Robert, at age and shrines at the UNESCO World Heritage 1956 Leave it to Nancy and John Conkling to 61 to lung cancer. He passed surrounded site in Haifa and the old city in Jerusalem. Charlene Roberts Riordan find great skiing conditions at Sunday River by family and friends at home. Harold December holidays were spent in the U.S. [email protected] in Bethel, Maine. They will head to Sanibel and Alice took a trip to Fla. in February. Y visiting family. Walking all over Chambery, Warren ’57 and Babs Faltings Kinsman Island, Fla. in March for a delightful contrast David Lavin has not seen classmates in France, and lifting weights three times a have seen lots of Colby folks: last spring a in temperature. Back in September, those many years, but would love to meet any week helps her keep fit. Y Nancy Conover of them visiting New York City. He retired Moyer took a trip to Sweden to celebrate in NYC, spending time going to chamber the 25th anniversary of the discovery of Allan van Gestel ’57, now in his 51st year music concerts and the Metropolitan two postcards that led to finding family Opera. Y Tommi Thompson Staples spent connections dating back to the late 1800s as a member of the Massachusetts bar, was a weekend in NYC with her son, his wife, and . Her e-mail is fascinating awarded the Boston University School of Law’s and her 4-year-old granddaughter. They but too long to detail here. Send me your Silver Shingle Award for Distinguished Service saw War Horse at the Vivian Beaumont e-mail address and I will forward it. Y Theater: a unique theatrical experience. Y Karl Dornish reports that Dick Randlett, to the Profession. Web Anderson says now that Paul Scott in appreciation for all that Colby did for finally retired he caught up with him for him, has endowed an annual scholarship lunch in Portland in January. Soon after, through the Hartland, Maine (his home Web and Sylvia stopped off in Pa. on their town), library to encourage young people visit with Linda and John Ziegler at Ocean two “old hippies” (John’s term not mine) way back from Fla. and visited with Bob from Hartland and neighboring small towns Reefs, Fla. (John is somewhat confined left N.H. in their ’89 VW pop-top camper Grindle and Jim Clark. He says life is never to attend college. Y Sadly, I must report because of health, but his spirits remain and traveled to Ellsworth, Maine, to visit boring at his New Hampshire home, among that Anne Rudd Eddy, my wife of 18 years, high.) Then a visit from Donald “Skeeter” Babs Faltings ’56 and Warren Kinsman the local historical society, health club, died Aug. 23 following a series of strokes. ’59 and Karen Bryan Beganny Megathlin for socializing and a tour of Mt. Desert and cutting firewood to keep the home ’63 at Dataw and Maine last summer kept Island; then off they headed to Nova fires burning.Y Lastly, Virginia Falkenbury them informed about Nancy and John Scotia and Prince Edward Island to enjoy Aronson writes that, though she responds 1955 Conkling ’57, Ann Burbank Palmer ’55, the gorgeous scenery on the way to the to “my” Colby request letters 90 percent Kathie Flynn Carrigan and Arline Berry Julia. They spent time Shellfish Festival in Charlottetown. Plenty of the time, she would like to hear about [email protected] with Kathy and Fran Kernan ’57, Naomi of mileage put on that old VW! Y Several other classmates (and so would Brooksie). Hi everyone. This is Ann Burnham Deering and Hugh “Andy” Anderson and Sherry years ago, Lou and Bill Bois designed their Ginny said I don’t have to publish this, but subbing for Kathie Flynn Carrigan, who is and Don Rice. This generated laughs and large ranch-style home to be handicapped she feels she is fighting her first bouts of recovering, slowly but well, from a fall right memories, such as Fran’s bungee jumping friendly and energy efficient (just looking aging— she doesn’t have the energy to do before Christmas. This column will be brief on his 75th birthday. They also visited Pam forward to the future). Bill was his own all the things she used to do. (Who does?) as only two class members sent news. Today and Karl Honsberger at Ormond Beach, Fla. general contractor and did all the wiring.

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They sold their former home of 46 years ent to myself for making the 3/4 century dale, Ariz., and four months in Swampscott, forward to our next reunion. Y Russ Long- and are now enjoying their new home. mark!” Y Turns out Beryl Scott Glover Mass. with his wife, Lynne, and two dogs. ley’s typical day includes consulting for a During the winter, they walk daily at the was at Tanglewood in late August when They recently returned from Australia and Canadian aerospace company, working out, Colby field house. Their hobby is making other classmates (see Winter news) and New Zealand and earlier toured Italy and taking ballroom dance lessons for national wine, mostly from concentrated juice kits. I were also there attending the rehearsal Alaska and were at the Panama Canal. He competitions, piano/organ lessons, and an Bill has about 300 bottles of various sorts of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Unfortu- exercises regularly, and his diet “consists occasional round of golf. During 2011 he in the wine cellar. Life is good! Y Charlie nately we missed making contact. After the of everything that Marty Burger refuses won top bronze student awards at St. Louis Smith was selected to serve on the Half rehearsal, on a bright and warm summer to eat and drink. Life is a hoot!” Y Ellie Star Ball and Heart of America Dancesport Crown-Marsh Conservation District (for afternoon, I headed back to Vt., knowing Fortenbaugh de la Bandera reports no Championship in Kansas City, and this year historic architecture) in Cambridge, Mass. that Hurricane Irene was on the way but news but poses three questions that he won 14 first-place awards at Nashville Y Allan van Gestel, now in his 51st year as assuming it wouldn’t do any damage in will resonate with many of us: “Does it Starz Ball dancing Smooth American style. a member of the Massachusetts bar, was my state. I guess you all know the end of REALLY seem possible that we graduated His goal is to learn/play a snappy Tango awarded the B.U. School of Law’s Silver THAT story. If I hadn’t kept driving north from Colby almost FIFTY-FOUR years ago? piece, record it, get up, fluff his tux tails, Shingle Award for Distinguished Service that day I might have been marooned for Geez, where did the time go? How did we and dance with his instructor. Y Lydia to the Profession. Y Don Tracy writes many more, with roads and bridges out all get so ‘old’?” Next year will be our 55th Katz Pease has been volunteering with there is always a great deal happening along Route 7. As for Tanglewood, Beryl reunion—who knows of any special plans the Lancaster County Master Gardeners for within his family circle, but the highlight reports it is her mecca. “I’ve been going to celebrate? Y Thanks to the most-recent 10 years and recently has been working to of last summer was a reunion with his six to rehearsals since the very early days with respondents, and of course I must end increase the use of native plants to support children and their families, together for Koussevitzky, which makes me one of a again by begging for more fodder for this bird populations and decrease the use of the first time in 30 years. Cameras must decreasing number of old guard. Have a column. HELLO! Where is everyone else? invasive plants. We really need to think have been clicking furiously! Y Ed and zillion stories to tell about it.” Y John Edes Let me hear from you, please! about pollinators, fruit and grain produc- Sally Dixon Hartin enjoyed a wonderful was mourning the death of Charlie Twigg tion, and the environment! She encourages Christmas weekend in Walpole, Mass., ’57 and remembering the long lunch the all of us to rip out some of our lawns and where two of their daughters and families two enjoyed two months before Charlie’s 1959 plant something native that will absorb live; 31 members of their clan gathered, death. “He was a great basketball player Joanne K. Woods the rains and help the environment. She including 17 grandchildren. Sounds like a and was captain in 1957, when we played [email protected] has been amazed at how beautiful some great reunion! Y Don Dinwoodie welcomes Division One teams.” I’m sure many of us As I was writing this column I received the of our native plants are, and they take less the return of his Spanish family back to remember Charlie’s skills on the court and sad news that our class president, Jay Whit- care once established. Just call your local Colorado Springs. Y Bob Pettegrew is still send condolences to his family. Y Helen man, passed away at home Feb. 17 after master gardener or e-mail Lydia at Lydia@ very busy and anything but retired, serving Payson Seager’s brother, Albion, a Bowdoin a short battle with a little known cancer, Y Elaine (Healey ’62) and on three nonprofit boards, running a capital grad and football cheerleader there, died neuroendocrine carcinoma. His wife, Chris Paul Reichert and their youngest son and campaign for a live theater operation, and after long illnesses. He was inducted into Rand Whitman, and his daughter and son his wife are now looking for “the house” doing business development work for a the State of Maine Baseball Hall of Fame were with him. He will be greatly missed or land to build on in N.H. They planned bank management firm.Y Mikki Chomicz a trip to New Zealand and Australia, but Manno recently returned from a three-week would be back to attend Elaine’s 50th trip in the Pacific, including New Zealand Lydia Katz Pease ’59 has been volunteering reunion. Y Gay Fawcett was in the south to Perth, Australia. It was a great trip with of France for the month of February and perfect weather, interesting excursions and with the Lancaster County Master Gardeners it was freezing. When she wrote she was lectures, plus the good company of nine for 10 years and recently has been working to with Georgia Johnson Manin at her nice friends. Y The day Ron Rasmussen received apartment in Nice. Y Bob and Mary Twiss our latest request for news happened to be increase the use of native plants to support bird Kopchains continue to enjoy life in S.C. his 77th birthday. Ron sent a wonderful populations. Travel is a bit more limited these days, quote from Mark Twain: “Birthdays are mind but they don’t give up easily, even though over matter; if you don’t mind, it doesn’t airlines are such a PAIN! They keep up by matter.” Y And if we don’t “get the boot” at phone with Bill and Dottie Reynolds Gay our upcoming 55th reunion, we shall carry for his contributions as an umpire and for by all of us. Y Margaret Lippincott Brezel as well as Sue Moulton Russell, who has on in the next Colby magazine. Hope to see his love of the game and good sports- and her sister, brother, and spouse went on permanently returned to her original home you all in June! manship. He and Helen shared the same a two-week river cruise on the Rhine and in Portsmouth, N.H. Sue recently related birthday—they were a year minus a half Mosel rivers in May. They visited interest- a coincidence: she and Rick Seavey grew hour apart. Our condolences to Helen and ing parts of six countries. They went to up in the same town before attending 1958 her family. Y Marty Burger is still involved Floriade, a once-in-a-decade flower and Colby and have stayed in touch ever since. Mary Ellen Chase Bridge in insurance brokerage and consulting for plant extravaganza, saw tulips, etc., and Rick has relocated to S.C. and attended [email protected] businesses, nonprofits and municipalities. celebrated Margaret’s 75th birthday. Y Ed a “Crèche Festival” at Mepkin Abbey, a Judy Brown Dickson wrote from the MV “Cannot think of retirement. My wife does Goldberg took an extensive trip to Israel, Trappist monastery near Charleston. He Discovery in Australia, on a trip with Road not want to have me home for lunch.” He Thailand, and Myanmar. He has spent a fair was surprised that more than 20 of the Scholar (formerly Elderhostel). From Hong also enjoys racing or cruising his 31-foot amount of time in Israel, where he is on the crèches had been lent to the abbey for Kong the group traveled up the coast of sailboat on Long Island Sound. He sees board of governors of the country’s leading display by “Mary and Bob Kopchains.” China, to Japan, Taiwan, Manila, Indonesia, Bruce Blanchard, who lives nearby, and institute of technology, which has recently He knew there aren’t many Kopchains in and Malaysia, Australia, Bali, Singapore, Bob Saltz, and prompted Bob to send us had three Nobel laureates. He returned to this world! Their collection is the result of Malaysia, Myanmar, and Mumbai, India. this news. Y Since being told seven years Korat, Thailand, where he taught several many years of travel. They learned about “Then we’ll be on land for several stops ago “to get his house in order,” Bob has years ago in a government school, and Mepkin Abbey’s beautiful festival from a ending in Delhi. The best of these will be beaten cancer—“God bless Dana-Farber.” he also visited Myanmar, which shows the neighbor and were flattered that the abbey the Taj Mahal! This is my birthday pres- He spends eight months a year in Scotts- wear and tear of years of isolation. Ed looks was interested in displaying some of theirs.

44 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 44 4/25/12 2:51 PM think about a mini-reunion in 2013, when December, with blended families boasting Colby celebrates its 200th? 20 grandchildren. Sandy and Dean enjoy 60s newsmakers frequent reunions around Carcassonne in southern France with the Five Fabulous Whisky Creek Press recently published Burning Ques- 1961 French Fannings (FFFF) and in Minnesota tions, the first in a trilogy of mystery-thriller novels by Diane Scrafton Cohen Ferreira with the Marvelous Minnesota Mortensons Barry Willdorf ’66. It recounts the 1957 fire that gut- [email protected] (MMM). Both Sandy and Dean enjoy golf ted the Oceanside Hotel in Gloucester, Mass. Willdorf’s Peggy Bartlett Gray spent February in Sun and attended the Bethel Inn Golf School for previous novel, The Flight of the Sorceress, won a 2011 Valley, Idaho, where, she says, “The skiing is three days—“and graduated!” Y Jeanette Global E-Book Award and was a finalist for an Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition historical fiction award. F great! The old bodies are hanging in there Benn Anderson sends good wishes to all PaxVax Corporation, established in 2007 to develop on this great mountain. Vermont has little and looks forward to a winter escape in and commercialize innovative and socially respon- snow this winter, so we are happy to be here. Florida with husband Bob. Most of the sible vaccines against infectious diseases, appointed We drove out and will tune in with Colorado fun ’61ers plan seems to involve warmer Jonathan Smith ’68 executive vice president and chief buddies and wherever else the spirit takes climes. Y In fact, Mary Sawyer Bartlett scientific officer. Business Wire reported Smith has us on the way back.” Y Bob DiNapoli reports writes from Naples that her life is filled with Barry Willdorf ’66 more than 25 years experience in virology, infectious on “A heavenly week in Rome with my son. play—bridge, golf, dog park, shopping. She diseases, immunology, and vaccine development. It may have been almost 40 years between also is an AARP tax assistance volunteer. visits. Glad to say it hasn’t changed much. Y Your correspondent recently spent a very Nice to know nothing new can be built taller fast four days in New York City, grateful for They were also pleased to learn that, as a nai. Y James Haidas and wife Frances have than St. Peter’s.” Y Bill Byers says he “had unseasonably warm weather. I attended a result, they made a connection with their two sons—one a trader on the NYSE and a great talk with Ned Gow, who lives across family celebration, including a mini-reunion past. Y Keep the news coming! the other an attorney with Legal Aid in NYC. the state from where I am; Canaan and with sister Lee Scrafton Bujold ’64, who The lawyer is getting married in May. Jim Tolland, Conn. respectively. We had lots flew in from Farmington, Maine. Finally, you is sorry to have missed the 50th reunion, of laughs and warm recalls of Colby in the never know when you’ll meet another Colby 1960 but health issues made it impossible. late ’50s leading to May of ’61. I’ve been alum: at my monthly writing group, Margaret Jane Holden Huerta Happily, he is on the mend and hopes to persuaded to attend the 200th anniversary “Peggo” Horstmann-Hodes ’77, from Con- [email protected] visit campus in the spring. Jim says our in 2013. (Remember Sloop Hero!) My cord, N.H., cousin of a member, attended Sandra Mayer Zinman still works part time reminder e-mails never fail to bring back wife Susi and I traveled to Troutman, N.C., as a guest. Check out to as a children’s librarian in New Rochelle, wonderful memories of our times at Colby. to see son Chris and enjoy several days hear a beautiful voice! N.Y., and is active on the boards of two Y Larry Rose left Colby in 1958 and joined among the potters of Seagrove, the center musical organizations—Performers of his dad in the family painting and building of the North Carolina Piedmont. Susi is a Westchester and the Westchester Choral restoration business. When his dad retired, potter and I photograph potters and their 1962 Society. Sandy enjoys a busy musical life, Larry grew the business, doing work for Miss work. Plans include travel with truck and Patricia Farnham Russell attending concerts, ballets, and operas. Porter’s School in Farmington, Conn., and 5th-wheel RV to Mesa, Ariz., in January Nancy MacKenzie Keating Her daughter is in physical therapy school, many homeowners. When he retired at 67, and February 2012. I continue with timber [email protected] her son works as a businessman, and her his sons took over. Larry and his wife, Ann, stand management in Blue Hill, Maine; also, Can you believe we have been out of Colby grandson Max will turn 10 in June. Y John live in Westbrook, Conn., but spend winter photo work and landscaping/gardening for 50 years? It seems like yesterday. Do Vollmer and his wife, Diana, met their entire months in Englewood, Fla. They have four from our home in Tolland. We are just off you still feel like you’re 22—even though you family at the Deer Valley Resort in Utah and children and eight grandchildren. My thanks I-84, and if some classmates are driving may not look or act like it? Y Your reunion skied their hearts out. John thought his to Larry for sending news for the first time. I along, give a call.” Y Judith Hoffman Hakola committee, under the able direction of days on ski slopes were over now that he hope more of our classmates do that in the continues teaching one semester and one Judy Hoagland Bristol, has been hard at is almost 76, but his knees held up for five future. Y John Wilson is not doing much summer course annually at the University work planning a fun-filled week. Hopefully days of skiing. In March their youngest son, to better mankind right now, he says, but of Maine. She “really enjoys working with most of you will join at least some of the Dr. Mike, is getting married in San Francisco. he and Penny are enjoying life in Sarasota. senior civil engineering students as they activities. For the on-campus part, we are Y Jock and Pat Walker Knowles had dinner He played golf with Denny Dionne ’61. write their detailed capstone engineering guests of the College! And this includes with an old fraternity friend, Bill Chapin They live within a few miles of Mary and reports.” She’s still enthusiastic about the famed lobster bake at noon Saturday. ’59. Bill also knows Bonnie Brown Potter Denny Dionne ’61, Norm ’58 and Charlotte the Maine literature courses she teaches, We’ve been hard put to find much winter ’63; they both have houses at Sugarloaf. Clifton Lee ’61, and Joan and Rush Oster and she leads two book discussion groups in Maine this year. Already we are worrying After more than 50 years it was fun for Jock ’61, and they all get together often. John for the local library (Pam Taylor ’62 is a about maple syrup season; too many warm and Pat to catch up with Bill. In November and I were at the Florida Colby luncheon, member of one). The club involvement days without the needed cold nights. Y Dave Pat had another hip replacement, so she where President Adams spoke. Y In January ensures that she reads more than her Jacobson writes that their family is spread has two artificial hips, and Jock has two Eunice Bucholz Spooner was on the same “beloved mysteries.” Judy says, “My life out across the U.S. (Hawaii, Calif., Colo., new knees. Jock feels fortunate to have cruise as the baseball cruise Ken Nigro really revolves around books! And, no, I N.M., Mass.). He will retire from teaching reconnected with Steve Curley at our 50th organizes each year. It sounds like they don’t have—or plan to get—a Kindle!” Y in August 2013. Meanwhile he plays tennis, reunion. They stay in touch, and Steve is had a really good time. Y On Feb. 22 Jane Ed Ruscitti reports just returning “from 18 swims, reads, and, of course, visits children able to keep Jock posted on everyone else. Holden Huerta and her husband, Juan, glorious days in Sint Maarten (Saint Martin). and grands. Y Ann Tracy also continues Y June Chacran Chatterjee sent greetings became grandparents for the first time. This recent trip was my 11th straight year to teach one course per semester. She is from an ayurvedic hospital set among the YEAH! Son Juan ’92 and his wife, Nicole, visiting SM. If any classmates wish to currently teaching a largely 17th-century coconut trees in Kerala, India, where they had a healthy, adorable little girl, Victoria contact me for suggestions or comments class with the ghost of Benbow behind it. are enjoying their fourth visit. People from Ann—and, thanks to Skype, the whole about that Dutch/French Caribbean gem, Her students will write a Revenge Tragedy all over the world go for treatment. They’re Huerta family, including Uncle Jon ’95, has my e-mail address is emr1198@comcast. toward the end. Y Frank Stephenson is in also visiting Shotu’s family in Kolkata and been able to see Victoria regularly from the net.” Y Dean and Sandy Nolet Quinlan his last year at Stevenson School in Calif. then renting a house on the coast in Chen- first few minutes of her life!Y What do you celebrated their seventh anniversary in He says it is time to do something else—like

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spending time in the Far East. He has a in January to attend a memorial service ’59. They’ll be in Naples until the end of have the unfortunate rhymes that Nick home in Ojai awaiting his retirement and for English Professor R. Mark Benbow, who March, and they’ll see Pat Ey Ingraham and does.” Y Steve Schoeman tells me, “My a son in Albany. Hopefully Frank will catch died in October. Y Barb Haines Chase husband Jack and expect to meet up with wife and I and Shirley Cobb Rich ran into us up at reunion. Y Boyd and Mary “Muff” has no news for now but promises some Jane Melanson Dahmen, who had an art each other this January on Queen Mary II’s Symonds Leavitt are leaving Porterville, for the summer issue. Y After 11 years of opening in Florida in February. She’s staying world segment cruise to Cape Town. We got Calif. for a new adventure in Eagle, Idaho. retirement, Gordon Moog is fulfilling one of on Sanibel Island with a friend. They see together for drinks and good conversation Muff will probably miss her active civic his life’s ambitions by, among other things, many Colby friends while in Naples, but and reminiscing about the good times when involvement in Porterville. Details forthcom- being a ski bum! In the winter he works at “most are of Skeeter’s vintage!” Karen we were at Colby.” Y Sue Sawyer McAlary ing at reunion. Right now she and Boyd are a family-oriented ski area in northeastern says she can’t wait to see everybody in writes, “So far, Chicagoland is having the enjoying Italy. Y Pete Hutchinson wrote Washington State as a volunteer mountain 2013! Y In our last column, Ruth Pratley winter that wasn’t. It has been great for the that he and Marty live in the Acton, Mass. host. The pay is great: a free season’s pass Madell was on her way to celebrate her Handicapped Riding Center (horseback) area with their two daughters close by. He and all the hot chocolate, coffee, and Pepsi birthday in Dublin and promised to raise a where I volunteer. We have been able to reminisces about when all freshman hockey he can drink. Whether it’s summoning the ski glass of Guinness to us all. “Well, I hoisted be outside, which everyone loves. Y Betsy uniforms had been issued prior to tryouts. patrol to attend to the injured or reuniting several,” she says. In addition to spending Crockett Tyson-Smith says, “I must be one Hunter Shotwell was the only person who lost children with their parents, it’s great time in Dublin, she toured Galway and the of the few almost-70-year-olds still work- made the team who hadn’t been issued a ing! I have a private counseling practice uniform. Hunter transferred to West Point specializing in people with cancer and after freshman year and was KIA on his Gordon Moog ’63 and his wife, Beverly, other life-threatening illnesses. Also, I second tour in Vietnam. Hunter is listed spend summers with National Forest Service have just been published in PULSE—Voices at the Vietnam Memorial (panel w67, line From the Heart of Medicine, an e-zine that 4) for anyone visiting D.C. Thanks for the archeologists, restoring, repairing, and encourages caregivers to tell their personal memory, Pete. Y Bob Reinstein is mostly upgrading historic structures in Montana, experiences of illness and treatment. My retired after six different careers in more story is called ‘50 Minutes.’ I have been than 50 years. He currently divides his Idaho, and Washington. writing a lot about healing as an essential time between Washington, D.C., and two component of medical curative treatment homes in Finland. He has lived up and for cancer. Someday my husband and I down the NE corridor from Washington to will retire to our cottage in Georgetown, Maine and in six European countries. He fun and extremely rewarding. Gordon and Connemara area: “Lots of sheep, peat bogs, Maine, where lots of Colby professors has three children, three grandchildren, and wife Beverly spend summers with National and the little town where they filmed The were: Perez, Birge, and Carpenter. Also, six great-grandchildren. Is that a first men- Forest Service archeologists restoring, Quiet Man.” She and her daughter traveled I have met Bob Ipcar ’62’s wonderful, tion of great-grands from anyone? Y Dick repairing, and upgrading historic structures by rail south and north from Dublin. They talented artist mother, Dahlov Ipcar, and Mittleman and wife Linda spend most of in Montana, Idaho, and Washington. They walked from Killiney to Dalkey so they could have several of her books and posters.” Y the winter in Ft. Lauderdale playing golf and also participated in archeological digs of a see Bono’s house. “It was a great way to Jim Simon sent an interesting article from riding bikes, but Dick is in daily contact with B-17 Flying Fortress bomber that crashed celebrate a BIG birthday.” Y Bonnie Brown a Tel Aviv publication: www.businesswire. his clients via IPad2. Their oldest grandchild in Clearwater National Forest in 1943. Y Potter, Jane Melanson Dahmen, and Paule com/news/home/20120220005250/ got accepted early-decision to Duke. Dick Jean Elliott Thomason and her husband, French, your 50th-reunion book commit- en/ETView-Medical-Ltd.-Announces- and Linda will miss our 50th reunion as they Mel, spent the months of January and tee, have begun their work. The deadline Exclusive-Patent-License Y Jonathan Allen celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary February in Trinidad helping in the Baha’i for your bio is Nov. 15, 2012. We hope sends this: “These days I am semi-retired on a Danube cruise. Dick, come to the community. Y Shirley Parry is planning a your creative juices are flowing! but still work part time as a consultant class reunion before you embark. Phyllis trip to Vietnam in the fall with her brother in radio frequency and electronic instru- Marder Jansen is making plans to join us who’s a veteran, and she hopes to visit Jim mentation, especially for the solar energy for reunion. Y Pete Duggan finally sold his Westgate in Thailand. Y Jim continues to 1964 industry. I have also done some writing and house near West Point. He and wife Mary have wonderful conversations with Judi Sara Shaw Rhoades speaking to explain the science of climate Vance have moved full time to Naples, Fla. Magalhaes Garcia “from halfway around [email protected] change. My wife, Shirley, has retired from Pete is fully retired from the Storm King the world.” Y Since giving up her recep- Sally Page Carville reports, “I’m heading her job as a lawyer with the N.J. Attorney School and looking forward to traveling. He tionist duties at Weight Watchers, Joanna for the Peace Corps again, this time in General’s office. Our daughter is in graduate keeps in close touch with Bruce Marshall Buxton Gormley has been traveling a lot. Guyana. I will be part of a team providing school pursuing a dual degree, an M.A. in and Rich Simkins. Hopefully, the Duggans Last year she went to Barbados, Florida, training in a community education program international relations at Johns Hopkins will work their move around our reunion. Colorado, and New Hampshire. She also for information communication technology. SAIS and an M.B.A. at Wharton. She hopes Y Malcolm MacLean has checked in. He spent two weeks in Seattle and Portland, OK, it doesn’t really sound like a Peace to finish in about another year and work in plans to be at reunion too. Ore., with her son Tom and his family when Corps assignment—no digging latrines?— renewable energy development for third- Tom joined a 12-man team to run the but it’s what is needed in much of the world countries. We are all in good health “Hood to the Sea” relay. Mary Jo Cahill developing world now. And I’m not really and enjoying life.” Y Judy Fassett Aydelott 1963 Schroeder who lives in the Seattle area sure that my nearly 70-year-old body could reports, “My husband Pete and I spend the Paule French gave them great tips on what to see. This do much digging! I’ll be back in 2014!” warm months in the White Mountains in [email protected] year Joanna is headed back to Barbados, Sally visited Anne Gellhorn Campbell and Franconia, N.H., and working with our local Greetings to all, and thank you to those Florida, and New Hampshire and will be Sherry Worthley Horton just before leav- Habitat for Humanity. It’s amazing how many writing for the first time. Y Al Carville, going to Switzerland in the fall. She’s look- ing. Y Nick Ruf writes, “My wife, Louise, different skills we’ve acquired AND that we Betsy Doe Norwat, and Tom Thomas ing forward to reunion in 2013! Y Skeeter and I have been writing and playing music can actually cut and sheetrock a room. In sent greetings but no news to report at ’59 and Karen Beganny Megathlin took which can be heard free by logging on to the winter we head to St. Simons Island this time. Y Dan Traister, Shirley Parry, a great trip out west in October, to Napa, and looking up the band and our rather unique volunteer opportunity Barbara Kreps DeLisio ’64, and Barbara San Francisco, Palm Springs, and Sedona. ‘Johnny and Louise’—Johnny because John with the International Seafarer’s Center at Howard Traister ’65 met in Parkside, Md., In Arizona they connected with Jim Bishop is my first name and because it doesn’t the Port of Brunswick, Georgia. We visit

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[email protected] 46 4/25/12 2:51 PM ships in port to determine if the seafarers and rhubarb prepared in various exotic nonprofits and philanthropy.” Nancy Ryen many in their 90’s, one of whom has two are treated well and what needs we can ways.” [Hey, he collects dust!] Y Randy Morrione is “hard at it reading applica- sons who are Colby alums. On a different fill. These men and women are away from Antik reports he “has flunked retirement.” tions and consulting with the new dean of subject, Karen says the students who lived home six to 18 months, and we look out In 2007 he started a public foundation admission at Colby.” Y I must sign off to on third floor Coburn our freshman year were for them and try to help in many ways. Pete in Naples, Fla., which hosts the Imagine pack some dust for the Clipshams. HAIL, a cohesive group that has mostly stayed takes the seafarers in one of our vans to Solutions conferences with private-sector COLBY, HAIL! in touch. E-mail her at KarenR0042@aol. any destination, from a medical/dental visit speakers focusing on education, healthcare, com if you’re interested in a reunion. Y to the shopping areas of Brunswick, and I economy, social entrepreneurs, etc. Y Eliot Peter Anderson recently spoke to the run the seafarers’ center, where there is a Terborgh is having trouble understanding 1966 geology department of San Jose State, shop and recreation facilities.” the word “retirement.” He’s landed another Meg Fallon Wheeler where he earned his graduate degree part-time C.F.O. job with a biotech startup [email protected] 35 years ago. His topic was engineering called Biocision. “I just can’t shake the entre- “Life is good,” report two classmates. Y For geology, the specialized area in which he 1965 preneurial spirit I’ve had ever since running Barbie Wise Lynch that’s thanks to the birth spent his career. Lots of nostalgia, as the Dick Bankart the DU bar.” Y Maria Harding Anderson of her third grandson and to reconnecting department had changed very little (unlike [email protected] retired and now has time “to devote to my with old high school buddies helping plan Colby’s), the auditorium was where he took WE’RE ON THE ROAD! “We don’t take vaca- English smocking sideline, enjoy my two an upcoming 50th reunion. Y For Mac his first graduate class, and the professor tions based on how many weeks vacation sewing guilds, visiting my daughter and Donaldson, life is good because, “Thanks who greeted him taught that first class and we are allowed. We now just plan trips to family in Troy, Mich., and my son who lives to just two days of work at the boatyard later became his thesis advisor. Y In June take whenever we want.” – Harold Kowal locally in Andover, Mass.” She has had visits each week, I have time with grandkids and Jim and Susan Footer Hummer will finish Y Linda Wakefield LaRou winters in Vero from Linda Cotton Wells, who retired from pursuit of innumerable hobbies.” Y Gayle their time in England, having enjoyed the Beach, Fla., and summers in Saratoga teaching in S.C. and now travels a lot, and Jobson Poinsette and Garfield Barnes proximity to London, theaters, museums, Springs, N.Y. She works the backstretch at from Jan Wood Parsons, also retired but invite all classmates to their new home in and even some good food. They will travel the Saratoga racetrack and felt the need teaching a course at Boston University. Y Plainfield, Vt., for a summer party on the to European cities in their remaining time to learn some Spanish, so she went to Dave Hatch and Dale Rottner Haas will deck, a swim in the pond, and an overnight overseas and will miss their delightful Antigua, Guatemala, for a two-week study, marry this fall. They bicycle 50 to 60 miles in one of their guestrooms. Y Vermonter English friends but are ready to return living with a family and other students. a week in Florida. Y Jim Foritano is still Linda Mitchell Potter spent most of last to life in Maine. Y Terry Saunders Lane Afterwards she toured the country and working, reviewing the visual arts and writing summer caring for husband Lee ’67 after attended the Burning Man Festival (www. saw the sights at Tikal, Chichicastenango, theater critiques for Artscope and its blog. his bypass surgery. Following his cardiac in northern Nevada and Lake Atitlan. The adventure included “Google the website and read the gushing rehab, they were able to go on a long fall last August. “It is a crazy one-week event a volcanic explosion and a 6.3 magnitude prejudice that my mentors and torments in cruise. Hurricane Irene did terrible damage attended by 50,000 people who camp out, earthquake. ¡Bueno! Y Charlie Bonsal is the Colby English Department would have in their area of Vermont but, luckily, their see art installations, dance, and dress up working part time and travels the country red-lined with relish and mustard. The best main house and ski house were fine. Avid in wild costumes. Needless to say, we were skiers, they hope to ski in Europe next some of the older attendees!” Y Be sure to winter. Y Budge and Anne Ruggles Gere visit, look for “class Margo Beach ’65 audited a Colby course in had their annual winter ski vacation in Utah. pages” on the right-hand side, and drop Y Sue Turner went snowshoeing with Marty down to Class of 1966. There are lots of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. She DeCou Dick in the Rockies in February, great memories and reunion pictures have watched students’ “eyes grow wide” with her and while in she had lunch with Jay been added recently. stories of curfews, two phones for a dorm, and Fell. Sue’s plans for a spring camping trip to National Parks in southern Utah and the panty raids. Grand Canyon were underway. Y Congrats 1967 to Peter Grabosky, reelected vice presi- Bob Gracia dent of the Asian Criminological Society Judy Gerrie Heine and recipient of the 2011 Prix Hermann [email protected] “teaching fall protection techniques to voyages, as ever, are interior,” Jim writes. Y Mannheim awarded by the International As we write this column, the reunion technicians who do high work on towers, Margo Beach moved back to Waterville to Centre of Comparative Criminology at the committee is working to make the 45th a high wires, and bucket trucks. I’m 70, and care for her mother, Martha Rogers Beach University of Montreal. Google Peter’s name memorable weekend for the Class of 1967. the next oldest guy is 49.” Charlie and his ’42. She has reunited with Waterville High and the prize name to read more about This is also the year most of us will turn wife covered 12,000 miles in a couple of classmates. When her mother rallied, she our accomplished Aussie classmate. Y 67 years old. We may be adding another months visiting family in Maine, Maryland, moved to her own place and has had visits Through Ellie Caito Thompson, John ’65 birthday, but we’re nowhere near slowing Florida, Louisiana, , California, from John ’63 and Nancy Godley Winslow, TJ and Gretchen Wollam O’Connor became down! Y Charlotte Killam has traveled a lot and Washington. At home in Utah he enjoys and Nancy Ryen Morrione, Tim and Adora acquainted with the MS Dream Center in to visit family and friends, and she enjoyed fishing, camping, and horseback riding with Clark Hill, Linda Stearns, and Nancy Newall Rhode Island. A few years ago the O’Connors a gathering of cousins that celebrated her his four grandchildren. Y Jean (Hoffman Burnham. Margo audited a Colby course in did a documentary film at the center about grandparents’ 100th anniversary (Nov. 9) ’66) and Neil Clipsham will take a cruise to women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. The Ellie and her husband’s swim therapy for his in Kents Hill, Maine. She even had the dress Alaska in August. He’s been revamping the class had 12 young women and one young multiple sclerosis. Now they have entered and marriage certificate to add special basement woodshop with new equipment man. “I recently made their eyes grow wide a new film about the center in the Neuro memories. Charlotte is part of a summer and a dust collection system. [Your scribe with stories of 10 p.m. curfews, only two Film Festival. Gretchen and John have done lunch program, now in its 14th year. It believes this is our first classmate heavily phones for an entire dorm, and occasional other film projects, John as videographer, provided 2,500 lunches over a six-week into dust and has offered his own collec- panty raids (a concept they found totally Gretchen doing film production and editing, period. A worthy project. Y Mark and Sue tion stored “everywhere in my apartment” puzzling.)” Y The aforementioned TJ is Dana and son Mark providing background music. Barden Johnson retired in 2011 but have to the Clipshams.] Neil has also become a Professor of Sociology Thomas Morrione Y Karen Riendeau-Pacheco found a new not been home much. They have only 150 chef with a specialty of “Brussels sprouts who “is still at it, teaching a course on career as a volunteer visitor to shut-ins, miles left to complete the 800-mile Arizona

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Trail but found time to hike from North to of alums here).” Y Tony Jordan writes: family cause. Their son Jared received his South Rim of the Grand Canyon, hill country “My sax group, the Annandale Saxophone M.S.W. from Simmons in May 2011 and in Texas, and high altitude acclimation 1968 Ensemble, played at the 35th annual has been working as a social worker in a in Colorado before hiking the Inca trail Peter Jost International Saxophone Symposium at sub-agency of the Home for Little Wander- to Machu Picchu. When they finished all [email protected] George Mason University under the spon- ers. Daughter Alexis received her Ph.D. in that, they still had energy to join a hiking Lawrence Furbish writes, “My first contribu- sorship of the U.S. Navy Band. Last year clinical psychology and is in a two-year group in Sicily. (Way too aggressive for tion! After a 30+-year career as a nonpar- we opened for Branford Marsalis. If you do fellowship at Children’s Hospital in Los most of us, but sounds wonderful, Sue!) tisan researcher and office director for the a YouTube search under our name you can Angeles. Doug and Joy bought a vacation When not hiking, they cruised from Ft. Connecticut General Assembly, I am retired see some performances from this year and home on Martha’s Vineyard in 2009 a Lauderdale to Rio and up the Amazon. and back in my hometown in Maine living in last. I’m also playing with the Bob Gibson mile from where Clarke and Cathie Smith They also enjoyed visiting with family and the house my grandfather built and where I Big Band (have some YouTube clips under Keenan ’68 also own a vacation home. Y friends. Sounds like they will continue to grew up. Retirement is busy with fun things that name), the Big Band Tradition www. In January Penny Post Crockett and her be very busy in retirement. Y Betty Coffee and community service, especially Rotary., husband Charlie were awarded a Paul Harris Gross still summers in Unity, Maine, and I will be leading a group study exchange and the Civil Air Patrol Maryland air wing Fellowship from the Camden (Maine) Rotary visited Colby several times last summer. team to northern Germany for a month in Swing Command http://www.ropedrum. Club. This award from the Rotary Foundation Her father turned 97 last December, so the spring and have been selected to be com/swingcommand.htm. Last December of Rotary International was for their work it’s hard for her to make long-term plans district governor of our Rotary district in and over the holidays I was substituting over the last 42 years with the youth of for reunion. Y Sandy Miller, after all 2014-15.” Y George Rideout sends a copy with the Northern Lights Dance Orchestra the Camden-Rockport community. Penny these years, is still making silk scarves. of his annual “Rideout Valentine’s letter” Still can’t was a high school English teacher for 30 She sold 2,054 in the last six years. She detailing the many activities of his extended reach my old roomy Pete Rouse although years as well as ski team and cross-country lives in Mass., makes things for her store, family, including teaching, medical, and I’ve sent him several e-mails.” Y Finally, a running coach, and Charlie was a math and takes care of her 93-year-old father missionary activities in Niger, complete with handwritten letter from Col. John Lee ’53, teacher for 36 years and coached softball, 24/7. She is a one-woman assisted living girls’ basketball, JV boys’ basketball, and facility. The store is doing the best ever, so cross country. The award recognized their Sandy is very busy and, when not at the Nancy Gottlund Ghertner ’71 has released leadership in organizing the senior class store or tending her father, she loves time trip to Washington, D.C., from 1985 to with her three granddaughters. Y Sarah a documentary film she directed, filmed, and 2012. They both retired from classroom Shute Hale is officially a pensioner, having edited. After I Pick the Fruit documents the teaching in 1999 but continue to organize retired from one of her regular art shows, lives of migrant women who live and work in and lead the class trip to D.C., believing which was held Canadian Thanksgiving in the importance of this opportunity for weekend. She enjoyed the holiday with her upstate New York. students in their area. When given the grandchildren. Sara continues to be busy award they were told, “... thank you for with her art and community activities in making a difference in your community and the village of Arden, Ont. While she won’t in the lives of less fortunate people in the make our reunion, she did visit Colby last a second “diesel airplane” being prepared who is a licensed tour guide in Washington, world.” Y Anne York Samson was thrilled September during a road trip with a friend for Niger. George has 16 grandchildren D.C. He states, “Four Colby alumnus’ names to welcome a sixth grandchild in November. and enjoyed seeing the growth. Y Ann and is truly blessed! Y John Leopold was are in front of Miller Library who gave their Son Ethan and Lindsay Dickston, in Port- Russell Starr is in a transitional phase. presented the Martin P. Miller Lifetime all in Vietnam. I would be privileged to guide land, Ore., had their first child, a beautiful Her husband, an attorney, retired five years Achievement Award by the Arapahoe County their classmates and families should they baby boy, just before Thanksgiving. Anne’s ago, and Ann decided to retire from her Bar Association. It was just the third time wish to visit the Vietnam Wall in Washington, husband became ill in September and they teaching position at Oakton High School in in 53 years the award has been given. It D.C., to see their names on the wall.” Gratis! have been unable to travel, but thanks to northern Virginia. After visiting a variety of was presented at the association’s annual One of the names is David Thomas Barnes Skype they can visit their grandchildren places in the past several years, Ann and judges’ dinner, which attracted more than (panel 52E, line 33). Thank you to John for in Switzerland, Kentucky, and Oregon! her husband have chosen Hilton Head for 250 people. John is past president of the his gracious offer. Y That’s all the class Anne still enjoys working part time as a retirement. The new house is close to the association. He was a private lawyer for 13 news for now. Note: publishing schedules psychologist for Kaiser-Permanente. Y beach, tennis courts, golf courses, and years, and a district judge, including the last are now faster, so your news will appear Tom Wright was one of the alumni who biking trails. Ann’s daughters are in the four years as chief judge of Colorado’s most sooner. Send something in! enjoyed the tailgate party at last fall’s last semester of grad school. Y Martin populous judicial district. After retiring from Colby-Bowdoin football game and wishes Gliserman is in his 40th year teaching at the bench in 2006, he has been serving as everyone a happy spring. Y Eddie Woodin Rutgers and may just go for 50. Martin a mediator/arbitrator/special master. John 1969 is keeping busy with work and was recently wanted to attend our 45th reunion but will adds, “Other news: to celebrate my 65th, Ray Gerbi awarded the ECOMaine Environmental- be in Paris at a conference. He continues Terry and I and my friend and his wife went [email protected] ist Award for Scarborough, where he led to practice as a psychoanalyst. His son to France and Spain in October. Highlights Hello classmates. I hope you are all having an effort for the town to use of organic just passed his Ph.D. qualifying exams. included a tour of the residence of the a fantastic spring! Y Doug Kant continues products versus chemical pesticides and Y Joanna Snyder Richardson is acting American ambassador; a stunning (albeit to work as a benefits lawyer at Fidelity herbicides. Y Kristen Kreamer’s big news is manager of scholarly information, Division controversial) new production of Gounod’s Investments and says, “Retirement plan- that she has traded the suburbs for the city of Information Services, Griffith University Faust at Opera National de Paris; time in ning appears to be the issue du jour in this and moved back into Philadelphia where (Australia). In December she was awarded the St. Emilion wine country; and our first country.” His wife, Joy, continues her fine she is enjoying getting reacquainted with the 2011 Director’s Award for Outstanding ever trip to Madrid and Toledo: fantastic! art business and had a booth at the annual walking the dogs, shopping at the food Achievement. Y We hope to see as many And I’m now involved in trying to set up a art show at the Boston Center for the Arts co-op, and using public transportation. as possible at our 45th reunion, May Colby alumni group in Colorado (primar- Cyclorama. She just completed 10 years Her kids complain that they’re not city kids, 31-June 3. Register online at www.colby. ily, but not exclusively, for Front Range on the board, including four as president, but she’s hoping they will learn! “If I can edu/reunion to join the fun! residents—there are a significant number of the International OCD Foundation, a adjust at my age, why shouldn’t they?” Y

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[email protected] 48 4/25/12 2:51 PM Pam and I were also able to welcome a new to view the surroundings and to talk with discovered the surprising joy of skiing! His this very fancy ball at the Lightner Museum grandchild, our sixth. Our granddaughter complete strangers, such as people behind son is enduring the uphill climb of tough in honor of Don Pedro Menendez, who Jordan was born Feb. 10 in Bangor to our the counters at coffee shops and a young courses with no whining or complaints or founded St. Augustine. I felt like I was in son Chris and his wife, Aimee. I wish you couple starting a farm near Bowdoinham. cries of desperation. Y The son of another the movie The Great Gatsby and am richer all a healthy, peaceful, and fun summer! Bill has a request he would like passed on: classmate, Nancy Neckes Dumart, made for having met so many wonderful people. Would the reunion committees consider dean’s list in his sophomore year in college, The ball was only one of several very formal publicizing the option of riding from Portland and his parents are proud. Y Martha Smith and magnificent events, the memories of 1970 (or from Brunswick after Amtrak extends its Mickles was knee deep in printing, mount- which will last me a lifetime. Libby Brown Strough service there in 2012) to Colby? He doesn’t ing, and framing a show of photographs [email protected] want to volunteer as a leader, but would that hung at the Maine State Museum in Greg Andrews has been living in Rangeley, be happy to help organize it. Since no one Augusta in March. It was moving to the 1972 Maine, since winter 2009-10. He and his joined him before, he missed sharing that Portland Public Library in April. She enjoys Nancy Round Haley wife, Elyse, own and operate four online common experience. Y As for us, Bob and I hearing from Jim Hawkins, Field Reich- [email protected] stores and have a small retail store in are enjoying some much-needed down time ardt, and Debbie Wentworth Lansing Randall G. Wieting has moved with his Rangeley (“SnowSource—Where Snow now that we have 24/7 in-home care for through Facebook. Y One of three owners family (wife, son age 17, daughter age 16) Lovers Shop”). They handle all packing and his 92-year-old mother, who is still living in of a “ginormous Biergarten,” Pilsener Haus to Kingston, Ont., where he built and opened shipping for the online stores (95 percent her condo. In January we flew to St. Lucia in Hoboken, N.J., Joel Goldfarb says that if a garden center (www.kingstonnurseries. of the total business) out of the back of to join friends on their 46-foot sailboat. anyone takes the ferry across the Hudson, com). He says, “Just when we should be their shop. Greg and Elyse have two grown They have been living aboard and cruising and if he’s there, you will get, on him, a retiring, we are starting a whole new ven- daughters, Stephanie and Briana, and between New England and the Caribbean free liter of the best European draft! Y ture!” Y Anne Howard Cotton writes that seven grandchildren—all age eight and for seven years. We had a marvelous time Jerome Layman went to Calif. and had she and her husband, Lee, moved to Kiawah younger. Y Sarah Vose Mackenzie and exploring the harbors in St. Lucia—Rodney a great visit with Larie Trippet on a boat Island, S.C., where they built a house and husband Cal are both Fulbright scholars in Bay, Marigot, and the Pitons. What a spec- ride in the delta north of San Francisco. Y are enjoying the warmer weather, beautiful Vietnam for the spring semester. Sarah is at tacularly beautiful island! Our next boating Alaska is where the snow is this year, and marshes and beaches. Anne says that in Vietnam National University giving lectures adventure will be aboard a 55-foot Flem- Mike Round writes from there about his S.C. life is at a slower pace. Y Janet Holm and support to the teacher preparation ing powerboat with other friends, cruising two intrepid children. His daughter biked Gerber says her news hasn’t changed faculty and master’s and doctoral students. south down the Intercoastal Waterway from more than 5,000 miles from Oregon to much. She is still very happy with work, Cal is at the Institute for American Studies Annapolis for several weeks. Hope everyone Florida taking two months-plus. His son home, and children, so no update from at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. has a wonderful spring and early summer. spent the winter touring Europe with a her. “Just wanted you to know I appreciate Sally says they enjoy their lives in Hanoi and backpack. Mike is waiting for retirement to your work for our class,” she wrote. “Happy recently visited Angkor Wat in Cambodia. get his traveling in. Meanwhile, the salmon Valentine’s Day!” (Thanks. Much appreci- They plan to visit Laos and Myanmar as well 1971 fishing season is about to begin.Y Nancy ated.) Y Frances “Frannie” Birkinbine as other parts of Vietnam before returning Ann E. Miller Gottlund Ghertner and other 9 Lawrence Welch received her Valentine’s gift a few to the states. They report that Vietnam is a [email protected] St. (Waterville) alums connected in Bluff, days early when her daughter Catherine booming, optimistic, and energetic place. Spring? It’s spring already? What hap- Utah, for an amazing long weekend in Sept. Welch ’05 home-birthed Frannie’s first Y Martha Belden Kleinerman recently pened to winter? We in the Northeast 2011. She has just released a documentary grandchild in Brunswick, Maine. She is returned from her first-ever trip to Hawaii. experienced the warmest and un-snowiest film she has directed, filmed, and edited loving every moment with them and even She was visiting her youngest son, the third winter on record! You know how much I love mate on a cruise ship that travels weekly to the cold and the snow; I’ve been pretty four of the islands. He has been working on grumpy all winter. I hope the rest of you Nancy Gottlund Ghertner ’71 has released the same ship for a few years, so he knows had a peaceful and calm winter season. all the best places to explore around the Y Writing that retirement is great, Eric a documentary film she directed, filmed, and various ports. It was a great trip! Martha Joerg says he doesn’t miss a thing about edited. After I Pick the Fruit documents the reports she is a proud grandmother for the his 37 years at Covidien (formerly Kendall lives of migrant women who live and work in third time, and the best part is that her Company). It all seems like a blur to him daughter lives close by so she sees this now. He, wife Kathie, and two cats are upstate New York. grandchild quite often. Other news from now enjoying life in Augusta, Ga. Y From Martha is that Mark Zaccaria, a fellow high in the sky, Rich Abramson writes he Rhode Islander, was named state chairman will retire as superintendent of schools of the GOP last winter. Congratulations in Maine’s Arundel, Wells-Ogunquit, and over 10 years. After I Pick the Fruit docu- took a week off from teaching high school Mark! Y Mike Self writes, “Went from no Maranacook schools after 17 years on ments the lives of five migrant women who to be with them. “The joy I’ve had in these grandbabies to having one back in October the job. He’ll continue his education live and work in upstate New York: www. past five days is indescribable.” (I’m not a to finding out my daughter is expecting consultation work in the next chapter of Y Fred Copithorn grandparent yet, but I look forward to it!) twins in August... wow... we might have a his life. He and his wife, Paula, recently and his wife bought a house in Harrison- Y From a golf community in sunny Florida, hockey team eventually if they keep going.” returned from a “wonder cruise” in the burg, Va., having given up rural life. After Nancy Brunnkow Marion writes that she Y Barrett Hurwitz and his wife visited the Aegean Sea, with stops in the Greek isles lots of work to renovate it, he will enjoy a and husband Michael are totally retired American Indian Museum in Washington, and Istanbul. (I loved Istanbul, too!) They much shorter commute to campus. Y As and actively involved in tennis leagues, D.C., during his wife’s school vacation. Y will celebrate their 40th anniversary with for me, I recently returned from another golf leagues, bocce leagues, and painting Bill Aldrich has done extensive bicycling a cruise along the Dalmatian coast ending of those “once in a lifetime” experiences courses. Nancy misses New England but since graduating, including biking across with a week in Tuscany. Rich will continue I am so fortunate to have. I spent a magi- appreciates the wonderful lifestyle that Iowa in 2008, across N.Y. in 2010, and to his health and wellness work by serving on cal, magnificent weekend in St. Augustine, comes with fabulous winter weather. Their Colby reunions in 2005 and 2010. He says the nonprofit side of Dannon Corporation’s Fla., with Faith Tiberio Dougherty and her son Mark is marrying in April in Colorado, somehow bike riding affords him more time schools advisory committee. Y Bill Hladky parents. Her parents invited me to attend and their daughter and son-in-law (also in

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Colorado) are making them grandparents many years ago, he ended up on a New in June. So she is sorry to miss our 40th Bedford fishing boat. After 13 years as reunion in June but sends her best to all 70s newsmakers a fishing boat captain on Georges Bank, the Class of ’72. Y And speaking of our he moved from Newport, R.I. to Miami to 40th reunion (I feel like a broken record Yale named Edward “Ted” Snyder ’75 new dean of attend law school. He has been there ever here, but I know how easy it is to forget the Yale Business School. Snyder, who previously led since practicing admiralty and maritime law. Chicago’s Booth School of Business and the University important things at our age), make plans Vito and wife Nancy have been married for of Virginia’s Darden School of Business, was hired by now to return to Colby June 1-3. Dick 27 years and have a son, Leo, an Oberlin Yale to help raise the school to the level of its highly Valone, Donna Power Stowe, Art Young, grad, who is turning 26. Vito does get up regarded schools of law and medicine. F David McKay Larry Bigelow, Clark Ruff, Chris Pinkham, Wilson ’76 was interviewed for the Mahopac News re- to New England a few times a year, so we and I have been busy planning events for garding his career in journalism, which began in 1977 better see him in Maine in June 2014. He it. Please check out our Facebook page: writing profiles for the Boston Phoenix. Highlights of his wanted us to include his e-mail address career to date include interviews with former New York ([email protected]) for Class-of-1972/227500213979919 and Governor David Paterson, Attorney General Eric Hold- anyone who might like to reconnect. Y add some pictures or comments. (Pictures er, and former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker. F Callie Dusty Leef writes that her daughter would be helpful so that we can all recognize Edward “Ted” Snyder ’75 Junior Achievement of Maine elected Timothy Hussey Tina graduated from the University of Cali- each other at the reunion.) Looking forward ’78 to Maine’s Business Hall of Fame. Hussey is chief executive officer of Hussey Seat- fornia Irvine last June and recently got a to seeing you then—and recognizing you! ing, a Maine-based company specializing in spectator seating for sports stadiums and job working with elementary and preschool arenas, community event centers, concert venues, theaters, university classrooms, children. Her youngest son, Matthew, is and school gymnasiums and auditoriums. transferring to Oregon State in Corvallis in 1973 April to major in food science technology. Carol Chalker She looks forward to retiring next January [email protected] job seekers. Dave and wife Sue have two in Colby,” he wrote, “as we approach the from defense contractor QinetiQ North Ken Gross’s interest in music continues. wonderful daughters who are still in school, bicentennial and reunion in 2013.” Bob, I America. Y Karen Sawitz is a pediatri- He contributed five unissued Coleman so Dave plans to work for another 10 years. Y remember at our last reunion you happily cian in the clinic and occasionally the Hawkins titles from three different recording Ingrid Svenson Crook plans to take a group announced your son Charlie was accepted emergency room at St. Barnabas Hospital sessions to an upcoming Mosaic record box of 15 students to France for 10 days this to Colby and would be a freshman in the in the Bronx. Her husband is retiring from set. The New Magnolia Jazz Band is Ken’s summer, then stay on for two-plus weeks fall. Congratulations! his lace-manufacturing business and looks Dixieland band—check out YouTube from a with husband Scott and friends to visit forward to pursing creative interests. Son 2009 gig at York Beach, Maine, by typing Bretagne and the Dordogne Valley. Ingrid is David is in his final semester at Vassar, in “York Beach” and “Ain’t Misbehavin” teaching French and Spanish this year, but 1974 and daughter Abigail is a freshman at and you will be treated to an eight-minute hopes to return to teaching German next Vicki Parker Kozak Hamilton. Karen rediscovered knitting Jill Gilpatric Richard version. Y Jon Fink and family are happily year. Other plans include retiring in two to and will attend a conference in Freeport, [email protected] settling into Portland, Ore., after 30 years three years. Ingrid is another classmate her first trip back to Maine in 15 years. Y in Phoenix. His volcanological appetite has who does NOT MISS SNOW AT ALL. Y Jean We are sitting here on Leap Day writing the Jim Lazour and wife Laura live in Arlington, been satisfied by daily views of Mounts St. Strael Moss writes about adventures with column with a forecast of 10-14 inches of Va., with a houseful of cats. Jim has been Helens, Hood, Adams, and Rainier from his Chris Hannon (director of Smith College bathroom window. Work as vice president library) and Penny Wolf Burns (Jean and for research and strategic partnerships Penny are godmothers to each other’s kids). at Portland State is varied and fun and Through Chris she reconnected with Janet After 13 years as a fishing boat captain on includes travel to India, Vietnam, and Indo- Gilles Foley (they spent junior year in Caen Georges Bank, David Famulari ’74 moved from nesia. He’s seen Seth Dunn and Dorothy together) and Janet is now working part Newport, R.I., to Miami to attend law school. He “Dee” Kelsey in the past year. Y Sue Yovic time at Jean’s business, Olde Ipswich Tours. Hoeller writes from . She and hus- Jean stresses how much she LOVES working has been there ever since, practicing admiralty band Ted recently spent the day with Jay ’72 with her old college friend and how there is and maritime law. and Robin Sweeney Peabody ’74 in Denver, nothing more wonderful than reconnecting where they had a client meeting. Carl and with Colby friends. Janet, Penny, and Jean Janice Johnson Peterson stopped by to went on an Olde Ipswich Tour to Burgundy see Susie’s mother in Tampa to celebrate and Provence in September, with Janet snow coming our way. Vicki and her hus- practicing dentistry for 32 years. He finds her 81st birthday with brother Bill Yovic as one of the 12 guests and Penny as a band are scheduled to leave tomorrow for it hard to believe our 40th is not too far ’77. Sue and Ted recently were certified co-leader. Check out her website (www. a month in Florida. Good timing Vick. Got off. (He’s not the only one!) He competes to teach an innovative entrepreneurial Jean, husband John, great responses from some classmates in “senior” golf tournaments in the D.C./ course titled “Who Owns the Icehouse?” and daughter Nicole are headed to Corsica we haven’t heard from in years. Y Andrea Virginia/Maryland area, and sometimes It’s geared to those who own businesses for a 10-day vacation as I type. Y In January Hicks Sato writes that she is working at talks with Jimmy Glover, who lives nearby or plan to in the near future. Sue definitely Bob Diamond met with Colby alumni in N.Y. Dannon in White Plains, N.Y., as head of in D.C. Y Larry Kominz and wife Toshimi plans to join us next year at our 40th! Y when he attended Professor Jennifer Yoder’s sales training and communications after spent winter break in Japan visiting their From Concord, Mass., Dave Delong writes lecture Germany and the Eurozone Crisis. In a 13-year stint at Heineken in sales and children Leo and Maya, college students that he is about to publish a book, Graduate February he joined Colby trustees in Boston marketing. Her kids are 22 and 21, and in Tokyo. Larry celebrated the big 60 by to a Great Job: How to Make Your College for their annual winter meeting. He looks the youngest is graduating from Clemson joining a Japanese family for a Korean BBQ Degree Pay Off in Today’s Job Market. His forward to May and youngest-son Charlie’s this May. Andrea reports she sees Amy banquet. He wore a red cap, symbolizing other book, Buddy, Can You Spare a Job? commencement, where the speaker will be Caponetto Galloway a few times a year. babyhood—after five cycles of 12 years we The New Realities of the Job Market for former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Y David (Vito) Famulari responded after finish one lifetime and get to start a new one. Aging Baby Boomers, is aimed at older “Now is an exciting time to get involved a 38-year silence. After graduating oh so He wishes classmates a wonderful Year of

50 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 50 4/25/12 2:51 PM the Dragon. Y Jay ’72 and Robin Sweeney a few trips to Puglia, Italy, were required! Mt. Holyoke, is majoring in English with a premed sophomore at Tufts, is the light of Peabody returned to Colorado after three Younger daughter Elise is on her way to studio art minor. their lives. Y Ken Curtis writes from Japan, years in the Netherlands, where Jay shared a career in the thespian arts. Y Karen where he has lived for almost 25 years. his 35 years of industrial water treatment Chadbourne has begun an intensely His two sons, Chris ’14 and Roddy ’15, are expertise with company employees from rewarding counseling internship at a 1976 the fourth consecutive generation of Ken’s many countries. Robin and Jay declared group home for adolescent girls as part Robert Weinstein family to attend Colby. The streak started themselves retired on New Year’s Day but of a master’s degree program leading [email protected] in the early 20th century with Ken’s grand- can’t seem to sleep later than 7 a.m.! They to a “retirement” career in counseling. Spring has sprung, and so has news from mother and great-uncle, both from Solon, had their first family Christmas in four years Karen spent several years working with classmates! Y Dana Pope writes that his Maine. His sons’ attendance has given Ken with their two kids and a daughter-in-law. art therapy at the local children’s hospital, job in real estate business development several recent opportunities to visit campus. Robin is looking forward to seeing many and she plans to bring the expressive arts and managing apartment buildings on the Y Rich and Janet Breslin Gilmartin still live of her close Colby girlfriends at a reunion into her counseling activities. A recent East Coast is going great. Dana is treasurer on the ocean in Hull, Mass. Their older son, in Maine in June. Welcome back Robin! Y school project in Hollis, Maine, involved of Westwood Land Trust and president Jason, graduated from Bryant University last John Ladky sent Vick and me a Valentine co-leading a women’s group in building a of Norfolk Hunt Club, a horseback riding May and worked as an intern for the United wish from Atlanta and promised he’d see medicine wheel, based on Native American club outside Boston. Dana’s wife, Carolyn Nations in London; he was also selected as us at the Spa. a member of the English national lacrosse team. Their younger son, Kenton, is finishing his sophomore year as a history major at 1975 Lisa Turtz Birnbaum ’75 finds it rewarding Wheaton College. Y I’m saddened to report Laurie Fitts Loosigian to work in private practice as a psychiatrist that in February we lost another classmate, Susie Gearhart Wuest for two medical groups in the Bronx. Many Paul Bither, my sophomore-year roommate. [email protected] Paul spent his career in Indianapolis as an Michael Lynes recalls that freshman patients improve greatly with medication optometrist specializing in low-vision care meeting where we were told about the adjustments, she reports. and rehabilitative services. Paul adored his high probability of marrying another family, including his wife, Carol, a licensed freshman in the room. He took it to heart, marriage and family therapist. Son Brian marrying Kristine Bowen. Last year their is finishing up his master’s at Duke Divinity son Matthew ’05 married Maureen Sherry traditions. Her present career is as a full- (Anderson ’75), is a clothing consultant for School and was recently engaged. Daughter ’05. Like father, like son! Meanwhile, their time financial analyst for Pratt & Whitney. Y Etcetera, a women’s clothing line. All three Amy graduated from Gordon College last daughter and a fellow Middlebury graduate Camilla Moore Doctor has worked for the daughters graduated from Mt. Holyoke. year and started a career in publishing. are making plans for wedding festivities Department of Veterans Affairs for 21 years Lindsay is now choral director at Mt. Holyoke, Back in February many of you learned in both the U.S. and Kathmandu, Nepal. and the federal government for 31 years. Cecilia is at Parsons School of Fashion in about Paul from my quarterly e-mail to our Y Harry Friedman has traveled twice to Honored to serve our nation’s veterans N.Y., and Laurian is working with horses. class. Make sure Colby’s Alumni Office has Cuba: first with an art museum group in and active-duty service members, Camilla Dana and Carolyn just finished building a your current e-mail address so you can be 2003, prompted by the idea of streets full works for the VA in mental health services horse farm in Aiken, S.C., where they will included. Y Finally, as you get this we are of 1950s cars, but that was not the case. and residential rehabilitation treatment begin spending winters. He sums it up: “Life approaching the end of the fundraising year. Americans were a rarity there in 2003. programs in the Hampton Roads, Va., is good.” Y Frank Malinoski and wife Judith Please help our class maintain its leadership Second trip, eight years later while travel- area, where she and husband David live. went on a medical mission this winter to position with a donation to Colby. Your gift ing with a theater group, Harry discovered She also works for CARF, an organization Nicaragua. They traveled with a group that both builds the future for Colby and honors he was one of very many Americans. Y Jef- that accredits rehabilitation facilities, provides basic medical and dental care at our connections to each other through the frey Frankel wants to clarify that his title and is very involved in her church and several underserved communities there. years. Thanks! at Massage Envy is chief legal officer, not community. Last summer, while attending His Facebook page has photos. Y Last chief learning officer. (So much for googling her 40th high school reunion, she visited June Paul Kueffner launched his wife Sue’s “CLO”!) His company is a contra-indicator with classmates Jackie Lindsey Wynn and Caspian sea kayak (that Paul had built). 1977 of the economy, doing very well the past Sylvia Hodges Melvin. No thoughts yet of He’s started on another cedar strip kayak Kevin Farnham three years. This summer a trip to Europe retirement as she still has a 26-year-old for himself, this one a Great Auk design from [email protected] is planned with his wife and daughter. son living at home and in graduate school. Nick Schade. Y Debra Hirsch Corman has Final reminder: June 1-3 is our 35th reunion! Son Derrick is a graduate student in Los Y Lisa Turtz Birnbaum finds it fascinating been busy as a freelance copyeditor of books Y Mark Richardson reports that Kent Angeles studying cinematography. Jeffrey and rewarding to work in private practice on Judaica and the Hebrew Bible. She and Wommack, who worked for the Nature figures the next step is contemplating as a psychiatrist for two medical groups husband Mike are thoroughly enjoying their Conservancy for many years, will speak on retirement, when he will manage his rental in the Bronx. Many patients improve two young granddaughters, Talyah and Kol, Saturday. Y Frank “Sandy” Pardee says the houses, learn to play the guitar, and reread greatly with medication adjustments, and but wishing they lived closer so they could musical group Pearl (featuring R.P. Higgins, all his Colby textbooks. Y Dan Alexander, a Lisa feels quite appreciated as the only spoil them even more! Y Rebecca Hushing Sandy, Sara Frolio O’Leary ’79, Geoff Becker mathematics professor at Drake University psychiatrist in her medical group setting. McCole is a fitness instructor in two local ’80, John Stivers ’81, and Tom Stratton ’81) in Des Moines, Iowa, experienced two Daughter Zoe graduated from Colgate last clubs—for the health of it and because of will perform Saturday night, with possible milestones last year: daughter Caroline year as a neuroscience major, and medical the great members. She finds it thrilling to guest appearances from Leslie Warren Van started her first year at Wellesley, and his school is next on the horizon. Zoe is also help people feel better and stay healthy. Berkum and Peggy Horstmann-Hodes. Y academic book about mathematics his- a ballet dancer and, after working two Rebecca teaches water aerobics, pilates, Kevin Leddy has enjoyed a fascinating ride tory, Early Days in Complex Dynamics, was summers with a neurologist at the N.Y.U. yoga, strength training, and cardio. Her hus- in the cable television business since we published by the American Mathematical Movement Disorders Clinic, she became band, John, writes software and would retire graduated. He got in on the ground floor Society. Feeling he had been working on fascinated with the use of dance therapy tomorrow. Rebecca, however, vows she will with the predecessor to Time Warner Cable it forever, Dan said the book was written for patients with Parkinson’s Disease. not retire from fitness until her body can’t 31 years ago. His current position uses his with two Italian mathematicians. Obviously Younger daughter Rose, a sophomore at move anymore. Their daughter Shaylagh, a government major and the teachings of his

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favorite professors, Sandy Maisel and Al Colby. She notes that Maddie Dewhirst, the Nothing else comes close to mattering.” Y Mavrinac. Among the challenging aspects team’s star center, will be entering Colby as Elaine Regan ’80 and Dan Driscoll’s two of Kevin’s work is the requisite interaction a freshman this fall. Alix continues to work oldest live in California—Matt, 24, in San 1979 with the U.S. Senate and House Commerce in research at Dartmouth Medical School Francisco and Alicia, 23, in Santa Monica. Cheri Bailey Powers Committees, the F.C.C. and F.T.C. Kevin and the VA Hospital. Y Vinnie Martucci Danny, 20, is a sophomore at Dartmouth [email protected] and wife Kristen live in Wilton, Conn. Their and wife Liz Lawrence ’76 have lived near spending a semester in Paris, and Johnny Andrea James Spangenthal shared a great daughter Erin is at Bowdoin, son Ryan Woodstock, N.Y., for 30 years. Liz is a is a 10th grader at Roxbury Latin, where photo (posted online) of herself, Jan Morris attends the University of Richmond, and registered nurse at Kingston Hospital and Elaine is the new assistant to the head- Whelan, Sue Fraser Sullivan, and Sam daughter Morgan is in eighth grade. Kevin Vinnie teaches jazz at SUNY New Paltz. Last master. Y Francie Prosser-Riessen, still Koch, along with spouses, when they met would like to reconnect with old friends fall Vinnie performed with the jazz faculty in the Hanover, N.H., area, writes: “I work in Northampton, Mass., at the beginning of from DKE. Y Hendrix “Hal” Bodden spent at the Central Conservatory in Beijing and for a few public school districts providing February for dinner. Last fall Andrea went a snowy weekend in late October at the Mt. also led clinics and master classes. Their physical therapy services. I feel very fortu- for a fun sail with Bev Larmie Wayne and Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods with a daughter, Katie, who won a N.Y. state all- nate to have a job I love. My oldest son is Blair Washburn Tracy (again with spouses) shady crew that included Alan MacEwan, state jazz vocalist award and performed now a Colby junior. After transferring from on Blair’s boat, having another fun day and Curt Gowdy ’75, Peter Boone ’75, Peter with a group of all-state musicians at the Skidmore he took a year off to travel and evening in Padanaram, Mass. Y Louise Clark ’75, Liz Richards Julian ’75, Carla Eastman School of Music in December, is work. He seems to love Colby, the friends “Robin” Reid had a great trip to Italy last Call Stewart ’75, Malcolm Foster ’75, considering attending Colby. Son Jimmy is he is making, and his courses. My middle October and plans to return soon for a writ- John O’Meara ’76, and Paul Boghossian a high school sophomore who’s into soccer, daughter is at Bucknell, equally happy ing retreat. Her monthly newspaper, Rural ’76. Y Ken Beland is in his third year of wrestling, and drums. It all fits somehow, and rows on the women’s crew team. I Route Today, is on hiatus to be reborn as his new career teaching biology, ecology, Vinnie says. still have a 14-year-old daughter at home, a quarterly. The paper highlights Vermont and anatomy at John Bapst High School thank goodness! My husband, Bob, works and the Champlain Valley’s rural lifestyles, in Bangor, Maine. He’s happy to see, each on a multitude of local projects... . We feel as well as contemporary agricultural and year, students of his going on to Colby. 1978 very fortunate.” Y Rick Abrams and Susan silvicultural production and the people An unanticipated spinal stenosis injury Janet Santry Houser Kenyon will celebrate their 30th anniversary who work the land for a living. Y George eliminated beloved activities like running Lea Jackson Morrissey with Robin and Jeff Shribman. Son Stan will Powers finally gave up after three years at and hockey from his schedule. In partial [email protected] graduate from Colby this spring with a clas- a startup company that was languishing, compensation, he’s very much enjoying Empty nests seem to be the theme! Y Jeff sics major and chemistry minor. Son Archie and he went to work at Riverbed Tech, reading the latest novels by Gerry Boyle ’78. Bernard writes, “Janet and I are experienc- (Bowdoin ’09) works in San Francisco. which is thriving. He is based in Sunnyvale, Y Ken Colton finds that Professor Wayne ing the empty nest syndrome but enjoying Daughter Sydney is a junior at Lexington Calif., with occasional days at the San Smith continues to cast a long shadow on life. Our son Andrew is in his second year at High. Scholastic Inc. acquired Tom Snyder Francisco office and a day working from his life. Ken is still a member of the Ameri- Oxford University and studying in Cairo for a Productions, the company Rick helped start home. That saves on the commute and he can Chemical Society and was recently year. It has been quite tumultuous over there in 1982. For 11 years Rick has been general gets to help herd the kids off to school. quoted in the ACS’s weekly publication. His so we will be happy to have him on American manager of their Boston R&D office. Susan, George’s oldest son is in the Army and now work combines chemistry and patent law. soil this summer.” Y Donna Dietzko Vincenti who was a partner at the Boston law firm deployed in Afghanistan, where he repairs Daughter Caroline is a sophomore at Rhode is an attorney with offices in Lakeville and Mintz, Levin for years before children, does helicopters at the large base in Kandahar. Island School of Design, and son Chris is in New Hartford, Conn. Still happily married legal work for the office.Y Doug Giron has Y All of the children in Laurie Ahearn Bor- middle school. Y Jonathan Fenton teaches after 28-plus years, Donna and her husband been in R.I. for 30 years and is partner in a den’s blended family have finally turned English and social studies to fifth graders at have three “past-college-tuition age” sons. firm practicing business law. He plays in a 21! Laurie is in a chaplaincy program at the Marion W. Cross School in Norwich, Vt. She’s writing a book about her recovery from men’s over-30 soccer league and watches Fletcher Allen Health Care in Burlington, His wife, Corinne, is a part-time educational a horrific head-on collision in 2008. Keep his kids play whenever possible. Son Kevin Vt., and will finish in April. Y A very short assistant to kindergartners at Marion Cross. us posted on the publication date! Y Larry will graduate from Union, where he was e-mail from Gerrit White—”I’m hanging all-conference in soccer. With a degree in out in Saudi Arabia.” Yup, that’s it. Y Jan history, he’s looking at graduate programs Barker McFarland, Sara Russell MacColl, in journalism. Doug adds, “My youngest, Leslie Harrison ’78, Penny Janzen Winn Ken Colton ’77 finds that Professor Wayne Matthew, will graduate from Barrington ’80, Amy Davidoff, Patty Valavanis Smith Smith continues to cast a long shadow on his High School and will attend Colby in the ’80, and Carol Doherty Moroney met last life. Ken is still a member of the American fall, where he will play on the soccer team winter for a boisterous dinner at the Blue for the same coach (Mark Serdjenian ’73) Mermaid Island Grill in Portsmouth, N.H. Chemical Society and was recently quoted in as his old man! I’m looking forward to The group (with a few missing members) the ACS’s weekly publication. spending a lot of time in Waterville the has been gathering since 1979, talking, next four years.” His two oldest daughters drinking, sailing, welcoming the twins of went to URI. Laura (oldest) was a four-year Linda Alter ’80, golfing, and laughing. starter on defense. Joy, also an excellent Penny summed things up nicely about how Son Jonathan is a sophomore at Endicott Hill had a successful second year with his player, now has a good job in finance. Y old they are getting, “Our children are now College in Beverly, Mass., majoring in consulting business, Full 360, and employs John Devine reports, “The Class of 1978 the same age we were when we first met.” P.E. teacher education. Daughter Katie 10 full-time employees. Last year he hiked is well represented at Colby. Sandy Buck Y A sad ending to my column. Geoff Parker is a freshman at Hanover High School in in the White Mountains with John Geismar will join the Board of Trustees. He will be e-mailed to say that, Carol Neidig White Hanover, N.H. Y Alix Levintow Howell is and son Brad and Mike Slavin. He took in the third member of the class, following Tim passed away Feb. 13 from a complication in regular contact with Jonathan, as her JazzFest in New Orleans in February. Son Hussey and myself. Peter Schmidt-Fellner while recovering from a cancerous episode. daughter Caroline (a sophomore) plays Harry Jr. is a junior at Greenwich High, just is a Colby overseer. Kim Devine ’06 married Carol leaves a husband, Phil, daughter with Katie on the varsity hockey team. She beginning the college search. Y Anne and last August in Newport, R.I. The wedding Jordan, and son Parker. My condolences and Jonathan spend countless hours at the Tom Gilligan celebrate their 30th anniver- was filled with Colby alums and friends from to the family. rink reminiscing about our great days at sary in June, “and we have three great kids. Henry Kennedy ’80’s Camp Kieve.”

52 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 52 4/25/12 2:51 PM looking like a good time was had by all economics at Hampden-Sydney College in Nordic ski team. Will ’12, who graced this (judging by the bottles in the background). Virginia, is one of about six women in the magazine’s fall cover for an article on 1980 Y Tamara Hannah recently joined the law U.S. who coach men’s collegiate rugby. In Colby’s Environmental Studies Program, Tom Marlitt firm of Belongia, Franklin & Shapiro in an of her seventh season, she was elected to will graduate in May with a double major [email protected] counsel position to assist with transactional serve as the Virginia Rugby Union’s men’s in environmental science and biology, and Mark and Patty Valavanis Smith are hold- real estate and entertainment practice in college coordinator, and her team earned a geology minor. “We each had Professor ing onto their seat belts as they navigate life Chicago. She’s still involved in the real VRU’s 2011 Men’s Collegiate Sportsman- Russ Cole, one at the beginning and the in Andover, Mass., with their two teenaged estate world in Miami and Chicago. Y Lori ship Award. Saranna credits Mark Govoni, other at the end of his career at Colby. He boys. So far so good, thankfully. Mark, an Batcheller contributed a chapter to the who started the Colby women’s rugby team. has been a great influence on both of us.” independent general contractor for six just-released book Until They Have Faces. “Without him, I never would have gotten years, manages commercial projects with Lori was in Steamboat in February, skiing into the game and become a coach.” A an emphasis on medical suites and clean nearly three feet of powder and was then photo of coach Thornton and her team is 1982 room construction. Patty is in year 22 as an off to N.M. to teach yoga for a week. Y on our class page. Y Dani Nemec Micsan Nancy Briggs Marshall internal communications editor for IDG and Michael Fanger’s daughter, Rachel, is a is contemplating retirement from the federal [email protected] gets her musical fix singing in a women’s sophomore at Muhlenberg, and his son, government after husband Jim retired with I’m really looking forward to Reunion Week- a cappella chorus. Y Robert Crawford’s Jonathan, is a junior at St. Joe’s Prep in 30 years of service. She is reaching out to end and our 30th! Andrea Brantner has second book of poetry, The Empty Chair, Philly. Michael’s wife, Linda, teaches gov- any Colby grads living in southern Califor- been diligently and patiently guiding our won the 2011 Richard Wilbur Award. His ernment at Burlington Community College, nia, because her daughter has decided to reunion committee through the process poem “Odds Are” won the 2011 Howard and Michael is still CEO of Eastern Funding move to L.A. and “Mom has jitters!” Y Our of making plans for May 31-June 3. The Nemerov Sonnet Award, and “The Num- LLC, which celebrated its 15th year. Mike condolences and best wishes for a new committee consists of Alisa Diehl Bernat, bered Stars” won the 2010 New England was planning a March ski trip in Colo. with beginning to David Rocks, who lost his wife, Carol Birch, Caroyn Berry Copp, David Shakespeare Festival Sonnet Award. He’s Fanger, Susan Roberts Kuzia, Tracy Don a trustee of the Robert Frost Farm in Derry, MacDonald, David Marcus, Paul McGov- N.H., director of the Hyla Brook Reading ern, and Donna Stock. Our weekend kicks Series, and coordinator for the national Saranna Robinson Thornton ’81, a professor off with the President’s Golf Tournament Frost Farm Prize. Robert and his wife, of economics at Hampden-Sydney College in at Belgrade Lakes Golf Club followed by poet Midge Goldberg, moved to Chester, Virginia, is one of a half-dozen women in the a reception at the Maine Lakes Resource N.H., and live on 11 acres on the shore of Center in Belgrade Lakes village. I hope Whetstone Pond with his two stepchildren, country who coach men’s collegiate rugby. everyone will be there so we can catch up Hannah and Ely, and his daughter, Alexa, Saranna is in her seventh season. on the past 30 years! Also, I apologize for who’s at Emmanuel College. Y Mimi Brod- missing the deadline for class notes in the sky Kress is busy with 26 homes under last issue of Colby, but you can find them construction in the DC area. She’s active on online at And now, several community nonprofit boards. Mimi Jonathan Smith ’78. Y Carol Mordecai Jacqueline, last May to pancreatic cancer. on to current notes from our classmates. caught up with Martha and Charlie Jacobs Myers and Weezy Swift were also planning He and daughters Esme, 16, and Adriana, Y Paul Veilleux reports that life is not last summer and is hoping to get to Maine a spring ski rendezvous in Vail. By the time 14, are moving to Berlin, where David will too terribly exciting in Connecticut, but this summer to see Debbie Pugh Kelton you all read this column, the snow will have start his new job as an editor-at-large for they are doing well. The best news is that and Gretchen Huebsch Daly. Y Carrie melted and we’ll be trading ski boots for Bloomberg News, helping correspondents his older son, Chris, returned safely from Weeks DiProspero moved to Cape Cod flip-flops. I look forward to hearing news of across Europe craft feature stories that his third tour in Iraq, and they are now last year. She’s an educational assistant everyone’s summer adventures. will be published in Businessweek and preparing/planning for his wedding in the (all the joys of teaching with none of the on the Bloomberg wire. Y Paula Hinckley fall. The bride is a wonderful girl he met after-school hours and responsibility—no and husband Carl Sack welcome any when they were stationed in Germany at report cards!) at Eastham Elementary. 1981 Colbyites to stop by their new luxury real V-Corps Headquarters. Paul’s younger son, Her daughter Chelsea just announced Steph Vrattos estate office in Meredith, N.H., on Lake Ryan, is doing well as a manager at both her engagement and is planning to move [email protected] Winnipesaukee. They have four children, The Children’s Place and GNC. Paul’s wife, back east from Montana. Y Alf Seabury Nice to hear from Jay Driscoll, who writes a spunky dachshund named Banjo, and Andi, continues to be simply awesome as sends aloha from the Big Island in Hawaii. that he and wife Mary Lou, Pat Murphy and expect their first grandson in June. Y An a senior personal banker at Liberty Bank. He’s been using the Mandarin Chinese he wife Barbara, and Bob Norton and wife hour north, in North Woodstock, N.H., Mau- His 80-year-old mother-in-law, who lives learned at Colby to concentrate his market- Teresa recently met in downtown Boston reen (Hagerty ’84) and Jay Polimeno own with them, is still more active than most ing efforts on Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the for dinner. A highlight was Pat talking Polimeno Reality, the only full-service real people half her age. Paul continues to work rest of East Asia. Y Scot Lehigh has been about playing hockey at Fenway Park for estate company in the White Mountains’ for VirtualLogger (call recording and much busy renovating a closet on the fourth floor the Boston Fire Department against the Pemigewasset River Valley. They are “having more) and enjoys it. He also keeps busy of his house and “tuning up all the skills I Boston Police team where, naturally, he a blast following daughter Aimee ’14 around as the local Lions Club president. Y Bob learned at Colby, so I’ll have something to scored a goal and had an assist against Florida and New England watching her play Benjamin reports he is still dealing with fall back on when the newspaper industry significantly younger competition. Rumor softball for the Mules.” Jay writes that Joe lots of interesting challenges as we work finally gives up the ghost.” When he tires of has it he was looking to complete the Gordie Herman ’82 joins them whenever he can. to sustain our troops while simultaneously home improvements, he heads to Sunday Howe hat trick (when a player has a goal, A photo of mom, dad, and daughter when conducting responsible retrograde of equip- River, where he often runs into Lawry an assist, and gets in a fight all in one Colby played at Tufts last spring is on our ment. He has a new job title—distribution Foster. Y And speaking of Phi Delts, I got game), but couldn’t find a willing partner. class page. Y Finally, a wonderful Colby management chief for the Joint Sustainment an e-mail attachment with a photo of a ski Pat is a BFD captain and has been active “family” story. Jennifer Sears Supple, an Command-Afghanistan—and some new weekend at Lawry’s N.H. cabin featuring for 24 years. Bobby is a lawyer, and Jay environmental science major at Colby, is responsibilities. Bob is looking forward to Scott Butterfield, Mark Garvin, Elliott is in the insurance business. Y Saranna very proud of her Colby sons. Jared ’13 is getting back in May. He hopes to be home Pratt, Chris Perrin, and Andy Goode, Robinson Thornton, a full professor of a biology major and captain of the men’s in time for his son’s graduation from Vassar.

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He definitely plans on attending reunion. Corp. Y Marian Leerburger is keeping up Y David Fanger reports that he and his the Colby connections. She is the “spon- partner of 17-plus years, Martin Wechsler, 80s newsmakers sor” (aka “second mom”) for U.S. Naval are getting married March 25 in Brooklyn, Academy plebe Theo Miller—Valerie Miller N.Y. He never could have imagined it when In January Peter Jordan ’80 took the reins as president Brancato’s son. Theo comes over Satur- he was at Colby, but he is so very proud that at Tarrant County College’s South Campus in Fort Worth, days for some well-deserved R&R. What’s Texas. The college enrolls nearly 50,000 students pur- he can now announce it in Colby magazine. even better is that Marian gets to see Val suing associate and technical degrees. According to He hopes to get to reunion to catch up. when she comes to visit. (And now I know Fort Worth’s Star Telegram, Jordan has worked in edu- whom to hit up for Navy football tickets!) Y cation for 30 years. F Paragon Technologies Inc., a 1983 Pennsylvania-based supplier of “smart” material han- Sharon Kehoe Miller and her family have dling systems and software-driven distribution center temporarily moved to Adelaide, Australia. Sally Lovegren Merchant Sharon’s husband, Dan, works as a senior [email protected] solutions, announced the appointment of Samuel Weiser ’81 to its board of directors. Weiser is president geologist for Santos Petroleum, and son Scott ’84 and Jane MacKenzie Morrill and CEO of Premier Exhibitions Inc. F The Curtis attends first grade. Sharon is enjoying celebrated their 50th birthdays by par- Humane Society and SPCA named Gary Weitzman ’82 a life of leisure as her visa won’t allow her to ticipating in the Toronto Zombie March last Peter Jordan ’80 its new president and CEO, the San Diego Union-Tribune work. On weekends the Millers get out to see October. Scott said, “Since Jane expects reported. Weitzman was head of the Washington Animal Rescue League and chair of kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, and parrots to live to at least 100, she figured she is the D.C. Board of Veterinary Medicine and cohosted The Animal House, an NPR pro- and to sample all the various beaches and half dead, just like a zombie.” Scott and gram that explores animal science, pet health and behavior, and wildlife conservation. hiking/biking trails in the nearby hills. Quite Jane live in Tualatin, Ore. Y Becky Crook F Former St. Lawrence University vice president Michael P. Archibald ’87 joined a change from sleepy Cody, Wyo. Y Nathan Rogers is now very part time with the YMCA Scripps College in Claremont, Calif., as vice president of institutional advancement. At Emerson is engaged to Lindsay Lloyd, a and is back in school at Columbus State St. Lawrence Archibald completed two campaigns that raised more than $300 million competitive World Cup snowboard racer. pursuing HR management. She is pursuing in gifts and pledges and helped secure funding for several campus facilities. Nathan still coaches internationally as well her master’s in counseling ministries. She as at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. He’s and husband Jess traveled to Cancun over also trying to reenergize the housing market the holidays. They have been participating incident management team as part of the tion. Unfortunately some December work with Jackson Hole Sotheby’s International in the advanced wisdom course area of logistics and supply-chain leadership. deadlines and a poorly timed notebook Realty. Y The John Tawa family took a driving Landmark Education. Becky says her life “These 18 months were the most inter- computer meltdown resulted in a missed trip from their home near Portland, Ore., has been completely altered. Their boys esting and intense months of my career. deadline. Next time I’ll use the dog-ate- through California over the holidays. There are grown; her son Michael is pursuing Twelve hour days were common as the my-homework excuse. I think I was able were many highlights, including a private international law at Ohio State. Y Life is logistics section supported beach cleanup to save most of the submissions, but workout for John’s 12-year-old son with grand for the Ballotti crew. Two of Geoff operations in the four affected Gulf States.” please feel free to update and resubmit if Super Bowl-winning QB Trent Dilfer and Ballotti’s five girls have fled the N.J. farm John worked in Houma, La., for about two yours got lost. Y I’ve just returned from a seeing the zebra herd outside Hearst Castle. to warmer climes at Rollins and College months, then the consolidated command frenzied trip to Florida, where I met Lauren What they’ll remember most is Yosemite of Charleston (after applying to Colby of post in New Orleans until last August. He Mogensen and a gaggle (coven/pride/ in winter. It takes your breath away! Y On course). Leslie has the other two, who rejoined BP in June 2011 (started as a murder?) of girlfriends for a middle-age the afternoon of winter storm Alfred, John are still home mucking the stalls of her contractor) and moved back to Houston rampage through Disney World to celebrate Gagne was crazy enough to run hot laps at 25 rescue horses every morning before (from Chicago) with his family in August. Leap Day. What better way to use an extra Lime Rock Park in blinding snow in his BMW sunrise and working the camp she runs He took a new role as global procurement day than to terrorize small children at the X35d. He was lapping everybody for more for autistic children. Tough love! Y I heard manager in the upstream procurement and “happiest place on Earth,” with a group than 40 minutes before they black-flagged corroborating stories from both divorced supply-chain management (PSCM) team, of not-quite-50-year-old women sporting the event because the track had turned co-parents about Samantha Dow. Ashley so is no longer working the spill. Son Jack tiaras on Space Mountain at 6 a.m.? Y white! It was an outrageous experience. Yet Lasbury wrote that their eldest daughter, started kindergarten this year, and Addy is Dana Hanley, Class of ’84 version of POTUS, another day in the saga of “once around Samantha, is part of Colby’s Class of 2015. in pre-K. John speaks often with Phin Gay reports that last fall he and his wife traveled the pond.” Y Can’t top that—just keep the She spent her first semester in Dijon, and occasionally with Richard “Jamie” to Machu Picchu to hike the Inca trail and news coming! France, and is now on campus. Ashley O’Neil and Ray “Chip” Kelley, and he eat free-range roasted gerbils (or maybe and Samantha’s sister Eleanor spent 10 Facebooks several of our classmates (Sal guinea pigs) and alpaca. He highly recom- days with Samantha in France at the end Lovegren Merchant, Nancy Pratt Hurley, mends it: hiking the Inca trail, not gerbil 1985 of October. Ashley is working at Peoples Chico, Jen Naylor, etc.) Y Gearing up for consumption. He was glad to go while his Katie Hollander Adams United Bank as a part-time teller as well the Houston-to-Austin MS 150 in April. I’m knees and back were still original parts. [email protected] as teaching breastfeeding classes at Maine not an efficient user of LinkedIn, but please, He’s been in touch with former roommate Happy Spring! Thinking ahead, our class Medical Center. Proud and busy papa Scott do find me, Sal Lovegren Merchant, on Greg Kenyon and is waiting for his DVD president Swing Robertson approached Dow took time off to learn to fly gliders last Facebook to send me information and videos to come out so the Hanleys can the College asking how we, the Class of year and will take a week to go flying again stay in touch. I’m doing summer house queue them up for family gatherings. Y ’85, might celebrate Colby’s bicenten- this spring. Y Heading to the ’Loaf for spring and cottage rentals in Northeast Harbor, Congratulations to Steve Barbour and nial next year. “It’s a great occasion to break was Boyd McHugh and his clan. Son Maine. Check out www.summerhousecot- Tom Ponti ’85, who celebrated their 25th get classmates up to Waterville!” We’ll Brad is enjoying his sophomore year at Best wishes to everyone! anniversary as a couple in October. They keep everyone posted. Swing wrote that Hampshire College, and daughter Carrena enjoy loft living in Boston’s South End, he was on his way do some backwoods is in grad school at NYU. Any Sugarloafers summers in Provincetown, eating at local lodge-to-lodge cross-country skiing with should call Boyd at 1(800) SKI-CENTER. Y 1984 restaurants, and frequent travels abroad. the Appalachian Mountain Club, driving by From July 2010 through the end of 2011, Mary Kate Whalen Steve continues to manage the Howard Colby on the way up with a definite stop John Northrop worked on the Gulf Coast [email protected] Hughes Medical Institute’s Harvard affilia- at the Pub. Y Stephen Langlois enjoyed oil spill, filling several roles for BP in the First, apologies for missing the winter edi- tion, and Tom is an executive at State Street another great Super Bowl weekend at Park

54 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 54 4/25/12 2:51 PM City (if you ignore the outcome of the game) spending 15 years in real estate working experience, Doug Scalise wrote about reunion.” (Plus the free cheese platter.) Y with Sean Padgett, Rick Anderson, Steve for himself. getting some serious exercise this February From loyal writer Jeff Russell, “2011 was Reed, Ed Maggiacomo, Mark Howard, when he relived his Colby baseball days at an interesting year. You know, the usual and Eric Betke. Sounds like they all had a the Red Sox Fantasy Camp in Fort Myers, adventures. I got eliminated, again, from great time “skiing a good hard three days, 1986 Fla., with 120 “campers” age 30-plus from a corporate job. My Subaru died at mile drinking ‘a bit,’ and hearing updates about Henrietta “Hank” Yelle all over the U.S. and Canada, including his marker 13. My beloved Dad died. My dear Colby from Rick, whose daughter, Emily is [email protected] dad, Vic Scalise ’54. Doug hit around .600 father-in-law died. I got pneumonia. My a sophomore. Steve sent a great picture; Bill Northfield notes that after so much for the week, pitched a complete game in son flunked chemistry. The bank account check it out at on our class page at www. fun at reunion last June he continued the the playoffs opening-round, and drove in the flat-lined. Other than that it wasn’t too bad. Y Catherine Stehman- excitement a week later with his first-ever winning run. Then started and got the win It was a fabulous summer at the lake and Breen lives in southern California and works parachute jump—and broke his ankle in a in the divisional championship. His team, the fall flying was terrific. Onward into 2012. for Amgen, a biotech company. Her son is crash landing. That pretty much wrapped coached by former Red Sox third baseman My new company is up and running. I put a freshman at Bowdoin and, “although he up the summer for Bill, but he is walking and manager Butch Hobson, made it to a new engine in the car. Both of my lungs likes to heckle Colby, he recently visited again and hopes to be playing tennis by this the championship game, the first game healed nicely. I didn’t crash anything. Junior a friend at Colby and gave it the thumbs summer. Y Jim Campbell was sorry to miss played in the Red Sox new Jet Blue Park. is now taking creative writing. I peeked at up for fun.” Catherine and her family try to reunion but is pleased to announce that he To top it all, Doug received the “under 50” my bank account this morning. [So did I, spend as much time as they can at their and wife Judy Richard Campbell recently MVP award at the closing banquet. Doug Jeff. Hope that’s cool.] In short, I suspect house in York, Maine. Y Eliot Kolody writes made their last EVER college tuition pay- and wife Jill Wertz-Scalise ‘88 also had a that my year actually resembles a lot of our that his son Jack is playing bass alongside ment. Oldest daughter graduated two years memorable experience in May 2011 helping situations as we slide gently into middle drummer Sam Horner, son of Christopher ago and is working in theatrical production/ lead a group of 40 people on a pilgrimage age. Fortunately, our liberal arts education Horner, in the Middle School Jazz Ensemble design, middle daughter is graduating this in Israel and Jordan. Y David Mace sent a has prepared us well to navigate constant at Germantown Academy in Fort Wash- May, and their youngest is a sophomore at note from the capital of the Green Mountain change in a thoughtful, enlightened manner ington, Pa. Christopher teaches music at UMaine with an Army ROTC scholarship (like State, Montpelier. After losing his com- with a big smile on our faces.” [It did? Germantown Academy and conducts the father, like son). Jim and Judy celebrate munications job in the state government Dang, I must have skipped that class.] Middle School Jazz Ensemble. Y Imogen their 25th wedding anniversary this May. change of administration last year, he’s now Y The lovely and always-articulate Karen Hinds completed all of the coursework for Jim shared a few beers and good laughs doing the same type of work for the Federal Schneck writes, “Several years ago I left her Ed.D. and will work hard to finish her with Colby roommate Mike Lalikos and Emergency Management Agency. What was my successful, albeit relatively brief, career dissertation and earn her degree by the end family recently when they were in the area supposed to be a temporary job became a in real estate to return to the restaurant of 2012. She is senior associate director for vacation. Y Hamilton Brower was also long-term assignment after Tropical Storm industry. Nearly two decades had been of undergraduate housing operations/ sorry to miss reunion when he had to head Irene hit Vermont. Y Whether you have a spent putting my philosophy degree to use health, safety, and sustainability programs off on a consulting job to Brazil—helping an once-in-a-lifetime experience to share or as a bread baker/pastry chef, obtaining a at Stanford University. She loves her work old friend launch a new line of all-natural want to describe a moment from everyday degree from the Culinary Institute in Hyde life, I’d love to hear from you—and so would Park, N.Y., and in restaurant kitchens in everyone else. Take care, be well. ~Hank and around NYC. [Where some rats are Imogen Hinds ’85 completed coursework so big they actually wait tables.] Then, two years ago, I finally caught up with my for her Ed.D. and will work hard to finish her 1987 entrepreneurial spirit, and my husband and dissertation on the perception of employee Scott Lainer I opened The Village Market and Bakery/ classnews1987@ morale as affected by leaderships’ behavior Omnivore Catered Events in the Hudson Hi classmates. Okay, my first order of busi- Valley. [In case you’re wondering, omnivore during organizational restructuring. ness is an embarrassing correction. Bruce means people who eat all vores.] We have Dalbeck married Chris Bennett, head of an incredible 13-year-old son and are the pediatrics department at Intermed grateful for our self-determined life in the in Portland, Maine. But last issue I wrote woods. I think of my Colby days fondly and and is excited about diving into her dis- suntan products, Sol de Janeiro. Rio, Bahia, her name as Barrett, which is even more my dearest friends remain those that I met sertation on the perception of employee and Punta Arenas beach—wow, Ham, we inexcusable since I attended the wedding. during the years spent in Waterville. The morale as affected by leaderships’ behavior feel terrible for you! When Ham got home (But she looks like a Barrett, I swear!) icing on the cake is that my awesome niece during organizational restructuring. Y Kevin he finished writing and publishing his first Bruce is a former management consultant just applied for Colby Class of 2016. Who Bruen still works as a lawyer in the Coast book, Magnificent Words To Live By, which experiencing a welcome midlife crisis and knows what will happen if she’s accepted Guard, living in the San Francisco Bay is the accomplishment he is most proud of switching to work with older folks through at both Bowdoin and Colby! [She will pick area. He went back to Maine to see the so far in his life. After a big heart attack two caregiving, hospice, and companionship. Colby is what will happen, Karen.] Either way Colby-Bowdoin football game and tailgated years ago (he’s doing fine now, he says), (Likely I will be among his first custom- it seems Maine will figure in her future.” Y with Wayne Eddy, Mike Sanderson, Peter Ham felt he had some learned life wisdom ers.) Y Brad Fay’s first book, The Face to Ad man Andrew Jeske is “still living north Dooling, and Dan Murphy, among others. to share with his nieces and nephews—and Face Book, will be published by Simon & of N.Y. in the Westchester ‘burbs. Naomi, Unfortunately Colby lost, but Kevin highly now with the wider world. He’s busy with Schuster’s Free Press imprint in May, just Ben, and Sam, otherwise known as Tall, recommends attending a game and one book signings these days. Y Anne Butter one week prior to our 25th reunion, where Grande, and Vente, are just swell and, of the “outstanding” pregame tailgates! Y had so much fun doing the Trek Across he’ll do a book signing and lecture. Copies respectively, 4, 7, and 12. Our most-recent Tom Valinote reports that he still surfs in Maine last June (and staying in a Colby will even be available in Colby’s bookstore. thrill was last year’s summer vacation in Ventura and L.A. County with Kevin Bruen dorm) that she’ll do it again, riding 180 miles Written with his longtime business partner, Italy and Morocco. [Neither country will whenever Kevin makes the trip from San in three days to benefit the American Lung Ed Keller, it’s a contrarian perspective for ever be the same.] I’m a creative director Francisco. Tom saw Wayne and Sandy Eddy Association. Donations welcome online: the social media age. Says Brad, “face- at Young & Rubicam in N.Y. and, while the last summer in Matunuck, R.I. He recently search Trek Across Maine Anne Butter. to-face interactions matter most, which is life of a mad man is certainly not the life joined Keller Williams Westlake Village after Y Sharing another never-to-be-forgotten a pretty good reason to attend this year’s of a Mad Man, all’s well.” (I’m glad, man.)

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[email protected] 55 4/25/12 2:51 PM alumni at large

Y See you all at reunion in June. Hopefully successful bone marrow transplant in 2010 next June. The men’s and women’s lacrosse Nikky Singh at a Colby event in Boston the bathrooms in Foss will still have that for a rare, fatal immune disease. Y For 15 coaches are also reaching out, so contact and hopes to visit campus this year. She post-weekend feel. years Jamie Arsenault has been athletic them to receive newsletters. asked me to send a shout-out to her former director at New Hampton School in N.H. roommate Wendy Dauphinais-Nelson. Y Jamie and wife Lara are busy watching My former roommate Jill Rothenberg lives 1988 their kids, and New Hampton students, 1989 in Denver, where she is managing editor Nancy Donahue Cyker Ryder (11th grade) and Dempsey (9th) in Anita Terry for a trade publication in Boulder by day [email protected] three seasons of sports. Y Chris and Lisa [email protected] and a freelance writer/editor nights and Tim Weissman lives in Falmouth, Maine, Kearney Brown live in Newton, Mass. with Another good crop of not-so-frequent writ- weekends. Jill did a story on the Bonne with wife Michelle and 13-year-old twins, Nat, 15, Sydney, 13, and Will, 11. Lisa ers this time. Keep the news coming, and if ville Motorcycle Speed Trials in the Utah Nick and Alex. The couple owns and heads the English department at Beaver you’ve never written in, there’s no time like desert, ran the Pikes Peak Marathon last operates Mariner Beverages, a fine wine Country Day School, where she also teaches the present! Y Maria Louisa Arroyo works summer, and, because she’s crazy, plans and craft beer distributor in Portland. ninth- and 12th-grade classes. Chris is an at the Peck Full-Service Community School to do it again. Y Krisan Evenson reports The boys keep busy with sports and have architect for a firm that designs schools. in Holyoke, Mass. She also facilitates poetry she is nearing the quarter-century mark in a already tasted Colby life while attending Weekends are spent renovating their house workshops throughout New England and career in international affairs and couldn’t basketball camp there. Tim sees Gary and watching lots of soccer and lacrosse. performs her poetry in places as varied be happier. She speaks on issues like the Donaldson, Bran Claytor, and Lucy Lennon They’ve enjoyed Alden Camps, near Colby, as Chicago and Puerto Rico. Maria’s son Arab Spring and recovery programs for child Tucker ’87 around Portland. Y Dave and for six summers. Garret and Sue Maddock Shaheen is a high school sophomore and soldiers, and she also leads her students Leslie Migliaccio Mitchell live in New Hinebauch are often there, and Lisa and wants to be a cardiac surgeon. He’s con- in “craftivism”—using handmade goods to Marlborough, Mass., where Leslie started Sue still enjoy the challenge of the three- sidering Colby, but Tufts is in the running, promote goodwill across national borders. a cookie company, Broody Hill Cookies, mile loop! Sue and Garret, and their sons, too. White Mules are better than Jumbos, Y Andrew Ian Dodge continues his U.S. and is committed to using local, high- Oliver, 12, and Liam, 5, are moving from Shaheen! Y Michael Diamond and his Senate campaign and is publishing an quality ingredients. They have three girls, London to Zurich, where Garret will teach partner live in Silicon Valley, where Michael e-book on iTunes, “Drifting into Oblivion,” and as of next fall two are in college. Y Jo about his battle with cancer. Y After 13 Welton Guthrie works as a QA engineer for years in God’s country, aka Minnesota, a software company. Nine years ago she Maria Louisa Arroyo ’89 works at the Peck Liz Schwartz Thatcher is relocating to founded a volunteer-run theater company, Portland, Ore., to start anew and to be Theatre At First. In March Jo was techni- Full-Service Community School in Holyoke, closer to her dad. Good luck, Liz! Y Shaun cal director of its production of Pride and Mass. She facilitates poetry workshops Dakin broke the story about the robocall Prejudice at the Somerville Theatre. She Newt Gingrich made during the Florida is happily single, loving being an aunt and throughout New England and performs her primary about Mitt Romney not funding godmother! Y Jocelyn Wooten Giangrande poetry from Chicago to Puerto Rico. kosher food for Holocaust survivors, and is a career expert, professional coach, he continues to fight political robocalls with and motivational speaker. She works with and a new venture women to build confidence and unlock full called, where voters potential. She is the author of What’s in high school English at Zurich International works in PR at Edelman and keeps in touch can robocall politicians. Y Last but not least, Your Sandwich, 10 Sure-Fire Ingredients School. Y Jonathan Foote lives in Telluride, with Shaun Dakin and Helen Sugarman our classmate David Fernandez is now for Career Success. Y Matt Elders and Colo., with wife Michele and son Hayden. Schiecketanz. Y China is a popular desti- chair of Colby’s Alumni Council. We have wife Christine are settled in Marin County, Hayden enjoyed being co-captain of the nation. Tracy Gionfriddo and her daughter great representation, with Kate Roosevelt Calif., with their active boys Jack, 13, middle school basketball team this year. Emma-Jo traveled in February to meet chairing the nominating committee and and Luke, 11. Five years ago the couple Jon recycles historic structures into homes. Emma-Jo’s new brother, Max. Y Bill and Bill Bullock and Chris Tompkins recently founded Can Do Kid, which manufactures Y In Wilson, Wyo., Jonathan Selkowitz, as Anne Webster Stauffer are planning to joining the council. Dave asked me to put in and sells natural, gluten-free energy bars. one part of his job, photographs the U.S. take their daughters, Sarah and Tory, for a friendly reminder that if you haven’t sent Their overarching mission is to inspire kids Ski Team, including Warner Nickerson ’05. a month in March/April. They will visit the in your Colby Fund contributions, please to live a more-engaged life. Matt also works Both are recipients of the Colby Ski Team, girls’ orphanages and top it off with a week do. Every dollar counts! for Yext, a search technology company. Y RB Klinkenberg Award. Jonathan enjoyed on the beach in Thailand. Bill downloaded Gil Falcone and wife Christine call Sonoma skiing Jackson Hole with Dave Rand last Gerry Hadden’s new book to his Nook for County home. Gil retired after 20 years in spring. Y Margot Glockler Liffiton teaches the trip. Y Victoria Eeanet Butler lives in 1990 diving safety and marine science/research preschool and kindergarten enrichment a brownstone in Brooklyn with husband Kristin Hock Davie and conservation including time involved focusing on the power of play concept as Lane and kids Max, 12, Ella, 9, and River, [email protected] in every aspect of the diving programs at opposed to one that focuses on kids reading 5. Victoria teaches music to kindergart- My apologies to Gretchen Schwarze the Monterey Bay Aquarium. He’s finishing at age 2. Her two kids and umpteen pets ners, violin to third through fifth graders, Mezrich for not correctly crediting her as an M.S. at USF’s environmental manage- balance those pursuits. She camps in and continues to play gigs on her viola. Y the Gretchen from our class who is the ment program. Y Hank and Cindy Hudson Maine each summer with Debbie Gentile Rebecca Zeilon moved to Santa Cruz, Calif., vascular surgeon on the faculty at UW Medi- Whittenberg and their kids, Kyla (college Springle and Laurie Anderson. Y Steven to be the senior director of development cal School. Y Contrary to my last column, sophomore), Jenna (11th), and Peter and Becca Bruce Dobberfuhl welcomed a for the division of physical and biological Gretchen Granger Hartley did not attend (10th), live in Derry, N.H., where Hank son, Henley, Jan. 4 via gestational carrier. Y sciences at UCSC. She says she has gone medical school, actually lives in Portland, practices estate planning with Sheehan Margaret Beier is an associate professor from being a White Mule to being a Banana Maine, sold her business last spring, and Phinney Bass & Green, PA, working in of psychology at Rice in Houston, where Slug. Interesting! Y Debbie Mann Johnson is now spending more time with her kids. both their N.H. and Boston offices.Y Kerry she lives with her husband, two daughters, and husband Andy ’87 live in Harvard, Mass. She sees Carolyn White Lancia, Doug Murphy Tellier lives in Weston, Mass., with and two German shepherds. Y Carol Anne Debbie is assistant editor for a psychiatric Hall, and Jay Stabile around town. This husband Scott and kids Caitlyn, 14, Declan, Beach encourages our class to get involved journal with an office at McLean Hospital. summer she spent some time with Megan 11, and Kiernan, 9. Kiernan underwent a now for the planning of our 25th reunion She recently had a reunion with Professor Blumenreich while Megan’s family was

56 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 56 4/25/12 2:51 PM vacationing in Maine. Gretchen also got “Days in the Arts.” This fall the camp was Key Largo, Fla., and back for a week of John have rebranded their interior design together with Stacey Parker, Sara Hurvis featured in an online Symphony magazine diving, including a New Year’s Day dive on firm as Madcap Cottage, and their Brooklyn Younkin, Katie Erickson, Kinda Remick article. She received her master’s in music the Vandenberg, a ship sunk as an artificial home was featured in the April 2012 issue Priestly, and Wendy Naysnerski Morrison. education from BU in 2010 and is working reef off Key West. I also managed a trip to of British House & Garden magazine. Jason Y Chip Gavin still sees the Blue Light burn- on her Ed.S. in educational leadership at N.H. to visit Katherine (Cole ’90) and Jack remains global lifestyle editor at Delta Sky ing several times each week while working UMass Lowell. Y Laurie Brown Withrow Aydelott to watch the New England Patriots magazine and, according to him, lives his in Maine. He and wife Andrea (Krasker ’93) writes, “I was so sorry to have had to miss win the AFC championship. (Unfortunately life out of a bright pink suitcase. Y Jim recently visited Jen Milsop Millard and the reunion last year. I really wanted to the Super Bowl had a different outcome.) Condron had a show titled Realms and her kids in San Francisco. Y Megan Wahl attend, but the arrival of our baby boy, Thanks for all the news, everyone—keep Origins: Paintings by Jim Condron and Hegenbarth is teaching middle school math Jack, last spring, and 10 and 12 year olds it coming! Alberto Rey at the Roberts Wesleyan Gal- and science at Wilmington (Del.) Friends with lots of activities, got in the way! I lery ( It School. Family life is busy for her and her live in Scituate, Mass., and live the life of ran March 5 to April 5 in Rochester, N.Y. No husband and their four kids. Y Mike Eisen- a very busy stay-at-home mom. I pretty 1992 doubt it was a success. Y I’m looking for stadt checked in from Dave and Buster’s much spend my life at baseball fields, Karen Wu the next volunteer to replace me as class Arcade, where he was busy dominating basketball gyms, and every other activity [email protected] correspondent. My term ends at reunion, in a pop-a-shot basketball game against in between, and now carrying a baby there Spring is here and reunion is almost here. and we need someone to take up the cause Steve Chmielewski, Joe Vecchi, Jeff too. We were very fortunate to have been Here’s the latest on fellow classmates. Y and keep fellow classmates updated. Let Phelps, Gary Doherty and Mike Griffin. able to purchase a home in Nantucket last Zach Shapiro has been rabbi at Temple me know and I’ll be indebted to you forever, Y Kristen Peterson Miller is practicing year and look forward to spending more Akiba in Culver City since 2006. Members or at least the next five years. Y It’s time law and fishing for king salmon and crab in time there in the future. I also have been of the congregation include Matthew Meyer for a road trip to Colby! Reunion is just Alaska. She travels to Maine frequently to active helping with the Republican Party ’91 and his wife, Erica, and Greg ’91 and around the corner and we’re hoping to see visit family, get a lobster fix, and often has in Massachusetts during my ‘spare’ time. Dakota Glenn Smith. Zach recently had you there. We’ve been talking and planning mini-reunions in Boston with Kelly Cogan I have enjoyed getting back in touch with a mini-reunion with Rebecca Graham for months now and can’t wait to see all of Calnan, Mya-lisa King, Maeve Costin many Colby friends through Facebook and Forde and Jeremy Samuels ’93 where, you back on campus May 31-June 3. We Giangregorio, Clare Deangelis Connelly, around the South Shore of Massachusetts.” among other things, they sang through their hope to stay in East Quad for the weekend. Kristen Fryling Bingel, and Susan Kachen Y On Oct. 6 Sandy Colhoun and wife Selina memories of BMR! Y Mark Boles enjoyed Friday we’ll have an informal get-together, Oubari. When in Atlanta she catches up with welcomed their son Stuart into the world. Y the end of summer with an impromptu Saturday is the reunion lobster bake, class Danica Fuglestad Henry. Kristen reports Also welcoming a child was Matt Hughes epic gathering that included Ben Beatie, gift presentation, and later our private class all are doing great. Y Malcolm Chase is and wife Tracy. Benjamin Clark, their fourth, George Linge, Jason Eslick, and Steven dinner. This year we hope to host a dessert a managing director for investments at arrived in November. So the gang, Charlie, Swartz. Ben is expecting his second child panel with some ’92 classmates who have Oppenheimer in Providence, R.I. As two of Henry, and Abby, now has Ben, an additional this spring. Steven had his first child last done some pretty interesting things with his three boys are in high school, he will be culprit in parenting-induced brain damage. summer. Mark gets to see Rachel Klein-Ash their lives since leaving the Hill Also, plan back at Colby very soon on the college tour. Matt reports life is good, but exhausting. fairly often as well as Katie Martin and Kelly on participating in our 20-for-$20 raffle. Y Congratulations to Richard Marcus, who He says Denver remains a great place to married Cristina Avila Nov. 26 in Boston. He live, and his IT consulting business is solid works in as a cinematographer. despite the economic climate. Y Libby Jason Nixon ’92 and partner John have Y Mim Siegel Lombardo is in publishing Marsh and husband Adam had their second at Alexander Street Press. She lives in baby girl. Nora Lynn Sopko was born Jan. rebranded their interior design firm as Madcap Easton, Mass., with her husband, two kids, 9 in San Francisco. She is adored by big Cottage. Their Brooklyn home was featured in and their new dog. Y Lisa Schactman sister Beatrice Rose, who decided to call Grissom had a fantastic visit with Kaki her “Gabby Sabby” instead of Nora. Libby the April 2012 issue of British House & Garden Martin and Joci Jones. She is getting her is on maternity leave until June, when magazine. M.F.A. in creative writing and living in Los she will return to Human Rights Watch as Angeles. Y Anne Mary Cirillo lives in Boise, deputy director of foundation relations. Idaho, and works as a photographer and This July she will have been at HRW for art teacher with the local art museum and seven years. Y After more than six years, Evans Arevian. Mark’s wife, Kate LaVigne In an effort to boost our participation num- as an educational consultant. Her oldest Del Lloyd is leaving Wells Fargo for Silicon ’95, is in a book club with several of them. bers (our goal is 100 percent), committee daughter is a freshman in college while her Valley Bank. She will start at SVB in April Mark had a family ski trip last Christmas members have generously donated items youngest is a high school junior. On a road as an IT portfolio manager, and she will and bumped into Chris and Whitney Adams for a raffle, and selections will be made at trip east last summer, she was lucky enough manage a team of project and program Ward and their three kids. Though they see our class dinner. Anyone who already made to see Melissa Lawton Bennett, who lives managers for the online channel. SVB is each other all the time in Hingham, Mass., a gift to the Colby Fund will be entered in in Conn. with her husband and two kids. opening a new technology and operations it was pretty magical that Chris and Mark the raffle, so go online and make your gift office in Tempe, Ariz., so she doesn’t even were able to get a few runs in with their now! Register and give at have to move. Deb and husband Lee will daughters, Sasha and Chase, respectively. reunion. Can’t wait to see you. 1991 take a two-week vacation to New Zealand By the way, the girls tore up the slopes. Mark David Shumway prior to starting her new job in April.Y As recently took a job as senior vice president/ [email protected] for me, I’ve been driving and diving. In director of account services for the ad 1993 Greetings classmates! Here is the latest November I drove from Gloucester, Mass., agency UniWorld Group, which requires Jill Moran Baxter and greatest news. Y Monise Reed is in to Gainesville, Fla., then to , him to commute from Hingham to N.Y.C. [email protected] her 17th year teaching music in Lawrence Texas, and on to Santa Cruz, Calif., (a total weekly. Y Jason Nixon has been watching This column comes from Hong Kong, where I (Mass.) Public Schools. During the summer of 4,429 miles) to help family members and rewatching Romy and Michelle’s high relocated in January with my husband, Tom, she is program coordinator for a camp run empty storage units. In December and school reunion in anticipation of his 20th and our boys. Jed, 11, Ty, 9, and Luke, 6, by the Boston Symphony Orchestra called early January I drove from Gloucester to Colby reunion this summer. He and partner are enjoying the city lights and mild weather

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almost as much as I am. Y Despite limited says, “I am really looking forward to finally Nov. 30. His big brothers, Connor, 9, and and Lucy, 3. “I’m proud to report that all snow in Vermont, John Cully hosted a ski attending a reunion next year (I will make it Will, 6, couldn’t be more proud of little three are up on skis, have graduated from weekend with David Beatus, Mark Burns, happen somehow) and seeing everybody. Max. She never imagined celebrating her the bunny hill to the chairlift, and are loving and David Higgins. John says, “Hard to Maybe after losing 30 pounds first.” Y 40th birthday with a baby in tow, but says it!” Y Anne McManus Hurlbut reports that believe we’re all fitter and better looking Hilary Gehman and husband Matt Smith he is a tremendous blessing and she loves husband Matt ’96 conquered cancer last than ever!” John, I know what you mean—it welcomed Luke Dylan Smith Sept. 3. Hilary spending her days with him while his broth- year and this spring brings much brighter just gets better after 40, doesn’t it? John is writes that she and Matt are both rowing ers are in school. Y Rebecca Shulze has days! They are expecting their fourth child still building custom bike frames and work- coaches at Cornell and love living in Ithaca, accepted a new position as assistant dean in late June. “Natalie, Lila, and big brother ing as a marketing consultant focused on N.Y. She is getting excited for our reunion for academic support services/assistant William are so excited to welcome a new marketing communications and branding. … and you should, too! Y If you received professor of psychology at Becker College baby boy.” Y Lane Schuck Zawacki reports His daughter turns 11 this year and, though the e-mail with the slightly creepy picture in Worcester. Y Katie Morrison is pastor she had twin boys in November, Eli Noah he is selling her hard on Colby, she wants of a white mule and a birthday cake, you on staff at Montclair Presbyterian Church in and Hugo Caleb. Big sister Amelia, 7, and to know how the Quidditch team is doing know Colby turns 199 this year—which Oakland. She is thrilled to be back working brother Leo, 4, are competing for who can before making any decisions. Y Anne Grif- means Colby’s bicentennial coincides with children, youth, and families. Katie make Eli and Hugo smile more. “I left my fin has enjoyed a snowy winter in Bulgaria, with a much more notable event: our 20th and wife Curran Reichert are celebrating job as a nurse case manager in the ER of skiing every chance she got at Bansko reunion! Start clearing your calendars now, their 10th wedding anniversary in February, a Baltimore city hospital, but I think that Ski Resort. Her pottery export business, and shoot an e-mail to Emiko Boezeman and their daughter, Ellis Jane, is 2 1/2. Y may have been easier!” Y James Collligan Bulgarian Pottery and Gifts, just fulfilled its ’11 at the Colby Fund (elboezem@colby. Congratulations to Jonathan Kaplan who attended the NFL AFC championship game first orders for Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and edu) if you’re willing to help out. married Allison Price (Penn ’98) in Rock with Chris Fossella and Matt Morrissey. Marshalls. Y Tyler Rohrer is still running a Hall, Md., Oct. 1. Erik Belenky and wife “And the Patriots triumphed over Eric successful software company—Liquidware Labs—with offices in Atlanta and Chicago, 1994 Kimberly Valentine Walsh but he chose to remain in York, Maine, Anne McManus Hurlbut ’95 reports that her after selling the last venture to Vmware in [email protected] Palo Alto, Calif. Tyler’s wife and three kids, I fell right back into old Lake House days this husband, Matt ’96, conquered cancer last year Emma, Jack, and Molly, recently welcomed February with Elizabeth Labovitz Smith, and this spring brings much brighter days. They a German shorthaired pointer puppy named Jessica Matzkin Schactman, Allison Cooper. If you’re in Maine this July, you can Guth Wells, Michelle Tadros Eidson, are expecting their fourth child in late June. watch Tyler compete in the New England and Stephanie Goff Governali. We met in Forest Rally ( Tyler Steamboat, Colo., for a ski weekend. Little promises it’s “always fun to watch grown snow but lots of laughs (and I didn’t have men play with cars in the Maine woods!” to run a marathon to see them). Elizabeth Sally came in from Atlanta. They then took Decosta ’93’s Baltimore Ravens (Eric is Y Menlo Park, Calif., is where you’ll find lives in N.Y.C., is mom to three boys, and a three-week trip through Vietnam, Cambo- the director of player personnel). It was a Charles Beeler, wife Jenny, and kids Jane, works with her husband’s cinematography/ dia, and Hong Kong following the wedding. most ripping victory!” Y Marc Herbst lives 8, Mary, 6, and Charlie, almost 2. For the photography/production company. Jessica in Leipzig, Germany, with wife Christina and past 12 years Charles was a general partner has three children and is dean of students a 6-year-old son. Marc teaches and lectures at El Dorado Ventures, a venture capital at Blair Academy in Blairstown, N.J. (and 1995 at museums and universities through the firm focused on early-stage investments left us a little early to attend the Super Yuhgo Yamaguchi Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, an art/ in technology companies. He’s now spin- Bowl with her husband—she saw Brady, [email protected] cultural/activist project he cofounded in Los ning off with a couple of partners to start we danced to Madonna). Michelle has two We bounced back nicely after a sparse Angeles in 2003. He’s worked in Milan and a new firm. Charles says he has enjoyed darlings and is vice president of business update last issue. Nice to hear from some Copenhagen and is on his way to London and living in California for 13 years, but as a development at Platte River Partners in of you for the first time after 16-plus years Norway, where he’s excited to see northern Midwesterner finds it strange to think that Denver. Allison is busy with three children of life after Colby. Please keep sending lights again. Y Matt Tangney and wife Libby his kids are from California. “It still makes in Syracuse, N.Y. Stephanie has twin updates—particularly those of you who purchased a ski house in Jackson, N.H., and me think back to being a little kid, when boys and is managing director of alumni haven’t submitted in a few years. We really invited Bill Bradley, Matt O’Connell ’96, everyone in California seemed a bit strange relations at Harvard Business School. do enjoy reading about how everyone is and Jason Hallee for the weekend. Jason (remember the Valley Girls phenomenon?)” Amazing women and seriously fun times! doing. Y Matt Medwick lives in Israel reports he, Bill, Matt, and Dean Snell ’96 Charles keeps in touch with Chris Gieszl, Y Karlene Burrell-McRae writes that she with wife Keren and their four kids, Nadav, won the Colby alumni golf tourney at Reunion Matt Scott-Hansen, and Mike Dreeben, began a new job as assistant dean of the Ma’ayan, Yoav, and Itamar. Matt is a surgeon Weekend 2011; the reigning champs invite and he recently bumped into Don Bindler college/director of the Black Cultural Center and director of the hematology and oncology any and all challengers at our next reunion crossing the street in Manhattan. Y Lael at Swarthmore College. Kebba Tolbert is pain department at Tel HaShomer Medical in June. Y Michelle Grdina, Kathy Christy Stanczak hails from Singapore, where she the new assistant coach of track and field Center. He also teaches at Tel Aviv University Schultz, and Sandra Jewers Dow spent MLK and her family are in their sixth school year at Harvard. Y Missy Fraser Gramer said Medical School. Y Darrell Sofield and wife weekend together in the Berkshires. They and loving it. She stays busy with freelance turning 40 in February was not as painful Ruth returned to Bellingham, Wash., from a enjoyed hiking, wine tasting, catching up, writing, numerous volunteer opportuni- as she thought. Her family, Ted, Abby, 10, sabbatical in Switzerland. “We lived without and reliving a lot of great Colby memories. ties, and kids Teaguen, 15, Ainsley, 13, and John and Ryan, both 5, spent a week a car, did some fun research, and explored Y Keith Stockmann earned his Ph.D. in and Keely, 11. Lael keeps in touch with in Turks and Caicos to celebrate. In the the country by biking, skiing, running, and forestry and economics from University of Sarah Burditt McDougal, who loves life fall she spent a week in Disney World with taking the trains.” Y Peter Duback and Montana in 2006 and published a number in Oregon, and via Facebook with Isabelle Tracy Karsch Palumbo and her family. She his family settled back into the Midwest of articles in forestry-related journals. His Gagnon Johnson, Mark Radcliffe, Joe also had tea with Brooke Skulley in Boston after 11 years in D.C. and NYC. Peter is most recent, “Estimates of carbon stored in McKenna, and Dave O’Shea and Carolyn and enjoyed catching up on their friends. director of product strategy at Robert W. harvested wood products from the United Hart ’94, where topics range from Trader Y Tiffany Hoyt Tinson and husband Jim Baird. His family is focused on work and States Forest Service northern region, Joe’s to Dave’s Grizzly Adams beard. Lael welcomed their third son, Maxwell Carver, raising their twins, Natalie and Grace, 5, 1906-2010,” appears in Carbon Balance

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[email protected] 58 4/25/12 2:51 PM department for, the Olivia, Emma, Ben, and Luke. Kate and Mexican equivalent of Zillow. Simon has a Josh are settling into a new home in New 90s newsmakers 4-year-old son, Diego. Y Tobin Scipione Jersey, where Josh recently accepted a reports bumping into Me last summer. We job at Campbell’s. Jen often sees Karen The Maine Sports Hall of Fame will induct Matthew live in the same Portland neighborhood Griffin ’96 and Moriah Marsh ’96. Y Tay Hancock ’90 among eight new members during its and were introduced by Sandra Goff ’97. Evans got engaged to Pete Rhoads, whom 37th annual awards banquet in May. Hancock was We have become something of a Colby odd she met while backcountry skiing in N.H. named NCAA Division III Player of the Year as a senior couple; she swears she never attended They are planning a July wedding on Cape and was a three-time All-American. F Amanda Hal- a Colby football game, I never made my Cod. She has worked in fisheries habitat lowell ’93 serves as head chef and manager for Nebo Lodge Restaurant on North Haven, Maine, which was own clothes from hemp or shelled peas monitoring and restoration at the Division recently highlighted in Maine Island Living magazine. in the Mary Low Co-op. Tobin is principal of Marine Fisheries in Gloucester, Mass., The restaurant serves only locally and organically and owner of Scipione Consulting, which for about seven years. She recently saw grown, produced, and harvested fare. F “Manufactur- raises money for lots of great nonprofits Curt and Simone Kaplan Cote and their ing Insecurity: Power, Water, Waste, and the Silences from Boston to Maine. Tobin sees Kate two daughters at their home in Andover, of Sustainability and Suffering in Northwest Alaska,” a Swenson and Katherine Campbell regu- Mass. Y It was a big year for Mike Outslay Laura Eichelberger ’99 doctoral dissertation by Laura Eichelberger ’99 at the larly. Kate graduated from UNH with an and his wife. They relocated from Colorado University of Arizona, was on a top-40 list of best dissertations in sociocultural an- R.N. and a master’s in nursing and works to northern California and welcomed their thropology in 2011. The list was published on the blog AnthropologyWorks. at Portsmouth Regional Hospital. Kat (mar- second daughter! Y Gwynne Rogers is ried to Mat Maleska) is an OB/GYN and a engaged to Will Villota and is planning a maternal-fetal medicine fellow at Yale–New September wedding. She’s moving to Port- and Management. He lives in Montana lives in Burlington, Vt., with wife Gretchen, Haven Hospital. Y Can’t wait to hear back land, Ore., and would love to connect with with wife Karen and their golden retriever, 20-month-old daughter Adia, and hound from you, JC Panio! Colby alums there. Y Mark and Susanna Reggie. He and Jon Bowden took a ski trip dog Clover. He runs an e-commerce garden- Montezemolo welcomed daughter Regina to Jackson Hole in March. Jon is creating a ing company, American Meadows. Ethan in September. Writes Susanna, “It has Web series called “Back of the House,” to be is a trove of ’96 news. A Super Bowl trip 1997 been amazing to watch her grow over the released online in June. Y Finally some very to Alta reunited him with Andrew Meeks, Leah Tortola Walton months. I just wish she would learn to sad news from Emily Goetcheus Stephens. Chris (CJ) Johnson, and Galen Carr ’97. [email protected] sleep.” Sus is back to work at the Center for Her son, Gabriel Montgomery, passed away Ethan reports Brian Emme was in Japan News this month was abuzz with reunion. Responsible Lending, where she has been in February. Gabriel is survived by his loving when the earthquake hit. Emme’s wife and Y Many who contributed mentioned they for about three years, and Sus (and Reggie) parents, Emily and Glen Howard Stephens, 1-year-old, Jake, since moved to Hawaii, but would be attending, including Morgan von see Cary Gibson often. Y Kim Cheah and four grandparents, an aunt, two uncles, and Brian’s still in Japan/at sea flying F/A-18s. Prelle Pecelli, who wrote to say she is Erik Richardson tied the knot last January four cousins. Y Another ’96 Top Gun, Adrian Calder, is looking forward to it! Y Julie Lynch James in Penang, Malaysia Y Marc Fairbrother flying F/A-18s from Fallon, Nev. Adrian got is also hoping to make it to reunion. She began a new job as an account supervi- married and had a son a year ago. Ethan said and husband David welcomed daughter sor at the VIA Agency in Portland, Maine, 1996 Chris Greenfield lives in Hatfield, Mass., Brad Smith where he works in business strategy for a [email protected] Springfield hospital.Y 800-meter special- After a summer backpacking Monica Thiele I asked, and you answered with an epic ist Jake Churchill has twin sons and runs outpouring. Y I got JC Panio’s out-of-office the family’s commercial laundry business, ’97 is back at work as a program officer at message, but he promised to reply upon Churchill Linen, in Brockton, Mass. Ethan United Nations Environment Programme. She his return. Y Condolences first to Nicole encourages all ’96ers to “Do your sinnin’ Jalbert Pirani for being married to Kevin on Churchill Linen.” Y In May 2011 Clair works in ecosystem management, particularly Pirani for the past decade. You can’t get Pagnano had a daughter, Giulia Pagnano oceans and coasts. those years back, Nicole. Nicole’s business, Baker. She sees Anna Goldsmith, who had Blooms of Hope, turned five and received a boy, Alexander Stern, last December. best of 2011 awards from the Knot and the Clair is a law partner at K&L Gates and is Improper Bostonian and made Boston. in Maine a bunch. Y Dori Desautel Broudy Hannah in February. They are hoping to a full-service advertising agency that was com’s A-list. She reports Kevin’s head moved from Philadelphia to Avon, Conn., move from their Boston condo to a new named 2011 Small Agency of the Year by remains preposterously huge, and that after husband Josh accepted a position home in Dorchester in April. Julie sees Jill Ad Age magazine. He heads up regional they stay busy with kids Mae, 7, and Al, with a law firm there. Dori is a full-time Rathbun, who lives in Sabbatus, Maine, and national accounts in financial services 4. Y Gregg LeBlanc tells me Nate Howell mom to two daughters, London, 1 1/2, and Kristina Dix Johnson, who works in and consumer-packaged goods. Y Rebecca is COO of Brighton Hospital and bought a and Charlie, 3. She’s heading to Dallas in Cambridge, Mass., quite a bit. Y In Sep- Durham Whithed won a photo contest for house in Sudbury with wife Julie and kids, March to visit Kaitlin Graham Guthrow tember 2010 Jennifer Robbins started the band Alma Desnuda and had a whirlwind Caleb and Ginny. Nate watched the Super and family. Y Teresa Tiangha Cuvelier her own full-service market research firm trip to California to see their concert and Bowl at Greg’s house, along with Ryan had a baby boy, Benjamin, 10/11/11 at in Boston, Anderson Robbins Research, the ocean.Y After a successful stint running Sullivan. Y Speaking of the Super Bowl, 11:11a.m. (really!) at Beantown’s Beth with Chris Anderson ’93. She reports the the unwind of Lehman Brothers’ European Alex Chin went to The Game, pausing in Israel. Benjamin joins 3-year-old sis Chloé. business is thriving and she has enjoyed capital markets and derivatives portfolios, Buffalo to see Sarah Gelman Carney on After six years in beautiful Newport Beach, networking and reconnecting with many Andrew Weber decided to take some time the way. Chinny reports that in Indy he Calif., Theresa›s husband was transferred Colby alums in the Boston area this past off in September. However, he was “called hung out with at least two tons of Colby back to Boston for a promotion. Y Simon year. Jen lives in Andover, Mass., with back into action in November with the col- men, including Sean Handler ’97, broth- Dalgleish is living in Mexico after selling his daughters, Delaney, 5 1/2, and Brynn, 2. lapse of MF Global,” where he is advising ers Gregg ’97 and Glenn Forger ’97, Brett business in 2009. He’s returned to working Over the holidays she visited Josh and Kate the special joint administrators of MF Global Nardini, and Stuart Wales. Y Ethan Platt for “the man,” managing the subscriptions Charbonnier Oeltjen and their children, U.K. “So much for a break with Katy and

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16-month-old Lily!” Andrew asked me to wife Ellen and daughter Amelia, who turned Jason Flesh and wife Amie had a little girl and his fiancée are still sailing westward, remind everyone of the matching challenge one in January. He sees Braxton Williams named Clementine Mark Oct. 30. Y Kim back to where they started in 2009. They that he offered to increase class giving for and wife Shannon regularly. Y Josh Young Nagy will marry Mark Monnin this June in had a great summer cruising from New the bicentennial. Between the bicentennial and wife Jacqueline were expecting their Kennebunk, Maine. Y On Feb. 10, Alex and Zealand to Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, and our reunion, we have two very good first child March 8. Y Amanda (Carucci ’00) Becky Thornton Leach welcomed their son, Australia, and Indonesia. They enjoyed reasons to give to the Colby Fund this year! and Tim Boggs expect their third daughter Cameron Haines, into the world with great winter in Thailand but looked forward to Y After a summer backpacking in Germany, this summer. They live in Hoboken, N.J., joy. Y Keep the news coming! the Maldives (pending political unrest) France, and Croatia, Monika Thiele is back with Sophie, 4, and Sadie, 2. Y Alex Wall and a return to the Western world (Turkey, at United Nations Environment Programme reports that his wife, Marie, will receive a Greece, and Croatia) this summer. They’ll working full-time as a program officer second kidney transplant this spring from 2000 complete their three-year circumnavigation covering ecosystem management, particu- her brother, who is probably a match. Her Ben Mackay in Mallorca next September and will cel- larly oceans and coasts. She’s also North first transplant, from her mother, lasted 17 [email protected] ebrate by getting married in Valldemossa. American Focal Point for the Convention on years. They hope that by the time the next Matt Stokes and wife Ana just had their Y This May Kim McCarron Camuso will Migratory Species (CMS), covering issues one is necessary, stem cell organ growth will second child, Matthew Jr. He joins their be three-quarters through her M.B.A. at from bats and birds to whales and sharks be tested and able to grow the next one from daughter, Nicole, 4. Y David Barr Kirtley Whittemore School of Business, UNH. She and beyond. She writes, “I love living in her own cells. Y Sarah Hewins accepted a is cohost of the Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy and husband Josh are expecting their first D.C. and can’t believe I’ve been here 13 job at Endicott College as a faculty member podcast, which moved to, web- child, a boy, in July. Y Ashley Smith Leavell years already. Looking forward to reunion in the interior design department. Y Ellis and site of Wired magazine. Guests for season and husband welcomed their son, Parker and seeing everyone on Mayflower Hill!” Jen Munson Bailey welcomed a son, Ethan two included Richard Dawkins, Simon Pegg, Thomas Leavel, Jan. 27. They are smitten but Well said, Monika! Theodore, Dec. 17. He made his debut two Chuck Palahniuk, George R. R. Martin, and do miss sleep! Ashley managed to submit weeks before his due date, so they were Colby Prof Jennifer Finney Boylan. David saw her Ph.D. dissertation (in developmental able to be home for Christmas and celebrate his short story “Three Deaths” published in psychology) less than a week before the 1998 their new family for the holidays. Y Becca the anthology Under the Moons of Mars: birth and hopes to graduate from NYU Brian Gill Plummer and Jake Berg had a baby boy, New Adventures on Barsoom, from Simon this May. Y Skip Newberry and wife Olivia [email protected] Adam, in September. They are enjoying the & Schuster. Y Pete Hans and wife Sarah welcomed Louisa “Lemon” Elena. She joins Congratulations to Emily Hammann who newest addition, as is big brother Noah, 5. welcomed their second child, Nicholas Linus, 2 and a half. Skip left the mayor’s welcomed a little girl, Whitney Blake, Nov. Y Mike and Melissa Knight DuBois recently Joseph, Dec. 21. The event was celebrated office last fall to become president of the 1. Big brother Tucker, 3, insists that she is welcomed “Peanut,” a miniature Juliana with Ross Frankenfield and Michael Software Association of Oregon and was his baby and is very protective and loves piglet, to their family. Last June they bought Siegel. Y Carrie Logie Sprague and family recently recognized by Portland Business that he can get her to smile anytime. Y Journal as one of “40 Under 40.” Y Abby Stephanie Small and husband Kurt Kelley Campbell Rowe and husband Brewer live ’99 welcomed a son, Sam, in December. Y David Barr Kirtley ’00, cohost of the Geek’s in Newport, R.I., with girls Adelaide, 3, and Holly Kozlowski Austin was recently made Evie, almost 1. Abby operates a stroller fit- partner at my law firm, Hancock Estabrook, Guide to the Galaxy podcast, saw his story ness program in Newport, which she loves. LLP, in Syracuse, N.Y. Y Katie Page Litterer “Three Deaths” published in the anthology They planned a spring weekend getaway lives north of Boston with her husband and Under the Moons of Mars: New Adventures on with Tacy Conard Quinn, Sarah Hubbell twin 3-year-old daughters, Sophie and Hoff, and Chloe Chittick Patton and were Maddie. Katie spends most of her time Barsoon, from Simon & Schuster. looking forward to catching up. Y While still trying to keep up with her kiddos. Y David busy with her clinical practice as a family Dodwell is enjoying life in Bermuda with nurse practitioner, Katie Reber Colcher wife Kathleen and their children. He was joined the faculty of Georgetown University recently voted most improved in Bermuda’s 30 acres of land in Unity, Maine, just one summited Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in Octo- School of Nursing and Health Studies and hotel softball league. Y Derek Luke and exit past Colby and right across the street ber in honor of her dad’s 60th birthday. Y enjoys the challenge of teaching. Y In Annie Sherman were married Dec. 9 and from the MOFGA fairgrounds. There is no Christie Beveridge is English department October Ian Nurse won the Portland, Ore., spent part of their honeymoon sea kayak- living structure yet, but they had enormous chair at Vermont Commons School. She is Marathon in 2:27. He thought he’d press ing in New Zealand’s amazing Doubtful amounts of fun camping there on Sandy teaching eighth-, ninth-, and 11th-grade his luck and ran in Seattle seven weeks and Milford sounds. Annie is the editor Stream nearly every weekend last summer. English and coaching cross country. She’ll later. He didn’t get the win there but came of Newport Life magazine, and Derek is Y Adam ’98 and Christie Browning Rana run the Burlington marathon this May. Y in second on a wet, windy day. Ian gradu- still brewmaster at Newport Storm. Both and their two sons, William and Harrison, Laurel Genetti Kemp welcomed her second ated from chiropractic school and practices businesses are doing well and they love are finally settling down in the Portland, child, Lincoln, in October. This new addition in Portland. He’ll be back east in July for what they do. Brent Ryan ’97 is still busy Maine, area this summer after Adam’s has been a joy for all, especially big sister, the wedding of David Willis and Kristyn making Thomas Tew Rum and running the 10-year journey in NYC and Boston to be Bella, who is almost 3. Laurel remains a Morrissey and looks forward to catching brewery/distillery. Y Thank you all for your an orthopedic surgeon. Adam will work at critical care nurse and is one year away up with old Colby friends. contributions and enjoy the spring! Maine Medical Center in Portland begin- from completing her master’s in nursing, ning in September and hopes to live in the which will allow her to be a family nurse Cape Elizabeth or Falmouth areas. Their practitioner. Y Rachel Gitelson and Doug 2001 1999 oldest son will start kindergarten in the Nilson ’99 welcomed their second son, Dana Fowler Charette Lindsay Hayes Hurty fall, and they’re very excited to start the Jonah, in August. Brother Eli is 3. They live in [email protected] [email protected] next chapter of their lives. If you’re in or Yarmouth, Maine. Y Ben Schlitt started law I attended the amazing wedding of Melinda Oliver Griswald is gearing up for Election near the area, please reach out. They don’t school last fall at South Texas College of Law Mraz and Matthew Barber in September 2012, where he’ll be writing ads and advis- know many people there, but know a large in Houston, and his first child is expected in on Southport Island, Maine. It was great to ing on social media strategy for a number of Colby community exists and would love to September. Y Jon Allen (“Captain America” see Sean ’00 and Becca Bischoff Luoma candidates. Oliver is enjoying life in D.C. with reconnect ([email protected]). Y as the locals call him in the South Pacific) before their son Colton Luoma arrived Nov.

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[email protected] 60 4/25/12 2:51 PM 17. Y Writer Becky Munsterer has been The best part, she says, is hiring friends, Kong while on business. Y Matt Tolve teaches middle school English in Ann Arbor. working on her dream project, a literary including Erin Whelan Sampson ’99. She’s and wife Mercy welcomed a baby girl, Most evenings she and husband Arthur website called Novel Nibble. It’s a one- had encouragement and input from the Chloe Li, in December. Matt is planning chase after their adorable son, Jonah, 2. page-per-day ongoing novel that she’s musically-minded Sally Hall Bell ’02, who to attend reunion and is looking forward Y Emily Goss is director of planning and publishing serially at www.novelnibble. is also creating a new business from the to seeing everyone. Y Patrick Swillinger development at a company she cofounded com. Y Rob Webb and wife Amy welcomed a ground up. Y Rob Painter finished a Ph.D. is engaged to Meredith Marzouli (Colgate in 2007 in Topsfield, Mass.—full-service baby boy, Will. Y Evan Reece and wife Annie in linguistics at SUNY Buffalo and teaches ’02). They live in San Francisco and are event and catering at a beautiful 1901 are expecting a baby in April. Y Kirsten Latin and German at D’Youville College in planning a September wedding. Y Jeff fieldstone mansion. The historic venue Isaksen Benjamin and husband Jay had Buffalo. He and Anna Randall Painter will Brink and wife Anna welcomed their second is popular for weddings, especially with their second girl, Isobel Chase, Feb. 8. Y celebrate their 10th anniversary this year. son, William Joseph, Dec. 13. Their first the tented pavilion and butterfly garden. Jodi Dakin Loughlin and husband Mark’s Anna is teaching second grade in Buffalo. son, Dylan, is now 3. Y Pat ’01 and Bliss They’ve already married a few Colby baby girl, Page Frances, was also born They have been in contact with Richard Woolmington Bernal traveled around the couples! Emily indulged her traveling roots Feb. 8. Y Mat Solso and wife Kim had Hallquist, who is going back to school for world in five months with Jude, 2 years old by buying a 1983 RV and traveling around their second daughter, Emerson Louise an M.B.A., and Katie Stimac Mendelson, ( the country. Y Eric Eichler is finishing his (Emmy Lou according to their 3-year-old, who just had her first baby. Y Hannah Smith They recently relocated from Brooklyn to M.S.W. at Smith, and he’s working on an Maddy) May 16. Y Heather and Kelly Harrison illustrated a picture book, Just Manchester, Vt. Y Ali Culpen got engaged inpatient PTSD unit at the VA hospital, Falsani welcomed Lucille “Lucy” Francis Like You. All profits go to charities that to Paul Schwabe in New Zealand, and they where he conducts therapy sessions, to their family Feb. 1. Y Bill Getty and benefit children with special needs (www. are planning a September wedding. They leads mindfulness groups, and teaches. Y wife Molly welcomed twin boys, Gray and Actress Dot live in Denver, where she continues to Dennis Kuhnel is the new director for the Hunter, Jan. 21. Y Eric Lantzman reported Marie Jones (from Glee) is a spokesperson that winter was great and that daughter for the book! Y Fred Floberg and his wife Anabel got on skis for the first time. Y Julia bought a house in South Portland, Maine. Caroline Riss ’03 spent 2011 in Uganda, Drees, husband Erin, and daughter Claire, Fred is a firefighter/paramedic for the South welcomed baby Jack on Jan. 31. They live Portland Fire Department, became a SWAT where she was field director for the nonprofit in Berkeley. Y Karin Felmly Ney welcomed medic on the Southern Maine Regional Kasiisi Project, which promotes environmental her second little boy, Easton, July 15. Big SWAT Team, and is an instructor in the conservation. She now works in Montana as an brother Crosby is 3. Y Melanie Morin and EMT and paramedic program at Southern husband Robert Small are living in Ky. and Maine Community College. attorney in a domestic violence unit. expecting their first child, a boy, in early June. Y Lauren Schaad is keeping busy in Boston. She is executive recruiting with 2002 Korn/Ferry International, studying French Sally Hall Bell do sustainability work at McKinstry and National Forest Service’s Hudson-Meng at the Alliance Française, and just launched [email protected] he works at National Renewable Energy Bison Kill Education and Research Center her adventure travel website laurenschaad. Greetings, and here’s to our 10th reunion Laboratory. Y Carl Tugberk married Jen- in Chadron, Neb. Y Jay Combs moved to com, with a segment on traveling with in June! Thanks to those who wrote in. I nifer Summers Aug. 27 in Washington, Austin to attend the McCombs School of food allergies. Y John “JC” and Sarah look forward to hearing your stories and D.C. In attendance were Jay Freedman ’01 Business, University of Texas. With some Rundquist Reeves are loving the sunsets meeting your families in person on the Hill (groomsman), Russ Casper (groomsman), McCombs classmates he cofounded a com- from their new house in the hills of Oakland, at our reunion. Y Spencer and Whitney Chris Long, and Ben Cooper ’03. Unfortu- pany called reQwip, a mobile application Calif. JC is a financial analyst for Wind River, Alford Mallozzi are enjoying their daughter, nately Simon Amich, Peter Morelli, Justin for buying, selling, renting, and donating a software company, and Sarah works Annie Pouch, born during Hurricane Irene Gallagher, and David Friedman couldn’t sporting goods over your phone. The app is at a residential architecture firm in San last August. Y David Manning was married make it due to Hurricane Irene. Y Katie Egan planned for release this summer. Contact Francisco. Y Wynter Stinchfield Courmont last summer in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Wertheimer reports she is expecting baby Jay at [email protected] for info. Y Nat and husband Virgile had their first baby, to Nicole Ball. Alums in attendance were number two any day and that son Mason is Chamberlin went back to 2000 (minus the Simon Baxter, Aug. 3. Wynter returned to Robert Nagle, Michael Higgins, James anxiously awaiting his new sibling. Y Mike Busch Light and Napster) when he visited work at Diversified Business Communica- Laliberty, Paul Nahigian, Brian Chisholm Ames wrote with an animated story of an D.C. and saw Ben Cooper, Rich Cook, and tions in Portland, Maine, and accepted ’04, and Fred Perowne ’01. Y Abby Kus- October gathering including Jack Phillips, Carl Tugberk ’02. Y Caroline Riss and her a new position as sales manager for the sell is engaged to Charlie Hopper of Con- Gabe Duncan-Roitman, Bill Spencer, and boyfriend spent 2011 in Uganda, where Seafood Barcelona Tradeshow. Y Michelle necticut College. They will be married over John Shea in Woods Hole, Mass., where Caroline was field director for the nonprofit Farrell finished her Ph.D. in Spanish and Columbus Day weekend in Nantucket. Y they nearly set fire to a historic building Kasiisi Project (, Portuguese at Georgetown and is teaching Fraser Ross Maloney and husband Rob and made several gallons of cioppino. Y which promotes environmental conserva- at U.Penn in Philadelphia. Y Jen Hallee got welcomed a little girl, Riley Cameron, in As for me, I’ve become a jack-of-all-trades tion through education. They returned to married Sept. 10 to Katherine Little. Jen November. Y Mairead Carney tied the as an entrepreneur, educator, adventurer the U.S. in December, and Caroline now has a new job as executive director for Call- knot with David Andrade in Lake Tahoe, in the Pacific Northwest, and a Colby 10th works at Montana Legal Services as an ing All Crows, a small nonprofit in Boston Calif., in December. In attendance, taking reunion advocate. Join us in June—it won’t attorney in the domestic violence unit. Y that partners with musicians and fans to full advantage of the party and free booze, feel like home without you. Alyson Lindquist married Timothy Osgood create change through hands-on service were Patrick Swillinge, Michael Pincus, in August in Groton, Mass. Y Gretchen and activism. Recent projects include Danielle O’Steen ’03, Michael Bergan, Groggel married Brian Ralston in October. Dispatch, State Radio, and Chad Stokes Alexis Detwiler, Erika Goss, Helena Tubis, 2003 Y Keagan Russo married Jessica McKinon and the Pintos ( Y Evan Woolley ’03, and Dan Morrison ’03. Lauren Tiberio in St. Michael’s, Md., in December. In Caroline Rosch received her M.P.A. from Mairead and David live in San Francisco [email protected] attendance were Nat and Jess Wysor Rutgers and started The Good Life Coach where she works in biotech and he is a Hello Class of 2003! Just when I think Chamberlin, Ben Cooper, Brooke McNally, to provide personal coaching for those who chef. She spent a weekend with Mahmoud I’ve heard from everyone, I get a few more Kevin Thurston ’98, Alice Henderson Stra- want or need a unique professional path. ’99 and Colleen Creeden Siddig in Hong first-time updates! Y Amy Greenberg Ward chan ’05, and Karinna Russo ’05. Y Evan

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Woolley married Alexis Rubin (Bates ’03) in relocated to Anchorage. where she works at Staatsburg, N.Y., in 2011 and was excited the only long-term acute care hospital (St. to have such venerable Colby guests as 00s newsmakers Elias Specialty Hospital) in the state. She Mairead Carney ’02, Helena Tubis ’02, has spends her time rock climbing, hiking, Scott and Rachael Merrick-Maggs, Mac TA Associates, a global growth private equity ice climbing, fly fishing, and back-country firm, named Jason Werlin ’00 a principal. Ac- Cathles, Evan McGee, Pete Chapin, skiing. Y Nick Gambino and wife Meghan cording to Business Wire Werlin was promoted Danielle O’Steen, Michael Pincus ’02, Lucy were thrilled to welcome their first baby, from senior vice president. He focuses on in- Brandes Baker, Dan Morrison, and Joshua Emma Catherine, in March 2011. vestments in technology and technology-based Martensen ’02. Amazing photos at http:// service companies working from TA’s Menlo Park, Calif., office. F Rory Murphy ’07 was promoted 2005 fun-diy-wedding-alexis-evan. Evan’s sister in November to associate director of Cushman did the flowers and wedding design, Jory Katie Gagne & Wakefield Enhanced, a real estate brokerage [email protected] Raphael ’02 did their website, a mutual firm in Manhattan. The firm’s press release said friend did the video, and his mom made a Murphy completed more than 300,000 square Katie Slemp is still living in Back Bay, wedding yurt. The newlyweds honeymooned feet in tenant representation transactions for Boston, working as a senior manager in British Columbia and hiked the West nonprofit organizations, media and technol- for Health Dialog. She’s still running and Coast Trail. They ended their honeymoon ogy companies, and financial services firms. F completed her fifth marathon on the Cape at another wedding—Evan McGee’s—in the Alyssa Kavanagh ’10 and Nick Planeta ’09 won in October. She occasionally gets together Alyssa Kavanagh ’10 San Juan Islands. Y Amanda McKown and the 2012 Real Maine Wedding of the Year contest with Karina Johnson, who moved to and Nick Planeta ’09 Sean O’Grady were married last October valued at up to $100,000. The announcement Taunton, Mass. Katie reports that Torrey on the Russian River in Sonoma, Calif., with was made at the Maine Wedding Association Bridal Show, WCSH-TV reported. The Kulow was married to husband Yasin Tunc lots of Colby grads in attendance. Amanda couple will marry Nov. 2. in Madison, Wis., where they currently and Sean live in San Francisco; she’s a live. Y Mary Biggins moved from Boston strategy consultant, he’s a chiropractor. Y to NYC last spring to work at Betterment, Lindsay Tarasuk Aroesty and her husband have her around. Karima took a position at in September to Michael Regan, a St. a start-up. Y Katie Ghelli continues work welcomed Jacoby “Jake” William Jan. 16, the University of New Haven as director of Anselm’s alumnus. Y Kirsten Helmcke for Café Mom in NYC. Y Jared Gordon MLK Day. Lindsay, a die-hard Yankees fan, the international services office. Y Chrissy lives in Chicago and works as a medical and his wife welcomed twin boys, Carter is still coping with the fact that his name Jones relocated to the D.C. metro area writing program manager for Astellas Craig and Jack Ammarell, in January. Y came from the Red Sox centerfielder. They in October after living in Boston for six Pharma. Y Diane Nelson Iachini finished Kevin Yardi assures us that the seventh live in Pittsburgh and would love to catch years and working at the Massachusetts a general practice residency in dentistry annual D.C. Doghead was as epic as up with anyone visiting. Y Jonathan and Department of Public Health. She took a at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical always. Since the first celebration, in 2006, Sarah Mason Eck added Mason Theodore job with Booz Allen Hamilton as a senior Center last July. She married Errol Iachini they have had representation from every to the family Sept. 4. Sarah reports he’s got consultant on the health team. She often last October in Madison, Va. She is work- Colby class from ’05 through the most big feet—perhaps he’ll be a Colby swimmer sees Jason and Jennifer Kalman Beal and ing as a dentist and living in Richmond, recent. Y Maggie Allen is engaged to Jay like his dad! Y Sarah Barclay Hoffman their daughter, Mackenzie, since they live in Va. Y Andrew Mckenna-Foster went to Wolfgram (Middlebury ’05) and planning and her husband announce the birth of the area. Y Jordana Pickman completed Kyrgyzstan in January to visit his brother. a September wedding. Y Hillary Klug is Frederick Elliott. Born Dec. 15, he is healthy, her M.P.H. at the University of Washington It brought back fond memories of some living in Wiesbaden, Germany, with her happy, and the light of their lives. Sarah last spring and now lives in Aspen working of the super cold winters at Colby. He has fiancé, Stephen Glover. She’s an attorney was elected board chair of the McClendon for the Colorado Department of Public not gotten married yet and, as far as he for the U.S. Army, and Stephen is open- Center, a nonprofit in Washington, D.C., that Health and Environment, Office of Planning knows, he is not expecting children anytime ing a CrossFit gym in Wiesbaden. They’ve serves adults with mental illness. Y Hope and Partnerships. She is getting married soon. Y Christina Dotchin is coaching the enjoyed traveling across Europe and mas- everyone has a wonderful spring! this August to Topher Sabella in the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State. Jordana also attended Zoe Hal- Katie Shagory ’05, in U.S. Army Intelligence, 2004 lowell’s wedding in Bozeman, Mont. Zoe Kate Weiler married Bob Downs on Bridger Bowl ski and Caroline Andresen ’05, with USAID, [email protected] mountain with all in attendance wearing recently met up in eastern Afghanistan at FOB Skyler Place is leaving academia to join a one-piece ski suits. Y B.L. Lippert married Urgun for a conference with stakeholders on Boston-based health technology startup. Jessica Hopkins in 2010 and they have Y Chris Blier returned from India, where a son, Case Robert, born last August. Y stabilization efforts in Paktika. he had been living and working since early Ted ’05 and Katie O’Neill Farwell moved December. He traveled throughout India, to Minneapolis after they graduated Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the UAE, from business school at the University of and Oman—a great experience but he is Wisconsin. She is working in marketing girls varsity ice hockey team at Proctor tering their German! Y For four years Kyle happy to be back. Y Alicia Burrows will at General Mills on the Progresso brand. Academy. They won the New England Prep Ross has lived in Asia, where he founded graduate in May from William & Mary’s She saw Erica Bauer and Pete Morelli ’02 School girls ice hockey championships for a language academy and was editor at Mason School of Business with an M.B.A. at a XC ski race called the Birkebeiner. Y Division II this season. Y Ian Cochran left an educational comic book company. He She is still on active duty in the Army and is Kate Sweeney graduated from Dalhousie his job as a paramedic to start med school recently relocated to sunny Denver, where heading just north of Baltimore for her next University with a D.D.S. and will be work- this fall at the University of New England. he is now promoting Y duty station. Y Thomas ’03 and Karima ing at East Milton Dental in Milton, Mass. He is slightly terrified yet very excited! Y Ted Farwell hosted Steve Whelpley, Nick Ummah Jackson welcomed their second (obviously she would LOVE to have some Kirsten “Kaz” Zarnetske graduated with Tucker ’11, and Sam Rouleau ’10 in Mem- baby girl, Nala Grace, July 10. Mom, dad, fellow Colby grads as patients come June... her doctor of physical therapy from the phis, Tenn., but is planning a move to Min- and big sister, Nia Bella, are so grateful to fingers crossed). She is getting married University of Vermont in May 2011 and neapolis this summer to join his wife, Katie

62 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 62 4/25/12 2:52 PM O’Neill ’04, who is currently living there. forward to catching up with many of the Amanda Stein and Jenny Mooney will be where she is pursuing a master’s in public Y Jennie MacPherson and Conor Semler Colby alums living in N.Y. Enjoy the spring! bridesmaids. Kristin has a new job as a policy. She visited Karli Gasteazoro and were married Nov. 5 in Baltimore at the senior associate campus recruiter for Ernst Emma Emory ’06 in D.C. and went on American Visionary Art Museum. Shannon & Young in Boston. Y Marcy Rolerson and vacation in Florida with Cindy Meadow. Emerson ’05 and Sam and Sarah Dunham 2006 Dan Lake are engaged and live in Boston, Y It was a big year for Colby Souders—he Gray were in attendance. Jennie accepted Jen Coliflores where both are practicing law. A June 2012 got engaged to Kristi Dolloff at Johnson a job with OSI Restaurant Partners and [email protected] wedding is planned. Pond and graduated with a Ph.D. in cell will open/manage a new restaurant loca- On Feb. 18 Todd Basnight and Toinette and molecular biology from Texas A&M. tion in Burlington, Mass., in June. Conor Rivas were married in Key Biscayne, Fla. They can’t wait to move back to the East works in transportation planning after Many 2006 alums attended, including 2007 Coast and visit all their buddies! earning his master’s in regional planning Stephen Luke, Holly Eydenberg, Adam Karli Gasteazoro from Cornell in 2007. Y Alan Ashbaugh Rafsky, Juan Urruela, Andrew Fitzpatrick, [email protected] is growing his website business, Internet Matthew Birchby, Jack Sisson, Fraser Julia Csikesz got married in June to her high 2008 à la Carte (, while Moncure, Ted Wright, Will Thompson, school sweetheart, Tim Welch (Northwest- Palmer McAuliff living in Portland, Ore. He›s also a weekend Daniel Osar, Charlie Northrop, David ern ’08), in Rockport, Mass. Lisa Helstrom [email protected] ski instructor at Mt. Hood, learning to play Gutman, Erika Nelson, Anneliese Radke, and Jessica Laniewski were bridesmaids, No surprise that the Class of 2008 has the piano, and contemplating a move to Jessica Moore, Juliana Chessin, Jessica and Mariah Whitney and Anna Khatutsky lots to report! I’m having a great time San Francisco. Y Abe Summers, wife Xing Wansart, Lora Golann, and Kaitlin Her- attended. Y Cammie Dale ’06 and Brian living in Boston and reconnecting with Xing, and two-year-old Yul, are still living in lihy. Y Alex Kozen is working on his Ph.D. Liberty live in Red Bank, N.J., with plans lots of Colby alums. Most recently Pat- Beijing, where Abe works for Reed Exhibi- in materials science at the University of to move to Miami in September. Brian rick Sanders came up from D.C. to visit. tions on the China Golf Show. Their family Maryland, College Park. His band, Show works in M&A and start-up for ambulatory We had a fabulous time that included surgery centers. He has also started a new a lovely dinner in the North End with business venture, www.thepartyshirtstore. Victoria Hayne, Stephanie Lubin-Levy, Alex Kozen ’06 is working on his Ph.D. in com. Y Josh Handelman is back and and Virginia Brown, followed by a trip forth between Honolulu and D.C. working to Mike’s Pastries. Other updates from materials science at the University of Maryland. for Mazie Hirono, U.S. Senate candidate Boston, you ask? Y Michelle Easton is In March his band, Show Pony, played at the for Hawaii. Anyone who wants a place to graduating this spring from Northeastern South by Southwest Festival in Texas. crash in Hawaii should look him up! Y with her master’s in public administration. Alex Harris is moving from SoCal up to Y Gretchen Markiewicz is enjoying work Corvallis, Ore., for her third-year rotations at Raytheon BBN Technologies in Cam- for medical school. She is looking forward bridge, doing machine-learning research recently enjoyed a vacation on Ko Samui, Pony, played at the South by Southwest to quality time with Erica Ciszek ’08 up in in speech technology. Y Although not right Thailand, and Abe enjoys playing ice hockey Festival in Texas this past March. Y Francis the middle of Oregon. Y Robin Respaut in Boston, Julia Gilstein recently joined in his free time as part of an expat league. Chapuredima went to D.C. and visited Nico took a job at Reuters in Times Square in the EBSCO Publishing editorial team in Y Katie Shagory and Caroline Andresen Mwai and wife Melissa Hernandez ’05. Y January. She’ll work in the new investigative Ipswich. She has also started a freelance recently met up in eastern Afghanistan at Fraser Moncure will visit Bryan Sanders and enterprise reporting unit. Y CJ Don- editing and writing business, so send folks FOB Urgun for a conference with stakehold- in Little Rock, Ark., for a fly fishing trip in nelly, John McCormick, Kevin Shers, Karli her way! Check it out at jgilstein-editing. ers on stabilization efforts in Paktika. Katie April before the birth of Bryan’s daughter, Gasteazoro, and Eric Ffitch ’08 dominate com. Y Tara Allain married Keith Boyer is one of the first-ever female intelligence Scarlett, in May. Y In December Lindsay their rec soccer league in Washington, D.C. in October at the Wequassett on Cape officers in an Infantry Battalion in Paktika Masters attended the U.N. climate change Y Kate Braemer is working at a brand Cod. She graduated from Columbia with province. Caroline manages the evaluation talks (Conference of the Parties 17) in new Salvation Army community center her master’s in nursing as a family nurse team for a USAID stabilization program Durban, South Africa, as part of the Uni- in North Philly as their high school/girls practitioner and is working at a community implemented across eastern Afghanistan. versity of Colorado observer delegation. leadership/critical thinking educator. Her and family health center in the Bronx. Y Y Melissa Plante Dubois and husband Lindsay will graduate from the University husband, Josh Taylor ’05, is now a manager Eva Gougian returned from the Peace Jeff welcomed a son, Penn Asher, Jan. of Colorado Law School with a J.D. with of an organic farm called Mill Hollow. Y In Corps in the Dominican Republic, where 15. Melissa is enjoying a few months at an environmental law focus. Lindsay is July Naomi Branz finishes the teaching she sheltered fellow PCV Tim Roberts home with the baby before returning to also getting married May 14 in Boulder to credential/master’s program at UC-Santa ’05 during Hurricane Irene last August. work at Cornell. Y Melisse Hinkle is still Roberto Lastrico of Los Angeles. Y Ander Cruz and will look for a job teaching middle Later that week they built a 15,000-liter working at the Rivers School in Weston as Tallett will graduate from Babson’s two- school math in the Bay Area. Y Alexis water tank and ate goat liver. Y Patrick the associate director of communications, year, full-time M.B.A. program in May. He Heimann got engaged over Thanksgiving Collins met with the owner of the Tampa where she also teaches a video storytell- is also launching a new company called the to Adrian Wilbert (CU-Boulder) and they Bay Rays, as his father’s company is ing elective. She was recently accepted Driveway Doctors, which is a car healthcare will be married in Maine this October. She hoping to partner with them. If any Colby into a new all-female a cappella group, and mobile car repair business. For small will start her internship at DU’s health alumni are in the Bay area during the 2012 “No Parachute,” that is starting up in the repairs and diagnoses, the Driveway Doc- and counseling center this fall, which will baseball season, let Patrick know. He tells Boston area. She continues to work with tors drive to you and do the work, and for be the final year of her Psy.D. program. me that, if his suite is open, Colby alumni her family’s business, Hinkle Nosing Glass, major repairs they take the car to the shop, Y Liza Benson will wrap up coursework are welcome! Y Amanda Roehn accepted L.L.C. They had a booth at the Boston Wine manage the process, and ensure you get a to be a physician’s assistant at Univ. of a position as development coordinator Expo, where they had great success. Y fair deal, good price, etc. Ander is currently Washington-Seattle over reunion weekend for Ole Miss Athletics. She moved to Jacklyn Dao just got a job as the deputy in a fundraising round, having secured and will move back to Jackson, Wyo. She’ll Mississippi and loves it so far! Y Martin White House liaison for the Department of an initial angel investor and some other start clinical rotations for a year through- “Moxie” and Emily Wilson Connelly, as Homeland Security in D.C. Y As for me, I will smaller investments. Y Kristin Schmidt out Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. Y Liz well as the rest of the Connellys, have spend 10 weeks this summer interning at got engaged last year to Tim Zubak and Stovall finished her first year at University started a tea company. They are importing Monitor Group in their NYC office and look they’ll marry in October in Amherst, Mass. of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy, really tasty Fair Trade organic whole leaf

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tea from China. They call it the Little Red Hutchins, Erica Jeb Block ’10, Ramsey May with a M.S. in genetic counseling. Y Cup Tea Company ( Meigs ’11, and Julia Knoeff ’13 gathered Erik Johnson is a U.S. economist with IHS Moxie is happy that his East Asian studies on an awesome houseboat for New 2010 Global Insight and was recently interviewed major is going to come in handy after all. Year’s in Amsterdam. They celebrated Sameera Anwar on NPR’s All Things Considered about the Y Skylar Sutton lives in the smoggy and in woodsmen tradition with good food, [email protected] state of the housing market and his 2012 charming Studio City neighborhood of wine, and shenanigans. Y Kate Humphrey Jim Rockafellow works in the creative forecast. Y Whilst working as a research Los Angeles. Ronnie Wise helps her hold will graduate in April from the University department of an advertising firm in Port- technician at Massachusetts General Hos- down this western outpost of Colby alumni. of Michigan with a master’s in urban land, Maine. He regularly sees Emily Hanley, pital, Tyler Scullen takes oboe lessons and Skylar works on set in television produc- planning. She’s on the job hunt now! Y Annelise Wiersema, and Nic Robichaud is becoming a certified yoga instructor. He tion making sitcoms you probably avoid. David Way continues working in the AVAP ’09. Y Bonnie Foley and Jay Mangold got spent a great weekend skiing with Ashley Skylar and Ronnie recently were joined in (Americorps Victim Assistance Program) married New Year’s Eve in Scottsdale, Ariz., Spellman, Caroline Holland, and Nate the valley by the esteemed Jamie Poster. as a court advocate. He supports victims with Professor Sandy Maisel performing Bangura ’11. Y Erica Block, Sara Hutchins They engage in intellectual debates and of domestic violence and sexual assault. the ceremony. Members of the Colby Eight ’09, Maxx Brown ’06, and Theo Papa- classy beer as much as possible. Jamie is He’s currently placed at Bridges in Nashua, Rob Woodhouse ’12, Raleigh Werner ’11, demetriou ’11 represented Colby Alumni currently writing a blog about Los Angeles N.H. Y Guy Sack started his master’s Austin Sutherland ’11, and Logan Hunter ’11 at the 2012 New York City Timbersports historical cultural monuments, architec- in social-organizational psychology at performed and Danielle Carlson, Victoria Summit. Y Ross Nehrt lives in Minneapolis ture, trees species, and other oddities at Columbia in the fall. He’s also interning Gonzalez, Joey Bylebyl, and Nick Bromley with Leigh Bullion and is looking forward She also works with the Equal Employment Opportunity all attended. Y Stephanie Kramer is getting to Henry Powell ’09 moving there in the with Ronnie and Skylar on curating events Commission in New York and researching a her M.S.W. at DePaul University in Chicago, spring. Y Jack D’Isidoro, Hamdi Sheriff, in historic places around L.A. for a project job mentoring program for foster youth in where she lives with her fiancé and their Stephan Cizmar ’11, Fletcher Schoen, called Los Angeles Bird of Paradise. Skylar Vero Beach, Fla., called Career Pathways two rescue dogs. Y Laure-Helene Caseau Christopher Copeland, Nate Bangura and Jamie attended a Breakfast with Bro ’11, and Jacob Roundtree hosted the together, along with Lijah Barasz ’06. inaugural Playa Hater’s Ball in Boston this Skylar was lucky enough to be invited to Nikolai Barnwell ’09 heads an investment firm February. Y Dan Prunier and Roger Bel a more recent brunch with Lijah and Julie live in Boston together with a woman they Miller ’06. In the last few years, Skylar and called 88mph (a reference to the movie Back met on Craigslist. Y While pursuing creative Ronnie have been graced with visits from to the Future) that builds Internet companies projects in Santa Monica, Casey Sullivan Jeff Larson, Bailey Woodhull, Michelle covers a law firm business beat—basically Easton, Emily Goodnow, Meaghan Jer- in East Africa. They recently opened Africa’s a sportswriter, except instead of covering rett, Jake Obstfeld, Courtney Johnson, largest coworking space. athletes she covers lawyers! Y While Chris Shelley, Rebecca Kamins ’09, Kat planning for graduate school, Bridget Ely Brzozowski ’09, Samah Mahmood ’10, and started a job as a major donor fundraiser for the lovable Michael Wolk ’07. If you ever Wellbeing of Women, a U.K.-based research make it out west, look them up. Skylar to Independence. Y Katie Butler and and Andy Oakes called in the New Year by charity. Y Ashley Spellman flew from LA to tells me there’s a lovely couch to sleep on. Ben Wakana are engaged to be married getting engaged! They’re both in France for NYC to spend part of her spring break with Thanks again and please keep in touch! July 28 in Winnetka, Ill. Special thanks to the time being. YStill rocking out in Denver, Blythe Miller. They had an amazing time Cathy Bevier for sitting them next to each Kat Cosgrove will spend the summer in listening to singing waiters and shopping other on the first day of biodiversity class Sarajevo, Bosnia, working with concentra- for strange items on Canal Street. Y Jess 2009 freshman year. Y Lauren Pongan works tion camp survivors. Y Yanica Faustin is Balukas is doing a second AmeriCorps term Olivia Sterling for the University of Pennsylvania and at UNCG getting her M.P.H. in community at the Maine Department of Environmental [email protected] lives in West Philadelphia, birthplace of health education and loves it. She is excited Protection and planning for graduate school Drew Hill is finishing up his M.P.H. at Will Smith. Tamer Hassan ’11 and Sophie to attend Jessie Frick’s graduation from soon. Y Ashley Wagner, Kersten Vasey, Yale, where he’s working on air pollution, Sarkar ’11 moved in as neighbors down her M.S.W. program at Boston College. Y Anna Christo and Kathleen Whalen all climate, and health in the developing the street. Y Sam Hoff is looking forward Jenn Corriveau is finishing up her master’s live in South Boston together, working hard world. He meets up with Esther Boyd to spending the summer on Martha’s in behavioral neuroscience at UConn before and enjoying the yuppie gentrification of and Emily Goodnow ’08 at the School Vineyard before beginning law school in doing her Ph.D. research. She recently got Southie. Y Carin Rising, Jack D’Isidoro, of Divinity every now and then, as well September. He’s still deciding between a Weimaraner puppy with her girlfriend. Y Lane Phillips, Jennifer Li, Elisabeth Rus- as Elise Randall ’10 who’s working in schools in Boston, NYC, and D.C. Y After Ian McCullough graduates from the Uni- sell, David Bacchus, and Chris Darrah the Yale area. Y Nikolai Barnwell heads two years at the Minnesota House Repub- versity of Maine with an M.S. in ecology and rang in 2012 together at a party in NYC an investment fund that builds Internet lican Caucus, Andy Cook now works at environmental sciences. He participated followed by a concert that lasted till the companies in East Africa. The company is Regions Hospital in Saint Paul, Minn., in in the Colby Environmental Studies Col- early morning hours. called “88mph” after Back to the Future, development and community outreach. He loquia Series in February. Y Isaac Opper and they are building a full-size DeLorean also volunteers on the mental health unit works hard at Stanford on his economics time machine out of African scrap metal. at Regions and is part of the work team Ph.D. program and enjoys seeing Bay area 2011 They recently opened Africa’s largest planning a new mental health building. residents Alex Pan ’11, Kelly Riffer ’11, and Nick Cunkelman coworking space. Y Mollie Kimmel gradu- Outside of work he is again involved in Gill Conly ’11. Y Savina Balasubramanian [email protected] ated from Boston College in May with an hockey goalie coaching with the Cretin enjoys pursuing her sociology Ph.D. and a Hi everyone! I’m your class correspondent M.A. in mental health counseling. She’s Derham Hall High School and Hamline certificate in gender and sexuality studies and I look forward to sharing news about now studying at Fairfield University in an University women’s teams. Last year he at Northwestern. Y Fiona Braslau loves our classmates in this column. Our first full M.A./C.A.S. school psychology program. began competing in triathlons and is pre- city life in London, where she is pursuing column will run in the next issue. But before Y Dave Metcalf finished the C.P.A. exam paring to race Ironman St. George (Utah) a master’s with Christie’s Education in then, I hope to see you on Mayflower Hill and is excited to start hanging out with this May, his first full Ironman. It’s great Chinese Art. Y Brittany Soderholm will May 31-June 3 for our first-year reunion. friends “like a normal person.” Y Sara to hear from everyone. Stay in touch! graduate from Sarah Lawrence College in Register online at

64 Colby / SPRING 2012

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Mary Palmer Mills ’33, Mar. 17, also enjoyed knitting and crochet- 2012, in Palo Alto, Calif., at 100. ing. Predeceased by her husband Following graduation from Colby, obituaries in brief of 54 years, Cleveland “Tim” she taught school for several years. Shirley Sr., and her son Cleveland Colby does not always learn about alumni deaths in a timely fashion, and sometimes She is survived by her nephew, Da- we cannot locate an obituary. In those cases we publish information available to us, Jr., she is survived by two sons, vid Palmer ’57, and two nieces. She as seen below. a daughter, five grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, and one was predeceased by her daughter, Elizabeth Archer Ricca ’42, May 18, 2011, in Clawson, Mich., at 91. F J. Kenneth Sherry Ann, and her two brothers, Shepard ’43, Nov. 26, 2011, in Naples, Fla., at 94. F Larry E. De Forge ’57, Dec. great-great grandchild. Albert ’30 and Norman ’30. 15, 2010, in Loveland, Colo., at 76. F Alta Maher Haldar ’63, Jan. 23, 2009, in New Delhi, India, at 68. Sylvia Rakofsky Weller ’43, Eleanor Ross Howard ’37, Jan. April 23, 2011, in Brewster, Mass., 11, 2012, in Hodgdon, N.J., at at 89. Described as a private 95. After earning an M.S. at the bara, brother Alvin ’42, daughter survived by her husband of 70 years, woman, she was predeceased by University of Iowa, she founded Leslie, stepson Karl, stepdaughter Linwood Workman ’40, sons John her husband, the late Herbert the biology department at Ricker Deborah, five grandsons, and four ’65 and Philip, four grandchildren, Weller, after 65 years of marriage. College. She taught there for many great-grandchildren. and four great-grandchildren. She is survived by three daugh- years and received an honorary ters, four grandchildren including doctorate there in 1974. Her in- Constance Pratt Spinney ’40, Jan. Dorris Heaney Batt ’42, Jan. Rachel Herf Lamson ’94, and four terests included music, cooking, 19, 2011, in Fitchburg, Mass., at 93. 10, 2012, in Princeville, Hawaii, great-grandchildren. and handwork. She is survived Her career in medical technology at 91. She earned a master’s in by a son, Elwood, two daughters, led her to work at several hospitals teaching from Columbia, taught Eugene Struckhoff ’44, Dec. 9, Barbara Howard Traister ’65 and including Athol Memorial Hospi- school, raised three children, and 2011, in Baltimore, Md., at 91. Jean Howard, four grandchildren, tal, where she served as director worked in her family’s florist busi- He graduated from Harvard Law and three great-grandchildren. of the laboratory for 20 years. She ness in Beacon, N.Y. She and her School and actively pursued his most enjoyed spending time with husband moved to Hawaii in 1976 philanthropic interests by play- Dorothy Cunningham Vendetti family and friends. She is survived to become caretakers and guides ing a lead role in creating 140 ’36, March 7, 2012, in Bradenton, by four children, five grandchil- at a historical house museum. community foundations across Fla., at 98. A member of Delta dren, and nine great-grandchildren. In 1991 her daughter, a White the United States. He also served Delta Delta sorority, she mar- House staff florist, invited her to on Colby’s Board of Trustees. ried Anthony M. Vendetti. She Joseph E. Croteau ’41, Dec. 19, help decorate the White House He is survived by his wife of 69 worked at the Worcester Telegram 2011, in Greenville, S.C., at 93. for Christmas. She is survived by years, Norma, his son, Eugene and Gazette in Massachusetts and In the Navy he served in Guam two daughters, grandchildren, and Struckhoff III, his daughter, retired as woman’s editor of Ports- and Okinawa during World War great-grandchildren. Laura Struckhoff Cline ’70, and mouth Herald in New Hampshire. II and afterward worked for Met- her husband, Steven Cline ’70, She moved to Florida from Rye, ropolitan Life Insurance in Lew- Barbara Grant Huntley ’42, Jan. a niece, Mary Ellen Verrengia N.H., in 1969 and was a member iston, Maine, retiring in 1976. A 12, 2012, in Barrington, R.I., at Parsons ’72, three grandsons, of Congregational United Church painter, bridge player, and stamp 91. Following graduation from a granddaughter, and a great- of Christ. collector, he is survived by his the Bentley School of Account- granddaughter. wife of 64 years, Patricia, three ing in Boston, she spent a long Lester Jolovitz ’39, Feb. 29, children, six grandchildren, and career in financial administration Thomas E. Linzee ’45, Jan. 6, 2012, in Naples, Fla., at 94. He three great-grandchildren. until her retirement as bursar of 2012, in Marion, Mass., at 89. He graduated from Boston University Middlesex Community College left Colby to serve as a radio op- School of Law in 1942 and, after Joanna MacMurtry Workman in Billerica, Mass. Her interests erator in the Army Air Corps, and serving in the medical corps in ’41, Jan. 5, 2012, in Thomasville, included investing, travel, and his B-17 was shot down over the Europe during World War II for Ga., at 93. A long-time Massa- attending theatrical productions. Battle of the Bulge. He graduated three years, he returned to prac- chusetts resident, her heart was She is survived by two nephews. from Boston University and held tice law in Waterville for 46 years. in Maine as a summer resident of a variety of jobs, including a legal He was associate judge of the New Harbor. She earned an M.Ed. Mabelle Spencer Shirley ’42, aid for mental health patients in municipal court for 16 years and at Boston University and taught March 8, 2012, in Springvale, New York. He is survived by his was president of the Kennebec Bar grades three and four in Upton, Maine, at 92. She was employed at wife of 68 years, four children, Association. He retired in 1990. Mass. for 26 years. She enjoyed Nasson College in Springvale and six grandchildren, and six great- He is survived by his wife, Bar- painting and choral singing. She is the Lions Den. An avid cook, she grandchildren.

Colby / SPRING 2012 65

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Sherwood J. Tarlow ’45, Feb. four great-grandchildren, and his 26, 2012, in Palm Desert, Calif., brother, Frederick. at 87. He earned his J.D. from dana professor emeritus Boston University in 1947, was , 1917-2012 Robert S. Lee ’51, March 7, appointed judge of probate for donaldson koons 2012, in Beverly, Mass., at 84. Dukes County, Mass., in 1964, E. Donaldson Koons, chair of Colby’s Geology Department for 41 years and Previous president and owner and launched successful business Maine’s first commissioner of the Department of Conservation, died April 9 in of Hotwatt Inc., he served three ventures in broadcasting and Waterville at 94. Hired as chair of the department, terms as a Colby trustee. His banking. Philanthropic contribu- he arrived at Colby in January 1947 and retired as interests included tennis, music, tions included an endowed chair at Dana Professor in 1982. He continued to teach sailing, hang-gliding, windsurf- BU Medical Center, scholarships Jan Plans another six years, and regularly attended ing, fishing, and travel. He was at BU and Colby, and support Geology Department events until last fall. predeceased by his wife of 51 of medical charities. Survivors Koons was advisor to the Outing Club and years, Jean. He is survived by son include his wife of 47 years, Peter Lee ’80, daughters Cindy

ardif helped restore the Mountain Farm Ski Area Helen Rene, two sons, Douglas Lee and Sally Lee ’84, daughter-

ark T as the Colby Ski Slope in the late 1940s. He and Edward, a daughter, Nancy in-law Lynne Seeley ’80, nephew

o BY M chaired Maine’s Water and Air Environmental t

Carden, six grandchildren, and o Roger Lee ’77, and grandchildren h

P Improvement Commission from 1969 to 1972 eight great-grandchildren. Spencer and Travis. and was appointed to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection board in 1972. He was named commissioner Clarence W. Barry ’46, Mar. 24, Robert Shapiro ’52, Jan. 6, 2012, 2012, in Brentwood, N.H., at 86. of the Department of Conservation and chair of the Land Use Regulation in Chestnut Hill, Mass., at 81. A master builder of pipe organs Commission and served 1973-74. He chaired the boards of Coburn Classical A long-time trustee of Brandeis and harpsichords, he was a church Institute, Oak-Grove Coburn, and Unity College, and at age 82 he served as University, he earned a master’s organist and choir director and interim president of Unity. in education at Boston Univer- wrote many articles about musi- Born in Korea in 1917, he attended Wooster College and transferred to sity in 1970 and a degree family cal instruments. He is survived Columbia, where he earned bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. He therapy in 1992. He served as by his wife of 61 years, Louise served in military intelligence in East Asia during World War II. An expert on dean at Franklin Pierce College Verheyden, two daughters, three the geology of the Grand Canyon area, he rafted the Colorado River through and became a certified chaplain sons, 12 grandchildren, and three the canyon at age 90 with family and friends. in 2007. In the 1980s he was great-grandchildren. He was pre- Predeceased by his wife, Elizabeth Ortquist Koons, he is survived by vice president of Sporto Corp., deceased by his brother, George four children, Robert ’68, John ’72, Peter, and Linnea Koons Matthews ’79, which manufactured footwear. ’54, and his son, Robert ’75. and five grandchildren. A memorial service is planned at 2 p.m. July 29 in He is survived by his wife of 50 Lorimer Chapel. years, Valya, two sons, Bram and John A. Appleton ’49, Jan. 16, Stephen, and five grandchildren. 2012, in East Winthrop, Maine, at 83. He spent 38 years with the tion at the University of Southern Jean Beauchamp Johnsrud ’49, Robert H. Harris ’53, Jan. 17, Maine Department of Transporta- Maine. She was predeceased by Feb. 7, 2012, in Bridgewater, 2012, in Yarmouth, Maine, at tion, retiring in 1990 as director of her husband, Wilbur Bastien ’49. N.J., at 84. A fifth-grade teacher 80. He served in the Air Force, the Right of Way Division. He was She is survived by her daughter, before her marriage, her interests winning a Good Conduct Medal an avid sports fan, and he spent Melissa Bastien, her son, Peter, included reading, playing bridge, and a National Defense Service the last 18 winters with his wife and two grandchildren. knitting, and traveling by RV and Medal. He earned a B.S. from in Dunedin, Fla. He is survived by cruise ship. Predeceased by her Emerson College in Boston. his wife of 55 years, Gail, and by Martha Ann Bennett Headley husband, Alfred Johnsrud, she is He retired in 2009 following his daughter, Terry Appleton ’86, ’49, March 23, 2012, in Wind- survived by her two sons, Charles an almost 50-year career in the a sister, and two nieces. ham, N.H., at 84. She taught high and David, her daughter, Alison insurance industry. He loved to school English prior to marriage Linton, and 13 grandchildren. travel and remained active. He is Shirley Kydd Bastien ’49, Feb. and raising her family, co-owned survived by two daughters, a son, 15, 2012, in Skowhegan, Maine, Lake and Stream Realty for many Thomas G. Blake ’50, April 2, two stepdaughters, a sister, and at 84. She worked at hospitals years, and was a New Hampshire 2012, in Guilford, Maine, at 86. He five grandchildren. in clinical nursing and nursing/ State Library trustee. Prede- attended Boston University School health education, and was a rep- ceased by her husband, Richard, of Law and associated with W.G. A. Rodney Warren ’53, Oct. 5, resentative to the New England and sons Charles and Bruce, she Blake’s Insurance Agency until 2011, in Mims, Fla., at 80. After a Hospital Association and Ameri- is survived by sons Robert and his retirement. He is survived by career running Warren’s Country can Hospital Association. She Gordon, eight grandchildren, and his wife, Barbara Moulton, three Kitchen and The Hungry Mate earned a master’s in adult educa- two great-grandchildren. daughters, eight grandchildren, restaurants in Pocasset, Mass., he

66 Colby / SPRING 2012

[email protected] 66 4/25/12 2:52 PM moved to Florida and took up the Priscilla Boyden Johnston ’56, Maine” for the christening of mother, Olive, and her sister, Jean rope and chandelling business. He Aug. 16, 2011, in Cary, N.C., at 77. a Trident submarine. He was a Mary Feeney. was predeceased by his companion A homemaker, she enjoyed travel- copyright examiner in the Per- of many years, Nancy Schoch, ing, nature, and painting. She is forming Arts Division of the U.S. Paul P. Bither ’76, Feb. 1, 2012, and is survived by his former wife, survived by a sister, two sons, Jim Copyright Office. He earned his in Indianapolis, Ind., at 57. He three children, eight grandchil- and Andy, a daughter, Robin John- Ph.D. from the University of was a member of the clinical dren, and two great-grandchildren. ston, and three grandchildren. Maine in 1993. He is survived by faculty at the Indiana University his wife of 46 years, Mary Stimson School of Optometry before start- Robert V. Blacker Jr. ’54, Jan. 11, Johnston de Forest “Jay” Whit- Bowie ’64, his mother, Gail, and a ing a private practice in 1988. In 2012, in Watertown, Conn., at 81. man ’59, Feb. 17, 2012, in Syosset, son, Gavin. 2011 he was named Outstanding He served in the Korean conflict N.Y., at 75. He spent almost four Professional of the Year by the in the Air Force. A graduate of the decades with Deutsche Bank, Nelson J. Denny ’68, April 5, Association for Education and University of Connecticut School taught financial analysis and fi- 2012, in Lyme, Conn., at 65. Rehabilitation of the Blind and of Pharmacy, he owned Rielly and nancing techniques, and sang After earning his degree in Visually Impaired. He is survived Burns Pharmacy and Apothecary in tenor in choral groups including philosophy at Colby he attended by his wife of 27 years, Carol, and Waterbury. He was an avid golfer his church choir. He is survived Yale School of Architecture and two children, Brian and Amy. and a member of the Elks Club. He by his wife, Christina Rand Whit- became an architect. He designed He was predeceased by his uncle, is survived by his wife of 59 years, man ’59, daughter, Susan Whit- and built many homes on the Professor Philip S. Bither ’30, Elaine, and by three daughters, a man-Mazzuckelli, son Johnston Connecticut shoreline in and and his aunt, Professor Marjorie sister, and four grandchildren. Jr., and grandson Johnston III. around Branford. He is survived Bither Smith. by his sister, Joyce Hausmann, Alan R. Lindsay ’54, Jan. 21, Herbert S. Bolin ’63, Dec. 12, and by nephews and cousins. David J. Friedrich ’78, Feb. 29, 2012, in Middleboro, Mass., at 79. 2012, in Raleigh, N.C., at 70. 2012, in Carson City, Nev., at 56. He retired in 1995 after a 35-year He earned a master’s degree at Kathryn Simpson Stuart ’68, An avid skier and pilot, he was past career in education, including 27 Florida State in 1970 and became March 10, 2012, in Worcester, president of Advantage Payroll years as a junior high school prin- president of Distinctive Theme Mass., at 65. She earned her bache- Services in Auburn, Maine, and cipal. He is survived by his wife, Props and served as the direc- lor’s degree at Salem State College more recently owner of the Hamp- Yvonne, a daughter, Jill Palenstijn, tor of state parks museums with and worked for the last 22 years at ton Inn & Suites in Carson City. and two grandchildren. the N.C. Division of Parks and the University of New Hampshire He is survived by his son, Andrew, Recreation. He is survived by library. A resident of Dover, N.H., his mother, his former wife, three John B. Jacobs ’55, Jan. 22, 2012, his wife of 48 years, Angie, three she enjoyed summer evenings at brothers, and one sister. in Edmonds, Wash., at 78. He daughters, Allison Williams, the beach, walking, meditation, spent most of his career as a ser- Chrissy Rand, and Faith Hacker, and yoga. She is survived by two Carol Neidig White ’79, Feb. vice and sales engineer for Albany and 11 grandchildren. daughters and four grandchildren. 13, 2012, in Fort Myers, Fla., at International. He is survived by 54. After serving as a National his wife of 50 years, Thresa, two David L. Cox Jr. ’63, Aug. 27, Priscilla J. Davis ’72, Jan. 31, Park chaplain in St. John, U.S.V.I., brothers, Donald ’51 and Robert 2011, in Bonita Springs, Fla., at 2012, in Oxford, N.Y., at 61. She she worked as a substance abuse ’54, two daughters, Suzanne 71. He served in the Air Force, worked as a medical writer and counselor and a family therapist. Versnel and Frannie Galley, two rising to the rank of captain, then editor, and her work was pub- She is survived by her husband, sons, Donald and John, nieces worked as a farmer and raised a lished in the New England Journal Rev. Phil White, her sons, Parker Marguerite Holden Leiman ’82 family in Fort Collins, Colo. He of Medicine. She was particularly and Jordan, her parents, Bill and and Elizabeth Eddy Griffin ’85, enjoyed his dogs, playing hockey, fond of animals and adopted 25 Marion Neidig, and a sister. nephew, John Holden ’85, and woodworking, painting, and ice pets from her local SPCA. She is five grandchildren. cream. He is survived by his wife, survived by her husband, James G. Marie S. Willey ’85, Feb. 2, Cherri Lynn, three children, two Jared, a stepdaughter, a sister, Pa- 2012, in Waterville, Maine, at James D. Carr ’55, Jan. 30, 2012, stepchildren, six grandchildren, tricia Davis Murphy ’68, a nephew, 96. She graduated from Colby in Worcester, Mass., at 79. He and his ex-wife. Michael Murphy ’95, and a niece. with honors three days before her was president and treasurer of the 70th birthday. She was an accom- Acme Roofing Company, where he Gordon W. Bowie ’65, Jan. 5, Nancy A. Curtis ’75, Feb. 16, plished painter in her later years worked for over 50 years. He was 2012, in Arlington, Va., at 67. His 2012, in Barstow, Calif., at 59. and completed more than 100 a long-time Rotary member. He career in music included playing She became a civilian supply paintings. She is survived by three is survived by his wife of 59 years, in ensembles and orchestras and specialist and worked for the children, six grandchildren, and Barbara, two sons, James and Jef- conducting community bands Army, the Navy, and the Defense three great-grandchildren. She frey, three brothers, five grand- in Maryland and Maine. Among Logistics Agency. She is survived was predeceased by her husband, children, and a great-grandson. other works he composed “USS by her husband, Allen Curtis, her Paul Willey ’42.

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