Large liturgies Books received for (Continued) review generations present at the liturgy on its own level. Preachers in the liturgical tradi- Spiritual Exercise: Based upon Paul’s The Church in a Postliberal Age, George tion will want to seriously consider, along Letter to the Romans, Joseph A. Fitzmey- A Lindbeck, J.J. Buckley, Ed, (Eerdmans, with parish catechists, Fr Wisdom’s con- er (Revised Edition, Eerdmans, 2004). 2003). tention that separating the worshipping VOLUME X | ISSUE 3 | ALL SAINTS 2004 community according to age unintention- Paul on Marriage and Celibacy: the Hel- Gather Into One: Praying and Singing ally fosters the breakdown of family and lenistic Background of 1 Corinthians 7, Globally, C. Michael Hawn, (Eerdmans, community. In light of the decline of many Will Deming, (Eerdmans , 2004). 2003). General Synod 2004: parishes since the advent of separate Sun- day morning programs for children the au- One Equall Light, An Anthology of the The Psalms: Strophic Structure and The 37th General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada met thor challenges us to avoid the temptation Writings of John Donne, Compiled and Theological Commentary, Samuel Ter- edited by John Moses, with a forward rien, (Eerdmans, 2003). Making in St. Catharines, at Brock University, in late May and early to divide congregations: children to their Sunday morning catechesis and teenagers by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of June. It was an excellent Synod, replete with thoughtful and to special liturgies or groups. He makes a Canterbury, (Eerdmans, 2003). If you would like to review one of these respectful debate, difficult decisions on difficult issues, and filled powerful plea for aiding the recovery of vi- books please contact John Hodgins at all things tal and integrated Christian communities On the Reliability of the Old Testament, <
[email protected]>.