University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons The aP cific iH storian Western Americana 1965 The aP cific iH storian, Volume 09, Number 4 (1965) Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "The aP cific iH storian, Volume 09, Number 4 (1965)" (1965). The Pacific isH torian. 36. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Americana at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP cific Historian by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. The Pacific Historian QUARTERLY BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA HisTORY FouNDATION, THE ]EDEDIAH SMITH SociETY, AND THE WESTERNERS FouNDATION November I965 UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA 9 52 04 THE PACIFIC HISTORIAN Editor: Leland D. Case Associates: Reginald R. Stuart, Grace D. Stuart UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC • Stockton, California 95204 Issued in February, May, August, and November The Pacific Historian is sent to annual sponsors or members (dues five dollars) of both the California History Foundation and the Jedediah Smith Society and to contributors to the vVesterners Foundation. (For a statement on these organizations, see the inside back cover.) Libraries may subscribe to The Pacific Historian for five dollars each calendar year. VOLUME IX NOVEMBER I 96 5 NUMBER4 TABLE OF CONTENTS GuEsT EDITORIAL: HISTORY Is A SEAMLEss F ARRIC 1 73 by Frank M . Stanger GRACE AND REGINALD R . STUART-A portrait I74 Two SALUTES TO THE STUARTS 1 75 by Robert E. Burns and Leland D.