Member for Wakefield South Australia
Conference delegates 2016 *Asterisks identify the recipients of the 2016 Crawford Fund Conference Scholarships ACHITEI, Simona Scope Global ALDERS, Robyn The University of Sydney ANDERSON AO, John The Crawford Fund NSW ANDREW AO, Neil Murray-Darling Basin Authority ANGUS, John CSIRO Agriculture *ARIF, Shumaila Charles Sturt University ARMSTRONG, Tristan Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade ASH, Gavin University of Southern Queensland ASTORGA, Miriam Western Sydney University AUGUSTIN, Mary Ann CSIRO *BAHAR, Nur The Australian National University BAILLIE, Craig The National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA), University of Southern Queensland *BAJWA, Ali School of Agriculture & Food Sciences, The University of Queensland BARLASS, Martin Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre BASFORD, Kaye The Crawford Fund *BEER, Sally University of New England, NSW *BENYAM, Addisalem Central Queensland University BERRY, Sarah James Cook University / CSIRO *BEST, Talitha Central Queensland University BIE, Elizabeth Australian Government Department of Agriculture & Water Resources BISHOP, Joshua WWF-Australia BLACKALl, Patrick The University of Queensland *BLAKE, Sara South Australian Research & Development Institute (SARDI), Primary Industries & Regions South Australia BLIGHT AO, Denis The Crawford Fund *BONIS-PROFUMO, Gianna Charles Darwin University BOREVITZ, Justin The Australian National University BOYD, David The University of Sydney BRASSIL, Semih Western Sydney University BROGAN, Abigail Australian Centre
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