THE PROSPECT Written by Eric R. Williams Based on the novel PROSPECT by William Littlefield Contact: Alvaro Donado Workshop Entertainment, LLC 459 Columbus Ave, Suite 248 New York, NY 10024 (646) 827-9829 T (646) 827-9843 F
[email protected] INT. 1965 BLACK IMPALA CONVERTIBLE - DAY With a baseball GAME barking from the RADIO, a YOUNG PETE ESTEY - white, late 40s, salt and pepper hair, WORN SPORTS COAT - drives down a country road. Spring, 1975. Windows down. Young Pete thumbs his directions in a TINY NOTEBOOK that sits on top of a worn, folded, road map. The car follows a soft bend in the dirt road and then... A Baseball Field - like baseball fields everywhere - through the windshield. A small, rusty backstop. An old scoreboard. Fans sprinkled on old bleachers. A wooden BAT HITTING A BALL, crisp as the clear blue sky. EXT. BASEBALL FIELD, 1975 - DAY Young Pete STICKS OUT from the crowd - the ONLY WHITE MAN within fifty miles. WHISPERS. Stares awkwardly disguised. Young Pete watches the plate. A GANGLY TEENAGER chokes up on the bat. The pitch - fast and tight - whips past. The kid swings, too late. The PITCHER/COACH - a grown man with arms like cannons - sees Pete as the catcher throws the ball back. COACH Awright, Junior. That’s enough. Take a lap. Cappy! Cappy, get in the box! YOUNG CAPPY HAYNES - big kid, about 18 years old with a confident way and a devilish SMILE - hustles from second base to the plate... eyeing Pete the whole time. Off the plate - Young Cappy RUBS EACH WRIST..