North Korean Army
DECLASS IFIE ,< <. RESTRICTED By ~ 1 • i3 AC of s G-2 ··" I I (.. ;;,- GHQ ' \ - Far East Command 53 ---~ -- GENERAL HEADQUARTERS FAR EAST COMMAND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SECTION. GENERAL STAFF UNIFORM, INSIGNIA, EQUIPMENT NORTH KOREAN ARMY AUGUST 1950 North Korean Army. Far East Command . Aug 50 . This Document IS A HOLDING OF THE ARCHIVES SECTION LIBRARY SERVICES FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS DOCUMENT NO. H- 17245 COPY NO. _1_ !)fl-. R 6 1951 RESTRICTED GENERAL HEADQUA•RTERS FAR EAST COMMAND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE SECTION, GENERAL STAFF UNIFORM, INSIGNIA, EQUIPMENT NORTH KOREAN ARMY AUGUST 1950 RESTRICTED General Headquarters Far East Command August 1950 T his Handbook has been prepared to provide United States military Fersonnel of all grades and arms with a fairly detailed picture of the North Korean Army in terms of its uniform, insignia, weapons, and equipment. Also included, for your ready reference, are plates showing the insignia used by the Republic of Korea Armed 1:orces (Appendix A). I t is intended to keep this handbook up to date with necessary revisions and corrections as further information becomes available; therefore, in order that this may be facilitated, it is requested that all suggestions for changes or additions be communicated to the Military Intelligence Section, General Headquarters, Far East Com mand. APO 500. Reproduction is by Publication, Drafting and Mapping Section, Theater Intelligence Division, G-2 GHQ FEC. BY COMMAND OF GENERAL MacARTHUR EDWARD M. ALMOND Major General, GSC Chief of Staff OFFICIAL: C. A. WILLOUGHBY Major General, GSC Ass't Chief of Staff, G-2 CO.NTENTS Page SECTION I. INSIGNIA . l A.
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